Allergic conjunctivitis in cats than to treat. Common signs, characteristic symptoms of conjunctivitis in kittens


Recently your pet was playing and purring affectionately, and now he looks sick? If you notice a deterioration in your pet's condition, and his eyes look unhealthy, take a closer look, it may be conjunctivitis.

A disease with this name most often occurs as a concomitant underlying disease, and is outwardly expressed by inflammation of the mucous membrane of the eye - the conjunctiva. One eye or both can be affected.

We are accustomed to the fact that conjunctival disease occurs in humans, but conjunctivitis in cats it is a very common disease. From an infectious animal, the disease easily passes to a person, so when dealing with a sick pet, one should remember about sanitation. Wash your hands before and after every contact with your cat.

Types and symptoms of conjunctivitis in cats

To figure out how to help a suffering animal, you need to understand that there are several types of conjunctivitis in cats.

  • acute and chronic catarrhal;
  • purulent;
  • phlegmonous (parenchymal);
  • follicular;
  • chlamydial.

Each form requires a specific treatment approach.

At the slightest suspicion of a disease, it is necessary to monitor the condition of the pet. In any form, a decrease in the activity of the animal is noticeable, the clarity of the movement of the eyeballs is impaired, and photophobia is manifested.

If the eyelids look stuck together after sleep, the hairs around the corner of the eye begin to fall out, and the outflow from there is thick and cloudy - we have an acute form.

After some time, without proper treatment, dried crusts form on the affected area, the outflows become weaker, but more regular. The skin around the eye becomes inflamed, the hair falls out. This means that the disease has passed into chronic conjunctivitis.

With a purulent form of the disease, persistent bad smell, the pet loses its appetite, the temperature rises, and the discharge of the affected area itself acquires a yellowish dirty color. Most often purulent conjunctivitis in a cat affects both eyes, which soon swell and begin to redden. Uncontrollable blinking is characteristic. In advanced cases, cats experience diarrhea and/or vomiting. When complicated, the disease affects the cornea.

If, in addition to the conjunctiva itself, other parts of the eye are visibly affected, the eyelids are very swollen, and the mucous membrane turns red, your cat phlegmonous conjunctivitis. A distinctive feature will be bleeding of the conjunctiva when touching any area of ​​the eye. Often noticeable abrasions and tears on the dried conjunctiva. The disease often affects both eyes. The prognosis for the animal is unfavorable; without treatment, this form threatens blindness.

If you suspect conjunctivitis, you should pay attention to the cat's nose and throat. With inflammation of the upper respiratory tract and conjunctiva at the same time, the cat is diagnosed chlamydial conjunctivitis. Characterized by swelling of the conjunctiva overflowing with blood and swelling near the cornea. Most serious condition at pet occurs in the second week of the disease. Chlamydial bacteria provoke the disease, and the symptoms of the virus persist for several weeks.

When observed, the animal has a noticeable narrowing of the shape of the eye, copious outflow of pus and, as a result, prolonged closure of the eyelids, photophobia, and the formation of a grayish film on the conjunctiva. Visible granular formations inside the century. The cat is diagnosed follicular conjunctivitis. This form is considered extremely difficult for a pet and requires immediate treatment to a veterinary clinic.

Treatment of eye conjunctivitis in cats

The first thing to do after examining a sick pet is to visit a veterinarian. He will carry out the necessary laboratory research and will identify the cause of the disease, its form and select effective drugs.

To alleviate the condition of a suffering pet, it is necessary to rinse each eye (regardless of whether the second one is affected) with cotton pads dipped in furacilin solution and carefully remove the crusts. Cotton pads are used different for each organ of vision. A weak solution of potassium permanganate is also perfect.

The course of treatment depends on the form of the disease. On the initial stage diseases, as well as with chlamydial form conjunctivitis suitable drops or ointments - tetracycline, chloramphenicol.

In any form, a couple of drops of Lidocaine or Novocaine under the lower eyelid helps well - this will quickly relieve pain.

The chronic form is treated with antibiotics in the form of ointments under the eyelid, injections of aloe extract are effective.

At severe forms purulent, as well as follicular conjunctivitis in addition to local treatment injections are used. Solution recommended for eye wash boric acid, synthomycin ointment is placed under the eyelid.

