How to treat acute conjunctivitis in children. Conjunctivitis in children: types, causes, symptoms, treatment, prevention

Disease of the anterior segment of the eye characterized by inflammatory reaction conjunctiva for infectious or allergic stimuli. Conjunctivitis in children occurs with hyperemia, swelling of the mucous membrane of the eye, lacrimation, photophobia, burning and discomfort in the eyes, discharged from the conjunctival cavity of a mucous or purulent nature. Diagnosis of conjunctivitis in children is carried out using ophthalmological examination(examination of an ophthalmologist, biomicroscopy, microbiological, cytological, virological, immunological research discharged from the conjunctiva). For the treatment of conjunctivitis in children, local medicines: eye drops and ointments.

General information

Conjunctivitis in children is infectious inflammatory diseases mucous membrane of the eye various etiologies. In children of the first 4 years of life, conjunctivitis accounts for up to 30% of all cases of all eye pathology. With age, this indicator progressively decreases, and refractive disorders (astigmatism, myopia, hyperopia) begin to predominate in the structure of morbidity in pediatric ophthalmology. In childhood, conjunctivitis can lead to the development of formidable complications - visual impairment, keratitis, dacryocystitis, phlegmon of the lacrimal sac. In this regard, conjunctivitis in a child requires special attention from children's specialists - a pediatrician, a pediatric ophthalmologist.


Among children, viral, bacterial and allergic conjunctivitis, which have their own specific course, are widespread.

Bacterial conjunctivitis in children can occur not only when infected with external agents, but also due to an increase in the pathogenicity of their own eye microflora or the presence of purulent-septic diseases (otitis media, tonsillitis, sinusitis, omphalitis, pyoderma, etc.). tear fluid containing immunoglobulins, complement components, lactoferrin, lysozyme, beta-lysine, has a certain antibacterial activity, but in conditions of weakening local and general immunity, mechanical damage to the eye, obstruction of the nasolacrimal canal, conjunctivitis easily occurs in children.

Viral conjunctivitis in children usually develops against the background of influenza, adenovirus infection, herpes simplex, enterovirus infection, measles, chickenpox, etc. In this case, in addition to the phenomenon of conjunctivitis, children have clinical signs of rhinitis and pharyngitis. Conjunctivitis in children can be caused not only by individual pathogens, but also by their associations (bacteria and viruses).

Chlamydial conjunctivitis in children develops 5-10 days after birth. At an older age, infection can occur in closed water bodies, and therefore outbreaks in children are often referred to as pool conjunctivitis. The clinical picture is characterized by hyperemia and infiltration of the mucous membrane of the eyelids, ptosis of the eyelids, the presence of abundant liquid purulent secretion in the conjunctival cavity, hypertrophy of the papillae. In children, extraocular manifestations of infection are often possible: pharyngitis, otitis media, pneumonia, vulvovaginitis.

With conjunctivitis bacterial etiology appointed antibacterial drugs(drops with chloramphenicol, fusidic acid; tetracycline, erythromycin, ofloxacin ointment, etc.), which should be run in both eyes. In viral conjunctivitis in children, the use of antiviral eye preparations based on alpha interferon, oxolinic ointment, etc.


The high prevalence and high contagiousness of conjunctivitis among children requires their timely recognition, proper treatment and prevent spread. The leading role in the prevention of conjunctivitis in children is assigned to the observance of personal hygiene by children, careful processing of items for newborn care, isolation of sick children, disinfection of rooms and furnishings, and an increase in the overall resistance of the body.

Prevention of conjunctivitis in newborns is to identify and treat urogenital infections in pregnant women; processing birth canal antiseptics, carrying out preventive treatment of the eyes of children immediately after birth.

Inflammatory eye diseases are the most common in children. ophthalmic practice. Almost from the first days after birth, the baby can get sick with conjunctivitis. The inflammatory process is treated in small children of the first year of life in a completely different way than in schoolchildren.

What causes disease?

Inflammation of the conjunctiva in babies can be caused by various external factors. There are currently about a hundred different reasons that contribute to the development of this disease. The peak incidence of conjunctivitis occurs at the age of 2-10 years. However, even newborn babies may show signs of this disease.

The most common causes of inflammation of the conjunctiva in a child under 5 years old are:

    Viruses. They have a relatively high resistance to adverse environmental conditions. Even with proper disinfection treatment, long time maintain its viability. Susceptibility to viruses in newborn babies is very high. Infection occurs, as a rule, in utero or by airborne droplets.

    bacteria. It can be staphylococci or streptococci. In weakened babies, mixed forms can also occur. In this case, when determining the causative agents of the infection, several types of bacteria can be detected at once. This variant of the disease proceeds quite hard with severe symptoms of intoxication.

