How to become a flight attendant in an aeroflot. Which educational institutions train flight attendants

The flight attendant is considered the most romantic and extravagant profession for girls. After all, since childhood, many of us have dreamed of seeing the world, constantly traveling, etc. Numerous flights, meeting new interesting people, advanced training, stylish uniforms and many other pleasant bonuses await future stewardesses and flight attendants. Do not forget that men can also get a job in this specialty. But what is needed for this? You can learn about this from our article.

The main requirements for the device as a stewardess or flight attendant

For the first time this specialty appeared in the 30s of the last century. Only girls over the age of 18 were hired as flight attendants. For men, this profession was considered unacceptable. Today, everything has changed dramatically. The stewardess and flight attendant are among the most sought-after specialties in our country. The following requirements apply to potential employees:

  • height must be at least 165 cm and not more than 175 cm;
  • age from 18 to 35 years;
  • good health, which is confirmed during the passage of a special medical commission;
  • pleasant, well-groomed appearance;
  • the presence of a valid foreign passport;
  • knowledge of the spoken level of English, as well as the basic version of French and German;
  • education is not lower than secondary;
  • lack of criminal prosecution;
  • ability to swim well;
  • citizenship of the Russian Federation;
  • clear, fluent speech.
job as a flight attendant is interesting and challenging


Even though a secondary education is allowed for employment as a flight attendant, preference will be given to candidates with a higher diploma. Knowledge of spoken English is a must. If you know other languages, at least at a basic level, it will only be a plus for you.

Good health

The profession of a flight attendant involves a constant change of time zones and climatic zones, which can adversely affect your health. That is why for this specialty there is a serious selection for medical indicators. Candidates with problems with the cardiovascular system, nervous disorders are categorically not allowed. If you have successfully passed the medical examination, then another difficult test will await you ahead - passing the turbulence strip and a psychological test. The psychologist will check how restrained you are in stressful situations and determine your emotional state.

Pleasant appearance

This aspect concerns not only women, but also men. The external data of the flight attendant must be impeccable. A young man should be shaved, neatly trimmed, uniform ironed, and shoes shiny. For female flight attendants, the following requirements apply:

  • slim figure (clothing size 44-46);
  • the face is well-groomed and pleasant in appearance;
  • neat hairstyle;
  • make-up should not be flashy;
  • tattooing, piercing, tattoos are excluded;
  • manicure in soothing shades.

Training institutions for flight attendants

If you have successfully passed the interview, the medical commission, then you need to take short courses at the flight attendant school. All expenses for training are fully covered by the employer, and even a scholarship is paid. The duration of the courses is from 2 to 6 months. After passing the certification, you can conclude a contract with the airline and start working. Specialized educational institutions for flight attendants and stewardesses:

  • Moscow State Technical University of Civil Aviation (TUGA for short).
  • NOU "School of Stewardesses".
  • Aviation Transport School, St. Petersburg.

Training program

The learning process includes 2 main courses: theoretical and practical. And the theory takes the main place. During the classes, they talk about the types of modern aircraft, their technical characteristics, how to use life-saving devices, the correctness of first aid, and also teach how to take delivery on an emergency basis. The program includes the following steps:

  • training on the water and carrying out emergency rescue operations;
  • master class on creating a stylish image;
  • a short course in English;
  • technique of direct heart massage, as well as artificial respiration;
  • issues of passenger service, resolution of possible conflict situations.
to get a job as a flight attendant you need the appropriate education, knowledge and skills

Working conditions

If you are interested in this specialty, then you need to find out all the subtleties and "pitfalls" that await you during your work.


Working hours are irregular. The flight attendant is very often busy at work at night. Holidays must be agreed in advance and coordinated with the authorities. A flight attendant is on flights for at least 80 hours per month. But, according to the legislation of Russia, they are entitled to a vacation of 70 days.


Salary varies from 30 to 100 thousand rubles. Everything will depend on the following factors:

  • airline and its rates;
  • the number of hours you have worked;
  • your skills: knowledge of languages, possible gratitude for good work from passengers and management;
  • Which flights do you serve: international or intercity.

Pros and cons of being a flight attendant

Like any other profession, the profession of a flight attendant has its positive and negative sides. Let's look at each of them in more detail.


The main advantages of this specialty include:

  • opportunity to see the world or our country;
  • communication and meeting people;
  • stable high salary;
  • state support: payments for the complexity of the profession;
  • pension insurance;
  • life and health insurance.


