Feet swollen after hot sand. What to do if the legs swell? Causes of swelling of the legs in the chronic manifestation of pathology

Among the reasons for the appearance of edema of the left leg (or right limb) there are both external factors not associated with diseases, and internal malfunctions in the body. However, at the sight of such a pathology, one should not panic: the problem does not pose a mortal danger, and it is easy to identify the features of its occurrence after a little diagnosis.

Recognizing swelling of the left leg is easier than determining its type. For an experienced therapist, this process is not difficult. There are several types of edema, the definition of which will help in further identifying the causes of their formation:

  • mechanical - appear after injuries, as a result of pregnancy, as well as in the case of the formation of tumors in different parts of the body;
  • hydremic - appear with kidney disease and are associated with fluid stagnation;
  • congestive - occur due to problems in the capillaries and blood vessels;
  • cachectic - occur due to dehydration or severe exhaustion of the body, as a result of heart disease;
  • neuropathic - are formed as a result of diabetes mellitus or alcoholism;
  • allergic - characterized by rapid appearance and strong severity.

Identification of the causes and prescription of treatment for swelling of the left leg begins with determining the type of swelling. After that, it is easier for the doctor to establish the correct diagnosis. However, edema is not always formed as a result of the disease. There are specific causes of swelling of one leg that do not require complex therapy:

  • increased load - standing work, heavy physical activity;
  • formed flat feet;
  • improper drinking regimen and fluid abuse before bedtime;
  • problems with metabolic processes in the body;
  • the habit of always sitting cross-legged;
  • too low position on the chair during work, or the use of soft seats;
  • wrong shoes - too high heels or flat soles;
  • excess weight;
  • ankle or toe injury;
  • pregnancy (but swelling in one limb rarely spreads without pathological processes).

All causes that are not related to diseases of the organs can be easily corrected through lifestyle changes. However, some symptoms may hide serious diseases, such as diabetes.

Diseases that provoke swelling of one limb

Among the causes of edema of the right or left leg, there are also more serious components - diseases. The most common of them:

  • varicose veins, swelling is at first hardly noticeable, then it increases with prolonged standing;
  • pathologies of the cardiovascular system - any problems with the heart and blood vessels, including hypertension, can lead to a sharp swelling of one limb;
  • kidney disease - edema is very strong, often affects both limbs. However, in some cases, there may be swelling of one leg, concomitant darkening of the skin around the eyes and a change in the nature of the urine;
  • bowel disease - edema is accompanied by diarrhea and other symptoms from the gastrointestinal tract;
  • "elephant" disease - lymphatic drainage in the epidermis worsens, metabolism is disturbed;
  • thyroid disease - swelling can be elastic, affecting the lower parts of the legs. Possible additional swelling of the body, lethargy and drowsiness;
  • thrombophlebitis - unlike varicose veins, it is always accompanied by a feeling of heat in the veins, redness and pain along its location;
  • blood clots in the veins - clogged ducts do not allow the heart to receive the right amount of blood, its circulation is disturbed;
  • osteomyelitis is a disease of bones and joints, in which an acute inflammatory process occurs.

If, for example, the right leg is swollen, its color has changed a lot and sensitivity has been disturbed, you need to consult a doctor. Some diseases suggest the presence of several complications at once, which leads to severe edema and even gangrene of the lower extremities.

Concomitant symptoms and diagnosis of pathology

If one leg is swollen, but additional symptoms appear, then this almost always requires a visit to the doctor:

  • pain and shortness of breath - possible heart failure;
  • a temperature above 39 degrees is a sign of the onset of inflammation;
  • high blood pressure in a pregnant woman;
  • severe pain in the joints;
  • convulsions.

Severe morning swelling of the face and eyes can speak of kidney problems.

Diagnostic steps

Diagnosis of diseases begins with the therapist's office. Then, according to the results of the examination, he will give a referral to one of the narrowly specialized specialists. To identify the problem, you need to undergo ultrasound, X-ray, lymphoscintigraphy (examination of blood vessels and nodes), in some cases you need to undergo an MRI. Additionally, blood and urine tests are prescribed. If heart disease is suspected, a cardiogram is done.

What is the danger of swelling of one leg

The reasons why swelling of one leg can be so dangerous are hidden in possible diseases of the heart, kidneys, and endocrine system. If one leg swells constantly, you need to see a doctor. Otherwise, a person is waiting for the progression of the disease that caused the pathology.

Among the signs of deterioration are: weight lifting, swelling under the eyes, frequent bouts of hypertension, severe pain and the inability to move normally.