    Fungi. Candida is the most common culprit. In debilitated and often ill children with low level immunity, the reproduction of fungi occurs quite quickly. reduced function immune system does not allow the body to cope with the fungal infection on its own. One of its manifestations is conjunctivitis. In such cases, it is required mandatory appointment anti-candidiasis agents.

    allergic manifestations. For babies under the age of 1 year, such reactions to the addition of new foods to the diet are most common. With the introduction of complementary foods, the child may react severe allergies. One of its manifestations is acute conjunctivitis. Also, children with an acute reaction to flowering have characteristic symptoms of an inflammatory process on the mucous membrane of the eye.

  • Traumatic injuries. Relatively common in children early age. Babies can touch their faces with their hands. The conjunctiva in young children is hypersensitive and quickly injured. Unintentional damage also contributes to the development of conjunctivitis.
  • congenital forms. In such situations, infection occurs even in utero. If during pregnancy future mom get sick with a virus or bacterial infection, then the baby can become infected very easily. Pathogenic microorganisms penetrate the placental barrier, causing infection and inflammation.

It is important to note that even when exposed to various provoking factors, not all babies may experience manifestations of conjunctivitis.

If a child has strong immunity, then even when infected, the disease can proceed in a relatively mild form. Premature babies, as well as babies with congenital birth injuries, are most susceptible to inflammatory processes and infections.

How does it manifest itself in children of different ages?

Conjunctivitis occurs in various options. This largely depends on the age of the child and physiological features. The work of the immune system changes significantly in different age periods of the development of the baby. This gives an imprint on the expression clinical manifestations diseases in children at different ages.

Newborns and children under 1 year of age

Most characteristic symptoms at this age there will be the following manifestations of the disease:

  • Intoxication and fever. In severe cases, body temperature rises to 39 degrees. The child may be very upset. Babies usually refuse breastfeeding, become capricious.
  • Copious discharge from eyes. Most often, lacrimation affects both eyes. The discharge from the eyes is often clear. If the bacterial flora is involved in the inflammatory process, then pus may even appear. In such cases, the use of antibiotics is required.
  • Redness of the eyes. The process is usually two-way. This symptom contributes to increased blinking. Small child wants to be removed from the eye foreign object which hinders him.
  • Marked drowsiness. Babies want to sleep almost all day long. With pronounced pain syndrome in daytime the child may cry and beg to be held.

Children aged 2-4 years

Babies usually complain of severe lacrimation. Body temperature rises no longer as high as in newborns. With a moderate course, it is 38-38.5 degrees. If viruses have become the source of infection, then, as a rule, there is no rise in temperature to febrile figures. Suppuration causes only pathogenic bacterial flora.

The most common manifestation is painful perception of bright light. Bright rays of light falling on the irritated mucosa can cause additional damage to it. Small children feel much better in a dark room with curtains. Walking outside during the bright sunlight bring discomfort and increased pain.


Dr. Komarovsky believes that conjunctivitis therapy should be carried out as early as possible. Already from the appearance of the first clinical signs disease requires the appointment of special effective drugs. How many causes of conjunctivitis exist, so many different therapeutic methods, which allow you to cope with this disease. It is important to note that the therapy of the disease should be carried out until complete recovery. This will help prevent recurrent conjunctivitis in the future. All acute conjunctivitis is usually treated for at least 7-10 days. With bacterial forms of the disease - even up to two weeks.

All methods that are used in the treatment of diseases in children from birth to four years of age can be divided into the following groups:

Eye treatment

For young children, for hygienic treatment of inflamed eyes, you can use a decoction of chamomile. To prepare this infusion, take one tablespoon of crushed raw materials and pour a glass of boiling water. Insist for two hours. Strain the resulting broth through cheesecloth.

Treat the eyes daily at least 5-6 times a day. Start processing from the outer edge of the eye, moving towards the nose. All movements should be as smooth as possible without pressure. Use a clean cotton pad for each eye. Before any hygiene procedures mommy should wash her hands thoroughly with antibacterial soap and dry with a towel.

You can also use a weak infusion of tea to treat the eyes. This method can be used for babies older than a year. Try to choose tea without aromatic additives. Eye treatment can be done with lotions. To do this, soak cotton pads in tea infusion and place on your eyes. Hold for 5-7 minutes. You should repeat this procedure up to three to four times a day.

The use of drug therapy

For the treatment of bacterial forms of conjunctivitis in children of the first years of life, the drug "Albucid" is widely used. These drops are well tolerated by babies. The drug has enough a wide range action and has a detrimental effect on many types of staphylococci.

