More economical gas or electricity. Home heating with electricity or gas, which is cheaper

Many people ask what is cheaper heating with gas or electricity and how much?! The answer is, of course, gas, but how much we will try to calculate.

I will give a particular example. I repeat the private example, fuel tariffs, service prices can vary greatly in different regions, as well as heat loss and house area can also vary.

And so: as of October in the Moscow region

electricity tariff 4.01 rub. for 1 kWh

Gas tariff (main gas) 3.795 rubles per 1 m3 of gas

Electricity supplier Istra electricity networks.

Gas supplier Mosoblgaz (Krasnogorsk), the last 600 m of pipes in front of the user are privately owned.

Natural (main) gas has a calorific value (depending on the field) of 8000 kcal/m. cube (under normal conditions). hence, if you burn 1 cubic meter per hour, you will get 8000 kcal / h or 9304 watts. But! All boilers have efficiency and of course not 100%, but you really need to look at the characteristics of the boiler.

Let's take for example a fairly well-known reliable Viessmann Vitopend 100 boiler and see the maximum thermal power of 24.8 kW, the consumption of natural gas at a maximum power of 2.83 m3 / h, and therefore 1 m3 is only 8.7 kW.

3.795 rubles / 8.7 kW we get 0.436 rubles per 1 kWh on main gas

and for electricity we get 4.01 rubles per 1 kWh, and so the difference is 9 times.

But that's not all.

The efficiency of electrical appliances is almost 100%, well, or 99.9%, in general, 0.1% can be neglected, and no matter what power they are.

But gas boilers whose efficiency is calculated mainly for maximum power do not always give out high efficiency, at the time the burner starts, the efficiency is possible much lower until the heat exchanger warms up, yes, it’s a few seconds, but it builds decently a year, in general, even with a new excellent boiler, taking into account the new clean chimney, the new clean heat exchanger, the flow rate will be exactly 10 percent higher per year than according to the passport, and in the worst case, 50 percent percent. But let's say we have an excellent boiler. Total 1kWh will cost us 0.48 rubles.

But in the house there are costs not only for heating but also just household appliances. As you know, all household appliances that consume electricity generate heat, and ultimately almost all the energy is converted into heat, and therefore, the more household appliances in the house, the lower the heating bill.

The difference is 8.3 times, not 9.

– heating 5720kW*h year

– DHW 3700kW*h year

– other 3300kW*h year

for heating with direct electricity

- heating 5720 kW * hour year * 4.01 \u003d 22937.2 rubles

- DHW 3700kW * hour year * 4.01 = 14837 rubles

- other 3300kW * hour year * 4.01 = 13233 rubles

when heating with main gas

- DHW 3700 kW * hour year * 0.48 = 1776 rubles

– other 3300kW per year

it all consumes electricity, and therefore gives heat, except for such things as a dishwasher, washing machine, street lighting, etc. which has nothing to do with heat dissipation in the house

subtract this (using the collected information)

3300-(1102 kWh per year)=2198 kWh per year

— heating 5720 kWh per year, but because we have household appliances, we will deduct their heat

3522 kWh * 0.48 = 1690.5 rubles

With the presence of main gas, we spend 16,699 rubles a year

The difference is 3 times (and not 9 as in direct heat calculation).

But! That's not all.

During normal operation, a gas boiler needs service, at least absolutely all my friends conclude a boiler service agreement every year, which in 60% of cases justifies itself. If we take an inexpensive company, then the cost of an annual contract costs an average of 8,000 rubles.

Because the last part in the gas pipeline chain is privately owned, the pipe is quite new, and according to the requirements it is of medium pressure, the cost of servicing hydraulic fracturing, pipeline, etc. Mosoblgaz costs about 80t.r. per year, this is about 40 people, of course, the more people the cheaper, we will actually take 100, which will never be. That is, per person 800 rubles per year

Now add these figures to the cost of heating and see.

only with electricity we spend 51007 rubles per year

With the presence of main gas, we spend 16699 + 8000 + 800 = 25499 rubles per year

The difference is only 2 times (and not 9 as in direct heat calculation).

And now let's estimate the costs for 15-16 years, subject to unchanged tariffs.