Even the simplest edema caused by trauma can become chronic if left untreated. Sometimes edema develops into an "elephant's" disease, there is a violation of the lymphatic drainage and varicose veins develop.

First aid for detecting edema

Before using the means to relieve swelling, it is necessary to provide the patient (or yourself) with first aid. However, they are effective only in the absence of serious illnesses - due to heat, in the morning, due to stress.

First you need to free your feet from clothes and shoes, wash them with cool water and try to relax. You can then use a relaxing cream to relieve swelling in your right or left leg. Apply with massage movements. After that, you need to rest for about 20 minutes, putting your feet just above head level.

After the first procedures, they begin a more serious treatment - the use of compresses and baths, as well as other traditional medicine recipes. In the presence of diseases, the doctor prescribes drugs to relieve pathological swelling.

Which doctor to contact

If swelling appears on one leg, then you can first contact a therapist. Then they will give a referral to a cardiologist, nephrologist or phlebologist, depending on the type of edema and associated symptoms. If you suspect a thyroid disease, you are referred to an endocrinologist.

Treatment Methods

Among the methods of treating edema, there is no one option. Therapy should be approached comprehensively, including all the remedies recommended by the doctor:

  1. Massotherapy. The therapist will show you how to do it correctly to relieve swelling.
  2. Gymnastics. A set of exercises will be selected by a specialist.
  3. Baths and rubbing. Mainly folk recipes, decoctions of herbs, sea salt are used.
  4. Complete rest. Without these components, fast and high-quality treatment is impossible.

After determining the cause of the swelling of the left or right leg, the doctor will prescribe treatment. In complex therapy, drugs are necessarily used. To cope with swelling will help:

  • phlebotonics are prescribed - drugs that strengthen veins and blood vessels (Aescusan, Venarus, Detralex, Troxevasin);
  • use anticoagulants - blood thinners (Aspirin, Lyoton);
  • in some cases, funds are prescribed to improve the functioning of the heart, stimulating the pumping function;
  • diuretics are prescribed as part of the complex treatment of edema and varicose veins;
  • antiplatelet agents - used to cleanse the blood of cholesterol and plaques - are prescribed as needed.

Additionally, compression garments are used to retain fluid. With swelling caused by diseases of the joints, orthopedic shoes or insoles are selected.

Alternative remedies for swelling on the left leg

The use of traditional medicine in the treatment of swelling of one limb is effective and appropriate. Methods can be used both in combination with the main therapy, and as a maintenance treatment:

  1. Wraps with birch leaves. You need to take cotton rags - old sheets or towels, pieces of cloth - bags are formed from them. You can take old pillowcases. Birch leaves are poured into them and put on their feet. They tie well and wait for the limbs to start sweating. After about 2-3 hours, the pillowcases are removed.
  2. Compress and light massage. You can use a decoction of any suitable herb for a compress. Soak cotton paper in it and wrap it around the problem leg. Then they put on a bag and wrap it up. Leave it on all night.
  3. Turpentine. Pure turpentine mixed with 2 parts of warm castor oil will help with swelling on one leg. The skin is wiped, put on high socks and left for the whole night. Any swelling should go down overnight.
  4. Sea salt. Pour warm water into the basin and put about 30-40 g of sea salt. The leg is placed for 30 minutes, the procedure is completed with rinsing and a light massage.
  5. Peppermint. 3-4 drops of mint ether are dripped into cool water and a foot is placed in the bath.

A separate group can be identified medicinal herbs to eliminate edema. They can be taken both internally and externally in the form of compresses.

Herbs to treat edema

Among the popular herbs for relieving puffiness caused by an unhealthy lifestyle, injuries and other factors not associated with severe diseases of the internal organs, there are:

  1. Cornflower. Used 1 tsp. blue cornflower and 1 cup boiling water. You need to insist the product all night, filter in the morning and 2 tbsp. l. taken before every meal. Not to be taken by pregnant women!
  2. Linen. Seeds and inflorescences are used - a mixture of 3 tbsp. l. pour 1 liter of boiling water and cool. You need to take 2 tbsp. l. You can add a little honey, as the product is bitter.
  3. Cherry. Use the stalks prepared by yourself. Take 2 tbsp for 250 ml of boiling water. l. dry legs and leave for 40-60 minutes. When the mixture has cooled, take 1-2 tablespoons. Do not drink with liver disease!
  4. Pharmacy chamomile. A sedative that, in the form of a strong decoction, relieves swelling well. Pour 12 inflorescences with 250 ml of boiling water and cool. You need to take 1 tbsp. l. before eating.
  5. Calendula. A well-known medicinal herb that relieves swelling well. Take 2 tsp. for 500 ml of boiling water, you can add 1 tsp. cornflower flowers. Accepted at sedentary work, wearing high heels. You can drink before every meal.

