Pigmented spots on the legs. Causes of age spots on the legs in women Pigmentation on the skin dark spots on the legs

Hyperpigmentation is a common problem. Many people of different sexes and ages are familiar with it firsthand, and none of them is delighted with this phenomenon. Especially strongly excessive pigmentation upsets its owners when it occurs on those parts of the body that are clearly visible to others. And this factor, as we know, largely depends on the time of year: if in winter we show the world only our face, then in summer we do not hesitate to walk along the street almost half-naked. That is why many (and especially girls) are worried about such an unpleasant phenomenon as age spots on the legs.

Why does hyperpigmentation occur on the legs?

From any biology textbook, we can learn that a variety of age spots are formed on the human body due to excessive and uneven production of a substance called melanin. Under normal conditions, it is produced relatively evenly throughout the body, but there are certain factors that can significantly affect this process.

You can learn more about hyperpigmentation from this video:

The reasons for the formation of excessive pigmentation on the legs can be both general and specific. Common factors include such widespread and well-known factors as the aggressive influence of ultraviolet rays, hormonal changes in the body caused by transitional age, pregnancy or aging, as well as various diseases of the kidneys, liver and thyroid gland.

The specific factors that cause the appearance of excessive pigmentation on the skin of the legs include the following:

  • Use of low-quality cosmetics (body lotions, depilatory creams, etc.);
  • Skin damage from shaving
  • Circulatory disorders in the lower body caused by problems with the cardiovascular system, a sedentary lifestyle and wearing too tight trousers and shoes;
  • increased sweating;
  • Frequent bruises and scratches (this is especially true for children and people leading an active lifestyle).

All these factors can lead to disruption of the normal functioning of melanocytes, which is why hyperpigmentation begins. Some of these reasons often apply only to the fair sex - and indeed, women are much more likely to complain about such problems. But excessive pigmentation on the legs in men is less common.

How to get rid of hyperpigmentation on the skin of the legs?

If the factors for the occurrence of age spots on the legs can be general or local, then the methods of dealing with this scourge are always the same. The first thing to do when you find hyperpigmentation on your legs is to contact a dermatologist. He will send the patient for an examination, which will help determine the exact cause of the spots, and prescribe the necessary treatment.

This is especially important in cases where the appearance of spots on the skin is caused by underlying causes associated with various diseases and hormonal disorders. You need to run to the doctor as soon as possible even if the pigmentation is extensive (see photo).

The photo shows pigmentation on the leg

If the appearance of spots is not caused by serious problems, various cosmetic methods can cope with them. Among salon procedures, laser stain removal is considered the most effective way to combat excessive pigmentation. During the procedure, a special laser cauterizes the top layer of the skin, while speeding up its recovery. As a result, after a few procedures, the stain fades or disappears altogether.

The presence of black dots on the legs can be an alarming signal or just an unpleasant defect. The article says why they appear and what they are. In addition, highlighted are some of the basic procedures that are needed in order to permanently get rid of this problem.

Dark spots on the legs or feet can be caused by a large number of diseases and conditions, both of the skin and the whole body. If they appeared in women, this is a big nuisance that deprives them of the freedom to choose what to wear.

Skin diseases and conditions

The most common causes of dark, black or dark red spots on the lower extremities are pathological conditions in the skin itself, caused by pigmentation or temporary inflammation. Most of them are not dangerous for the general health of a person, but some require mandatory urgent treatment. This is especially true for skin cancer (melanoma).


Inflamed blackheads darken

Infrequently, but sometimes acne (blackheads) appears on the legs. This is caused by a hormonal imbalance that causes the body to produce too much protein (keratin) and block the pores of the skin. There will be certain small pimples around which the skin becomes dark over time due to inflammation.

Follicular keratosis (hairy lichen)

Follicular keratosis

Follicular keratosis manifests itself as a large number of small red dots or pimples on the thighs, on the sides of the legs and even on the buttocks. Since this problem does not affect general health, treatment is not mandatory. But if you are concerned about the appearance of such a rash, then you need to use special moisturizing creams containing ingredients such as urea, glycolic acid; topical retinoids, such as tretinoin or steroid creams and lotions.

