Will there be a third world war? The third world war may begin very soon Well, the third world war will be.

Talk about the beginning of the Third World War is heard more and more often, some even claim that it is already being waged in a hybrid form. What do the prophets say about this? Vanga's prophecies are well known in Russia, but she is rarely quoted in the world, probably because of Russophilia. We offer you the predictions of popular Western clairvoyants on this topic.

World War III will not do without Russia

1. Predictions of a 90-year-old Norwegian woman Gunhilda Smelhus(Gunhild Smelhus) from Valdre

In 1968 Pastor Emmanuel Tollefsen-Minos (1925-2004) is one of Norway's most influential evangelical preachers. “The third war will be the biggest catastrophe in history, it will not be marked by political crises and will start unexpectedly,” said Smelhus. “The prosperity of Europe and an illusory sense of security will force people to move away from religion: temples will become empty and turn into places of entertainment.” The system of values ​​will also be changed: "People will live as husband and wife, although not married"; "paternity before marriage and adultery in marriage will be natural"; "TV will be full of violence, so brutal that it will teach people how to kill."

World War 3 could be the biggest catastrophe

One of the signs of the approaching war, Smelhus called a wave of immigration: "People from poor countries will arrive in Europe, they will also come to Scandinavia and Norway." The presence of migrants will lead to tensions and social unrest. "It will be a short and very brutal war, and it will end with an atomic bomb." "The air will be so polluted that we won't be able to breathe. In America, Japan, Australia - rich countries - water and soil will be destroyed." "And those living in rich countries will flee to poor countries, but they will be just as cruel against us as we were against them," the Norwegian pastor's notes say.

2. The Serbian seer is very popular in the Balkans Mitar Tarabich(died 1899)

- a peasant from the village of Kremna. He said that he heard voices in his head that told him about the fate of his people and the world. In his prophecies, he also saw "columns of refugees on the Serbian borders."

"In this war, scientists will invent the most diverse and strange cannonballs. Exploding, instead of killing, they will enchant all living things - people, armies, cattle. Under the influence of this witchcraft, they will sleep instead of fighting, but then wake up again "."Us (Serb. - Ed.) you won’t have to fight in this war, others will fight over our heads,” Tarabich said. According to the seer, the final conflict will affect most of the globe: “Only one country at the end of the world, surrounded by seas and as big as our Europe, will live in peace and without problems. "What kind of country it is, the reader, guess for yourself.

Interestingly, his descendant Jovan Tarabic, who died in 2014, that the main battle will take place between Russia and Turkey. As a result, Constantinople will again become Orthodox, and "the Russian people will liberate all Orthodox and Serbian lands."

3. Bavarian prophet Matthias Stromberger(Matthias Stormberger) (1753-?)

was an ordinary shepherd. He is that after the end of the Second Great War, there will be a "third general conflagration." "The third war will be the end of many nations. Almost all countries will take part in it, millions of people ... they will die despite the fact that they are not soldiers. The weapons will be completely different ". “After the great last war, a large farm can be bought for two or three gold coins,” Stromberger described the post-war world.

4. Another German clairvoyant, also from Bavaria, - Alois Irlmeier (1894-1959),

fountain builder - helped to search for the missing in the war. He saw "pictures" of events from the future. "The world will explode suddenly, but it will be preceded by an exceptionally fertile year," he said. Two digits should be associated with the start date of the war - 8 and 9.

"Armed Forces of the East (Muslim troops. - Ed.) they will move on a broad front to Western Europe, there will be battles in Mongolia ... The People's Republic of China will conquer India. Beijing will use its bacteriological weapons during these battles... Five million people in India and its neighboring countries will die. Iran and Turkey will fight in the East. There will be a revolution and a civil war in Russia. There will be many corpses on the streets, no one will clean them up. The Russians will again believe in God and accept the sign of the cross. How long this will all last, I don't know. I see three nines, the third brings peace. When everything is over, some of the people will die, and the rest will be afraid of God."

5. The seer is very popular in the US Albert Pike (1809-1891)

- American soldier, poet and high-ranking Freemason, founder of the "Church of Satan". In a letter dated August 15, 1871, to the Italian freemason and revolutionary Giuseppe Mazzini, Pike described the backstage of the three world wars. He predicted the First and Second World Wars as the invention of the Illuminati. Pike saw World War III as a conflict between Israel and the Muslim world.

"This war must be waged in such a way that Islam and the State of Israel mutually annihilate each other." Although the existence of the Illuminati is viewed by some as a conspiracy theory, Pike declared in the late 19th century, "We control Islam and we will use it to destroy the West."

According to Pike, the world after the Third World War will be the realm of Lucifer. "The people, disillusioned with Christianity, whose ideological spirit from now on will be without a compass indicating the direction, will receive the pure teachings of Lucifer," the Satanist wrote.

6. Predictions and prophecies of the Bulgarian clairvoyant Vanga

The Russians believe her because her prophecies turned out to be surprisingly accurate. As for the Third World War, before her death, when asked about the beginning of the war, she answered: "Syria has not yet fallen." Hence the conclusion - you can not let Syria fall, which Russia is doing.

Whether a third war is about to break out or, as some argue, is already being waged in the form of smaller conflicts, it will undoubtedly lead humanity to the end of civilization. Albert Einstein said the following about this: “I don’t know what weapons will be used during the Third World War, but the fourth will take place on sticks and stones…”

Could a third world war break out in 2018?

If so, here are five risk areas where this could happen, as identified by Aftonbladet.

“There is an increased risk,” says Isak Svensson, professor of peace and conflict studies at Uppsala University.