For babies aged 2-3 years, tetracycline ointments can be used. They are laid behind the eyelids with a special glass rod. This ointment is antibacterial. The appointment of any antibiotic is decided only by the attending physician. Usually the use of this drug is prescribed by a doctor for 6-7 days. This treatment is especially effective for suppuration or other signs of a bacterial infection.

If conjunctivitis is caused by viruses, then the child is prescribed eye drops that have a virus-toxic effect. Among the most common and frequently used is Ophthalmoferon. It copes well with lacrimation and redness. The pediatrician chooses the duration, frequency and dosage.

For fungal conjunctivitis, antifungal drugs . Immunostimulating drugs are also prescribed in parallel. Such treatment is usually indicated for debilitated children with a progressive candida infection. Therapy is usually required for a long time.

If conjunctivitis occurs as a result of an eye injury, then in such cases pediatric ophthalmologist recommend funds for quick recovery conjunctiva. Before prescribing a medicine, the doctor must conduct additional examinations on special devices. This is necessary to identify possible contraindications to prescribing eye drops.


Preventive measures help prevent the development of conjunctivitis in your baby. Compliance with simple and simple preventive measures will save the child's vision and prevent possible inflammatory eye diseases.

Conjunctivitis is a disease that is extremely common. The mucous membrane of the eye that covers the sclera and inner surface century, sometimes inflamed. In this regard, tearing occurs, redness, itching is formed. Most often, the disease is caused by a bacterial and viral infection, an allergic reaction, but there are other reasons.

Symptoms of acute conjunctivitis

Acute conjunctivitis occurs suddenly and the person feels pain in one or both eyes. Noticeably pronounced redness, and in some cases the occurrence of pinpoint hemorrhage. At the next stage of inflammation, the separation of mucus, which has pus in its composition, is observed. Acute conjunctivitis is characterized by a state of general malaise, the patient complains of headache, body temperature rises. The duration of the disease in the acute form ranges from several days to several weeks.

The main symptoms of acute conjunctivitis are:

  • Red color of the conjunctiva
  • Feeling that there is a foreign object in the eyes
  • Burning, constant itching, pain
  • Increased eye fatigue
  • Copious discharge of purulent mucus
  • Constant tearing
  • Poor tolerance to bright light

If bacterial conjunctivitis occurs in an acute form, then patients emphasize severe photophobia, profuse lacrimation. The conjunctiva not only looks reddened, but also swollen, with multiple pinpoint hemorrhages.

Symptoms of chronic conjunctivitis

If the disease proceeds in a chronic form, then conjunctivitis develops more slowly. It is characterized by a long and persistent course. Patients complain of sensation in the eye foreign body, in connection with this there is constant discomfort. The eyelids look tired and slightly reddened. There may be slight swelling of the eyelids.

Causes of conjunctivitis

Experts name several reasons that cause conjunctivitis. The main culprit of the disease is bacteria, and most often - chlamydia.. Conjunctivitis is also caused by the presence of other viruses, such as those that cause tonsillitis. If a we are talking about children, then in this case the disease often accompanies colds, and rarely goes into chronic form. Most often it disappears within a week.

To understand why conjunctivitis occurs, you should know that the disease can be allergic, bacterial, or viral. The presence of allergic conjunctivitis is associated with the presence of certain irritants. The most common cause of conjunctivitis is plant pollen, as well as ordinary dust.. This condition is characterized by redness of the eyelids, and the release of viscous pus, there is constant feeling itching.

Chronic conjunctivitis is especially severe and occurs in adult patients. The cause of its occurrence can be irritants, which are always present in environment. For example, exhaust gas, fire smoke. In addition, chronic disease can occur due to wrong process metabolism in case of beriberi. In this case there is also great burning and itching, as if sand were in the eyes.

So the most common cause occurrence this disease one can name the following:

  • Being in a room where various aerosols and other substances of chemical origin are used
  • Prolonged stay in a highly polluted area
  • Disturbed metabolism in the body
  • Diseases such as meibomitis, blepharitis
  • Avitaminosis
  • Impaired refraction - myopia, farsightedness, astigmatism
  • Inflammation in the sinuses
  • Too bright sun, wind, too dry air

Types of conjunctivitis

This disease is divided not only into acute and chronic forms. There are several types of conjunctivitis.

Viral conjunctivitis

Viral conjunctivitis has about thirty serological types of these viruses. They are the cause of respiratory diseases such as pneumonia, tonsillitis, and various diseases eye. Often the occurrence of an acute form of conjunctivitis is due to the presence of adenoviruses.

allergic conjunctivitis

With allergic conjunctivitis, the connective membrane of the eyes becomes inflamed. The main symptoms are swelling and redness, increased lacrimation. After sleep, the eyelids stick together, and there is a constant desire to rub the eyes with your hands to get rid of the itching. When the allergen is eliminated, the symptoms gradually decrease, and then disappear altogether.

