Acetylsalicylic acid, powder: instructions for use. Pharmacological group of the substance Acetylsalicylic acid


Acetylsalicylic acid injections

Release form

lyof powder. for preparation of solution for injections 25mg and 50mg


Acetylsalicylic acid.

Acetylsalicylic acid

ATX code: S01BC.

Pharmacotherapeutic group

Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs. Drugs for the treatment of eye diseases.

1 vial contains

Active substances:

lyophilized powder of acetylsalicylic acid - 25 mg or 50 mg.
pharmachologic effect

Acetylsalicylic acid is a non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug with antipyretic, analgesic, anti-inflammatory, antiaggregatory effects. Inhibits cyclooxygenase and irreversibly inhibits the cyclooxygenase pathway of metabolism arachidonic acid. Affects the subcortical centers of thermoregulation and pain sensitivity. Reduces hyperemia, exudation, capillary permeability, hyaluronidase activity, limits the energy supply of the inflammatory process by inhibiting ATP production. A decrease in the content of TxB2 in platelets leads to an irreversible suppression of aggregation. Slightly dilates blood vessels. Significant inhibition of platelet adhesion is achieved at doses up to 30 mg.

After parenteral administration, acetylsalicylic acid is very quickly hydrolyzed by esterases (T1 / 2 is no more than 15-20 minutes). The anion of salicylic acid circulates in the body. Salicylates easily penetrate into tissues and body fluids, diffusion accelerates in the presence of hyperemia and edema, slows down in the proliferative phase of inflammation. Salicylates cross the placenta and are excreted in small amounts. breast milk. Biotransformirovatsya in the liver with the formation of 4 metabolites; excreted by the kidneys (with alkalinization of urine, excretion increases significantly).

Indications for use

  • Inflammatory processes in the eye of various origin and localization: endogenous and exogenous uveitis, including traumatic, postoperative, contusion, burns;
  • keratitis, scleritis, keratouveitis, conjunctivitis.
  • The anti-inflammatory effect is most pronounced when the drug is used in acute period inflammatory process in the eye with perforated and combined injuries organ of vision.
  • The drug stops the friendly irritation of the pair of intact eyes.

Dosage and administration

To the contents of the ampoule (vial) with 0.025 g or 0.05 g of the drug, add 2.5 ml or 5 ml of water for injection, respectively, and shake until completely dissolved. The resulting 1% solution of acetylsalicylic acid is used during the day.

The solution is administered under the conjunctiva or parabulbarno at a dose of not more than 0.5 ml, daily or every other day. The course of treatment requires 5 to 10 injections. To reduce the pain of injections, 0.2 - 0.3 ml of a 1% or 2% solution of novocaine is added to the syringe.

The solution can be used in the form of instillations, 1-2 drops up to 3-4 times a day.

Side effects

If you follow the instructions for using the drug, side effects, as a rule, are not observed. Sometimes in the area of ​​injection tissue edema, subconjunctival hemorrhage can be observed.


Hypersensitivity to acetylsalicylic acid.

Interaction with other drugs

Acetylsalicylic acid enhances the effect of heparin. It should not be administered with other non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs. Should not be mixed injection solution drug with solutions of other drugs. Compatible with novocaine.


Overdose is possible with a single administration of excessively high doses of the drug or with prolonged use.


nausea, vomiting, tinnitus, general malaise, fever.


symptomatic, alkalization of urine, induction of diuresis.

Release form

Lyophilized powder for solution for injection of 25 or 50 mg in vials or ampoules, 5 or 10 vials or ampoules per pack or 5 ampoules in a blister pack.


RUE "Belmedpreparaty"

  • Instructions for use ACETYLSALICYLIC ACID
  • Ingredients of the drug ACETYLSALICYLIC ACID
  • Indications for ACETYLSALICYLIC ACID
  • Storage conditions of the drug ACETYLSALICYLIC ACID
  • Shelf life of the drug ACETYLSALICYLIC ACID

ATC code: Medicines for the treatment of diseases of the senses (S) > Medicines for the treatment of diseases of the eyes (S01) > Anti-inflammatory drugs (S01B) > Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) (S01BC)

Release form, composition and packaging

lyophilized powder for preparation. solution for injections. 25 mg: amp. 5 pieces.
Reg. No: 09/07/680 of 07/30/2009 - Expired

ampoules (5) - packs of cardboard.

liof. porous mass for preparation. solution for injections. 50 mg: vial. 5 or 10 pieces, amp. 5 or 10 pcs.
Reg. No: 04/09/680 dated 28.10.2004 - Canceled

Ampoules (5) - packs of cardboard.
Ampoules (10) - packs of cardboard.
Vials (5) - packs of cardboard.
Vials (10) - packs of cardboard.

