Is a vaccination against tick-borne encephalitis necessary, the pros and cons. Side effects of vaccination against tick bite encephalitis Severe redness after vaccination against ticks

With the arrival of spring, people actively begin to go out into nature to relax and enjoy the first sun rays. Together with people, various insects also come out into nature and begin to actively move in search of food. One of these insects is the encephalitis mite. This is a dangerous pest, the bite of which can lead not only to complications, but also to fatal outcome. It is almost impossible to avoid going out into nature, so it is important to protect yourself in advance. To do this, a vaccination against tick-borne encephalitis, which allows the human immune system to absorb toxins released by insects. Let’s find out in more detail what an injection for encephalitis is, as well as what consequences may arise after the injection.

How does encephalitis manifest?

The main danger of a common tick bite is that the symptoms of infection of the body do not appear immediately, but after some time. More precisely, the symptoms appear 10-15 days after the tick bite, and mostly resemble common cold. After a bite, children develop symptoms of headache, weakening of the body, aches in muscles and joints over a long period of time. Such symptoms do not last long and disappear after 4-5 days. Only phenomena of this nature occur if the tick has not been infected with encephalitis.

When a child is bitten by a tick infected with encephalitis, the symptoms are significantly different. The following ailments develop:

  • body temperature rises to 38-39 degrees;
  • development of unbearable headaches;
  • lethargy or excessive nervousness;
  • Symptoms of vomiting develop.

If children develop these symptoms after a suspected tick bite, they should not be ignored. First of all, the patient should be taken to the hospital and tell the doctor possible reason these symptoms.

It is important to know! If the correct drug therapy, then infection of the body will spread to the nervous system, causing paralysis and death.

Features of vaccination against encephalitis

Vaccination against encephalitis is carried out among the population not in mandatory during the period of the beginning of spring and the end of autumn. In Russia, vaccination is carried out in three types, which depends on viral encephalitis. These vaccines have the following names:

  1. Mite-E-Vac.
  2. Encevir.
  3. Tick-borne encephalitis vaccine.

People are vaccinated at will, although in some regions where the likelihood of outbreaks of the encephalitis virus is critical, mandatory procedures may be prescribed. The vaccine is an inactivated form of the encephalitis virus, that is, artificially obtained. The vaccine simply cannot provoke the disease, which is due to the small amount of virus it contains. Immediately after the vaccine is introduced into the child’s body, the development of a stable antigen to the virus is observed. Thus, acquaintance occurs immune system with encephalitis, as a result of which the body develops a protective reaction. After a child is bitten by an infected tick, the body automatically begins to successfully overcome the virus.

It is important to know! Vaccines against encephalitis are available both domestically and imported. The effectiveness of both options is the same, and the only difference is the cost.

Vaccination against encephalitis is carried out in two ways:

  • Two-stage;
  • Three-stage.

Two-stage vaccination involves administering the vaccine twice. The first vaccination is done in early spring, and the second after some time. Three-stage vaccination is carried out according to an individual plan, and the number of vaccinations is three.

It is important to know! Repeated vaccination may be required no earlier than 2-3 years later.

Reasons for fever after vaccination

After receiving the vaccine against tick-borne encephalitis, children often experience side effects such as fever and deterioration in health. Why is this happening? After the injection enters the body, development is observed defensive reaction, which is a completely normal factor.

If a child has a fever after vaccination, then parents should not panic. Especially if the temperature rises to 38.5 degrees, but not higher than that. At this temperature, no measures are required; it is enough to put the child in bed and provide for him comfortable conditions. If the thermometer shows that the temperature is rising above 38.5 degrees, then the need to use antipyretics should be consulted with a doctor.

How long can a fever last after vaccination?

Side effects in the form of an increase in temperature to 38.5 degrees indicates that the baby received a vaccine that contains dead cells of microorganisms of the encephalitis virus. Among such vaccinations, it is worth highlighting DTP, ADS and injection against hepatitis B. Often elevated temperature can last up to several days, after which it decreases.

If the temperature rises 7-10 days after the vaccine was inoculated, this indicates that the injection contained live virus microorganisms. Heat can last from 2 to 5 days, and when its values ​​are above 39 degrees, it is necessary to take antipyretic drugs.

It is important to know! Apart from antipyretics, no other medications should be given to the child to improve the condition. If symptoms worsen, it is better to consult a doctor rather than self-medicate.

