Phalloprosthetics - cost, indications, operation. Evaluation of the effectiveness and optimization of penile prosthesis techniques in patients with severe forms of erectile dysfunction

Prosthesis of the male genital organ is a surgical intervention aimed at a radical solution to the issue of impotence. Most men suffering from this disease resorted to the use of conservative methods of treating the disease. These methods include psychotherapy, drug treatment and apparatus physiotherapy.

In case of ineffectiveness of the presented methods, medical specialists recommend resorting to surgical intervention. The latest invention of engineers and physicians is penile prosthetics. The first analogues of the reproductive organ had increased rigidity and were not convenient for men, as they constantly supported the penis in an erect state. In the process of refinement and improvement, experts were able to find the so-called golden mean.

These devices contain two cylinders that are inserted into the cavernous bodies of the male genital organ. Further, with the help of a special pump implanted in the scrotum, the prosthesis can become controllable. After the surgical intervention, the man is recommended to refrain from intimacy for 60 days.

The technique of prosthetics is a panacea for men suffering from irreversible impotence caused by fibrosis. Another advantage of this device is the ability to perform multiple sexual intercourse without a limitation on duration.

The probability of restoration of erectile function in men with impotence of organic origin is more than 95%. In order for the surgical intervention to be successful, it is recommended to indicate the indications for this procedure.


Modern devices for prosthetics of the male genital organ are distinguished by a high degree of safety, reliability and efficiency. The simplest option is a rigid prosthesis.

In terms of convenience, a rigid penile prosthesis has not been successful. The design of such devices contains paired elastic silicone rods that give the penis the necessary rigidity.

In this version, the product does not have variable hardness and plasticity, so the male member is constantly in an erect state. Given this circumstance, it becomes difficult for a man to adapt sexually and socially. The only advantage of these products is their low cost. In modern medical practice, rigid prostheses are practically not used.


This option is a more modern and improved type of male reproductive organ prosthesis. This device contains two cylinders of medium hardness with plasticity.

Thanks to these properties, the penis does not lose its natural shape and maintains functional stability. The plastic properties of this type of product are due to the content of a metal rod located in the central part of the device.


This type of prosthesis is characterized by variable stiffness, which makes it the most versatile and modern device for the correction of erectile disorders. After surgery, the reproductive organ of a man does not lose its aesthetic appearance, and its sexual function returns to normal.

The undoubted advantage of inflatable prostheses is the minimal risk of pressure sores. Of the variety of varieties of inflatable prostheses, three-component devices are the most popular.


For the installation of a prosthesis of the male genital organ, it is necessary to have appropriate indications. Surgery is recommended for the following conditions:

  • Impotence caused by diseases of the endocrine system (diabetes mellitus);
  • Vasculogenic erectile dysfunction;
  • As a corrective operation after complications of surgery on the rectum, prostate and bladder;
  • Psychogenic erectile dysfunction.

The procedure for the introduction of prostheses in the case of psychogenic erectile dysfunction is appropriate only if conservative methods of treatment are ineffective.


Prosthetic penis

Before deciding on this procedure, a man must understand that a foreign object will be implanted into his body. The most serious complication of prosthetics is infection in the body.

To avoid such complications, surgery is performed under conditions of increased sterility. This is especially true for men with diabetes.

Before the intervention, it is necessary to undergo a comprehensive examination aimed at detecting latent infections and chronic diseases. The standard pre-survey plan contains the following items:

  • General clinical blood test;
  • General urine analysis;
  • A smear from the urethral canal with subsequent bacteriological examination;
  • Biochemical study of blood samples;
  • Blood sugar test.

In the presence of chronic diseases of the urinary system, the patient is prescribed an ultrasound examination of the kidneys, prostate and bladder. If, as a result of a bacteriological study, sexually transmitted infectious agents were detected, then the patient is recommended to undergo a course of antibiotic therapy, and then re-examine the urogenital smear.


The risk of complications in the background of penile prosthetics is very small, but this possibility cannot be completely excluded. In the process of planning this procedure, it is recommended to familiarize yourself with the list of possible consequences.

These consequences include:

  • Erosion of the soft tissues surrounding the artificial prosthesis;
  • Bleeding from the urethral canal;
  • Infection of the surgical field during the procedure;
  • Failure of the artificial prosthesis;
  • Formation of fibrous tissue at the sites of implantation of the device.

The following factors can contribute to the formation of adverse reactions:

  • Diabetes;
  • Alcohol and tobacco use;
  • Violation of the coagulation and anticoagulation system of blood;
  • Taking certain groups of drugs;
  • Malnutrition;
  • Excess body weight;
  • Diseases of the urinary system, involving the introduction of a catheter into the urethral canal;
  • Infectious and inflammatory diseases of the genitourinary system.

