How to write in Russian correctly. How to learn to write correctly in a short time, and why it is important to write without errors

Over the years of studying at school, you safely missed all the rules of the Russian language, but did you write presentations and dictations better than anyone in the class? You're lucky! For most people, literacy is not easy. And many do not even try to write correctly, believing that the opponent already understands everything.

Well, it's really easy to understand what we're talking about. But whether it is pleasant to read a text that is replete with errors is a moot point. This speaks of disrespect for the addressee and, oddly enough, for himself.

A competent, beautifully constructed speech makes a deep impression on any audience. To an even greater extent, this applies to written speech. If in a conversation you emphasize the significance of words with intonation, eloquent pauses, then in writing, punctuation marks serve as means of conveying emotions. The same phrase, written in a literate, heartfelt language or a set of symbols that come to hand, produces a different impression. Compare: “I love you! You are the best thing in my life!” and "I love you, you are the best thing in my life." As they say, feel the difference!

Learning to write correctly

Learning to write without errors, or at least significantly reducing their number, is possible not only for a child, but also for an adult. A mature person has even more advantages:

  • he learns to read and write consciously, of his own free will;
  • he has a much larger vocabulary than a child;
  • an adult has much more patience and perseverance than the most exemplary first grader, is able not only to grasp the rules, but can think over and analyze them.

To learn how to write correctly, it is not at all necessary to graduate from a specialized university. It is enough to follow a few simple rules.

Rule 1: love reading

This is not about women's novels or periodicals, which have long ceased to be the standard of literate speech. Read the classics! And, if possible, not modern editions, but those that were published in the middle of the last century. The same applies to translated literature.

Choose what is especially close to you: historical novels, detective stories, science fiction ... The main thing is that the process should bring you pleasure.

Why do you need to read a lot? The fact is that in the process of reading, visual memory is trained. The first time you try to remember the spelling of certain words, the number of mistakes you make may increase. But do not fall into despair! Stop memorizing difficult words and just enjoy an exciting book. As soon as the memorization process goes to the subconscious level, it will become much easier for you to write correctly.

Rule 2: take the trouble to rewrite!

Think back to your student days. The night before the exams, you did not crammed your textbooks, trying to memorize in two hours what you had not had time for a whole year. You wrote cheat sheets! And, oddly enough, teachers sometimes did not even interfere with this useful activity. Why? Yes, because in the process of rewriting (and even in a state of understandable stress!) memorization occurs automatically. Surely you did not use a single prepared “bomb”, because you already remembered everything perfectly?

Make it a rule to copy every day by hand one or two pages of a literary or popular science text. You will become not only more erudite, but also a literate person.

Rule 3: take dictation

You can check your achievements in the simplest way: by writing a dictation. Ask your wife or student son to be the teacher. By the way, with a child of middle or senior school age, it would be nice to write dictations in turn. This will benefit both of you: the child, reading the text carefully, observing all punctuation marks, will remember how to write complex words and phrases correctly, and you will try not to lose face in front of a more literate offspring.

Rule 4: Keep a dictionary handy

Do you want to write well? Then let two dictionaries always lie on your table: explanatory and spelling.
A professional proofreader who has worked for many years in a large publishing house - and he, having met a word in the correct spelling of which he is not sure, is not ashamed to look into the dictionary!

Rule 5: the textbook will help you!

We are not talking about school textbooks that are designed for a child of a certain age. There are many reference books on the Russian language for applicants to universities. Be sure to test yourself by doing exercises or doing a short vocabulary dictation.

Rule 6: memorize poetry and prose

A quote used in time and to the right place is a sure way to make a good impression not only on the woman you love, but also on the stern boss.

Having met an interesting phrase in the book, copy it in a notebook and memorize it. Over time, you will form a plump quote book, which is not a sin to pass on to growing grandchildren.

Rule 7: keep a diary

Record significant events from your life in a special notebook. It can be revelations in the style of Jean-Jacques Rousseau or funny tricks of your favorite cat. The main thing is to accustom yourself to competently and literaryly express your thoughts.