Let's say we have the same system (which is actually not true, sometimes with an electric heating system there are just electric convectors, and no coolant that needs to be changed at least once every 10 years), let's compare an electric boiler and a gas boiler. An electric boiler with a heating element will work 100% for 10 years (we take into account normally serviceable boilers), and a gas boiler in practice does not work for more than 8-10 years, or even less (6-7), on average, the period of repair / replacement of a gas boiler is 15 years will be 2 times, and electro 1 time (in a bad scenario). The cost of a good gas boiler with installation, delivery, etc. 50t.r., electric 30t.r., if just electric convectors, then the cost of repair / replacement will cost about 6t.r., and about 10-20t.r. will be added to the water system. to replace the coolant.

That is, taking into account the prospect of 15 years (provided that nothing breaks once again)

The costs will be

Only with electricity (electric convectors) we spend

With the presence of main gas, we spend

p.s. this example is for a particular house with an area of ​​88 sq.m., which is quite well insulated.

The answer to the question is why gas was not brought to him yet ?! The cost of connecting gas to full readiness is about 700,000 rubles, with savings of 21,000 rubles per year, the payback period is 33 years (and this is in a good scenario)

We calculated the cost of obtaining 1 kWh of heat from various types of fuel, as well as the costs for the entire heating season, plus the payback period of heating systems.

It is generally accepted that the most profitable heating option is main gas. But not everyone can say for sure how quickly its connection will pay off, even if the gas pipe has already been laid along the border of your site. Therefore, the question “the cheaper it is to heat a house” will be very relevant. To answer it, we have prepared two tables and a chart. The first table collected information on the cost of obtaining 1 kWh of heat from various types of fuel at prices at the beginning of 2016. The diagram shows fuel costs for one heating season. And in the second table - the payback period of heating systems in comparison with an electric boiler.

Table of the cost of obtaining thermal energy for heating from various types of fuel

* - taking into account the density of stacked chopped firewood and the density of the wood itself

** - taking into account the efficiency at average temperatures around -5 ° C, which corresponds to winter near Moscow

*** - the average value of tariffs for MO was taken in proportions 2/1.

The data in the table is sorted by the cost of heat generated by burning each type of fuel, converted to kWh. We deliberately did not sort the list taking into account the efficiency of boilers, since there may be options. Although the bulk of high-quality boilers for different fuels have an efficiency of 80%. We will also leave aside questions of the convenience of using a particular type of fuel. Of course, the most trouble-free here will be electricity, a heat pump, as well as main gas, albeit to a lesser extent. In other cases, there will be more trouble.

Next, we will calculate heating season cost for the Moscow Region, based on a house insulated according to SNiP with an area of ​​100 m 2. We will conditionally accept that it is necessary to actively heat from November to March (150 days a year). At the same time, with an average temperature difference of 25 degrees (we take the average temperature of all five months as -4 ° C), the total heat loss will be approximately 2.3 kW. Those. per day for heating such a house you need to spend 55.2 kWh. For the season -

Costs for the heating season for different types of fuel for an insulated house 100 m 2

The most profitable types of fuel are coal and gas. The most expensive is electricity.

Now let's count payback periods of heating systems for different types of fuel. Suppose that the house has water heating with an electric boiler with a capacity of 9 kW (15 thousand rubles). Let's take this as the base case. To switch to main gas, you need to replace the boiler (15 thousand rubles), install a chimney (30 thousand rubles) and connect to the main (from 50 to 400 thousand rubles, we used 200 thousand for calculations). To switch to coal, firewood or pellets, you also need to install a chimney and replace the boiler with an appropriate one (40 thousand rubles for a regular and

80 thousand for a boiler with automatic feed), plus prepare a storage room. For liquefied gas, in addition, you will need a gas tank with an installation (190 thousand rubles). And for the heat pump - the system itself with the installation (

Payback period of different heating systems in comparison with an electric boiler

The cheaper it is to heat a house (gas, wood, electricity, coal, diesel)

We calculated the cost of obtaining 1 kWh of heat from various types of fuel, as well as the costs for the entire heating season, plus the payback period for heating

Heating a private house: gas or electricity?

For this reason, many homeowners are looking for alternative heating methods. And the first of them in terms of popularity and demand were electric boilers.