Description medicinal product ACETYLSALICYLIC ACID was created in 2010 on the basis of instructions posted on the official website of the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Belarus.

pharmachologic effect

Acetylsalicylic acid is a non-steroidal anti-inflammatory agent that has antipyretic, analgesic, anti-inflammatory, antiaggregatory effects associated with inhibition of the activity of COX1 and COX2, which regulate the synthesis of prostaglandins. By inhibiting the synthesis of thromboxane A 2 in platelets, it reduces aggregation, platelet adhesiveness and thrombus formation. After parenteral administration of an aqueous solution, the analgesic effect is much more pronounced than after oral administration of acetylsalicylic acid. With subconjunctival and parabulbar administration, it has a pronounced local anti-inflammatory effect, which pathogenetically justifies the use of the drug for the treatment of inflammatory processes in the eye of various origins and localizations. The anti-inflammatory effect is most pronounced when using the drug in the acute period of the inflammatory process in the eye. The drug relieves symptomatic irritation of a pair of intact eyes.


Pharmacokinetic parameters and bioavailability of acetylsalicylic acid with subconjunctival and parabulbar administration have not been studied.

After the on / in the introduction of 500 mg of acetylsalicylic acid, its Cmax in plasma after 2 minutes is 51/2 mg / l, after 60 minutes - less than 1 mg / l. Parallel rapid decline concentration of acetylsalicylic acid is an increase in the concentration of salicylic acid (C max is reached after 60 minutes). T 1/2 acetylsalicylic acid is 6 minutes. Communication with plasma proteins - 80-90%. Penetrates into most tissues of the body.

Indications for use

  • inflammatory processes in the eye of various origin and localization: (conjunctivitis, blepharitis, blepharoconjunctivitis, meibomitis, chalazions, keratitis, scleritis, keratouveitis);
  • endogenous uveitis of any etiology, exogenous uveitis (post-traumatic, postoperative, contusion, burn; chorioretinitis, neuritis, including retrobulbar neuritis, optochiasmal arachnoiditis).
  • prevention of proliferative vitreoretinopathy;
  • prevention of intraoperative and postoperative complications inflammatory nature (in particular, intraoperative miosis and macular edema after cataract extraction with intraocular lens implantation, reactive syndrome in laser microsurgery, thromboembolic conditions in ophthalmology).

Dosing regimen

To the contents of the ampoule (vial) with 25 mg or 50 mg of the drug, add 2.5 ml or 5 ml of water for injection, respectively, and shake until completely dissolved. Use only freshly prepared 1% solution of acetylsalicylic acid.

Subconjunctival or parabulbarno at a dose of not more than 0.5 ml of a 1% solution daily or every other day. 1% solution can be used in the form of installations of 12 drops up to 3-4 times a day.

In the treatment of inflammatory processes in the eye 1% solution is applied in the form of instillations, 2 drops 3-4 times a day.

In the treatment of endogenous and exogenous uveitis of any etiology freshly prepared 1% solution is injected subconjunctivally in a volume of 0.5 ml once a day until the inflammatory process stops. The course of treatment is 3-10 days. Depending on the severity of the inflammatory process, subconjunctival administration can be combined with instillations of the drug, 1-2 drops of a 1% solution up to 5 times a day. With mild inflammatory processes, you can limit yourself to only instillations of 1-2 drops of a 1% solution 3-4 times a day.

Prevention and treatment of intraoperative and postoperative complications A 1% solution is administered subconjunctival or parabulbarno in a volume of 0.3-0.5 ml once a day. The course of treatment is 9-10 injections.

