The causative agent for men of fast action - which is better. Male pathogens are the most effective in drops, tablets, powders, sprays, from natural remedies in pharmacies: list, names, reviews

The male pathogen, prepared at home, will delicately help increase desire, overcome the deterioration of sexual function. Deterioration of potency and a decrease in the need for sex causes psychological problems, destroys a trusting relationship between a man and a woman. Factors that cause a decrease in excitation are hidden in inflammation, traumatization of organs, infectious diseases, and constant stress.

Only doctors can help with these problems, and you can temporarily increase arousal on your own with the help of aphrodisiacs, odors, special means. It is worth remembering that such assistance will only be temporary, and specialists need to treat the root cause.

  • Viagra. It was originally created as a medicine for the heart, but could not treat it, but it had a positive effect on arousal. This is the first and most popular drug of this class, which is widely known abroad and in our country. Its cost is quite democratic.
  • Yangan-100. The drug is similar in composition to Viagra, but has fewer contraindications and side effects. It prolongs the time of sexual intercourse and tones the male body.
  • Cialis. By using active substance tadalafil acts on the smooth muscles of the penis, relaxing them. In the penis, the blood supply increases and natural attraction increases. Plus: if sex has not come, then the excitement subsides naturally.
  • Horse pathogen. The drug, created for use in veterinary medicine, is adapted for human body. It has the second name "VTS" (texticular serum extract. The blood circulation of the penis improves, the man feels a surge of desire.
  • Levitra. Active means: vardenafil. A new development that exceeds the effectiveness of Viagra several times. Rapid action, potency increase, prolongation of sexual intercourse.

Aphrodisiacs in products

There are many ways to quickly excite your man or restore his male power with the help of products. Folk remedies have a positive effect on potency and desire:

  • Seafood with high content zinc (mussel, oyster, shrimp);
  • (improves libido and has a good effect on the male body when erectile dysfunction);
  • Greens (cilantro, dill,);
  • (increases blood circulation);
  • Avocado;
  • Pomegranate;
  • Strawberry.

  • Read more:

At home, you can cook your own dishes according to recipes that will excite and endow your boyfriend male power. For this, it is not necessary to use chemicals. How to make such a recipe that excites a man?

  • Fry ram testicles with onion rings to improve libido.
  • We take first-pressed sesame oil, mix with honey. The mixture is taken in half a tablespoon daily. You can replace the oil with sesame seeds.
  • Pour fresh oysters with lemon juice and add a glass of champagne to the mixture.
  • Finely chop dill, parsley and cilantro, mix in a ratio of 1 to 1 and take 2 teaspoons between meals.
  • We crush walnuts, Pine nuts and almonds and mix with honey. Proportion: 2 to 1. The mixture is taken in a tablespoon 2 times a day for a month.
  • A decoction of ginseng with the addition of honey, taken daily for a month. Do not use for people suffering from diseases of the heart or blood vessels.
  • Tonic tinctures: Eleutherococcus, Rhodiola, Schisandra chinensis.
  • Vegetable cocktail. We take celery, parsley and dill, mix in a ratio of 2 to 1 to 1. To improve the taste, beet or carrot juice is added. Such a drink is drunk daily to enhance attraction.

Aromatherapy has a positive effect on the male body, bringing signals about a pleasant smell to the brain, and then to the penis. Each scent has its own uniqueness.

  • Carnation;
  • Cinnamon;
  • Orange;
  • Patchouli;
  • Muscat;
  • Bergamot.

Some of them can be added to dishes, for example, cinnamon goes well with coffee, and bergamot with tea. For male arousal, you can use scented candles with essential oils. It will help to prepare a bath for two with a small amount of essential oils.

  • Interesting to read:

natural preparations

Not all arousal agents are synthetic in nature, some are made on a natural basis.

