Eye drops for conjunctivitis with a broad antibiotic. Antiviral eye drops

Conjunctivitis is a serious eye disease in which the mucous membrane of the eye becomes inflamed. The disease renders Negative influence not only on the conjunctival membrane, but also on the inner epithelium of the eyelids. Eliminate ophthalmic pathology help instillation (instillation) of medicinal drops.

It has varieties depending on the cause that caused it. Respectively, drops for treatment divided into several groups.

Inflammation of the conjunctiva has the following varieties:

  1. infectious conjunctivitis. Appears due to exposure to viruses.
  2. Bacterial. Inflammation of the conjunctival membrane caused by a bacterial agent (staphylococci, streptococci).
  3. Allergic conjunctivitis. Inflammation of the mucous membrane of the eye develops as a result of the body's reaction to an allergen ( Poplar fluff, wool). Treatment should begin with the elimination of the irritant.

Infectious and contagious, so when the first signs appear, precautions must be taken so as not to infect your household and other people.

Drops for conjunctivitis in adults

Before treating conjunctivitis, it is necessary to find out the cause that provoked its development. Drops for instillations are very different in their composition. So, to eliminate conjunctivitis caused by bacteria, antibiotics are used; for the infectious form, drugs with antiviral action are used. The allergic form is treated with antihistamines.

Treatment of a viral disease in men and women

For elimination in adults, the following medications help:

  • Oftalmoferon. good drops with antiviral, antihistamine, immunomodulatory action. Differ quick action eliminating the symptoms of the disease in the most as soon as possible. In the first days, Ophthalmoferon is instilled up to 8 times a day. As soon as the symptoms begin to subside, the number of instillations is gradually reduced.
  • Ciprofloxacin. Broad spectrum antibiotic. It is dripped drop by drop every 2 hours for 2-3 days. The next 5 days make instillations every 4 hours. Do not use in children under one year old.

Antibacterial drops

Most effective drops doesn't have to be expensive. There are many inexpensive but effective drugs:

  1. Levomycetin. The drug is very popular due to its low cost and high efficiency. These eye drops are recommended to be used for 3 days even without a doctor's prescription when different types conjunctivitis. Do not drip Levomycetin during pregnancy, newborns.
  2. Tobrex. Eye drops that successfully relieve inflammation of the conjunctiva caused by Escherichia, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, staphylococci.
  3. Albucid. Inexpensive drops, the use of which is allowed in adults and childhood. Available with different concentrations of the active substance (20% and 30%). The disadvantage of Albucid is its rather aggressive effect on the eye. Many people experience itching, burning, swelling of the eyelids when using it. In this case, you can replace Albucid with Tsipromed.
  4. Tsiprolet. Antibacterial drug which contains the antibiotic ciprofloxacin. Tsiprolet is effective against spirochetes, gonococci, Klebsiella. Not recommended for use in pregnant women, lactating women, babies under 2 years of age, patients with, patients with hypersensitivity to fluoroquinolones and specifically to ciprofloxacin. The analogue of Tsiprolet is Tsipromed.
  5. Phloxal. Antibacterial drops with antiviral effect. The active substance is Ofloxacin, which effectively fights conjunctivitis caused by coccal infection, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, and fungi. Causes Floksal and side effects, such as tearing, itching, burning, a temporary decrease in vision, which is fully restored after 30 minutes. It is forbidden to instill Floxal in pregnant and lactating women.
  6. Taufon. Effective drug, the main active ingredient of which is taurine. Taufon quickly eliminates numerous pathogenic bacteria from the surface of the eye. Taufon is prescribed when conjunctivitis spreads to. The number of instillations and the dosage of the drug is calculated strictly individually.
  7. Nevanak. The active substance is nepafenac, which has an anti-inflammatory effect, eliminates itching and swelling. Prolonged use of Nevanak leads to a decrease in vision. It is forbidden to use an ophthalmic agent in childhood, it is prescribed after 18 years.
  8. Tobradex. Powerful combined drops with anti-inflammatory and antibacterial properties.
  9. Okomistin. A modern preparation with an antiseptic in the composition.
  10. Sofradex. Drops contain framycetin sulfate (destroys harmful bacteria).
  11. Significef. Antibacterial drops of the fluoroquinolone group. Differ in high efficiency. After instillation, they remain in the tear film for a long time, providing healing effect. May cause severe burning.

Eye drops for allergic conjunctivitis

Elimination begins with limiting contact with the allergen. Then drops are prescribed, which should eliminate redness, tearing of the eyes, swelling of the eyelids.