Prevention of macular edema after cataract surgery and artificial intraocular lens implantation the prepared solution is used in the form of instillations of a 1% solution, 1-2 drops 3-4 times a day for 4 weeks after cataract extraction.

Side effect

With topical application of the drug in the recommended dosing regimens, systemic side effects unlikely.

With subconjunctival administration, chemosis may occur, which resolves within a few hours. Soreness and burning sensation in the injection area are moderately pronounced, duration discomfort- 5-7 minutes. For the prevention of pain during subconjunctival or parabulbar administration, it is allowed to use a 2% solution of procaine as a solvent in the preparation of a solution of acetylsalicylic acid.

Sometimes, in the injection area, there may be tissue edema, subconjunctival hemorrhage, which is eliminated by using a 3% solution of potassium iodide in the form of installations 4-5 times a day.

Potentially possible development of nausea, loss of appetite, diarrhea, erosive and ulcerative lesions and bleeding in the gastrointestinal tract, allergic reactions (skin rash, angioedema), hepatic and/or kidney failure, thrombocytopenia, bronchospasm.

Contraindications for use

Hypersensitivity; "aspirin" asthma; hemophilia, hemorrhagic diathesis, hypoprothrombinemia, exacerbation of erosive and ulcerative diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.

Carefully: portal hypertension;

  • avitaminosis K;
  • kidney failure;
  • deficiency of glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase, perforated wounds of the eye with damage to the ciliary body due to the possibility of hemorrhages, childhood up to 16 years, pregnancy, lactation.
  • special instructions

    Ready solutions must be used within a day. Do not mix the injection solution of the drug with solutions of other drugs not listed in this leaflet. Pharmaceutical compatible with procaine (in one syringe). If necessary, the appointment of acetylsalicylic acid simultaneously with other drugs for etiotropic and / or symptomatic therapy between the use of various ophthalmic agents should pass at least 10-15 minutes. The course of treatment should not exceed 10-12 days. Contact lenses should not be worn during the treatment period.

    For the prevention of postoperative hemorrhagic complications (especially in patients with diabetes) the preliminary use of angioprotectors (dicinone, etamsylate, etc.) is recommended.

    The use of the drug requires caution in case of violations in the blood coagulation system and erosive and ulcerative diseases of the gastrointestinal tract in history due to the possibility of bleeding. With perforated wounds of the eye with damage to the ciliary body, hemorrhage is possible. Acetylsalicylic acid, even in small doses, reduces excretion uric acid from the body, which can lead to the development acute attack gout in predisposed patients. During the period of treatment, you should refrain from taking ethanol. Special studies on the interaction of acetylsalicylic acid with other drugs with subconjunctival / parabulbar administration have not been conducted. With recommended routes of administration and dosing regimens, adverse interaction reactions with other medicinal products are unlikely. Potentially increased effect of heparin, indirect anticoagulants, reserpine, glucocorticosteroids and oral hypoglycemic drugs and weakening the effects of uricosuric drugs. At simultaneous application methotrexate may increase the risk of side effects of the latter.

    Simultaneous topical application with various ophthalmic agents (in the form of drops and ointments) is allowed:

    • glucocorticosteroids, with etiotropic (antiviral and / or antibiotic therapy), antiglaucoma drugs, m-anticholinergics, sympathomimetics, antiallergic drugs. Between the local application of various ophthalmic agents, at least 10-15 minutes should pass. Do not use simultaneously with other NSAIDs administered locally (in the form of instillations or subconjunctival / parabulbar injections). Do not mix the prepared solution of acetylsalicylic acid with solutions of other drugs.

    Simultaneous etiopathogenetic therapy is allowed (taking NSAIDs, antibacterial and antiviral therapy, glucocorticosteroids, antihistamines and etc.)

    Terms and conditions of storage

    In a place protected from light at a temperature not exceeding 15 ° C. Keep out of the reach of children.

    Best before date. 4 years. Do not use after the expiry date stated on the packaging.

    used for headaches, heart disease, relieves fever and thins the blood. Few people know that this drug effective in the treatment of acne. When used externally, it allows a short time relieve redness and cure acne. After applying masks with the addition of aspirin, the skin becomes softer and more well-groomed.

    Acetylsalicylic acid for acne: what is the secret?