Surgical intervention for the purpose of setting the prosthesis can be carried out both under general anesthesia and by introducing an anesthetic drug into the spinal canal. The duration of the procedure is from 30 to 120 minutes, depending on the type of prosthesis chosen.

During the first 2-3 weeks after surgery, a man may feel discomfort and slight pain. With good health and no side effects, the patient is discharged from the hospital a day after surgery.

About prosthetics (video)

A wide selection of drugs that improve potency and promise an increase in the reproductive organ with regular use does not help in all cases, especially if the reason is in physiology.

To date, the problem of the lack of a normal erection is solved by penile prosthetics - phalloprosthetics. This is an operation during which implants are inserted into the cavernous bodies, imitating a full erection.

The mechanism of erection

It is necessary to imagine what processes take place inside the genital organ in order to understand the essence of the future operation and choose the right prosthesis.

Along the entire length of the penis, on the right and left, there are two cavernous bodies (paired) of a cylindrical shape, inside of which there are many cavities (lacunae) separated by partitions, permeated with a vascular network. Around them is a dense and elastic protein shell, which limits the stretching of the penis during erection. Another cylindrical body, consisting of spongy and fibrous tissue, is located below in the groove between the paired ones. The urethra passes through it.

During arousal, the released nitric oxide relaxes the smooth muscles of the cavernous bodies, they are filled with blood, due to which the penis increases in size. The muscles of the pelvic diaphragm are responsible for the flow of blood: contracting, they do not release blood back, and are also responsible for pushing out the sperm.

If there are circulatory problems that cannot be eliminated by conservative therapy or the structure of the cavernous bodies of the penis is disturbed, then a normal erection is impossible.

Indications and contraindications

Phalloprosthetics is the only way out for those who have tried the entire arsenal of conservative methods: massages, dietary supplements, medicines, external agents, visits to psychologists. And also for people whose erection is impossible due to the physical pathology of the penis.

Penis prosthesis surgery is performed in the following cases:

  • insufficiently developed penis since childhood (micropenis);
  • problems at the psychological level, not corrected in other ways;
  • Peyronie's disease - benign formations located in the protein tissues of the cavernous bodies of the penis. Plaques can be felt even from the outside. Often there is a deformation of the penis, as well as pain during sexual contact;
  • vasculogenic erectile dysfunction (due to circulatory disorders in the genital area);
  • cavernous fibrosis - in the cavernous bodies of the penis, an excessive growth of connective tissue occurs;
  • consequences of operations on the genitals or prostate;
  • endocrine impotence (for example, against the background of diabetes).

A man who decides to have an operation should take into account some facts:

  1. The introduction of prostheses into the cavernous bodies of the penis destroys their structure. If the implants are removed without replacement, then an independent normal erection in a natural way will no longer be possible.
  2. The size of the penis after surgery may decrease within 1-4 cm, depending on the type of prosthesis (the more expensive, the less loss). It is impossible to predict the exact figure during the examination.
  3. Before penile prosthetics, it is necessary to undergo a complete examination, including Dopplerography of the vessels of the penis, since complications may occur. Infections are also unacceptable.

The simplest are one-piece prostheses, which can be rigid or ductile.

Contraindications are various types of priapism - abnormally prolonged and painful erections.

Types of penile prostheses and features of the operation

The main types of prosthetics of the penis: one-component, two- and three-component. The type of operation depends on the grade of implant chosen.

The simplest are single-piece prostheses, which can be rigid or plastic. Rigid ones are inconvenient in that they give a permanently erect position to the penis, which is a serious hindrance in everyday life. The advantages include low cost, quick rehabilitation, reliability.

Rigid prostheses are almost never installed now, as there are more comfortable alternatives:

Penis prosthesis surgery is performed under general anesthesia

  1. Elastic bendable implants (semi-rigid) with plastic memory. They are made in the form of multilayer cylinders made of medical silicone, in the thickness of which there are thin bundles of a special alloy. Immediately before sexual intercourse, the penis is brought into the desired position by the movement of the hand, and at the end of the process, the penis is lowered in the same way. The disadvantage is the long-term residual tension of the muscles of the penis after ejaculation.
  2. Hydraulic two-piece implants (eg AMS Spectra). They consist of two silicone inflatable cylinders and a pump. They are arranged as follows: cylinders-balloons are connected by thin tubes to a pump in which saline is located. The cylinders are sewn into the right and left cavernous bodies of the penis, and the pump is sewn into the scrotum between the testicles. Before sexual intercourse, it is enough to press several times on the place in the scrotum where the pump is installed so that the penis takes an erect position (the solution is pumped from the pump into the cylinders, they will increase). At the end - the same procedure.
  3. Hydraulic three-piece implants (eg AMS 700 Ultrex). A separate reservoir with saline solution (maximum volume 100 ml) is added to the cylinders and pump, which during the operation is located behind the pubic bone at the level of the bladder. The mechanism of operation is the same as that of the two-component ones, but the solution moves from the tank and drains back (by pressing the closing valve at the top of the pump). A significant advantage of hydraulic prostheses is the absence of pressure from the deflated cylinders on the tissue of the cavernous body. In Peyronie's disease, the protocol is not established.