Electric heating: convenient, clean, safe

If you do not focus on the relatively high cost of electricity, you can see many advantages of this type of heating:

  • Ease of installation. The requirements for the installation of electric boilers are minimal; it will not be necessary to allocate a separate boiler room, its registration and approvals.
  • Small installation costs. In fact, they come down only to paying for the installation itself.
  • Security, incl. ecological. Electric boilers do not threaten to explode, do not emit carbon monoxide, do not form combustion products.
  • Ability to reduce energy costs by installing a multi-tariff meter. It allows you to use the electric boiler at night, when the cost of electricity is much less.
  • Ease of use. In this capacity, electric boilers are especially advantageous in comparison with solid fuel ones: they do not require the presence of firewood or coal, a place to store them, and cleaning the boiler from soot.

However, for the efficient operation of such a boiler, a lot of electricity is required. Therefore, the decision to install heating with electricity should be made taking into account the existing capacities, the possibilities of their increase, as well as the maximum heat saving of the house.

Gas heating: cheap, profitable, rational

This type of heating is considered the most appropriate, provided that the main gas pipeline is located near the house. To reduce the cost of its installation will help the correct fulfillment of several conditions:

1) order in one company and the project, and installation, and maintenance of the heating system;

2) competent preparation of the boiler installation site;

3) purchase of a boiler, the type of which corresponds to the area of ​​the premises;

4) selection of the optimal chimney.

In addition to low cost, gas heating has advantages in the possibility of choosing the type of circulation - natural (electronic) or forced, and in a wide range of boilers - wall and floor.

Comparison of the cost of energy carriers for heating a private house

The comparison is based on a cottage with an area of ​​100 square meters. m.

The cost of equipment and heating when using:

1) main gas (average daily costs - 12 cubic meters):

2) electricity (average daily costs - 120 kW):

It can be stated that with certain savings on equipment and the arrangement of the internal system with electric heating, the seasonal fee is almost 10 times higher.

Expert opinion

With all the diversity of opinions of experts, they can be summarized in several theses:

1) Autonomous heating with gas is much more profitable in operation, but more costly in terms of initial costs.

2) Gas heating is a more rational option in those areas of the Moscow region where power outages occur frequently and regularly. However, for safety net when using an electric boiler, you can purchase an inexpensive generator.

3) When buying a cottage in a village where natural gas is supplied, the price per square meter will be much higher than in its absence. This is due to the developer's significant costs for coordinating gas pipeline tie-in points, obtaining technical conditions, permits, and also for installation. As a result, the cost may double compared to a similar site without gas supply. In addition, electricity appears in holiday villages before gas: it is much cheaper, easier and faster to conduct it than gas.

What is more profitable to heat the house: gas or electricity? Let's count together!

To determine the feasibility of connecting the main gas to your country house, it is worth making a number of preliminary calculations that will allow you to estimate the cost of heating it with electricity. By comparing them with the costs of connecting the main gas, you can make an informed practical decision.

To determine the estimated heating costs, you first need to calculate the heat loss of the building. They consist of heat loss through building envelopes and through ventilation. Accordingly, a well-insulated house will require less energy for heating.

Below are formulas for calculating heat loss through building envelopes (1) and ventilation system (2):

where Q is heat loss, W; R is the heat transfer resistance coefficient. It is calculated quite simply: R = d/k (d is the thickness of the material, k is the thermal conductivity of the material). F is the area of ​​the entire surface of the building in contact with the outside.

where L - flow rate, m3/hour. According to SNIP, ventilation is required in residential premises at the rate of 30m3 per person, if 4 people live in the house, then this is 120m3 / hour.

c - specific heat capacity of air

p - air density

For the calculation, we will also need data on average temperatures in St. Petersburg:

What is more profitable to heat the house: gas or electricity? We count together

To determine the feasibility of connecting the main gas to your country house, it is worth making a number of preliminary calculations that will allow you to estimate the cost of heating it with electricity. By comparing them with the costs of connecting the main gas, you can make an informed practical decision.

For this reason, many homeowners are looking for alternative heating methods. And the first of them in terms of popularity and demand were electric boilers.

Electric heating: convenient, clean, safe

If you do not focus on the relatively high cost of electricity, you can see many advantages of this type of heating:

  • Ease of installation. The requirements for the installation of electric boilers are minimal; it will not be necessary to allocate a separate boiler room, its registration and approvals.
  • Small installation costs. In fact, they come down only to paying for the installation itself.
  • Security, incl. ecological. Electric boilers do not threaten to explode, do not emit carbon monoxide, do not form combustion products.
  • Ability to reduce energy costs by installing a multi-tariff meter. It allows you to use the electric boiler at night, when the cost of electricity is much less.
  • Ease of use. In this capacity, electric boilers are especially advantageous in comparison with solid fuel ones: they do not require the presence of firewood or coal, a place to store them, and cleaning the boiler from soot.