    Is good antiseptic which effectively fights skin infections and bacteria that cause acne, and also has a pronounced drying effect. In addition, she:

    • Evens out complexion;
    • Effective in the treatment of acne and acne;
    • Eliminates black dots;
    • Has an exfoliating effect.

    The use of aspirin is relevant for in large numbers rashes. If there is a large number of acne on the face, this remedy will not help and it is necessary to look for the cause of acne inside the body and visit a dermatologist. In addition, if you apply acid to your entire face, you can get burned.


    Acetyl acid for acne is ideal for oily skin and contraindicated for dry. With frequent use, it can cause irritation and peeling. This product should not be used on wounds and mechanical damage. It is strictly forbidden to use during pregnancy and lactation, with exacerbation of diseases and individual intolerance to the components.

    Masks with acetylsalicylic acid for acne

    Masks with aspirin can be done no more than once a week. In this case, the course of treatment is a month. Masks should be applied to clean, dry skin. After application, apply a moisturizer to the skin of the face.

    1. Honey. Grind a few aspirin tablets and add a couple of drops of water and a teaspoon of honey. Mix and apply pointwise for 20 minutes. Wash off with warm water. You can gently massage the skin, which will enhance the effect.
    2. Classic. Take a couple of aspirin tablets, crush and add a couple of drops of water. Mix well and apply directly on the rashes. Keep on the face for no more than 15 minutes.
    3. Lemon. Grind 3 tablets and add a teaspoon lemon juice. Mix and apply on face for 10 minutes. You can carry out such a mask no more than once every two weeks.
    4. Oil masks. Grape, peach or olive oil can be used depending on skin type. To three crushed tablets, you need to add a spoonful of oil, mix and apply on the face for 20 minutes. To enhance the effect, add a couple of drops oil solutions vitamins A and E.
    5. Based on yogurt. Grind two tablets and add a couple of drops of water and a tablespoon of natural yogurt. Apply to face for 30 minutes, then rinse.

    When preparing face masks, do not use more than 3 tablets. The prepared composition cannot be stored, and in large quantities aspirin can only harm the skin and increase possible side effects.

    Alcohol solution of acetylsalicylic acid against acne

    In the pharmacy you can buy 1, 5 and 10% solutions of acetylsalicylic acid. For the treatment of acne, a 1% solution is ideal. A 10% solution is not suitable for delicate facial skin and its use can lead to burns. Applying the solution is quite simple - apply it on a cotton pad and wipe the acne-prone areas of the face.

    With frequent use of an alcohol solution, the same side effects are possible as from the drug in the form of tablets. Moreover, the alcohol included in the composition dries the skin, which requires mandatory moisturizing. Never use aspirin for acne long time and it is better to visit a dermatologist first to find out the cause of the rashes and approach the treatment in a comprehensive manner.

    in one hundred grams alcohol solution contains 1 or 2 grams salicylic acid .

    As excipient the composition of the drug includes 70% ethyl alcohol.

    • alcohol solution of salicylic acid (1%, 2%, 3%, 5% and 10%; available in glass bottles of 25 or 40 ml);
    • ointment with salicylic acid (2%, 3%, 4%, 5% and 10%; packaged in 25 grams in dark glass jars or aluminum tubes).

    pharmachologic effect

    Antiseptic for external use . Has a local irritant keratolytic And antiseptic action . It prevents the breakdown of proteins into amino acids, stops inflammation, helps clean the wound surface and accelerates tissue healing.

    Pharmacodynamics and pharmacokinetics

    When used as local remedy has a distracting, irritating, and also weak antiseptic action . IN low concentrations provokes keratoplastic , in high keratolytic effect .

    The plasma concentration of salicylic acid reaches a maximum after 5 hours after applying the drug to the skin under an occlusive dressing. Approximately 6% of the total absorbed amount of the substance is excreted unchanged in the urine, while most of excreted as metabolic products.

    Indications for use

    As a monotherapeutic agent and in the composition combined drugs tool is used:

    • with various kinds of painful conditions of the skin, including dis- and hyperkeratosis , burns, oily , calluses, ;
    • at hyperhidrosis stop;
    • with hair loss.