Competent and consistent treatment - a healthy pet!

Each caring owner cats must understand that only a sequence of actions and strict adherence to the instructions of the veterinarian will bring success in treatment. After examining the animal, the reasons will be clarified conjunctivitis, is it not a manifestation of more serious illness. In this case, the treatment will be already complex under the supervision of a veterinarian. If treatment is not started in time, the cat may stop seeing.

To prevent recurrence of the disease, you can diversify your pet's diet by including vitamins in it.

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The main reasons are:

  1. Foreign bodies that get into the eyes of a pet (this can be dust, wood chips, sand, other objects that can damage the eye).
  2. Contact with the eye of various chemical, household substances - this can happen while swimming.
  3. Conjunctivitis in cats is often caused by a herpesvirus infection that affects the mucous membranes of the eyes and nasal cavity - in such cases, viral conjunctivitis occurs.
  4. One of the reasons may be the transition of inflammation from nearby tissues, such as the skin of the eyelids (blepharitis), the nasal mucosa (rhinitis).
  5. Acute infectious diseases, which cause various complications, including conjunctivitis, canine distemper, rhinotracheitis, panleukopenia.
  6. Conjunctivitis can also be caused by chlamydia and mycoplasmosis, and other bacterial infections.
  7. Injuries received in the process of playing or fighting with other animals open the gate for the development of inflammation.
  8. Surprisingly, cats, just like humans, can suffer from allergies to pollen, dust, perfume, and food - this can also serve as a catalyst for the disease.

Symptoms of conjunctivitis in cats

The clinical manifestations of conjunctivitis in their strength depend on the course of the disease:

  • acute course accompanied by a sudden onset and vivid clinical signs of inflammation with copious discharge;
  • subacute course clinically manifested slightly weaker than acute;
  • chronic course characterized by slow development, long course and mild clinical manifestations.

Common symptoms of all conjunctivitis in a cat:

  • Redness of the mucous membranes of the eyes;
  • swelling of the eyelids;
  • Cats have watery eyes;
  • Discharge from the eyes - from mucous to yellow-green purulent;
  • Constant attempts of the cat to "wash" the eye;
  • Sour eyes after sleep, gluing with dried pus;
  • Soreness when blinking, squinting, fear of light;
  • Sometimes a cloudy film on the cornea is visible.

Types of conjunctivitis

There are the following varieties of this disease:

  1. catarrhal conjunctivitis- the most harmless and easily flowing. In this case, the eye has redness, the mucous membrane swells somewhat, the animal experiences pain when you try to open your eyes. They are constantly weeping. The temperature is usually kept within the normal range. Sometimes with severe injuries, a protrusion of the edematous conjunctiva in the form of a roller from under the eyelids is observed.
  2. Purulent conjunctivitis- occurs when the infection has already fully spread in the eye. It is quite difficult to lose sight of such an ailment, since this form of the disease has clear signs in the form of yellow or green discharge. sore eye does not open at all. General state cats depressed (sluggish), local temperature elevated, swollen eyelids, reddened mucosa. The pet develops photophobia. The discharge from the eyes is at first liquid, then thick, gray-yellowish, accumulates on the edge of the eyelids, forming crusts.
  3. Follicular conjunctivitis- a dangerous and life-threatening type of inflammation. In this case, the infection penetrates below and touches the lymphatic follicles. The eye is enlarged. After the diagnosis, the doctor prescribes serious treatment, at which it is possible surgical intervention. This type of conjunctivitis in cats is more often caused by mechanical irritants (foreign bodies, dust) or occurs as a complication of infectious diseases. It develops slowly, accompanied by slight secretions of a mucopurulent nature. On the inner surface third eyelid there is an accumulation of enlarged follicles of a dark red color, resembling ripe raspberries. As a rule, both eyes are affected at the same time.
  4. Phlegmonous conjunctivitis- the most difficult type of inflammation. Conjunctivitis in this case affects not only the surface of the mucosa, but also inner part eyes. It is quite difficult to save them, but with timely rehabilitation it is quite possible. This type of disease is characterized by an annular protrusion of the conjunctiva through the palpebral fissure. The surface of the conjunctiva itself is glassy, ​​shiny and bumpy, bright red in color, then bleeding ulcers may form in the cat. Serous-mucous or purulent discharges are also noted.
  5. allergic conjunctivitis is a complication of allergic reaction, most often against the background of feeding unsuitable food. If the cat has watery eyes, the animal should be taken to the veterinarian, as there is a possibility of infection.