Do not apply different cream products when removing such dark spots on the legs at the same time, but only one at a time.

Age spots (lentigo)

age spots

Age spots or sun lentigo are dark brown spots that appear due to hyperpigmentation. The main reason for their appearance on the legs is exposure to UV rays from the sun. These radiations cause pigment cells (melanocytes) to produce more melanin, which accumulates in the upper layers of the skin.
Prevention plays an important role in preventing the appearance of age spots. Avoid spending too much time in the sun. Otherwise, regular use of sunscreen with an SPF of 30 or higher will help.

Post-inflammatory hyperpigmentation (PIH)

PVG can look very different, sometimes it can even mimic melanoma (yeast cancer). It depends on the causes that caused the inflammatory process on the skin, the color of the skin itself and other factors.

Your feet are at high risk for post-inflammatory hyperpigmentation. And in this case, black spots can be formed due to scars left after all kinds of injuries, including burns. The reason is the response of melanin-producing cells to an inflammatory condition. Because of this, they produce more of this pigment.


Flat warts on the legs usually appear as patches as they cluster in clusters.

These are small and rough growths on the skin caused by the human papillomavirus (HPV). There are several types of warts, but common (vulgar) ones are the main cause of dark spots on the legs and feet.

There are topical treatment creams such as salicylic acid, cantharidin, dinitrochlorobenzene, or cidofovir. They have a positive effect on this infection. Other ways to remove warts on the legs are laser therapy, duct tape removal, and surgery.


The photo shows a lot of atypical moles on the child's leg. These should be treated very carefully to prevent their degeneration into skin cancer.

Unlike warts, moles appear when, at a certain point, skin cells overflow with pigment and turn into melanocytes, which accumulate to form dark growths. Moles can appear on any part of a person's skin. By their nature, moles tend to darken, creating black or brown spots on the legs.

Moles that appear in infancy or at birth are called congenital. But most dark moles visible on the legs are acquired. Although moles rarely pose any health hazard, you should consult a dermatologist at the slightest unusual change (pain, discharge).

Open comedones (strawberry legs effect)

Open comedones are the same black dots that so many people have.

This term describes the dark spots on the legs after shaving. Poor shaving is accompanied by the formation of ingrown hairs. As a result, slight inflammation around the pore of the hair leads to the formation of very small wounds that can attract germs and bacteria.


Papules are not a specific cause, but a type of rash. Their appearance can cause many things, including insect bites.

Papules are dark red spots or dots that rise slightly above the surface of the skin. In addition to acne, insect bites, flat warts, or plantar warts are common causes of papules.

When an insect injects a venom, it takes time for the body to flush out these toxic substances. In the process, papules often form in the form of dark spots at the site of the bite.


Melanoma can resemble a mole. Therefore, it is important to pay attention to features such as asymmetrical shape, pain, itching, discharge.

Melanoma is a type of skin cancer that can occur anywhere on the body. This is the most serious reason for the formation of darkened areas of the skin, which should not be ignored.

Dark spots on the lower legs and ankles

Venous stasis (venous stasis)

Venous congestion may be accompanied by itching. Skin turns purple or brown

According to wikipedia.org, venostasis is "slow blood flow in the veins" characterized by the appearance of dark spots on the shins and ankles.

The provocative factors are: frequent long stay behind the wheel of a car, in an airplane, lying down.
This condition is associated with varicose veins, which usually results in poor blood flow to the heart. As a result, a lot of fluid is retained in the legs and pressure increases, which destroys small blood vessels. Blood rich in iron (hemoglobin) accumulates in tissue cells. Therefore, the dark color of the tissues gives iron.

At some point, bubbles may form, from which a watery liquid is released.

Prevention is the best answer to venous congestion. You need to walk a lot, do exercises.

Diabetic dermopathy

diabetic spots

Another cause of dark spots on the legs, especially the lower legs, is diabetic dermopathy. Most often, the immediate cause of this disease is unknown, but it may be indicated by the presence of small dark spots on the lower extremities. They may be scaly around the area of ​​increased pigmentation.
As the name suggests, these dark spots are associated with diabetes, and more specifically with a change in the structure of some of the small blood vessels.