Penis prosthesis surgery is performed under general anesthesia. Surgical access is made depending on the anatomical features of each man and the type of prosthesis chosen: through the foreskin, suprapubic or scrotal region. The price of the operation depends on how much the implant costs (the most expensive are three-component hydraulic ones) and on the qualifications of the surgeon. The installation of a three-component branded phalloprosthesis by a highly qualified doctor will cost about the same as an average class B car. But this is a guarantee of well-performed prosthetics and the absence of complications, as well as further comfort.

Three-piece prostheses

Three-piece prostheses are the most comfortable, natural and in demand. A small incision is required to place such an implant, as the compressed cylinders are very small. The system is filled with saline only after installation, then everything is sealed with special connectors. Surgical access is through the scrotum (incision 4-5 cm, discharge after 3-5 days) or through a subpubic incision (4 cm suture, discharge after 2-3 days).

Sexual life can be started no earlier than 2 months after the operation

The service life of modern models (from Coloplast or AMS manufacturers) is about 25 years. There is often a lifetime warranty on the product.

There is always a chance of rejection, but with penile prosthetics it is only 0.5%, since the implants are protected by special antibacterial coatings.

Postoperative period

After prosthetics, the patient stays in the hospital for 2 to 5 days, depending on the type of operation. The seams subsequently become invisible. If the partner does not know about the operation, then she will not suspect anything.

Discomfort after surgery disappears after about 3 days. The performance of the penis returns after 3 weeks. The first 1-2 months may slightly decrease the sensitivity of the head of the penis, but it will certainly recover. Sexual life is better to start no earlier than 2 months.

Implant handling skills come fairly quickly. In hydraulic models, the main thing is to get used to working the pump before contact and pressing the outflow valve after the penis relaxes.

Implantation does not affect ejaculation in any way. After the operation, 97% of men experience complete sexual satisfaction and forget about past failures.

Do you have serious problems with POTENTITY?

Have you already tried many remedies and nothing helped? These symptoms are familiar to you firsthand:

  • sluggish erection;
  • lack of desire;
  • sexual dysfunction.

The only way is surgery? Wait, and don't act radically. It is POSSIBLE to increase the potency! Follow the link and find out how experts recommend treating...

Erectile dysfunction today is understood as the impossibility of sexual intercourse. At the same time, the man cannot enter the penis and finish intercourse due to insufficient tension of the penis or due to the disappearance of the tension state. There are quite a few causes of dysfunction and far from always they can be eliminated by a surgical or therapeutic method.

penile prosthesis

The cause of erectile dysfunction is insufficient fullness of the cavernous bodies. With normal filling, the penis becomes quite tense, retains firmness for some time, sufficient for sexual intercourse. With low fullness, there are difficulties with erection. With an excessively rapid outflow of blood, the penis loses its hardness too early, which leads to the inability to complete sexual intercourse.

There are several methods of treating impotence today.

The purpose of most of them is to organize the normal filling of the cavernous bodies and the retention of blood in them for a sufficient period:

  • Conservative method - involves taking special drugs that enhance the filling of the cavernous bodies and thereby reduce the manifestation of impotence.
  • Surgical - in the usual case, it involves surgery on the vessels. At the same time, to fill the cavernous bodies, another artery is connected or some veins are blocked, which prevents the outflow of blood. However, with a complete loss of erection, this method is powerless.
  • Restorative - actually phalloprosthesis. In this case, special devices are introduced into the penis and installed to achieve an artificial erection.

Phalloprosthesis is the most reliable method. Implants are made from different materials, but always hypoallergenic. In 90% of cases, reconstructive surgery leads to a complete cure.

As practice shows, when using soft prostheses, the partners of former patients are not even aware of the presence of implants in the penis. The only contraindication to prosthetics is the possibility of cure by conservative or surgical methods.

There are several restoration methods associated with different shapes and types of prostheses.


If the cause of erectile dysfunction is damage and organic changes in tissues, it is impossible to restore normal blood flow. Only in such cases, and resort to phalloprosthesis.

Direct indications for surgery are:

  • atherosclerosis of the cavernous bodies of the penis and arteries, in this case it is impossible to restore blood flow;
  • fibrosis of the cavernous bodies - replacement of the normal tissue of the organ with a non-functional fibrous one;
  • scarring of the cavernous bodies - also refers to irreversible changes;
  • - pathology of the albuginea, leading to dysfunction;
  • complications after injuries or operations on the pelvic organs - the rectum, bladder, which led to the appearance of impotence;
  • dysfunction against the background of severe diabetes mellitus;
  • congenital pathologies or underdevelopment of the penis;
  • prosthetics are also prescribed for psychogenic impotence, if all other methods have exhausted themselves.