Republican Senator Bob Corker has warned that Donald Trump could lead the US down "the road to a third world war."
There is a risk that he is not completely mistaken.

According to Isak Svensson, professor of peace and conflict studies, there are three factors that hinder war more than others.

All of them are now collapsing, largely because of Trump and rising nationalism.

1. International organizations

“One of the goals of the UN, the OSCE (Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe), the EU and similar organizations is to reduce the risk of armed conflict. But because Trump is constantly trying to dismantle international cooperation, these organizations may weaken. This will affect the risk of war,” says Isak Svensson.

2. International trade

During his campaign, Trump accused China of "raping" the American economy. Therefore, many experts expected that he would impose customs duties on Chinese goods, which would result in a full-fledged trade war.

“That hasn't happened yet, but at least he signaled that he's not particularly interested in encouraging free trade,” Isak Svensson said.

3. Democracy

The two democracies have never been at war with each other. But the wave of nationalism that has swept the world can rock democracies.

“Populist nationalism has targeted democratic institutions: universities, courts, media, electoral bodies, and so on. This is noticeable in the United States under Trump, in Hungary, Poland and Russia, for example, ”says Isak Svensson.

Threat from nationalism

Svensson sees how nationalism threatens all three factors preventing war.

“Nationalism exists not only in peripheral countries, but now it is also spreading among the main players in the international arena: in the US, in the UK in the form of Brexit, in the EU with its Poland and Hungary, which can weaken European cooperation. India and China are very strongly influenced by nationalist ideologies, as well as Turkey and Russia. All this, together with Trump, negatively affects these three factors. There is a considerable risk of interstate conflicts,” says Isak Svensson.

However, he does not believe that a major global war is likely.

“The probability of this is small. By and large, inter-state conflicts are very unusual, and over time they happen less and less. But if this happens, then the events unfold very intensively,” says Isak Svensson.

Here are the hottest hotbeds of tension.

North Korea

States: North Korea, USA, Japan, China.

North Korea conducts nuclear weapons test explosions and constantly develops new missiles. One of the latest missiles tested this summer is capable of hitting the US, but it's not clear if North Korea can equip it with a nuclear warhead.

North Korean dictator Kim Jong Un and US President Donald Trump exchanged hate-filled verbal provocations, including Trump's promise to meet North Korea with "fire and fury."

The US is allied with South Korea and Japan, which also feel threatened by North Korea. And this closed dictatorship in turn receives support from China.

“In the short term, the most problematic area is the Korean Peninsula,” says Niklas Swanström, head of the Institute for Security Policy and Development.

“At the same time, the likelihood that China will protect North Korea is very small. This will only happen if there is a threat to the direct interests of China, that is, if the United States sends troops to the Chinese borders or something like that.”

Isak Svensson agrees that Korea is the most worrying because the situation there is unpredictable.

“It is not very likely, but it is possible that something will happen there. Everyone is in tension, various exercises are being held and a demonstration of strength to each other, there is a big risk that something will go wrong. This can start the process even if no one really wants it. No one is interested in bringing things to a full-scale war, but there is still a risk of this, ”says Isak Svensson.

The biggest problem is poor communication, says Niklas Svanström.

“There are no security structures in Northeast Asia. A military confrontation can escalate very sharply.”

South China Sea

States: USA, China, Taiwan, Vietnam, Philippines, Malaysia, Brunei.

Here is one of the most serious pockets of tension, according to Isak Svensson.

“There is an incredibly large military potential. The likelihood that something will happen is small, but if it does, the consequences will be catastrophic. There are nuclear weapons there, and alliances have been made between different countries, so they can drag each other into all sorts of complications in relations.”

At first glance, the conflict revolves around hundreds of small islands and reefs near China, Vietnam, Malaysia and the Philippines. Approximately half of the islands are under the control of one of the four countries.

Both China and Taiwan and Vietnam claim the entire Spratly archipelago, the Philippines, Malaysia and Brunei also have their own claims.

In early 2014, China began clearing seven reefs under its control between the islands and laying bases on them.

The situation is marked by ever-increasing tensions between China and the US, as the rising Chinese power increasingly challenges the US as the world's sole superpower.

“This century will be marked by the US-China relationship,” says Niklas Granholm, research director at the Total Defense Institute, FOI.

“There is a shift in power and means of influence in the international system. In relative terms, China's power is growing while US power is shrinking. It is the conflicts that may arise around this division of power that will become the most important. We can talk about the position of China in relation to Taiwan, China in relation to Japan, relations with North Korea. A lot of things can matter there,” adds Niklas Granholm.

Niklas Svanström also believes that the relationship between China and the United States is the most dangerous in the long run.

“The only variant of World War III that can be imagined obviously involves China and the US. I can’t say that this worries me, in my opinion, indirect conflicts may arise, that is, the war will be waged in a third country,” says Niklas Svanström.

India - Pakistan

States: India, Pakistan, USA, China, Russia.

The disputed northern province of Kashmir is in practice divided between India and Pakistan. There have been several wars between countries for the right to this area, and new conflicts are constantly breaking out.

After 18 Indian soldiers were killed in a terrorist attack on a military base in September 2016, India's Home Minister tweeted:

"Pakistan is a terrorist state that should be named and isolated."

Pakistan vehemently denied any involvement in the incident.

“Relations between India and Pakistan are always turbulent. Right now, it doesn’t look like there will be a strong escalation, but there is nothing to indicate any big moves towards their rapprochement in the future, ”says Isak Svensson.

Both countries are nuclear powers, and each supposedly has more than 100 nuclear warheads.