However, for the efficient operation of such a boiler, a lot of electricity is required. Therefore, the decision to install heating with electricity should be made taking into account the existing capacities, the possibilities of their increase, as well as the maximum heat saving of the house.

Gas heating: cheap, profitable, rational

This type of heating is considered the most appropriate, provided that the main gas pipeline is located near the house. To reduce the cost of its installation will help the correct fulfillment of several conditions:

1) order in one company and the project, and installation, and maintenance of the heating system;

2) competent preparation of the boiler installation site;

3) purchase of a boiler, the type of which corresponds to the area of ​​the premises;

4) selection of the optimal chimney.

In addition to low cost, gas heating has advantages in the possibility of choosing the type of circulation - natural (electronic) or forced, and in a wide range of boilers - wall and floor.

Comparison of the cost of energy carriers for heating a private house

The comparison is based on a cottage with an area of ​​100 square meters. m.

The cost of equipment and heating when using:

1) main gas (average daily costs - 12 cubic meters):

  • internal system of the house - 300 thousand rubles;
  • boiler and equipment - 50-100 thousand rubles;
  • heating season - 4284 rubles.

2) electricity (average daily costs - 120 kW):

  • internal system of the house - 100-300 thousand rubles;
  • boiler and equipment - 50 thousand rubles;
  • connection to the highway - 100-750 thousand rubles;
  • heating season - 46620 rubles.

It can be stated that with certain savings on equipment and the arrangement of the internal system with electric heating, the seasonal fee is almost 10 times higher.

Expert opinion

With all the diversity of opinions of experts, they can be summarized in several theses:

1) Autonomous heating with gas is much more profitable in operation, but more costly in terms of initial costs.

2) Gas heating is a more rational option in those areas of the Moscow region where power outages occur frequently and regularly. However, for safety net when using an electric boiler, you can purchase an inexpensive generator.

3) When buying a cottage in a village where natural gas is supplied, the price per square meter will be much higher than in its absence. This is due to the developer's significant costs for coordinating gas pipeline tie-in points, obtaining technical conditions, permits, and also for installation. As a result, the cost may double compared to a similar site without gas supply. In addition, electricity appears in holiday villages before gas: it is much cheaper, easier and faster to conduct it than gas.

Today I will try to reveal a useful topic, the thing is that now many citizens of our country live in private homes, and when winter comes, they ask themselves the question - what is really more profitable to heat a house? The first thing that comes to mind is, of course, gas, electricity, firewood (coal can also be included here), there are, of course, more non-traditional sources for heating, such as diesel or gasoline, but it is difficult to use them, and sometimes even dangerous. In general, let's think about what is now more profitable and what is preferable ...

In this article, I will try to give a full assessment of one or another heating system, that is, we will estimate according to the calculations and derive the optimal source of heating. Of course, now electric heating is starting to progress, but about 60 - 70% of households are still steadily “hanging” on gas, and many apartments now have the so-called! So why is it so beneficial? For example, I want to take an apartment or a house with an area of ​​​​100 square meters, which I consider “optimal” for a family of three to four people (what a comfortable area you can). In general, read my reasoning and calculations below. Let's start with the condition.

Given conditions

As I wrote above, the task is to heat a house - an apartment of 100 square meters, according to our SNIPAM, it can be argued that for comfortable heating it is necessary to apply thermal energy of 100 W - a square meter, that is, if we have 100 square meters, we need energy - 100 X 100 \u003d 10,000 W or 10 kW, is that a lot? Of course yes, a lot!

I offer a simple diagram, but it will display the full picture:

  • Let's say it's cold now, the heating of the house (apartment) works in the mode - it heats for 5 minutes, it rests for 5 minutes! Thus, we get that the heating works exactly 12 hours a day! Of course, if your home is well insulated, then this interval will not be 50/50, the heating will turn on less often, but this is very good insulation with foam plastic on the outside and thick walls, which are still few in ordinary (ordinary) houses!

The conditions are set, we begin to identify - which is more profitable:

Gas heating

Firstly, you have gas, which in itself costs money, and not small ones.