The therapeutic treatment of diabetes is part of the treatment of diabetic dermopathy.

Dark spots on feet

foot melanoma

Melanoma - skin cancer

The main causes of melanoma of the foot are prolonged exposure to the sun and tanning beds, especially recumbent and high-pressure lamps. These devices produce just the right amount of UV rays, which, when in contact with your skin, cause dark spots to form.
The most vulnerable are young people under 20, but all this is purely individual. Other factors that can lead to the development of these leg cancers are skin infections and sunburn.

For quite a long time, melanoma of the legs was treated with cryotherapy.

Schamberg's disease (chronic pigmentary purpura)

In Schamberg's disease, dark spots begin to appear on the bottom of the legs and gradually spread further up.

According to Dr. Raju A. T., this disease is a condition caused by a short-term systemic hemorrhage in the skin, the exact cause of which is not yet known. Symptoms of Schamberg's disease include red spots on the lower extremities that turn brown or black and resemble bruises. More common in men.

Doing stretching exercises or moving your legs in different positions will prevent this, but laser therapy is more effective in treating it.

Dark spots on the soles of the feet

plantar warts

These are harmless benign growths caused by a virus known as the human papillomavirus (HPV). They enter the body through small openings such as cuts, injuries, or open blisters. In these places of penetration, a wart appears.

There are two types of plantar warts. These are solitary and mosaic warts. Solitary warts grow singly, while mosaic warts form small groups of small dots on the soles of the feet. To get rid of unpleasant formations, you need to use good creams, as well as carry out medical procedures.

Some signs that indicate that a mass on the sole of the foot is a wart are:

  • difficulty standing for a long time due to pain;
  • the presence of a compacted area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe skin around the wart;
  • very small black dots in hardened areas;
  • after injury, pain occurs.

Since plantar warts are not easy to treat, it is recommended to prevent their spread. Avoid hard shoes or don't wear someone else's shoes. Avoid scratches and cuts to prevent this infection.

You can remove dark spots that are warts at home using salicylic acid. Or it is better to use special procedures - cryotherapy (liquid nitrogen).

Pinpoint hemorrhages

Petechiae (small hemorrhages due to broken capillaries) can indicate serious illness. The cause in the photo is endocarditis (inflammation of the heart)

Dark spots on the soles of the feet may appear due to the pressure exerted by body weight. For example, after walking for a long time, the capillaries break down, so you may notice small dots of boiled blood (bruises).
Following healthy advice and doing regular body exercises, such as jogging and walking, will improve proper blood circulation. But such petechiae should be looked out for, as they can be a sign of serious health problems, including heart disease.

Kaposi's sarcoma

In Kaposi's sarcoma, purple plaques and nodules usually appear on the skin of the lower extremities, especially in the ankles and feet.

There is another serious cause of dark neoplasms - this is Kaposi's sarcoma, caused by the human herpes virus type 8. The disease usually begins as cancerous lesions that grow in periods and become larger over time. Such lesions on the skin are described as purple, reddish or bluish-black. The commonly affected areas are the lower legs, especially the ankles and soles of the feet.

How to get rid?

Note! The following are ways to remove dark spots caused by skin pigmentation. All other diseases and conditions require treatment prescribed only by a doctor.

laser therapy

The laser can effectively remove dark spots on the legs, but it is expensive. The price depends on the area of ​​the treated skin and the number of procedures required. Nevertheless, some people choose this particular method and are satisfied with the result.

Laser therapy is a non-surgical procedure that uses the properties of pulsed light waves directed specifically at the affected area of ​​the skin. Dark cells absorb these impulses and are destroyed.

Fraxel Dual laser

This method is suitable for all skin types and colors. The uniqueness lies in the fact that the removal process is aimed only at melanin pigments. This ensures that only dark growths are removed and healthy areas of the tissue are not affected.

Chemical peels

Superficial peeling is the safest type of peeling of the top layer of skin because it tends to penetrate into thinner layers of tissue. In fact, to remove dark spots on your legs, you can do regular exfoliation with the right routines using topical creams:

  • alpha hydroxyl creams containing lactic, malic, citric or glycolic acid;
  • pling Jessner (combination of means);
  • exfoliation with retinoic acid;
  • beta hydroxy acids.