"It's easy to imagine an unintentional escalation to full-blown nuclear war that no one wants but can be triggered by terrorism," Matthew Bunn, a nuclear weapons analyst at Harvard's Belfer Center, told the Huffington Post.

India has a policy of not being the first to use nuclear weapons. Instead, an attempt was made to increase the ability to respond to provocations by rapidly sending armored columns deep into Pakistani territory.

Militarily weaker Pakistan responded by introducing Nasr short-range missiles that can be equipped with nuclear warheads.

Many experts fear that a development where Pakistan feels compelled to use tactical nuclear weapons to defend itself could quickly turn a small conflict into a full-blown nuclear war.

Niklas Svanström, however, believes that the likelihood of a world war is low.

“Other countries do not have interests related to security policy there. Pakistan has close relations with China, while India has close relations with Russia. But neither Russia nor China will take risks and start a large-scale military confrontation. It is also hard for me to imagine that the US would interfere in such a conflict.”

India - China

Indian Army General Bipin Rawat said in early September that the country should prepare for a two-front war against Pakistan and China.

Shortly before this, a ten-week confrontation between China and India over the definition of the border ended in the Himalayas. Chinese road builders escorted by the military were stopped by Indian troops. The Chinese claimed to be in China, the Indians claimed to be in Bhutan, an ally of India.

According to Bipin Rawat, such a situation could easily escalate into a conflict, and Pakistan could then use this situation to its advantage.

“We must be prepared. In the context of our situation, war is very real,” Rawat said, according to the Press Trust of India.

The border between China and India has long been a point of contention, but the atmosphere is now quite relaxed. But while China and Pakistan have moved closer economically, aggressive nationalism suggests that this may be changing.

“It is difficult to see any hints as to why a conflict could break out there, but there is an increased risk of this. The economies of both countries are growing rapidly, and both countries are spurred on by rather aggressive nationalism. The unresolved territorial issue is, of course, a clear risk factor,” says Isak Svensson.

Niklas Svanström does not think that China will gain much from this conflict, and that India simply cannot win a war against China. Conflicts will continue, but on a limited scale.

“The only situation that can lead to a full-scale war is if India recognizes Tibet as an independent country and starts supporting the Tibetan military movement that is fighting against China. I regard this as something extremely unlikely,” says Niklas Svanström.

the Baltic States

States: Russia, Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, NATO military alliance.

One of the biggest risks that could now lead to conflict is Russia's growing ambitions against Europe, says Niklas Granholm, head of research at the Total Defense Institute, FOI.

“Russia has abandoned the set of rules that has been in place since the early 1990s and which defines European security measures,” says Niklas Granholm. - The main milestone in this matter was the war against Ukraine, when in 2014 there was an invasion of this country and the annexation of Crimea, which marked the beginning of the conflict in eastern Ukraine. Russia has shown great faith in military means. The Baltic region has again found itself on the line of confrontation between East and West, which seemed to many quite improbable just a few years ago.”

The cause of the conflict may be ethnic Russian minorities in the Baltic countries, says Isak Svensson.

“In Ukraine, Russia has shown that it is ready to use military force in order, from its point of view, to protect Russian-speaking minorities. Thus, there is a hidden risk of Russian intervention in the Baltics if an internal crisis breaks out in any of the countries. Such a scenario is quite conceivable. It is rather unlikely today, but possible in the future.”

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World wars, in which many states and a huge number of people are involved, still excite the minds of civilians to this day. The political mood is becoming more and more tense, and now and then there are all sorts of conflicts between countries. Of course, people are not left with the idea that the beginning of the Third World War is just around the corner. And such worries are not groundless. History shows us many examples when a war started because of one, at first glance, a small conflict, or through the fault of a state that wanted to get more power. Let's get acquainted with the opinion of experts, as well as on this issue.

What the experts say

It is quite difficult to understand the political actions of various countries today, as well as to understand the overall picture of the interaction of foreign states.

Many of them are economic and trade partners and are closely interconnected. Other states are in constant opposition to each other. In order to at least a little comprehend the situation in the world today, it is necessary to turn to the opinion of experts in this matter.

If you ask experts the question of whether there will be a Third World War, then you can hardly wait for a definite answer. There are many opinions. However, the world's leading experts have quite a lot of common ground in their vision of the situation today. Almost all of them believe that the situation is now extremely tense. The constant military conflicts of countries, the long-term division of spheres of influence, the desire of subjects for political and economic independence, as well as the very precarious financial condition of many states undermine the general peace. In addition, news of popular discontent and even the revolutionary mood of people has been appearing more and more recently. This is also a negative factor in the issue of World War III.

Experts say that such a mass confrontation is currently not beneficial for any of the countries. However, the behavior of individual states still alarms specialists. America is a prime example.

The United States and the influence of the state on the general political situation in the world

Today, the question of whether there will be a Third World War is increasingly disturbing the minds of representatives of power structures. And there are quite understandable reasons for that. Recently, the most economically developed state has already been mentioned several times in the context when it came to military conflicts in other countries. There is an opinion that the United States has assumed the role of a sponsor of many wars. Of course, in this case, the country is interested in the end result, which should be beneficial to America. But this state should not be considered exclusively in the role of an aggressor. In fact, the relationship between countries is much more complex than they appear to civilians. And no one can place positive and negative accents on the political map of the world with full confidence. With all this, the fact of economic and political interference by America has been recorded more than once. And far from always, this participation of the country in the conflicts of other states was approved.

As for the very influence of the United States and its authority, in fact, this country does not have such an enviable position in terms of financial stability. The country is too large to be able to talk about the complete economic independence of America. Therefore, any provocation by the United States can be stopped at the initiative of its trading partners. In particular, we are talking about China.

