The Second Coming of Christ (from the teaching of the Church about the final destinies of the world). The second coming will be different from the first second coming of christ in the year

Revelation about the second coming of Christ.

For a better representation of this event, the prophecies about it must be placed in
temporary order. Each prophecy should be considered in totality
overall picture. The prophecies about the second coming of Christ are divided into three periods. All of them are directly related toactivities of the church on earth.

The first period begins with the reign of Christ in the second heaven(Rev. 12:10) .

From the earth the retainer is taken now. There is a great tribulation on earth. These are the judgments of God
over his people. This is the opening of the fifth seal and the resurrection of the dead.

Great the tribulation will last about 9 months and will end after the 6th seal is opened and thesigns in the sun and moon. Before the opening of the 5th seal, the preaching of the Gospel will endwith rebirth.

Further, the wise among the people and the followers of the woman willadmonish people not to worship the antichrist(Dan. 11:33-34) . Only after completeunification of churches into one union of local churches, the wife will be able to escape into the wilderness(Micah 4:10) .

The end of the prophecy of the two prophets coincides with the opening of the 6th seal(earthquake). At this time, there will be a complete overthrow of the forces of the holy people(Dan. 12:7) . The birth of the wind is necessary to save life on earth in 1000- summer kingdom.

Isaiah 26:17-21 As a pregnant woman in childbirth is tormented, crying out from her pains, so were we before You, God.They were pregnant, they suffered, - and they gave birth, as it were, to the wind; salvation is notdelivered to the earth, and the rest of the inhabitants of the universe did not fall. Your dead shall live,dead bodies rise! Arise and triumph, cast down in the dust: for
Your dew is the dew of plants, and the earth will vomit up the dead.

Go my peopleenter into thy chambers and shut thy doors behind thee, hide thyself for a moment, untilanger will pass; for, behold, the Lord comes out of his dwelling to punish the inhabitants
earth for their iniquity, and the earth will reveal the blood it has swallowed up and will no longer hide
their dead.

The second period of the coming of the Lord is connected with the folding of the sky as a scroll.

For a while judgments, there will be a rapture of a child who keeps the words of testimony(Rev. 12:5, 17) . This is the breaking of the 7th seal. The judgments are described twice in the revelations and in each cupanger corresponds to the trumpet.

The written judgment will be made by the wife(Ps. 149:5-9) .

AT at the end she will come out of the desert(Rev. 16:12,16) but the destination of her journey will not be Jerusalem.In the third temple the sacrifice will be restored (1290) and the Armageddon will take place.battle. After that, the full return of the Son of Man will take place and His feet will be on the mountain Olivet (Zech. 14:4) .

This symbolic interpretation of His coming or return is confirmed by Christ's own words. Christ repeatedly resorts unequivocally to the twofold description of HIS SECOND COMING. Sometimes he speaks of his own return, and sometimes he speaks of his coming

ANOTHER, different from Him.

one . That He will return Himself: I will not leave you orphans, I will come to you. I told you that I am coming from you and will come to you. Soon you will not see Me, and soon you will see Me again.. and then I will go and I will prepare a place for you, I will come again.

2. That the Other will return, different from Him: But I tell you the truth, it is better for you that I go, for if I do not go, the Comforter will not come to you. And if I go, I will send Him to you. And He will come and convict the world of sin. There is much more I have to tell you, but now you cannot contain it. When the Spirit of truth comes, He will guide you into all truth. When the Comforter comes, whom I will send from the Father, the Spirit of truth, who proceeds from the Father, He will testify about Me.

Further, Christ explains that both He and the One Who will return in His name WILL BE PEOPLE carrying the SAME HOLY SPIRIT. Of HIMSELF Christ says this: The Word which you hear is not mine, but the Father who sent me. The words that I speak to you, I do not speak of Myself.

Christ speaks of the One Who, as He promises, will come after His departure, Christ: For he will not speak of himself, but will speak what he hears.

The fact that the new Messiah will come in His name, Christ, and bring the same power of the Holy Spirit, follows from the words of Christ to the disciples: The Comforter, the Holy Spirit, whom the Father will send in My name, will teach you everything and remind you of everything that I said to you..

Christ sternly warns and warns the people, saying that since they rejected Him in their time, they are not destined to believe in Him again upon their return. Christ with one phrase binds Himself and the One who will come for him. You will not see Me from now on until you exclaim: Blessed is He who comes in the name of the Lord!