The body's reaction to vaccination

What side effects may occur after receiving an anti-encephalitis injection? First of all, this may be an increase in temperature, as mentioned above. Besides side symptoms can be presented in the form of the following ailments:

  • headaches and muscle pain;
  • swollen lymph nodes;
  • soreness and redness of the injection site;
  • itching and hardening of the skin;
  • disruption of the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, as well as loss of appetite.

After vaccination against tick-borne encephalitis, the child’s temperature readings indicate the proper level of protection of the body. In children under three years of age, side symptoms may include the development of insomnia, as well as mental disorders.

Insects, especially mites, often make our lives difficult. The main threat they pose is infecting humans with various dangerous diseases, such as encephalitis. In regions where there is a risk of contracting this disease while walking in nature, the population is vaccinated. However, when agreeing to it, you need to know what complications are possible after vaccination against tick-borne encephalitis.

Encephalitis is very dangerous disease, which, in the absence of quality and timely treatment can lead to severe complications and even to death. However, some health problems may begin after vaccination has been administered. Therefore, before you get vaccinated against tick-borne encephalitis, you should know its side effects. Very often, vaccination given in the presence of contraindications leads to various complications.

Contraindications to vaccination against tick-borne encephalitis include the presence of the following conditions:

  • epilepsy;
  • insufficiency of the cardiovascular system;
  • tuberculosis;
  • diabetes;
  • rheumatism;
  • kidney infections;
  • blood diseases;
  • presence of systemic violations connective tissue which are inflammatory in nature;
  • various endocrinological disorders;
  • allergies, especially to chicken eggs.

Also contraindications are a person’s tendency to strokes, the presence of a chronic form of coronary disease, any heart problems or liver pathologies.

The main contraindications to immunization against encephalitis were listed above. Vaccination against tick-borne encephalitis has temporary contraindications. Vaccination against this disease is not performed for temporary reasons in the following cases:

  • if a person has recently had meningococcal, respiratory or viral infection, as well as viral hepatitis;
  • elevated temperature;
  • pregnancy;
  • breastfeeding a baby.

The vaccine should not be given to women who gave birth less than three weeks ago. Children under one year of age are also not vaccinated. An exception is a situation where there is high risk infection of the newborn. In this case, the risk of complications does not exceed the risk of developing the disease.

When taking certain medications, administering a vaccine against this disease is also prohibited. Therefore, before agreeing to the procedure, you must first consult with your doctor.

Indications for vaccination against tick-borne encephalitis are:

  • business trip or relocation to endemic areas dominated by a humid climate and forested landscape;
  • time of year – spring and early summer. It is at this time that insects pose the greatest danger, as they become very active;
  • with frequent travel through forests, hobbies of hunting and fishing;
  • work in the environmental sector;
  • work on farms, logging.

If there are indications for vaccination, vaccination is carried out more than a month before the time of expected departure to the endemic region. Do not neglect immunization, since the administered vaccine allows you to create long-term immunity, which obviously will not be superfluous in endemic regions of our country.

Adverse reaction

Vaccination against tick-borne encephalitis can cause some adverse reactions, which can be divided into two groups:

  • local. Such reactions can appear almost immediately after the vaccine is administered to the human body. Usually these are allergic reactions, which manifest themselves in a slight enlargement of the lymph nodes and a rash;
  • are common. They take the form of more serious reactions, which include headaches, muscle soreness and general malaise.

In addition, do not forget that the vaccine against encephalitis is considered medicine. Like all medications, it has side effects. A reaction to the administered drug may occur depending on whether it is imported or domestic.

After the injection, the following adverse reactions may occur:

  • feeling of nausea;

  • increased body temperature;
  • soreness in various muscles, aches;
  • headache;
  • inflammatory process which develops in the lymph nodes;
  • weakness.

In rare cases, mental abnormalities, significant visual impairment, and vomiting may develop.

To avoid the appearance adverse reactions After vaccination, you must adhere to the following rules:

  • do not hide poor health from the doctor;
  • vaccinate only in healthy condition;
  • the drug introduced into the body must have a quality certificate. Its cover must not be damaged. The medicine must be stored in accordance with all the manufacturer's requirements;
  • the vaccine must not be expired.

It is believed that imported vaccines are of higher quality than domestic ones. However, this is not always the case, because the real difference between them is that before use imported drug a person must be healthy for at least two weeks before the expected date of vaccination, and when using a domestic vaccine - at least one month.

It is worth noting that often the cause of adverse reactions is incorrect administration of the drug. Vaccination must be done by a qualified and experienced specialist. This is very important, since full immunization requires three injections. If the specialist is inexperienced, then when inserting a needle under the skin, it can hit a nerve or damage a blood vessel.