Diagnosis of the disease

In order to accurately establish the diagnosis, a number of conditions must be met, such as the collection of primary data to establish the cause (anamnesis), which includes clarifying a number of questions: was the animal vaccinated routinely annually, was there contact with other animals that looked sick. Redness occurs in one eye or both. How long have the owners noticed, are there any other changes, what is the nature of the discharge from the eyes, etc. Then the doctor must look at the eyes with the help of special tools. If necessary, blood biochemistry and infectious diseases tests are taken, bacteriological research, cytological studies scrapings from the conjunctiva.

Treatment of conjunctivitis in cats

It is quite difficult to treat sick cats with conjunctivitis, despite a significant arsenal medicines and how to use them.
Therapy of the disease depends on its type. Treatment of conjunctivitis in cats should be carried out under the supervision of a veterinarian. The choice of means depends, first of all, on the severity of the process and the type of conjunctivitis.

First, the eyes of the animal must be cleaned of extraneous secretions. This is done with the help of cotton wool and a solution that the doctor will advise. Special attention you need to give the bag, which is located near the eye of the animal.
Feline conjunctivitis is enough dangerous disease, and if the therapy is chosen incorrectly, the pet may lose vision. It is worth remembering that during this period the animal's immunity weakens, therefore it is extremely important to give it immunomodulators (subcutaneous FORVET is recommended).

Depending on the cause of the disease, the animal is prescribed antibacterial drops or antibiotic-based ointments that help fight conjunctivitis, as well as local antiviral drugs, for the treatment of viral conjunctivitis, such as eye drops FORVET one drop 4-5 times a day. Carry out if necessary surgical intervention to eliminate the causes (elimination of inversion of the eyelids, removal of the third eyelid).

Prevention of conjunctivitis

To prevent the development of conjunctivitis in your cat, it is worth following a number of measures. For example:

  • Try to carry out annual vaccinations and give anthelmintics regularly, since viruses and helminths can be the root cause of the disease.
  • Support immune system pet with immunomodulating agents.
  • Protect your cat from eye contact foreign bodies and chemical substances. Clean more often, handle with care hygiene products Keep household chemicals away.
  • Limit your pet's contact with other animals, especially stray and obviously sick ones.
  • Thoroughly wash and disinfect hands after contact with sick animals before interacting with your pet.

Thus, conjunctivitis in cats is not uncommon. However, there is nothing wrong with this timely treatment you can get rid of the disease once and for all.

In the article I will consider the disease conjunctivitis in cats. I will tell you why a cat has watery eyes and the causes of conjunctivitis. List the types of conjunctiva. I will tell you about the symptoms of the disease, what to do and how to treat. I will list the methods of prevention, I will tell you how to wipe the eye of a kitten

Conjunctivitis is an inflammation of the lining of the eye. viral disease often found in cats.

Can humans get feline conjunctivitis?

Can a person get conjunctivitis from an animal? Transmission of feline conjunctivitis to humans has not yet been documented. But precautions will not be superfluous. For viral conjunctivitis can be transmitted by airborne droplets.

Reasons why cats often have watery eyes

If a pet scratches its eyes constantly and they watery, then this does not always indicate conjunctivitis. Causes of tearing:

Tearing is a natural process.

It is necessary to carefully monitor the condition of the eyes of the pet.

When you notice that a cat is constantly scratching them, accumulations in large quantities regularly accumulate in the corners and, moreover, purulent discharge, this indicates a particular eye disease. One of the most common diseases is conjunctivitis.

Conjunctivitis in a kitten.

What is conjunctiva and conjunctivitis

The conjunctiva is the mucous membrane that covers the eyeball and inside century. It is on it that additional lacrimal glands are placed, which do not allow the eye to dry out.

Conjunctivitis is an inflammation of the conjunctiva, which protects the eye and lines it from the inside.

Types of conjunctivitis

The disease is of several types:


Profuse lachrymation, eyelids swell and mucous membranes are inflamed. Wool, next to eyelids, wet. Temperature rise is possible.