Avoid deep exfoliation, as it can cause serious complications on the skin of the legs, and not help to effectively clear it of dark patches.


Dermabrasion (mechanical resurfacing) can help with dark spots on the legs, especially if they formed not very long ago - a few months ago or even earlier. Dermabrasion with a special tool can be used along with the application of some of the modern treatment creams such as glycolic acid.
This removes or erases the top layer of the skin, which contains dead cells, including dark ones due to melanin.


In addition to the methods described above, there are cosmetic and pharmacy products for skin lightening. These include special lotions, gels and creams that reduce pigmentation.

Topical creams

  1. Acid creams that allow you to see changes in the skin with post-inflammatory pigmentation from chemical burns. Azelaic acid is an example.
  2. Lightening (whitening) creams. Some hydroquinone whitening creams have a high concentration of brightening ingredients. But it is better to choose those that have lower percentages of these substances to prevent yourself from serious side effects.
  3. Medicines or creams with benzoyl peroxide. Suitable for removing dark spots on the legs and feet and treating acne. Creams that combine benzoyl with salicylic acid and adapalene work well.
  4. Gels Mederma and Vita-K are examples of products for reducing scars, including acne scars.

NOTE. Never apply such products to open wounds or dark spots on the legs that look like bruises. You must adhere to the indications and method of application in the instructions.

Examples of Known Means

A good range of skin care creams, serums and gels to treat or reduce black spots on the legs is available at your local pharmacy or online (including international stores like Amazon.com).

According to the descriptions, some of the best creams are:

  1. Sonya Dakar Nutrasphere Fade Away.
  2. mederma.
  3. Vita-K.
  4. Clinical Dark Spot Corrector.

Other treatments

There are simplified ways to remove certain types of dark formations on the legs.

Silicone strips for scars

They are available in pharmacies or online. The properties of silicone give them the ability to adhere firmly to the surface of the skin, so you will not feel discomfort. The most famous brand is ScarAway

Melapads and Melarase brightening creams

For faster removal of pigments due to insect bites, creams of the brand Melapads or Melarase are used. You need to apply them twice a day - in the morning and in the evening. Unfortunately, these funds are popular abroad, but they can be ordered from us only via the Internet. But you can find affordable alternatives in the pharmacy, for example, Rescuer ointment.

How to quickly remove dark spots on legs?

If you want to get rid of dark spots quickly, then you must switch to a more time-efficient form of treatment, such as laser therapy. If you feel that such expensive methods are not available to you, then try good products to remove dark spots:

  • The combination of over-the-counter whitening creams and retinoids can have amazing effects.
  • Try dermabrasion or superficial peels for the early stages of age spots or minor injuries such as sunburn.
  • Strong brightening creams with alpha hydroxyl, glycolic, tartaric acids will also be effective.

Folk remedies

There are many treatments that can help you remove dark spots on your legs at home. Some of them can really help in certain cases.

Lemon juice + turmeric and yogurt

Lemon juice and turmeric have good natural bleaching properties.

Make a mixture containing roughly equal amounts of turmeric, yogurt, and lemon juice. Let the product stand for 10-15 minutes. Since it will take some time (usually several weeks) to get the desired results, you should patiently use the mixture on a daily basis.

strawberry scrub

For this homemade treatment, you need sea salt, almonds, olive or apricot oil, and strawberries.

  1. Add a few tablespoons of chopped almonds or olive oil to the prepared strawberry puree.
  2. Add 1 tablespoon of sea salt to the mixture and apply to your feet.
  3. You can also massage using strawberry puree on the soles of your feet.
  4. Rub this for as long as you can into each black spot on the sole of your foot for satisfactory results.

Shea Butter

Shea butter contains vitamin E, which is very beneficial for the skin on the bottom of the legs. Apply this oil before bed. Rinse off in the morning with lukewarm water, gently scrubbing with a pumice stone, and watch your foot lumps disappear over time.

