Bailiffs' salaries for the year are the latest. The downside of increasing salaries for bailiffs

Every year in the country, in order to improve their performance, numerous government structures are reformed and the “rules of the game” in the non-productive sector of the economy are changed.

Reforming law enforcement and security agencies

Ministry of Internal Affairs

In 2018, reform of security forces will continue. Their optimization is ongoing. The 2018 Ministry of Internal Affairs reform is already underway. Reduction of staff and transfer of some of those dismissed to the National Guard; the liquidation of the Federal Drug Control Service and the Federal Migration Service as independent departments and the transfer of their responsibilities to the Ministry of Internal Affairs was the beginning of another change to strengthen law enforcement agencies. This is required due to growing external threats to the country, and internal unrest.

Don’t forget that the 2018 FIFA World Cup and Russian presidential elections will take place. Both events require increased law enforcement to prevent untoward incidents. Thus, militants may infiltrate the World Cup along with football fans. And the presidential elections will certainly be used by ill-wishers from abroad and their own destructive forces to rock the situation in the country. The Russian Guard, already nicknamed the “fist of the police,” will nip attempts at destabilization in the bud.


It is expected that in 2018 the Ministry of State Security will begin to operate in the country through the merger of the FSB, the federal security service and the foreign intelligence service. This will be the FSB reform 2018. The Ministry will have to investigate high-profile cases, including those related to corruption in the upper echelons of government and law enforcement agencies.

The Investigative Committee is expected to be returned to the Russian Prosecutor's Office. The FSO will be renamed the Presidential Security Service, and it will also control special communications and transport support for the country's leaders.

Ministry of Emergency Situations

A number of functional departments of the department will be transferred to the army and police. For example, fire extinguishing will be under the jurisdiction of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, and rescue work in emergency situations will be under the jurisdiction of the Ministry of Defense. The newly created operational unit for combating natural disasters, the material support regiment, is already subordinate to him.

Analysts predict a shift in the timing of the reform of the Ministry of Emergency Situations to the end of 2018, when the World Cup ends, since the department’s employees will be fully involved in this event. So much so that additional fire-fighting teams will appear at the expense of the management team, and career employees will retire a year later.


Judicial reform will take effect on January 1, 2018. One of the main innovations will concern jury trials. From now on, they will also appear in district and garrison military courts, albeit in the amount of 6 people. It is believed that this will strengthen the importance of the court. More cases will be tried with the participation of juries, and the list of crimes within the scope of application of the institution of juries will increase.

traffic police

The traffic police reform in 2018 involves disbanding the service and merging with the teaching staff, as in European countries. It is also planned to reduce the department's expenses and strengthen the fight against corruption. Duplicate management positions will be eliminated in the merged structure. Ordinary employees will also be laid off.

The updated unit with broad powers will focus on maintaining order on the roads. And non-core functions - conducting exams for obtaining a driver's license and registering cars - will be transferred to other organizations. Perhaps this will reduce the level of corruption in the traffic police (by transferring it to other sites).

The merger of the department with the teaching staff is dictated by the lack of personnel in the latter. Combining functions, and at the same time patrol cars, will make the service more mobile and strengthen road safety.

It is clear that the heads of the department are not interested in the upcoming reform, as they will be transferred to the regional police. Not everyone likes the separation of the traffic police from the large financial flows associated with issuing driver’s licenses and collecting registration fees.

Experts are concerned about something else: the negative impact of ill-conceived staff reductions and work with motorists by poorly trained police officers who are not focused on solving road problems.


After the adoption in 2017 of amendments to the federal law on the obligation of bailiffs to monitor the work of collection agencies and an increase in financial expenses for these purposes, the department’s talk about the previously planned increase in employee salaries subsided. The 2018 FSSP reform involves tightening the requirements for the quality characteristics of employees. But the personnel shortage has not been overcome, so the requirement of exclusively higher education for applicants for the positions of bailiffs has been suspended for the time being. The reform of the service will be helped by the implementation of the target program “Justice” - it involves a number of stages of reform in this area over the next three years.