    Children's age (ointment with salicylic acid) and individual sensitivity to the drug. The solution is allowed to be used in children older than 12 months.

    Side effects

    Local and allergic reactions are possible.

    Salicylic acid: instructions for use

    In accordance with the instructions for Salicylic acid, the solution is used externally. It is recommended to treat the affected surface with it twice a day.

    The medicine is applied with a cotton swab. To treat an area the size of a palm, no more than 5 ml of solution is required. The highest dose for adults - 2, for children - 0.2 grams per day. The course of treatment is no more than 7 days.

    In otorhinolaryngological practice, the solution is recommended to be instilled into sore ear twice a day, 6 drops.

    Acne is usually treated with 1% salicylic acid. A two- and three-percent solution is only suitable for people with oily skin. In the presence of several acne, the remedy is applied pointwise to each of them. If there are a lot of acne, wiping the entire surface of the skin of the face with a cotton swab dipped in the solution is shown.

    The procedure is continued until a slight tingling sensation appears. After treatment, the face can be rinsed with water to neutralize the effect of the acid.

    At Devergie's disease , psoriasis , seborrhea , ichthyosis shows the use of salicylic acid 2 percent in the form of an ointment. With severe inflammation, the drug should be diluted with vaseline 2-4 times. Multiplicity of applications - 1-2 times a day. After the peeling disappears, the treatment is continued using other means.

    On the wound surface, the ointment is applied in a thin layer. The treated surface is covered with sterile gauze. It is also allowed to apply a napkin soaked in ointment to the wound.

    Before applying a bandage, open the blisters, clean the wound of necrotic tissue and rinse it with an antiseptic.


    Not identified.


    Salicylic acid can increase permeability skin for other medicines for local application and, consequently, enhance their absorption.

    Absorbed salicylic acid may potentiate side effects of derivatives sulfonylurea , oral hypoglycemic agents And .

    The solution is pharmaceutically incompatible with zinc oxide (forms insoluble zinc salicylate) and c (forms meltable mixtures).

    Terms of sale

    Over the counter.

    Storage conditions

    Store protected from impact sun rays and moisture (for ointment) place. Keep away from children. Storage temperature for solution - up to 15 ° C, for ointment - up to 20 ° C.

    Best before date

    The solution is considered fit for use within 3 years, ointment - within 2 years after the date of issue.

    special instructions

    What is salicylic acid?

    The Pharmacopoeia describes salicylic acid as odorless, slightly soluble in cold water a substance that may take the form of colorless and odorless needle-shaped crystals or a white crystalline powder.

    Empirical formula - С7Н603. The systematic name of the compound is 2-hydroxybenzoic acid.


    The substance was first isolated in 1838 from willow bark. Hence its traditional name, salicylic acid. latin word"willow" sounds like "salix". The discovery belongs to the Italian chemist R. Piria.

    The scientist was able to separate contained in the bark of willow bitter glycoside salicin into 2 parts, reveal that its acidic component (salicylic acid) has valuable medicinal properties, define it chemical composition and successfully synthesize. This can be considered the first purification of the substance, which served as an impetus for the development of the drug.

    Suitable for medical use(chemically pure and in a stable form) samples of acetylsalicylic acid were first obtained on August 10, 1897 by the German scientist F. Hoffman.

    Salicylic acid derivatives are lysine acetylsalicylate , acetylsalicylic acid , salicylamide , mesalazine , choline salicylates And sodium .

    Chemical properties

    The chemical properties of the compound are due to the presence of a phenolic hydroxyl, a benzene nucleus and a carboxyl group in the salicylic acid molecule.

    Only the carboxyl group reacts with alkali metal carbonates. As a result, salts are formed - salicylates.

    With alkalis, with a sufficient amount of them, both hydroxyl and carboxyl groups enter into the reaction.

    When alcohols (for example, methyl alcohol) act on an acid in the presence of mineral acids, esters are formed at the COOH group.

    When a substance interacts with anhydrides or acid halides, phenolic hydroxyl enters the reaction. The reaction of salicylic acid (s. acid) with anhydride or chloride of acetic (ethanoic) acid allows you to get acetylsalicylic acid .