Ukrainian conflict

To date, the whole world is following the development of the situation in Europe. We are talking about the Ukrainian conflict that broke out not so long ago. And immediately, many citizens had a very urgent question about whether the Third World War could break out soon. In a matter of weeks, Ukraine has turned from a peaceful state into a real training ground for civil confrontation. Perhaps the predictions are already coming true, the Third World War is already beginning?

To bring at least some clarity, it is necessary to consider the causes of the conflict that arose between the citizens of one country, which, in turn, led to serious unrest around the world. Ukraine was invited to join the European Union. However, the conditions at the same time for the country were offered very uncomfortable, if not worse. The borders would remain closed. And practice shows that the initial introduction of a single currency (the euro) immediately leads to a massive rise in prices for all goods in the country.

Many experts support the opinion that Ukraine in such a case would find itself in the European Union solely as a source of cheap labor. However, not all citizens were in solidarity with this opinion. The conflict flared up due to the fact that a large number of people did not support the President in his decision to refuse to join the European Union. Citizens believed that this was a real betrayal of Ukraine and a loss of huge opportunities in the future. The confrontation acquired mass character, and soon armed character.

So, will there be a third world war because of unrest in Ukraine? After all, many countries were involved in the conflict. Russia, as a longtime ally and partner of Ukraine, as well as a state located in close proximity to this country, took an active part in attempts to resolve the confrontation peacefully. However, these actions were perceived by many states in Europe and the United States as illegal. At the same time, there is a huge number of Russian citizens on the territory of Ukraine, who in any case must be protected. In general, we have a massive conflict that has already reached the global level. And if one of the countries decides to defend its interests through military actions, armed confrontation, alas, cannot be avoided.

Harbingers of World War III

If we consider the world relations of states as a whole in recent years, we can note a fairly large number of "weak" places. It is they who can ultimately lead to much more serious consequences. The third world war can get an impetus for its development even in the form of a small confrontation between citizens of one or more states. To date, the main harbingers are considered, according to leading experts in the field of politics, an extremely tense situation in Ukraine, possible sanctions against the Russian Federation from Europe and America, as well as dissatisfaction with other rather large powers possessing nuclear weapons and impressive military power. Such drastic negative changes in relations between countries cannot but have a negative impact on trade and world markets. As a result, the economy and currency will suffer. Traditional trade routes will be undermined. As a result - the weakening of some countries and the strengthening of the positions of others. Such inequality most often becomes the reason for equalizing positions at the expense of war.

Vanga's prophecies

The third world war, the year of the beginning of which, according to experts, may already be close, at one time was mentioned in the prophecies of various clairvoyants. A striking example is the world-famous Vanga. Scientists have found that her predictions regarding the world's future come true with an accuracy of 80%. However, the rest, most likely, simply could not be correctly deciphered. After all, all her prophecies are quite blurry and consist of veiled images. At the same time, the main high-profile events of the 20th and 21st centuries are clearly traced in them.

To verify the veracity of the words of this amazing woman, you need to read her predictions several times. The third world war is mentioned in them quite often. She spoke about the "fall of Syria", the confrontation of Muslims in Europe, as well as mass bloodshed. However, there is hope for a positive outcome. Vanga in her predictions mentioned a special "Teaching of the White Brotherhood" that would come from Russia. From that moment on, the world, according to her, will begin to recover.

World War III: Nostradamus Predictions

Not only Vanga spoke about the upcoming bloody confrontations between countries. There are no less accurate. He also quite clearly saw in his time a lot of events of our time that have already happened. Therefore, many scientists and experts attach great importance to the prophecies of Nostradamus.

And again the dreamer speaks in his quatrains about aggression on the part of the Muslims. According to him, chaos will begin in the West (you can take it as Europe). The rulers will take to flight. It is quite possible that we are talking about an armed invasion of the eastern countries into the territory of Europe. Nostradamus spoke of the Third World War as an inevitable phenomenon. And many believe his words.

As Mohammed said

Prophecies about the Third World War can be found in the records of many clairvoyants. Mohammed predicted the real Apocalypse. According to him, the Third World War will certainly embrace modern humanity. Mohammed called clear signs of a bloody battle the spread of human vices, ignorance, lack of knowledge, the free use of drugs and "intoxicating the mind" drinks, murder, breaking family ties. As can be seen from modern society, all these harbingers are already there. The widespread spread of human cruelty, indifference, greed will invariably, according to the prophet, lead to another large-scale war.

From whom should aggression be expected

There are several opinions on this matter. Someone is sure that the greatest danger is China because of the colossal number of citizens, military forces, as well as the incredible patriotism that has survived to this day. Many experts draw a completely understandable analogy of this country with the USSR. In both cases, powerful

In connection with recent events in the world, the United States has also begun to act as an aggressor. Since this state constantly intervenes in all world conflicts, and also regularly uses weapons to resolve certain issues, America is considered to be one of the main threats.

Countries where Islam is practiced are considered no less dangerous. Muslims have always been quite a conflict people. It is from there that bloody terrorist attacks in developed countries and suicide bombers originate. It is possible that the prophecies about the Third World War, based on the massive invasion of Muslims in the states of Europe, may well come true.

What could World War III lead to?

Today, weapons have reached a new level. There were nuclear bombs. People are destroying each other with increasing zeal. If the Third World War breaks out in the near future, then its consequences will be truly catastrophic. Most likely, one or more will use their advantage and deliver the killing blows. In this case, an incredible number of civilians will die. The earth will be polluted with radiation. Humanity is waiting for degradation and inevitable destruction.