Allergic conjunctivitis has three types - seasonal, occupational, and year-round. Seasonal allergic conjunctivitis is characterized by a clear relationship with the presence of irritating pollen of allergenic plants in the air.

With year-round (chronic) allergic eye disease, symptoms are constantly present, but they are less pronounced. Often, allergic inflammation of the eyes may be accompanied by a runny nose of chronic origin, or bronchial asthma allergic type.

Chlamydial conjunctivitis

Chlamydial conjunctivitis is called ophthalmic chlamydia. That is, chlamydia of the eyes is a lesion of the mucous membrane of chlamydia. Statistics confirm that up to thirty percent of all conjunctivitis is due to the presence of chlamydia. Chlamydial conjunctivitis affects adult patients of both sexes. The disease has the following forms:

  • paratrachoma
  • Trachoma
  • Chlamydial uveitis (inflamed choroid)
  • Basin conjunctivitis
  • Chlamydial episcleritis (inflamed connective tissue between the sclera and conjunctiva)
  • Chlamydial meybolitis (inflamed meybolic glands)

Often, ophthalmic chlamydia is a concomitant factor in the presence of underlying chlamydia. This means that at least fifty percent of patients suffering from chlamydial conjunctivitis have a chlamydial infection of the genital area.

How does acute conjunctivitis progress?

The onset of the disease is quite harmless, and it seems that only a mote has fallen. The disease develops in one eye, and only after a certain time it spreads to the other. Redness of the eye, separation of purulent mucus, tears constantly flow from the eyes.

During the examination, hyperemia of the mucosa is revealed, it acquires a bright red color, looks swollen and loose. Since there is swelling and hyperemia, the pattern of the surface of the meibomian gland is not visible. The appearance of follicles and papillae is possible. There is an accumulation of purulent mucus. The eyeball itself also looks reddened.

How does chronic conjunctivitis progress?

emergence chronic disease often caused by such a factor as intense visual work in poor lighting conditions. Patients complain of increased lacrimation, burning in the eye area. The eyelids become heavy and swollen. All of these symptoms are especially pronounced in evening time days. After sleeping in the corner of the eyes with inside lumps of mucus collect.

Examination shows that there is a loosening of the conjunctiva of the eyelids, it is hyperemic. In some cases, when chronic course disease symptoms are very pronounced, and at the same time there is no objective change.

Conjunctivitis in children

Children quite often get sick with conjunctivitis. Infants are especially susceptible to the disease, and in this case, complications often occur. Babies suffer from three types of this disease. They have viral, allergic, bacterial conjunctivitis. Each case has its own characteristics, and special methods treatment.

Viral conjunctivitis caused by pathogens that cause respiratory diseases, and proceeds as comorbidity with ARI. Once on the mucous membrane of the baby's eye, the virus causes an inflammatory process. It doesn't occur very often.

allergic conjunctivitis this is a consequence allergic reaction in acute form. As a rule, the number one allergens are flowering plants, pet hair, some foods, medicines, house dust. Allergic conjunctivitis can cause hay fever.

Bacterial conjunctivitis has the most widespread in case of illness in children. The causative agents are bacteria such as staphylococci, pneumococci. Pathogens easily end up on the mucous membrane when the baby rubs his eyes with not very clean hands.

Conjunctivitis in newborns due to the fact that bacteria enter the mucosa from the birth canal. For a certain time, the presence of bacteria in the body of a child may not manifest itself in any way, and only at the moment of weakening the body's immune system can provoke inflammation. The degree of inflammation depends on what kind of pathogen it is caused.

Symptoms of childhood conjunctivitis

There is a symptom characteristic of any type of this disease in children. Copious flow of tears, photophobia, and redness of the eyes. In the bacterial form, inflammation is observed simultaneously in both eyes, but it happens that at first only one eye is affected, and after a while the infection passes to the other. The lower and upper eyelid mucus with pus is secreted from the eye. The disease is especially manifested in the morning, when the pus dries up, and the child is not able to open his eyes on his own.

If the baby has allergic form diseases, then both eyes are involved in the inflammatory process at once. The eyelids in this case are swollen, the child feels severe itching and constantly tries to rub his eyes. Purulent discharge is rare.

In the viral form of childhood conjunctivitis, inflammation begins in one eye, and passes to the second only if there is no timely treatment. Purulent discharge occurs when a bacterial infection is added.