    When interacting with phosphoryl chloride, salicylic acid chloride anhydride is formed.

    If received acid chloride reacts with phenol to obtain phenyl ester of salicylic acid, which is used in medicine as a disinfectant. Main feature means is that it does not undergo hydrolysis in acidic environment stomach and disintegrates only in the intestinal tract.

    For the industrial production of salol c. acid and phenol are heated in a phosphoryl chloride medium.

    The benzene core of the compound can enter into SE reactions with H2SO4, HNO3, halogens, and other electrophilic reagents. The influence of the OH group makes the aromatic nucleus c. the acid is much more active in these reactions in comparison with the benzene ring C₆H₅COOH (benzoic acid).

    C. acid easily interacts with aqueous solution bromine, while C₆H₅COOH does not decolorize bromine water under similar conditions.

    To obtain n-aminosalicylic acid ( ), which is one of the most significant derivatives of c. acids are used as the starting material resorcinol . First, ammonia (NH3) acts on resorcinol, which makes it possible to obtain meta-aminophenol. Then meta-aminophenol is subjected to carboxylation in PAS by the Kolbe-Schmitt reaction.

    Physical properties

    Powder/crystals are sparingly soluble in cold water, but readily soluble in hot water, diethyl ether, ethanol Slightly soluble in carbon disulfide. Solubility in water (g/l): 0 °C; 20 °C - 1.8; 60 °C - 8.2; 80 °C - 20.5.

    Qualitative reactions for the determination of salicylic acid

    C. acid and most of its derivatives give an intense violet color with iron salts Fe + 3 (ferric iron). To carry out the reaction, take a small amount of powder c. acid and drop a little strongly diluted solution of Fe + 3 chloride on it.

    Solution with. acid to which a few drops have been added copper sulphate(Cu2SO4) when heated gives a bright emerald green color.

    Cobert's reagent can also be used to detect a substance. To prepare it, carefully add 3 drops of formalin to 3 ml of concentrated H2SO4.

    A little salicylic acid is placed on a glass slide, after which 2 drops of H2SO4 are added to it and - after a few minutes - 1 drop of Kobert's reagent. As a result of this reaction, the powder should turn pink.

    Why do you need salicylic acid in cosmetology?

    Salicylic acid has long been very successfully used in cosmetology. She possesses antibacterial properties, heals well inflammatory lesions skin, dries it, but does not cause irritation.

    The effectiveness of the use of salicylic acid for the face is due to keratolytic properties preparation - the product perfectly exfoliates the layers of old keratinized skin cells, penetrates deep into the pores and eliminates blockage excretory ducts sebaceous glands helping to get rid of blackheads and acne .

    In addition, the drug is used:

    • for peeling;
    • against ingrown hairs;
    • from corns;
    • as a heel exfoliator;
    • from warts;
    • from corns.

    Salicylic acid for acne should be taken with a one percent (maximum two percent) concentration. The use of a solution that is too concentrated can cause severe irritation.

    It should be remembered that salicylic acid solution for acne is only suitable for people with normal and oily skin. People with dry and flaky skin should not use this remedy.

    Some try to reduce the severity of these phenomena by applying a nourishing cream to the skin after applying an alcohol solution. However, the treatment in this case, most likely, will not be effective enough: the greasy film will create a protective barrier for microbes, and this, in turn, will not eliminate inflammation.

    Reviews indicate that the use of a salicylic solution for acne gives an excellent, but short-term result. Usually, after a couple of months of using the product for the face and body, the skin “gets used” to it. Therefore, between courses of treatment it is necessary to take small breaks.

    If there are few acne, the solution is applied pointwise. If the affected area is extensive, wipe the problem areas with a swab dipped in the product. It is better to take several tampons so as not to spread the infection.

    Salicylic can be used as independent remedy, and as part of various talkers. To prepare them, add to salicylic acid, tincture of calendula , zinc oxide, sulfur, boric acid solution .

    Popular recipes for homemade acne talkers:

    • 50 ml salicylic acid solution, powdered tablets streptocide (7 g), 7 g sulfur and 50 ml boric acid solution ;
    • package aspirin , package chloramphenicol , tincture of calendula (before use, the mixture is infused for 24 hours);
    • 10 tablets streptocide , 4 tablets chloramphenicol , 30 ml salicylic acid , 80 ml camphor alcohol ;
    • 1 vial salicylic alcohol , 2 tablets chloramphenicol And trichopolum .