  • Dragon Tornado. Country of origin: China. Made from saffron, black ants, seahorses, ginseng, deer penis extract.
  • Australian kangaroo. The drug is made on the basis of animal penises (dry crushed raw materials), extracts from kangaroo testicles, ginseng and cistanzi. Effective, but sometimes causes allergies.
  • Strong for 10 days. Country of origin: America. Release form: tablets. Components: healing herbs. Action: fast exciter, prolongs sexual intercourse up to 90 minutes, enhances sensitivity. Valid on the tenth day after the start of the reception.

Photo pathogens for men

What are triggers for men

Preparations of this group restore healthy potency

- These are medicines and biological supplements that increase libido and strengthen erections. This group of drugs can be used in the treatment of erectile dysfunction and premature ejaculation as well as to improve the quality intimate life, an increase in the reproductive organ and increased sensitivity.

Dont Have age contraindications, as weak erection and reduced sexual energy can manifest itself not only in older men, but also in young guys.

Main reasons low libido are:

  1. diseases and inflammatory processes reproductive system;
  2. penis injury;
  3. sedentary lifestyle;
  4. poor quality food;
  5. alcohol abuse;
  6. stress;
  7. overwork.

Medicinal pathogens help eliminate Negative consequences the listed factors. As a result of their use, a healthy and stable potency is restored in a man, testosterone levels increase and normalize. hormonal background. In addition, stimulant drugs prolong sexual contact, enhance orgasm and have a general strengthening effect on the entire body.

Pathogens for men in pharmacies

Today in pharmacies a large number of pathogens for men. They can be divided into two main categories: drugs based on selective inhibitors and dietary supplements.

Drugs containing selective inhibitors have powerful action . They have a positive effect after the first application.

AT compound such agents include various selective inhibitors:

  1. Avanafil.

By producing an overwhelming effect on the PDE-5 enzyme, which in male body is responsible for ejaculation, substances activate healthy blood circulation. Under the influence of selective inhibitors, a man's muscles relax, as a result of which the cavernous bodies of the organ are filled with blood faster and better, causing a prolonged erection.

The disadvantage of such drugs is the presence of a number of contraindications. They are not suitable for men suffering chronic pathologies heart, blood vessels, liver and kidneys. Strong stimulants can cause side effects.

Biologically active additives 100% composed of natural substances. Such products are absolutely safe for the body, have no contraindications for age or health reasons.

natural preparations have a complex effect:

  • in addition to increasing potency and strengthening erection, they improve general state organism;
  • accelerate metabolic processes;
  • tone up and produce an anti-inflammatory effect.

However, supplements do not quick results. Most of them begin to act only a few weeks after regular use, so such drugs must be used in a course.

Drugs for potency compatible with alcohol

The activator for men of fast action

Rapid impact on reproductive system have drugs that consist of selective PDE-5 inhibitors. Such drugs act after the first application, and their effect lasts up to ten hours. One of the most popular means to enhance sexual arousal is Viagra Soft.

Photo Viagra Soft 100 mg 10 tablets

Action time: up to 4 hours

Reception with alcohol: compatible

Photo Cialis Soft 20 mg 10 tablets

Action time: up to 36 hours

Beginning of action: in 15-20 minutes

Reception with alcohol: compatible

The best pathogens for men

To the most popular and effective drugs to increase sexual arousal include Viagra. Known remedy allows you to quickly achieve a strong erection and keep it for four hours.

The main actors The component of the product is Sildenafil, one of the best inhibitors for the treatment of erectile dysfunction. Under the action of Viagra, sexual contact becomes more sensitive and long. The medicine increases endurance and general tone of the body.

It is recommended to take the remedy once every three days. The action of the supplement is aimed at the sexual muscles: the natural ingredients of Furunbao Super relax muscle tissue penis, as a result of which its cavernous bodies quickly fill with blood and cause a stable erection.

Furunbao Super consists of the following Components:

  • ginseng;
  • sage;
  • Chinese dereza;
  • Chinese date;
  • lingzhi mushrooms;
  • Japanese Dioscorea;
  • Goryanka.