The disadvantages of being a flight attendant include:

  • negative impact on health;
  • constant stressful situations;
  • danger to life during the flight;
  • when planning a pregnancy, you will have to leave work long before maternity leave.

The specifics of working as a flight attendant is quite interesting and exciting, but it is not suitable for everyone. In order to become flight attendants, one desire is not enough. You must be physically developed, have good health, as well as a stable emotional state, as this specialty involves the presence of stressful situations.

Flight attendant is a dream profession. However, it is not so difficult to implement it, especially in the capital. Where to study as a flight attendant in Moscow? How much and where do they teach to be a stewardess and flight attendant? Let's find out!

The desire to become a flight attendant visits every girl at least once in her life. But not everyone knows how to become one, because universities do not teach this and how to act after school as a “stewardess” is not entirely clear.

But it doesn't matter! There are many places to study as a flight attendant in Moscow. The capital provides a wide range of opportunities. All major international airlines are based in Moscow. Of course, you can choose a regional air carrier, but basically everyone dreams of distant countries and international flights abroad.

Many people think that the job of a flight attendant is simple and it seems that all you need to do is just go to study as a flight attendant, and the rest will follow. At first glance, this is so. But it is not for nothing that the work is considered dangerous and is included in the list of jobs with difficult working conditions. They have to work in difficult conditions, experiencing constant overload and emotional stress. Therefore, to become a flight attendant, you need to have good health, psychological stability and a sincere desire to do this particular thing.

Before you go to study as a flight attendant in Moscow, you need to decide whether this is really your calling and whether you can work in this profession with pleasure. Also, if you have health problems, you won’t be able to become a flight attendant - you will be wrapped up at the medical board.

Where are flight attendants taught in Moscow?

There are two ways to learn to be a flight attendant in Moscow:

  1. Take a course with an air carrier.
  2. Take a course at a specialized educational institution.

Courses from the airline are an obvious option, where most applicants choose to study as a flight attendant in Moscow. All you have to do is send your application to the HR department of the selected company and have an interview.

However, the words "only" here can be used conditionally. Yes, filling out the questionnaire, answering the questions and clicking the "Submit" button is very easy. But getting an interview is no longer easy. The competition among those wishing to study as a flight attendant in Moscow is very high.

The advantage of this training option is that the study is free and subsequent employment is guaranteed. You conclude a student agreement with the company, according to which you have mutual obligations. You undertake to learn and then work in this company for a certain period, the company undertakes to train you and provide you with a job on the agreed terms.

Almost everywhere where flight attendants are taught in Moscow for free, students are paid a small stipend. Courses last an average of 50 working days. And the workers are 6 days a week, from Monday to Saturday inclusive. Then there are practical flights as a trainee, in the amount of 30 hours. After that, the flight attendant is considered ready for independent work.

How much to study to be a flight attendant?

Of course, candidates are interested in how much to study for a flight attendant. And it is impossible to say unequivocally that this is only 50 days plus practice and that's it.

Firstly, the final term of training will depend on where to study as a flight attendant. Secondly, even in 2 months they will give you a lot of information, they will work hard on simulators, and on real flights you will work everything out in practice, the experience of a flight attendant, so valued by employers, does not come immediately. It is necessary to visit many regular and emergency situations in order to become a highly qualified personnel.

Where do they teach to become a flight attendant in Moscow?

It makes no sense to list where flight attendants are taught in Moscow on free courses - every airline has such courses, since flight attendants are needed everywhere and every company trains them. You can choose the most attractive company or even send questionnaires to several at once.

Another option to become a flight attendant is to enter an aviation school, where they teach flight attendants in Moscow on a commercial basis. The cost of such training is quite high, but, having learned in this way, you are not tied to any particular airline. Also, in such courses you can learn more than in the usual course of initial training.

At the moment, prices in such schools start at 70,000 rubles. The choice of educational institutions is quite wide. Schools of air carriers often provide paid services, in addition, there are a lot of commercial courses in Moscow. For example, the school-agency Jet Service, NOU "School of Flight Attendants", training centers at airports. Options where to study as a flight attendant in Moscow are presented, as nowhere else, widely.

The advantage of this option is that schools train flight attendants for business aviation. And this immediately higher level of salaries. Studying for free with an air carrier, you won’t be able to immediately go into business aviation. Also, the requirements for health and appearance for corporate aviation are somewhat lower. Often, if the parameters for training from an air carrier are not suitable, it is recommended to apply for a business aviation flight attendant.