The vaccination against tick-borne encephalitis is given in the deltoid muscle (shoulder). If the injection is performed incorrectly, muscle soreness, hematoma at the injection site, slight swelling, etc. may occur.

The procedure for administering the drug, regardless of the activity of virus carriers, can be carried out all year round.

Above we talked about the consequences that can arise both from a natural combination of circumstances (for example, an individual reaction of the body) and from non-compliance with vaccination rules. In the latter case, the consequences can develop into complications.

Complications after vaccination

Vaccination against tick-borne encephalitis can provoke not only adverse reactions, but also serious complications. It is they, together with contraindications, that often lead to people refusing to get an injection. After all, this vaccination is not included in the list mandatory vaccinations, so you can refuse it. But in this case, it is necessary to understand the full extent of the risk in the presence of contraindications to immunization against this disease.

After immunization against tick-borne encephalitis, the following complications may occur:

  • Quincke's edema (if a person is intolerant to a component of the administered drug);
  • heart failure;
  • vascular pathology.

However, such complications are extremely rare. Moreover, they are often caused by a person’s ignorance of the existing contraindications for this vaccination, as well as the rules for immunization.

When deciding whether or not to get such a vaccination, you should take into account the fact that the consequences and complications from tick-borne encephalitis can be much worse than from the administration of the drug. Of course, not all forms of the disease lead to the development of serious complications. However, doctors do not recommend taking risks. Especially if this concerns children, who suffer this disease much more severely than adults.

Prevention measures

It was discussed a little above how to minimize the risks of developing adverse reactions. However, to reduce this risk to zero, it is necessary to consult a specialist before vaccination. It was carried out full inspection, if necessary, will appoint additional research(For example, general analysis blood). Consultation with a doctor is especially important for people who have chronic diseases and must spend some time or permanently reside in endemic regions.

There are situations when a person is sick, but external signs There is no deterioration in his health. If you suspect this, it is best to do a blood test. It will show whether there is an inflammatory process in the body (the number of leukocytes in the blood will be higher than normal).

In order to minimize the risk of developing possible adverse reactions after an injection, the doctor often prescribes antiallergic medications. They can also be used after the manipulation.

To prevent increased body temperature and muscle pain, you can take medications that have an antipyretic effect.

On sunny May days, many city residents leave the city en masse - some to their dachas, others to take a break from the hustle and bustle of everyday life in the lap of nature. However, it is precisely on these days that the encephalitis tick comes out hunting, the bite of which can become deadly. Therefore, before relaxing in a forest clearing under mighty trees, it is worth getting an injection against tick-borne encephalitis in order to neutralize toxins after an insect bite. Let's look at what side effects and contraindications there are for this drug.

Symptoms of the disease

The danger of a tick bite is that symptoms of damage to body tissues appear after two weeks and resemble a common cold. Headache, aches in bones and muscles disappear after 6-7 days and the person recovers. However, after being bitten by an infected tick clinical picture becomes different:

  • the temperature rises to dangerous levels;
  • headaches become unbearable;
  • tilting the neck is accompanied by severe pain;
  • mental reactions and movements become inhibited;
  • vomiting begins.

The appearance of these symptoms cannot be ignored: the patient urgently needs health care. TO dangerous consequences a bite from an infected tick causes severe damage nervous system, paralysis and death.


The encephalitis virus is dangerous at the junction of spring and summer (May/June), as well as summer and autumn (August/September). Actually, during this period, a massive infection with encephalitis ticks was recorded. Therefore, immunization is confined to these two periods. In the Russian Federation, three types of vaccine against viral encephalitis are used:

  • Mite-E-Vac;
  • Encevir;
  • Tick-borne encephalitis vaccine.

These vaccines contain an inactivated virus that cannot cause disease. After administration of the drug, the body produces a resistant antigen to this type virus and protects the body from infection.

You can also use imported vaccines FSME Immun Inject and Encepur. However, all drugs have the same effect on the body, although the price varies significantly. Modern domestic vaccines are as safe as imported ones, but they are several times cheaper.

Immunization can take place in two ways: two-stage and three-stage. Two-stage immunization involves administering the drug twice before the period of tick activity and a certain time after vaccination. Three-stage vaccination is drawn up according to an individual plan: the vaccine is given three times. Further immunization is carried out at intervals of three years.

Important! Immunization against viral encephalitis is indicated for people living in regions with a high probability of becoming infected with the virus.