Don't like to write by hand? Start a blog. Share with readers stories about yourself or your loved ones, favorite recipes, just sketches from nature. In a few years, it will be interesting for you to remember what happened in the distant "two thousand hairy ones." And readers will take care that not a single extra comma crept into your notes.

Rule 8: "Dictionary of Nightmares"

No, this is not a horror book, as a person with a rich imagination might assume. When you meet a “collegiate assessor” on the page of a 19th-century novel or hear about the eruptions of a volcano with a long, completely unpronounceable name Eyyafyadlayokyudl, you will gasp: “What a nightmare!” Having been terrified enough, write down a new word for yourself. Diligently, letter by letter, displaying it in a notebook, you will firmly remember how it is spelled.

Isn't it really difficult? Set a goal for yourself and methodically, step by step, approach its implementation. You will see, soon your literacy can only be envied!

Literacy when writing any texts or business papers is an indicator of a person’s education, inspiring disposition towards him. In today's world, where people have to type more than write, literacy is rarely thought about. It is enough to use one of the spelling programs, as the computer will underline the incorrectly typed word and all that remains is to correct the error.

This is where many people get an unpleasant surprise. Getting a job and filling out long questionnaires by hand, which employers now often resort to, a person suddenly realizes that he is not sure about the correct spelling of a particular word. And if an employer can consider one mistake an annoying typo, then the presence of 2-5 grammatical errors and a “lame” style can become a decisive reason for your profile to get into the folder of unemployed applicants.
And not only for getting a responsible job, the level of literacy is important. A note with gross errors left to a competent colleague or neighbor will jar him. Knowing you well, he will not say anything, but he will draw conclusions about your ignorance for himself. And this is especially annoying if you have a diploma (or two) of higher education.

This is only in the saying "meet by clothes." In modern business life, much more is often expected from a person, including impeccable literacy.

We learn to write correctly.
If you notice that your literacy is not up to par, you should not dismiss the problem, especially since it is solvable.

To learn how to write without errors, you need to outline a sequence of actions. And you need to start with the simplest - with spelling. The easiest way to improve literacy is reading. You just need to approach it responsibly. First, you need to read only good literature. The one that will help you "kill two birds with one stone" - see how words are spelled correctly and feel the beauty and variety of metaphors that abound in good literature. Therefore, the works of the classics are best suited. You can limit yourself to those of them whose works in prose or verse are read and perceived easily. For example, Prishvin, Kuprin, Tyutchev, Pushkin.

Remember that reading on the road - in the subway, train, in the car - especially if you prefer yellow press or pulp fiction, will not bring you any benefit. This "literature" quite often sins with grammatical and stylistic errors, and only in exceptional cases can it be a model of competent and beautiful speech.

Read the correct literature for at least 30-40 minutes a day, and preferably 1-2 hours daily. But this is not enough. What your memory has received in the process of reading must be fixed. And for this you need to write as much as possible. So keep practicing. Leave notes and letters to friends and family more often. Share your problem with them and ask them to carefully read your messages and point out the mistakes made.

With a serious approach to business, literacy increases as early as 2-3 months of regular reading and writing exercises. But this is a skill that needs to be constantly reinforced until it reaches automatism. To make the process easier and faster, always keep a spelling dictionary at hand.

But this is not the only way to master literate writing. The second way is to study the rules of spelling and punctuation. If you decide to go this route, it is better to enlist the help of a teacher or someone who is fluent in this knowledge. Even an excellent high school student can help you.

How to teach a child to write without mistakes.
Practice shows that those adults who in childhood read a lot, wrote a lot and took such subjects as the Russian language and literature seriously at school do not have problems with grammar and style. Therefore, it is easiest to instill literate writing skills from school age.

Unfortunately, today's children do not always succeed in literacy. This suggests that the most favorable moment for learning has been missed and now you need to correct the situation.

You will have to start with the same thing that adults do - read and write more. Before you buy a book for your child, review it for errors. Buy only high-quality books with beautiful pictures that can interest the child and encourage him to start reading the book.

