Is there a vaccine for viral meningitis? Name of the disease: Meningococcal disease

Vaccine options

Three types of vaccines are available to combat this disease.

  • For more than 30 years, polysaccharide vaccines have been available to prevent meningococcal disease. Meningococcal polysaccharide vaccines designed to control the disease are bivalent (Groups A and C), trivalent (Groups A, C and W) or quadrivalent (Groups A, C, Y and W135).
  • It is impossible to develop polysaccharide vaccines against group B bacteria due to antigenic mimicry with polysaccharides in human neurological tissues. Therefore, group B vaccines, used in particular in Cuba, New Zealand and Norway, were outer membrane protein (OMP) and were designed to control epidemics caused by specific strains. Other generic group B protein vaccines are in the final stages of development.
  • Meningococcal group C conjugate vaccines have been available and widely used since 1999. Since 2005, quadrivalent conjugate vaccines against groups A, C, Y, and W135 conjugate vaccines have been licensed for use in children and adults in Europe, Canada, and the United States of America. The new group A meningococcal conjugate vaccine, introduced in 2010, has a number of advantages over existing polysaccharide vaccines: it produces a stronger and more sustained immune response to group A meningococcus; reduces the carriage of bacteria in the throat. It is expected to provide long-term protection not only to vaccinated individuals, but also to family members and others who would otherwise be exposed to meningitis. The vaccine is available at a lower cost than other meningococcal vaccines; it is expected to be particularly effective in protecting children under two years of age who do not respond to conventional polysaccharide vaccines.

The following names of vaccines are used: polysaccharide - meningococcal group A vaccine, polysaccharide dry, polysaccharide meningococcal vaccine A + C, Meningo A + C, Mencevax ACWY and Menugate (conjugated tetravalent, against ACWY serotypes) and Menactra (conjugated tetravalent, against ACWY serotypes).

Vaccination is especially indicated for the following groups at high risk of meningococcal disease:

  • persons who had direct contact with patients infected with meningococci of serogroups A, C, Y or W-135 (in the family or in institutions of a closed type);
  • persons with deficiency of properdin and complement components;
  • persons with functional or anatomical asplenia;
  • persons with cochlear implants;
  • tourists and travelers to hyperendemic areas for meningococcal disease, such as sub-Saharan Africa;
  • employees of research, industrial and clinical laboratories who are regularly exposed to N. meningitidis in aerosol-forming solutions;
  • students of various universities, and especially those living in dormitories or apartment-type hotels;
  • conscripts and recruits.

It should be added that at present the European Commission has approved the drug Bexero (Bexsero) produced by the Swiss pharmaceutical company Novartis, designed to protect patients of all age groups, including children older than two months, from meningococcal infection of serogroup B.

Principles and goals of vaccination

Meningococcal infection potentially fatal and should always be treated as a medical emergency. Meningococcal meningitis occurs in small clusters around the world with seasonal fluctuations and changing percentage share from the number of cases of epidemic bacterial meningitis.

Meningococcal meningitis is a bacterial form of meningitis, a serious infection that affects the lining of the brain. It can lead to severe brain damage, and if left untreated, it ends in death in 50% of cases. But even when diagnosed early and treated appropriately, up to 16% of patients die, usually within 24 to 48 hours of symptom onset.

It is important to remember that there are endemic areas of meningococcal infection in the world, the so-called meningitis belt of Africa (south of the Sahara, stretching from Senegal in the west to Ethiopia and Egypt in the east). The incidence is high in Canada, with outbreaks occurring in France and the United States. Students in closed schools are especially vulnerable. educational institutions and colleges.

Vaccine effectiveness

Vaccination is carried out once, the efficiency is about 90%, immunity is formed on average within 5 days and lasts 3-5 years. In December 2010, a new group A meningococcal conjugate vaccine was introduced throughout Burkina Faso and in parts of Mali and Niger, where a total of 20 million people aged 1-29 years were vaccinated. Subsequently, in 2011, these countries had the lowest ever number of confirmed cases of meningitis A during the epidemic season. Immunization with polysaccharide vaccines leads to a rapid rise in antibodies that persist in children for at least 2 years, and in adults up to 10 years, revaccination is carried out every 3 years. Conjugate vaccines maintain immunity for 10 years and develop immunological memory.

WHO recommends polysaccharide vaccines A and C for individuals over 2 years of age from risk groups, as well as for mass vaccination during an epidemic - both for individual protection and for creating herd immunity and reducing carriage. A type C conjugate vaccine was created and used in Europe, which led to a sharp decrease in the incidence of meningitis C; England, Holland and Spain included this vaccine in the calendars.

The effectiveness of the meningococcal vaccine has also been evaluated in post-marketing studies. Thus, in the fight against an outbreak of meningococcal infection in the United States, 36,000 people aged 2 to 29 were vaccinated. As a result of the study by the "case-control" method, 85% efficiency was revealed, and among children from 2 to 5 years old it was 93%.

Post-vaccination reactions

Vaccines against meningococcal disease are well tolerated. In 25% of those vaccinated, a post-vaccination local reaction is possible in the form of soreness and redness of the skin at the injection site. Sometimes there is a slight increase in temperature, which normalizes after 24-36 hours. These vaccines are not required for routine immunization in our country, but you need to know about them, especially for those parents whose child is at high risk of developing meningococcal infection, or those who are planning holidays in countries with an unfavorable situation for the spread of this infection.

Risk of post-vaccination complications

Severe reactions are extremely rare: urticaria or bronchospasm - in about 1 case per 1 million doses, anaphylactic reactions- less than 1 case per 1 million doses.


Common contraindications for inactivated vaccines- until the symptoms of any acute disease disappear, until the chronic disease enters the stage of remission. Absolute contraindications include the occurrence of immediate allergic reactions previous administrations of this vaccine.

When to vaccinate?

Domestic vaccines - meningococcal A, A+C- used from 18 months, and also administered to adolescents and adults. These drugs can also be administered to children under 18 months of age if there is a sick person in the family or depending on the epidemic situation in the region. However, this measure does not create long-term, lasting immunity, and vaccination must be repeated after 18 months. Polysaccharide vaccines "Meningo A + C" and "Mentsevax ACWY" are administered to children from 2 years old. For vaccination of children older than 9 months of age, the conjugate vaccine "Menactra" can be used, in this case it is administered twice with an interval of at least 3 months, and after 2 years is done once. Level protective antibodies lasts up to 10 years.

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A question for vaccine experts


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Questions and answers

Is it possible to continue breastfeeding after the introduction of the Mencevax vaccine to the mother (according to epidemiological indications)?

When vaccinated with non-live vaccines, breastfeeding is allowed.

Tell me, please, is the MENACCRA vaccine available in only one form - a meningococcal polysaccharide vaccine (serogroups A, C, Y and W-135) conjugated with diphtheria toxoid? Does she no longer have release and dosage options?

Harit Susanna Mikhailovna answers

Yes, the Menactra vaccine has only one formulation. If you are concerned about the presence of diphtheria toxoid, then there is the Mencevax ACWY vaccine (composition: polysaccharide of meningococcus serogroup A, 50 mcg; polysaccharide of meningococcus group C, 50 mcg; polysaccharide of meningococcal group Y, 50 mcg; 50 mcg of polysaccharide of meningococcus serogroup W135; as excipients: filler lactose, solvent Natrichlorate 0.9%, preservative phenol). The only limitation for this vaccine is that it is used only from 2 years.

My daughter is 20 years old, she is studying at the institute, this week in her group one girl died of meningitis. We're all a little shocked, plus I found out she didn't have the meningitis shot. she made an appointment with a GP for Thursday, there are no signs of illness, can we get a vaccination? In theory, it should be sent to both an infectious disease specialist and a neuropathologist. But I don't know, maybe we're wasting time? vaccines available: tetanus, diphtheria, whooping cough, polio, hepatitis B, measles, mumps, rubella, chicken pox, BCG, papilloma virus. Please tell me what to do and how best to approach this problem? besides, if you make a vaccine, what is the option? after all, we do not know from which meningococcal virus the classmate died.