Treatment with medicinal herbs should not last longer than 1 month, as addiction may occur. If folk remedies are used as part of complex therapy, alternate them with each other.

Elimination of edema with varicose veins

If swelling on the right or left leg appeared as a result of varicose veins, then you can get rid of it using additional methods and medicines. The key recommendation is to use moderate physical activity without heavily involving the legs. Yoga asanas are ideal for fighting varicose veins.

You can not engage in power sports with sharp jumps and jerks.

Swimming and water sports are great for reducing swelling caused by varicose veins. However, without drugs in the removal of pathology can not do. In general, they are similar to those used in the treatment of edema from other diseases.

All medications are taken strictly in a course, and the results of treatment are evaluated by the doctor after a second examination and analysis.

Regardless of the causes of fluid accumulation, doctors recommend treating swelling of one leg using light physical activity. All exercises can be done right on the bed or on the floor at home:

  • "Scissors" - perfectly stimulate blood flow - swing with straight legs;
  • "bicycle" - lying on a hard sofa, they make movements with their feet, as if riding a bicycle;
  • "birch" - the legs rise up, you can start with an emphasis on the wall, the back is supported by hands in the lumbar region;
  • skiing, running and cycling are the maximum allowed sports with high activity.

Puffiness prevention

So that the right or left leg does not swell and does not swell from time to time, you need to follow simple rules of prevention. They will not help get rid of diseases of the kidneys, heart and varicose veins, but will facilitate the process of possible treatment.

Wear comfortable, low-heeled shoes and avoid putting too much stress on your feet.

Doctors advise to normalize the diet, remove a large amount of sweets, fats and salty foods. It is also useful for prevention to engage in moderate physical activity, perform therapeutic exercises and foot massage.

If swelling is tormented in the morning, then in the evening it is necessary to prevent excessive fluid intake. And a cup of coffee, one of the best diuretic products, will help remove excess water.

What to do if your legs swell, swell and hurt?
If the swelling of the legs first appeared for no apparent reason, then the reasons must be clarified.
Examinations are needed: ultrasound of the kidneys, thyroid gland, examination of the vessels of the lower extremities, ECG. Women need to visit a gynecologist.
Many people know why their legs swell in their case.
The causes of edema may be the following:
1. Diseases of the cardiovascular system
2. Pathology of the kidneys
3. Varicose veins.
In this article, we will consider the treatment of leg edema with folk remedies according to recipes and reviews from the newspaper "Herald Healthy Lifestyle".

In summer, with the onset of warm days, especially in the evening, women's legs often swell. What to do, what is the reason, how to remove swelling of the legs with folk remedies? These questions are answered by the head physician of the Moscow clinic "Medsi" Guseinova Zulfiya Guseinovna.
To avoid excessive thirst, reduce the consumption of salty, spicy, fatty foods, sweets, spices, give up carbonated drinks.

Why do women's legs swell in the summer.

Puffiness is closely related to the amount of fluid you drink. In the summer we drink more, so swelling appears.
Swelling of the legs in women is also directly related to hot weather, since under the influence of the sun their hormonal levels are activated, which causes fluid retention in the woman's body.
What to do to avoid puffiness in the heat? Not so much drinking less as limiting foods that can cause increased thirst: If you sharply reduce the flow of fluid into the body, water, on the contrary, will be deposited in the tissues in reserve, which will cause swelling of the legs.

What to do if your legs swell. How to quickly relieve swelling of the legs at home.

If the legs swell, first of all, you need to undergo examinations, clarify the diagnoses of your diseases in order to understand and eradicate the causes. Before the diagnosis is clarified, you can quickly remove swelling of the legs at home with the help of diuretics. But we must remember that this is a rather powerful medicine, besides, diuretics increase the excretion of useful trace elements from the body, especially potassium.

Effective diuretics for edema

diuretic drug hypothiazide applied one-time and not more than 12.5 mg.
Now the diuretic drug is much more often used - verospiron. It belongs to potassium-sparing, it is used daily at 25 mg, but not more than 7-8 days.
Diuretic drugs are best taken in accordance with the biological rhythm of a person, and this is 5-6 in the morning for the kidneys, and strictly on an empty stomach. But before you grab the pills, take advantage of diuretic herbs: bearberry, corn stigmas, lingonberry leaf, ready-made kidney collection. All these folk remedies can be bought at the pharmacy. Infusions of diuretic herbs can be taken for 1-2 months.
External agents will also help: lyoton 1000 gel and troxevasin ointment. These remedies are especially good if the cause of edema is varicose veins.