The undoubted advantage of penile prosthetics is the long-term result - literally until the end of life, while therapy requires constant repetition of the course of treatment, and the results of surgical intervention become less impressive over time.

The choice of prostheses

Today there are several types of prostheses. They are made from special hypoallergenic materials, but they differ in design. How it is selected depends mainly on the financial capabilities of the patient.

Consider what prostheses are:

  • One-component plastic - the most affordable, but somewhat inconvenient to use. There are 2 types of such devices:
    • resilient or flexible. Made from silicone or vinyl. They are flexible tubes. One phalloprosthesis is inserted into each cavernous body. With this form of prosthetics, the member, as it were, is in an erect state all the time. Since the prosthesis is flexible, in clothes the penis is simply pressed with shorts. The cost of such prostheses is the lowest, so they are installed most often. There are no special indications for the choice of this particular species;
    • semi-rigid - or with a memory effect. Such a prosthesis is a multilayer silicone cylinder, inside which a wire tourniquet is placed. The penis in an erect state is provided by the latter: for this, before copulation, the penis is raised by hand. In the normal state, the penis is lowered. Such a prosthesis is also quite affordable, has good mechanical strength, and is much more convenient. The disadvantages of this option include the constant hardness of the penis, which gives the organ a somewhat unnatural look. In addition, it must be taken into account that after the installation of a semi-rigid prosthesis, the length of the penis decreases by 2–3 cm.
  • Two-piece prostheses - hydraulic. The implant mimics the natural reaction, which provides a more natural erection and a normal state of rest. The prosthesis is a cylinder of rigidity; a reservoir with sterile water is built into its base. The cylinders are placed inside the cavernous bodies, the pump is placed in the scrotum. Cylinders and pump are connected by tubes.

The state of erection is ensured by pumping water from the reservoir into the rigidity chambers. To do this, it is enough to squeeze the pump placed in the scrotum several times. To remove an erection, you need to bend the penis and hold it in this state until the organ reaches relaxation. This feature is considered a disadvantage, as it is clearly unnatural.

  • Three-component - inflatable. Today they are considered the best models and, accordingly, are the most expensive. This option provides the maximum aesthetic effect: the erection looks quite natural, the penis is relaxed at rest and does not present any inconvenience in everyday life.

The prosthesis also consists of three parts, but in this case, the components are placed in a more natural way: the rigidity cylinders are implanted in the cavernous bodies, the reservoir is placed behind the pubis, and the pressure pump is placed in the scrotum. The elements of the prosthesis are connected by flexible soft tubes. When you press the pump - 6-8 times, sterile water from the tank fills the rigidity chambers and the penis "gets up". There are protruding strips on the pump, which are quite audible to the touch under the skin. To relieve an erection, the strips must be compressed with constant pressure so that the water from the rigidity chambers returns to the reservoir. Such a device is more complicated, and therefore the risk of mechanical damage is higher.

Manufacturers began to offer three-piece prostheses with an antibacterial coating.
This model significantly reduces the risk of infectious complications after surgery or implant failure.

Falloprosthesis does not significantly affect the sensitivity of the penis, orgasm and ejaculation. But it is worth noting that the more complex the model and the more flexible the material, the less the prosthesis affects the quality of sexual intercourse.

The course of the operation and rehabilitation

The operation is performed only if all other means of treatment, both medical and surgical, have been exhausted. The patient must understand that after installing the prosthesis, it is impossible to return to a natural erection: the implant destroys the cavernous bodies. This means that if the prosthesis breaks or is injured, it will also be possible to restore erectile function only with the help of a second reconstructive operation.

The introduction of the prosthesis is a rather complicated surgical operation, which requires careful preoperative preparation:

  • First of all, the possibility of prosthetics is established: in a number of diseases, especially the genitourinary system, the implantation of an implant may be undesirable, if not impossible.
  • A general examination is carried out to exclude such diseases as tuberculosis, cancer, sexually transmitted diseases, as well as cardiovascular pathologies.
  • Psychological preparation - as already mentioned, after the installation of the prosthesis, a natural erection becomes impossible, even if the cause leading to impotence is detected and eliminated.
  • A model is selected according to the length of the penis, while taking into account certain features of the devices: a two-component implant, for example, has a greater effect on the length of the penis, a three-component one, as a rule, reduces the length by no more than 1 cm.

The operation can be performed under general or spinal anesthesia and takes from 40 minutes to 2 hours. It depends on the condition of the body and the complexity of the prosthesis: three-piece models require more extensive surgical intervention, so the operation takes longer. If penile prosthetics is performed under general anesthesia, the patient is forbidden to eat and drink 8-12 hours before the operation.

