Grated carrots: benefits for the body. How useful is grated carrot with sugar, with an apple, with sour cream? Carrots grated with sour cream benefits and harms

All food plant origin(vegetables and fruits) are therapeutic and prophylactic and can prolong human life.
The constant use of boiled and canned food leads to cell degeneration, that is, to premature aging. But besides vital essential substances vegetables and fruits contain indigestible fiber, which makes them (especially in large quantities) not always acceptable for patients with high temperature, gastric ulcer and duodenum, enterocolitis, as well as for the elderly and children.
In these cases, juices are simply irreplaceable. If honey is added to any juices with its rich chemical composition, their nutritional and medicinal value increases.
diluted with water vegetable juices(1:10) give a juice effect (most of all potato, cabbage, carrot; less - beetroot and tomato). Therefore, diluted juices’ are best taken with chronic gastritis with reduced secretory activity.
According to the nature of the action on the body, juices can be divided into several groups:
- grape, carrot, strawberry, watermelon, apricot, pear, celery juice - diuretic;
- apple, garlic, onion, horseradish juice - anti-inflammatory, antiseptic and antiseptic;
- cabbage, carrot, red beet and horseradish juice - juice;
- cabbage, red pepper juice - disinfectant and enhancing oxidative processes;
- tomato, lemon juice, beets, viburnum - lowering blood pressure;
- peach, grape, strawberry, apricot, tomato, blueberry - tonic.