This type of disease has an initial stage and is the easiest.

If you immediately start treatment, you can quickly rid your pet of the disease at home.


The symptoms are the same as those of the catarrhal. Only purulent discharge is added. There may be yellow crusts around the eyelids. Eyelids stick together a large number secretions.

This stage of the disease is dangerous and you need to see a doctor, otherwise the pet may even go blind.


Severe stage of the disease. Purulent discharge are not only outside, but also penetrate inside eyeball, in the subepithelial layer of the conjunctiva.

This form of the disease is difficult to cure, you need qualified help.


With follicular conjunctiva, not only the mucous membrane of the eyelids is inflamed, but also the lymphatic follicles. They are in the third century and protrude outwards when they get sick.

This stage of the conjunctiva requires long-term treatment because the disease is chronic.


May be caused by viruses, bacteria or fungi. The symptoms are the same - profuse lacrimation. Viruses are on the conjunctiva and infect it.

The disease can take two forms:

  • Acute - the animal experiences pain and itching, the eyelids are swollen and the cat constantly scratches. Copious discharge from the eyes. The pet has no appetite and may experience problems with the gastrointestinal tract.
  • Chronic - occurs as a result of an unpaid acute form. Tears constantly flow from the eyes and the eyelids swell.


Conjunctivitis can occur for various reasons:

For proper treatment it is necessary to identify the cause of the disease, for proper treatment.

Anything can be the cause of inflammation of the internal mucosa.

Moreover, sometimes conjunctivitis is not separate disease, but accompanies many systemic viral or microbial infections.

Symptoms and signs

Symptoms of the disease:

  • Inflammation of the mucous membrane of the eyes.
  • Profuse lachrymation.
  • Copious discharge from clear to purulent.
  • The cat is constantly scratching its eyes.
  • The eyelids stick together.
  • There may be a cloudy film on the cornea.
  • The cat squints or does not open its eyelids at all.

Allocations can be:

  • Purulent - the infection is caused by bacteria.
  • Dull gray - caused by viruses.
  • Transparent mucous membranes - an allergic reaction.

Treatment at home

If symptoms are present, some treatments can be done at home:

  • Washing can be done with a decoction of chamomile or calendula. These herbs will help relieve inflammation. The broth must be warm! Not hot or cold by any means. For washing, you can use strong black tea without sugar. You can use a solution of furacillin according to the instructions. To rinse the eyes of a cat, you need to gently wipe them with a moistened cotton pad and remove the discharge and crusts. Rinse every 3-4 hours! To eliminate pain in a pet, after washing, you can drip a couple of drops of 2% novocaine. This drug will help relieve puffiness. The washing technique is the same for both adult cats and kittens.
  • Use special ointment after thorough washing. For these purposes, suitable: tetracycline, erythromycin ointment. The ointment must be placed under upper eyelid specially with a glass rod. Before each procedure, pour boiling water over the stick. With a strong resistance of the cat, you can lay the ointment on the lower eyelid. Blinking, the pet itself will distribute it.
  • Special drops should be instilled into clean, washed eyes 2-3 times a day. After relieving the cat's condition: washing and removing the crusts, contact your veterinarian. It is necessary to find out the cause of the disease. Prevention of lacrimation and conjunctivitis.


To prevent the disease, take the following measures:

  • Take good care of your cat's health. Very often, conjunctivitis becomes a consequence of any disease.
  • Maintain your pet's immune system.
  • Proper and balanced nutrition.
  • Make sure that the cat does not come into contact with sick or stray animals.
  • Take care of your pet's hygiene.

Pay attention to your pet and monitor his health.

After all, cats, like people, are prone to disease.

The eyes of the cat began to water and swell, and if they do not open at all, then the cat has conjunctivitis. What to do and what treatment to apply?

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Why Adult Cats and Kittens Can Get Conjunctivitis

Conjunctivitis in cats is an eye disease accompanied by inflammation of the mucous membrane, with improper treatment may arise serious consequences up to and including blindness. There are several types of this disease in cats, as well as the causes of each of them:

At the kitten acute conjunctivitis with small blemishes

Treatment of any type of conjunctivitis can be carried out at home, if you know the exact cause, otherwise wrong medicines can lead to serious complications and even blindness.