There is a huge amount of evidence that, speaking of His second coming, Christ means the coming of CHRIST - THE SPIRIT, the Holy Spirit in Him, which must appear again. A BODY WHICH WILL HAVE A NEW, DIFFERENT NAME, but will be filled with the same HOLY SPIRIT. Christ expresses the same truth but in a different way - saying WHAT IS NOT THE NAME AND THE FLESH, BUT THE SPIRIT THAT CARRIES IN THE MISSION:

God is a Spirit, and those who worship Him must worship in the SPIRIT AND TRUTH, and not as the whole sinful world of people worships God falsely and feignedly today. There are many such prophecies in the Holy Scriptures about the second coming of the Prophet in the SPIRIT, and not in the flesh, as well as in other ancient religions.

ShRI Krishna, the holy herald of Hinduism, who today has hundreds of millions of followers united in the "Society for Krishna Consciousness" around the world, in ancient times affirmed the same main truth. He said that the Holy Spirit, according to God's command,

RETURNS IN EVERY EPOCH IN A NEW HYPOSTASIS. This is recorded in the Bhagavad Gita.“Know, O prince, that when morality and virtue decline in the world, and vice and injustice ascend the thrones, then I, Lord, come and appear in My world in a VISIBLE IMAGE, and mingle like a person with people, and By my influence and teaching I destroy evil and injustice, and restore morality and virtue. In the same book, Krishna also predicts the arrival at the end of time, that is, today, of the GREAT WORLD TEACHER.

The return of the Spirit is also in GAUTAMA BUDDHA:"I am not the first Buddha who came to Earth, and I will not be the last. At the appointed time, another Buddha will appear in the world, a saint, supremely Enlightened ... The incomparable Leader of man .... And He will reveal to you the same eternal truths that I taught you."

All this confirms the SECOND COMING OF CHRIST, which happened already, but not in the FLESH, but in the SPIRIT. This is undeniable evidence that the second coming has already really happened, although the blind and spiritually dead world of people did not notice anything, as in the case of the first coming of Christ 2000 years ago.

(MP3 file. Duration 21:28 min. Size 10.4 Mb)

My Christ-loving brethren, hear about the Second and terrible coming of our Lord Jesus Christ. I remembered that hour and trembled with great fear, thinking what would then be revealed. Who will describe it? What language will express? What kind of hearing will contain what is heard? Then the King of kings, having risen from the Throne of His glory, will come down to visit all the inhabitants of the universe, to make a settlement with them and, as the Judge should, to give a good reward to those worthy, and also to put to death those who deserve punishment. When I think about this, my members are seized with fear, and I am completely exhausted; my eyes shed tears, my voice disappears, my lips close, my tongue becomes numb, and my thoughts learn to be silent. Oh, what a need for me to speak for our benefit! And fear keeps me quiet.

Such great and terrible miracles have not been from the beginning of creation and will not be in all generations. It often happens now that if lightning flashes more than usual, then it terrifies every person, and we all bow to the ground. How, then, shall we endure, as soon as we hear the voice of a trumpet from heaven, surpassing every thunder, calling out and awakening the righteous and the unrighteous who have fallen asleep from time immemorial? Then in hell the human bones, hearing the sound of the trumpet, will run with care, looking for their compounds, then we will see how every human breath will rise from its place in the twinkling of an eye, and all from the four corners of the earth will be gathered for Judgment. For the Great King who has power over all flesh, and immediately with trembling and diligence they will give - the land of their dead, and the sea of ​​theirs. What the beasts tore apart, what the fish crushed, what the birds plundered, all that will appear in the twinkling of an eye. Not a single hair will be lacking. How shall we bear it, brethren, when we see a fiery river flowing with fury, like a fierce sea, eating up mountains and wilds, setting fire to the whole earth and business, even on it! Then, beloved, from such a fire the rivers will become impoverished, the springs will disappear, the stars will fall, the sun will fade, the moon will pass by, as it is written, the sky is twisted like a scroll(Isaiah 34:4). Then the sent angels will flow, gathering chosen from the four winds, as the Lord said, from the end of heaven to the end of them(Matthew 24:31); then we shall see that, according to his promise, the sky is new and the earth is new(Isaiah 65:17). How can we endure then, lovers of Christ, when we see the terrible Throne prepared and the sign of the Cross that has appeared, on which Christ by will was nailed for us? Then everyone will see the terrible and holy scepter of the Great King appearing on high, everyone will finally understand and remember the word of the foretold Lord that the sign of the Son of Man will appear in heaven(Matthew 24:30), and it will become known to all that after this the King will appear.

At this hour, my brothers, everyone will think how to meet the terrible Tsar for him, and will begin to believe all his deeds; then he will see that his deeds - both good and bad - stand before him. Then all the merciful and sincerely repentant will rejoice when they see the prayers they have sent; the compassionate will see that the poor and the needy, whom they showed mercy here, plead for them and proclaim their good deeds before angels and people. Others will also see the tears and labors of repentance, and they will appear joyful, bright, glorious, waiting for the blessed hope and the manifestation of the glory of the Great God and our Savior Jesus Christ(Tit. 2:13).