It is recommended to add 1 tablespoon of honey to 1 glass of juice, infusion or decoction of herbs.
Recommended juices
Alfalfa juice
Press in June-July, during the ripening period. Take 1 glass of juice with 1 tablespoon of honey 3 times a day. It preserves health, gives strength and energy, increases the body's resistance to infections.
asparagus juice
Press in July-August. Take 1 glass of juice with 1 tablespoon of honey 3 times a day. It is used as a diuretic, for edema, nephrolithiasis, rheumatism, cystitis, as well as allergies and epilepsy.
spinach juice
Press in August-September.
Take 1 glass of juice with 1 tablespoon of honey 2-3 times a day before meals.
This juice is useful for anemia and hypersecretion thyroid gland, stimulates work digestive glands, enhances peristalsis, strengthens nervous system. However, due to the high content of oxalic acid, it is contraindicated in violation of water-salt metabolism, gout, diseases of the liver and kidneys.
sorrel juice
Press in May-June. Take 1 cup with 1 tablespoon of honey 3 times a day. It acts as a general tonic, improving digestion, useful for allergies, accompanied by skin itching, with anemia, improves the function of the liver, gallbladder.
Dandelion juice
Squeeze in May-June from leaves and roots. Take 1 tablespoon of juice and honey 3 times a day before meals. Promotes hematopoiesis, improves liver function and acts as a general tonic. Pairs well with carrot juice.
Chicory juice
Press in June-July. Take 1 tablespoon of juice and honey 3 times a day. Recommended for insomnia increased sweating, hepatitis, eczema, furunculosis, bedwetting.
marshmallow juice
Press in June-July. It is used for coughing 1 tablespoon of juice and honey 3 times a day after meals.
hawthorn juice
Squeeze from flowers, leaves and fruits. Collect flowers and leaves in May, fruits - in October. Take 1 cup with 1 tablespoon of honey 3 times a day. Regulates cardiac activity, improves the supply of oxygen to the heart, reduces blood pressure.
Black elderberry juice
Squeeze from well-ripened berries in September. Take 1 cup with 1 tablespoon of honey 3 times a day. It acts as a tonic, stimulates the hormonal glands, and is used as a diaphoretic.
Valerian juice
Press in September-October from fresh roots. Take 1 teaspoon of juice and honey 3 times a day (the third time is required at night). Improves sleep, reduces nervous and mental stress, used for gastrointestinal and headaches.
Watercress juice
Squeeze in July-August from flowering freshly cut plants. Take 1 tablespoon of juice and honey 3 times a day before meals.
Improves metabolism, promotes the removal of toxins from the body in kidney stone and cholelithiasis.
John's wort juice
Squeeze in June-July from a fresh flowering plant. Take 1 tablespoon of juice and honey 3 times a day before meals. Juice is an effective neuro-restorative agent, improves work gastrointestinal tract. Recommended for depression nervous ground and in exhaustion after physical and mental overexertion.
Zyuznik juice (lycopus)
Press in August from freshly cut plants. Take 1 tablespoon of juice and honey 3 times a day. Regulates the functioning of the thyroid gland, helps with increased and insufficient function. Helps to balance the psychoneurotic state.
nettle juice
Squeeze in April-May from freshly cut plants. Take 1/3 - 1/2 cup with 1 tablespoon of honey 3 times a day. Promotes blood formation. Stimulates metabolism, so it is a good tool for weight loss. Recommended for rheumatic diseases.
coltsfoot juice
Squeeze in May-June from the leaves. Take 1 tablespoon of juice and honey 3 times a day after meals. Used as an expectorant and anti-inflammatory chronic bronchitis, has a softening effect in bronchial asthma.
juniper juice
Squeeze in September-October from fresh cones. Take 1 tablespoon of juice and honey 3 times a day. It is used as a diuretic, as well as inflammation of the urinary tract.
plantain juice
Press in June-July from fresh leaves. Take 1 - 2 tablespoons of juice with 1 tablespoon of honey 3 times a day before meals (dilute the juice in 1/2 cup of water at room temperature). Used as an anti-inflammatory agent for catarrhs respiratory tract, with low acidity gastric juice.
horsetail juice
Press in June-July from fresh plants. Take 1 tablespoon of juice and honey 3 times a day before meals. It is a tonic for strengthening tissues, mobilizes defensive forces organism.
Wormwood juice
Squeeze in August from greens (on the eve of flowering). Take 1 tablespoon of juice and honey 3 times a day before meals. Regulates the work of the stomach, normalizes its acidity. It relieves bloating and catarrhal phenomena in the stomach.
Chamomile juice
Squeeze in July-August from the entire flowering plant. Take 1 tablespoon of juice and honey 3 times a day before meals. It has an anti-inflammatory effect on the skin and mucous membranes, reduces pain(colic) in the region of the stomach and intestines, absorbs gases. Recommended for hyperacidity.
The juice
Squeeze in July-August from the entire flowering plant. Take 1 tablespoon of juice and honey 3 times a day before meals. Reduces heart rate (tachycardia), flushing and dizziness (with menopause). Normalizes menstruation. Helps with varicose veins, hemorrhoids and other venous diseases.
birch sap
Collect from the undercut of the trunk in the spring. Take 1 glass of juice with 1 tablespoon of honey 3 times a day after meals. Stimulates the work of the kidneys, promotes the excretion uric acid, has anti-inflammatory properties, is used for inflammation of the urinary tract. Recommended for metabolic arthritis.
horse chestnut juice
Pressed from fresh flowers. Take 1 tablespoon of juice and honey 3 times a day before meals (with blood test control). It is used for inflammation of the veins and trophic ulcers on the shins.
white cabbage juice
Take 1 glass of juice with 1 tablespoon of honey 2 times a day - on an empty stomach and at night. It is used in the treatment of diseases of the heart, kidneys, disorders of water-salt metabolism. Favorably acts in the ulcerative process of the gastric mucosa, is useful for hemorrhoids, diseases of the respiratory tract, spleen, liver, is indicated for insomnia, eczema, diathesis.
beet juice
Take 1/2 - 1 glass of juice with 1 tablespoon of honey
2 - 3 times a day before meals. It is used in the treatment of diseases of the liver, gallbladder, kidneys, obesity, hypertension, coronary heart disease, constipation. Indicated for complications in menopause. It has mild laxative and diuretic properties.
potato juice
Squeeze in September-October from the tubers. Take 1 glass of juice with 1 tablespoon of honey 2 times a day - on an empty stomach and at night.
Potato juice plays an important role in normalizing water metabolism and maintaining normal operation hearts. Used in the treatment peptic ulcer stomach and duodenum. With the systematic intake of juice, pain, belching, heartburn, nausea disappear, and the acidity of the stomach decreases.