Reform in the social system


There will be tax reform in 2018, but not before the presidential elections take place. They plan to increase income tax and VAT. Options are being discussed for introducing a progressive tax (“citizens with high incomes will suffer”) and maintaining the current scale, but with an increase in the minimum (not 13, but 20%).

The increase is required due to a budget deficit, which was “helped” by the cheapness of oil and sanctions. The Ministry of Finance proposed increasing government revenues by raising tax rates by one percent on:

  • profit;
  • property of organizations;
  • Additional cost;
  • insurance premiums;
  • income of individuals.

These proposals have not yet been accepted. Perhaps they will return in 2019.

Experts believe that an increase in the VAT tariff will provoke business to go into the shadows, a decrease in investment in production, a decrease in the competitiveness of producers, and another reduction in the consumer power of the population. It is better not to talk about society’s attitude to the increased tax burden.


Pension reform 2018 is a continuation of the previous ones. The latest innovation is an invitation to future retirees to join a program to independently replenish their pension account. It is necessary to decide what percentage of the salary will be contributed to the Pension Fund.

The current savings portion will not be unfrozen, but 20 percent of them will be allowed to be taken for treatment. True, only five years before retirement. The remainder are subject to probate.

To become a participant in the program and transfer savings to the non-state Pension Fund, you must write a corresponding application. Otherwise, the money will by default go to the state pension fund. It is assumed that the Pension Fund will not control the receipt of contributions; this will be handled by a commercial entity.

The second pension issue that is disturbing public opinion – the retirement age – is still being discussed. Recent statements about a 63-year term for men and women with a gradual six-month extension of work will be adjusted, and 2018 will most likely not be marked by the adoption of such an unpopular decision. Looking forward to 2019.


The 2018 education reform is a reform of the Unified State Examination. Perhaps already in 2018, schoolchildren will have to take not two, but three mandatory exams. What this subject will be is still being discussed. Among the “contenders” are history, social studies, foreign language, and physics. There will also be two exams to choose from.

The Unified State Examination in Literature is being reformed. From 2018 he will become more creative. The tests have already been removed, the analysis of the work will be simplified, there will be more topics for essays, and its minimum volume will increase. Essays will be graded on a five-point scale.

Country affairs

On March 1, 2018, the new law “On gardening, horticulture and dacha farming” will come into force, which during the discussion was dubbed the “dacha reform”. The “reform” represents amendments to the Land, Forestry, Housing, and Civil Codes of Russia and will directly affect the interests of residents of the country who own land plots with buildings on them.

An innovation was the differentiation of membership fees for gardeners and gardeners depending on the size of the land and the area of ​​the house on it. Until now, this issue has been resolved by gardening partnerships themselves, “as agreed.”

There will be two forms of citizens' associations for the management of countryside farming: horticultural and vegetable gardening non-profit partnerships. Moreover, in gardening gardens it is allowed to build residential buildings and register in them, but for gardening gardens this is not provided; you will have to make do with outbuildings.

The task of bailiffs at the FSSP of the Russian Federation remains the monitoring function of the implementation of decisions made in courts. To a certain extent, these are duties related to ensuring law and order. Moreover, the salaries of workers in this system are significantly inferior to those paid to law enforcement officers. So it becomes especially relevant now whether there will be an increase in the salary of a bailiff in 2018. This issue is already being discussed at hearings by State Duma workers.
In the wake of all state employees starting to receive slightly increased salaries, bailiffs should also expect an increase. This news is increasingly relevant ahead of the 2018 annual season. Only now in the public sector is it possible to revise salaries. It should be taken into account that the immediate responsibilities of bailiff specialists are focused on processing cases of loans, debts of the population for housing and communal services, and many other cases where the return of funds to the budgetary sphere is required.

What's on the other side?

Many people know how salary increases are carried out when stressful conditions arise. In fact, this is what happened in the FSSP. However, the increase in pay was followed by a quite expected increase in workload rates per full-time employee. Moreover, the latest increase was more significant than in terms of financial. So, now employees are assigned several tasks that have to be completed in parallel. And this is not only doing the work, but also providing reporting and statistical data for each of these types of activities. And within each sphere, the load many times exceeds all permissible standards.
There are key aspects of social life on which bailiffs mainly have to work. They are guided by:
  • taxation;
  • calculation of alimony;
  • payments to creditors;
  • repayment of debts to housing and communal services;
  • unrealized court orders.