Treatment of conjunctivitis in children

This disease is quite serious, and therefore any action must be coordinated with the attending physician. Used to treat viral conjunctivitis antiviral drops. To improve the well-being of the child, cold compresses are applied, and artificial tear drug. This type of disease goes away on its own, it takes several weeks for the child to recover.

Antihistamines are used to treat the allergic form, but the main thing in this case is the elimination of the allergen.

To save the child from bacterial conjunctivitis, the pediatrician prescribes special drops and ointments, which are based on antibiotics. wide application. The peculiarity is that the dose of the substance is minimal, and does not Negative influence on the child's body, but at the same time eliminates the local inflammatory process.

To reduce the inflammatory process and speed up recovery, you need to rub the baby's eyes with decoctions. medicinal herbs. To do this, you will need a gauze swab and pharmaceutical herbs- chamomile, sage, nettle. For each procedure, a separate portion should be prepared. Wiping is done every two to three hours. The movement is made from the outer corner of the eye towards the inner. This procedure perfectly removes pus and crusts, relieves inflammation. Cotton wool is not suitable for the procedure, as the fibers remaining on the mucosa can worsen the condition.

Conjunctivitis - treatment with pharmaceutical preparations

Acute purulent conjunctivitis can be dealt with in a couple of days, if all the points are followed. Medicines can be used the most simple, but reliable. You will need a solution of potassium permanganate, but the color should be barely noticeable, pale pink. Another levomycetin drops, a solution of 0.25 percent, can be bought at almost any pharmacy. Also take a tetracycline eye ointment (not to be confused with an external preparation).

Further, your actions are as follows: after a night's sleep, moisten the swab in a solution of potassium permanganate. Then open the eyelids, and thoroughly wash the conjunctival area with the same solution. Can be drawn into a syringe without a needle, and direct the jet for washing. After this procedure, instill one drop of chloramphenicol. During the day, you need to drip every hour. Repeat washing with potassium permanganate several times. Before going to bed, use tetracycline ointment - it must be laid behind the eyelids.

At acute illness it is recommended to wash the eyeball frequently to eliminate purulent discharge. For this purpose, it is applied boric acid(two percent solution), furacilin solution (1: 5000). For instillation, you can use modern antimicrobials, for example, Okomistin. This medicine is widely used as a medicinal and prophylactic, which affects not only bacteria, but also viruses, fungi, and protozoa.

Treatment with folk remedies

Treatment of conjunctivitis with aloe juice

Squeeze juice from aloe leaves and dilute it boiled water in a ratio of one to ten. Drip into each eye three times a day.

Black tea compress

Brewing strong black tea is cooled to room temperature. Make compresses on sore eyes. The number of procedures is not limited, the more often the better. Reduces inflammation and speeds up recovery.

Your three-year-old baby has reddened eyes; they water, turn sour, causing the child unpleasant feeling discomfort. The kid becomes restless, constantly rubbing his sore eyes. He probably has conjunctivitis. This disease is quite dangerous, requiring maximum responsibility on the part of parents. In three-year-old children, conjunctivitis is common, so it is important for adults to know about the forms and types of diseases, as well as what complications it can carry. As for treatment, it should be immediate and, of course, correct at the suggestion of a doctor.

Types of conjunctivitis

Conjunctival inflammation can have a different etiology. The type of disease depends on the pathogen. In children of three years of age, there are the following types conjunctivitis:

The first syndrome is redness eyeball

  • develops in children in 70% of cases. The disease is caused by microorganisms that normally live on the mucous membrane of the eyes. With a weakened immune system, they are activated and lead to inflammation of the conjunctiva. Also, these microorganisms can get on the mucous membrane from the outside, along with dust, sand. The baby can bring them with dirty hands when he touches his eyes, especially while crying. The most common causative agents of bacterial conjunctivitis are pneumococci and staphylococci.
  • , usually gets into the eyes along with adenovirus infection.
  • The culprit allergic conjunctivitis becomes an allergen (pollen, down, food, animal hair). This type of disease is different in that there is no discharge from the eyes, but both affected eyes in a child itch all the time. Allergic conjunctivitis is divided into several subspecies:

Purulent discharge is the second sign of conjunctivitis

    1. Seasonal: appears in spring, early summer or early autumn. Provoked by pollen from grass or trees. Spring allergic conjunctivitis is the most severe.
    2. Perennial conjunctivitis accompanies the baby throughout the four seasons. The instigators are dust mites, animal hair and bird feathers.
    3. Giant papillary conjunctivitis provoked by a small foreign body constantly present in the eye.
  • specific called conjunctivitis, in which inflammation of the mucous membrane of the eye is caused by certain bacteria or viruses. These include, for example, chlamydial or gonococcal conjunctivitis, as well as herpetic lesion eye.