Secondly, a boiler with a capacity of only 10 kW will be enough for such an area, that is, you do not need to buy for 20 - 25 kW, there is simply no need. You can still consider 15 kW, but if the boiler does not work at 100% load, its resource increases.

Thirdly, at the moment gas costs about 2.5 - 3 rubles, it all depends on the geography of our homeland. I have 2.5 rubles in the city, so I will count at this rate.

Gas is a very "energy-intensive" product, a lot of heat is released during combustion! Heating boilers now have a very high efficiency (often it is not lower than 80 - 90%) - it takes up little space, works offline and requires virtually no maintenance. As it becomes clear, the boiler itself cannot heat the room, it needs a heating system, usually these are cast-iron or aluminum batteries that are “tied” to - a reasonable solution.

Well, we have decided, let's move on to gas calculations

I have a very clear example of such a house (not insulated very well, there are old places that need to be further insulated), gas goes out (in cold weather) about 10-12 cubic meters per day, let's take a maximum of 12.

If we derive the final consumption, then 12 X 2.5 p \u003d 30 p. Then for a month it turns out 30 X 30 days = 900 rubles! Tolerant!

Heating with electricity

Such systems do not require complex engineering networks, in fact, just ordinary poles with electricity distribution - this makes such systems very attractive.

I would like to note right away that now there are a lot of systems that strive to make electric heating cheaper and more efficient, I will list it point by point:

  • Heating boilers are a boiler in which there are electric heating elements, and it, like gas, heats the coolant (usually water or antifreeze) in the system.
  • Electrode boilers, instead of heating elements, special plates are used there that heat water more efficiently.
  • Separate heating elements, just cut into each battery.
  • Heated floors, there are both film and wire. Usually they are laid in the floor, or in the version with a film they are hung on the ceiling under the main coating.
  • Infrared heaters. The form of panels that are hung on the wall and heat the room with infrared radiation.

You can still list for a very long time, now there are still a lot of varieties, and every manufacturer wants to declare that he has simply invented “know-how”. But in fact, again, it all depends on how your house is insulated! The walls must be warm - otherwise you will just drown the street.

Now a kilowatt of electricity costs about 3 rubles (I take the average for the country).

Well, let's assume - that some manufacturers still managed to reduce energy consumption to 80 W - meter, while dissipating heat like a gas at 100 W - meter.

We have already decided that our heating works for 12 hours. Then we multiply 80 W by 100 meters = 8 kW / hour. And since we heat the house for 12 hours, then: - 8 X 12 \u003d 96 kW per day!

If you knock out money, then this is 96 X 3 p. = 288, per month 288 X 30 = 8640 rubles! Just "FUCK"!

Not very profitable heating!

Firewood, coal and more

Many people can now ask me a question - why are we considering this option, no one has been drowning like that for a long time, and you can’t heat an apartment like that! But no guys, it’s still relevant, remember the same “pellet” boilers, of course, this is logical only for a private house, we will not mount such a system in an apartment.


I don’t even know how to present the calculation to you, here you can’t somehow deduce the amount of firewood and the heat received from them. It all depends on the material, what kind of firewood it is (oak, birch, pine, etc.), because everything burns differently and gives different heat. But I can say with confidence that you need to make some kind of shed to store this firewood or coal - 100%, which already weighs down many owners.

You can heat with firewood really cheaply and even for free, if you yourself cut them somewhere and brought them. But if you buy, then KAMAZ (about 6 cubic meters), which is exactly how much you need for the heating season, costs about 10 - 12,000 rubles, if divided by 6 months of heating, this is about 1.5 - 2,000 rubles. per month!


Coal will come out a little more expensive, but you need less of it and it keeps the temperature longer (we buy about 3 cubic meters). If knocked out in the bottom line, these are the same 2000 rubles. - month.


A new heating system, special expensive boilers, which, by the way, can be well automated.

They are heated with special pellets - “pellets”, it is also not easy to calculate consumption! But again, based on my experience, I will say - the consumption of pellets per month for 2 - 2.5 thousand rubles - our 100 square meters.


Well, as you yourself understand, GAZ is really in the first place, while in terms of efficiency it does not even have close competitors.

The second is to burn wood, pellets, coal - but in our case this is not an option at all (troublesome, garbage, dirty and dangerous), unless you have a private house and the “ash” from burning is useful for seedlings.

