Escherichia coli: what it is and methods of treating the disease. Escherichia coli - symptoms and treatment

Escherich's bacillus is an Escherichia coli whose symptoms cannot be confused with any other disease. At one time it was discovered by Theodor Escherich, so it received the appropriate name. The peculiarity of this microorganism is that it lives only in the absence of oxygen.

Feces, food, soil and water are ideal habitats for bacteria. Facultative anaerobes can be eliminated using disinfectants, which include formaldehyde, chloramine and other substances.

There are more than 100 strains of Escherich's bacillus. For gastrointestinal tract bacteria belonging to the Escherich bacillus have become the key to beneficial microflora, because they take part in digestion and in the synthesis of vitamins B and K.

Some strains have been classified as pathogenic microorganisms. The most common among them is the hemolyzing bacillus, which is also called hemolytic. It causes colibacillosis, intestinal dysbiosis and poisoning in the body. E. coli in urine, as well as E. coli in a smear, is a bad indicator.

In addition, pathogenic species can cause the appearance of:

  • sepsis;
  • meningitis;
  • pyelonephritis;
  • prostatitis;
  • urethritis;
  • mastitis;
  • pneumonia;
  • peritonitis;
  • orchitis;
  • cystitis;
  • adnexitis.

An opportunistic microorganism such as lactose-negative Escherichia coli can exist in the body of women and men without consequences and not manifest itself in any way, but when the number of bacteria becomes higher than normal, a disease occurs.

If you do not notice this in a child in time, the baby may die. Bacteria can affect not only the intestines, but also the throat, genitals and urinary tract.

Causes and symptoms of the disease

Harmful bacteria can enter the body through the fecal-oral route. In most cases, children become infected. Penetration of a microorganism occurs when:

  1. Poor food processing.
  2. Failure to comply with personal hygiene rules.
  3. Consumption of milk that has not been boiled, as well as unwashed foods.

Decreased immunity in adults that occurs after taking large quantity antibiotics or as a result of hypothermia, is the cause of the appearance of E. coli.

They will help you find out about the presence of bacteria in the body. following signs:

  • indigestion;
  • increased body temperature;
  • abdominal pain;
  • low pressure;
  • drowsiness;
  • lack of desire to eat;
  • bad breath;
  • bloating;
  • the appearance of nausea and vomiting.

The symptoms of E. coli cannot be confused with others.

In children, the disease causes green stool with the presence of mucus, which indicates the development of dysbacteriosis.

At the same time, the child cries from abdominal pain. Symptoms and treatment are standard. In this case, therapy should be carried out in a timely manner. The disease is treated with probiotics.

Treatment of the disease

Symptoms and treatment intestinal infection in children and adults should only be assessed by a doctor, after the test results are known, to identify the strain of the bacterium. When microorganisms enter the intestines, part of the vomit or feces is taken for culture.

For diseases of the reproductive system in women, a smear is taken from the mucous membrane of the genital organs. If the urinary tract is affected, a urine test must be done. After the type of bacillus has been determined, experts determine how sensitive it is to antibiotics.

If there is E. coli in the urine, the patient is prescribed diet No. 7, and in case of intestinal infection - diet No. 4. In this case, the patient needs to be hospitalized. When a pathogenic bacillus enters the body of children and women, such types of therapy as post-syndromal, etiotropic and pathogenetic are used for treatment.

In pathogenetic therapy, infusion treatment is used, that is, special drugs are introduced into the blood that cleanse the body of toxins and replenish fluid reserves. Post-syndromal therapy is prescribed based on the manifestations of the disease.

Etiotropic therapy is prescribed according to the indications of an antibiogram using bacteriophages. Eating fermented milk products will also help the intestines.

Treatment at affected areas

When discovered intestinal bacterium in the urine, specialists diagnose bacteriuria.

For treatment, uroseptics, antibiotics and biological active additives, which stop the development of the disease and strengthen the immune system.

E. coli in the vagina causes inflammation of the genital organs.

Gynecologists advise abstaining from sexual intercourse for the duration of treatment, while you need to carefully maintain personal hygiene and take antibiotics. After treatment, it is necessary to make sure that there is no E. coli in the smear of women.