cucumber juice
Take 1 glass of juice with 1 tablespoon of honey 2-3 times a day before meals. Cucumbers are a natural diuretic. Juice is necessary for nails and hair to prevent them from splitting and falling out. It enhances intestinal peristalsis, promotes the excretion of cholesterol.
A mixture of juices of carrots, beets, cucumbers is widely used for kidney and cholelithiasis. carrot juice
Take 1/2 - 1 cup with 1 tablespoon of honey 2 - 3 times a day (before and after meals). For children, reduce the rate according to age. Carrot juice is prescribed to patients with beriberi A, to activate intracellular redox processes, is used for anemia and gastritis with low acidity gastric juice. It promotes wound healing, is indicated for myocardial infarction, as well as for nursing mothers to increase lactation. The use of carrot juice is contraindicated in exacerbation of peptic ulcer and enteritis.
Tomato juice
Squeeze in September-October from fully ripe non-greenhouse fruits.
Take 1 glass of juice with 1 tablespoon of honey 2-3 times a day before meals. Juice enhances digestion, prevents the development of atherosclerosis, promotes the process of hematopoiesis and normalization of cholesterol metabolism, maintains acid-base balance.
pumpkin juice
Squeeze from the fruit in September. Juice with honey, drunk at night, calms the nervous system, promotes sleep. Reception of pumpkin juice is indicated for conditions of general weakness, cardiovascular diseases, obesity, diseases of the liver and kidneys, various edema (it has a diuretic property). Included in complex treatment prostate adenomas.
Take 1 glass of juice with 1 tablespoon of honey 2-3 times a day (before and after meals).
Zucchini juice
Take 1 glass of juice with 1 tablespoon of honey 2-3 times a day (before and after meals). The indications are the same as for pumpkin juice.
garlic juice
Squeeze in September from the bulbs. Take 1 tablespoon or dessert spoon of juice with the same amount of honey. Juice is recommended to take with general weakness, malaise, with hypertension, atherosclerosis, insomnia, rheumatism, tonsillitis, enteritis, colitis, intestinal atony. Garlic juice stimulates appetite, secretion of gastric juice and increases urination, well cleanses the bronchi of mucus accumulation and promotes the release of poisons through the skin. Contraindicated in kidney disease and epilepsy.
onion juice
Squeeze in July-August from fresh bulbs. Take 1 tablespoon or dessert spoon of juice with the same amount of honey.
It is used as a wound healing, anti-influenza, expectorant, diuretic, laxative, anti-hemorrhoid agent. Contributes to the preservation of teeth, increases appetite, improves digestion, stimulates sperm production, improves vision, promotes the release of sand in nephrolithiasis. Recommended for runny nose, emaciation, headache, furunculosis, to strengthen hair.
turnip juice
Press in August-September. Take 1/2 cup with 1 tablespoon of honey 2-3 times a day. It is a good remedy for the treatment of children and adults suffering from softening of bones and teeth. Also applicable when acute laryngitis, bronchial asthma and metabolic polyarthritis.
radish juice
Squeeze in August-October from freshly dug and freshly washed root crops. Take 1 tablespoon of juice and honey 3 times a day before meals. Children, depending on age - a teaspoon or a dessert spoon. It is used for cough, whooping cough, kidney and bladder stones, neuralgia, anemia, flatulence, gout.
melon juice
Press in August-September. Take 1 glass of juice with 1 tablespoon of honey 3 times a day. It is used for atherosclerosis, anemia, kidney diseases and Bladder, has a beneficial effect on constipation and hemorrhoids. Melon juice quenches thirst well and has a calming effect on the nervous system.
lettuce juice
Press in June-September. Take 1 cup with 1 tablespoon of honey 2 times a day. It has a calming effect on the nervous system and improves sleep. Regular intake juice helps to improve metabolism and digestion, acts as a warning on the fragility of blood vessels, helps to reduce blood pressure.
celery juice
Squeeze in September from the roots and leaves. Take 1 tablespoon of juice and honey 3 times a day before meals. It has a beneficial effect on the cardiovascular and nervous system, on the processes of hematopoiesis. Celery juice improves water-salt exchange, acts as a diuretic, is indicated for obesity and neurosis, raises the tone of the body, increases physical and mental performance. It is used for nephritis and urolithiasis, inflammation of the prostate gland, painful menstruation, dermatitis, increases appetite.
rhubarb juice
Squeeze in June-September from the roots and leaves. Take 1 tablespoon of rhubarb juice mixed with a glass of carrot or fruit juice, with the addition of 1 tablespoon of honey 2-3 times a day.
Juice stimulates work digestive system, acts as a mild laxative, recommended for intestinal atony and chronic constipation.
parsley juice
Press in June-September from leaves and roots. Take 1 tablespoon of juice and honey 3 times a day before meals. Juice stimulates the kidneys, is used for cystitis, urolithiasis, edema, renal spasms (CONTRAINDICATED FOR NEPHRITE), inflammation of the prostate gland.
bean juice
Squeeze in June-September from green fruits. Take 1/2 - 1 glass of juice with 1 tablespoon of honey. Juice has a strong diuretic effect, reducing swelling of the kidney and cardiac origin. Systematic intake of juice contributes to the normalization of reduced secretion of gastric juice. Used for obesity and diabetes(without honey).
watermelon juice
Take one glass of juice with 1 tablespoon of honey.
The juice has a protshosclerotic effect, it is drunk with hypertension, gout, arthritis.
Apple juice
Squeeze in September-October from fruits that are fully ripe, with a fragrant smell. Juice is used to increase the body's resistance and to quench thirst. It is a tonic for cardiovascular diseases.
pomegranate juice
Used in the treatment of anemia, tonsillitis, bronchial asthma, atherosclerosis, general exhaustion and exposure. The grape juice
Helps lower blood cholesterol levels, facilitates expectoration, improves metabolic processes in the body and in the heart, has a positive effect on the endocrine glands, improves the quality of mother's milk.
orange juice
Good for quenching thirst effective tool prevention and treatment of hypovitaminosis, helps to quickly restore strength in postoperative period, during infectious diseases and during convalescence. It is also used for hypertension and atherosclerosis.
Juice of apples, pomegranate, grapes, orange take 1/2 - 1 glass with 1 tablespoon of honey 3 times a day. Add honey to juice immediately before taking.
cranberry juice
They are taken for influenza, tonsillitis, hypertension, atherosclerosis, various infectious diseases, in the postoperative period. Juice has a moderate diuretic effect.