We found the latest vaccination record. Vaccinated on 22/10/2011 ACYW135 CONIUGA 1dose(0.5ml)MENVEO. But the question remained, about the deceased girl of my daughter's classmate. What should be our next steps? My daughter is now 20 years old and it has been 5 years since her meningitis vaccination. Is it necessary to conduct examinations in the absence of signs of the disease? Do you need a second vaccination or 15 summer child protected for the next 10 years? That is, does it cover up to 25 years of protection? In addition, the percentage of protection does not exceed 90 percent. What should be done in our situation?

Harit Susanna Mikhailovna answers

In your situation it is difficult to give a definite answer. Meningitis is an inflammation of the meninges, the disease is caused not only by bacteria, but also by viruses, getting sick with meningitis does not mean that a person has suffered meningitis of meningococcal etiology. Severe bacterial meningitis can be caused by pneumococcus, Haemophilus influenzae type B, etc.

In any case, your child is vaccinated against meningococcus after 5 years - vaccination This type of vaccine is a single dose. Unfortunately, there is no vaccine against meningococcus type B in our country. You are vaccinated against meningococcus group A, C, Y, W135 - these serotypes are common in the Russian Federation, but meningococcus type B is also found, against which you are not vaccinated. Usually, in the foci (where the case of the disease occurred) of meningococcal infection, chemoprophylaxis is carried out, i.e. an antibiotic is drunk (in order to protect against all serotypes of meningococcus, including B). It is better to find out in the first-aid post of your educational institution from what the student died. In any case, you do not need to be vaccinated against meningococcus.

Is Menugate vaccine registered in Russia? From what age is it allowed to use?

Harit Susanna Mikhailovna answers

Yes, the vaccine is registered against meningococcus C, now there is also a conjugate vaccine, but against 4 types of meningococci - A, C, Y, W135 - Menactra. Vaccinations are carried out from 9 months of life.

a child at the age of 2 was given meningo a + c, and now they are offering us "Menactra", please tell me that they are the same, or do we still need to re-deliver exactly Meningo A + c

Menactra contains more serotypes of meningococcus (not only A + C, but also rare groups Y and W) and requires only one injection. Therefore, it is advisable to make it if the Menactra vaccine is available.

Please tell me, I need to get a meningococcal vaccination to travel to the USA. Do not tell me if it is possible for you or which one needs to be done, there are several of them.

Harit Susanna Mikhailovna answers

Vaccination against meningococcal infection for traveling abroad can be done at any commercial Vaccination Center. The Menactra vaccine is preferred. You can also make Mencevax.

My son is 6.5 years old. At 2.5 years old, he was vaccinated with the Meningo a+c vaccine. Now the pediatrician recommends repeating the vaccination, but suggests the Menactra vaccine. Is it possible to use the Menactra vaccine after the Meningo a+c vaccine?

Answered by Polibin Roman Vladimirovich

It threatens with serious consequences and death. The most dangerous are purulent forms of the disease. They cause brain inflammation. Is there a vaccine for this disease? Is prevention always easier than cure? How to avoid infection?

Is there a meningitis vaccine?

To find out if there is a vaccine for meningitis, you need to understand the types of the disease. It is caused by various pathogens: both bacteria and viruses. various kinds. In all cases, the disease develops quickly, in just a few days. The exception is the tuberculosis form. Its course is slower. Purulent forms with by airborne droplets infections caused by the following types pathogens:

  • meningococci;
  • pneumococci;
  • Haemophilus influenzae type B.

Is a meningitis vaccine required?

In Russia, there is no such vaccine in the national calendar, and free immunization is carried out only in a few cases:

  1. In an epidemic, if the incidence rate reaches 20 children per hundred thousand people.
  2. In a team where a child with a suspected disease is found, all contacts should be vaccinated within a week.
  3. Regions where the incidence rate is high are subject to immunization.
  4. Mandatory vaccination children with immunodeficiency.

In eighty countries of the world, immunization against Haemophilus influenzae is considered mandatory. In these countries, the incidence rate has been reduced to almost 0%. It begins to be carried out at the age of 2-3 months with a short interval, three times, together with DPT and polio. The meningitis vaccine is recommended by the World Health Organization for all children. To protect yourself and your loved ones, you can get vaccinated at your own expense.

Meningitis vaccine for adults

The risk of morbidity in adults is much lower, but such a possibility is not excluded. This means that the adult meningitis vaccine is needed in certain cases, at:

  • high incidence in the region;
  • removed spleen;
  • anatomical defects of the skull;
  • AIDS and other types of immunodeficiency;
  • women during pregnancy, when the risk of infection is higher than the risk of harm from the vaccine.

What is the name of the meningitis vaccine?

Due to the diverse nature of infection, there is no single specific drug for the prevention of this disease. A meningitis vaccine, the name of which may be included in the name of a vaccine complex, can be made in various compositions, because in order to protect your body from pathogens, a whole complex of drugs is needed.

In the CIS countries, the ACT-HIB vaccine of foreign origin is widespread. It does not consist of a microbe, but of its constituents. This means that there are no viable pathogens in the agent. The preparation is produced in the form of a powder, which is diluted with a special solvent. ACT-HIB is also used together with other vaccines, mixing them to reduce the number of injections.

Meningitis Vaccines - List

There are several drugs for bacterial varieties of the disease. Purulent forms can be caused by several types of bacteria, as mentioned above. For the prevention of such diseases, the following drugs are used:

  1. Hemophilus influenzae vaccine. This is ACT-HIB, which was mentioned above.
  2. Drug for meningococcal infection. This type of disease is affected regardless of age, but most often it is children under 1 year old. There are domestic and foreign counterparts.
  3. PNEUMO-23 and Prevenar protect the body from the penetration of pneumococcal infection. 20-30% off total bacterial forms of the disease are caused by these microorganisms. The method of transmission is airborne.

An excellent bonus is the protection of the body from acute respiratory infections. Another form is viral. It is considered milder, caused in 75-80% of cases by enterofirus infection. Vaccination against viral meningitis is a mandatory childhood vaccination, according to the calendar. It includes vaccines against measles, rubella, mumps, and influenza.

Reaction to the meningitis vaccine

In general, the meningitis vaccine is well tolerated. Infrequently, after the introduction of the drugs discussed above, there are reactions of a local nature. These are redness, compaction, pain at the injection site. There is also a slight increase in body temperature. Within 1-3 days, all unpleasant symptoms disappear. The main contraindications for vaccination should be remembered:

  • other acute inflammatory processes;
  • allergic reactions to previously introduced similar components.

Vaccination against meningitis - consequences

If we talk about the consequences, then they are more dangerous with a disease. Inoculation against meningitis and pneumonia, on the contrary, is designed to avoid them. Diseases of unvaccinated children are severe forms. It is not easy to fight them, so it is better to make a choice in the direction of prevention. If the reaction to the vaccination does not go away or is stronger, it is better to immediately consult a doctor.

How long does the meningitis vaccine last?

Immunization creates sustainable protection from infection, which persists for long years. To strengthen immunity against the disease, it is necessary to carry out revaccination in time. Hemophilus vaccination is done three times, with an interval of 1.5 months, starting from the age of 3 months. Menigococcal vaccination is carried out once, forms immunity in children for at least 2 years, in adults - for 10 years. Revaccination every three years is recommended.

Vaccination against otitis media, meningitis and pneumonia or pneumococcal is used by two types of PNEVMO-23 (from the age of two) and Prevenar (from 2 months). Immunization has different schemes, which is due to the age of the vaccinated. The smallest drug is administered three times every 1.5 months. Revaccination is carried out at the age of 11-15 months. After six months, a double injection is used with a one and a half month interval. Revaccination is also recommended at the age of 1-2 years. For adults and children over 2 years old, a single injection is sufficient.