Castor oil, grape seed oil or vitamin E

This is another reliable way to prevent and prevent the further development of age spots. Simply apply castor oil or the other oil above on your feet regularly.

Horseradish and apple cider vinegar

If you want to have youthful skin, try this simple home remedy. Prepare a mixture of horseradish, apple cider vinegar and let it sit for about 10 days. Filter the mixture. Rub into areas of skin where you notice darkening.

Aloe Vera and Honey

One of the natural remedies for skin pigmentation, as well as the appearance of freckles, includes such wonderful
natural ingredients like aloe vera gel (pulp) and honey. It will also help improve skin tone and smoothness.

The fastest folk remedies

Are there natural remedies to quickly remove dark spots on legs? An important thing to understand is that folk remedies should be used constantly and regularly.

Among the best remedies you should use regularly are lemon, turmeric and yogurt. Fast-acting natural whitening ingredients are found in lemon juice, while turmeric and yogurt help it absorb into the skin more effectively instead of drying out immediately.
The strawberry foot scrub can also be used on a fresh foot spur.

If you were bitten by a blood-sucking insect last night, taking quick action will help you avoid the stain. The first step is to purchase a steroid cream to reduce inflammation. To get rid of redness, apply vitamin E oil as soon as possible, as it has a calming effect. This remedy can be used to remove stains on the legs and hands after an insect bite.

Dark spots appearing on the legs very often disturb people of different ages, but it is impossible to unambiguously answer the question why they occur without a complete examination, since such dark spots can be a sign of various diseases. Most often, they indicate problems with the cardiovascular system, varicose veins, liver pathology, but they may also have a different etiology. The appearance of dark spots on the legs requires immediate medical attention, as it can be a sign of serious and dangerous diseases. Dark spots on the legs: what is the cause, how is the pathology related to varicose vessels? Basic methods of treatment.

Factors contributing to the emergence

Dark spots that appear on the legs can be different in color, size, structure and other features. They may appear as a result of the development of a disease or their cause may be various external influences, this may not always be immediately clear.

The causes of dark spots on the legs are caused by the following factors:

  1. Various skin diseases, such as psoriasis, neurodermatitis, eczema.
  2. They can be an allergic reaction to drugs, various foods, pollen, or something else.
  3. The skin of the legs becomes covered with dark spots as a result of improper metabolism.
  4. They can be a symptom of varicose veins and appear as a result of malfunctions in the venous valves.
  5. Small red spots appear on the skin after an insect bite.
  6. After bruises or minor injuries, red spots may appear on the legs, which later turn into bruises and bruises.

The appearance of spots on the skin of the legs can provoke some infectious diseases.

If spots of different colors appear on the legs, in which a brown tint predominates, then the following diseases can be their cause:

  • The appearance of large brown spots on the legs or on the face may be due to a cause such as improper functioning of the thyroid gland. Also, the reasons for the formation of such dark spots may be pathological processes in the liver or malfunction of the adrenal glands.
  • Sometimes they appear after unsuccessful hair removal or wearing tight and uncomfortable shoes. Dark spots of this cause usually do not require special treatment and disappear within a few days.
  • Brown spots can be a symptom of the rare genetic disease lentigo, usually with this disease, severe uneven pigmentation of the skin on the legs is accompanied by itching and peeling in the places where they appear.
  • Small dotted brown spots are often common freckles, they can also appear in a child and should not cause concern, they do not require treatment.
  • In some cases, doctors associate dark spots on the skin of the legs with a lack of certain vitamins and minerals in the body, such as vitamin A, C, or rutin. Usually such violations are corrected by a certain diet or by taking special vitamin complexes.
  • Dark spots on the skin of the legs of different localization, shape and size can be symptoms of various dermatological pathologies, such as lichen or neurodermatitis.
  • If brown spots appear on the lower leg, an endocrinologist should be consulted, since such symptoms are characteristic of the development of diabetes mellitus.

The treatment of brown spots on the skin depends on the cause of their appearance and on what symptoms of the disease appear in the first place. In any case, the treatment regimen is determined by the doctor. To diagnose the disease, you must first take a blood test, and then conduct other laboratory tests.