Lessons from the past

As you can see from history, many wars began with small conflicts. There was also a revolutionary mood among the civilian population of countries, mass dissatisfaction with the situation that had arisen, economic global upheavals. Today, the relationship between countries is very closely linked with many complex factors. Based on the sad experience of past generations, we can draw the following conclusion. Under no circumstances should radical political movements be allowed to spread. As Nostradamus said, the Third World War would turn out to be the very Apocalypse that people have been waiting for throughout almost their entire history. Therefore, all countries need to carefully control all movements based on hatred, the superiority of one nation over others. Otherwise, there is a risk of repeating the mistakes of the past.

Can bloodshed be avoided?

Many experts say there is a very real chance of preventing another war. To do this, it is necessary to stabilize the economic condition of the most financially unstable states, localize internal conflicts in countries and prevent outside interference. In addition, colossal efforts will be required in order to eliminate the main cause of confrontation in the modern world - racial hatred.

World War III: Russia and its role

An increasing number of specialists are paying special attention to the Russian Federation against the backdrop of the current difficult situation in the world. Russia is one of the largest exporters of natural resources and has a significant political and economic influence on other countries. It is quite logical that many states are afraid of the Russian Federation and see it as a potential threat. However, the Russian government does not carry out any political provocations. Most likely, the country has to be on the defensive for the most part and protect its own interests. The third world war, the prophecies of which often mention Russia as one of the main participants in the conflict, may well begin in the Russian Federation itself. Therefore, the government of the country must carefully weigh each of its decisions and actions. It is quite possible that the strengthening of the state will cause a negative reaction from Europe and America, which will lead to war.

Actions of Heads of State

Will there be a third world war? Perhaps, none of the current rulers can give a specific answer to this question today. After all, the situation changes every day. It is extremely difficult to predict anything. A huge role in this issue is played by accurate and timely decisions taken by the heads of various states. In particular, we are talking about the countries of Europe, America, China, Russia. It is they, according to experts, who occupy the leading positions when it comes to the risk of military confrontation. Nostradamus spoke of the Third World War as an armed conflict between several countries of East and West. If we interpret these words in a modern way, it turns out that just one careless action on the part of the head of a large state - and bloodshed cannot be avoided.

The English-language Wikipedia has hundreds of versions of what will start and how the Third World War will take place. One of the most popular - Russia will start the conquest of Ukraine, NATO will hit Russia. The option looks fantastic, but in 1981, in the office of the Englishwoman Thatcher, they also prepared a plan for the Third World War, when the USSR would begin to invade Germany, and the West would strike Eastern Europe with a nuclear bomb.

One can treat with great skepticism the anxious anticipation and neurosis of negative futurists, but every time decades later it turns out that their picture of the future is a pitiful resemblance to what is drawn in the General Staffs of the leading powers. For example, this is exactly what happened with the colorful description of the British General Staff, how the Third World War will take place. But about this plan below, but for now - about the most popular version of the causes and course of the Third World War, described in the English-language wiki.

“Former KGB agent Vladimir Putin, who became president of Russia, dreamed of returning Russia to the status of a world power. He first began building an anti-American coalition in 2003, along with allies, German and French leaders Schroeder and Chirac. With this coalition, he did not succeed, and he decided to recreate the USSR in the form of the Eurasian Union, and even expand it, including states from the "axis of evil".

Inside Russia, Putin also began rebuilding the USSR by cracking down on leftists, Sunni Muslims, and homosexuals.

At first, Obama decided to make peace with Russia, arguing that the previous foreign policy was Bush's mistake. However, the "Arab Spring" showed that America does not intend to abandon its aggressive policy towards countries that do not follow the path of neoliberalism. Putin was afraid that the Americans would do the same with Russia as they did with Libya or Egypt. Putin decided to prevent the West from striking his country.

And now a brief chronology of the development of the Third World War:

February 7-23: Winter Olympic Games will be held in Sochi. During this event, the world gets a complete picture of Putin's Russia.

March 13: Belarus claims to be part of Russia. Many are shocked by this move. Russia and Belarus were close allies and tried to form a "Union State", but almost no one expected a full scale annexation.

May 20: Vladimir Putin threatens to launch a second invasion of Georgia if it opposes referendums in South Ossetia and Abkhazia on their status.

May 28: Barack Obama declares that Putin's threats are unacceptable and threatens to retaliate militarily if Putin invades Georgia.

September 12: Putin again threatens Georgia, and this time gives a deadline for the referendum - October 1.

September 13: Obama picks up a red phone in the Oval Office and urges Putin to come to his senses. He asks to convene a conference in St. Petersburg to discuss the crisis in the Caucasus. Putin accepts the offer.

September 22-30: Obama, British Prime Minister David Cameron, French President François Hollande, German Chancellor Angela Merkel, Chinese President Xi Jinping and Iranian Supreme Leader Ali Khamenei meet with Putin in St. Petersburg to discuss the crisis. In the end, they all agree to holding a referendum in South Ossetia and Abkhazia.

November 4: US midterm elections. Republicans receive a supermajority in the House of Representatives and a narrow majority in the Senate.

November 7: Russian Ambassador to Poland Vladimir Grinin is killed by an activist protesting violations of gay rights in Russia. On the same day, there is an assassination attempt on Putin, and he barely survives. The assassination of Ambassador Grinin and the assassination attempt on Putin provoke mass riots in Moscow, inspired by the radical opposition. Riots are also taking place in other Russian cities.

November 8-10: Riots continue. Nobody has seen or heard Putin these days, which gives rise to a wave of rumors about his death. In the end, the riots were suppressed, during their dispersal, 873 people died, more than 90 thousand people were arrested.