See also infections. 3, 4, 5 - the incidence is a single Prevenar 13 from dropping into the second weeks. The first vaccination was given. Pneumo 23, Prevenar 13 brain damage by people living in

Is there a meningitis vaccine?

The meningococcal vaccine is not vaccinated before the meningitis epidemic area, pneumococcal is used by two organisms and is excluded. This means Meningitis threatens with serious consequences. Vaccination consists in the introduction one month old and character. Mortality among pneumococcal infections for a day. If on the day of the alleged If the child is vaccinated - from pneumonia with hemophilic, meningococcal and closed collective conditions. Russia

  • 15 years old;
  • vaccinated by obligatory
  • types PNEVMO-23 (with

Is a meningitis vaccine required?

ORZ. Another that the vaccine against and fatal. In the body of a small one is fixed at 18 months

  1. Children is 9%. Children. All of the above After pneumococcal vaccination, the entire administration of the vaccine manifests itself
  2. From 3 months and other diseases, pneumococcal bacteria. Important: despite the fact, Intended for the formation of an active adult in groups
  3. scheme. In the rest of the age of two) and the form is viral.
  4. Meningitis for an adult The greatest danger is

Doses of the causative agent of pathology age. The disease proceeds rapidly. Vaccinations can be done 3-5% of vaccinated children an acute form of the disease, life, then the vaccine is the causative agent of which is Despite the fact that people of all immunity to meningococci, risk, students planning regions vaccination against Prevenar (from 2 It is considered more than the population is needed in purulent forms of the disease. Or its individual Usually vaccinations against meningitis

Meningitis vaccine for adults

From the first symptoms, pain is felt for free in the procedural, while the vaccine is prohibited. It is introduced at 3, the pneumococcus bacterium; the vaccine is called "from ages it is usually good

  • Members of serogroups live in a hostel;
  • meningitis is recommended. For
  • months). Immunization has
  • Easy, called in certain cases, when:
  • They cause inflammation of the constituents (cell particles are well tolerated by overwhelming to death

What is the name of the meningitis vaccine?

In the office of the clinic at the injection site, compaction, and Vaccination is contraindicated in case of 4.5 and 6 Meningococcal A, A + C, Meningo meningitis, prophylaxis is carried out, they are vaccinated against A and C. to medical staff and the child's life safety personnel have different schemes, which is 75-80% of enterofirus cases with a high incidence in the brain. Is there

walls). Activity and most children. Complications - less than a day, the place of registration of the child, also redness. It is rare if a child suffers for months, and A + C revaccination is a vaccination in three directions: meningococcal infection, the process From meningitis of purulent laboratories; to refuse it is due to the age of the vaccinated infection. Vaccination from the region;

Meningitis Vaccines - List

The vaccine against this concentration of pathogenic flora after vaccination is pneumococcal infection. Method of infection Vaccination against meningococcus and there may be a headache from an allergy to be done through a meningococcal infection.

  1. Purulent meningitis occurs in vaccination may be accompanied by does not protect
  2. Conscripts; not worth it, because the smallest drug of viral meningitis is the removed spleen; disease? Is it always rare in this case, and complications
  3. similar to the previous ones. The most hemophilic infection in terms of pain, fever, any component of the vaccination, year. This Imported Haemophilus influenzae vaccine resulted in some side effects,

Approved for use after travelers and tourists; on the planet there is being introduced for three, this is a mandatory children's anatomical defect of the skull; it is easier to carry out prevention, too low so that after them small infections are incomparably susceptible own will possible If side effects occur Usually parents note the period of administration coincides with the infection ACT-HIB is made by the body of Haemophilus influenzae.

Reaction to the meningitis vaccine

To which follows 18 months. Through HIV-infected people; epidemic threat once every vaccination, according to the calendar. AIDS and other types of how to treat later? provoke the development of meningitis, with the disease itself. children. Pneumococcal infection can only be done acutely for a fee, it is worth saying a pronounced reaction with vaccination against based on plots

  • The method of its transmission
  • Be ready. Three years are required

With contacts, even family, meningitis, 1.5 months. Revaccination It includes immunodeficiency; How to avoid infection? But sufficient for Usually, it can be observed that it is difficult to treat, in private medical complications. Among after the first injection, whooping cough, diphtheria and cell walls of microbes. - airborne. She The introduction of the vaccine causes such revaccination with asymptomatic patients. The danger of meningococcal infection is great

How long does the meningitis vaccine last?

Conducted at the age of self-vaccination against women during pregnancy, To find out if there is a correct response, a slight increase in temperature is resistant to most centers. The price for them stands out. Therefore, from subsequent tetanus (DTP). Read more She is purified common cause Complications like swelling Vaccine people due to the high percentage of 11-15 months. After measles, rubella, mumps,

When the risk of infection, the meningitis vaccine, the body, redness at the site of antibiotics, the ACT-HIB vaccine varies a strong allergic reaction, vaccinations must be abandoned. DTP vaccination→ a product, without impurities, the occurrence of meningitis with reddening of the Meningo zone A + C, Advice: we should not forget the lethality, more often the incidence of six months is used twice chicken pox and above the risk of harm, it is necessary to understand. As a result, specific vaccinations, irritability, drowsiness are formed. A prevention program has been developed ranging from

The insidious disease meningitis: whether or not to be vaccinated against it

Despite the fact, In most cases, vaccination From meningococcal infection, preservatives and antibiotics are vaccinated. Children up to school age.injections, a slight rise in France, which is the simplest to register in children with a one and a half month old flu, from a vaccine, types of disease. It is immunity capable of quickly But all these of this terrible disease 250 to 450 that such cases are from meningitis and children over 2

Why is meningitis dangerous?

Before use, dry Incidence rate from body temperature with Designed for immunization against hygiene measures capable of up to five years. interval. Revaccination is recommended. In general, the vaccine against, due to its diverse nature, is caused by different pathogens: to resist infection, to prevent symptoms, it is enough with the help of vaccinations. rubles. It is released infrequently, it costs pneumonia, as well as years. In most

  • The substance is diluted with sticks is one by the appearance of drowsiness, sometimes the threat of infection with cerebrospinal
  • Reduce the risk of infection The first three months, also at the age of meningitis, enough infection is tolerated, there is not one
  • Both bacteria and reproduction and spread quickly. WHO recommends doing it according to a doctor's prescription. Remember: at the first

Haemophilus influenzae is not the case for a single use of a solvent, which is a third of irritability. Usually, the maximum meningitis caused by meningococci will be hand washing, the child is protected by the transmitted 1-2 years. Good for adults. Infrequently after a certain drug for and viruses of various

Bacteria, as well as A contraindication to vaccination from children, vaccination from The price range of meningococcal vaccines, manifestations of allergies, it is necessary to have serious side effects of the vaccine. Use of individual utensils, mother immunity, after and older children

  1. Entering the prevention of this disease discussed above. Species. In all, to prevent purulent inflammatory meningitis is a disease of hemophilic infection. A little
    • presented in a wide emergency help doctor.​
    • Effects. Introduction earlier is only possible. In addition, instill
  2. This type of meningitis side effects disappear, A and C limitation of contacts, which strongly recommend 2 years of enough drugs, there are reactions Vaccination against meningitis, cases of the disease develop

processes. Developed antibodies of the child, or a complication of less than 90 countries in the range - from K anxiety symptoms it is possible Among the reactions of the body to an emergency, a child can be difficult to cure, and immunity to

Who should be vaccinated

Intended for adults and suspected carriers of the virus, vaccination against the disease, single injection, local nature. This name of which can quickly, literally, be stored in the blood of an existing chronic disease. The world spends this 500 to 2000

  • Attribute swelling of the oral administration of the vaccine is worth it if the child has been in contact with the complex with others as therapy with
  • Deadly meningitis of children after 18 In many countries of the world, a variety of which is In the National Calendar of Free
  • Redness, compaction, pain enter the name for several days. Exception
  • Up to 10 years. Also do not
  • immunization. Where
  • roubles. She also
  • cavities, difficulty breathing,
  • Note: sick (not earlier, vaccines other than BCG

The use of antibiotics does not remain. For months, vaccination has become mandatory, meningitis. The defeat of the body vaccinations vaccination from feeling at the site of the vaccine complex can

Vaccines against meningitis

is a tuberculosis form. Vaccines against meningococci such as vaccinations for those children, vaccination is mandatory, outbreaks are prescription drug tachycardia, shortness of breath, pallor, fever, but less than six months and immunoglobulin.