Neoplasms of vascular etiology

Dark brown spots are commonly referred to as pigment spots and are not associated with vascular disease. However, if the spot that appears has a reddish or burgundy hue, this usually indicates damage to the venous vascular wall. Red spots on the legs are called vascular, they appear as a result of rupture of small vessels - capillaries - and are often a sign of varicose veins. Such dark spots are dangerous because they are a sign of a hematoma under the skin, as a result of which there may be problems with normal blood flow.

Vascular spots on the legs are of three types:

  1. Edema, the cause of which is most often external influences, such as severe stress or burns, they occur due to vasodilation.
  2. Inflammatory, resulting from vasodilation for a long time, such dark spots on the skin of the legs include, for example, roseola.
  3. Hemorrhagic, which is a consequence of the high permeability of the walls of blood vessels. Most often, hemorrhagic spots are associated with varicose veins and are a sign of serious problems with the cardiovascular system; such spots often appear after phlebectomy - surgery to remove altered varicose veins.

Most often, hemorrhagic spots are associated with varicose veins.

If a patient who has consulted a doctor about the appearance of red or bluish spots on the skin of the legs is confirmed to have varicose veins, he is prescribed treatment, the course of which consists of a combination of several methods. The main method of treating varicose pathology, especially in its early stages, is drug therapy, which includes taking the following groups of drugs:

  • Drugs that increase the tone of blood vessels, mainly veins.
  • Anticoagulants, blood thinners - to prevent the formation of blood clots in the veins.
  • Phleboprotectors for venous vessels.
  • Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs.
  • Systemic enzyme therapy (SET).

Systemic enzyme therapy is currently recognized as the most effective treatment for varicose veins, enzymes are prescribed not only for treatment, but also for the prevention of varicose veins. For the prevention of varicose veins, Wobenzym is usually prescribed, and in the period of exacerbation - Phlogenzym. Systemic enzyme therapy has a positive effect on the process of microcirculation, the blood under its action becomes less viscous, the vessels are strengthened. Also, systemic enzyme therapy significantly increases the concentration of antibiotics at the site of their application for complications of varicose veins. Enzymes are often taken by sucking under the tongue to speed up their absorption.

In the presence of edema with spots, you must immediately consult a doctor!

Blue and red spots on the legs can appear not only as symptoms of varicose veins of the lower extremities, but also be the result of surgical intervention to remove the affected vein. So, after sclerotherapy, pigmentation occurs at the site of correction of large vessels, usually it quickly resolves and does not require special treatment. However, if dark spots appear after phlebectomy and do not go away for a long time, this may be a sign of complications after surgery. Sometimes, simultaneously with the appearance of dark spots after phlebectomy, the patient may swell the ankle joint, and the foot on the operated leg may lose sensitivity, such symptoms require immediate medical attention. Especially if a little time has passed since the phlebectomy.

Nail damage

Often, after an injury, a red spot or many black dots may appear under the nail of the big toe, such injuries are often received by children while playing on the street, and the injury (the cause of this condition) can be obtained not only in summer in open shoes, but all year round. A person sometimes does not immediately pay special attention to this speck, considering it a small cosmetic effect and thinking that it is gore due to damage to small vessels, but in fact the consequences of such damage to the nail can be quite serious.

A dark spot on the thumbnail sometimes indicates damage to the nail plate, which can subsequently lead to severe deformation of the nail, this usually causes significant inconvenience to a person and causes emotional distress.

But dark spots on the toenails do not always appear as a result of injury, often damage to the nails of the thumbs are symptoms of vascular pathologies and rheumatoid arthritis. Other internal diseases can also be diagnosed by the condition of toenails, such diagnostics has become very popular at the present time. So, dark spots on the nails, which have a clear outline and regular shape, are sometimes symptoms of liver failure or a lack of vitamin B12 in the body. If the spot under the toenail is black, the patient may be diagnosed with anemia and need to be examined for respiratory pathologies. If the nail on which the dark spot has appeared does not change color when pressed or massaged, this may indicate problems with blood vessels and even the presence of a blood clot. Emerging psoriasis can also begin with problems with the nails, red or brown spots appear on them, and a protruding uneven tubercle may appear on each nail. The greatest risk is continuously growing spots on the nails, especially if the limb is constantly swollen. This may be a symptom of a tumor and requires immediate treatment. Features of various spots on the nails can be seen in numerous photos in medical publications or on specialized sites on the Internet.