Balanced composition product:

Photo Levitra 20 mg 10 tablets

Action time: up to 10 hours

Reception with alcohol: compatible

Photo Fujinbao Super 8 capsules

Ingredients: 100% natural composition

Validity time: up to 5 days

Beginning of action: in 20-30 minutes

Reception with alcohol: compatible

photo Super Vidalista 10 tablets

Action time: up to 36 hours

Beginning of action: in 20-40 minutes

Reception with alcohol: compatible

Today, pharmacy counters are full of a variety of drugs designed to improve erection and increase potency. The male pathogen, as most manufacturers promise, will significantly prolong sexual intercourse and provide acute orgasmic sensations, give you the opportunity to have several sexual contacts during the night. Is this really true, what drugs meet the stated promises, in what cases should they be taken? Let's consider these questions in more detail.

Drug Overview

Male potency is a purely individual matter. Even among men of the same age, it can vary, not to mention the faces of the elderly or young age. Sometimes sexual problems result from psychological reasons, some specific injuries or diseases. Therefore, each case requires a private approach, individually selecting male pathogen. Pharmacists are ready to offer a lot of drugs of similar action.


Viagra is one of the most famous drugs in men's circles. The basis of the tablets is a substance - sildenafil, which helps to restore the physiological response to sexual arousal. Sildenafil is a powerful inhibitor that relaxes smooth muscles and increases blood flow to the penis.

For the desired effect of Viagra, a man must be sexually aroused, so that he really desires contact with a certain woman.

The maximum content of Viagra elements in the blood is achieved after taking 0.5-2 hours. If a man took Viagra with meals, when he ate fatty foods, then the effect of the pills will come later - after two to three hours, and the effect of them will be 20-40% lower. The manufacturer declares that the drug is indicated for use in case of erectile disorders caused by nervous disorders or vascular disorders.

The starting dose is about 50 mg, which must be taken approximately 60 minutes before the planned intimacy. The duration of the exciting effect is approximately 4 hours. To speed up the onset of the desired effect, it is recommended to take the tablets on an empty stomach. A maximum of 100 mg of the drug is allowed per day, and the intake should be single.


This drug has also established itself as an excellent male pathogen. The main active ingredient of the drug is tadalafil, under the action of which smooth muscle relaxation occurs, a larger volume of blood enters the penis, which ensures a long-lasting, stable erection. As in the case of Viagra, a man must desire a woman, otherwise no therapeutic effect will not come.

Thanks to the action of Cialis, the following effects are achieved:

  1. The number of sexual contacts increases;
  2. Sustained, prolonged erection, occurring soon after ingestion;
  3. Significant increase in orgasmic sensations.

Incredibly, the action of Cialis can last for a day and a half. Moreover, they do not affect other organic systems like the heart, kidneys, liver. In addition, Cialis does not provide negative impact on testosterone levels and seminal fluid quality.

The drug Cialis is indispensable for erectile disorders, because it will definitely help a man to have a full-fledged sexual intercourse, and not just one, but several. But pills can cause side reaction like head or muscle pain, redness of the eyes or face, digestive disorders, etc.


This drug belongs to the latest pharmaceutical discoveries designed to restore erectile function. In the process of its production, the discovered shortcomings of previous pathogens were taken into account, therefore Levitra is today considered a drug that many times exceeds the activity of the most famous generic like Viagra. The action of the tablets begins after taking in 15-20 minutes, and sometimes even earlier.

The main active ingredient in Levitra is vardenafil, which acts similarly to the main components of Viagra and Cialis. Levitra provides:

  • Getting rid of erectile dysfunction;
  • Delays the onset of orgasm, significantly prolonging the duration of sexual contact.

Distinctive features of the drug Levitra are the following advantages:

  1. The effectiveness of the product does not depend on alcoholic beverages;
  2. The drug helps with any form of impotence or erectile disorder;
  3. Suitable for the treatment of men of any age group, even after 60;
  4. It is well tolerated by patients and is not addictive;
  5. Reduces the recovery time between sexual contacts;
  6. Suitable for diabetics.