Orange beauty has long been known for its miraculous properties. Many believe that the root crop is best consumed whole. But nevertheless, grated carrots, the benefits of which are no less, are more popular.

Grated carrots - everyone's favorite

Grated carrots have one significant advantage over eating the whole vegetable - this is an easier digestion of the product. In the process of rubbing, juice is released, which turns the mass into gruel. This method of cooking allows you to eat healthy vegetable people who have weak teeth and gums or the stomach does not accept coarse food. In addition, children really like gruel from carrots, especially if honey or fruits are mixed into it. As for the quality composition, it remains unchanged.

Grated carrots contain:

  • vitamins A, C, groups B, E;
  • trace elements (iron, potassium, magnesium, iodine, iron);
  • essential oils.

As for the latter, the preparation of root pulp with a grater makes it possible to evaluate the positive effect of oils on open wounds or burns. Vitamins and microelements contained in the grated vegetable strengthen the immune system, improve vision and metabolism. Nutritionists recommend eating at least one grated carrot in the morning to stabilize weight, as the orange root vegetable contains amino acids that remove toxins and bad cholesterol.

The benefits of grated carrots cooked with sugar

Of course, it is better to eat carrots in pure form. However, if you want to sweeten it a bit, you can add honey. This is especially true for young children. But if a baby (or an adult) is allergic to honey, then you can sprinkle the grated orange root vegetable just with sugar - a powerful source of energy. It has been proven that this combination improves mood and gives energy for the whole day.

Apples contain pectins, which, like the amino acids in carrots, are responsible for normalizing metabolism and improving intestinal motility. In addition, the apple has enveloping action on the gastric mucosa and thereby neutralizes the hard fibers of carrots. The combination of fruit and vegetable is ideal in diets, especially in fasting days, as it saturates the body with all necessary elements but does not affect the weight.

Carrots contain a large amount of vitamin A, which is necessary for the normal functioning of the eyes. No wonder they say that 2 carrots a day compensate for 5 hours in front of a computer monitor. But vitamin A is more easily absorbed by the body when consumed with fats. In this sense, it is better to combine it with olive oil or sour cream. Only milk product must be fresh and sufficiently fat. Ideally, this is homemade sour cream.

Their preparation is not difficult, the healing properties are wonderful. It's about about fresh fruit and vegetable juices full of vitamins, minerals, enzymes and other benefits for the body. Their positive impact on health is undeniable.

No wonder they are a component of the daily diet of people who follow the rules of a healthy lifestyle. However, their popularity in our country is not as great as in other countries of the world. It's a pity…

Important fact!
To maintain optimal blood pH, you need to consume 80% alkaline foods. Therefore, at least 50% of the diet should be vegetables.

The most popular fruit and vegetable juices and their effects

In folk medicine, mixtures of juices with honey are often used. What are their medicinal properties and health benefits? For which diseases is it recommended to use specific useful products? Read on.

Celery - for men's health

Celery cocktails (honey is added to each - to taste):

  1. 3-4 carrots, 1 celery stick, 1/2 cup chopped parsley, 1/2 cup sorrel.
  2. 6 carrots, 2 peeled oranges, 1 apple, 1 celery stick, 1 lemon.
  3. Lettuce, 3 carrots, 1/2 onion, 1 green pepper, 1/2 cup spinach, 1 lemon, 1/4 cup parsley, 2 tomatoes.

Celery in large quantities can be harmful. At overuse there is a risk of irritation internal organs especially the kidneys. Contraindications include the period of pregnancy.

Pomegranate - for women's health

Pomegranate juice helps to restore hormonal balance, improve sex life. Pomegranate makes it easier painful menstruation manifestations of menopause.

1 pomegranate and a spoonful of chopped valerian root with the addition bee product help, among other things, to stabilize emotional condition women in critical periods.

You can dilute the pomegranate with beets or carrots.

Do not drink a healthy drink at the same time as blood thinners!


Apple juice is a common ingredient in juice blends. It lowers blood pressure, cholesterol and lipid levels in the blood, strengthens the immune system, heart, normalizes blood circulation, stabilizes blood sugar, strengthens blood vessels.

Apples are rich in potassium, which promotes water management in the body, improves kidney function, muscle activity, contains dietary fiber, reduces cholesterol, binds toxic substances (lead, mercury). The fruit helps with constipation, stimulates bowel activity, especially if you drink it with honey in the morning on an empty stomach.


Recommended for a cleansing course, oxidizes the body. Orange is rich in potassium, calcium, magnesium, is characterized by high content vitamins A, B, C, refers to good sources Selene, powerful antioxidant.

Action of oranges:

  • acceleration of cellular metabolism;
  • increased concentration;
  • activation of all glands of the body;
  • increased libido and potency;
  • strengthening the immune system, hematopoiesis;
  • improvement appearance hair.
Lemonade to cleanse blood vessels

orange lemonade - good remedy traditional medicine for cleaning vessels, strengthening them. Pour 5 slices of 250 ml of boiling water, after insisting to cool slightly, add honey, drink. Consume daily.