Pregnancy can cause dark spots on the legs.

Dark spots on the nails can appear during pregnancy, this is due to a lack of vitamins and nutrients and usually looks like after childbirth, no special treatment is also needed.

The treatment of dark spots on the legs depends on the cause of their appearance, but usually in the course of therapy, calcium supplements are required to strengthen the nails and multivitamins, and doctors also advise eating as much fiber as possible to improve the appearance.

The causes of dark spots on the legs, nails or other parts of the body can be very diverse, the treatment is carried out depending on the etiology of the disease. If the darkening of the skin is caused by varicose veins, then the treatment is prescribed by a phlebologist, who also prescribes drugs that can remove dark spots on the skin after phlebectomy. If the nails are damaged, it is necessary to donate blood from a vein for analysis and contact a dermatologist.

The beauty of the legs largely depends on the health of the skin. The appearance of age spots is not just a cosmetic defect. This is a kind of reaction of the body to the negative processes occurring in it. Therefore, if you notice that pigmentation has appeared on your legs, try to determine its cause as soon as possible.

Pigmentation on the legs

Pigmentation on the leg: the main causes

Most often, dark spots on the skin appear due to the negative effects of ultraviolet rays, so prolonged exposure to the sun should be avoided. But there are a number of more serious reasons:

1. Hormonal changes. Pregnant women often face this problem.

2. Diseases of the liver, thyroid gland or kidneys. Such diseases lead to increased production of melanin. Namely, this substance is responsible for the color of the skin.

3. Violation of blood circulation in the legs. The reason for the appearance of age spots can be wearing improperly selected shoes or too tight trousers. In addition, problems with blood circulation can be caused by varicose veins or endarteritis.

4. Exposure to aggressive chemicals. Such a problem is often faced by workers employed in hazardous industries.

The exact cause of the appearance of such a defect can only be determined after a medical examination. You will need to consult a general practitioner, gynecologist, endocrinologist and dermatologist.

Pigmentation of the skin on the legs: how to treat

The specific treatment program must be chosen together with the doctor. Only in this way can you be sure that you have eliminated the cause of the problem and such symptoms will not appear again. There are three main ways to treat pigmentation:

1. Peeling. This procedure is now offered in many beauty salons. Acids are used for it, which effectively remove the old layer of skin.

2. The use of specialized cosmetic devices. The main one is the laser. It helps to quickly get rid of spots on the skin.

Brown spots on the legs are not only an aesthetic flaw, they can indicate pathological processes in the internal organs. Having noticed pigmentation, it is worth contacting a dermatologist, because an accurate diagnosis can only be made on the basis of the results of the examination and tests.

Varieties of age spots

Dark spots

A peculiar brown tint to the skin gives the pigment melanin, which is normally present in every person. Due to hereditary predisposition, external influences or pathologies of internal organs, excessive production of melanin can be observed, as a result, skin color may change to white, yellow or dark brown. This phenomenon is called hyperpigmentation.

In addition to the lower leg, pigmentation can appear on the arms, abdomen, back and face, and not only in adults, but also in children, including infants.

Pigment spots are usually divided into the following types:

  • Freckles - are small rounded spots that are located mainly on open areas of the skin - the chest, neck, face, arms and, in rare cases, the legs. Such points are formed as a result of exposure to direct sunlight on the skin and appear more often in people with fair skin.
  • Moles. Occur in almost all people as they grow older under the influence of ultraviolet radiation, hormones and other factors.
  • Lentigo - dark brown or brown dots on the skin, are formed due to pathological processes in the body. The main reasons for their appearance are diseases of the digestive system, stomach or duodenal ulcers, and cancerous neoplasms. They begin to form, as a rule, in infancy, gradually increasing in size and acquiring a more saturated shade. The skin where they formed, usually keratinized, begins to peel off, slight itching is possible. Ultraviolet radiation is considered a provocateur.
  • Chloasma - dark, almost black spots on the arms, legs, face, abdomen and around the nipples. The reason for the appearance of such pigmentation is considered to be excessive accumulation of melanin in one place, as a result of which spots with well-defined boundaries develop.