I also need to say that the choice of where to study as a flight attendant in Moscow depends on what goals you set for yourself, what prospects you see. Of course, the first method is the most popular and it has many advantages. But the latter also has its advantages. After analyzing all of the above, you can make an adequate, cold-blooded choice and realize your dream by becoming a flight attendant.

Perhaps, from the very moment of its appearance, the profession of a flight attendant, or otherwise a flight attendant, has become extremely popular. And it is no coincidence - an attractive image of an elegant girl in beautiful uniforms, a high level of income, prestige and the opportunity to see the world. In addition, a flight attendant has the right to a longer vacation - 45 calendar days, the right to retire at 45 and is provided with a full social package.

How to become a flight attendant

So, if you are sure that you want to acquire this profession, you need to take certain steps towards the appropriate training. What is needed for admission, and where can I get a professional education as a flight attendant?

There are several ways to get into the profession:

  • receive appropriate education in special courses after graduating from high school or university;
  • graduate from an aviation specialization university to obtain the opportunity for successful career growth.

Applicants are subject to certain requirements:

  • no health problems
  • resistance to stress
  • sociability,
  • ability to concentrate,
  • good vestibular apparatus,
  • pleasant appearance,
  • clothes size no more than 46th,
  • height not less than 165 cm,
  • knowledge of English.

A career path for a flight attendant might look like this:

  • flight attendant third class,
  • second class
  • first class
  • flight attendant instructor
  • the head of the relevant service of the airline or airport.

Which educational institutions train flight attendants


You can pass a competitive selection, enter and complete special courses, the duration of which is approximately 4-6 months. Such courses may exist with different airlines. As for the requirements, they may differ, so information about the conditions for admission and training should be obtained directly from such courses.


It should be noted that only the St. Marshal A. Novikov.

Girls with a complete secondary education can enter the specialty of a flight attendant. For enrollment in the school, you must provide certificates with the results of the Unified State Examination in the Russian language and literature. The school also offers to pass entrance tests (at the request of the applicant) in mathematics and the Russian language.

You can find information about additional requirements and documents directly on the website of the educational institution.


Higher education received at an aviation university opens up a broader career prospect for the graduate. Here we are talking about obtaining any aviation technical specialty close to the profession of a flight attendant. The list of entrance exams in this case will depend on the chosen faculty and, as a rule, it will be mathematics and Russian.

In Russia, the following educational institutions are engaged in the training of flight attendants:

  1. Saint-Petersburg Aviation and Transport School of Civil Aviation. Marshal A. Novikov.
  2. Moscow State Technical University of Civil Aviation (MGTU GA), within which the Faculty of Air Transport Management operates. There is a commercial "School of conductors" at the university, the training in which is based on the standards of the best airlines in the world - Lufthansa, Austrian Airlines, etc. As part of training at the "School of conductors", it is possible to obtain a rare specialization in terms of organizing services for VIP passengers on charter flights and corporate aviation aircraft.
  3. St. Petersburg State University of Civil Aviation.
  4. Aviation training center of CHU DPO "School of Flight Attendants", operating on a commercial basis. The center has an extensive network in Russian cities (Moscow, St. Petersburg, Kazan, Volgograd, Samara, Krasnoyarsk and Krasnodar). "School of flight attendants" has several training programs:
  • initial preparation,
  • training,
  • retraining.

Federal State Unitary Enterprise of the Federal Air Transport Agency "Training Center" in St. Petersburg. At this stage, the enterprise is undergoing a transformation into a budgetary educational institution.

You will need

  • - slim figure
  • - knowledge of foreign language
  • - absence of defects on the face and hands
  • - good health
  • - stress tolerance



If you have health problems, think carefully about whether you should choose the job of a flight attendant. Overload, jet lag, stress, penetrating radiation - all this will not have the best effect on your health.

Useful advice

Learn about additional job privileges. Different airlines offer all sorts of packages for their employees: corporate loans, medical insurance, preferential flights for family members.


  • Website of the airline "Transaero"

Two decades ago, becoming a flight attendant, or rather a flight attendant, was more prestigious than a model or actress. Travel, beautiful uniforms, interesting passengers, distant countries and fashionable new clothes brought from there - all this pushed young girls to beat the thresholds of Aeroflot. It was possible to get into the only airline that existed at that time only through an acquaintance. Today, the path to aviation has become much closer. Standard height, age up to thirty years, knowledge of spoken English, good health and go ahead - conquer the airspace of our homeland.