Symptoms of the disease

Conjunctivitis is divided into several types according to the severity of the course of the disease. Let's characterize each of them:

Allergic conjunctivitis, tears flow strongly.

How to cure fluffies

It is necessary to treat the kitten as soon as symptoms are noticed. The first step is to clean the eye, for this, solutions of furacilin or potassium permanganate are used. Wash kittens, as well as people, with well-moistened cotton swabs, it is important that pieces of cotton do not get into the eye.

Further treatment is carried out strictly under the supervision of a doctor to determine necessary drugs. Usually, to treat conjunctivitis quite antibacterial ointment and special eye drops, in more severe cases, use antibiotics in the form of ointments or injections and local anesthetics.

For any conjunctivitis, the doctor will prescribe ointment and drops for treatment. How to drip into a cat's eye, and how to spread it at home:

No matter how hard the kittens break out, scratch the procedure, it is necessary to do the prescribed number of times, otherwise the treatment is in vain. Let your kittens not get sick, treat them and let them recover soon.

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Chronic conjunctivitis in a cat

A pet is 100% dependent on its owner. He does not know how to get food himself and cannot use natural "medicines" if he gets sick. That is why it is necessary to carefully monitor his well-being and respond in time even to minor symptoms. Cat lovers often notice that their pets have watery eyes. This is not a trifle at all. The disease is called conjunctivitis. In cats, it occurs quite often and can cause irreversible consequences.

Description of the conjunctiva

On the surface of the eyeball and the inner part of the eyelids there is the thinnest mucous membrane. This is what is called the conjunctiva. The membrane secretes a liquid mucous substance, in addition, several lacrimal glands come out here. All this helps to protect the cat's eyes from drying out and microtrauma. On the upper eyelid the conjunctiva is thickened, which makes it possible to distribute tear fluid during blinking. The cat's third eyelid is also part of the conjunctiva. AT healthy condition it's an inconspicuous fold. During illness, it increases dramatically and can close the pet's eye.

What is called conjunctivitis?

Doctors view conjunctivitis as a symptom of more complex illnesses. Therefore, treatment is always taken very seriously. Having discovered conjunctivitis of the eye in cats, the veterinarian always conducts an examination to understand what problem needs to be addressed. Most often, it is possible to get rid of conjunctivitis only when the underlying disease is cured. This requires time and effort from the doctor and the owner of the animal.

How is the diagnosis made?

Primarily veterinarian will examine the animal and prescribe tests. This is the only way to determine the causes of conjunctivitis in a cat. Most likely, a blood biochemistry test will be taken, in addition, a sample of discharge from the eye will be sent for analysis.

When making a diagnosis, the doctor can visually determine the nature of the discharge, this also helps to identify the initial cause of the disease. Discharge from under the conjunctiva is:

  • purulent, which means probable cause- bacterial infection;
  • serous type (turbid liquid) - accompany a viral infection;
  • mucous appearance - appear with allergic reactions.

It is especially important to analyze the discharge in chlamydial conjunctivitis. Since chlamydia can only be cured with specific antimicrobial drugs.

Form of conjunctivitis in cats

Conjunctivitis of the eyes in cats, the treatment of which we are considering, differs in the form of the course of the disease:

  • acute form - symptoms appear suddenly, Clinical signs inflammation bright, copious discharge;
  • subacute form - clinical signs of conjunctivitis are noticeable, but they are somewhat weaker than in acute form;
  • chronic form - the development of the disease is slowed down, the clinic is poorly expressed for a long time.

Having diagnosed conjunctivitis in cats, the treatment is correlated with the form of the disease.

Symptoms of the disease

There are a number common symptoms characteristic of conjunctivitis of all types:

  • The mucous membranes of the eyes of the cat are inflamed and reddened.
  • Increased tearing.
  • Discharges are observed different kind(depending on the type of conjunctivitis).
  • The cat often washes, trying to clear his eyes, or rubs them with his paws.
  • After sleep, the eyes "sour".
  • The animal squints and is afraid of bright light.
  • In some cases, the cornea is covered with a cloudy film.