The formation of dark spots on the legs can provoke pregnancy, the individual characteristics of the epidermis. But in addition to harmless factors, serious diseases can become the cause: tuberculosis, a malignant tumor, damage to the body by worms or malaria.

Causes of dark spots on legs

They can be both harmless and very dangerous.

  • Violation of the endocrine system.
  • Frequent hair removal or shaving.
  • Allergic reactions to hygiene products or cosmetics.
  • Wearing tight or uncomfortable shoes and clothing that causes discomfort.
  • Sunburn, including in the solarium.
  • hereditary predisposition.
  • Disruptions of the hormonal background.
  • Deficiency of vitamins in the body, especially retinol, ascorbic acid and PP.
  • Violation of the autonomic nervous system. It is manifested by the development of small spots that cover the feet, affecting the bone, fingers and lower leg, as well as increased sweating of the lower extremities.
  • Long-term use of drugs that can have such side effects.
  • Poor circulation due to varicose veins, atherosclerosis of blood vessels and diabetes. With varicose veins, bright symptoms are noted and blue, red-brown or red-brown spots develop on the lower leg, depending on the stage of the disease. When the condition is neglected, dark spots on the legs, like bruises, may appear along the veins in front and behind.

Pigmentation can be the result of trauma to the skin as a result of bruises, fractures. They are accompanied by the appearance of bruises, bruises and hematomas, which, as they dissolve, acquire a red-black, red and yellow-green hue.

If such formations do not cause discomfort, do not itch, do not become covered with a crust and plaque, you should not worry. But if they are accompanied by unpleasant symptoms and signs of general intoxication of the body, it is necessary to visit a doctor and undergo an examination.

Medical treatment

Skin pigmentation remedy

It will be possible to remove age spots on the legs in men and women only by identifying and eliminating the causes of their appearance. If the cause is in pathological processes, they should first be cured, and the spots will disappear on their own over time.

To get rid of pigmentation, the patient is advised not to scratch the shins, wear comfortable shoes and clothes, do not use cosmetics in the presence of allergies, and treat diseases in a timely manner.

Topical preparations will help lighten the skin:

  • Achromin - reduces the synthesis of melanin, due to which its accumulation decreases and the spots become lighter. Available in the form of a cream of 45 ml. Do not use during pregnancy, children under 12 years of age, during the period of feeding a child and with hypersensitivity. Apply the product at least 2 hours before going out into fresh air. If this rule is not observed, new areas of pigmentation may appear on the skin.
  • Atralin is an effective ointment that helps reduce the amount of melanin in the skin. It must be used under the strict supervision of a physician, following all recommendations. The ointment is contraindicated for pregnant, lactating and people with intolerance to the components of the remedy.

In parallel with taking medications, laser treatment, cryotherapy, peeling, body wraps and other cosmetic procedures are prescribed.

Spot lightening at home

Cucumber mixture actively fights skin blemishes

You can remove brown spots on the lower legs with the help of traditional medicine. There are many effective recipes that effectively help fight severe pigmentation.

  • Grate fresh cucumber and apply to the lower leg daily for 20-30 minutes.
  • Grind 50 g of cottage cheese with yolk and 5 drops of hydrogen peroxide. Apply as a mask on the lower leg area, hold for 15-20 minutes.
  • Lemon and water in a ratio of 1: 2 do an excellent job with pigmentation. Such a tool is used as a lotion, which is used to wipe the area of ​​​​the face, hands and lower extremities.
  • Parsley has long been used to treat pigmentation. It can be used neat or mixed with milk in equal amounts. The mixture is applied to the legs and washed off after 30 minutes. Also at home can be cured.

Remember, folk remedies only brighten the skin, but do not eliminate excess pigmentation, which means that it will remind you of itself constantly. To solve the problem forever, you should contact a dermatologist.