Why not tell me briefly about the most important? When we hear this great voice and terrible cry, which from the heights of heaven will say: Behold, the Bridegroom is coming(Matthew 25:6), - lo, the Judge approaches, lo, the King appears, lo, the Judge of judges opens, lo, the God of all is coming to judge the living and the dead! - then, lovers of Christ, from that cry the foundations and the womb of the earth will tremble from its limits and to its limits, and the sea, and all the abysses; aspirations of what is to come upon the world, for, according to what is written, The powers of heaven will move(Matthew 24:29). Then the Angels will flow, the faces of the Archangels, Cherubim and Seraphim will gather, and all the many-eyed will exclaim with strength and power: Holy, holy, holy is the Lord God Almighty, who is and is and who is to come(Rev. 4:8). Then every creature in heaven, and on earth, and under the earth will cry out with trembling and strength: blessed is he who comes(Matthew 21:9) King in the name of the Lord. Then the heavens will be torn apart, and the King of kings, our most pure and glorious God, will be revealed, like a terrible lightning, with great power and incomparable glory, as John the Theologian also preached, saying: Behold, come from the cloud heavenly, and every eye will see him, and those who have broken him, and all the tribes of the earth will weep for him(Rev. 1:7).

What soul can then find so much strength in itself to endure this? For heaven and earth will flee, as the Theologian says again: Videh The Throne is great white, and He who sits on it, Heaven and earth flee from Him, and the place was not found by him.(Rev. 20:11). Have you ever seen such fear? Have you seen such extraordinary and terrible things? Heaven and earth will flee: after that, who will be able to stand? Where will we, sinners, flee when we see the Thrones set and the Lord of all ages seated, when we see countless hosts standing in fear around the Throne? Then the prophecy of Daniel will be fulfilled. in vain,- said - until the Throne is set, and the Old Denmi is gray, and His clothes are white like snow, and the hair of His head is like a wave clean, His Throne is a fiery flame, his wheels are scorching fire. A river of fire flowing out before Him: a thousand thousand serving Him, and we are standing by Him: Judgment is gray, and books are opened(Dan. 7:9-10). Great will be fear, and trembling, and frenzy in that hour, brothers, when He gathers an impartial judgment, and those terrible books will be opened where our deeds and words are written, and everything that we have said and done in this life, and that thought, as it is written, to hide from God, testing hearts and wombs(Rev. 2:23), for the power of your head and all the essence(Luke 12:7), that is, the reasonings and thoughts have been read, in which we will give an account to the Judge.

Oh, how many tears we need for this hour! And we are in disarray. Oh, how much we will weep and groan for ourselves when we see those great gifts that those who strive for good will receive from the King of glory! Then with our own eyes we will see the ineffable Kingdom of Heaven, and, on the other hand, we will also see terrible torments opening, in the middle - every knee and every human breath from the progenitor Adam to the one born after all, and all with trembling kneel and bow down, as it is written: I live, the Lord says: for every knee will bow to me(Rom. 14:11). Then, lovers of Christ, all mankind will be placed in the midst of the Kingdom and condemnation, life and death, security and need. Everyone will be in anticipation of the terrible Judgment Hour, and no one will be able to help anyone. Then everyone will be required to confess their faith, the obligation of Baptism, faith pure from all heresy, an unbroken seal and an undefiled chiton, as it is written: All those around him will bring gifts(Ps.75:12) to the terrible King. Because from all who fit into citizenship in the Holy Church, an account will be required on the strength of each: the stronger the tortures will be(Wisdom 6:6), - according to what is written. To everyone, much will be given to him, much will be required of him(Luke 12:48). Measure as low as possible each, measure him(Mark 4:24).

However, whether someone is great or small, we all the same confessed the faith and accepted the holy seal. All equally renounced the devil, blowing on him, and all equally made a promise to Christ, bowing to Him - if only you comprehended the power of the Sacrament of the font and the renunciation of the alien (the demon). For the renunciation, which we undertake to make at holy Baptism, apparently is expressed not in many words, but according to the thought contained in it, and it is very important. Whoever was able to keep it is blessed. For in a few words we renounce everything that is called bad, that only God hates; we renounce not one, not two, not ten bad deeds, but everything called bad, everything that God hates. For example, it says: I renounce Satan and all his works. What business? - Hear: fornication, adultery, impurity, lies, tatba (robbery), envy, poisoning, fortune-telling, divination, irritability, anger, blasphemy, enmity, quarrels, jealousy, I renounce drunkenness, idle talk, pride, idleness, I renounce mockery, slander ( playing the flute), demonic songs, child corruption, divination by the flight of birds, evocation of spirits, divinatory writing on leaves, I renounce idolatry, blood, strangled and carrion. But why talk too much? There is no time to list everything. Let's leave a lot and say simply: I renounce everything that happens in the sun, moon and stars, in springs and trees, at crossroads, in liquids and bowls, many disorderly deeds, which are shameful to even talk about. All this and the like—all of which we all know that these are the deeds and teachings of the devil—we renounce through renunciation at holy baptism. We learned many evil things when we were formerly in darkness under the power of the devil, until the light touched us, until sold we were under sin(Rom. 7:14). When it was pleasing to the philanthropic and merciful God to deliver us from such a delusion, the East visited us from above, God's saving grace appeared, the Lord gave Himself up for us, redeemed us from idol flattery, and deigned to renew us with water and spirit. That's why we renounced all this, put off the old man with his deeds(Col. 3:9), put on the new Adam. So, whoever, after receiving grace, does the evil deeds mentioned above, he has fallen away from grace, and Christ will not in the least benefit (will not help) him, who is in sin.