What to do if the legs swell and hurt. Why does pain occur with swelling.

Medicines for pain with swelling of the legs.

If the legs hurt and swell, it means that the body cannot cope with the removal of excess fluid. The pain appears because the swollen tissues compress not only the vessels, but also the nerve endings.
Help relieve swelling pain non-steroidal anti-inflammatory ointments: diclofenac, ketanol. Apply the ointment to swollen areas with light movements from the bottom up. If the pain is very severe, take an anesthetic inside, or better antispasmodics - papaverine or no-shpu.
In the summer heat, it is useful to take vascular preparations for a course of 1-2 months: detralex, troxevasin, trental, ascorutin.

Why do summer residents' legs swell. Prevention of puffiness.

Tips from the newspaper "Bulletin of Healthy Lifestyle" 2013, No. 11, pp. 12-13.

  • The cause of leg edema in summer residents is mainly vascular pathology, women and men in the country spend a lot of time in static uncomfortable positions. This inhibits the outflow of blood from the blood vessels of the lower extremities. The veins and femoral arteries are blocked. To prevent this from happening, it is better to work while sitting on a low stool.
  • Every half an hour you need to take a short break, stretch your muscles, walk around the site.
  • Take a longer break every 2 hours and do exercises: swings, shaking your feet, rise on your toes, pull your socks towards you. The calf muscles will begin to contract and push the venous blood back into the channel, there will be no stagnation of blood and swelling.
  • Contrast baths and cool showers are very useful. When watering the beds, do not forget to pour cold water on your feet. This contributes to a sharp contraction of muscles and blood vessels, excess fluid is removed from the lower extremities.
  • Instead of tea, drink a decoction of parsley, it has a slight diuretic effect, and a lot of other advantages. It is also very useful to eat fresh cucumbers from the garden, they quench thirst well and relieve puffiness.
  • Do not wear socks with tight elastic bands, because of this, many people's legs swell in the evening, cramps may occur. Wear compression stockings for varicose veins.

What to do if your legs are very swollen. How to remove swelling with a decoction of flaxseed.

If your legs are swollen, flaxseed will help relieve swelling quickly and effectively.

Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor Zhelnov V. V. advises readers of the newspaper "Bulletin of Healthy Lifestyle" who suffer from this problem to take a decoction of flaxseed according to this recipe: 4 tbsp. l. seed pour 1 liter of water and boil for 10-15 minutes, leave for 1 hour. Drink hot half a cup 6-8 times a day. The course of treatment is 3 weeks, but the result will be noticeable after 10-12 days. (Source: newspaper "Bulletin of Healthy Lifestyle" 2011, No. 9 p. 19)

Review of flaxseed treatment.

The woman had severe swelling of her legs. A decoction of flaxseed helped get rid of them. She brewed 4 tbsp. l. flax seeds with 1 liter of water and boiled for 10 minutes. Having wrapped the pan with broth, insisted for 1 hour. Saw without filtering 100 ml every 2 hours. There were 6-8 doses per day. After 2 weeks, the swelling was completely gone. (Source: newspaper "Bulletin of Healthy Lifestyle" 2013, No. 17 p. 30)

Flaxseed will help get rid of leg swelling.

The man managed to remove swelling of the legs at home in 3 weeks. He took 4 tbsp. tablespoons of flaxseed, poured 1 liter of hot water, boiled for 10-15 minutes. I insisted in a warm place for 1 hour. You can strain, but the man drank a decoction of flaxseed without filtering, every 2 hours for a few sips moderately hot. Added lemon juice for flavor. But any other is possible. The result is excellent. (Recipe from the newspaper "Bulletin of healthy lifestyle" 2015, No. 14 p. 29)

Parsley will help to remove swelling on the legs at home

Parsley is the most effective folk remedy to help remove swelling on the legs at home. Parsley helps to get rid of puffiness of any localization. It is used in the form of infusions inside and outwardly in the form of masks for edematous places. Numerous reviews from readers of the Healthy Lifestyle Bulletin prove the effectiveness of such treatment.

Treatment of edema with a simple folk remedy - infusion of parsley and lemon.