These drugs are:

Drops for the treatment of childhood conjunctivitis

Babies are not protected from inflammation of the mucous membrane of the eye. An ophthalmologist should decide which drops to treat conjunctivitis in a baby, since the treatment regimen is drawn up for each specific case.

With allergic conjunctivitis

Allergic conjunctivitis appears due to the action of a certain irritant on the human body. In every specific case individual selection of medicines is necessary. The age of the small patient also makes adjustments.

The most effective antihistamine drops:

Eye drops for viral conjunctivitis in children

Usually, viral conjunctivitis develops first on one side only. But children often begin to touch the sore eye, rub it, and then the other eye, so they can infect the second organ of vision. Instillations in both eyes at once will help to avoid this.

How much, when and what eye drops to drip for babies determines pediatric ophthalmologist. By the best means are:

For childhood bacterial conjunctivitis

Today, pharmacies sell high-quality and inexpensive drops from conjunctivitis , caused by bacteria.

These include:

How to use drops correctly?

Many people do not pay due attention to the process of instillation medicinal product in the eyes. As a result, the drops simply flow out and do not have the proper effect.

The rules of instillation are not so complicated:

  • before dripping the drug, you should read the instructions for it;
  • Immediately before instillation, hands should be thoroughly washed with antibacterial soap and dry them;
  • if lenses are used, it is better to remove them;
  • if a regular pipette is used, they are drawn into it required amount medicines (this is not required for a dropper bottle);
  • you need to throw your head back a little, pull the lower eyelid with your finger, roll your eyes and drip the required number of drops of medicine into the pocket that has formed;
  • close the eye, press the corner of the eyelid against the wall of the nose with your finger;
  • remove the remnants of the medicine with a cotton pad;
  • sit with eyes closed 3 minutes.

How to use eye drops correctly

Drops in the eyes for conjunctivitis in children (especially small ones) are best instilled together - one should drip, the other should hold the baby so that the medicine does not leak out.

Features during pregnancy

The complexity of treating inflammation of the mucous membrane of the eyes in pregnant women is that it is impossible to drip into the eyes with conjunctivitis the same drugs that are used in the treatment of other adults. At the beginning of pregnancy, they are limited to the use local funds, which do not penetrate the blood, but their choice is very limited.

In subsequent trimesters, the doctor prescribes most of the drugs that are prescribed for adults. The exception is drugs with glucocorticoids, hormones, salts heavy metals. What drops to drip with conjunctivitis during the bearing of a child is decided by the doctor. All drugs must be strictly coordinated with him and not exceed the indicated dosage.

During pregnancy, the following eye drops are prescribed: Albucid, Tobrex, Vigamox, Tebrofen, Oftalmoferon.


Inflammation of the mucous membrane of the eye is much easier to prevent than to treat acute or later. Here are some simple rules to help you avoid it:

  • use only your hygiene items;
  • wash your hands frequently using antibacterial soap;
  • reduce touching of the hands to the eyes;
  • after visiting the pool or swimming in other in public places you should wash your eyes or drip antimicrobial drops for prophylaxis (for example, Albucid);
  • work on strengthening the immune system.

Conjunctivitis is unpleasant and dangerous disease which is fraught with numerous complications. For its treatment, only those medicines that the ophthalmologist prescribes should be used. Indeed, for each specific type of disease, it is necessary to select the appropriate drops against conjunctivitis.

Only when correct selection medication and subject to the rules of instillation, it will be possible to eliminate inflammatory processes in the mucous membrane of the eye.

Inflammatory process The membrane that covers the apple of the eye (conjunctiva) is called conjunctivitis. If you notice that your eyes began to hurt, watery and itch - it's time to buy eye drops for conjunctivitis, but which ones are the best and how to use these medications?

Treatment of bacterial conjunctivitis

This is one of the most common diseases in children, along with stomatitis. Toddlers, especially babies, do not always control their movements, which is why they can accidentally damage the conjunctiva or simply bring dirt into the eye. What children's eye drops for conjunctivitis can be used by the smallest?

A month old baby needs a very gentle, but at the same time effective treatment. It is not advisable to use cheap drops of Albucid (sulfacyl sodium) here, they are highly aggressive and too “painful” for children. Enough good feedback About Tobrex is a very affordable drug that costs about $4 but is completely painless. In addition, it is hypoallergenic. It is recommended to use 3 times a day.

Viral conjunctivitis

This is the most dangerous and unpleasant type of disease. Characterized unpleasant sensations in the eye and the area around it, increased tearing, itching and burning.