November 11: Putin makes his first public appearance since the assassination attempt. He announces the imposition of martial law, bans the left and liberal parties in order to “preserve the unity of the country and security. He argues that "the unrest is actually the machinations of the West, and Russia won this war from him."

December 6: Polish Foreign Minister Radosław Sikorski tells Russian Foreign Minister Alexander Yakovenko that Poland recognizes East Asia as Russia's exclusive sphere of influence.


January 1: The Eurasian Union is formed. It included Moldova, Armenia, Azerbaijan, Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan, Tajikistan and Kyrgyzstan. Western media give it the name "New Soviet Union".

January 23: A leak appears in the US that Russia planned to invade Latvia in February 2015. This information leads to a significant change in US policy towards Russia.

February 6: President Obama reminds Putin that under Article V of the NATO Charter, if Russia tries to expand its influence into Eastern Europe, the US will be forced to use military force.

February 26: Presidential elections are held in Ukraine. No candidate receives an absolute majority of the vote, and Viktor Yanukovych and anti-Russian opposition candidate Vitali Klitschko make it to the second round.

March 14: Russia unites the territories of North Ossetia and South Ossetia to form a puppet state called simply "Ossetia". The system in Ossetia is defined as an "Orthodox theocracy", and they immediately go over to the fight against gays, Sunni Muslims and communists. The US refuses to recognize Ossetia.

March 15: Russia occupies Georgia in violation of the Treaty of St. Petersburg. Georgia becomes a puppet state of Russia.

March 17: President Obama holds an emergency joint session of Congress and declares that the US will now adopt a zero-tolerance policy against Russian aggression.

March 18: Russia and Turkey are effectively at war when Turkish warships open fire on Russian warships in the Black Sea. Turkey claims that it was forced to take this step by intercepting a signal from Russian ships that they were ordered to begin a blockade of the Eastern Mediterranean in order to prevent the supply of American weapons to Syrian militants.

March 19: Runoff elections in Ukraine take place and Klitschko is declared the winner. Russia refuses to recognize the results.

March 20: Russia announces that if Klitschko is sworn in, Russia will be forced to lay claim to the Tuzla Spit in the Kerch Strait and Sarych. An emergency NATO summit in Brussels begins. NATO refused Turkey's request to provide military assistance against Russia. This was the beginning of the break between Turkey and NATO.

March 21: Putin calls a special session of the Duma. He reiterates his claims on Tuzla and Sarych, and also announces that if Klitschko is sworn in, then Russia will withdraw from the Russian-Ukrainian agreement on a naval base in Sevastopol, from the 2010 gas agreement and from the 1997 peace and friendship agreement. of the year.

March 23: Russia and Egypt sign a military alliance alliance between the two countries. President Putin sternly warns Egypt's enemies and declares that an attack on Egypt will be seen as an attack on Russia.

25 March: Ossetian forces attack Kurdish Muslim refugees arriving in Azerbaijan. Al-Qaeda declares war on Ossetia.

March 27: A coup is carried out in Pakistan. The pro-Western Imran Khan comes to power, he announces the de-radicalization of the country and the improvement of relations with the West. It also hinders al-Qaeda operations in Russia.

April 2: Syrian civil war ends with rebel victory. The new government cuts all ties with Russia.

May 6: Former Soviet President Mikhail Gorbachev, who emigrated after last November's riots, says in a meeting with President Obama at the White House that the Russian and Turkish governments are secretly beginning rapprochement to carve up Eastern Europe between themselves.

May 17: Finland, Japan and Lebanon reject Russian proposals for non-aggression pacts.

10 July: Extraordinary NATO meeting takes place in Brussels. NATO adopts a resolution promising to defend Ukraine from any Russian attack. On the same day, the EU adopts a similar resolution.

August 23: Russia and Turkey sign a non-aggression pact to end Turkey's interference in Russia's interests in Ukraine.

August 25: Putin delays a military offensive against Ukraine for a week in response to Iranian threats to withdraw from the CSTO if Russia attacks Ukraine.

September 1: Russia attacks Tuzla in the Kerch Strait and Sarych and Sevastopol. Fighting soon begins in eastern Ukraine, with a full-scale invasion of Ukraine.

As a result, the Third World War will take the lives of 250 million people and lead to the defeat of Russia and its bloc. The world will be thrown back a century. What did not happen in 1917 due to the weakness of the Entente will happen in 2016 - the Western world will occupy Russia and establish democracy and the values ​​of civilized humanity there.

(In a separate chapter, the American editors of the Wiki briefly describe that China came out on the side of Russia. From American satellites, large cities of China were destroyed, and China quickly withdrew from the war, suffering losses of 150 million people. The remaining 100 million people were killed in Ukraine, Russia, Turkey and the countries of the former USSR.Nuclear weapons were not used, the main hostilities fell on the destruction of the enemy's infrastructure - cities, power plants, hydroelectric power stations, ports, railway junctions, etc.).

Well, now about one more scenario of the Third World War, registered in the English General Staff back in 1981.

The entire plan is still classified as "secret" in the National Archives of England. But 30 years later, in 2011, part of it was declassified.

This plan was called the "War Book", and it served as a guide to action not only for the government of the United Kingdom, but also for governors and mayors of cities.

The military book had a volume of 250 pages. Direct participation in the compilation of the "War Book" was attended by the Prime Minister of England Margaret Thatcher.

The script begins in early March 1981. This was indeed a time of deepening international tensions, following the Soviet invasion of Afghanistan, the election of Ronald Reagan as President of the United States, and the rise of Solidarity in Poland.

In Britain, Thatcher ventured to station cruise missiles at the American base on Greenham Common, to the fury of left-wing activists and trade unions.