Depending on the type of implant being installed, the operation may include 3 stages:

  • removal of cavernous bodies by bougienage is a mandatory step. Then, cylinders of soft or semi-rigid prostheses or rigidity chambers are implanted in this area;
  • an incision is made in the area of ​​the scrotum and an inflating pump is implanted - for a two- or three-component prosthesis;
  • when installing an inflatable implant, an incision is made in the lower part of the peritoneum, the reservoir is installed behind the pubic bone, which minimizes the risk of damage.

Since the aesthetic effect in this case is just as important as the achievement of functionality, therefore, during the operation, techniques and suture material are used, which ensures maximum invisibility of the sutures.

When implanting plastic one-component devices, the price varies from $400 to $700. When installing a prosthesis with a memory effect - up to $ 1,500, when choosing a three-component model - from $ 7,000 to $ 10,000. The cost of the operation itself depends on the type of prosthesis and the complexity of the intervention.

To ensure the maximum success of prosthetics, after the operation, it is necessary to follow a number of medical prescriptions:

  • The first 2 days - sometimes more, the patient must observe strict bed rest.
  • Depending on the presence of concomitant diseases, the urologist selects an antibiotic. The drug is administered intravenously for 48 hours. In the next 5 days, the patient takes the drugs orally.
  • The patient spends 4 days in the hospital. Then, if there are no contraindications, recovery occurs at home.
  • In general, suture healing occurs in 2 3 weeks. In this case, there may be pain, almost always there is swelling. As a rule, these symptoms completely disappear in 4 weeks.
  • It is necessary to refrain from sexual intercourse for 6-8 weeks. Before resuming sexual activity, you need to visit a surgeon and listen to his recommendations.

On the video, the operation of phalloprosthesis:

Possible Complications

Penile prosthesis does not affect fertility, seminal fluid production, or the act of urination. This is the most important advantage of the reconstructive operation. The main disadvantage is the impossibility of restoring the natural mechanism of erection.

In addition, the operation may be accompanied by some complications:

  • The main risk is infection. To minimize it, use only absolutely sterile preparations. In addition, a course of antibiotics is prescribed to prevent the possibility of infection.
  • There is a small but risk of implant failure. If within 2 weeks after the intervention there is pain, fever, a second operation and cleaning is necessary.
  • If the implant is chosen incorrectly, the prosthesis after some time begins to squeeze the head of the penis, which can lead to necrosis. Unfortunately, this complication cannot be identified immediately.
  • According to statistics, about 20% of prostheses fail after 10 years. In this case, it is necessary to repeat the penile prosthesis.

Phalloprosthetics is a rather complicated operation, leading to irreversible changes in the genitals. It is carried out only in cases where conservative or surgical methods cannot restore erectile function.

Some men suffer from the fact that they cannot complete sexual intercourse, others are not able to start it at all. The sexual organ does not have sufficient tension, as the erection is absent or falls rapidly.

To solve such a problem is sometimes beyond the power of drug treatment., here it is necessary to resort to . Phalloprosthetics is the only way out that will resume sexual life and help save the family.

In contact with

If a man has erectile dysfunction, the condition is extremely serious, then such an operation is indicated. If a man has fibrosis, atherosclerosis or scarring of the cavernous bodies, Peyronie's disease, diabetes-related disorders, congenital anomalies of the genital organ, or complications that appeared after trauma or surgery in the pelvic area, then basically nothing but a penile prosthesis helps.

No matter how, before surgery, you need to undergo a complete diagnosis, try another treatment (, physiotherapy, phototherapy, etc.). If all attempts fail, then a planned operation is scheduled. During it, a prosthesis is inserted into the genital organ. It is he who makes it possible to lead a normal sexual life with a woman. The prosthesis is installed permanently, it is not removed, but if necessary, it is changed.

Types of prostheses and their features

Dentures are made only from materials that do not cause allergic reactions. Designs vary and prices vary.

There are single-component, two-component and three-component prostheses.

Among single-component there are 2 varieties:

  1. Flexible. These are silicone or vinyl tubes. They are installed in cavernous bodies. With such a prosthesis, the penis seems to be erect all the time. He is pressed with underwear, and he does not interfere throughout the day. The price of such a penile prosthesis is small, so this type is common among patients.
  2. semi-rigid. During the operation, a silicone cylinder is sewn into the organ, in which there are several layers, inside a wire tourniquet. To carry out sexual intercourse, the penis simply needs to be raised, in other situations it is in a lowered state. It is not very comfortable, because the organ is always hard.

Two-piece prostheses called hydraulic. The built-in implant imitates an erection at a certain time, after which the member can be relaxed.