    All mashers should be shaken well before use.

    In order for the effect to be stable, in addition to local treatment of acne, it is recommended:

    • review the diet and make it more balanced;
    • get rid of bad habits, which adversely affect the condition of the skin;
    • take a course of hormone therapy;
    • take care of your skin regularly
    • lead active image life.

    In cosmetology, salicylic acid can also be used as the main agent in peel formulations. The procedure allows not only to remove the layer of dead cells, but also to start the production processes elastin And collagen .

    The procedure allows you to eliminate signs of aging, acne, comedones, oily sheen, get rid of age spots, even out skin tone and make the face smoother and fresher. Peeling can be applied on any part of the body.

    Peeling mixtures with salicylic acid are of 2 types: paste and solution. The solution is more suitable for the skin of the face, while the paste is recommended to be applied to the skin of the hands, body and knees.

    Peeling can be superficial or superficial-median. In the first case, a mixture with a 15% concentration is used. active substance, in the second - from 30%. Superficial peeling allows you to get rid of oily sheen and rashes, clean clogged pores and normalize the functioning of the sebaceous glands, superficial-median is effective for eliminating acne And post-acne .

    To carry out the procedure at home, you need to mix 4 tablets, crushed into powder aspirin (unshelled) with 1 teaspoon freshly squeezed lemon juice. The resulting gruel is applied to the face with a cotton swab, avoiding the skin around the eyes, and left for 10 minutes.

    To remove the mask, a cotton pad is moistened in water with soda ( baking soda neutralizes the acidity of the skin) and wipe their face along the massage lines.

    In dermatological practice, various pastes and creams with salicylic are widely used, which, in addition to active component, there are trace elements that enhance its action. For example, not only allows you to well cleanse the skin of acne, but also effectively fights against.

    From ingrown hairs use a solution of 1-2%. To get rid of the problem, it is enough to lubricate the areas of the body with a solution several times a day, where the hairs cannot penetrate the epidermis layer and grow under the skin.

    From corns and corns, salicylic acid is best used in the form of a 10% ointment. From dry corns, corns and calluses, it is also advisable to use a corn patch with salicylic acid.

    Before you fix the plaster on the corns, the legs should be well steamed out (you can add antibacterial agent) and wipe dry. The sore spot is covered with a piece of plaster of the right size and left for 2 days. If this is necessary, the procedure is repeated 3-4 times until the corn softens and separates completely.

    Before applying the ointment, the actions are the same - the legs are steamed and wiped dry. Then a plaster with a hole cut in the middle is applied to the sore spot. This should be done in such a way that the corn / corns is open, and the areas surrounding it healthy skin remained under the patch.

    The callused area is abundantly treated with ointment and covered with a layer of plaster.

    For heels, salicylic acid is used with beeswax and paraffin. Taken in equal proportions, wax and paraffin are melted in a water bath, then salicylic acid is added to them and mixed thoroughly. The finished mixture is applied in several layers to the heels and put on socks. It is best to leave the compress overnight.

    In the morning, the heels are cleaned of the wax-paraffin mixture. After that, it is recommended to make a soda bath and clean the skin with a pumice stone.

    To completely get rid of cracked feet, several procedures are usually enough.

    Treatment of warts involves the use of salicylic acid with a concentration of 10 to 60%. salicylic acid from warts It is used in the form of ointments, solutions and special patches. One of these means is patch Salipod , in which salicylic acid is contained in a 30% concentration.

    Before applying the solution, you should steam the area of ​​​​the skin on which the tumor has appeared. This will soften the skin and enhance the effect of the drug. The procedure is carried out before going to bed, applying the medicine directly to the affected area and avoiding areas of healthy skin. After treatment, the wart is covered with a bandage or plaster. Wash off in the morning.

    With long-term use, it will soften under the action of acid and can be easily removed with a pumice stone.

    Ointment for removal warts is used according to the same principle as the solution: before going to bed, the affected area of ​​the skin is steamed, after which it is applied to the wart thin layer drug and cover it with a bandage. In the morning, the wart is treated with a pumice stone.