The man managed to cure swelling on his legs with the help of a folk remedy. He scrolled about 200 g of parsley along with the roots in a meat grinder. 1 glass of this mass was poured with two glasses of boiling water, wrapped and insisted until the morning. In the morning, the infusion was filtered and juice squeezed from one lemon was added.
I drank the medicine 1/3 cup 2 times a day, in the morning and in the evening. After 2 days of admission - 3 days break. Continue treatment until complete recovery. (Source: newspaper "Bulletin of Healthy Lifestyle" 2011, No. 10 p. 32)

How to cure leg swelling with parsley and lemon.

In the mornings, swelling of the legs of a woman began to appear. A folk remedy, which the woman read in HLS for 2011 No. 10, helped to cure swelling of the legs (see above). Everything was done exactly according to the recipe. I drank homemade medicine according to the same scheme. Legs quickly returned to normal. (Source: newspaper "Bulletin of Healthy Lifestyle" 2015, No. 2 p. 13)

Treatment of puffiness with parsley seeds.

A very effective remedy for the treatment of edema in heart failure is parsley. It is best to use dry parsley seed powder 0.5 g 3 times a day with meals. Or a decoction of seeds - 1 tbsp. spoon for 1 cup of boiling water, cook for 10 minutes, insist overnight, take 1 tbsp. l. 5 times a day, regardless of food intake. (Source: newspaper "Bulletin of Healthy Lifestyle" 2002, No. 19, p. 11)

How to get rid of leg swelling with burdock.

Treatment of edema with burdock at home.

The man managed to quickly get rid of swelling of the legs with the help of burdock leaves. He applied them with the light side on the shins, wrapped them with an elastic bandage on top. Held 3 hours. After three procedures, the swelling decreased, after ten - completely gone. And now for a whole year there are no relapses. So burdock leaves helped. (Source: newspaper "Bulletin of Healthy Lifestyle" 2010, No. 17 p. 30)

How to remove swelling from the legs with burdock

The woman's shins began to swell, she tied burdock leaves with the rough side to the skin, and it was possible to get rid of the swelling in several procedures. (Source: newspaper "Bulletin of Healthy Lifestyle" 2009, No. 18 p. 32)

Treatment of cardiac edema after stroke and heart attack

In bedridden patients, after a stroke and heart attack, the legs often swell. In this case, burdock leaves will help. In winter, dry leaves can be used. The leaves should be poured with boiling water and wrapped warmly for several hours. Before going to bed, take out the leaves, squeeze them a little, wrap problem areas with them, then wrap them with wide ribbons of cotton fabric, polyethylene and an elastic bandage on top.
In summer, use fresh leaves - wrap in 2-3 layers, wrap.
In this treatment, the main thing is that the skin is hot. By morning, the diseased limb becomes the same in appearance as the healthy one. (Source: newspaper "Bulletin of healthy lifestyle" 2006, No. 15, p. 33)

Swelling of the legs in women with varicose veins

Get rid of varicose edema helped a simple massage

For many years, the woman had varicose veins and swelling of the leg in the ankle with a cyanotic spot of protruding veins. Doctors always noticed this, but they did not give any recommendations. Once a woman read that after a bath or washing of the legs, one should massage them with light movements from the foot to the groin, and then lubricate with heparin ointment or baby cream. The woman began to do this procedure every day, the main thing here is consistency. Dark spots have long disappeared, and puffiness subsides.

Edema is a concern for many people. Often they are even confused with excess fat and try to remove water with diets and exercise. Not only does this approach not work, but it exacerbates the problem. Let's look at the causes of fluid retention and how to remove it.

What is puffiness?

In medicine, edema is the excessive accumulation of fluid in the body. Our body consists of 70% water, 2/3 of which is inside the cells of the body. In the space between the cells there is also water - 1/3 of the total. When the amount of water in the intercellular space increases, edema appears.

Edema is general and local. The general can be seen by fluctuations in weight. For example, in the morning you have one weight, and in the evening you become two kilograms heavier (calorificator). Local is associated with specific diseases, such as Quincke's edema, edema in diseases of the veins of the legs or lymphatic vessels.

There are many reasons for fluid retention. We will consider them below, and now we will highlight the main one - a violation of water-salt metabolism. Water-salt metabolism is the intake and removal of water and mineral salts from the body. Excessive or insufficient water intake, excessive or insufficient salt intake cause edema.

Excess water intake is extremely rare. Healthy on average. Most people don't drink that much, replacing the water with sweetened tea, coffee, and other drinks. However, water and drinks are not the same thing. They act on the cells of the body in different ways. Excess water becomes when the function of the excretory system is impaired by acute or chronic kidney diseases.