The third is electricity itself, of course, many can now tell me - what did you count here, I have much less, I spend 4000 - 5000 rubles per 100 square meters. - a month, for electricity! Guys, this may be true, but think about how much you would have spent on gas then? Basically a penny! Many are heated by electricity only because there is no choice and will not be, because the area is remote and there is simply NO gas nearby!

Now the video version of the article

Here is such an article turned out, I think it was useful to you, read our construction site.

Each type of fuel has the right to exist. We will rely only on objective data: the released heat of combustion and the price. Then you can decide for yourself which type of fuel is more suitable for your conditions.

I emphasize "your conditions" because they often determine the choice of fuel.

The conditions are different: for someone, a house is a country cottage for the weekend, for someone it is a place of permanent residence. Someone was lucky enough to get 15 kilowatts of permitted power, and someone only 3. Someone likes to heat with firewood, while someone's grandmother cannot carry firewood into the house. The combination of these conditions ultimately determines the choice of fuel.

And most importantly, consider your time for heating maintenance. I have a bath and it’s nice to heat it once a week, but it’s a whole lot of work to heat the house with firewood every day (bring, remove garbage, grow up every 20 minutes - get tired in a month) !!

What are the home heating options?

Consider several types of fuel.

We will not consider main gas, as it is beyond any competition, and exotic fuels: hydrogen, heat pumps, etc.

Consider only what can really be used in a country house

  • electricity
  • liquefied gas (gas holder - a container dug into the ground)
  • diesel fuel (diesel boiler)
  • firewood, coal and all possible briquettes from waste wood production (firewood, pellets).

This will be quite enough to make a future choice.


Incorrect seller information.

They say gas is 2.5 times cheaper than diesel fuel. These statements can be found on the websites. Saying that a liter of gas costs 18 rubles, and a liter of diesel fuel 33 rubles, they forget to note that a liter of gas contains 530 grams, and a liter of diesel fuel 860 grams. If the cost of both fuels is reduced to a kilogram, then it will turn out that liquefied gas is cheaper than diesel fuel, but not at times, as advertisements give us information, but only in fractions of a percent.

Before starting a comparative analysis of various types of fuel, I will explain one circumstance. Many sellers intentionally or unknowingly give us incorrect information when comparing the volume and mass of different types of fuel. This cannot be done. Volume and mass are not the same thing. But the information is presented in such a way, and very often the sellers get confused.

One strong connection has settled in our heads, thanks to the most common substance on earth - water, that a kilogram of water occupies a volume of one liter. There is no such correspondence for any fuel. In addition, volume and mass cannot be compared under any circumstances. Unscrupulous sellers do this.

Another example of an incorrect comparison

Eurowood is compared with 5 cubic meters or 5 tons of ordinary firewood, but this is not true. If you calculate how much heat 5 tons or 5 cubic meters will give, there will still be more ordinary firewood and eurofirewood. We will see that there is no equality here. Ordinary firewood in this volume will give more heat, and will cost less.

The cheaper it is to heat a house with wood, diesel fuel or electricity

How, after all, is it correct to calculate the economic feasibility of using a particular type of fuel? It's very simple - you need to get rid of the confusion of cubes / tons, liters / kilograms. Bringing everything to a kilogram is the most correct way, because the entire calorific value is calculated in kilograms and it is necessary to bring it into one table.

Comparative analysis of different types of fuel.

Below I have made a table where the cost of fuel is highlighted, the cost of one kilowatt-hour for each type of fuel for ideal conditions and for the efficiency of each thermal unit.
Please note that prices may change but the overall picture will remain the same.

If you have not yet decided which heating option to choose for yourself, you can write to me - I will help. It's free!

The left column of the table lists the fuels under consideration. Electricity comes in three forms because it is the only source of energy that has a variable cost.

  • In the third column, the price per kilogram of each type of fuel.
  • In the fourth column is the calorific value of this kilogram.
  • The fifth column gives us an idea of ​​the cost of one kilowatt-hour for each energy carrier.
  • The sixth one shows how much heat is needed for a conventional house of 100 m2 during the heating season, for 205 days.
  • The last column indicates how much money we will have to pay for heating this 100 m2 house.

The given data do not take into account one figurative factor - the efficiency of the thermal unit, so let's look at another table.

Final calculation of different types of fuel.

The final calculation for clarity is given in a separate table.