An important factor is that these works are not paid very highly. And fulfilling your duties is not easy due to the presence of a certain risk and constant interaction with the population. Often there are difficult individuals with whom it is even difficult to talk. The management of the structure has assumptions that the increase in the salary of a bailiff in 2018 in Russia will at least somewhat smooth out the burdens of all the responsibilities that each employee has. This increase raises hopes that current staff turnover will become less active, and employees will work in their jobs for years, striving for career growth.
But it’s not just the load that you should remember. There is also a need to reduce staff. And this is due to the fact that many people who occupy their places in the FSSP do not have the necessary education and diplomas of specialists with higher education.

Is a replacement possible?

However, those who have the proper education are not satisfied with the level of salaries, so they themselves decide to leave their place in the structure of bailiffs. As a result, many organizations find themselves without the required number of specialists. But in order to accept new people, they need to be offered an appropriate salary, by immediately increasing the salaries of federal civil servants in the judicial system in 2018, and not after the end of the entire crisis cycle. And since it is not possible to offer much, there are very few qualified employees left at the lower level of the structure in the bailiff system. Only management positions that provide appropriate salaries are occupied by people with appropriate education.
As a result, the other side of the coin becomes obvious, where as salaries increase, the degree of responsibility increases with the level of job responsibilities. For example, a new security regime has been introduced in court buildings. Although private security agencies are often hired for this purpose. And in places in several regions, security tasks are carried out by Cossack regiments. This also made it possible to reduce the number of bailiffs locally. But even if there is an increase in the salary of a bailiff for the coming year, then next year the ranks in this structure may significantly thin out.

How to increase rates?

According to the majority of civil servants, the annual indexation, carried out annually, is the expected increase in salaries. In fact, this is a form of compensation for inflation, which is inseparable from the economy of the current time. And now the rate is 5.5%. And if payments are changed according to this criterion, it means that the purchasing power of salaries will not change at all. And only in the case of an even larger increase next year will there actually be an increase in the income of each employee of this structure. When considering the question of what will happen to the salaries of bailiffs, you should still count on the indicated increase, commensurate with inflation, nothing more. Otherwise, you will have to receive not only more money, but also the workload in unequal proportions. To purchase a Soviet-style diploma, you can buy a USSR diploma along with a supplement to the USSR diploma!
As for the size of salaries, you should keep in mind widely scattered figures. For senior-level representatives, heads of the FSSP of a city or village, the salary corresponds to 30...36 thousand rubles, based on the existing length of service in this profession. Of course, increasing the salary of a bailiff in 2018 in Russia will not be out of place given the current crisis conditions. After all, employees of the lowest rank can only count on:
  • 15...20 thousand rubles, to the bailiff;
  • 15...18 thousand rubles, chapter on OUDPS;
  • 12...16 thousand rubles, to an employee of the OUDPS;
  • 12…14 thousand rubles, accountant;
  • 12...13 thousand rubles, secretary-clerk.

Those who work within the walls of the court have the right to count on increased rates. Thus, on the eve of the elections, current officials are interested in ensuring that as many citizens as possible, including those taking part in the elections, are satisfied with the current policies.

What do the Ministry of Justice think about this?

Leaders in the department are not ready to comment on the topic of what will happen to the salaries of bailiffs over the coming year. The situation is clarified by the fact that budget expenditures have not yet provided for increased rates for bailiffs. It turns out that all myths need to be dispelled, and information about salary revisions should be taken as a bursting soap bubble. Also adding a drop of ointment to this news is the fact that layoffs are still expected.
It turns out that the state apparatus does not value as much the work that FSSP specialists do. The only thing that is in store for employees is an increase commensurate with indexation for the inflation criterion. But in times of crisis, we can say thank you for that.
The available information is, as always, ambiguous. There is no point or orders regarding salary increases for the coming year. So disputes over the financial future will continue and escalate the situation, especially on the eve of the elections and throughout the next year, when promises must be fulfilled. And if the increase in salaries in the judicial system in 2018 in the Russian Federation is shelved, then there is a risk of shaking the entire system with its foundations.