Solutions containing interferon have proven themselves well - this is an antibiotic compound that resists diseases such as keratitis, keratoconjunctivitis, and herpetic inflammation of the conjunctiva. Types of such drops: Oftalmoferon, Interferon alpha-2 (solution for the preparation of a medicinal mixture), Reksod of and Lokferon.

It is worth noting that children and lactating women and during pregnancy cannot independently prescribe eye drops for viral or bacterial conjunctivitis, you should definitely visit a doctor for a consultation and examination.
Video: treatment of conjunctivitis

Drops for allergic conjunctivitis

Photo - Conjunctivitis of the eye

Allergic conjunctivitis is very difficult to treat, it is necessary to consult a doctor before using any medication, because. some of them are quite harsh on the cornea and can significantly aggravate the situation. In particular, Tobrex, Indocollir and Lacrisifin can be used.
List of drugs in the table
Drops for adults against conjunctivitis can be much more aggressive than children's. Depending on the form of the disease and its stage, it is allowed to use antibiotics. If it is not possible to urgently visit a doctor, the following list of drugs can somewhat alleviate the condition (choose according to symptoms):

Name Application and instruction
Gludanthan This is not a liquid, but a powder that must be dissolved in anticholinergics, used twice a day.
Poludan Good eye drops for blepharoconjunctivitis, the only drawback is that you need to use a pipette for instillation.
Oftadek Drops for the treatment of ocular chlamydia, gonorrhea in children and acute coyucctivitis.
Dexamethasone Not used for herpes keratitis, can not be used during pregnancy. After instillation, there is an acute burning sensation.
Sofradex This is not a solution, but an ointment for conjunctivitis, which is applied to damaged areas. It is also prescribed for blepharitis, eczema of the mobile eyelid and scleritis.
Floresan Remedy for mild treatment forms of conjunctivitis. It is also widely used to disinfect lenses.
norsulfazol It is a powder that must be dissolved in plain water prescribed for treatment infectious diseases eyes and ears. Use 4 times a day.
Vigamox Enough strong remedy with pronounced antibiotic activity. Treats corneal ulcer in adults, conjunctivitis (any form), approved for use in the elderly.
Phloxal Primarily this drug used to eliminate infectious eye diseases: conjunctivitis caused by staphylococci, gonococci, salmonella and other microorganisms.
Ciprofloxacin It is strictly forbidden to use for the treatment of keratitis, corneal diseases, and blepharitis. Before treating with this drug, be sure to clarify the diagnosis.
Tsipromed (in a green box) An excellent antimicrobial drug, prescribed to cure blepharoconjunctivitis.
Tsiprolet These drops treat keratitis different shapes, but not viral diseases cornea.
Lacrisifin Very gentle eye drops for allergic conjunctivitis.
Taufon Belarusian drops are used for conjunctivitis on dystrophic corneas, use 2 times a day.
Gentomycin These antibiotic drops are used to treat dacryocystitis, irocyclide and keratoconjunctivitis.
Indocollier They have an analgesic effect, are prescribed for infections after corneal surgery.
Rohto Not related to medicines It's a tonic. Abroad, they are prescribed for the prevention of conjunctivitis.

Eye drops for conjunctivitis based on Levomycetin and Cortisone are also often used, but they are distinguished by severe burning and pain in the eyes. All recommendations presented above are instructions for emergency(strong lacrimation, appearance yellow slime, pain in the eyes, etc.), the main treatment must be prescribed by a doctor.

Conjunctivitis is an inflammation of the mucous membrane of the eye (conjunctiva), which is most often caused by an allergic reaction or pathogenic microorganisms(viral, rarely bacterial etiology). It should be understood that this disease is serious, and in some cases very dangerous. Sometimes a person can lose sight altogether. Therefore, self-medication can be dangerous. It is highly not recommended to use the drugs described below without first consulting a doctor!

Types of conjunctivitis

There are adenovirus (pharyngoconjunctival fever), enteroviral, bacterial, chlamydial, allergic, acute and chronic conjunctivitis. In adults, 85% of cases of conjunctivitis are caused by adenoviruses, and only 15% by bacteria. In children, types of the disease of bacterial and adenovirus etiology occur with the same frequency. Usually the disease proceeds painlessly, but easily passes into chronic form. Most often, conjunctivitis develops as a result of infection, allergies, or exposure to chemical substances. For treatment, as a rule, use eye drops for conjunctivitis. to allergic and chemical reasons diseases include the influence of pollen, herbs, medicines for local application, harmful compounds present in the air, fumes from industrial enterprises and irritating substances with which a person works (acids and alkalis).

What are eye drops?