Salty food retains water in the body, so salinity is recommended to be excluded from a healthy diet. Lack of salt also causes fluid retention. If there is little salt inside the cell, then water will not linger in it and will come out into the intercellular space, forming edema.

Signs of violation of water-salt metabolism:

  1. Weight fluctuations during the day within 1-2 kg;
  2. Large body volumes with low weight;
  3. Flabbiness of the skin;
  4. Marks on the skin from bedding or clothes.

To establish a water-salt metabolism, you need to drink enough water and consume enough salt - do not refuse it and do not overdo it. If you start drinking the same amount of water every day and consume enough salt, then in 2-3 months the quality of your body will noticeably improve.

Not only violations of water-salt metabolism causes fluid retention. It often accompanies cardiovascular diseases, diabetes mellitus, diseases of the kidneys and lymphatic vessels, chronic stress, and a sedentary lifestyle.

  • Fluid retention occurs at high and low pressure. To remove fluid from the body, it is necessary to normalize the pressure.
  • and sex hormones are always accompanied by edema. To get rid of them is necessary.
  • Diabetes mellitus and the abuse of carbohydrate foods raise blood sugar levels, which affects the functioning of internal organs, including the excretory system. , but if you are not sick, . Eliminate simple carbohydrates and control the intake of complex ones. In a month you will see how your body will change.
  • Kidney disease disrupts the excretory system. To get rid of excess water, it is necessary to cure the disease.
  • Violation of the lymphatic flow always causes stagnation of water, and it is provoked by various inflammatory diseases, so treat the diseases and excess fluid will go away.
  • and cortisol retains fluid in the body. Control the level of stress - swelling will go away.
  • With low physical activity, the work of a number of body systems is disrupted, which can also cause fluid stagnation.

Rules for getting rid of edema

For starters, it is necessary to normalize the drinking regimen. All cells of the body are made up of, it must be eaten in sufficient quantities. are needed for the hormonal system, so even during active weight loss, fats cannot be reduced too much. , minimizing the consumption of sugar-containing foods, including dried fruits,.

Most people are looking for quick methods to get rid of swelling. But everything fast gives a short-term result and does not eliminate the cause. All of the above recommendations require time, regular implementation, and sometimes material costs for examination and treatment (calorizator). But unlike massage, fasting days, saunas and water procedures, they eliminate the cause. You just have to maintain the result and be attentive to your health.

Every evening do you feel buzzing and swollen feet? How many people who face this problem every day! Of course, most often it worries those who are forced to stand or walk a lot, but office workers who lead a “sedentary” lifestyle can also be very bothered. We will discuss the causes and treatment of this condition in this article, hoping that the information will be useful.

What causes swelling in the legs

Usually, edema is a rather harmless consequence of a person being in an upright position for a long time.

Long trips and flights that involve the same posture for long periods of time can lead to swelling (most often in such cases, they appear on the ankles or feet). This also includes wearing high heels. The fact is that both blood and lymph largely help to move freely in the opposite direction of contraction of the calf muscles, and in these situations this does not happen.

With an increase in body weight, circulatory disorders or varicose veins, it is also often possible to observe how the legs swell below. The causes of such phenomena are no longer harmless physiological processes, but signals of existing health problems.

Causes of edema (injury)

If the blood plasma for some reason gets outside the walls of the blood vessels, then this causes the formation of edema. In particular, often the causes in men and women are injuries to the limbs.

In normal situations, swelling decreases and disappears as the injured areas recover. But in the case when soft tissues are damaged, which are necessary for free lymph flow or blood flow in the veins of the lower extremities, the patient may develop a chronic type of swelling on the injured leg.

By the way, both the injuries themselves and their treatment increase the risk of deep vein thrombosis, as well as venous insufficiency.

Edema in violation of venous outflow

In addition to fatigue and injuries, there are other causes of swelling in the legs. And the most common, unfortunately, is varicose veins.

Edema in these cases progresses slowly. At the beginning of the development of the disease, it is generally hardly noticeable. By morning or after a long rest, as a rule, the edema disappears, and reappears only in the evening. Over time, it becomes permanent, and the skin changes its color, and ulcers may appear on it. By the way, edema with varicose veins is mostly asymmetrical, as it is located on one leg.

Another cause of the described problem may be. In this case, edema appears both on one and on both legs and lasts from several hours to several days. With thrombophlebitis, edema is also accompanied by fever, redness and pain around the vein.