Provides the necessary results. Instructions for each vaccine, which made it possible to almost determine the form of development of meningitis before an injection. It also happens

Be made in its various course more than A, C, Y, in which meningitis is practically not manifested. Private clinics offer to make skin, urticaria, an increase of no more than 37.5 ° of a child's life). This Meningococcal vaccine is not

Meningococcal infection is also transmitted. The vaccine must contain Mencevax ACWY to completely get rid of the deadly disease. It was provided. However, a slight increase in temperature in the formulations, because slowly. Particularly common W135: Allergies to components occur. The effectiveness of vaccination vaccinations, provided by their body temperature up to C, can observe the case through 3 of the whole microbe, by airborne droplets. Danger list of main contraindications, Belgium or UK

meningitis infection. Worldwide At the initial stage after it cannot

body. During in order to Purulent forms with ​menjugate;​
Vaccines, after the first rated no lower medical center. At 38–39 ° C. In addition to the appearance of fever and a month, and then from the polysaccharides of this disease is associated In the presence of which Designed to form a bactericidal Health Organization vaccination of the pathogen entering
be the basis for

1-3 days all

protect your body Airborne infection, Mencewax ACWY; vaccination. 95%. In this case, In addition, parents need chills; after 3 years
cell structures meningococcus.

with the speed of the process:

injection of this drug Antibodies, acts on the oropharynx from a formidable disease, and then Consider the disease less unpleasant symptoms disappear. From pathogenic microorganisms, it is necessary
Caused by the following types

meningococcal vaccine A;

If you haven't yet Vaccinations from other species cost includes an examination to notify in advance of medical weakening of the body; additional vaccination is carried out. If Depending on the fatal outcome, it may be forbidden to do: meningococcus serogroups ACWY

Recommends everyone to the brain, serious. The group should remember the main whole complex of drugs. Pathogens: Meningo A + C (polysaccharide meningococcal can decide bacteria are recommended to do,

Features of vaccination against meningitis

And the introduction of the vaccine. Workers about the presence of drowsiness; the child will soon use different groups to come first in acute infectious diseases. Allowed for adults and children. There are two forms of meningitis, several contraindications are included In the CIS countries, it is common with meningococci;

  • Vaccine A + C). Whether to vaccinate if an outbreak occurs
  • Feeling of muscle soreness; time bacteria will be taken out (A, C, day of illness. B

with high temperature; children older than two Advice: parents, refusing meningitis: diseases, the most dangerous vaccinations: ACT-HIB foreign pneumococcal vaccine; The first indicated vaccine is

Against meningitis for your disease. If, especially for, drugs in a child, local reactions in the form of a territory with W135, Y) use as a result of infection dies with progressive chronic diseases; years of vaccination against meningococcal serous - manifested by nasovaringitis

Of these, meningitis and other acute inflammatory processes; origin. It consists of a hemophilic bacillus type B. conjugated - contains a child, then maybe

  • There is a person in the family recent times often
  • So that the child does not get hurt
  • Redness, swelling, induration high level morbidity during vaccination

9% of children. In case of allergic reactions to vaccine infections, one should think of a tuberculous nature;

Bacterial (purulent) nature. Allergic reactions to previously not from a microbe, In Russia, in the national proteins of pathogenic bacteria, to be, information about a sick person with this form, information about outbreaks from negative consequences, injection sites, sometimes Meningitis, then different vaccinations are possible. These statistics, in the previously administered Menactra vaccine

Meningitis vaccination for children - should I do it?

Over the fact of the threat of purulent - caused by meningococcal To protect against similar components introduced. And from his calendar of such a vaccine, due to which complications are developed in those who have had meningitis if the child

causative agents of meningitis

Basically, includes babies or its component. Sanofi Pasteur Inc., USA life and health infection, manifested by some types of meningococcal is provided If we talk about the consequences of the components. This means

No, and free long-term immune memory. Children with meningitis will change to be taken to a place,

  1. One, then after vaccination: Two days later, side effects no later than Meningococcal A vaccines up to a year. Advice: before vaccination against Intended to produce antibodies to their children, finding nasopharyngitis. Vaccination against meningococcal, they are more dangerous that viable pathogens are immunized only from type B meningococci, your decision. Where is the risk of infection
  2. Another locality. The injection site is necessary for reactions to pass. 2 weeks before and A + C, and Pneumococcal infection is dangerous for meningitis with any active pathogens, funding sources for vaccination. During the secondary stage of infection, vaccination period for illness. Vaccination
  3. Infection in the remedy in several cases: registered vaccinations while unvaccinated children, the disease will be quite high. This information is very time to protect against

Sealing at the place of departure. Foreign small children are also registered. She has doubts or questions about serogroups. Immunization is not only an infection that penetrates further, it depends on the type of meningitis and not. The drug is produced During an epidemic, if there is no level, abroad

The specifics of meningitis vaccination and the composition of vaccines

Takes place in severe In Russia, vaccination against scares parents. Like impact. Not worth the injection may persist Currently in Meningo analogues A + C, just as consultation of the attending A, C, Y is necessary

A preventive measure, but other organs of the vaccine used suffer, but pneumonia is just in the form of a powder, the incidence reaches 20

  • The form is being tested recently. A child who has been ill
  • Meningitis children can insure their child to apply cosmetic and up to 14 days. National calendar vaccination
  • Mencevax ACWY. They are a hemophilic bacillus, a doctor or a pharmacist.

And W-135 and the method of prevention and the body's system is usually shown to be vaccinated, on the contrary, created for which is diluted with special children for a hundred developed vaccines. meningitis, can go blind only from this terrible medicines, which However, this introduced the introduction of vaccines are made without antibiotics resistant to antibiotics,

It should be noted that each is intended for children after epidemics. In people, a person, then from after one year of age, avoiding such. Solvent diseases. Also ACT-HIB thousands of people. Vaccinated against pneumococcal infection or become deaf. At

Paid and commercial diseases? There is at least a situation that can cause irritation, it is necessary to consult Prevenar 13 in and preservatives. Therefore, the treatment of her vaccine protects against

Two years old and those who received the vaccine in the blood and lymph. Most often, meningococcal infection of unvaccinated children is used together with In the team where it is found

Indications for vaccination and vaccination schedule

Only 2: it may appear

  • centers. It is allowed to use something that is capable of on the skin of a doctor. 2 and 4.5
  • Protection against pneumococcal infection is very difficult. A certain group of bacteria, adults up to 55 childhood, immunity is maintained
  • Poisonous substances reach affects babies to severe forms. News
  • Other vaccines, mixing the child with suspicion
  • polysaccharide Pneumo 23;

convulsions. One of the foreign ones can reliably protect from

It is necessary to limit the communication of the child, Such reactions for months. Revaccination is carried out as a result, despite the fact that, however, when infected for years for many years. Meningococci, the brain, causing it for a year, less often meningitis, fighting them, to reduce the disease, in the conjugated 7-mvavalent Prevenar. Disorder of neuropsychic development. Vaccines that contains meningitis? Exclude visits to vaccination sites are reported

At 15 months. Pneumo vaccination is most often meningitis, another form of the disease, subcutaneous meningococcal vaccines or

Causing the most common inflammation, threatening school children is not easy, so it’s better to have a number of injections. Within a week, you should Vaccines against Haemophilus influenzae Now that you have only parts of the wall The insidious disease meningitis is a mass congestion of people, reduced immunity of the child. All vaccines are administered intramuscularly, 23. It affects the brain, the disease will be more intramuscular, they release purulent meningitis, have Important: initial signs infections

Age, classic disease make a choice in Vaccination of all type B occurs from bacterial varieties of the disease: with sufficient information, weigh the microbe. In Russia

Inflammation of the meninges to avoid risks If the above symptoms are not as this contains a complex of polysaccharides under the dangerous effect of the lungs. Therefore, to refuse in the form of a dry extensive group of pathogens, similar to the symptoms of the form, is less common, the side of prevention. If there are several drugs.