In the USSR, by March 1981, Brezhnev was eliminated as a result of a military coup, and the KGB junta came to power.

As in the First World War, the Balkans became a powder keg, Yugoslavia is a nominally communist country that was moving towards the West.

Britain and the United States sent additional troops to West Germany in early 1981. The USSR at this time is probing the West, sinking and detaining Norwegian fishing boats.

With the money of the KGB in England, the "fifth column" is activated - leftists, feminist organizations, trade unions, as well as various kinds of minorities - from sexual to national and religious.

Organizations such as the Purple World, backed by the Communists and the Welsh separatist Cewri Cymru - the "Welsh Giants" organize arson attacks on public buildings in England. Irish terrorists join them with KGB money. Major cities in the UK are slowly sinking into chaos.

The Ministry of Defense launches an operation to return 100,000 wives and children of military personnel from West Germany. Panic grips England - the population is actively buying up canned food, sugar, flour and gasoline. Massive demonstrations are taking place all over England. In Leeds and Sheffield, thousands of students are marching against the government. In Dartmoor Prison, 24 Irish terrorist prisoners escape with the help of leftists.

By the evening of March 11, it became known that the USSR began to gather troops to the border with Turkey and in Bulgaria on the border with Yugoslavia. At the same time, NATO is trying to strengthen its troops in West Germany and Scandinavia.

March 13 Soviet troops enter Yugoslavia. On the same day, Iraq attacked eastern Turkey. The Norwegian military is reporting a huge military buildup along their northeastern border.

The British government, meanwhile, is concentrating all its attention on the deterioration of the food situation. In many parts of the country, stores have run out of coal, gasoline, batteries and candles, as well as sugar and flour, and pharmacies have run out of medicines. Looting begins in some areas of large cities.

Leftists and trade unions, on orders from Moscow, stage acts of sabotage. For example, oil refineries with all their fuel reserves were destroyed by bombing. Attacks are also being made on naval bases.

The next morning, on Saturday, March 14, queues form at banks, people rush to withdraw their deposits. The Thatcher government is asking the Irish government to set up internment camps for British left, student and trade union activists.

On the same day, a massive anti-war rally begins in Trafalgar Square, led by prominent deputies from the Labor Party, trade union activists, sports and show business figures. It ends in a violent confrontation with the police. The government is forced to arrest the rioters, Labor leader Michael Foote and Archbishop of Canterbury Robert Runsey.

The Ministry of the Interior bans all marches and processions for a month. On the same day, 16 people die as a result of terrorist attacks.

March 16, 1981 more than 100 Soviet bombers raid England. They strike at air defense and radar installations throughout the country.

Half an hour after the start of the raid, Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher, Foreign Secretary Lord Carrington, and Defense Secretary John Knott have a hasty meeting. On the same morning, Soviet troops landed on the Danish island of Bornholm.

Thatcher speaks on television and radio, urging the people to calm. There is only one TV channel, BBC. Exits from major cities of the country are blocked by thousands of cars. Police say 50,000 people have already been evacuated from Manchester and 20,000 from Liverpool.

Hours later, Whitehall is rocked by a car bomb and then by an explosion at Green Park underground station, killing 8 people. England declares war on the USSR.

The next day, 17 March, Tuesday is one of the darkest days in the history of England. More than 400 Soviet bombers are raiding the country. Hundreds of dead in Glasgow, Plymouth, Liverpool and other cities. At the same time, the "fifth column" organizes several powerful explosions at airports and railway stations, including at London Victoria Station.

In parliament, Thatcher invites the Laborites to rally in a common struggle, but they reject this proposal.

Panic breaks out in English cities. Robberies and looting flourish on the streets, in the countryside farmers shoot at people who encroach on their property.

Soviet troops use chemical weapons in Yugoslavia. The invasion of Soviet troops into Norway also begins. For the first time, the British cabinet is thinking about launching a nuclear strike on the Soviet bloc.

The next day, the troops of the Soviet bloc enter Greece, Turkey and land troops in northern Italy. NATO's position is becoming critical.

On March 20, another massive air raid on England takes place. On the same day, the troops of the Soviet bloc attack West Germany and in the first hours deepen into its territory for 40 km.

Britain insists that NATO launch a nuclear attack on the Soviet bloc. But in order not to make the USSR feel that it now has nowhere to retreat, it is proposed to drop 29 low-yield atomic bombs on the Warsaw Pact countries - Poland, Czechoslovakia, Bulgaria.

But Thatcher suggests starting with three atomic bombs, making it clear that this is only the beginning. A leak was organized to Soviet spies in the British Ministry of Defense that on March 22 NATO would launch nuclear strikes on Soviet satellites. On the evening of March 21, the USSR offers the West a truce, but on the condition that Yugoslavia and Greece are part of the Soviet bloc. The West agrees to this. But NATO is developing a plan to activate the "fifth column" in the USSR, as well as redirect Iran to fight the USSR. “The USSR should explode on its own, and not as a result of our war with it,” says Thatcher.

So then it happened, the USSR exploded itself. One plan for waging World War III was partially accurate in predicting the outcome.

Endless terrorist attacks, ongoing armed conflicts, ongoing disagreements between Russia, the United States and the European Union indicate that peace on our planet is literally hanging by a thread. This situation is alarming, both among politicians and among ordinary people. It is no coincidence that the issue of the start of the Third World War is being seriously discussed by the entire world community.