The fruit has strong alkaline effects, therefore, cleanses the blood of toxic acidic substances, helps to dissolve inorganic calcium, for example, in arthritis. Contains potassium, vitamin C. Grapefruit is rich in bioflavonoids that increase the effect of vitamin C, contains high level folic acid.

fruit effects:

  • stimulation of digestion, metabolism;
  • help with venous diseases, varicose veins;
  • promoting the treatment of hemorrhoids;
  • strengthening the immune system;
  • prevention of infections, colds;
  • purgation;
  • stabilization intestinal flora;
  • activation of metabolism in cells, promoting cell growth.
For weight loss

The combination of honey, grapefruit juice and apple cider vinegar is a good remedy for getting rid of excess weight.

Mix 1 cup grapefruit juice, 2 tsp. apple cider vinegar, 1 tsp bee product. Drink 1 time per day before meals. Course: 1 week of admission -> 1 week pause.

Black radish

Black radish drink is a healthy liquid that can cope with many health complications, because the vegetable is characterized by a high content of valuable substances.

Mix it with honey (1:1), take during cough, to accelerate mucus, inflammation of the respiratory tract, bronchitis, asthma.

If the cough is accompanied by a sore throat, add St. John's wort to the medicine during preparation.


The vegetable supports digestion, vision, respiratory organs, acts against hemorrhoids, increases resistance to infections. It helps maintain healthy teeth, bones, protects the nervous system, and helps cleanse the liver.

Immunity and stomach

Carrot juice with honey improves immunity. To improve the body's defenses, use it 150 ml per day with the addition of honey. This cocktail can be used to prevent or treat influenza, other viral diseases.

Gallbladder, liver, kidneys

Carrot - useful assistant in case of problems with gallbladder, cookies. For the treatment of diseases of these organs, mixtures of juices are recommended - you can use the recipes below.

Recipe #1:

  • 200 ml each - carrots, beets;
  • 100 ml each - sea buckthorn, lemon, marshmallow;
  • 1 tsp honey.

Drink the drink daily for 6 weeks.

Recipe #2:

  • 200 ml of carrots, beets;
  • 100 ml of lemon;
  • 1 tsp honey.

Use and course - similar.


Beetroot is a vegetable that is useful in many ways.

Its actions on the body:

  • strengthening the body;
  • promoting the formation of red blood cells;
  • purification of the blood, liver, kidneys, gallbladder;
  • stimulation of activity lymphatic system;
  • suitable for women as a natural support for the body during menopause.
From high pressure

Drink beetroot juice with honey daily for 2 weeks. It is not recommended to drink more than 200 ml at a time, because. strong cleansing effect can cause nausea.

Blood Cleansing Cocktail

Mix 100 ml of radish, carrot, beet juice. Add honey. Drink in the morning for 14 days.

Anticancer drink


  • 200 ml beets;
  • 100 ml of carrots, asparagus, rhubarb;
  • 1 tbsp. watercress officinalis, sea buckthorn;
  • 1 tsp honey.

Drink the drink 3 times a day for 3 months. After a 2-week pause, continue taking.

Cocktail for the liver


  • 200 ml beets;
  • 100 ml turnip;
  • 1 tbsp lemon
  • 1 tsp honey.

Drink 2 times a day for 6 weeks.


Cabbage juice helps with constipation, improves skin quality. A healthy drink supports the treatment of ulcers, cleanses the body. Lack of drinking a large number healing fluid may be flatulence. Cabbage cleanses the digestive tract, contains vitamin C, chlorine, iodine, sulfur.

Drink 100-200 ml per day. Course - 2 weeks.


Cucumber juice cleanses the skin, stabilizes blood pressure, helps with inflammation of the gums, has a strong alkaline effect.

cleansing drink

As natural remedy to cleanse the skin from the inside, it is recommended to drink a cocktail of carrots and cucumbers (2: 1). To detoxify the body, add 1 part of red beets and horsetail.

A cucumber-like drink has effects similar to cucumber and can be consumed as an alternative to a refreshing vegetable.


Potato juice supports the treatment of gout, helps with stomach problems, especially when combined with carrots and celery.

A few rules:

  1. Avoid green potatoes! Raw green potatoes are poisonous and can cause serious problems with health.
  2. 1 raw vegetable is enough! Despite the benefits of raw potatoes, do not eat them too often. Otherwise, you are at risk bacterial diseases, digestive problems.
  3. Potato juice is tasteless, so it can be combined with honey, carrots, apples.
  4. By adding flaxseed, you get a natural laxative.
  5. The addition of lemon will contribute to the oxidation of the body.


This wonderful vegetable contains a high proportion of fiber, which contributes to the proper functioning of digestive tract. Therefore, pumpkin juice strengthens the body's natural defenses.

pumpkin juice with lemon

For cooking healthy drink mix pumpkin, orange, lemon (3:2:1) and honey. Add some dandelion and you have a great natural remedy for periodontal disease, spasms, and body toning.


Tomato juice has a positive effect on the body as a whole. Prepare it at home, because. store-bought products often contain unfavorable substances.

tomato cocktail

This drink is full of antioxidants, β-carotene, vitamins. It is recommended to drink it for cleansing the body, losing weight.