  • In the second column, the necessary costs without taking into account the efficiency from the first table.
  • In the third column, the efficiency of the boiler.
  • In the fourth column, the costs, taking into account the efficiency for each thermal unit.
  • The fifth column shows the cost of fuel from the cheapest to the most expensive. It can be seen here that firewood still remains the cheapest fuel.

Electricity, under certain conditions of its use, is cheaper than both liquefied gas and saltwort. This is worth paying attention to.
Dealt with economic indicators. It turns out that liquefied gas is not much cheaper than diesel fuel, and eurofirewood has lost some of its advertising appeal, and electricity is not as hopelessly expensive as many people think. That's not all. My reasoning would be incomplete if I considered fuel only from an economic point of view.

Disputes do not subside on the network - what is the best way to heat a country house? We have made a series of articles in which we impartially compared popular heating methods with autonomous gas heating.

Today we will compare liquefied hydrocarbon gas (LHG) from an autonomous gas tank with the most convenient, but also the most expensive type of fuel - electricity. How much electricity will burn in winter and how much does it cost to refuel a gas tank?

Calculate yourself

Approximately 1 kW is needed to heat 10 square meters. m (with ceilings up to 3 m). Optional: 15-20% margin for hot water preparation. On average, heating equipment is active 10 hours a day. The heating season in the Central European part of Russia lasts 7-8 months a year. In summer, the heating boiler works to heat water and maintain a minimum temperature of + 8 ° C in the house.

(according to ForumHouse)

The whole article in 1 table


Electricity efficiency

Experts and ordinary users are unanimous in their opinion: electricity is the most efficient energy carrier. The efficiency of electric heaters is 99.9%, and they reach this indicator instantly.

In terms of automation and comfort, electricity has no competitors. There are networks on every street or stretch to the desired area without any problems. Connect, install a heating system (usually it is inexpensive) and use it right away. No highways, approvals and millions of investments.

Calculate yourself

Approximately 1 kW/hour of electricity is consumed to obtain thermal energy of 1 kWh. That is, to heat a house with an area of ​​​​100 square meters. m needs 10 kW / h.

Electricity is everywhere. It does not require any maintenance hassles. Heating turns on literally at the click of a button. There is a pole with wires - consider there is a heating system. But it also works in reverse.

  1. There is no pole (it fell, the wires broke, an accident at the substation, the effect of severe frosts) - there is no heating. Imagine what it's like to stay in a frost of minus 20 ° C, not only without light and TV, but also without heating and hot water.
  2. There is also a problem of lack of power in suburban electrical networks. Often, it is simply impossible to squeeze out the required 15-20 kW from an ancient summer cottage transformer. You may have an uninterrupted supply of electricity, but there will simply not be enough power for the heating system. And you can’t strengthen the network yourself: what is initially will be.
  3. Add all the devices that will load the network, especially in winter - and the efficiency of electricity is no longer so encouraging. There is no autonomy with electricity. This is both a plus and a minus: easy connection, but total dependence on an energy source.

You can increase efficiency by installing modern heating elements or electrode boilers, underfloor heating, infrared wall heaters. And, of course, insulate the house.

How effective is autonomous gas for heating compared to electricity? The efficiency of gas heaters is slightly less than electric - 97%. Plus, they do not immediately go to full capacity. But in fact, acceleration takes a few seconds at startup, and then gas heating is almost as good as electric.

Calculate yourself

Approximately 0.1 kg of liquefied gas is consumed to obtain thermal energy of 1 kW / hour.

Gas fuel can be supplied to your heating boiler in two ways: through the main line (if any) or from an autonomous gas tank. If we talk about autonomous gasification, then in terms of efficiency this method of heating does not differ in any way from the main gas and has the same advantages.

Compared to electricity, liquefied gas has the most important advantage - autonomy. After installing a gas tank on the site, you are protected from power outages, power surges, low power and frost-related problems.

Gas is continuously supplied in the right amount. The gas holder is not afraid of severe frosts: a good device steadily evaporates gas at minus 20, 30 and even 40 ° C. That is, in cold weather and during force majeure, autonomous gas heating is more efficient and reliable than electricity.


The cost of electric heating

Any homeowner will tell you that electricity is the most expensive heat available. A large house is heated with electricity with tears in their eyes, when there is simply no other way out. They try to use favorable night rates, and during the day they heat with firewood or pellets.

Judge for yourself: in December 2018, the cost of a kWh in the Moscow Region is 5.29 rubles. By the way, the tariffs of your region are easy to find on the map.