Have you heard, lovers of Christ, how many evil deeds you have renounced in a few words? This renunciation and good confession will be demanded of each of us in that hour and day, for it is written: Justify yourself from your words(Matthew 12:37). And the Lord says: from your mouth I judge you, crafty servant(Luke 19:22).

So it is clear that our words will either condemn or justify us at that hour. How will everyone be interrogated? Shepherds, that is, bishops, will be questioned both about their own life and about their flock; from each one will be required (good) verbal sheep, which he received from the Chief Shepherd Christ. But if, through the negligence of the bishop, a sheep perishes, then its blood will be exacted at his hands. Similarly, the priests will give an answer for their Church, and together the deacons, and all the believers will give an answer for their house, for their wife, for children, for slaves and maidservants: did he bring up them in the punishment and teaching of the Lord,- as commanded by the apostle (Eph.6:4). Then kings and princes, rich and poor, great and small, will be questioned about all the deeds they have done. For it is written that let us all stand before the Judgment Seat of Christ(Rom. 14:10); Yes, everyone will accept, even with the body he has done, either good or evil(2 Corinthians 5:10). And elsewhere it says: carry others from my hand(Deut. 32:39).

“We ask you to tell us what will happen after that,” they ask me. With a disease of my heart I will say that you will not be able to hear what will happen after this. Let's stop talking, Christ-lovers.

The Christ-loving ones again said: “Is this really more terrible than what was said before, what we have already heard from you?” The teacher, crying again, said: “I tell you with tears, without tears it is impossible to tell everything, because that will be the last. But since we have a commandment from the apostle to betray this faithful person(2 Timothy 2:2) - and you are faithful, then I pass this on to you, and you tell others also. If I am sick of heart, telling about that, then be compassionate to me, blessed brothers.

Then, O Christ-lovers, after the deeds of all have been examined and declared before angels and men, and put all enemies under his feet(1 Corinthians 15:25), abolish all principality and all authority and power(1 Corinthians 15:24) and every knee will bow God (Rom. 14:11), - according to what is written. Then the Lord will separate them from one another, as a shepherd separates sheep from goats. Those who have good deeds and good fruits will be separated from the barren and sinful. And they will shine like the sun; it is those who have kept the commandments of the Lord, who are merciful, love poverty, love orphans, are hospitable, clothe the naked, visit prisoners in prison, intercede for the oppressed, visit the sick, weep now, as the Lord said (Matt. 5: 4), have now become poor for the sake of wealth kept in heaven, forgive the sins of the brothers, kept the seal of faith unconquered and pure from all heresy. The Lord will put them on the right hand, and the goats on the left, that is, precisely those who are barren, angered the good Shepherd, do not heed the words of the Shepherd, are arrogant, ignorant, who at the present time of repentance, like goats, play and bask, who depend on them all the time of their lives in overeating, drunkenness and hardness of heart, like that rich man who never showed pity to poor Lazarus. Therefore, they are condemned to stand on the left side, as unmerciful, uncompassionate, having absolutely no fruits of repentance, no oil in their lamps. And those who have bought oil for themselves from the poor and filled their vessels with it, they will stand at the right hand in glory and joy, holding lamps of light, and will hear this blessed and compassionate voice: come blessed by my Father, inherit the kingdom prepared for you from the foundation of the world(Matthew 25:34). Those who stand on the left side will hear this formidable and stern sentence: go from me cursed into eternal fire, prepared for the devil and his aggel(Matthew 25:41). Just as you did not have mercy, so you yourself will not now have mercy, just as you did not listen to My voice, so now I will not heed your lamentations, because you did not serve Me: you did not feed the hungry, you did not drink the thirsty, you did not receive a strange You didn't clothe the naked, you didn't visit the sick, you didn't come to Me when I was in prison. You have become workers and servants of another master, that is, the devil. Therefore depart from Me, you workers of iniquity. Then these go into eternal punishment: the righteous women into eternal life(Matthew 25:46).