Practice shows that after monthly intake Levitra in almost all men there is a restoration of sexual function, even with a diagnosis of complete impotence. But per day it is allowed to take only 1 tablet of the drug, the effect of which lasts for 8-10 hours.

tornado dragon

Chinese scientists have relatively recently developed a drug based on folk Chinese recipes. Tests have shown that Tornado Dragon is excellent for erectile dysfunction. Caused by pathological factors or stressful condition. The tool is based on the following ingredients:

  • Extract from deer antlers;
  • Ginseng root;
  • Tibetan saffron;
  • Saiga and deer penis;
  • Extract from ants and a seahorse.

The composition, of course, is exotic, but numerous studies have proven the high effectiveness of the capsules. Moreover, in addition to sexual health, the drug helps to improve overall well-being. As for the genital area, it is necessary to drink the capsule about 20 minutes before the start of the foreplay. After taking one capsule, according to the instructions, a man will be able to:

  1. commit sexual contact lasting more than 2 hours;
  2. Within 3 days, an erection, if necessary, will be at the highest level;
  3. The number of orgasms will be innumerable as long as the remedy is in effect;
  4. Feelings during ejaculation will be much brighter;
  5. The size of the penis in a state of erection under the influence of the drug will be much larger than usual.

The drug is very useful for patients with heart or kidney problems, diabetics and hypertensive patients. Moreover, with simultaneous use with alcohol, the effectiveness of Dragon Tornado capsules does not decrease.

Australian kangaroo

Until recently, this drug was available only on the American pharmaceutical market. As part of the drug, an extract from the testicles of Australian kangaroos is used. In addition, among the ingredients there are such elements:

  • Sea turtle;
  • Sexual members of a walrus and a deer;
  • Extract from deer antlers;
  • Tibetan yak testicles;
  • Chinese dereza;
  • Ginseng;
  • Cistanchus, etc.

After taking the drug in men observed:

  1. Activation of spermatogenesis;
  2. male increase sexual energy;
  3. Increase in overall strength and vital energy organism;
  4. It has a tonic effect and promotes just stone potency.

It is necessary to drink a pill about half an hour before sex. The components of the drug increase the ability to conceive, increase the quality and volume of ejected sperm, provide multiple erections for several hours, increase the duration of sexual intercourse. The effect of the drug is mild intensity, so it is suitable even for hypertensive patients. The drug should be taken only after medical consultation, because there is a possibility of developing an allergic response.


This exciter has proven itself excellent remedy for penis enlargement and sexual power. This is a kind of multi-improved Viagra from Hong Kong manufacturers of biological products. The drug effectively eliminates a number of problems:

  • Stimulates adrenal activity;
  • Eliminates incontinence of prostatic secretion and seminal fluid, and also relieves premature orgasm;
  • Increases erectile stamina and prolongs sexual contact;
  • Enhances sexual arousal;
  • Prevents and treats prostatic inflammation;
  • Increases the size of the penis (length, volume);
  • Treatment of erectile dysfunction caused by endocrine pathologies.

It is necessary to take the capsule 30-35 minutes before sexual intercourse. Permissible rate- 1 capsule per day. The duration of action of one capsule can last up to five days, which has been proven by studies. Therefore, this fact should be taken into account before taking the drug.

red ant

This drug is also a novelty on the market of male pathogens. Its action is similar to the effect of Viagra, but only unpleasant consequences There doesn't seem to be any headache. The composition of the funds contains:

  • Red ants;
  • Ginseng;
  • mountain lotus;
  • Components from deer antlers (hood);
  • Chinese mushroom, etc.

This composition affects comprehensive, improving erection, normalizing genitourinary activity, increasing stamina and immune defense. The action of the Red Ant begins approximately 15-20 minutes after taking the capsule. The drug is indicated for insufficient hardness of the penis, erectile disorders, genitourinary pathologies etc.

Fatty foods or alcohol have no effect on the effect and effectiveness of the tablets. Thanks to Red Ant:

  1. The penis becomes thicker and longer;
  2. Prolonged sexual contact;
  3. Improves erection;
  4. Potency and libido are normalized.