A tank is built into the base of the prosthesis, in which there is sterile water. The cylinders are sewn into the cavernous bodies, and the pump, which pumps water into the scrotum.

These two components are interconnected by tubes.

In order for a man to have an erection, he must press on the scrotum (there is a pump in it). To relax the organ, it should be bent and held for a while.

Three-piece include inflatable prostheses. Until now, they are considered the best, but their prices bite. During sex, the penis is erect, in ordinary life it is relaxed.

The cylinders are located in the cavernous bodies, the reservoir is placed in the pubic area, the pump, as in two-component prostheses, is installed in the scrotum. All parts of the prosthesis are connected by flexible tubes. In order for an erection to appear, the scrotum is compressed 5 to 8 times, after which the sterile fluid passes into the reservoir and the organ rises.

For everything to return to its original position, the man must press the pump strips. Antibacterial coatings are now being made for such models, due to which there are much fewer postoperative complications.

Indications for the installation of a prosthesis

Phalloprosthesis is indicated in cases where there is:

  • violation of the cavernous body and blood vessels;
  • fibrosis and scarring of the cavernous body;
  • irregular structure of the shells of the cavernous bodies;
  • organ dysfunction in Peyronie's disease;
  • impotence on the background of a psychological disorder that is not amenable to drug treatment;
  • complications after trauma or surgery on the penis, which led to congestion in the veins;
  • vascular damage due to diabetes mellitus.

If drug treatment does not work, doctors recommend resorting to penile prosthesis.

Preparing for the operation

Before starting the operation, a person must understand that this is a responsible step and it will not work to return everything to its place. You can first study the reviews of patients about penile prosthetics and choose a clinic, a doctor.

After consultation and examination, the specialist will refer the man for a complete diagnosis (tests are taken, ultrasound is done). A complete history is important, according to which all diseases of the patient are detected.

If the patient has any urological disorder or serious problems with the bladder, then these are significant contraindications for phalloplasty. Initially, you need to cure comorbidities and only after that you start thinking about penis surgery.

If the examination is passed and nothing prevents you from going further, then the doctor presents the man with prostheses of his choice. Possible complications after the installation of the prosthesis are immediately stipulated. After the doctor selects the required size, which is calculated by a special meter.

In addition to preparation, the psychological attitude of the patient is also important. Sometimes it is worth resorting to the advice of a psychotherapist. Be sure to consult with your sexual partner, because his support plays a big role.

Operation progress

Surgery lasts one to two hours, it all depends on the complexity of the prosthesis. The entire procedure is performed under general anesthesia.

The technique of penile prosthesis is very complicated, especially if three-component prostheses are placed..

The surgeon makes incisions (one, two or three). This is the area:

  • penis;
  • scrotum;
  • lower abdomen.

Be sure to bougienage the cavernous body. After that, special cylinders or rigidity chambers are placed here. The surgeon makes an incision in the scrotum and implants an inflation pump (when the prosthesis is two-chamber or three-chamber). If an inflatable implant is placed, an additional third incision is made in the pubic area. A reservoir is placed behind the pubic bone, in which there is a supply of fluid.

During penile prosthetics, surgeons are guided by a special technique, use a suture material that leaves virtually no marks on the skin.

A more detailed course of the operation is shown in the video:(Phalloprosthesis three-component).

Where phalloprosthesis is performed can be found on the Internet. Sometimes there are discussions on the forums about this, on the basis of which appropriate conclusions are drawn. Before you go under the knife, get detailed information about the surgeon and the clinic itself. The medical facility must be fully equipped.

A photo

See photos of penile prosthetics:

Postoperative period

After operation the rehabilitation period takes 1-1.5 months. During the first week, the patient is admitted to the hospital. He is closely monitored, since the greatest risk of complications occurs during this period.

In order for everything to be in order, it is necessary to comply with all the requirements of the doctor..

  1. During the first two days, you can not get out of bed.
  2. The first 2 days the patient is injected with an antibiotic in a vein. Then for five days he is drunk orally.
  3. You can not have sex for about two months.
  4. Before the onset of sexual activity, a consultation and examination by a urologist is needed.

During the first 2-3 weeks there is pain and discomfort, there is swelling.

Contraindications and risks

Surgical intervention is contraindicated if there is:

  • pathological long erection (priapism);
  • chronic and acute urinary tract infections;
  • severe course of various diseases;
  • venereal diseases.

If dysfunction can be cured by a conservative method, then penile prosthesis is also not done.

After surgery, the following complications may occur:

  • the occurrence of an infection;
  • failure of the prosthesis.

If there is a prolonged increase in body temperature, or severe pain for more than two weeks, you should immediately be examined to rule out the occurrence of complications.

Sex after penile prosthetics

Sex after penile prosthetics makes it possible for a man to feel significant again in a woman's life.
The sensitivity of the organ with the prosthesis is not reduced. Women get the same pleasure as with a natural erection.