Squeeze: 4 tomatoes, 2 apples, 1 carrot, a little lemon or lime. Add 1 tsp. ginger powder, 30 ml of water, 1 tsp. honey.

main role the carotenoid lycopene plays in the cocktail, to which tomatoes owe their deep red color.

Adding green beans to the drink gives it an antidiabetic effect; The arginine contained in the pods acts like insulin.


For constipation, diseases urinary tract, The gastrointestinal tract will help diluted with water - 2: 1 - cranberry juice with honey (1-2 tsp of bee product per 1 glass of drink). The healing liquid is also used in gynecology - with inflammatory diseases reproductive system.

Cranberries go well with hawthorn berries. A cocktail of berries, taken in equal amounts, removes toxins and salts from the body.


Melon juice is an amazing alkaline remedy that supports the treatment of kidney diseases. By preparing a drink from melon, chamomile (flowers) and honey, you will get a natural medicine that has an anti-inflammatory, soothing effect, cleanses the skin from the inside, and has a beneficial effect on digestion.

Instead of a healing liquid from a melon, you can use watermelon - it has similar effects.

Garlic is a therapeutic bomb

Everyone knows about the benefits of garlic for the body. How can it be combined with honey? Easily!
Grind 10 lemons, 15 cloves of garlic, 1/2 kg of honey in a blender. Consume 1 tablespoon in the morning. on an empty stomach The medicine helps with flu and colds.

Garlic + Apple vinegar

Take 200 ml of honey and apple cider vinegar, garlic (10 cloves), mix everything in a blender. Leave to brew in the refrigerator for 5 days. Take 2 tbsp. in a day. Usage: 2 weeks of use -> 5 days off.

The natural firming agent is not recommended during pregnancy and breastfeeding! Contraindications include children under 10 years of age due to weak gastric mucosa. People with gastrointestinal diseases should consult a doctor before taking apple cider vinegar orally.


Today, the popularity of birch sap is experiencing a renaissance. It is popular as a detoxifier and body cleanser. No wonder. A hurried lifestyle, stress, an irregular, often unhealthy diet make a negative contribution to well-being.

Birch drink is considered perfect assistant to address health issues associated with a demanding life. It is full of vitamin C, a powerful natural antioxidant that not only increases the body's resistance to pathogens, but also cleanses it from the inside.

Kvass from birch

To prepare kvass, prepare following products:

  • 5 liters of birch sap;
  • 1 lemon (juice);
  • 50 g wet yeast (15 g dry);
  • 100 g honey.

Mix yeast in 50 ml of water, combine with the rest of the ingredients. Pour into a clean bottle, insist in a cool place for several days.

Onions - for the health of hair, blood vessels, from colds

The simplest and cheap way instant improvement in hair quality - application onion juice on the scalp. A study published in the Journal of Dermatology in June 2002 reports the effectiveness of the application natural remedy on alopecia areata.

For hair

Mix 1/4 cup onion juice with 1 tbsp. honey. Prepare a fresh mask for hair from onion juice and honey before each use. Apply for 30 minutes before each shampoo.

For blood vessels and colds

Mix onion juice with a bee product in a ratio of 1: 2, take 1 tbsp. 3 times a day. The course of admission depends on the disease:

  • from cough, runny nose - until the symptoms are eliminated;
  • for cleaning vessels - 7-day intake -> 7-day pause; full course- 3 doses;
  • atherosclerosis - the treatment is the same as in the previous case.
In gynecology

In gynecology, honey with onion juice is used mainly for erosion. Mix 300 ml of onion juice with 1.5 l of slightly chilled boiled water(it should be warm). The solution is used for douching, after which a honey swab is inserted (a gauze swab is impregnated with a bee product and inserted into the vagina). Treatment is carried out at night, daily, until the disease is completely cured.

Note! It's about support therapeutic method with erosion! Do not use it as a primary treatment!

Olive oil, honey and aloe vera

Aloe vera - traditional remedy traditional medicine used to treat many diseases such as asthma or diabetes. Also, aloe is a proven remedy for hair loss and to improve skin condition.

Hair loss mask

Stir in 2 tbsp. aloe, oils (best of all, olive oil), 1 tbsp. honey, 1 yolk (optional), 30 ml warm water. Apply to hair for 30 minutes.

Mask for blackheads and acne

Honey-lemon mask will help you get rid of blackheads and pimples. The combination of lemon and aloe is ideal for oily, inflamed skin, eliminating age spots that occur with age. Also, lemon is rich in α-hydroxy acids, is natural source vitamin C. The fruit has anti-inflammatory and antibacterial properties, its active substances penetrate deep into the skin, cleanse the pores.

Mix aloe gel, lemon, honey (3:1:2), apply on face for 15 minutes. Mask with lemon for blackheads and acne do 1-2 times a week.

Medical syrup from aloe for internal use

The syrup can be prepared in 2 ways: with the addition of alcohol (vodka), or by combining honey, aloe and Cahors.
Mix aloe gel, alcohol (vodka, Cahors), honey (2:1:2). Infuse for 7 days, then pour into dark bottles, refrigerate.