At the same time, senior officials will receive 10% less by the end of the year than before. Bonuses for the head of state, prime minister, prosecutor general and head of the investigative committee will be cut. In addition, payments will be reduced to employees of the presidential administration, the Accounts Chamber and the government apparatus. They receive a reduced rate starting in 2016. Salaries of bailiffs and assistants While the salaries of judges are high, the salaries of other State Department employees are extremely low. For example, the average income of an assistant judge is 20 – 25 thousand rubles. per month. At the same time, their workload is slightly less than that of civil servants themselves. This leads to a shortage of secretaries and assistants in the department. A consequence of the problem is also constant staff turnover.

FSSP reform in 2018


It can be noted that the salaries are lowest for support specialists and assistants, whose salaries range from 2 – oh, and a half thousand rubles. up to 3650 rubles, this is without incentives and allowances. People earn the most money in this field in leadership positions. With all this, if you average executive, ordinary and northern salaries, it turns out that the average income of a Russian bailiff is about 30 thousand in rubles.

Compared to the 16th year, today the salary of SSP employees has increased by 5 and a half percent. Bailiffs' salaries for 2018 will be indexed based on this year's inflation rates. But some experts suggest a more significant increase in the earnings of the above-mentioned employees - from 10 to 30%.

Optimization efforts are still being carried out in the Service, and the remaining employees are receiving a greater workload; again, the demands placed on them have also increased.


For judges it consists of:

  • salary;
  • allowances for qualifications, length of service;
  • additional accruals based on the complexity of professional tasks.

Various bonuses may also be issued. They are quite high for civil servants and amount to 1.9 times the salary. In addition, the final amount directly depends on whether the judge works in a federal structure or in a local one.

The salary of a federal department employee is much higher. The highest salaries in the Supreme Court. For example, the monthly income of an employee of the Constitutional Court is on average half a million rubles. Compared to this amount, the salary of a regional magistrate judge, which does not exceed 85 thousand, does not seem so significant.
rub. With an increase, other payments will also be increased, which are calculated from the official salary.

Increase in the salaries of bailiffs in 2018 in Russia


Bailiffs will also have the opportunity to exert some influence on collection organizations. It should be recalled that the activities of collectors are not carried out at the legislative level. To exercise control over collectors, the FSSP needs additional funding.

It is planned to allocate 16 billion rubles to them over 3 years. Risks of the new FSSP reform Increasing interest in the bailiff service is a positive quality. But it should be remembered that without stimulation of workers, service in an institution will not be so attractive, which means that young personnel may not express a desire to get a job in the FSSP.
Increasing the salaries of bailiffs in 2018 today remains only in the government’s plans.

Reform of the bailiff service in 2018

The coming year promises a lot of new things; there are both positive and negative statements from analysts. But more of what you hear still sets you up for good and better things. Naturally, solving economic problems will affect the country’s financial fund, and this will inevitably affect the earnings of the population, especially in the public sector.
For example, the salary of bailiffs should be raised in 2018, since according to the Decree of the President and the Government, all civil servants are entitled to an increase in their salaries commensurate with inflation data; the components of the entire salary, in addition to the basic salary, may also be revised. Profession of a bailiff The bailiffs of the Russian Federation have a state civil service.

Salary increase for judges in 2018

Disadvantages and weaknesses of the reform Despite the positive direction of the reform, some experts and competent officials highlight a number of points that can reduce the effectiveness of the measures being implemented.

  • The announced staff reduction will lead to increased workload for each employee. This can initiate a personnel crisis and provoke an increase in turnover, as well as a general decrease in the length of service in the FSSP by one specialist, which will invariably affect the quality of the functions performed.
  • The issue of financing the reform remains questionable. At this time, the financial and economic mechanisms that will allow the implementation of all planned changes remain unsettled.

Will bailiffs' salaries be increased in 2018?