The drug is contraindicated in people under 18 years of age, and cores.

Strong for 10 days

An unusual, but self-explanatory name. As part of medicinal product contain deer tendons, ginseng, Tien Shan snowdrops, Goryanka, Chinese root and other herbal ingredients. The drug has no effect negative impact for activities of cardio-vascular system, indicators blood pressure etc. But you can take it only on medical advice.

Manufacturers assure that after taking the pill, it is guaranteed:

  • Improved quality of sexual life;
  • Normalization of spermatogenesis processes, elimination of early sperm eruption;
  • After a course of administration, the penis dramatically increases in parameters, and after a single use, the penis will become thicker and longer in an erect state;
  • Increased orgasmic sensations and sensitivity of the penis;
  • Prolongs the duration of sexual contact.

Apart from sexual problems, the drug helps people with kidney failure and depletion of the body, insufficient immune protection. It is indicated to take medicine for impaired urination, prostatic inflammation, lumbago or incontinence.

Capsule means Strong for 10 days is shown to be taken before sex for 15 minutes. Its action begins shortly after consumption and lasts for 10 days. The time of one sexual contact with a single dose is extended to an hour and a half, and with a course of admission - up to 3 hours. Moreover, the drug has no contraindications for use, except for individual hypersensitivity.

Aphrodisiac Products

Not only pharmaceutical preparations, but also products from the aphrodisiac group can help increase sexual performance. Products of this exciting action include:

  1. Protein food - seafood, caviar, fish of marine origin, different kinds mushrooms, eggs, especially quail;
  2. Plants - angelica, ginseng, etc.;
  3. Nuts - pistachios, walnuts, nutmeg, etc.;
  4. Vegetable products - parsley, asparagus, sea kale, celery;
  5. Honey, other bee products;
  6. Chocolate products;
  7. Spices, seasonings like sesame, basil, ginger, cinnamon, cloves, rosemary, garlic, etc.;
  8. Fruit varieties - mangoes, bananas, avocados, coconuts, etc.

Folk activators of male power

With the skillful use of folk recipes, you can also achieve a lasting improvement in potency. There are many recipes that can be used to prepare effective aphrodisiacs for men. The basis of such drugs is usually taken alcohol tinctures ginseng root, eleutherococcus, wormwood, lemongrass, lure and other herbs that have a stimulating effect on sexual desire.

Anise seeds, horseradish root, ginger, marjoram or fennel, onion, garlic, celery, red pepper are used as components for stimulating drugs. Among the herbs, ginseng roots, Goryanka, cistanchus, mint, thyme, St. John's wort, verbena have a special stimulating power.

By using certain nutrition and folk recipes, you can achieve an exciting effect no lower than from the effects of specialized products. Don't neglect aromatic oils, which may also have exciting properties. But approach similar problem it is necessary adequately and with the recommendations of a specialist in order to avoid an effect opposite to the expected one.

Causative agents for men areeffectivesfundsa, whichsby improving blood circulation, certain changes in the body helpedYut maintain an erection long time.

Manufacturers also promise increased sensitivity, the possibility of multiple sexual intercourse.

Male pathogens are prescribed in the case when there are problems with erection, potency. But they are not the main medicine, and are included in complex treatment. Modern pharmacies are overcrowded by similar means, which makes the choice much more difficult.

Traditional Viagra

Viagra is one of the most popular drugs in this category. It was developed several decades ago as a drug against cardiovascular diseases.

But during the research, an unexpected side effect- rush of blood to the genitals. As a result, the active, binding substance of the drug, sildenafil, received tradename Viagra began to be sold in pharmacies.

Sildenafil acts as an inhibitor chemical, which, due to the activation of a number of processes, leads to the appearance of an erection.

The action occurs 30-120 minutes after administration.

If you drank a pill along with a fatty, carbohydrate food, the effect comes later, after 3-4 hours. And the duration of exposure is reduced by 25-30%.