When bacteria infect the throat, specialists prescribe a long course of antifungal agents and antibiotics. It is recommended to use mouth rinses that effectively remove sore throat.

To avoid becoming a victim pathogenic microorganisms, you need to observe basic rules of personal hygiene, wash vegetables and fruits before consumption, properly process food with heat and do not drink water from a suspicious source.

Escherichia coli is a mobile rod-shaped microorganism that lives in intestinal tract human as one of the main components of normal intestinal flora.

The role of E. coli in the human body

In the first hours after birth human body colonized by bacteria from environment, and E. coli has its own specific place, function and quantity. This bacterium takes part in the digestion of food, the synthesis of certain vitamins, and helps suppress the growth of pathogenic microorganisms.

All of the above applies to the so-called harmless strains of E. coli, which, being in a certain proportion with other microorganisms inhabiting the intestines, bring benefits to the body. Moreover, each person has his own norm of the proportional ratio of microorganisms.

The danger of E. coli

However, penetrating into other organs, even harmless E. coli can cause an inflammatory process. For example, in women, E. coli can cause colpitis (inflammation of the vagina), the main symptoms of which are itching and yellowish discharge With unpleasant smell. Spreading further through the genitals, this bacterium can cause inflammation of the cervix and ovaries. Penetrating into urethra, she can hit bladder and kidneys. Once in the respiratory system, E. coli can cause ENT diseases.

In addition, there are varieties of E. coli that can cause acute illness in humans. intestinal diseases(coli infections). These include hemolytic Escherichia coli, which is detected in stool analysis. WITH big amount Even with good defenses, it is difficult for the body to cope with pathogenic bacteria, which is why disease occurs. The most common mechanism of infection with E. coli is fecal-oral, associated with non-compliance with basic hygiene rules (unwashed hands, poorly washed vegetables and fruits, improper storage of food, etc.). The infection is transmitted through food, water, and household items. You can also “pick up” E. coli by consuming unboiled milk or insufficiently heat-treated meat dishes.

Symptoms of E. coli infection in adults

The incubation period (before symptoms of E. coli poisoning appear) lasts from 3 to 6 days.

After infection, pathogenic E. coli begin to actively multiply, leading to digestive disorders and inflammation of the intestinal mucous membranes. As a result, the main symptom of E. coli infection is diarrhea. may be mixed with mucus and blood.

What other symptoms can be observed with E. coli poisoning? Other signs may be present, but are not required in this case. These include:

  • nausea;
  • vomit;
  • increased body temperature;
  • general weakness;
  • lack of appetite;

Most dangerous consequence E. coli poisoning, accompanied frequent diarrhea and vomiting, is the loss of fluid and salts by the body. This is manifested by a feeling of dryness in the throat, thirst. Therefore, first of all, the patient needs to ensure constant replenishment of fluid loss, maintaining normal water-salt balance. Also during treatment, measures are taken to eliminate intoxication of the body, drugs are prescribed to renew and stabilize intestinal microflora.

Sometimes hemolytic E. coli may not produce any symptoms. In this case, the person is a healthy carrier of this bacterium. But the danger of infecting others remains.

Escherichia coli is a rod-shaped bacterium characterized by the presence huge amount strains. Some of them cause various diseases in patients, as well as genitourinary system. If E. coli appears, treatment must be started immediately.

E. coli can develop with decreased immunity.

The main reason for the appearance of E. coli is a violation.

This is why the pathogenic serotype of Escherichia coli multiplies.

The cause of its occurrence is quite often a variety of diseases of the digestive tract.

Quite often, the pathological process is diagnosed against a background that affects the pancreas.

Also, E. coli can appear as a result of the development of intestinal diseases - colitis and. Disruption of the normal intestinal microflora is directly affected by the intake of certain pharmaceutical drugs, namely antibiotics.

These traditional medicines suppress microorganisms, which eliminate the possibility of pathogenic microflora. Reception antibacterial drugs quite often leads to pathology. A person can become infected with pathogenic strains through the fecal-oral route.

Pathology develops when a person fails to comply with hygiene rules during food preparation. If a patient eats unwashed vegetables, this often leads to the development of E. coli. When watering plants with dirty waste water after eating them, E. coli may appear.