This initiative will also apply to bailiffs. Their income depends on the following conditions:

  • rank;
  • bonus fund for work with state secrets.
  • Until recently, bailiffs received no more than 23 thousand rubles monthly. In the summer of 2017, salaries increased by 30%. Another increase is planned in the near future.
    Officials plan to set a minimum wage of 30 thousand rubles. This will avoid problems with personnel and reduce the corruption component. In the long term, the monthly income of bailiffs should increase to 50 thousand. However, no reductions are planned, since the workload on department employees is already significant. In the judicial department, not only an increase in salaries is required, but also a decrease in the employment of judges. The load level in some cases exceeds all possible norms.

    They want to increase their salaries for police officers, bailiffs and jailers

    See also: The launch of satellites from Vostochny was postponed to 2018 Video news about the increase in salaries for FSSP employees Significant changes in the FSSP in 2018 Until recently, the work of the service was regulated by Law No. 118 of 1997. The changes that have occurred necessitate amendments to the law. The President approved the initiative. As a result, the innovations affected the following articles:

    • Since 2016, FSSP employees are considered civil servants; accordingly, they have titles, social guarantees, and receive bonuses and additional payments. Economic or legal education is a prerequisite for obtaining privileges. Employees who do not meet the requirements will only be able to work as assistants.
    • The structure of the department has also changed.

    FSSP reform 2018, nuances of the reform

    In 2018-2019, 10 million will be needed per year. Improving the qualifications of FSSP service workers According to the Ministry of Justice, innovations will make it possible to attract young specialists to the service. Increasing the salary and prestige of work will change society's attitude towards this profession. In 2018, it is planned to increase salaries by 50% - 100% (up to 50,000 - 75,000 rubles).

    The Federal Bailiff Service, or FSSP, is a body that reports to the Russian Ministry of Justice. There are no special questions regarding the work of the FSSP in the Ministry of Justice and other government agencies; the service as a whole copes with the responsibilities assigned to its employees. However, at the end of 2017 there was some talk about reforming the department. FSSP reform in 2018 - the latest news about possible changes in the structure of the service, what new powers bailiffs can receive.

    How the structure of the FSSP may change in 2018

    In the fall of 2017, the Ministry of Justice presented a project for reforming the FSSP, according to which a new position at the level of deputy director should appear in the service, as well as a new department should be opened.

    The new deputy director of the service should become his sixth deputy. The powers of the new deputy will have to include coordination and organization of work to protect the rights of individuals. In addition, the new deputy will have to oversee the territorial bodies of the FSSP.

    As for the new department, it will have to become the fifteenth department in the structure of the service. Its tasks will be departmental financial control and internal financial audit.

    As the Ministry of Justice specifically notes, the FSSP reform project in question will not require additional budget costs or staff expansion. It is planned to introduce a new position of deputy director and organize a new management through the redistribution of powers within the current staff.

    Other news about the FSSP reform in 2018

    Since the bailiff service is an actively functioning department, certain amendments to its work are constantly being made. This includes expanding the powers of bailiffs.

    Thus, one of the latest proposals is to give bailiffs the power to search for property. Such an amendment to the law, however, will turn out to be purely cosmetic, since FSSP employees have practically the same powers now.

    But another new product will be practically quite useful. We are talking about the procedure for paying off a debt, for which there is an executive document, by third parties.

    For example, if an organization cannot pay a particular debt, but a third organization, in turn, has a debt to the debtor organization, and it can pay off this debt, the bailiffs can legally arrange for the third party to pay the debts to secure the writ of execution.

    The same procedure will apply to individuals. Moreover, the third party does not necessarily have debts to the one who must pay the debt in court. A relative or even a stranger will be able to pay the debts of another person.

    Bailiffs are government civil servants. They are responsible for ensuring the functioning of courts and the execution of court orders. Often these instructions are carried out forcibly. These are the most basic requirements and responsibilities that all workers in this field of activity must fulfill.

    The Federal Bailiff Service has been operating in the Russian Federation for quite a long time. All their powers, tasks and job responsibilities are clearly regulated by the Legislation and the Constitution of the Russian Federation.

    This service is a full-fledged executive body. The work of employees is quite difficult, and in certain cases even very dangerous. Therefore, when increasing wages, this feature must be taken into account by the state.