Vaccination ban

After being bitten by an infected insect, vaccination is pointless. In this case, immunoglobulins are administered. Contraindications against bite vaccination encephalitis tick are temporary and permanent. Temporary bans include:

  • pregnancy;
  • age of babies up to one year;
  • previous meningitis or hepatitis;
  • acute form respiratory disease or inflammatory process.

In these cases it is postponed until full recovery health. In cases of active threat of infection by the virus, both pregnant women and children under one year old are vaccinated: for them, contraindications are canceled. This applies to regions with the greatest risk of infection.

The reasons for permanent contraindications to vaccination are:

  • severe allergy to chicken meat and eggs;
  • allergy to vaccine components;
  • severe reaction of the body to previous vaccination.

There are also contraindications to vaccinate patients with chronic diseases:

  • diabetes mellitus;
  • internal organs (liver/kidneys);
  • of cardio-vascular system;
  • pulmonary tuberculosis;
  • epilepsy;
  • endocrine system;
  • tumors of a malignant nature;
  • blood diseases.

Important! Cannot be combined preventive vaccinations against tick bites while taking medications.

Body reaction

How does the body react to the administered vaccines, what side effects can be expected? A small number of vaccinated people have a fever, which normalizes in short term. Side effects may also take the following form:

  • pain at the injection site;
  • compaction and itching of the puncture site;
  • headache and muscle pain;
  • gastrointestinal upset and loss of appetite;
  • fatigue and fatigue;
  • enlarged lymph nodes.

In children under three years of age, adverse reactions may include mental overexcitability and insomnia, as well as reluctance to eat and fever. However, the listed reactions are not the norm for every patient, especially since the latest drugs are practically safe.

Persistent and common reactions to vaccinations include redness and soreness at the injection site, as well as slight fever. Pain at the injection site can be reduced by using ointments and medical solutions. Temperatures up to 38C are not considered dangerous.

What are the contraindications to vaccination of children and adults?

Vaccination is the maximum effective method preventing infection with encephalitis. It minimizes the risk of infection upon contact with a tick that carries encephalitis, and if the virus does attack the body, the disease will go away much easier than without vaccination. Can there be side effects of tick vaccination and what are they?

The reaction to the vaccine is usually very positive. However, like most medical supplies and techniques, the vaccine may have complications and side effects.

Vaccination against tick-borne encephalitis: side effects

It is very important to monitor the health of the vaccinated person in the first days after vaccination. It is at this time that the main side effects may appear, including:

Swelling small size at the injection site, redness, skin thickening, minor painful sensations. These symptoms usually disappear after 2-3 days. You can safely get the vaccine wet, but you should not cover it with a band-aid or use ointments.

An allergic reaction to a vaccine may include a skin rash, runny nose, or sneezing. If you notice an allergy in the first days, use antihistamines, but if the problem does not disappear over time, you should consult a doctor, as this may be a signal of individual intolerance to the drug.

In very rare cases, a fever appears after a tick vaccination, headache, malaise. These symptoms also usually disappear within a few days.

Side effects of the encephalitis vaccine may also cause the following:

  • Muscle pain.
  • Rapid pulse;
  • Enlarged lymph nodes;
  • Nausea, vomiting, diarrhea;
  • Sleep disturbance, appetite disturbance.

Complications after vaccination against tick-borne encephalitis

Vaccination in Lately has become a rather controversial topic that always evokes many opposing opinions. On the Internet, every now and then you can come across stories about terrible complications and consequences caused by vaccinations.

Complications and consequences of vaccination against tick-borne encephalitis most often occur in the following cases:

  • For joint pathology;
  • Quincke's edema;
  • Malfunctions of the cardiovascular system.

Vaccination against tick-borne encephalitis can really protect you and your loved ones from this virus or reduce it as much as possible. possible consequences and complications for the body. As a rule, the tick-borne encephalitis vaccination is very easily tolerated, however, before deciding to use it, you should definitely visit a doctor and make sure that there are no contraindications for you.

All information on the site is provided for informational purposes. Before using any recommendations, be sure to consult your doctor. Self-medication can be dangerous to your health.

When vaccination against tick-borne encephalitis is necessary, contraindications should be studied before undergoing this procedure. It is important to know that such a vaccination is usually given to those people who live in an endemic area. The disease in question is very dangerous because it can lead to damage to both the brain and spinal cord. Therefore, to prevent tick-borne encephalitis or alleviate its symptoms, you should be vaccinated. But how safe is this vaccine?

Of course, this vaccine plays a very important role important role, but still its actions can lead to side effects. To prevent this from happening, it is important to study contraindications, that is, those cases when this procedure may be hazardous to health.