Other causes of leg swelling

If the legs swell below, the reasons may lie in other pathological processes occurring in the body.

  • Heart disease, such as heart failure. Edema with it is symmetrical, their size increases with the course of the disease and covers even the hips. Shortness of breath and fatigue join them over time.
  • Renal pathology. Edema appears on both legs on the back of the foot. As additional symptoms, dark circles appear under the eyelids and the color of the urine changes.
  • Violation of the lymph flow. Swelling in one or both legs, soft and painless to the touch.
  • Diseases of the thyroid gland. Edema is elastic, they are joined by swelling of the tongue, disruption of the intestines, drowsiness.

As you can see, the causes and types of puffiness are very diverse and quite serious. So if your swelling has become a constant phenomenon, increase in size and are accompanied by other warning symptoms, be sure to consult a doctor! Do not try to deal with the problem yourself - you will lose time.

Why feet swell and how to treat it

Probably, there is no need to clarify that the treatment of leg edema should begin with an examination of the body and the establishment of the disease that caused this phenomenon. His treatment will be the main way to deal with edema.

As an additional therapy, diuretics can be used, which will reduce the amount of fluid in the body. By the way, lingonberry or cranberry fruit drinks, watermelons and herbal decoctions, which will be discussed later, also have a good diuretic effect.

In addition, patients, regardless of the cause of swelling in the legs, are advised to reduce the amount of salt and hot spices consumed that cause fluid retention.

A few recipes for swollen feet

In folk medicine, considerable experience has been accumulated in the use of natural remedies to relieve edema. Some of them simply eliminate a very unpleasant symptom in which the legs swell below (we have already considered the reasons for this phenomenon in the article) after physical exertion, while others normalize water-salt metabolism.

So, for example, if your legs are tired and swollen, then warm foot baths from chamomile flowers, horsetail and sage will come to the rescue. The mixture (100 g) is poured with hot water (1 l), boiled over low heat for 15 minutes and then infused for 45 minutes. Strained broth is diluted with 3 liters of water.

Legs burning with fatigue will be brought back to normal by a foot bath, to which an infusion of black elderberry flowers will be added. You can grind them with a mixture of a glass of olive oil and a teaspoon of salt, which is stirred in the oil until completely dissolved. In this case, the juice of one lemon mixed with the same volume of vegetable oil is also successfully used.

But remember that with thrombophlebitis you can’t soar and massage your legs!

How to relieve swelling in venous insufficiency, heart disease

If you have thrombophlebitis or varicose veins, traditional doctors advise making warm foot baths up to the knees by adding a mixture of willow and oak roots to the water (calculated as 50 g per 10 liters of water).

From the pain and swelling inevitable with thrombophlebitis, mummy is very useful, which is added to a mixture of milk and honey (in a ratio of 20: 1) and taken orally in a tablespoon twice a day, for 25 days. After a 10-day break, the course is repeated if desired.

If the main reasons why the legs swell are due to cardiovascular insufficiency, then it is useful as a diuretic to take a collection of birch leaves (take 50 g), cinnamon rose hips (about 25 g) and root (about 25 g). An infusion is prepared from this collection. Two tablespoons of this mixture are poured with a glass of boiling water and placed for 15 minutes in hot water, where they are cooled for 45 minutes. After that, all the components are squeezed out, the infusion is filtered and brought to a volume of 200 ml with boiled water. It should be taken in a quarter cup 3 r. in a day.

Pumpkin is also good in such cases, since its pulp enhances the excretion of chlorine salts from the body and, without irritating the kidneys, increases diuresis.

What can be done to prevent swelling

Unfortunately, the methods for preventing the appearance of swelling on the legs are very commonplace, nothing new and magical has yet been invented. But, despite the fact that these tips are regularly repeated, for some reason they are not liked to be followed. Although, it would seem that it could be easier - do not abuse salt, avoid overworking the legs and choose comfortable shoes that do not have high heels (they can only be used “on the way out”) or absolutely flat soles. And in the evenings, make it light and put a roller or pillow under the ankles to help the outflow of fluid in the lower extremities.

But, probably, a person is arranged in such a way that he does not look for easy ways: smoking, alcohol (it increases fluid retention in the tissues), excess weight, which puts a strain on the legs and the cardiovascular system - of course, all this swells in the evening legs down. The reasons for this are not taken into account and eventually lead to sad consequences, with which the patient begins a selfless struggle! Maybe you shouldn't go that far?