Types of conjunctivitis in cats. Catarrhal acute

Depending on the clinical manifestations veterinarians distinguish several types of conjunctivitis. To understand how to treat conjunctivitis in cats, you need to understand what is the difference between the types. Let's start with the catarrhal form, proceeding in an acute form. One or both eyes of the cat will be swollen, with profuse lacrimation. Gradually, lacrimation will be replaced by a thick and cloudy exudate, which will begin to accumulate in the corners of the eyes. Lumps will appear, which will begin to dry out during sleep and stick together the eyelids.

Catarrhal chronic conjunctivitis

Launched catarrhal conjunctivitis in a cat passes from acute to chronic form. Eye discharge becomes less abundant, but constant. Often they accumulate in the corners of the eyes in dried lumps. Puffiness and inflammation of the eye are clearly visible, which, due to prolonged discharge, can move to the eyelid. Sometimes hair falls out around the eye.

Purulent conjunctivitis

Purulent conjunctivitis in cats always affects both eyes. Clinical picture classical, but additionally there is a lack of appetite, a sluggish state of the animal's muscles, rare blinking, as this process becomes painful. The cat may have a fever and severe swelling of the eye sockets, the conjunctiva and the eyeball become red. Pus with an unpleasant smell is allocated.

Follicular conjunctivitis

The most complex type of disease is follicular conjunctivitis. In this case, there is a narrowing of the eye and severe swelling of the eyelids. The mucous membrane and the eyeball become red. Purulent discharge flows from all sides of the eyeball and accumulates under the lower eyelid. The area of ​​​​the eyes of the animal is very painful, there is muscle spasm century.

Parenchymal inflammation

The process covers the eye socket completely. There is swelling, redness and conjunctival bleeding. Parenchymal conjunctivitis in a cat can lead to vision loss. The animal must be shown to the doctor as soon as possible.

allergic conjunctivitis

The clinical picture of allergic conjunctivitis is somewhat different from other types of the disease. Edema is almost imperceptible or completely absent. But lacrimation is abundant, but the discharge is completely transparent. If the animal is not prescribed antihistamine therapy on time, then allergic conjunctivitis can go into any of the above types of disease.

Medical treatment

Drug treatment can only be prescribed by a veterinarian after an examination. Both eyes must be treated at once. General principle The treatment for all types of conjunctivitis is similar:

  • washing;
  • anesthesia;
  • corticosteroids;
  • local antimicrobials in drops or ointment;
  • antibiotic;
  • retrobulbar blockade of Avrorov.

However, chlamydia, purulent and follicular conjunctivitis require additional prescription of antimicrobials.

If it is established that conjunctivitis is a symptom of another disease, then the main problem is first eliminated.

Helping a pet at home

It is unlikely that the owner will agree to leave the pet for a long time in veterinary clinic to cure conjunctivitis. In cats, home treatment should be carried out with drugs that are prescribed by a doctor.

The condition of the animal greatly facilitates the washing of the eyes, but the procedure must be performed as carefully as possible. The clinic will prescribe washing with a weak solution of potassium permanganate, a solution of furacilin or boric acid. ethnoscience offers washing with a decoction of chamomile or calendula. In any case, the animal must be held on the hands, first soften the dried crusts with a swab or cotton pad, then rinse the eye with a new swab, removing the discharge.

Some owners use eyebright decoction for washing and compresses, which is prepared from three teaspoons of grass and 0.5 liters of water. The product is boiled over low heat and infused for half an hour.

It is important to understand that conjunctivitis is a complex problem. It is impossible to arbitrarily change the prescribed treatment. We can only add it folk remedies, and it is advisable to consult with a specialist. And if the animal is not treated, then it can lose its sight.

purebred cats

Both a purebred animal and an ordinary “noblewoman” (yard cat taken into the house) can get sick with conjunctivitis. But there are a few breeds that suffer from this inflammation most often. These are Persians, Sphinxes and british cats. Animals of these breeds must be monitored with special care and contact a veterinarian at the first sign of inflammation.

Can a cat infect its owner?

Conjunctivitis is contagious. And the owner, and other households, and guests, and other pets - all are at risk of infection. Therefore, the animal should be temporarily isolated, and all healing procedures perform with gloves. After contact with a sick cat, be sure to wash your hands with soap and water.