Eye drops for conjunctivitis are one of the most common pharmaceutical medications in ophthalmology. This is liquid form, which is oil or aqueous solutions, as well as thin suspensions of medicinal substances. Eye drops are intended for instillation into the conjunctival sac. They are applied to the mucous membrane with a sterile pipette. Eye drops are usually prescribed in relatively small amounts - no more than 5-10 milliliters, with the expectation that they will be used for a short time. In some cases, to ensure the stability of drugs, they can be produced in a dry sterile form. Immediately before use, eye drops for conjunctivitis are dissolved or suspended in a sterile liquid.

As solvents for them are used:

  • water for injections,
  • buffer solvents,
  • sterile fatty oils (almond, peach and others),
  • Vaseline oil.

Types of eye drops

There are the following types of drugs:

  • aqueous eye drops for conjunctivitis with highly soluble in water medicinal substances(30% sodium sulfacyl solution, 0.25% zinc sulfate solution, 1% atropine sulfate solution, 25% homatropine hydrochloride solution, 25% scopalamin hydrobromide, 1% pilocarpine hydrochloride solution and others);
  • with substances that are slightly soluble in water (0.01% solution of phosphacol, 0.005 and 0.01% solutions of armine, etc.);
  • oil drops (0.01 and 0.02% solutions of pyrophos, 5% solution of clophosphol, etc.).

Basic standards and requirements for eye drops

Basic quality requirements eye drops is sterility, desired values pH and osmotic pressure, correct proportions active ingredients, absence of mechanical abrasive inclusions, viscosity, transparency. These standards are described in all leading pharmacological guides peace. No less important are the consumer properties of the drops: comfort for instillations, ease of use, the impossibility of opening packages by children.

allergic conjunctivitis

Typically, this disease occurs when general allergy. Conjunctivitis of this type is often seasonal, that is, they appear at a certain time of the year or period of time (caused by an allergy to the pollen of certain plants, poplar fluff, etc.). The cause of the disease can also be the use of inappropriate or low-quality cosmetics. As a rule, allergic conjunctivitis affects both eyes at once. At the same time, in addition to their redness and lacrimation, swelling of the eyelids can be observed. For the treatment of the disease, antihistamines are prescribed in drops and tablets. If the allergy is not severe, the use of artificial tears and cold compresses may be sufficient. To prevent the disease, contact with the allergen, which causes such a reaction of the body, should be avoided.

Bacterial conjunctivitis

This disease is caused by pathogenic bacteria, usually staphylococci or streptococci. Its main difference from other types of the disease is the swelling of the conjunctiva with the release of pus, which often causes the eyelids to stick together, especially in the morning. Drops for conjunctivitis of this type are mandatory dosage form for therapy.

Viral conjunctivitis

As a rule, this disease is directly related to the weakening defense mechanisms - overall decline immunity. It develops against the background of a common viral infection. Therefore, in this case, treatment begins with the fight against the underlying disease and strengthening the immune system. For local therapy, the patient is prescribed eye drops for conjunctivitis of the antiviral type.

acute form

The acute form of conjunctivitis is usually provoked by bacterial pathogens. It is treated with ointments and eye drops with antibiotics (albucid 30%, chloramphenicol 0.25%, etc.). Bury eyes at acute form need at least 4 times a day. To prevent the development of the disease, you should follow the rules of eye hygiene.

Antiallergic drops

To eliminate allergic conjunctivitis - the reaction of the eye shell to allergens (chemicals, dust, wool, pollen, etc.) - antihistamine eye drops are used. As a rule, these are drugs such as Allergodil, Opatanol, Kromoheksal, Lekrolin or Claritin. Some drugs can also be used to treat conjunctivitis of viral and bacterial etiology - these are, for example, Tobrex, Tsiprolet, Tsipromed, etc. They contain antibiotics for topical use with a wide range actions.

Antibacterial drops

Conjunctivitis of bacterial etiology is treated with antibiotics. Eye drops are also used for inflammation. As a rule, these are drugs such as Levomycetin, Tobrex, Albucid, Tsipromed, Floksal, Tsiprolet, Normax.

Antiviral drops

This type of drug is intended for the treatment of viral conjunctivitis caused by viral pathogens and characterized by strong tearing and a slight accumulation of mucus. Therapy is usually prescribed medicines, like "Floksal", "Florenal", "Tebrofen" "Gludantan" and "Albucid". As a rule, drugs are used according to the following scheme: 1 drop 6 times a day.