At this rate for a house of 100 sq. m will come out a month about 15 thousand rubles. 10 kW is consumed per hour at 5.29 rubles, per day (based on 10 working hours of heating) - 529 rubles. In 30 days, 15,870 rubles will run up.

If you want to reduce heating costs by 3 times, discuss with an engineer the installation of liquefied gas.

If you use heating in a house with an electric stove and only at night, at reduced rates, then the amount will be about half as much - 5-7 thousand rubles. And this payment is only for heating, excluding electrical appliances.

In the countryside (a rural settlement, not a dacha partnership), tariffs are much lower (1.4-1.5 rubles per kWh), but there it would never even occur to anyone to “heat” with electricity - the entire pension will “burn out”.

How much does it cost to fill a gas tank

The first expense, which is also an investment, when choosing autonomous gas heating is the installation of an underground gas tank, from where the fuel will be supplied to the heating system.

Putting a gas tank on the site costs from 200 to 700 thousand rubles. Then you fill in fuel every six months or a year + call specialists to inspect the tank in spring and autumn.

The cost of periodic refueling of the gas tank depends on the volume of heated premises, the insulation of the house and the tariffs of your supplier. If you count monthly, you get quite acceptable money.

Here are the calculations for the consumption of LPG for heating houses with different areas. Please note that we consider at a high winter price: 21 rubles per liter of liquefied gas. In spring, the cost of a liter of LPG is 12-14 rubles.

Calculate yourself

Tariffs 2018. Moscow region

House size, sq. m LPG Expenses per month, rubles LPG Cost for 12 months, rubles* Electricity Expenses per month, rubles. Regular rate. We drown 10 hours Electricity Cost for 12 months, rubles*. Regular rate. We drown 10 hours Night tariff Costs per month, rubles. We heat 8 hours Night tariff Cost for 12 months, rubles. We heat 8 hours
100 4 075 48 900 12 696 152 352 5 400 64 800
150 5 512 66 150 23 805 285 660 8 100 97 200
300-350 11 025 132 300 47 670 571 320 16 200 194 400
450 14 166 170 000 71 415 856 980 24 300 291 600

*Calculations were provided by Ilya Pechenin, Head of Termo Life Autonomous Gasification Department.

Ease of connection

Connecting electricity is nowhere easier. With one caveat: the local power grid must "pull" your heating system. If it doesn’t “pull”, then it’s bad, it’s just as difficult to install another network as it is for main gas. Then it's better to immediately look at the gas.

Carrying out autonomous gas is a little more difficult. The installation team at a distance of 10 meters from the house will dig a foundation pit and install a concrete base. On it, with the help of a manipulator, a gas tank will be placed and the tank will be fixed with anchors. After backfilling with soil, only the cover of the carpet will remain on the surface.

98% of installations are carried out in 8 hours. Separately, specialists will connect gas to the heating system in the house. Further, as in the case of electricity, liquefied gas is supplied to the heating element without human intervention.


Electricity is safe with careful operation and timely replacement of wiring. As for the threat to the environment, the environmental friendliness of electricity is a myth, since electricity is generated on “dirty” fuel at thermal power plants and nuclear power plants.

LPG scares uninformed users - I will have a gas tank on the site, it will explode! These fears are unfounded. Multistage protection of a gas tank dug into the ground. Autonomous gas is completely environmentally friendly. You can bury a gas tank in the area and set up a garden over it.


The transmission of electricity is interrupted due to network failures, frost, hooliganism. The managing organization massively cuts off electricity for the period of preventive and repair work. In November, you can stay without heat for two days. Or the light can be cut off because of other people's non-payments.

A high-quality gas tank always works and steadily evaporates gas in frosts down to minus 40 ° C. The gas can only run out while it's there - you're always warm.

Summing up

In a word, gas is gas. Though the main, even liquefied. Cheap, reliable, safe. And most importantly, it is completely autonomous, which in Russian conditions will never hurt.

Electricity is simple, convenient and efficient, but all the advantages are canceled out by the high cost: it's like kindling a stove with banknotes.

Autonomous gasification in the long run is more profitable than electricity with almost the same efficiency and much greater independence.

Two non-obvious bonuses of autonomous gasification

    The gas tank can feed the electric generator and allows you to create a completely autonomous power supply.

    Liquefied gas can be bought in the "low season" (summer) much cheaper than in winter.