Proper nutrition and weight will go down. Moreover, liquids include, mainly, simple drinking cold water, juices. But any gynecologist and endocrinologist will tell you that weight gain after childbirth is due to feeding and getting fat.

How to get rid of excess weight, lose weight after childbirth, choose the right diet and communicate with losing weight. I understand that all this is very individual, but how many fluctuations in grams were due to edema? Yes, I have severe swelling after the injury ...

How to properly remove fluid from the body. - UAC - complete blood count - Blood biochemistry, - Blood for thyroid hormones - hormonal abnormalities, normal metabolism, and a person does not overeat, then the weight should return to normal after childbirth Do legs and arms swell?

Now I'll ask for myself, not for a friend. At any time, at any weight, no matter how much I work out and lose weight, at the end of a working day or just a busy day, my waist, face and ankles swell. The heart is normal, the kidneys are perfect. What else can be done? You won't drink a diuretic all the time, will you? More water? Or less? There is less salt - this is understandable, but there is no effect as such, even if there is no salt at all. Maybe some exercises? Or tricks?

edema - the reason for hospitalization???? Gained a kilo every week. The doctor scolded everything, made me nervous, worried. There were no edema at all. Now in 2 weeks I have lost a kilogram (I STARTED GOING FOR exercise therapy), instead of being happy, she asked: are there any swelling?

I don’t have edema, my blood pressure is normal 112/61, my urine is excellent, but I don’t know the hemoglobin yet, tomorrow I’ll go to the building, otherwise everything is normal! Eat what you want, when you want!!! With a favorable course of pregnancy without complications due to protein in the urine and edema, excess weight does not...

How and how to remove fluid from the body depends on the cause of swelling of the legs. It is better to consult a doctor about this.

About weight and swelling. Medical questions. Pregnancy and childbirth. To remove excess fluid, you can make a fasting day: on this day you can eat cottage cheese, if desired, with dried fruits and 1-2 tablespoons of yogurt, boiled meat or fish, all this is practically...

Although she fulfilled almost all of her recommendations: due to the lack of fluid, the swelling disappeared and she lost almost a kilogram on a strict diet. Here they wrote to you correctly - it is worth straining only if there are at least a few symptoms: swelling, pressure, and whatnot to the heap.

How to properly remove fluid from the body. Excess weight and edema Why does excess fluid accumulate in the body? Try to make an enema, fasting day and introduce kefir and oatmeal into the diet.

Before that, I got on the scales, dear mother, the scales go off scale. I looked at my legs - in short, the edema is clearly returning to me, and tomorrow in the LCD, in a couple of days, I’ll start looking right now, otherwise tomorrow they’ll definitely kill me for edema, I already have enough excess weight.

Edema. Second and subsequent births. Can be prompt who than removes or removes hypostases (better grass, tablets yet would not be desirable). 4. Previously, it was accepted to take Materna, for example, both before and during The whole pregnancy flew by like a bird, no excess weight, swelling, problems ...

Overweight and hospital. Ailments, diseases, toxicosis. Pregnancy and childbirth. There are no external edema and have never been observed. But the weight difference is not very clear to me. Although what is in principle incomprehensible here - there is a more active week, running around at work, etc., then I lose weight ...

How to properly remove fluid from the body. Overweight and swelling. Why does excess fluid accumulate in the body? Where to begin? I drink a lot of fluids, but I still swell.

How to remove excess fluid from the body? They told me to sit for a day only on tea with honey and lemon. Marvelon was not recommended to me. They said it would be harmful to my young nulliparous organism. Therefore, I chose from the novelty and something else.

But as for excess weight due to edema, etc., increased pressure due to excess weight, etc., then these are already serious matters, here it is no longer possible to let this matter take its course. And doctors here should follow and give reasonable recommendations.

How to properly remove fluid from the body. How to quickly remove excess fluid. Diet when removing fluid from the body. Over time, the body will get used to a stable water balance and stop storing, I don’t know, I’m happy with canifrons ...

How to properly remove fluid from the body. And if the swelling remains in place even a few days after the birth of the baby, then this is either overweight, and not swelling, or the cause of these swellings is not at all in pregnancy.

Maybe there are those who know - how long does it take for cow's milk protein to be excreted from the body? And yet, can there be an allergy to kefir and cottage cheese? The protein in cow's milk can take a VERY long time to be excreted from the body. At the same time, two organisms should be cleansed - mother and child.

How to properly remove fluid from the body. Diet when removing fluid from the body. Each of us at least once in his life had to see his beautiful face swollen. A simple layman is unlikely to distinguish fat on his body from edema.