It is also caused by eating raw or undercooked meat. E. coli in most cases appears due to wrong image human life. That is why patients are advised to be attentive to their health.

Watch a video about E. coli:

Symptoms of pathology

When pathology appears, weakness is felt.

During the analysis period, the test material is sown in a nutrient medium.

If, after a certain time, E. coli grow in this environment, then this indicates positive results. Also for diagnostics pathological process They can take a stool test for dysbacteriosis or conduct a coprogram.

Thanks to these research methods, it is possible to determine certain microorganisms in feces. The analysis does not make it possible to determine E. coli.

The tests must be carried out in laboratory conditions, which will ensure their effectiveness and make it possible to make the correct diagnosis.

Treatment of the disease

Cephalexin - treats infectious diseases.

For the treatment of E. coli, in most cases, the use is carried out.

The course of treatment for a patient using the drug ranges from 3 to 14 days.

After will take the course treatment, you must wait 2 months.

If a bacterium is detected, patients are prescribed a second course of treatment using other antibiotics. To treat infectious processes in the genitourinary system, pharmaceutical drugs are most often used in the form of:

  1. Amikacin;
  2. Cefotaxime;
  3. Imipenema;
  4. etc.

During the period of antibiotic therapy, adult patients and children must follow the same rules. Treatment of children less than one year old is carried out in inpatient conditions. All other patients can undergo therapy at home.

If the patient has been diagnosed with an intestinal infection, then he needs mandatory sit on the gentle one. During this period, it is recommended to eat porridge. Which are cooked in water, slimy soups, as well as stale white bread.

Also, doctors do not recommend the use of spices, canned food, salty and pickled foods. Fresh fruits, milk, oily fish and meat, rich soups.

Antibiotic therapy and diet are highly effective only if medications and the menu for the patient is selected correctly.

Treatment rules

Rehydron rehydration solution.

In addition to taking antibiotics, the patient must perform certain rules treatment.

If the patient experiences vomiting, he must drink rehydration solutions.

With their help, lost fluid and salt are replenished.

For each bowel movement and vomiting, you should drink 300 to 600 milliliters of rehydration solution.

For its preparation, pharmaceutical powder in the form of Trisol, Glucosolan can be used.

You can also use to prepare the solution baking soda, salt and sugar. When purchasing traditional medicines, you simply need to dilute them in water according to the manufacturer's instructions.

To prepare homemade rehydration solution, you need to take a liter clean water and add a tablespoon of sugar to it. You also need to add baking soda and salt 0.5 tablespoons each. If there is no rehydration solution in the house, the patient is recommended to drink any drinks.

Compotes, fruit drinks, and teas with sugar are quite effective. To ensure the highest quality treatment of infectious diseases that arise when E. coli appears, it is recommended to take enterosorbents:

  • Polysorb;
  • Polyphepan;
  • Filtrum, etc.

To provide complex treatment disease, the use of probiotics is recommended - Baaktisubtil, Enterol, Bifidumbacterin. If the patient has a fever of more than 38 degrees, then he is recommended to use antipyretic pharmaceutical drugs, the basis of which is ibuprofen, nimesulide, paracetamol.

With the help of traditional medicines, you can eliminate not only the symptoms of the disease, but also destroy E. coli in the human body.

The duration of taking antibiotics is up to 10 days.

In severe cases infectious process without improvement, patients are prescribed nitrofurates and antibiotics.

In most cases, when the infection is not severe, patients are not prescribed antibiotics.

Among the nitrofurates, which are characterized by a high impact effect, we can highlight.

It is used to treat not only adult patients, but also children. Therapy of the pathological process with antibiotics involves the use of Ciprofloxacin, Levofloxacin. The duration of taking antibiotics and Furazolidone is from 7 to 10 days.

In order to destroy E. coli, you can use not only antibiotics, but also bacteriophages in the form of intestibacteriophage, pyobacteriophage, liquid coli bacteriophage, polyvalent combined liquid pyobacteriophage, etc.

During the period of use of these pharmaceutical drugs, pathogenic E. coli is eliminated. In this case, there is no destruction of lacto- and , which belong to the normal microflora. That is why their use begins from the first days of illness.