Inflammation of the conjunctiva is usually preceded by some factor that weakens local or general immunity. These can be hypothermia, microtrauma, or aerosol or other chemical irritants getting into the eye.

Forms of the disease

There is a chronic acute form conjunctivitis, the manifestations of which depend on the rate of the course of the disease.

Acute conjunctivitis occurs suddenly and progresses rapidly. In the chronic form of the disease, the course is sluggish, in which stages of remission and exacerbation can be distinguished.

Do not confuse with barley on the eye

Pathological changes in the mucous membrane of the eye are manifested in various forms:

  • catarrhal;
  • purulent;
  • membranous;
  • follicular
  • mixed.

The lightest - catarrhal form. When it appears mucous discharge from the eyes. The purulent form is characteristic of bacterial conjunctivitis. membranous manifested in viral conjunctivitis by the presence of a thin gray film on the mucous membrane of the eye. It can be easily removed with a cotton swab. But if the film is dense, then the removal will be painful, with the appearance of blood. In the future, scars may remain in these places. Follicular form conjunctivitis is characterized by the formation of follicles that resemble small vesicles in appearance. They cover the entire surface of the mucous membrane of the eye.

The last three forms of the disease are very dangerous for the child and can lead to complications such as keratitis.


Conjunctivitis in three-year-old children develops for the same reasons as in adults. The main culprits of conjunctivitis are:

  • bacteria;
  • viruses;
  • allergens.

In addition to these factors, infants and toddlers children's ages conjunctivitis can develop due to:

  • ARVI or ARI;
  • hypothermia;
  • severe overheating;
  • general weakened state of the body (lowered immunity);
  • increased intracranial or intraocular pressure;
  • obstruction or blockage of the tear ducts;
  • getting into the eye of a foreign body (for example, eyelashes).


By clinical picture it is difficult to determine exactly what reason led to the development of conjunctivitis in a child. In turn, identifying the cause is very important for prescribing timely and correct treatment.

Only an experienced ophthalmologist can distinguish between the type and form of conjunctivitis.

Acute viral conjunctivitis is preceded by acute respiratory disease. The body temperature is increased, often the lateral cervical The lymph nodes. Photophobia is observed, there is a slight blepharospasm (involuntary contraction of the circular muscle of the eye), itching. The eyelids are red, edematous, the conjunctiva is hyperemic. Discharge from the eye is small, mucous in nature. Sometimes follicles or films appear on the conjunctiva. This feature The course is typical for children of three years of age. The diagnosis is made by a doctor based on a combination of eye involvement and the presence of acute upper respiratory catarrh.

In acute bacterial conjunctivitis, there are copious discharge: purulent or mucopurulent. Children appear symptoms such as:

  • lacrimation;
  • photophobia;
  • pain in the eyes;
  • swelling of the eyelids;
  • redness of the mucous membrane of the eye;
  • crusts on the eyes (in the morning).

As for gonococcal conjunctivitis, in the first days, mucous-bloody discharges from the eyes are observed, then abundant purulent discharges appear.

Allergic conjunctivitis is similar in symptoms to the viral type, but no signs viral infection. However, there is a clear association with allergen exposure. Both eyes are definitely affected.

Often, against the background of the disease, the child's general well-being worsens, with general intoxication, the body temperature rises. Fortunately, a three-year-old baby can already explain to his parents that his head hurts and his eyes itch.

Conjunctival thickening and injury vascular network may cause temporary visual impairment in the child.


Treatment of inflammation should begin immediately after the first signs are detected. But not on its own: First you need to contact an ophthalmologist. For fast and accurate diagnosis parents are advised to carefully monitor the development of the process and tell the doctor in detail about its course.

The first thing the doctor must determine is the cause of the inflammatory process. In the case of a bacterial or viral infection, it is necessary to identify the pathogen in order to select the best measures.

Diagnostics includes:

  • medical examination of the organs of vision;
  • eye biomicroscopy;
  • cytology of a smear taken from the conjunctiva of the affected organ of vision.

If the child has purulent discharge, then the final diagnosis is made after a virological, bacteriological, serological study smear. If an allergic nature of the disease is suspected, a consultation with an allergist is required. In this case additional examination is recommended:

  • taking skin allergy tests;
  • determination of the concentration of eosinophils;
  • a probability test helminthic invasion or dysbacteriosis.


Treatment is prescribed by a doctor after the type and form of the disease is identified. It usually includes the use medicines, eye treatments and herbal lotions.

Medical therapy

The treatment is carried out with the use of topical drugs - ointments and eye drops.