Cleansing and toning course lasts 7 days. Reception - 3 times a day, 1 tsp. between meals.
Internal reception aloe is not recommended for pregnant women!

Aloe for gastritis

For the treatment of gastritis, mix 100 g of aloe juice and honey. Take 1 tsp. on an empty stomach 3 times a day.
AT natural medicine other ingredients can be added during cooking:

Aloe for eyes and face

Mix aloe gel with bee product (1:1). Apply to face and eye area for 15 minutes. For oily skin, you can dilute the mixture with a small amount of yarrow juice. For all skin types, viburnum is suitable as an auxiliary component.

Aloe Vera with Raspberries and Cranberries

Mix equal amounts of aloe juice, raspberries, cranberries, add Orange juice(2 times large quantity) and honey. By adding nettle or zyuznik, you get a drink that wonderfully cleanses the body.

Burdock tincture

Mix 1/2 liter of burdock leaf juice (crush the leaves, squeeze), 1/2 kg of honey, 1/2 liter of vodka. Leave to infuse for 3 weeks.


  1. For joints - rub with tincture painful joints several times a day.
  2. Cancer - take 3 times a day for 1 tbsp. tincture diluted in water (1: 3), after a week of taking, take a week-long pause.
  3. Increase immunity - take on an empty stomach 1 tbsp. tinctures.
  4. For constipation - 1 tsp in a day.

Do not take tincture of burdock leaf juice and vodka during pregnancy, lactation, ulcers, diarrhea!

Several useful recipes

Let's take a look at some interesting healthy recipes. These mixtures can be prepared at any time of the year! Mix the ingredients, add 1-2 tsp to each healing smoothie. honey.

"Green Bomb"

6-8 cabbage or lettuce leaves, 3 spinach, 1 green apple, 1 cucumber, 2 celery stalks, 1 lemon, 1 tbsp. black elderberry flowers. The cocktail will help with colds, strengthen the body's defenses.

Herbal-fruity harmony

1 apple, 2 small beets (about 1/2 tennis ball size), 1 carrot, 2 celery stalks, 1/2 lemon, 1 orange, a handful of green leaves - spinach, cabbage, a handful of fresh alfalfa.

Warming drink

Celery, red beets, carrots, peppers, zucchini, apple, ginger, onions (white and red), garlic, spices (cinnamon, curry). Mix everything in equal amounts, add some coltsfoot flowers.

The cocktail has a warming effect, suitable for drinking in the cold months, will help with colds, bronchial diseases.

Cooling drink

2 apples, 2 cucumbers, 6-8 cabbage or lettuce leaves, a handful of green parsley.


Despite all positive properties natural drinks with honey, do not use them for allergies!

Pregnant and lactating women should pay attention to the inadmissibility of eating certain vegetables and herbs during these periods. The same rule applies to a number of chronic and acute diseases, in particular, an ulcer, hyperacidity. Otherwise, instead of benefit, they will bring health problems! Acidic drinks (especially those containing lemon) are recommended to be drunk through a straw to avoid damage to tooth enamel.

Many men admit that the worst thing for them is the loss of sexual power. At the first sign of impotence, it is important to take action. You can often do without drugs by resorting to folk remedies, in particular, carrots are useful for potency. It helps to normalize erectile function, in addition, the vegetable differs in general positive influence on the male body.


The root crop occupies a leading position in terms of content. First of all, it is a storehouse of vitamin A, which is necessary for visual acuity and provides normal level potency. In addition, carrots contain vitamins C, E and group B.

The presence of an extensive list of trace elements makes it useful for consumption all year round. Contains a high concentration of:

  • potassium;
  • aluminum;
  • Bora.

Potassium is one of the substances on which the ability of men to conduct directly depends. Carrots also contain:

  • Sodium;
  • Calcium;
  • Magnesium;
  • Chlorine;
  • Phosphorus;
  • Zinc;
  • Nickel;
  • Copper.

Carrots with milk

A popular folk drug is carrots with milk for potency. To prepare the remedy, you must:

  • Clean the vegetable;
  • Grate on a fine grater to make 2 tablespoons;
  • Pour gruel into 250 ml of milk;
  • Put on fire and cook on low heat for 10 minutes;
  • Allow to cool and filter through cheesecloth;
  • Take ½ cup three times a day.
or olive oil.

Reviews: efficiency

According to the reviews of patients who used the root crop to treat sexual impotence, carrots for male potency really different healing properties, and the method of therapy gives good results provided that the treatment lasts a course. Some comments allow us to conclude that it takes a long time to consume a vegetable to maintain potency at the proper level.

Dmitry, 47 years old. “I heard about carrots to increase sexual strength more than once. Till serious disorders no, but constant pressure at work + sedentary image life begins to take its toll. The problem needs to be solved now, so I read about carrots and decided to try it with honey. After the first time, of course, there were no changes, but after a week I noticed obvious improvements. Besides, general state improved, mood is good and I get tired less. I don’t take anything else, so it’s definitely about carrots. Recommend!".