So, first of all, vaccination against tick-borne encephalitis may be contraindicated if a person is sick:

  • epilepsy;
  • rheumatism;
  • cardiovascular failure;
  • tuberculosis;
  • diabetes mellitus;
  • kidney infection;
  • systemic connective tissue diseases of an inflammatory nature;
  • blood diseases;
  • endocrine disorder;
  • malignant tumor;
  • allergies, especially if this reaction occurs to chicken eggs.

In addition, the vaccine is contraindicated if the person is prone to strokes, has heart problems or suffers chronic form ischemic disease. Vaccinations should not be done if you have liver diseases.

There are also temporary contraindications, which indicate that a person is prohibited from receiving such a vaccination during this period. This should include:

There are several other cases when this injection is prohibited. This applies to those people who take some medicines. This is why it is so important to consult your doctor first. This procedure is also contraindicated for women who have given birth to a child and have not yet passed 3 weeks after giving birth. If a person has a fever on the day of vaccination, then it is worth abandoning the procedure for a while.

You shouldn't give this injection one year old child. Vaccination can only be carried out if there is a high probability that the baby may become infected. These restrictions should apply to pregnant women and nursing mothers.

Of course, such vaccinations are very important, but you should be prepared for the fact that a number of complications may develop, which will have both local and general character. So, local ones will appear after the dose has been administered. As a rule, a person develops allergic reaction to the vaccine in the form of a rash or slightly enlarged lymph nodes. And as for general reactions, so this painful sensations in the head, in the muscles, the development of general malaise.

Like any other drug, vaccination against tick-borne encephalitis has its side effects. Moreover, such a reaction can occur regardless of whether an imported or domestic drug is administered.

So, this primarily concerns swelling and redness in the place where the injection was given, and a feeling of nausea. In addition, a person experiences fever, aches and pain in the muscles, pain in the head, inflammation in the lymph nodes, and general weakness.

There are also manifestations that occur extremely rarely, but they can still occur. This should include education mental disorders, vomiting and even blurred vision.

Therefore, you should listen to methods that can prevent this, because vaccination against tick-borne encephalitis plays a very important role for human health, the side effects of which are quite serious. So, it is important to adhere to the special instructions, which contain several rules, and compliance with them is simply necessary.

This vaccine is given only if the person is in a healthy state. Therefore, if the patient has suffered colds, then he can be vaccinated only after 2 weeks. And this is if during vaccination it is used foreign drug. When, for one reason or another, it is possible to use only domestic medicine, you should wait at least a month after a cold. But it's best to do the following. Take tests and bring them to a specialist, who, based on them, and also after an examination, will determine whether encephalitis vaccinations are safe for humans.

In addition, it is recommended to use antiallergic drugs before and after vaccination against tick-borne encephalitis. And in order to prevent such effects as fever or body aches, you should take antipyretic medications after the procedure.

Side effects in children are practically no different from those in adults, so if a child needs the vaccine, then you should also adhere to the rules stated above.

Vaccination is carried out several times, it all depends on the drug that is used during vaccination, which is why it is so important that this procedure is carried out by an experienced specialist.

When the fixing injection is given, the person’s immunity will last for 3 years. After this, you need to resort to this procedure every 3 years, but in this case, vaccination will take place in 1 stage. If one consolidation procedure is missed, then one vaccination will be needed, and if a person misses two vaccines, then the vaccination will have to be repeated in several stages.

If we talk about how the procedure itself should be carried out so as not to cause adverse reactions, then the vaccine is injected into the shoulder, namely into the deltoid muscle, under the skin. It is very important to do this carefully so that the drug does not enter the blood vessels.

Since ticks can become active both in spring and autumn, vaccination can be carried out at any time of the year. It is worth considering that ticks can carry a lot various diseases, which are very dangerous to health, but this vaccine will not be able to save a person from them, since it is aimed only at tick-borne encephalitis.

In addition, infection cannot be prevented with just one injection.

Not only contraindications, which are important to consider before vaccination, can make a person refuse an injection, but also complications after vaccination against tick-borne encephalitis.

It is important to understand that this vaccination is not considered mandatory procedure, besides, it is not free, but if you ignore it, it can lead to irreparable results.

But there are still a number of consequences that can result from an injection from tick-borne encephalitis. Of course, complications can be quite serious. So, this should include disruptions that can occur in the functioning of the heart, vascular pathology may develop, and Quincke's edema may also occur if the person has not previously been identified as intolerant to the drug. However, such consequences are extremely rare and only if the person is not familiar with the contraindications or rules for vaccination.