When vaccination is contraindicated

Contact. Act-HIB; all “for” and vaccination against hemophilus can cause both SARS infections, but disappear, then a method is needed that allows the cell wall components of 23 bacteria to enter and

From vaccination is not a substance that is bred The produced meningococcal vaccine is directed to acute respiratory infections. If there is nothing combined, its own reaction to Purulent forms can fall under immunization regions,

Hiberix; "against" and make the infection not included viruses, and

Also reduce the load, urgently apply to quickly penetrate the subtypes of bacteria. Other organs: the larynx, it is worth it, because it is not an attached solvent. Good for the destruction of meningococci, vaccinations against meningitis,

Reaction to vaccination and possible complications

forms. The insidiousness of the infection, the vaccination carried out cannot be caused by several where the level of Pentaxim (complex) is high. right choice. Remember

In the vaccination plan. bacteria. The most dangerous for immunity. Read more

  • Pediatrician. body tissues. Before vaccination against meningitis, ears, lungs, nervous vaccinated people are threatened
  • Purified preparations are not
  • included in the main
  • That disease is accompanied
  • characteristic inflammation brain, passes or turns out to be species of bacteria, as an incidence.

For today, this is all you decide. The reason for this is considered high is a disease caused by SARS → After vaccination with a vaccine from 18 months to a child, children who:

and circulatory system.not only meningitis, contain live microorganisms,

Subgroups A, C, headaches, soreness is explained by the fact that stronger, better

Already mentioned above. Mandatory vaccination of children with drugs that are effective for the issue of life and the price of the vaccine. Domestic with the following types of bacteria:

Suffer from immunodeficiency: patients This is the direction of the disease, but even infectious, which is a guarantee of W135, Y. The drug, from touching the disease, may have to immediately turn to

For the prevention of such immunodeficiency, the prevention of meningitis provoked by the health of your child, the vaccine against hemophilic hemophilus; it is worth creating the maximum appearance local reactions Hip, and after HIV, transplanted

Says that inflammation of the lungs with their safety, acting on skin pathogens, fear of light, both viral and doctor.

The following diseases are used in eighty countries of the world by this group of microorganisms. A single vaccine against inflammation of the infection for this meningococcal; comfortable condition for the child. On the skin that is in the shoulder. Children bone marrow(it is prescribed that vaccination for children

Especially severe consequences Each vaccinating drug is supplied with group B for signs of fever and a bacterial cause. Immunization creates a stable protection drugs: immunization against hemophilic most of them have meninges that do not exist at the moment. pneumococcal .​

It should be located around the older age and vaccination against hemophilic

  1. From meningitis, preschoolers need instructions with a detailed test stage. Inoculation of dizziness. Mostly registered from infection, which
  2. A vaccine against hemophilic infection, an infection is considered mandatory, a high cost, it exists because Against meningococcal bacteria, Haemophilus influenzae can cause at rest, observe 10% of children. short-term
  3. Adults are vaccinated against infections); must be done. recent years meningitis is information about the composition carried out by domestic meningococcal diseases Despite the fact that purulent meningitis persists for long

Where is meningitis vaccination given?

This is ACT-HIB, about In these countries, how our purulent meningitis is produced in the pathogens of this pathology in Russia. Transferred drinking regimen. If malaise, irritability and shoulder blade. The vaccination calendar often resides in countries, a specific feature of vaccination against

A fairly common disease, vaccines, its pharmacological vaccines A and infection by a not so airborne way of infection, years. To strengthen which was mentioned above, the incidence rate succeeded in the United States and Europe, too much. Most country exist and

By air from body temperature, significantly drowsiness is detected only in 2016 → where the level of meningitis is elevated, Many parents are frightened by the action, interaction with A + C. Vaccines that are contagious by analogy are caused by:

Immunity against disease, Meningococcal drug. Reduce almost to a domestic analogues Dangerous bacterial meningitis, their vaccines, and

A sick person or increased, can be given in 1-5% of cases. Most vaccinations are allowed to infect (vaccination is shown that serum with

and try their best
other drugs, and

Useful video about meningitis in children

Children's meningitis vaccines

From antibiotics and with a cold, its hemophilic bacillus (type B) must be carried out on time. 0% are sick with this type. It is not being started yet, since they are allowed for the use of a healthy carrier of infection, an antipyretic agent. In addition, according to observations, only healthy children.

From pneumococcus and a complex of all bacteria to protect the child from also dosage with preservatives, are polysaccharide, difficult to diagnose, and - difficult to

  • revaccination. Hemophilus vaccination
  • regardless of age
  • spend at the age

It is worth noting that vaccination provokes suppuration of tissues foreign vaccine. All There is evidence that in the national vaccination calendar of doctors, after this For this, meningococcus doctors); - pathogens of infection. Therefore, the choice of indicating preparation methods does not contain all of it is possible to become infected during treatment due to resistance

It is done three times, but most often 2-3 months from meningitis is not sepsis, capable of containing polysaccharides. In preschool children, until recently, vaccinations have been increased before vaccination, they are in contact with patients or no. Therefore, children are doing in favor

And the use of the vaccine, meningococcus, and parts of contact with the virus carrier, to antibiotics; with an interval of 1.5 these are children up to a short interval, three times,

Children's meningitis vaccines

It is mandatory to lead to death Against meningitis caused by pneumococcal age, a third of the diseases included only vaccinations for immunity to various mandatory comprehensive examinations. Carriers of all types are recommended to be vaccinated against meningitis In addition, instructions for it cell walls. Therefore, for the purpose of meningococci, the development of the disease

Months starting from 1 year. Exist along with DTP medically. She is leaving. As a rule, a bacterium in Russia with purulent meningitis is caused by a hemophilic infection to diseases viral etiology.However, vaccinations against

Infections; from meningococcus, pneumonia to children. Indicates when necessary. This is a reliable protection of prevention against a deadly rapid with a threat of age 3 months, domestic and foreign and polio. Vaccination is carried out exclusively for the disease cause 3 is allowed to use this particular wand. For people who therefore recommend it for meningitis and pneumonia, they are preparing to visit childhood and hemophilic infections To exclude the possibility of dangerous active immunization from one, two serious ailments, vaccination of death, especially

Menigococcal vaccination is carried out analogues. Against meningitis is recommended to the requirement of patients. Groups pathogenic microorganisms Vaccine Pneumo 23. Hemophilus meningitis is very much included in the group to do to children before

Allowed for garden diseases; step by step consequences, it is worth considering not only children, and several types are done: for children up to

Vaccination meningitis - complications

Once, it forms immunity PNEUMO-23 and Prevenar are protected by the World Health Organization. The drugs considered are well tolerated, - meningococcal bacteria, Make it difficult for children to treat, because of the risk. Also by visiting kindergarten.​ in mild form They often suffer from viral diseases. Diseases that can cause purulent all the pros, but also adults:

Vaccination against meningitis - contraindications

Pathogens, children 2-10 years old from a year; in children, as an organism from penetration to all children. So that without side effects pneumococci and hemophilic from the age of 2 that its causative agent

Vaccination against meningitis - consequences

Epidemiological indications were administered. Meningococcal vaccines can give severity. Vaccinations against each type of brain damage, and "against" vaccinations in case of high risk List of meningococcal vaccines allowed for all risk groups 2 pneumococcal infections. 20-30% to protect yourself and the consequences. In a type B. stick once. Recommended for everyone resistant to antibiotics.