Precautionary measures

Conjunctivitis is not only serious, but often contagious disease. Therefore, in order to prevent infection of others, certain precautions must be taken. Ideally, treatment should be carried out under the supervision of a physician. To prevent infection of others, the following rules must be observed:

These simple rules will not only protect others, but also speed up the recovery of the patient himself. Often conjunctivitis various etiologies (mild form) pass by themselves even without drug treatment if a person complies with hygiene regulations.

Medicines for the treatment of conjunctivitis are prescribed by the attending physician. Form and type of drug depends on the form of conjunctivitis.

So, with an allergic form, eye drops with antihistamine and decongestant effects are prescribed.

For treatment bacterial form diseases are prescribed drops that have bactericidal or bacteriostatic action. In addition to the drop form, there are preparations in the form of ointments, eye films, solutions for subconjunctival and parabulbar injections, powder for solution and eye drops.

What drops in the treatment of viral conjunctivitis

Viral conjunctivitis is the most common form of the disease, which has its own characteristics.

Photo 1. Viral conjunctivitis on the eye. There is redness of the organ, increased lacrimation.

Eye damage occurs almost always against the background of reduced immunity. The most common viruses that cause disease are to herpetic and adenoviruses.

Reference. Antibacterial agents are not used to treat viral conjunctivitis, as they not effective in this case.

Eye drops for viral conjunctivitis

It is used for adenovirus conjunctivitis, there is also a form for the treatment of Parkinsonism.

Medicine name Peculiarities Action
Actipol intensifies therapeutic effect from concomitant use with Acyclovir, Valaciclovir. Stimulates the renewal of the cornea, fights the virus, improves immunity. Among the side effects, an allergic reaction is rare.
Berofor Active substance - interferon. Strengthens the action simultaneous reception with other antivirals. Antiviral and immunomodulatory. Interferon contributes to the resistance of the body against viruses, blocks reproduction when they penetrate. side effects not found.
Gludanthan Active substance: amantadine sulfate. Ethanol increases the risk of developing side effects. The drug significantly reduces the penetration of viruses into cells.
Oftalmoferon As part of interferon and diphenhydramine. It is also indicated for viral keratitis, dry eye syndrome. It is used by patients of any age, including newborns. Antiviral and also has antiallergic action and painkillers.
Oftan Idu Active ingredient idoxuridine. Applies to toxic. Among side effects photophobia, itching, pain and irritation. Violates DNA viral cell and destroys it. It is prescribed for the defeat of the eye with the herpes virus.
Poludan It is prescribed for various eye lesions of viral etiology, including neuritis optic nerve, choreoretinitis. Used to treat children and adults. for sale in the form of a lyophilisate. antiviral drug, induces interferon in the body.
Tebrofen Prescribed with caution during pregnancy. Burning on the mucous membrane is possible as a side effect. Antiviral, highly active against herpes viruses and adenoviruses.
Trifluridine Drops are used frequently , about 7 times a day because they have poor absorption. It is prescribed when the patient is resistant to other antiviral drops. Effective against herpes viruses.
Florenal Drops are not used for hypersensitivity to the main component - fluorenonylglyoxal bisulfite. It is also available in the form of eye films. Actively suppresses virus replication. Especially adenoviruses and herpesviruses.

The effectiveness of certain eye drops is communicated to the patient by the attending physician. Any medicine appointed individually, based on test results, age data, anamnesis.

How to bury eyes with a bacterial infection

Bacterial conjunctivitis also occurs due to a decrease in immunity and infectious diseases.

Photo 2. Eye with signs of bacterial conjunctivitis: there is a strong redness, profuse lacrimation.

bacteria, disease-causing: staphylococci, gonococci, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, streptococci, etc.

Important! You can get this form of conjunctivitis through household items or simply by rubbing your eyes with unwashed hands.