If you want the medicine to work faster, take it on an empty stomach.

The duration of exposure is 3-4 hours.

Attention! Viagra does not help cure impotence.

The medicine helps in the following cases:

  • With a slight erectile disorder;
  • With incomplete loss of the ability to erect;
  • When, when the erection does not linger for more than 1-2 minutes, preventing the completion of sexual intercourse.

Viagra can be taken by men over 18 years of age. Maximum dose- 100 mg (2 tablets). They need to be drunk at one time, in most cases it is enough - 50 mg (1 tablet)

Viagra should be avoided in people with:

  • heart failure;
  • angina pectoris;
  • Peptic ulcer of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • Severe forms of arrhythmias;
  • bleeding;
  • Leukemia.

As an effect of Viagra you will receive:

  • A strong, long-lasting erection that occurs in any conditions;
  • The ability to perform several sexual acts in 3-4 hours;
  • Exacerbation of sexual sensitivity. You will get more pleasure from sex.

Yangan-100 - an improved version of Viagra

Hong Kong pharmacists have improved the formula of Viagra, made the possibilities of the drug wider.

Manufacturers claim that, in addition to restoring erectile function, regular use contributes to the growth of the penis in size.

Yangan-100 operates as follows:

  • Helps to normalize the work of the adrenal glands, prevent their diseases;
  • Eliminates premature ejaculation;
  • Makes sex longer and erection more resistant;
  • Increases sexual arousal;
  • Prevents prostate diseases;
  • Helps to grow the penis in volumes;
  • Combats erectile dysfunction caused by hormonal disorders, stress.
  • Persons under 18 years of age;
  • Men with malignant neoplasms reproductive system;
  • People who are sensitive to the components of the drug.

Male pathogen Yangan-100 is based on natural ingredients. But full squad manufacturers hide. It is known that it includes: potassium sorbitol, potassium sulfate, magnesium.

The side effect of taking the drug will not be to everyone's liking. In terms of duration, it clearly loses to Yangan-100. An erection after taking this medicine can last about 5 days.

Dosage - one capsule per day. Take 40 minutes before intimacy.

Means Levitra

Unlike Yangan-100, Levitra is medication, which helps to cope only with erectile dysfunction, you should not expect additional benefits from it.

The action is achieved due to vardenafil, a substance that activates blood flow to the glans penis.

The duration of exposure is 3-5 hours. It is excreted through the urinary system and intestines.

Available in capsules. Drink 40-50 minutes before sexual intercourse.

Levitra should not be taken if you have:

  • angina;
  • Hypertension;
  • Individual intolerance to vardenafil;
  • Disturbed metabolism.

Capsules Sealex

The advantage of Sealex in comparison with Viagra in the composition. It contains a minimum of chemical components. The main active ingredient is eurycoma extract. It has an anti-inflammatory, tonic effect. Promotes normal operation prostate.

Capsules with 0.05 active ingredient enough to achieve maximum effect.

The drug restores erectile function after nervous strain, infectious diseases, fatigue.

Eurycoma extract also acts on hormonal level. Increases the production of testosterone, releases it. A man feels a surge of sexual energy, desire.

Take the capsule 40-60 minutes before sex. The duration of the tablet is 3-6 hours. You can drink it for no more than 14 weeks. After completion of the course, a break of 2-3 months is required.

Sealex is prohibited for:

  • atherosclerosis;
  • Tachycardia, arrhythmias;
  • heart failure;
  • high blood pressure;
  • Insomnia, increased nervous excitability;
  • Sensitivity to the composition of the drug.


Alicaps is a dietary supplement that helps to normalize the functioning of the gonads, improves the outflow of blood to the penis, and increases the level of testosterone in the body. The main purpose of the remedy is to solve the problem of erectile dysfunction.

Alycaps is perfect for a couple who decide to have a baby. It increases the amount of seed, its quality. Helps to maintain an erection for a long time (4-6 hours), increasing the number of sexual acts.