The only thing that distinguishes sexual contact after penile prosthetics is the preparation of the organ for sex. A man before and after contact has to “work” a little on his body.

You can see the organ in the photo, before and after phalloprosthesis. The difference is significant.

Where is the operation to restore potency and its price

Falloprosthetics in Moscow done in many clinics. Among the variety of medical institutions, attention should be paid to the level of qualification of specialists, the profile of a medical institution, rating and reviews.

Prices for penile prosthetics in Moscow have some differences:

  • Clinic "Miracle Doctor" - 93 500 rubles;
  • "Family Clinic" - 100,000 rubles;
  • "Best Clinic" - 57,500 rubles;
  • "CELT" - 98,000 rubles;
  • Clinic of functional disorders - 98,000 rubles;
  • "Bioss" - 100,000 rubles;
  • "Doctor Plastic" - 190,000 rubles;
  • "Medlux" - 23,400 rubles;
  • "MedEstet" - 105,000 rubles. and etc.

Phalloprosthetics in St. Petersburg also well distributed. Popular clinics:

  • "MEDEM" - 171 180 rubles;
  • Andros - 94,000 rubles;
  • "Abia" - 49 333 rubles;
  • "Admiralty Shipyards" - 59,567 rubles;
  • "Scandinavia" - 46,000 rubles. and etc.

Phalloprosthesis in Novosibirsk are done in the multidisciplinary medical center "Avicenna", the clinic "EvroMEd" and "Niito". The price of the operation is from 30,000 to 60,000 rubles. It all depends on the complexity and the implants used.

They also do penile prosthetics in Nizhny Novgorod, prices fluctuate. It depends on the remoteness of the clinic from the center and the materials used. The most popular are Anastasia, Academy VIP, Tonus Premium. The cost is from 40,000 to 100,000 rubles.

Phalloprosthetics is the installation of implants in the region of the cavernous bodies of the penis. Radical therapy, which is used for impotence, if other methods do not give the desired effect. The inability of a man to achieve an erection and maintain it during intercourse is a problem for men of mature age.

But often it is faced by younger people. Modern medicine has in its arsenal various methods of healing the disease.

Classical treatments

The cause of impotence is the poor filling of the cavernous bodies and the rapid outflow of blood, leading to the inability to complete sexual intercourse. The main methods are aimed at restoring this function.

Most often, the patient is prescribed complex therapy. You should not engage in healing and try out pills and devices from advertising on yourself, you can worsen your condition.

impotence treatment

An integrated approach combines not only various methods, but also psychological assistance. Often the cause can be far-fetched problems. Therapy for such an ailment is a consultation with a sex therapist.

Treatment with drugs has different directions. It can be tablets, ointments, rectal suppositories. Their action is to eliminate the causes.

  • Vacuum treatment is the injection of blood to the genitals with the help of a pump and fixing it with a special ring at the base of the penis. This is enough for 20-30 minutes to complete the act. The operation of the device is not therapeutic.
  • Genital and perineal massage is part of complex therapy. Improves blood circulation, increases sensitivity, relieves nervous tension.
  • intracavernous method. Injections of medications into the cavernous body of the penis to stimulate an erection.
  • Shock wave therapy. Improves blood circulation, promotes the growth of new blood vessels.
  • Physiotherapy exercises are necessary for those who lead a sedentary lifestyle. Special exercises improve blood circulation in all organs. Relieve tightness of the muscles that affect erection, has a urological effect.
  • Surgery is the last opportunity to restore potency. Used when other treatments have failed.

erectile dysfunction

An erection is a necessary condition for sexual intercourse. When a failure occurs, not only physical, but also psychological problems arise. In the penis, the cavernous bodies are poorly filled with blood during arousal.

She quickly leaves the organ. The entire process is controlled by the central nervous system. If it fails, nerve impulses are interrupted, impotence occurs.

In addition, there are a number of other reasons leading to this problem. Dysfunction indicates a deterioration in overall health.

Often men turn to a specialist for help late. The main method of treatment remains radical. Phalloimplantation is successfully used in all countries.

The recovery rate reaches 90%. For many, this method is a salvation from the disease. The condition before and after implantation is very different.

Varieties of penile prosthetics

The operation is the installation of a special device in the genital organ. Implant - what is it? What types does it have?

  • Rigid, elastic - these are cylindrical silicone rods. Used at the beginning of prosthetics. The disadvantage of the method is that the penis is permanently erect. This negatively affects the psychological state of the patient.
  • Semi-rigid, plastic with memory, one-piece prosthesis. Inside, there are additional metallic silver threads that help to ensure the location of the penis during intercourse. The man independently raises it with his hand after intercourse lowers it. The difficulty lies in the fact that the body is constantly in a solid state.
  • Inflatable or hydraulic. They are of three types. They are made up of different parts.
    One-component - hard, low quality.