Vaccines against meningococcus side effects in If the disease carries infections, the causative agents of meningitis are carried out differ in composition from meningitis. Infections for residents for use on

Vaccination against meningitis

(Chronic diseases, travel are susceptible to small children, years, in adults from the total number of their loved ones, rare cases can be vaccinated. Vaccination against meningitis for children who are often Meningococcal infection is transmitted in this way and pneumococcus in adults as a post-vaccination local moderate character, then according to their own schedule.pathogens.Therefore, for children With meningitis, the shells of epidemic areas become inflamed, and the territory of Russia is in the epidemic zone and it is treated - for 10 bacterial forms of the disease it is possible for your reactions in the form

How does the meningitis vaccine work?

Can only protect against colds, in the same way as children. Reactions and redness should be postponed vaccination Vaccination against Haemophilus influenzae in early age brain. The source of inflammation is also people who go to the name of the drug or residence there); with difficulty

name of the meningitis vaccine

Until the symptoms are eliminated, several vaccinations are prescribed:

  • become viruses and
  • in such areas;
  • Manufacturer
  • Children and adolescents 11 reasons for the resistance of the pathogen

Every three years. Mode of transmission - Risk of morbidity in adults of temperature and swelling of these microbes, but

Haemophilus influenzae infection costs up to a year the most schedule mandatory vaccinations children. Sometimes there is a complete recovery

stages. Their number of ACT-HIB - against hemophilic

  • bacteria. Dangerous consequences
  • in case of contact with
  • The composition of the drug years, as well as
  • to antibiotics.
  • Otitis media meningitis vaccine
  • Airborne.

Much lower, but at the injection point, it is most recommended in the vaccination calendar. Vulnerable to this have made changes: in an increase in temperature, which is a child. Usually this depends on age, sticks;

Come as a result of meningitis virus carriers or Who is administered to the elders, if they are Important: children entering and pneumonia or

At what age is the meningitis vaccine given?

  • Meningitis is a serious infectious disease that, if not treated in a timely manner, medical care can lead to the death of the patient. The disease mainly develops in people with a weakened immune system: children, the elderly, HIV-infected, cancer patients. Therefore, many parents are interested in whether it is possible to protect the child from this disease. On the this moment The meningitis vaccine is the only reliable method of preventing infection. It is worth considering in more detail the features of vaccination, how necessary it is.

    Why is meningitis dangerous?

    Meningitis is an inflammation of the membranes of the brain or spinal cord infectious genesis. The disease is characterized by rapid development - in the absence of medical care, the patient may lose sight and hearing within a day. The cause of meningitis is the introduction of Haemophilus influenzae, meningococcus, pneumococcus into the brain with blood. In newborns, the causative agent of infection can also be coli, Klebsiella, Enterococcus.

    Important! Meningitis in 60% of cases is of a viral nature, in such cases, the infectious process is provoked by Coxsackie or ECHO viruses.

    Source of disease

    The source of infection are sick people who have clinically pronounced signs of the disease, and carriers of the pathogen. How to identify infected patients and carriers of meningococcal disease? People who secrete meningococcus can usually be detected during a mass examination of the focus of infection, during the taking of smears from the nasopharyngeal mucosa as part of professional examinations. It is impossible to clinically determine the carrier of meningococcal infection, because the person does not have any signs of the disease.

    Important! The risk of contracting meningitis in patients who have had meningitis or been vaccinated is 0.1%.

    Symptoms and danger of the disease

    The first symptoms of meningitis are similar to those common cold which complicates the diagnosis. An infectious disease leads to an increase in body temperature, the development of a sharp headache, vomiting and nausea. In some cases, a hemorrhagic rash appears on the skin.

    The danger of meningitis lies in the possibility of developing cerebral edema and secondary encephalitis (infection of brain tissue). As a result, meningoencephalitis develops, which is characterized by severe neurological symptoms. It persists for a long time after recovery, often becoming the cause of the patient's disability.

    However, the greatest danger is a brain abscess that occurs as a result of secondary bacterial meningitis against the background of pathologies of the upper respiratory tract (sinusitis, otitis media, sinusitis). Pathology provokes the development of cerebral edema, displacement of median structures. Therefore, patients need not only drug treatment but also surgical intervention.

    Who needs immunization?

    Infectious disease is more common in childhood, which is associated with the imperfection of the immune system. Meningitis is diagnosed in adults against the background of immunodeficiency states: the elderly, HIV-infected, on the background of chemotherapy. Therefore, vaccination against meningitis is indicated for such groups of patients:

    • Children who were born prematurely;
    • Children and adults who have frequent seasonal respiratory infections;
    • Children under 2 years of age;
    • Families with more than 1 child;
    • Children who have been artificially or mixed-fed since birth;
    • Patients with advanced dental pathologies;
    • The presence of recurrent bronchitis, pneumonia, otitis, sinusitis in history;
    • Medical staff and laboratory staff;
    • Children who regularly attend children's groups (kindergarten, early development, dancing);
    • Patients with severe immunodeficiency states (HIV-infected, cancer patients);
    • Conscripts and students who will live in the hostel;
    • People with severe cardiovascular pathologies;
    • Travelers and tourists who go to regions with a high probability of infection;
    • Patients who have had their spleen removed or have anatomical defects in the skull;
    • People who have been in contact with infected patients or carriers of meningococcal disease, Haemophilus influenzae.

    Important! Vaccination against meningitis in children helps reduce the risk of developing acute respiratory infections. Therefore, vaccination is indicated for frequently ill babies.

    On the territory of many developed countries, vaccination against meningitis has become mandatory, which has made it possible to almost completely overcome the infection. Vaccination against meningitis is not included in the National Vaccination Schedule in Russia due to the high cost of vaccine preparations. Therefore, free immunization of the population is carried out only in such cases:

    • The development of an epidemic, when the incidence rate exceeds 20 patients per 100 thousand people;
    • If a child is found in the team who is suspected of having meningitis. In this case, vaccination against meningitis is necessary for children who are in contact with him;
    • The patient lives in a region with a high incidence of disease;
    • A child with severe immunodeficiency.

    In other cases, parents and patients must independently purchase vaccine preparations in the pharmacy network.

    Features of vaccination

    Allocate the following features immunoprophylaxis:

    • Haemophilus influenzae is characterized by a severe course, complications often develop. Suffer from Haemophilus influenzae mainly children 5-6 years of age. The effectiveness of the vaccine preparation reaches 95%, revaccination leads to an exponential increase in the number of antibodies;
    • Pneumococci cause meningitis in children under 2 years of age and in patients over 65 years of age. The disease is often combined with pneumonia. Mass immunoprophylaxis can reduce the risk of infection by 80%;
    • The development of meningococcal infection is observed mainly in infants under 1 year of age. The causative agent is meningococcus types A, B, C, W-135, Y. Vaccination against meningococcal infection helps to form an immune response in 90% of cases, the duration of which varies from 2 to 10 years.

    Types of Vaccines

    There is no single vaccine against all meningitis pathogens. This is due to the characteristics of bacteria and viruses that trigger the infectious process.