    Treatment should be continued until the complete disappearance of the growths.

    The most convenient treatment warts is the use of a patch. It is enough to simply stick it on pre-steamed and towel-dried skin. After 2 days, the patch is removed, and the softened wart carefully removed with a pumice stone. The procedures are repeated until complete removal warts .

    Precautionary measures

    Do not apply the solution and ointment on birthmarks, mucous membranes, hairy warts , as well as on warts that are on the face or in the genital area.

    If the drug gets on the mucous membranes, the corresponding area must be washed big amount water.

    The absorption of a substance may increase with skin diseases that occur with superficial weeping lesions, hyperemia and / or inflammation (including

    Everyone knows aspirin as an antipyretic, anti-inflammatory and analgesic, but acetylsalicylic acid helps with acne no worse than special cosmetic preparations. Aspirin effectively copes with acne only if there are not very many of them on the face. This medication dries the rash well, it has antibacterial properties, which helps to remove inflammatory process on the skin of the face.

    Aspirin use and contraindications

    Under the action of acetylsalicylic acid, the activity of the sebaceous glands decreases. Masks based on this drug help in the fight against acne, purulent acne and comedones. Redness and swelling on problem skin under the influence of these masks are significantly reduced. Acetyl acid very well cleanses the pores on the skin of the face and narrows them.

    Before the procedure, the skin of the face should be without fail clean from dirt and cosmetics. Given medicine can not be kept for more than 20 minutes, and the remnants of it must be thoroughly washed off with warm water. It is necessary to use only fresh composition, it can not be stored. These masks are best applied to the face in the evening so that the skin can rest well at night. Use this procedure should be no more than 2 times a week for a month. Masks should not be applied to the area around the eyes.

    You can use a 1% solution of acetylsalicylic acid, which is sold in a pharmacy. It is necessary to moisten a cotton swab in this solution and wipe it with it. problematic skin until a slight tingling sensation is felt. After that, you should thoroughly wash with warm water and lubricate your face with a moisturizer.

    With extreme caution, such masks should be used by women who have very dry and sensitive skin. Before the procedure, they must always consult with specialists in order to prevent dangerous complications which will require more serious treatment in the future.

    You can not treat acne with acetylsalicylic acid for women during pregnancy and while breastfeeding. Such procedures should be abandoned even if there are cuts on the face and open wounds as well as vasodilation.

    To avoid backlash before using aspirin, it is necessary to check the skin for allergies to this tool. To do this, a small amount of acid must be diluted in water and applied to the wrist. If redness does not appear within the next 24 hours, then this remedy can be used.

    Recipes for masks with aspirin against acne

    The use of acetylsalicylic acid will help not only get rid of rashes on the face, but also prevent their further occurrence. Healing mixture on the basis of aspirin can be applied pointwise on the face, separately for each pimple. You can prepare a mask with the addition of any honey. It is necessary to grind into powder 3 aspirin tablets, add 4 drops warm water and 5 ml of honey, mix everything. The mask is applied massage movements for about 15 minutes, then rinse with warm water.

    A mixture of aspirin and yogurt helps well: you need to crush 2 tablets of the medicine, stir with 5 drops of water and 1 tsp. unsweetened yogurt, it can be replaced with kefir. Apply to problem areas for approximately 20 minutes and then rinse with water. In such a mask, you can add 2 tbsp. grated apple and 2 drops of vitamins A and E.

    For owners of dry skin of the face, 1 tbsp can be added to two crushed tablets. olive oil and 1 tsp. freshly squeezed lemon juice. The mixture should be mixed well and applied to the face, gently massaging, for 25 minutes, then rinse everything with warm water. Instead of lemon, you can squeeze the juice from aloe leaves.

    A mask of 5 aspirin tablets, crushed into powder, to which 2 tbsp is added, helps perfectly. white cosmetic clay. Water must be added in such an amount that a mixture is obtained in the form of sour cream. The mask is applied to the face for about 25 minutes, then you should wash with warm water and wipe the skin with lotion or tonic. In addition to white clay, you can add black, because. it also helps to fight acne.