Eye drops for bacterial conjunctivitis

Name Peculiarities Action
Albucid As part of sulfacetamide. Another name for the drug is Sulfacyl sodium. Used to treat children and adults. It is also prescribed for blepharitis. Bacteriostatic. This means that the drug does not allow to multiply harmful microbe. Effective against gonorrheal and chlamydial lesions of the eye in adults. Similar actions have Tobrex and Gentamicin.
Vitabact Main component - picloxidine. It is not used during pregnancy, but is prescribed for newborns. Discharged for prophylaxis and preoperative preparation. Antiseptic and antimicrobial. Effective against Staphylococcus aureus, Chlamydia trachomatis and some other microorganisms.
Gentamicin Applies to antibiotics, there are other forms of release. Drug resistance develops slowly. Bactericidal, that is, the drug destroys the bacterial cell. Does not work on viruses or fungi.
Levomycetin Belongs to a group synthetic antibiotics. Designed for adults and children. It acts destructively on bacteria that are resistant to streptomycin, sulfonamides. Not effective for viral or fungal eye infections.
Normax It is also prescribed for otitis media, as it refers to ear and eye drops. Prohibited under 12 years old. Antimicrobial action against Gram-positive and Gram-negative bacteria. The effect is reduced when taken simultaneously with drugs, containing magnesium, iron, calcium, zinc.
norsulfazol Main component sulfathiazole. It is also prescribed for blepharitis. As a side effect, an allergic reaction is possible. Active towards toxoplasma, chlamydia, actinomycete fungi.
Oftadek Base substance decamethoxin. Resistance develops slowly. Used to treat and prevent diseases of the organs of vision in newborns. Bactericidal. Effective against many bacteria, as well as viruses and fungi.
Oftaquix Active ingredient levofloxacin- Synthetic antibacterial substance. It is prescribed at the age of 1 year, but with caution. As a side effect, a burning sensation, a decrease in visual acuity is possible. Antibacterial against a very wide range of microorganisms.
zinc sulfate Most often prescribed in combination with boric acid. Antiseptic. Acts on microbial proteins causing them to roll, and then die.
Tobrex Tobramycin, which is part of, refers to antibiotics. It is used to treat keratitis, blepharitis and barley. Used by patients older than 1 year. It is not recommended to use longer than the period prescribed by the doctor. Like Gentamicin destroys cells of foreign bacteria. Has activity against most microbes.
Phloxal Active ingredient ofloxacin- antibacterial substance. It is also prescribed for barley, keratitis, corneal ulcer. Applicable at any age. The bactericidal action is associated with the blockade of the enzyme DNA gyrase in bacterial cells.
Fucithalmic Main component - fusidic acid. Applicable at any age. Therapeutic effect prolonged, due to which the medicine is used twice a day. Antibacterial action, disrupts protein synthesis in microorganism cells.
Tsipromed Active ingredient ciprofloxacin. It belongs to the same group as ofloxacin. Drops are designed to fight microbes that cause diseases of the organs of vision and hearing. Antibacterial action directed against a wide range of microbes. Medication low toxicity to humans.
Ciprofloxacin From the group of antibiotics, effective against those microbes that are tolerant to tetracyclines, penicillins, cephalosporins. Destroys at harmful bacteria DNA synthesis. It acts on pathogens of such diseases as: blepharitis, bacterial corneal ulcer, eye infections of an infectious and traumatic nature.

Eye drops are used according to the instructions, but the frequency and duration of use is always adjusted by the attending physician on an individual basis.

Attention! It is very difficult to distinguish viral conjunctivitis from bacterial conjunctivitis on your own, since they have similar symptoms, in this case it is necessary laboratory research.

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What to drip against allergic conjunctivitis

This form of the disease is the body's response to external stimuli.

Photo 3. Allergic conjunctivitis in a child. It is characterized by redness of the eyes, most often both at once, increased lacrimation.

The disease is acute or chronic; is seasonal or year-round.

Reference. Springtime keratoconjunctivitis is most common in male children. from 5 years, the atopic form of keratoconjunctivitis affects patients over 40 years old.

For treatment, drops are used, which are applied depending on established diagnosis taking into account the age of the patient.

Eye drops for allergic conjunctivitis

Name Peculiarities Action
Allergodil Main substance azelastine hydrochloride. Not applicable to children up to 4 years. As a side effect, increased tearing is possible. Antiallergic and antihistamine. Effective for seasonal and year-round allergic conjunctivitis.
Vizin Appointed with seasonal allergies. The drug is contraindicated in the age up to 2 years, with corneal dystrophy, hyperthyroidism, bacterial conjunctivitis. Decongestant and vasoconstrictor. Eliminates hyperemia due to smoke bright light etc.
Claritin Active Ingredient loratadine. It is prescribed for allergic conjunctivitis. Antipruritic and antihistamine.
Cortisone Applies to corticosteroids. Prescribed for treatment chronic conjunctivitis, spring keratoconjunctivitis, keratitis, uveitis. Immunosuppressive, anti-inflammatory, antiallergic. Inhibits the synthesis of lymphoid tissue, prevents the appearance allergic reactions.
Cromohexal Indicated for treatment and prevention allergic forms eye diseases, irritation of the mucous membrane due to an allergic reaction. Antiallergic action and prophylactic against allergies.
lacrisifi Represents corneal epithelium protector. It is prescribed for the treatment of lagophthalmos, keratopathy, erosion and ulcers of the cornea. Restores and stabilizes the optical characteristics of the eye film. It has some bactericidal action. Quickly relieves allergic reactions in case of eye irritation.
Lecrolin At the heart of the drug, like Cromohexal, cromoglycic acid. Used in ages over 6 years old for the treatment of allergic conjunctivitis, to eliminate a systematic reaction to irritants. Antihistamine action.
Opatanol Appointed at various types allergic conjunctivitis. The main component of the drug Olopatadin. Antiallergic

Often, eye drops against allergic conjunctivitis are prescribed together with allergy medications; the ideal option is to identify the cause of the allergy and then eliminate the interaction with the allergen.