Practice your child's spelling more often. Let him rewrite the texts, gradually complicating the tasks. Arrange dictations. Include words that the child has difficulty spelling more often. Invite your child to write the most “problematic” words several times in a row on a separate piece of paper. Periodically arrange dictations only from individual words, where two or three familiar words will have one word, causing serious difficulties with writing.

Find literacy tests on the Internet, where the child can not only find out his level, but gradually improve it, increasing his rating each time.

Tell your child more often that a person who can speak beautifully and write well is much more likely to get a prestigious education and a good job than his illiterate peer.

Literacy at all times was considered an inalienable quality of an educated person who occupies a worthy place in society. The development of modern technologies, the emergence of social networks and mass online communication for many modern children and adults has become an excuse for illiterate written speech. However, it is a mistake to believe that the ability to correctly present your point of view orally or in writing is a useless skill that can be neglected.

Mistakes in filling out business papers, writing reports, or communicating with clients via e-mail or regular mail can seriously damage your reputation as a specialist. In everyday life, at any time, it may also be necessary to drop a couple of lines to relatives, friends or neighbors, and no adult will want to blush for annoying mistakes in words and punctuation marks.

If you have problems with spelling, punctuation or vocabulary, don't lose heart. At any age, it is not too late to learn to write without errors and work on your literacy, the main thing is to approach the problem with all seriousness and regularly improve your skills.

Simultaneously with spelling, a successful person must keep the intellectual functions of the brain in good shape. BrainApps, a fitness resource for the brain, will help him with this, classes on which involve daily individual training. Even the busiest person can find 15 minutes a day to improve their own intelligence.

How to become literate in Russian

There is a common misconception that literacy is one of the innate qualities of a person, that is, the ability to write and speak correctly to one degree or another is inherent in every person from birth. Some schoolchildren and adults refuse to work on spelling after several failures and believe that they simply do not have the innate skills for beautiful and correct writing.

However, absolutely anyone who does not have deviations from a medical point of view can become literate. And although literacy is accessible to everyone, the disappointing statistics of recent years show a decrease in its level among children and adolescents. The reasons for this unpleasant phenomenon are:

  • Decreased interest in reading fiction. Readers are much less likely to write with errors, but a modern child usually prefers playing on a computer or smartphone to a collection of fairy tales or stories;
  • Massive communication in social networks. Online correspondence rarely involves compliance with all the rules of spelling and punctuation, since each of the interlocutors seeks to express their opinion as soon as possible and in parallel is engaged in other matters;
  • Lack of parental involvement. Many parents do not pay due attention to the development of literacy in a child, believing that completing school assignments is more than enough. But many factors affect school performance, and the example of a mom or dad who regularly read books and always write without errors is much more effective. Therefore, before learning how a child can learn to write without errors, you should work on your own level of literacy;

Writing texts without mistakes and correct speech give a lot of advantages at any age. You can always make a good impression on your interlocutor, colleague or leader, easily draw up any document and be able to help your child with the lessons. It remains only to find out exactly how to become literate in the Russian language<>and how long it will take. Ideally, due attention should be paid to correct writing from the school bench or even from preschool age. But if this moment is missed, then regular independent studies will come to the rescue, which do not require huge financial investments, but require discipline and systematicity.

There is no magic method by which you will forget about misspelled words and misplaced punctuation marks in two weeks. Only self-education and long-term painstaking work on yourself will give the desired result, which will remain with you for life.

9 working ways to learn to write well

There are several really effective ways to accustom yourself to literate writing. To write without errors you can:

  1. Read regularly. It is with reading that the correct, beautiful oral and written speech begins. Visual memory plays a big role in spelling, and you will gradually be able to remember how to spell a particular word. In order to benefit from reading, one should be selective in the choice of literature. Domestic classical works are best suited for working on improving literacy. Do not think that the classics are necessarily boring and drawn out, everyone can choose a genre to their liking and enjoy reading. It is necessary to read every day for at least an hour, thoughtfully and in a calm atmosphere. Soon you will notice that your speech has become richer, more figurative, and there are fewer errors in words.
  2. Learn the basics. In addition to fiction, pay attention to working with reference books and textbooks of the Russian language. This is one of the most effective ways to learn how to write without errors and build sentences correctly. Remember the rules and be sure to reinforce the theory by completing practical tasks.
  3. Acquire and use a dictionary regularly. Every time you don't know how to spell a particular word exactly, look in the spelling dictionary. Forming this useful habit will allow you to get rid of mistakes quickly enough, so keep the dictionary on your desktop or other prominent place so that it is always at hand;
  4. Write from dictation. Ask relatives or friends to dictate to you texts from a collection of dictations several times a week, so you can quickly find gaps in your knowledge and direct self-study in the right direction.
  5. Work on bugs. Feel free to write down the words that are most difficult for you in a separate notebook and reread them every day. This is an excellent training of visual memory, which will allow you to write even the most intricate words and phrases correctly over time.
  6. Improve memory. To do this, you can learn by heart your favorite poems or passages from prose. This method will also improve oral speech, and repeating the learned material aloud trains diction skills. If learning by heart does not suit you, then simply rewrite the texts, paying special attention to difficult words and sentences;
  7. Find friends by interests. Nobody wants to write with errors, it irritates any person and many would like to improve the quality of their writing. Classes in a pair or group are more disciplined, in addition, you can help each other and check the assimilation of new knowledge.
  8. Contact a professional. A Russian language tutor may be needed not only for a student before passing exams. Several full-fledged classes with a specialist will fill in the main gaps and develop a further plan for self-education.
  9. Apply knowledge in practice. Write notes and reminders to yourself, write out your favorite quotes from books, write ordinary paper letters to friends or relatives instead of e-mail, sign and give postcards. Such little things will always keep you in good shape, and force you to focus on the rules of spelling and punctuation;

If you systematically use these simple ways to learn how to write without errors on your own, you will soon notice positive changes. However, it is necessary to maintain literacy at the proper level throughout life, so all of the above recommendations are relevant for any person who is actively engaged in self-development.

How to learn to write without mistakes from childhood

Some children learn spelling much more easily than others their age. To understand how such children learned to write correctly, it is necessary first of all to pay attention not to their school performance, but to classes with their parents at home. A child can be gradually taught to read from the age of three, and for this it is not necessary to force the baby to intensively memorize letters and syllables. First, you should awaken interest in the fascinating world of literature, read fairy tales and children's stories every day.

Reading and writing must be developed in parallel, in a playful, accessible form for the child. With school-age children, it is imperative to work on mistakes, to additionally explain incomprehensible or difficult points. Parents who shift all responsibility for the child's literacy to teachers are unlikely to be satisfied with the result of his education. Therefore, you should know how the child will learn to write without errors and actively help him, overcoming learning difficulties together.

It is usually difficult for children to memorize many rules of grammar and punctuation, therefore, together with spelling, it is recommended to develop memory and attentiveness. To do this, there is a BrainApps resource, the games of which are suitable for both adults and children.

How to write a dictation without mistakes? How to learn to write without mistakes?

    The Russian language is very difficult. And no matter how you study the rules, there are always exceptions. When a dictation is written, then, naturally, such a text is selected in advance so that all sentences correspond to the subject matter of the material being studied. And here it is enough to learn the rules properly, but there is no guarantee that the dictation will not contain words that you do not know how to write correctly. What to do? My extensive experience says only one thing. Need to read more. Need to write more. When we do this we memorize the words. When we punctuate, we remember how to do it correctly. As a result, we become more literate, not always knowing exactly why this or that word is written that way. We just know what's right and that's it. That is why competent teachers force students to read and write more, focusing on essays, abstracts, and reports. And stupid children, not understanding this, copy everything from the Internet, without delving into the meaning of the texts.

    I was born in Germany and learned Russian already here, so it's very difficult to write in Russian, but I still try. So I installed an add-on in my browser so that the text that I write is immediately checked for errors. It turns out well, in my opinion. To learn how to write dictations correctly, you just need to write more often from dictation. I have recordings of Russian stories and fairy tales on audio, I listen and write, and then my parents check whether it is correct or not.