If the disease is caused by a bacterial infection, antibacterial drugs are prescribed, which are used to treat the child's eyes. When identifying viral form shows the use of ointments and drops with an antiviral effect.

Treatment of the affected organ

Folk remedies

Chamomile - the best herbal remedy for washing eyes with conjunctivitis. With a weak decoction of chamomile, you can even bury your eyes. In addition to chamomile, you can use Bay leaf. 3-4 crushed leaves are poured into 200 ml. boiling water, insist, then filter. The resulting infusion rub the baby's eyes 5-6 times a day.

Also, with conjunctivitis, traditional medicine recommends using cornflower flowers. 1 st. a spoonful of crushed flowers is poured into 200 ml of boiling water, insisted for 30 minutes, filtered. Wash the child's eyes with the resulting infusion 5-6 times a day.

Never buy on your own or on the advice of a pharmacist. They should be prescribed only by an ophthalmologist.

There are drugs that are contraindicated at the age of three. Moreover: conjunctivitis can be caused by a viral or specific infection, and its treatment in children should be carried out according to a special scheme. And this is the work of a pediatrician or an infectious disease specialist. Facilities traditional medicine also use with caution, after consulting with your doctor.

Chamomile infusion is the best natural antiseptic


Untreated conjunctivitis can lead to complications such as keratitis and deep eye tissue abscess. It is very important to carry out treatment in a timely manner and take precautions so as not to expose the child to the risk of further complications.

Three-year-olds due to illiterate treatment of conjunctivitis risk buying:

  • keratitis (inflammation of the eye cornea);
  • blurred vision;
  • otitis;
  • thorn;
  • partial or complete blindness.


Preventive measures include the observance of personal hygiene by the baby and parents. Key recommendations:

  • Teach your child to wash their hands regularly: before and after meals, after returning from the street to the house, etc.
  • Disinfect your child's toys, especially those that have been outside.
  • Teach your child to use their own towel, handkerchief.
  • Spend more time at home wet cleaning ventilate the rooms.
  • Change your baby's bedding frequently, especially pillowcases.



At 3 years old, conjunctivitis can often be found in children (this is also), so do not be afraid, mom and dad, but think about how to treat this disease so that it does not develop into a chronic form. Persistent conjunctivitis in your child is bright sign violations of the immune system, so do not pull and contact the specialists. Do not let the disease take its course and do not try to treat it yourself. Immediately run to the doctor and follow all his recommendations. Familiarize yourself with this disease. Only in this case, conjunctivitis will not bring dangerous complications child and it will pass quickly.

Conjunctivitis is one of the most common eye diseases in children, which is characterized by inflammation of the conjunctiva. Any type of disease is better prevented than treated.

Often children's conjunctivitis associated with hypothermia of the child, with the occurrence of colds or allergic reactions.

Children's conjunctivitis is quite easy to determine, because the main symptom is inflammation of the eye. But it is worth noting that children react more pronouncedly to this ailment. Something may bother them, as a result of which they begin to cry and worry.

The main symptoms of the disease include the following.

  • Redness of the eyeball.
  • Photophobia and increased tearing.
  • Appearance of yellowish crusts in the corners of the eyes after sleep.
  • Gluedness of the eyelids.
  • Purulent discharge from the eyes.
  • Decreased appetite and sleep.

Children over the age of ten may experience the following symptoms.

  1. downgrade visual function. All objects become blurry and lose clarity.
  2. Feeling foreign body In eyes.
  3. Burning and discomfort.

If we talk about the main symptoms of the manifestation of conjunctivitis in children under one year old, then they include the following problems.

  1. Hyperemia and severe swelling of the eyeball and the inner region of the eyelids.
  2. Increased production and separation of tear fluid. An important point is to determine the difference between ordinary tears in a child while crying and the body's response to the inflammatory process.
  3. Marked photophobia. This symptom is one of the most important. Therefore, if parents notice that the child regularly squints and rubs his eyes with his hands, then this indicates a problem.
  4. Sticking together of eyelids after sleep. This is due to the secretion or pus in large quantities.
  5. Loss of appetite and frequent whims.

Types of conjunctivitis in children

Children's conjunctivitis is usually divided into several types.

  1. Bacterial conjunctivitis. It is characterized by the release of pus from the visual organs.
  2. Conjunctivitis allergic nature. It is characterized by redness of the eyes, tearing, sneezing and nasal congestion. In this case purulent discharge not visible.
  3. Viral conjunctivitis. There is no discharge of a purulent nature, but irritation of the eyes is observed.
  4. Adenovirus conjunctivitis. The first symptoms of the manifestation of the disease include pharyngitis and fever.