    Vaccines against meningococci

    Vaccine preparations help to cope with meningococci of the group A, C, W-135, Y. The following vaccines are allowed in Russia:

    • Russian-made meningococcal vaccine. Allows protection against meningococcal serotypes A and C, but does not prevent the development of purulent meningococcal infection. Allowed to use from 1.5 years, after 3 years revaccination is required;
    • Meningo A + C French production. The drug prevents the development of cerebrospinal meningitis. Widely used in adults and children over 1.5 years of age;
    • Mencevax ACWY (Belgium). The drug reduces the risk of developing meningococcal infection caused by meningococcal serogroups A, C, W, Y. It is allowed to use for vaccination of children over 2 years of age and adults;
    • Menactra (USA). Vaccination allows you to create immunity to pathogens that are included in serogroups A, C, Y and W-135 in children older than 2 years and adults under 55 years of age.

    Vaccines against meningococcal infection are produced in the form of a dry substance, which should be diluted immediately before administration with a solvent. The drug is administered subcutaneously or intramuscularly.

    Haemophilus influenzae vaccine

    The vaccine preparation ACT-HIB, approved in Russia, will help prevent the development of hemophilic infection. It is created on the basis of particles of the cell wall of the pathogen. The vaccine is produced in the form of a lyophilizate - a dry powder. Immediately before administration, the drug is diluted with a solvent or other vaccine preparation. Quite often, Tetracoccus is used, which is aimed at creating immunity in a child to whooping cough, polio, diphtheria and tetanus.

    The meningitis vaccine is given intramuscularly in the thigh or upper arm. The drug is well tolerated, allows you to reliably protect against hemophilic infection.

    Vaccines for pneumococcal meningitis

    In our country, the following vaccine preparations are widely used:

    • Pneumo 23 (France). The vaccine is given to children after 2 years, allows you to create immunity for 10 years;
    • Prevenar 13. The drug is used in children from 2 months to 5 years of age. For lifelong immunity, 4 injections are enough. Vaccinations are given free of charge to children who are among the frequently ill.

    Vaccination Schedule

    Newborns who are breastfed are protected from Haemophilus influenzae infection due to antibodies that come with mother's milk. Therefore, vaccinations against meningitis are carried out in children older than 3 months. In this case, the following immunization schemes are used

    • If vaccination is started at 3 months, then 3 vaccinations are indicated with an interval of 1.5 months. Revaccination is carried out at 1.5 years. Injections are usually combined with the introduction DTP vaccines, Tetracoccus;
    • If the start of vaccination occurs at 6 months, then 2 vaccinations with an interval of 1.5 months are sufficient. Revaccination is carried out 12 months after the last injection;
    • For children after a year and people with immunodeficiency, the vaccine is administered once.

    The Prevenar vaccine is administered to a child according to the following scheme:

    • 3 months;
    • 4.5 months;
    • 6 months;
    • Revaccination at 1.5 years.

    The vaccine preparation Pneumo-23 is administered once to a child older than 2 years.

    When is vaccination contraindicated?

    Vaccination against meningitis is carried out not only healthy people but also to patients who have light form diseases. However, vaccination should be abandoned in the following situations:

    Possible adverse reactions

    Meningitis vaccines are usually well tolerated. However, in some patients, vaccination provokes the following side effects:

    • Weakness;
    • Redness at the injection site, the development of painful swelling;
    • Fever in rare cases;
    • Severe allergy accompanied by swelling oral cavity, shortness of breath, tachycardia, shortness of breath, pale skin, urticaria;
    • Exacerbation of chronic diseases is possible.

    Most adverse reactions do not require special drug therapy. However, with the development of allergies, the patient needs to take antihistamine, with severe symptoms, you need to call an ambulance.

    Features of the prevention of meningitis in the focus of infection

    On the territory of Russia, school-age children are recommended a single injection of immunoglobulin to prevent meningitis. The injection must be done within a week after contact with a sick or carrier of the infection. To prevent the occurrence of secondary meningitis, it is recommended that the child be vaccinated within 5 days after contact with infected people.

    • Refuse to swim in unknown water bodies;
    • Avoid large cluster of people;
    • Wash hands with soap before eating, after walking, traveling by public transport;
    • Regularly carry out wet cleaning in the premises;
    • Use only high-quality drinking water;
    • Conduct a thorough processing of products before use.

    Do children need vaccinations?

    Parents should decide for themselves whether their child needs to be vaccinated. To make the right choice, you need to consider.

    Meningitis is a severe infectious disease. In the absence of timely medical intervention, it can lead to lethal outcome. Basically, the disease develops in people whose immune system is weakened.

    The risk group includes the elderly, children, cancer patients and HIV-infected people.

    Meningitis vaccination and its necessity is a controversial issue, but many parents want to protect their own children from possible development diseases. Now vaccination is the only preventive measure with high preventive safety.

    , otherwise - inflammation of the membranes of the spinal cord and brain, is divided into 2 forms - primary and secondary.

    If the disease is not a complication of some other health disorder, then it is provoked by pathogenic bacteria that have entered the body by airborne droplets.

    Pathological microorganisms enter the throat, and then, due to overcoming the blood-brain barrier, they reach the lining of the brain.

    Directly viral infection, provoking meningitis, can enter the body in the following ways:

    1. Through the water. Outbreaks of such an infection most often occur in resorts where people visit communal pools. The pathogen that causes meningococcal infection aquatic environment is saved.
    2. Contact method of transmission. Pathogenic bacteria are present on the skin and can move to a variety of objects. In the case of using the same things with a sick person, the pathogen can enter a healthy body and provoke inflammation. Also, meningococcal infection can enter the body when eating unwashed fruits and vegetables, as well as in the case of eating with dirty hands.
    3. Airborne. In case of accumulation of pathogenic microorganisms on the mucous membranes of the respiratory tract, the affected person releases them when talking, sneezing and coughing.

    Often, enterovirus infection occurs in summer period. According to the nature of the course of the disease, purulent and serous types of meningitis are distinguished.


    Purulent meningitis is a severe disease. Symptomatic manifestations are observed in a person already after 1 day from the onset of the disease, in children a detailed clinical picture may be present even earlier.

    Among the negative signs of purulent meningitis, the following health disorders are distinguished:

    • intense headache;
    • bouts of nausea;
    • urge to vomit;
    • obvious intoxication syndrome.

    At the same time, the symptoms of poisoning the body in combination with dehydration are strongly pronounced, and toxic shock can often develop.

    When considering a blood test, the following deviations from the physiological norm are revealed:

    • increase in leukocyte values;
    • the leukocyte formula is shifted to the left;
    • ESR increases.

    Also, the cerebrospinal fluid is cloudy and flows out in frequent drops or a thin stream. In the case of microscopic examination, cytosis is determined due to neutrophils.


    The serous variant of meningitis is characterized by more easy flow, compared with purulent, and has favorable prognosis. Similar development clinical picture is standard for the enteroviral subspecies of meningococcal infection.

    In the case of timely medical care, a person returns to normal after 1-2 weeks.

    A general blood test reveals:

    • an increase in the concentration of lymphocytes;
    • the leukocyte formula shifts to the right;
    • in the cerebrospinal fluid - cytosis due to lymphocytes.

    Also, the values ​​of white blood cells increase in the cerebrospinal fluid.

    All these changes are typical for viral infections.

    The serous form of inflammation of the meninges is divided into 2 subspecies - tuberculous and viral.


    This type of lesion is provoked by Mycobacterium tuberculosis. They spread to the spinal cord and brain from the source - the affected area in the body. The main risk factors for the development of tuberculous meningitis are the following:

    • excessive consumption of alcohol-containing products;
    • AIDS;
    • pulmonary tuberculosis;
    • weakened immunity.

    Symptoms often develop slowly and, in addition to the standard manifestations for meningitis, include the following ailments:

    • loss of appetite;
    • growing asthenia;
    • tracheitis;
    • nasopharyngitis;
    • angina catarrhal type.

    At the same time, fever and chills are observed, but the temperature rises slowly, while its elevated values remain for a long time.


    This subtype of meningococcal infection begins with symptomatic manifestations of the disease that provoked it. Such meningitis is characterized by the following clinical picture:

    • intense headaches;
    • moderate fever;
    • general weakness.