    In order to learn how to write dictations correctly, you need to learn the rules of the Russian (or any other) language. And besides the rules, you still need to have the practice of writing dictations. My teacher called it check outquot ;. When I needed to correct a four (according to a 5-point system) in Russian, I rewrote texts from a collection of dictations for several months. Every day.

    And you also need to learn to carefully check what is written and notice your mistakes yourself.

    Write, write... and write again! I prepared myself this way: I sat down my younger sister, she dictated, and I wrote all the dictations in a row. Then he analyzed the errors and drew conclusions.

    P.S. Dictations can be viewed here (

    Dictation was easy for me at school. I only had auditory errors (I can’t hear well, I wrote the wrong words). I just always, if I found it difficult how to write, came up with a test word, and everything became clear. It is very important to read a lot, but while there was no computer until the age of 14, I read a lot. Many words were in memory.

    Try the free computer program for learning to write dictations Linguistic Gym . To complete the exercise, it is enough to have a text and an audio file corresponding to it. The program breaks the audio into phrases and stops after each is spoken, allowing the user to type what they heard into the text field. The program can be used not only for Russian, but also for any foreign language with writing from left to right.

    Personally, dictations have always been very easy for me. But to explain it is not so easy, because I never learned the rules. The fact that I write almost without errors is most likely the result of the fact that I have always read a lot. Probably, I owe my literacy precisely to constant reading, and not to studying the rules of the Russian language. By the way, the same thing with the German language - at school he wrote more competently than all the other students, although they, as local Germans, in theory, should have known their native language better.

    To write a dictation without errors, you first need to concentrate on the fact that you are now writing a dictation, that is concentrate to the utmost, as well as have a positive attitude, some optimism, psychologists call it positive setting. Having all this, then you can already talk about knowing the rules of the Russian language, about the need to read a lot, about the need to check yourself after the dictation. Without all this, it makes no sense that a person knows the whole book of the rules of the Russian language, reads a lot, etc., if his thoughts are not about how to write a dictation perfectly or well, but about a neighbor in the desk Nastya, or about that now he will come home and again will play Stalkerquot ;.

    The first thing that helps is reading literature. Many people have visual memory. I had a classmate who studied mediocrely, didn’t know the rules, but wrote dictations almost always on 5. Like that. Well, of course, you need to know the rules of the language, be able to hear the intonation of the dictator, and be attentive.

    I generally studied well at school, but for some reason it was spelling that was difficult for me. I remember that the teacher of Russian language and literature also advised me to read more. But I read so much, and it was still difficult. Maybe some sort of dyslexia or something.

    To learn how to write a dictation without mistakes, you need to train to write them 2 dictations a week, 10-120 words, depending on the complexity of the given. For the second part of the question, you need to know the rule for punctuation marks, and try to feel them intonation.

    literacy is either there or it is not, of course, the main thing is to read and write constantly.

According to statistics, the generation born in the 1960s and 80s is much more literate than today's youth. The thing is that the lives of modern children and adolescents are confidently flooded with new technology - computers, laptops, tablets, iPhones, etc. Such gadgets not only take up the lion's share of the time children need for a quality education, but, alas, also contribute to degradation .

Today's children learn to type before they write with a pen, they read very little, but teachers, in turn, for the most part prefer to turn a blind eye to the level of literacy of their students. But nevertheless, the ability to write correctly, without errors, will never lose its relevance, because knowledge, like classical music, is valued at all times.

Why is it necessary to be able to write correctly?

Many people are skeptical about this issue: they say, what difference does it make how exactly the text is written, if the opponent already understands me.

A well-known historical phrase can become a weighty argument "Execution cannot be pardoned", in which the life of a person depended on the location of the comma. The ability to write correctly, without errors, is necessary, first of all, so that we can understand each other correctly, and not in two ways. The spelling and punctuation norms of the Russian language are no less important for communication than the rules of the road on the highway - just think, because if every driver breaks at least one rule, sheer chaos will form on the road.