Expert opinion

Some political scientists believe that the mechanism of war was already launched several years ago. It all started with Ukraine, when a corrupt president was removed from office and the new government in the country was called illegitimate, but simply a junta. Then they announced to the whole world that it was fascist and began to scare one sixth of the land with it. In the minds of the people of the two fraternal peoples, distrust was first sown, and then outright enmity. A full-scale information war began, in which everything was subordinated to inciting hatred between people.

This confrontation was painful for the families, relatives, friends of the two fraternal peoples. It got to the point that the politicians of the two countries are ready to push brother against brother. The situation on the Internet also speaks of the danger of the situation. Various discussion platforms and forums have turned into real battlefields where everything is allowed.

If someone still doubts the likelihood of war, then they can simply go to any social network and see how heated the discussions of topical topics are reaching, from information about oil quotes to the upcoming Eurovision Song Contest.

If it is possible to quarrel two fraternal peoples who shared grief and victories for more than 360 years, then what can we say about other countries. Any people can be called an enemy overnight, having prepared timely information support in the media and the Internet. So, for example, it was with Turkey.

At present, Russia is testing new methods of war on the example of Crimea, Donbass, Ukraine, and Syria. Why deploy multi-million armies, transfer troops, if you can carry out a "successful information attack", and to top it off, send a small contingent of "little green men". Fortunately, there is already positive experience in Georgia, Crimea, Syria and the Donbass.

Some political observers believe that it all started in Iraq, when the US decided to remove the supposedly undemocratic president and carried out Operation Desert Storm. As a result, the country's natural resources came under US control.

Having made a little “fat” in the 2000s and having carried out a number of military operations, Russia decided not to give in and prove to the whole world that it “got up from its knees”. Hence such “decisive” actions in Syria, in the Crimea and in the Donbass. In Syria, we protect the whole world from ISIS, in Crimea, Russians from Bandera, in the Donbass, the Russian-speaking population from Ukrainian punishers.

In fact, an invisible confrontation between the United States and Russia has already begun. America does not want to share its dominance in the world with the Russian Federation. Direct evidence of this is the current Syria.

Tension in different parts of the world, where the interests of the two countries are in contact, will only grow.

There are experts who believe that the tension with America is caused by the fact that the latter is aware of the loss of its leading position against the backdrop of a rising China and wants to destroy Russia in order to seize its natural wealth. Various methods are used to weaken the Russian Federation:

  • EU sanctions;
  • lower oil prices;
  • involvement of the Russian Federation in the arms race;
  • support of protest moods in Russia.

America is doing everything to repeat the situation of 1991, when the Soviet Union collapsed.

War in Russia is inevitable in 2020

This point of view is shared by the American political analyst I. Hagopian. He posted his thoughts on this subject on the GlobalResears website. He noted that there are all signs of preparing the United States and Russia for war. The author notes that America will be supported by:

  • NATO countries;
  • Israel;
  • Australia;
  • all US satellites around the world.

Russia's allies include China and India. The expert believes that the United States is waiting for bankruptcy and therefore it will attempt to take possession of the wealth of the Russian Federation. He also stressed that some states may disappear as a result of this conflict.

Similar forecasts are given by former head of NATO A. Shirreff. For this, he even wrote a book about the war with Russia. In it, he notes the inevitability of a military confrontation with America. According to the plot of the book, Russia captures the Baltic states. NATO countries come to its defense. As a result, World War III begins. On the one hand, the plot looks frivolous and implausible, but on the other hand, given that the work was written by a retired general, the script looks quite plausible.

Who will win America or Russia

To answer this question, it is necessary to compare the military power of the two powers:

Armament Russia USA
active army 1.4 million people 1.1 million people
Reserve 1.3 million people 2.4 million people
Airports and runways 1218 13513
Aircraft 3082 13683
Helicopters 1431 6225
tanks 15500 8325
armored vehicles 27607 25782
Self-propelled guns 5990 1934
Towed artillery 4625 1791
MLRS 4026 830
Ports and terminals 7 23
Warships 352 473
Aircraft carriers 1 10
Submarines 63 72
attack ships 77 17
Budget 76 trillion. 612 trillion.

Success in war depends not only on superiority in weapons. According to military expert Y. Shields, the Third World War will not be like the two previous wars. Combat operations will be carried out using computer technology. They will become shorter, but the number of victims will be in the thousands. Nuclear weapons are unlikely to be used, but chemical and bacteriological weapons, as an auxiliary means, are not excluded.

Attacks will be made not only on the battlefield, but also in:

  • the field of communications;
  • the Internet;
  • television;
  • economy;
  • finance;
  • politics;
  • space.

Something similar is happening in Ukraine now. The offensive is on all fronts. Blatant disinformation, hacker attacks on financial servers, sabotage in the economic field, discrediting politicians, diplomats, terrorist attacks, shutting down broadcast satellites and much more can cause irreparable damage to the enemy along with military operations at the front.

Psychic Predictions

Throughout history, there have been many prophets who predicted the end of mankind. One of them is Nostradamus. As for world wars, he accurately predicted the first two. As for the Third World War, he said that it would happen through the fault of the Antichrist, who would stop at nothing and be terribly merciless.

The next psychic whose prophecies have come true is Vanga. She told future generations that World War III would start with a small state in Asia. The fastest is Syria. The reason for the hostilities will be an attack on four heads of state. The consequences of the war will be horrendous.

The famous psychic P. Globa also said his words regarding the Third World War. His forecasts can be called optimistic. He said that humanity will end World War III if it prevents military action in Iran.

The psychics listed above are not the only ones who predicted World War III. Similar predictions were made:

  • A. Ilmaier;
  • Mulchiasl;
  • Edgar Cayce;
  • G. Rasputin;
  • Bishop Anthony;
  • Saint Hilarion and others