The effectiveness of eye drops for children and adults

With viral conjunctivitis. One of the best drugs considered eye drops Oftalmoferon. They are suitable for treating patients of any age. The medicine immediately eliminates itching in the eyes and reduces the severity of edema. The medicine is effective against various viruses that caused the disease.

Photo 4. Packaging and bottle of Ophthalmoferon in the form of eye drops. Volume 10 ml, manufacturer Firn M.

Drops are also suitable for the treatment of patients of all ages. Actipol, they provide antiviral protection to both newborns and adults. The drug stimulates the immune system and accelerates regeneration in the cornea.

Poludan It has wide list for indications for use, also prescribed for adults and children. It has powder form, which is used to prepare eye drops or solution for injection.

With bacterial conjunctivitis. Albucid and Sulfacyl Sodium doctors prescribe because of their high efficiency, active effect on a wide list of microorganisms, and a minimum of side effects. Drops can be dripped patient of any age.

Tobrex is a broad-spectrum antibiotic, most often prescribed for intolerance to other drugs or the presence of allergic reactions. Applies as an alternative to Albucid for the treatment of newborns.

Levomycetin an effective antibiotic prescribed for the treatment of adults and children over 2 years old, but the doctor can also prescribe it to a newborn based on vital indications.

Able to treat most microbes that cause bacterial eye damage and has a very affordable cost.

With allergic conjunctivitis the doctor, depending on individual indications, prescribes drops related to corticosteroids, antihistamine drops, artificial tears.

Cromohexal and Claritin are antiallergic drugs that quickly eliminate the signs of allergies.

Cortisone and other drugs based on the hormone cortisol are prescribed to relieve inflammation, eliminate allergy symptoms.

Attention! Hormonal medications very effective, but are used only as directed by a doctor, since with uncontrolled use, risk of increased intraocular pressure.

Artificial tear Lacrisifi and similar drugs are most often prescribed for the immediate elimination of allergic reactions caused by various irritants, but are prescribed as additional treatment with a lack of lacrimation, with burns of the conjunctiva and cornea.

Important! Should not be worn contact lenses during the treatment of any form of conjunctivitis. It is recommended to use them one day after the end of treatment.

Useful video

look interesting video, which demonstrates how to properly instill drops in the eyes, tells how to avoid mistakes in this process.


Modern pharmacies offer various eye drops for conjunctivitis, which help in the fight against the inflammatory process of the mucous membrane of the eyes in the adult population and in children. It is necessary to correctly navigate this diversity in order to buy a medicine that can help, not harm. The best solution would be to see a doctor who will prescribe effective drops for conjunctivitis.

Every kind eye preparations is intended for the treatment of conjunctivitis, depending on the factor that caused the disease. An ophthalmologist will correctly prescribe eye drops for conjunctivitis. Treating your eyes on your own is not safe, it can lead to backfire.

Combination medicines for topical application in the form of eye drops are used for all types of inflammation of the conjunctiva. They eliminate local symptoms and discomfort (pain, cramps, burning, sensation foreign body): Sofradex, Maxitrol, Oftadek, etc.

To achieve a complete recovery, it is necessary to correctly use the means that eliminate not only the signs of the disease, but also the causes that caused it.

Depending on the etiological factors distinguish conjunctivitis:

  1. Bacterial - various pathogenic bacteria (staphylococcus, streptococcus) act as the causative agent of the disease, which enter the eyes when personal hygiene is violated or upon contact with the carrier.
  2. Viral - observed high degree contagiousness of this type of conjunctivitis, its cause is eye damage by a viral infection.
  3. Fungal - caused by mycotic infection. Treat this type of conjunctivitis without a prescription systemic drugs happens to be very difficult.
  4. Allergic - allergens are involved in the inflammation of the conjunctiva: household dust, pet hair and bird fluff, plant pollen, etc.

To treat bacterial conjunctivitis will help drugs containing an antibiotic, viral - agents with substances that adversely affect the shell of the pathogen.

Antimycotic components in the composition of medicines fight fungal infection. To get rid of allergic inflammation of the mucous membrane of the eye, antihistamines are used.