Causes of childhood conjunctivitis

Children's conjunctivitis occurs most often in those children who attend kindergartens or school. The thing is that the disease is by its nature considered contagious and is transmitted by airborne droplets and by contact. Therefore, it is customary to attribute a decrease in immune function in autumn and winter to the main reasons. winter periods, hypothermia, lack of vitamins and minerals, exposure to irritants in the form of dust, pollen and wool and non-compliance with hygiene rules.

Treatment of conjunctivitis in children under one year old

All treatment directly depends on what kind of conjunctivitis the child has. Therefore, the first thing the baby is recommended to show the doctor to put correct diagnosis and advised on how to care for sore eyes. The treatment process in children under one year old is different in that all procedures and the effects of drugs were milder. Therefore, pediatricians try to avoid the use of drugs of a potent nature.

  1. Washing the eye of a child every two hours. To do this, you can use simple boiled warm water, chamomile infusion or furatsilin. The main condition is the observance of sterility. This is necessary in order not to aggravate the condition.
  2. After seven days, the child's visual organ should be cleaned no more than twice a day.
  3. In addition to cleansing procedures, Albucid should be dripped into the eyes. Treatment of babies up to a year involves the use of the strongest solutions only in difficult situations. As soon as improvement has come, manipulations should be carried out no more than three times a day.
  4. In some cases, the doctor may advise treating conjunctivitis with a tetracycline ointment, which is gently applied under the lower eyelid.
  5. If the inflammatory process is observed only on one eye, then in parallel all procedures must be done on the second to exclude the possibility of infection.
  6. With an acute type of disease, no dressings can be done. This will help lead to injury to the eyelid and the multiplication of bacteria and germs.

Treatment of conjunctivitis in children from a year

To cure children's conjunctivitis, you need to follow a few rules.

  1. It is better to do nothing before the inspection. You can wipe your eyes with a decoction of chamomile or plain boiled water. If parents have suspicions of viral or bacterial conjunctivitis, then Albucid can be dripped. If an allergic form of the disease falls under suspicion, then it is necessary to give an antihistamine drug.
  2. When a doctor diagnoses a viral or bacterial type of disease, the child should wash his eyes every two hours. Children over two years old can remove crusts with cotton swab. If this allergic manifestation, then children should apply cold compresses to relieve swelling.
  3. At inflammatory process two eyes must always be treated. For each individual, one cotton pad is taken, which are pre-moistened in the solution.
  4. For children older than one year, you can use such types of drops as Fucitalmic, Levomycetin and Vitabact.
  5. When the child's condition improves, procedures can be reduced to two times a day.

It must be remembered that various forms conjunctivitis is treated different drugs. For example, if a child has a bacterial type of illness, then drops and ointments based on antibiotics will help in such a situation. These include Levomycetin and Tetracycline.

The viral form can only be cured with ointments and tablets based on Acyclovir. Drops are also prescribed antiviral action in the form of Trifluridine and Poludan.

May join the allergic type bacterial form. Therefore, the first thing to do is give antihistamines, limit contact with the irritant, and when severe forms appoint hormonal agents. These drugs include Cromohexal, Allergodil, Lecrolin and Dexamethasone.

Correct instillation of drops in the eyes of children

  1. When an ailment is observed in children under one year old, then the medicine should be dripped only with a pipette with a rounded tip. This will help avoid unnecessary injury to the baby's eyes.
  2. An infant should be laid on the surface without using a pillow. Then it is worth pulling back the lower eyelid a little and dripping one or two drops. The drug itself will be distributed over the plane visual organ. And the excess part that came out should be wiped gently with a napkin.
  3. When the child is older, he already understands what is being done to him. And often they close their eyes. But it's not a problem. The product can be dripped between the base of the upper and lower eyelids. The medicine will still get into the eye when the child opens it.
  4. Cool drops should be preheated in warm hand or water. And only then use them, otherwise the baby may experience irritation.
  5. It is not recommended to use eye drops that have expired.
  6. Children over seven years of age are best taught to bury their own eyes under the supervision of a parent.

Preventive measures to prevent the occurrence of childhood conjunctivitis

Like any type of illness, childhood conjunctivitis is easier to prevent than to treat later. Therefore, several preventive measures should be observed.

  1. Observe hygiene measures.
  2. Treat toys and the room with disinfectants.
  3. Buy air purifiers and humidifiers.
  4. Strengthen immune function child with vitamin complexes.
  5. Walk often.
  6. Limit contact with sick children.
  7. Contact a doctor in a timely manner.
  8. Establish proper and balanced nutrition.

If treatment is started on time, then conjunctivitis goes away pretty quickly. And if you follow all the measures, you can generally avoid infection.