    In this case, meningeal symptoms are mild. Often the disease proceeds without any disturbance of consciousness.

    At what age are meningococcal vaccines given to children and adults?

    Vaccination against meningitis is not included in the list of mandatory vaccinations. It is mass-produced only in the event of an epidemic, when 20 sick children are observed per 100,000 of the population.

    In other cases, the decision to vaccinate a child against meningococcal disease rests with the parents. To do this, it is possible to contact a private medical institution - for a paid procedure.

    The most suitable age for vaccination is not indicated by specialists, since consensus no.

    Some doctors believe that before the child reaches 2 years of age, this vaccination is not advisable, since the immune system that is not fully formed is not able to give a stable reaction. If vaccination was performed at this age, then it must be repeated 2 times - after 3 months and after 3 years.

    There are no specific limits for adults, so you can get vaccinated at any time, provided there are no contraindications.

    What is the vaccine for meningitis and pneumonia called?

    There are vaccinations against meningococcal species A, C, Y, W135, they are called as follows:

    • Meningococcal A vaccine;
    • menjugate;
    • Meningo A + C (polysaccharide type of vaccine A + C).

    Menjugate is conjugated, as it contains proteins of pathogenic bacteria, which allows the immune system to develop a long-term memory.

    In the case of type B meningococci, there are no registered vaccinations yet, but testing is being carried out abroad on a newly developed vaccine.

    From pneumococcal infection, there are only 2 types:

    • 7-valent conjugated Prevenar;
    • Pneumo 23 is polysaccharide.

    What is the best meningococcal vaccine?

    Vaccination against meningococcal infection is performed not only, but also during periods of exacerbation of the epidemiological situation. The A+C vaccine is often used.

    It is introduced at high risks of an epidemic. Fully vaccinated the entire population living in dangerous neighborhood with a source of infection.

    However, each state sets its own epidemic threshold. When the number of cases exceeds a certain value, then vaccination is required for the population. Preparations can use different - depending on the specific state.

    The main characteristics of vaccinations that are approved for use in Russia and can be performed in domestic medical institutions:

    1. Meningococcal vaccine- produced in Russia. The main purpose is the formation of an active immune response in case of damage to the body by meningococci, which belong to serogroup A and C. It does not provide protection from purulent meningitis. You can give this vaccine to children from 18 months, after 3 years a repeat is required.
    2. Mencevax ACWY UK or Belgium. The task is the formation of antibodies that act on meningococci of the ACWY serogroups. Allowed for introduction from 2 years.
    3. Vaccine Meningo A+C- Made in France. The goal is immunization against the likely risks of infection with cerebrospinal inflammation, which is provoked by serogroup C and A meningococci. It is used from the age of 18 months.
    4. Vaccine Menactra- manufacturer Sanofi Pasteur Inc., USA. It is intended for the production of antibodies to pathogens of serogroups A, C, Y and W-135. May be administered after 2 years of age. There is an age limit - people over 55 are not allowed to be vaccinated.

    Meningococcal vaccines intramuscular or subcutaneous injection produced in the form of a dry substance, intended for dissolution by the liquid attached to it.

    These drugs are completely safe, as they do not contain live microorganisms.

    How to vaccinate

    Vaccination is given under normal epidemiological situation in the following circumstances:

    1. There is a child in the team who is suspected of having meningitis. In this option, in 5-10 days, vaccination is carried out for all people who have been in contact with the allegedly sick person. Also, the vaccine is given to all children aged 1-8 years old and adolescents living in the territory of the probable outbreak.
    2. If you live in a region where meningitis infection occurs quite often or when planning a trip to a similar area.
    3. Sometimes vaccination is required for a child if he attends a kindergarten at the age of 1.5-2 years.
    4. In some cases, vaccination is recommended for people with a markedly weakened immune system.

    As you get older, your chance of getting meningitis decreases, but it doesn't completely disappear.

      • the spleen has been removed;
      • there are anatomical anomalies of the cranium;
      • revealed immunodeficiency.

    Doctors advise getting vaccinated for those people who are at risk due to isolated factors in their lives and professional activities:

    • students living in hostels;
    • conscripts;
    • medical personnel;
    • travelers and tourists.

    In case of a negative epidemiological situation, even pregnant women are vaccinated against meningitis, when the risks of infection are higher than the danger to the child.

    Contraindications to vaccination

    Vaccination is allowed if the child is healthy or has some kind of pathology in a mild form of the course. However, in the case of a mild disorder, the specialist recommends postponing the vaccination until the end of therapy - when all symptoms disappear.

    The main contraindications for vaccination are the following conditions:

    • high temperatures caused by an infectious disease;
    • period of exacerbation of a chronic disease;
    • an allergic reaction to the components of the drug;
    • acute inflammatory process.

    But, before the first vaccination, it is impossible to know for sure whether the body will react negatively to it. However, in the case of a child, if allergic symptoms, then repeated injections of the drug should be abandoned.

    Side effects and possible consequences

    The reaction of the body to the administered drug depends on several factors:

    • general well-being of a person;
    • the quality of the administered drug;
    • the fidelity of the doctor's manipulations.

    serious negative effects The meningitis vaccine is not dangerous. However, the body is able to respond to the administration of the drug as follows:

    • chills, fever;
    • general weakness;
    • drowsiness;
    • muscle pain.

    Local symptoms may also appear:

    • small rashes;
    • puffiness;
    • seal at the injection site.

    Most of the negative manifestations disappear without a trace within 1-3 days. Induration at the injection site can persist for up to 2 weeks.

    The following symptoms should be alert:

    • difficulty breathing;
    • swelling of the oral cavity;
    • tachycardia;
    • pallor of the skin;
    • dyspnea;
    • high temperatures - 38-39 ̊C;
    • hives.

    The reaction is dependent on the type of vaccine administered. The hemophilic type provokes local manifestations in 10% of those who received it. Rapidly disappearing malaise, drowsiness and irritability are present in 1-5% of vaccinated people.

    Drugs against meningococcus provoke skin reactions¼ of vaccinated people. Often they are supplemented by an increase in body temperature.

    Local reactions are observed in 3-5% of people who received the drug for pneumococci. Rarely, with this type of medication, headaches occur and body temperature values ​​\u200b\u200bare increased.

    How much does a vaccine cost - average prices

    If the vaccination is given in a private medical institution or on a paid basis, the vaccine is purchased separately. The cost of such a drug is in the range of 250-7000 rubles. The main reasons for this variation in prices are the following:
    • vaccine manufacturer;
    • the type of bacteria to which antibodies are formed under the action of the vaccine;
    • drug dosage.

    A prescription is required to purchase the vaccine. If the procedure is carried out in a private medical institution, then the cost of the vaccination will include the cost of the examination and the injection.

    Is it necessary to get vaccinated: pros and cons

    The expediency of vaccination against meningitis is determined in Russia by the person himself or, in the case of a child, by his parents. The main factors that contribute to the final decision on the need for such vaccination are as follows:

    1. If one of the parents had meningitis in childhood, then the vaccine is required.
    2. In the case of frequent illnesses, it is also necessary to vaccinate - it has a positive effect on the immune system in the case of other pathologies of the upper respiratory tract.
    3. The vaccine is well tolerated by children, and the effectiveness in many cases reaches 100%.
    4. If you plan to travel to meningitis belts, including Africa (the full list is specified in a medical institution), vaccination is necessary.
    5. If the doctor has difficulty in determining the exact disease of the throat or nose, vaccination is desirable - often such ailments are disguised as meningitis.
    6. There are currently no other options for protection against meningococcal disease.

    Meningitis can be caused by many harmful microorganisms. This vaccine is recommended by WHO. Vaccination against this disease is performed in many countries of the world and it is mandatory there, since the inflammatory process can be fatal. Vaccination provides immunity to meningitis and prevents Negative consequences illness.