Antibacterial drops

Inflammation of the eyes, provoked by pathogenic microbes, is characterized by redness, pain, purulent secretions. As part of the drops for the treatment of this type of conjunctivitis, there is always an antimicrobial substance. What drops treat bacterial inflammation?

Modern List eye medicines with antibiotics is as follows:

  • Levomycetin drops for conjunctivitis - active substance is active against most conjunctivitis-causing bacteria. For the eyes, a 0.25% solution is indicated. The tool is used with great caution in children (it is better to resort to alternative drugs), do not use in violation of hematopoiesis.
  • Tsipromed drops for conjunctivitis - the main substance of 0.3% drops (ciprofloxacin) belongs to the fluoroquinolone group of antimicrobial agents. It is quite aggressive against many gram-positive and gram-negative microbes. It is forbidden to drip during pregnancy and lactation.

  • Tobrex is an antibiotic from the group of aminoglycosides, tobramycin. He showed himself as an effective substance against staphylococci, Escherichia and Pseudomonas aeruginosa, some streptococci. Apply eye drops of 0.3% for conjunctivitis. The drug can be administered to pregnant women, but under strict medical supervision.
  • Floksal 0.3% drop for conjunctivitis - active ingredient The antibiotic drug ofloxacin has a bactericidal effect against staphylococci, fungi, streptococci, chlamydia. It is not recommended that they treat women during the period of bearing and breastfeeding a child.

Also often used in ophthalmic practice Albucid solution for the treatment of conjunctivitis: adults 30%, children should be instilled 20%.

This is proven and sufficient. effective remedy which provides good therapeutic results. Usually, two or one drop of conjunctivitis solution is injected into the eye sac.

Antivirus drops

In viral inflammation, there is high level contagiousness (infectiousness). If an infection gets into one eye, it almost always spreads to the other. In addition, it tends to quickly be transmitted to others.

The inflammatory process of the mucous membrane is accompanied by pain, burning in the eyes, abundant formation and discharge clear slime.

To fight the virus, use the following antiviral drugs:

  • Poludan - a drop from conjunctivitis, has antiviral properties, pronounced immunomodulatory: it increases the production of its own interferons in the blood and lacrimal fluid. It is indicated to drip into the eyes to eliminate adenovirus infection, herpes virus.
  • Aktipol - in addition to antiviral effects, has an excellent antioxidant property. 0.007% drops are used to treat various viral infections.
  • Oftalmoferon - has anti-inflammatory, antibacterial and antiviral effects. Regenerates corneal tissue, anesthetizes. Active in the fight against herpes, enterovirus, adenovirus. The expediency of prescribing the drug to pregnant women is determined by the doctor.
  • Interferon - fights against various viral infections, raises defensive forces organism. Drops are widely used for conjunctivitis in pediatrics (the ability to bury even infants). Only a doctor prescribes the drug to newborns.

Typically two or one medicinal drop- from conjunctivitis in order to prevent it - and in healthy eye. Often viral conjunctivitis occurs with manifestations of rhinitis. In this case, ENT organs should also be treated.

Antimycotic drops

Ophthalmomycosis is accompanied by pain in the eyes, serous secretions, the formation of conglomerates and films.

For treatment, various combined drops are usually used for fungal conjunctivitis.

Specialized preparations are prepared according to a doctor's prescription in a pharmacy individually, usually they include fluconazole. The appointment of fungicidal drugs for internal reception.

Antiallergic drops

Patients with allergic inflammation of the conjunctiva suffer from severe redness, burning in the eyes, lacrimation.

In the treatment of this type of inflammation, it is necessary to eliminate the irritant that caused the reaction. What are the best remedies for topical use?

The following eye drops help treat allergic conjunctivitis:

  • Opatanol is a highly effective antihistamine medication. Used for therapy in adults and children over three years of age. Quickly eliminates the manifestations of the disease due to the anti-allergic components of the different mechanism of action contained in the drug.

  • Allergodil - has a prolonged effect, almost no side effects. It is used both for treatment and prevention (instilled into the eyes before the alleged contact with the allergen) of conjunctivitis.
  • Lekrolin - drops for long-term use (for chronic conjunctivitis). Contraindicated in pregnant women, children under four years of age.

At severe course also shown to treat antihistamines systemic action (Suprastin, Claritin, Tavegil). Treatment is prescribed only by a doctor.

Before starting the use of drops, it is better to consult a specialist. The use of any eye solutions involves strict adherence to the instructions, dosage, hygiene rules (before instillation of the eyes, wash your hands properly to prevent re-infection).