You can complete the courses completely if you are sent to study at the training center by a specific airline. But for this it is necessary to pass an interview in it and, if the outcome is successful, conclude a contract for several years. Breaking the contract ahead of schedule, you will have to pay a tidy sum. The average cost of education is eighty thousand.

Choose carefully where you want to work. What factors will determine you? High? Close proximity to a specific airport? Good social package? Long business trips or vice versa, reversal? Sometimes the airline compensates for the conditions in which you have to work with a higher salary. Conversely, lower pay is offset by a reliable fleet, free flights for employee and relatives.

Be natural in interviews. Smile more. The flight attendant must be sociable, friendly. Standard questions will be asked - why are you going to aviation, are you ready for night work, business trips, irregular working hours? There will be a few questions for . Even if you have a school level of preparation, do not despair. If you manage to win over the employer, you are likely to be hired.

After completing the course, you will have to fly thirty hours in excess of the main crew as a trainee. It is easy to make them in several flights. It is enough to fly to Novy Urengoy. Return to Moscow - a third of the raid is already ready. True, the remaining hours can be finished for a long time by Nizhny Novgorod or Kazan. Flight time to these cities is only three hours. But on average, a month after graduation, young flight attendants fly on their first solo flight. Be especially vigilant. "Old people" like to play tricks on the youth. So do not rush to climb on the wing, check the engines or turn the chassis with a wrench. Aviation is a special world, and the humor there is also, you guessed it, quite special.


The profession of a flight attendant is fraught with health consequences. Low pressure due to early arrivals for the flight. Varicose veins are the occupational diseases of flight attendants.

It is impossible to plan a personal life. The outfit is only known for a couple of days. And a lot of failure situations that change all plans. There are no holidays, but there are frequent night shifts and irregular days. The work schedule is busy. For those who like to plan everything in life, it will not work.

Flight attendants have a long vacation, but it is impossible to arrange it in the summer.

Flying for the first year, you will see other countries only through the porthole from above. On long business trips (relay races), "oldies" usually fly.


  • how to work as a flight attendant

You need to send your application there, go through an interview and selection. Such courses are free of charge for candidates, except in cases of early termination of training, in which case the airline will have to pay the compensatory cost of the courses. Enrollment in courses involves the signing of an agreement, according to which the candidate undertakes to work for a certain number of years (usually 2-3 years) in a specified airline upon graduation. The duration of the courses is about three months. The school day lasts 6-8 hours. A scholarship is awarded to candidates for the duration of their studies. In Moscow, you can get a flight attendant course in such airlines as Aeroflot, Transaero, Siberia.

Another training option is attending paid courses, after which you do not need to be tied to working out the required number of working hours in a particular airline. Upon completion of such paid training, you can get a job at any and change your job at any time. Training in such courses is very intensive and takes a full day. The cost of a full course of study is from 30 to 50 thousand rubles.

In Moscow, paid courses in the specialty "" are conducted by the following institutions:
- School of conductors on the basis of the Moscow State Technical University of Civil Aviation;
- educational institution "Aviapersonal";
- educational institution "Jet Service".

Courses of study include the study of aviation theory, aircraft structure, psychology, English, the basics of medical care, as well as sports, style and make-up training. Separately, the rules of behavior in emergency situations are studied and practiced in practice.

to girls applying for the position of stewardess

The requirements for candidates for specialty training are quite high and specific, especially in Moscow. These include:
- age from 18 to 35 years;
- height not less than 160 cm (such a requirement is justified by the need to reach the upper baggage pieces);
- good health;
- good level of knowledge of English;
- resistance to stress (the need for composure and clear thinking in life-threatening situations);
- well-delivered speech;
- friendliness;
- Possession of Russian citizenship.

A flight attendant is a specialist in the crew of an aircraft, whose primary task is to ensure the comfort and safety of passengers during the flight. This profession is taught in the so-called "stewardess schools" or "heavenly schools".


If you are serious about becoming a flight attendant, choose the airline you would like to work for. Almost all of them have their own schools.

There are high requirements for future flight attendants: their age must be at least 18, but not more than 35; height - strictly from 160 cm; correct speech and good looks will also be required.

You need to pass an interview in order to be admitted to the school. There you will have to briefly tell about yourself, demonstrate a crust about education (if any), and also mention your skills and abilities. Preference, as a rule, is given to those girls who know the language well. Therefore, before going for an interview, it is best to “pull up” your foreign language at specialized courses.