In addition, the ability to write correctly has the following advantages:

  • a literate person always makes a good impression when meeting, this is especially important for business people who communicate with potential clients in the epistolary genre at work;
  • knowledge is a powerful weapon with which you can control other people;
  • a parent who knows Russian well will not have to blush in front of a schoolchild presenting homework for verification;
  • those who know how to write without errors will not be difficult to write a statement, resume, explanatory note or just a note;
  • illiteracy ALWAYS makes an unpleasant impression on other people, even if they do not show it;
  • no computer program is able to correctly edit the entered text, only a person can do this!

It is for these reasons that you need to pay special attention to your education.

It is worth noting that it is never too late to start doing this. Many adults believe that they will not succeed in learning to write without spelling mistakes. Actually it is not. Of course, teaching a child is much easier than teaching an adult, but it is quite possible.

Today we will tell you how you can learn to write in Russian correctly, without errors, and with the help of some simple ways you can easily increase your level of intelligence.

How to learn to write correctly without mistakes?

  1. Read! The surest way to learn to write correctly is to read fiction. Visual memory, even against your will, will fix the spelling of complex words, speech turns, and subsequently you can easily remember how to write this or that word correctly.

However, the choice of literature should be approached selectively.

Give preference to classic fiction - the works of Leo Tolstoy, Maxim Gorky, Anton Chekhov, Mikhail Bulgakov, Fyodor Dostoyevsky, etc.

Choose books to read according to your interests - fortunately, there are many literary trends.

But from tabloid novels and periodical literature (newspapers, magazines, booklets) it is better to refuse, since the level of literacy of journalists often leaves much to be desired. Students of philological faculties, for example, are even given such a task - to find spelling and punctuation errors in fresh newspapers and demonstrate them at the seminar.

Reading the classics, among other things, will expand your horizons - you will learn the meanings of new words, enrich your speech with beautiful metaphors, comparisons and other speech turns;

  1. Write dictations. According to philologists, this is a difficult but most effective way to learn how to write without errors for both a child and an adult. If your child is in school or university, you can take turns reading dictations to each other. After writing and checking each dictation, it is very important to work on the mistakes.

Texts for writing dictations should be chosen selectively - any excerpt from literature, even fiction, is not suitable for these purposes. Purchase a special collection of dictations approved by the Ministry of Education and Science. Ideally, after the text, the authors of the collection offer an overview of spellings and punctograms - this will help to draw the right conclusions regarding the mistakes made;

  1. Study Russian textbooks. At your leisure, read the rules, do exercises, write vocabulary dictations. It is not necessary to use school textbooks for these purposes, since they are adapted specifically for children. An adult can use Russian language reference books. Consolidate the acquired knowledge by performing the exercises given after each rule;
  1. Learn texts by heart. It can be both poetry and prose. This method will help not only increase the level of literacy, but also improve memory. In addition, a classic quote uttered at the right time and in the right place will significantly elevate you in the eyes of friends, acquaintances, and even bosses. After you read the passage you have learned by heart, write it by hand on paper - this way you can also strengthen your visual memory;
  1. Don't be afraid to look in the dictionary! Even professional proofreaders who have decades of practice behind them always keep a spelling dictionary on their desktop in order to be able to verify the correct spelling of a word every time;
  1. Practice in pairs. If you want to learn how to write correctly, without mistakes, involve another person, for example, your own child, because doing it together is much easier and more interesting. Dictate dictations to each other, recite poems, agree to correct oral speech if necessary. Such activities, among other things, will also bring you closer to your son or daughter;

  1. Maintain your own dictionary of difficult words. Human memory, unfortunately (or maybe fortunately), is imperfect, and each of us eventually forgets the knowledge gained. Get a notebook and write down in it words whose spelling you constantly forget, spelling, punctuation and lexical rules that are difficult to remember, and review it regularly;
  1. Just rewrite texts of fiction. Open any collection of dictations or take a work of a Russian classic and rewrite 5-10 pages a day. This will help improve literacy and erudition. This method is often advised by school teachers to their wards, who, knowing the rules in theory, cannot demonstrate them in practice.

If you're more comfortable with typing, take a course "Keyboard Solo" Vladimir Shakhidzhanyan. This tutorial will help you master ten-finger touch typing and will definitely have a positive impact on your literacy level.