    In recent years, an intensive fight against corruption has been carried out. Therefore, in order to ensure the success of the country, it is important to create decent working conditions for government employees.

    Bailiff salary increase programs

    Until recently, no changes took place in the budgetary sphere. Only since 2012, quite serious changes have occurred in the state system of providing budgetary organizations. In May 2012, some reforms were signed.

    Among them: pension, reform of education, health care and culture. Subsequently, it became known as the “May Reform”. It is planned that from 2012 to 2018, 2 main stages of the budgetary sphere will change. All this will be aimed at improving the quality of services provided to the population and working conditions.

    In addition, there are plans to reorganize optimization of all government agencies. At the same time, the laws of the country have changed somewhat. The legislation of the Russian Federation established new requirements and conditions. They must be in accordance with all working structures, namely: service area, workload, population size that receives services and standards of services provided.

    In practice, in most cases, this continues with reductions and closure of illiquid organizations. Among the first are organizations in small towns of the country.

    At the second stage, it was planned to revise the requirements for employees who provide services, as well as most services and an increase in fixed salaries for bailiffs.

    How have salaries changed in recent years?

    Recently, everyone has the opportunity to observe statistics on the official income of bailiffs on the Internet. Their income is not hidden. Already in 2008, the salary of bailiffs increased more than 10 times, since in 1999 they received only 1,300 rubles every month.

    Since 2008, wages for employees in this field of activity have not stopped growing rapidly. Already in 2014 it reached 27,000 rubles. This year, payments have increased by approximately 50-100%.

    Real numbers and salary calculations

    This year there was a one-time but significant increase in the salaries of bailiffs. There was also a proposal from the Minister of Justice of the Federation to stimulate employees by providing a special allowance for a special work schedule and overtime.

    The salary will range from 50,000 to 150,000 rubles. In 2017, the salaries of court employees increased by 30%. The salaries of bailiffs are an unstable indicator.

    The calculation of remuneration for bailiffs is influenced by many factors, including:

    Working conditions;


    Average salary in Russia.

    Bailiffs receive the same salaries as other ordinary people. Their salary consists of salary, official bonus, regional indicator and monthly incentive.

    Only the fixed salary is subject to indexation, and other allowances and bonuses do not depend on it. Young court employees who have been working for less than a year receive a starting salary of 14,000 rubles.

    After this, they are assigned a rank and their salary increases by approximately 1,000 rubles. In addition to the increase, the employee is awarded bonuses for special working conditions and for work in the North and Far East. In addition, increasing coefficients still exist in Moscow to this day. Simple assistants or support specialists receive lower incomes.

    Their fixed rate is 2,500 rubles. Allowances and incentives are subsequently awarded to him. If we consider management, then their wages are comparatively higher. The salary of a senior bailiff starts from 30 thousand rubles. Much depends on length of service.

    The bailiff receives from 15 to 20 thousand rubles, the accountant - from 12 to 14 thousand rubles, the head of the public service department - up to 18,000 rubles, the public service department employee - up to 16,000 rubles and the secretary-clerk from 13,000 rubles.

    What can bailiffs expect in 2018?

    The question of increasing official salaries is being voiced more and more often. Moreover, this happens not only within the service, but also weighs on the discussions of officials. In the process of increasing a number of salaries in various fields of activity, bailiffs were on the sidelines.

    Since the workload on this service has recently increased, in 2018 it will be mandatory to index the salaries of bailiffs to the upcoming level of inflation. Many employees assume that the salary increase is exclusively a regular indexation that is carried out every year.

    This year it was equal to 5.5%, and this figure is fully consistent with inflation in the country. If the inflation rate in 2018 is the same, then employees may not count on a significant increase. This statement is based on the fact that the salaries of government workers are too low.

    Despite many untrue rumors, there are no plans to lay off employees next year. If this happens, the work of the entire judicial system will only worsen, since the duties of bailiffs include some of the most important functions.

    If an employee works with state secrets, he will be awarded a bonus in the amount of 65% of the fixed salary, and for receiving any advancement in the profession - 100%. If the work is done well, bailiffs will also be awarded cash in the form of bonuses.