Leonid, 51 years old. “I felt serious erection problems when I stopped going to the gym. I can’t return to my usual mode due to an injury, so I started looking alternative ways. Recommended carrot milk. On the Internet, they also wrote about him as effective means so I decided to give it a try. Of course, I personally don’t really like the taste, but for the sake of my wife I decided to be patient. And, however, a month later things went smoothly, the signs of impotence began to decrease. Of course, comparing such a remedy with medicines (the same), or with modern ones is stupid, but still.

Carrots are a garden vegetable rich in vitamins and minerals. Honey is a flower nectar processed by bees, containing more than three hundred useful for human health substances. The combination of these two products gives a unique physical and chemical composition remedy for the treatment of many diseases. Good carrots with honey and as a culinary dish.

Beneficial features

Carrots are very valuable nutritional value root crop. Let's start with the fact that in terms of the content of carotene, it overtakes all other garden plants. The value of this substance for the body is enormous. Turning as a result of cellular metabolism into vitamin A, it takes part in almost all more or less important processes occurring in the human body. For example, without it, the synthesis of certain hormones, the formation of cartilage and bone tissue, division epithelial cells, the production of rhodopsin - an eye pigment.

Carrots are also rich in the following substances:

  • vitamin PP, which is required by cells for the normal course of redox processes;
  • fiber, which acts as a cleaner in the body;
  • lecithin - a substance necessary for the restoration of damaged cells and the normal functioning of the nervous system;
  • minerals - potassium, calcium, iodine, iron, phosphorus, magnesium, sodium.

There are also vitamins B, E, D, C, K, phytoncides and flavonoids in this vegetable.

Many have heard about the benefits of honey, but few people know that in addition to their antibacterial properties, it contains about 300 substances necessary for humans - vitamins and minerals. Also available in this product:

  • amino acids;
  • essential oils;
  • phytoncides;
  • enzymes;
  • hormones;
  • easily digestible carbohydrates and folic acid.

If you combine carrots with honey, then the health benefits will increase several times. These products perfectly complement each other, turning into a kind of natural first aid kit and a comprehensive supply of nutrients on one plate.

Interesting fact! The longest carrot in the world was 5 m and 84 cm long. It was raised by an Englishman named Joe Atherton. In fairness, it must be added that most of it fell on a thin long tip, which ends these root crops.

What diseases are used?

Carrots with honey are often used in the treatment of the following diseases:

  • bronchitis;
  • tuberculosis;
  • impotence;
  • thrush;
  • stomatitis;
  • sore throats;
  • anemia;
  • rheumatism;
  • osteochondrosis;
  • atherosclerosis;
  • disorders of the stomach and intestines;
  • hemorrhoids;
  • dermatitis;
  • furunculosis.

With therapeutic purpose use grated root mixed with honey or its juice. Carrots are also used as part of various vitamin salads, stewed, boiled. However, you should be aware that during heat treatment, part useful substances and properties are lost, so it is still advisable to eat this vegetable raw. We must not forget that honey, when heated, releases toxic substances and you need to put it in a dish at the very end of cooking.

Advice! With available chronic diseases you should consult your doctor before drinking carrot juice. Use this medicine with caution in case of peptic ulcer, diabetes mellitus, acute inflammatory processes and food allergies.

How to apply?

With impotence

In the treatment of this disease, carrot juice is used. To obtain it, the washed and peeled root crop is rubbed on a fine grater and squeezed. Liquid honey is added to the resulting juice in a ratio of 1:1. Take 1-2 tablespoon 3 times a day.

To strengthen immunity

A mixture of vegetable juices will perfectly support the immune system. To prepare it, mix 50 ml of carrot, 50 ml of apple and 100 ml of cabbage juice. In the resulting drink, put 1-2 teaspoons of honey and drink 3 times a day 30 minutes before meals.

To normalize the work of the digestive tract

A carrot smoothie made from the juice of two medium-sized carrots, 1 teaspoon of bee product and half a glass of cold water will help improve digestion.

Cope with constipation will help grated carrots with the addition of bee nectar. Take such a laxative in the evening before going to bed, 2 tbsp. spoons.

For many other pathologies

For burns and extensive superficial wounds of the skin, a root crop crushed to a mushy state is used, mixed with honey in equal parts.

Colds are treated with freshly squeezed juice mixed with a teaspoon of honey. It is used internally for coughing. With angina, gargle with this remedy.

Raw carrots with honey various dishes it is useful to eat in case of cardiovascular diseases, diseases of the organs of vision, liver, kidneys, anemia.

Interesting fact! The progenitor of the garden carrot was purple and grew wild in Afghanistan. She got her current orange color habitual to everyone in the process of selection in the Netherlands.

O useful properties carrots and its application can also be found in this video:

All materials on the site are presented for informational purposes only. Before using any means, consultation with a doctor is MANDATORY!