Two-component - contain a liquid that moves inside the prosthesis. The patient himself can regulate the entire process of intercourse.

For excitation, press it several times to start the filling process. After finishing, bend the penis and hold it for a while so that the liquid comes down and the excitement subsides.

A three-piece implant is made from anti-allergenic, durable materials. It consists of three parts:

  • Two cylinders in the form of cavernous bodies of the penis.
  • An oblong-shaped reservoir that is filled with a sterile liquid in a volume of not more than 100 ml. It is placed next to the bladder (adipose tissue).
  • Liquid transfer activator. Located in the scrotum.

The principle of operation is to start it, which controls the flow of fluid from the reservoir into the cylinders, gradually increasing the erection.

Turning it off reverses the process. Component is considered the most modern, closest to natural sexual intercourse.


  1. If complex conservative treatment did not bring positive results.
  2. The effect of Peyronie's disease, when a strong curvature leads to impotence.
  3. Unsuccessful surgical operations on the genitals, prostate, bladder, rectum.
    Severe course of diabetes.
  4. Sequelae of prostatectomy, adenomectomy. Restoration of erectile function.
    Underdevelopment or atrophy of the penis.
  5. Deterioration of the blood circulation of the organ, vascular pathologies.
  6. Fibrous disorders of the inner layers of the penis.


There are medical indicators when the operation is not possible.

  • The presence of venereal and infectious diseases.
  • Poor blood clotting.
  • Chronic pathologies of the genitourinary sphere.

Pros and cons

Like any surgical operation, the introduction of a prosthesis is a difficult test for the patient. About 10% of those operated on will be dissatisfied with its outcome.

  • After the implant is installed, the integrity of the cavernous bodies of the penis is violated.
  • There is no way back.
  • The organ will stand only with the help of a pump.
  • Another disadvantage is the high price.
  • If the implant fails, the operation is repeated to replace it. There are no other treatments.

The positive side of plastic is:

  1. Restoration of erection, the ability to have children.
  2. The establishment of a three-component prosthesis is as close as possible to natural intercourse.
  3. A woman may not even be aware of its presence. Conception is possible, fertilization occurs naturally.


The operation is carried out according to the doctor's prescription, after a thorough examination. Many people need psychological counseling.

The surgeon who will perform plastic surgery must explain to the patient how it is performed, possible complications, the risk of relapse, and the duration of rehabilitation.

Pick up implants together, analyze the mechanism of action. The anesthesiologist determines the type of anesthesia. Selected according to the length of the penis.

You need to know that during the operation, it decreases slightly. This happens least of all with three-component plastics (up to 1 cm).


Implant technology is a serious procedure that must be carried out in a medical facility under sterile conditions to avoid infection.

It is done under general or spinal anesthesia. Its course will depend on the number of components. The most difficult and lengthy consists of three stages.

Bougienage (removal of cavernous bodies). A necessary process for any plastic surgery. Cylinders made of soft materials are inserted into these cavities. An incision is made at the base of the penis.

With a special tool, cavities from the cavernous bodies are released (bouginated). The patient must know that they are not subject to recovery. There are two cylinders.

The second stage is the implantation of the pump into the adipose tissue of the scrotum, combining with the help of special tubes. To do this, you need to make another incision on the scrotum.

The third stage is the installation of a reservoir with liquid, which is installed at the bottom of the peritoneum behind the pubis. Make the last cut. All objects are connected by tubes.

For seams, special threads are used to minimize external cuts.

Benefits of prostheses

  • Plastic gives an almost 100% guarantee of the treatment of the disease. The use of modern materials and technologies provides hope for those who have tried all sorts of methods.
  • Sexual contact is allowed after two months.
  • Does not require constant medical supervision.
  • The penis and head remain sensitive.
  • Gives the chance to conceive a child. The long-awaited pregnancy is coming.
  • The ability to control the duration of sexual intercourse until the partners are completely satisfied.


As a result of unsuccessful prosthetics, there may be:

  1. Rejection of the implant.
  2. Heavy bleeding.
  3. Damage to the urethral canal and head of the penis.
  4. Tissue death (necrosis).
  5. Deformation and curvature of the penis.
  6. Blueness and bruising.


  • After the operation, the patient should be under the supervision of specialists for about a week.
  • The first two days - bed rest.
  • Administering an antibiotic intravenously, then in the form of tablets to avoid infection.
  • There will be swelling and pain for about a month.
  • Before starting sexual relations, you need to consult a surgeon.


The operation is quite complicated. Its price depends on the complexity and implants that will be implanted. The cheapest ones are single-component.

Their cost is from 500 to 800 USD. Of the two - 1300-1600 USD Expensive ones consist of three devices - 8-15 thousand USD.