After eliminating E. coli, the patient should take probiotics - Bifidumbacterin, Bifikol, etc.

With their help, normal intestinal microflora is restored to the maximum extent possible. a short time. That is why the use of these pharmaceutical drugs should be carried out within 14-21 days.

If the cause of the intestinal infection is Escherichia coli and it is characterized by a generalized form, and is also accompanied by cholecystitis, pyelonephritis, sepsis, meningitis, etc., then the patient must take antibiotics.

Most often, patients are prescribed cephalosporins in the form of Ceftazidime, Cefuroxime, etc. Drug therapy in the treatment of E. coli will be characterized high efficiency only when correct selection drugs. For this purpose, the patient is recommended to seek help from a doctor.

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Microbiologists distinguish about one hundred strains of Escherichia coli. Some of them are non-pathogenic, that is, those that do not cause the development infectious disease. Moreover, such bacteria are mandatory component normal intestinal microflora. But there are also pathogenic strains, they are also called diarrheagenic. These are strains of E. coli that can cause intestinal, and in some cases, generalized infection.

Pathogenic Escherichia coli

Escherichia coli - bacteria belonging to the genus Escherichia and the family Enterobacteriaceae. These microorganisms are highly resistant; they can live for months in water, soil, and feces. E. coli can also be stored for a long time and even multiply in food products, especially dairy and meat.

Pathogenic (diarrheagenic) E. coli, depending on their properties, are usually divided into five main categories:

  1. Enterotoxigenic (ETCP);
  2. Enteroinvasive (EICP);
  3. Enteropathogenic (EPCP);
  4. Enterohemorrhagic (EHEC);
  5. Enteroaggregative (EAggCP).

Each of these groups of E. coli has its own characteristics. So, enterotoxigenic bacilli provoke a cholera-like intestinal infection in children and adults, since these bacteria produce a toxin similar to cholera.

Enteroinvasive Escherichia coli provoke the development of intestinal infections in children and adults. A enteropathogenic bacilli Unlike previous strains, they primarily affect children and cause them to develop coli-enteritis.

Enteropathogenic E. coli cause the development of hemorrhagic enterocolitis, and enteroaggregative ones lead to intestinal infection, mainly in weakened individuals.


Diarrheagenic E. coli leads to the development of an infectious disease called Escherichiosis (coli infection) . This infection is characterized by symptoms of intoxication and damage to the gastrointestinal tract.

The source of infection is patients with escherichiosis, and, to a lesser extent, bacteria carriers. The transmission mechanism is fecal-oral. A person can become ill with coliform infection by consuming contaminated food (dairy and meat products, vegetables), water, through dirty hands and care items, toys.

Symptoms of Escherichiosis

Escherechiosis is accompanied by symptoms of damage to the gastrointestinal tract. However, the features of the clinical picture depend on which strain the person is infected with.

Thus, escherichiosis caused by enterotoxigenic bacilli occurs with damage mainly small intestine, while intoxication is mild. The disease occurs acutely with sudden onset of weakness, weakness,... The temperature may be slightly elevated or even normal. Spills appear in the abdomen (mainly in the epigastrium). The stomach is determined by rumbling.

To diagnose diseases of the genitourinary system, it is necessary to perform. However, the presence of E. coli in the urine does not always indicate the presence of a disease. Bacteria found in small quantities may mean that the woman did not do the proper work before taking the test. hygiene procedures. However, if a urine test reveals at least 10 2 -10 4 E. coli in the presence of symptoms of the disease, this indicates an inflammatory process occurring in the kidneys or bladder.

A gram-negative bacterium that is normally found in every body. The optimal temperature for its growth and reproduction is considered to be 37 degrees, but the microorganism can absolutely easily withstand being in for a long time and in external environment with a lower temperature. For example, E. coli is found in water bodies and on household items, on plant leaves and soil; it can even multiply in food products - for example, in milk. But when liquids are boiled or heated to a temperature of 60 degrees for 15 minutes, E. coli is completely destroyed. In addition, the microorganism in question disappears when surfaces are treated with disinfectant solutions: chloramine, formalin and others.

Types of Escherichia coli

In medicine, two large groups of this microorganism have been identified: normal and pathogenic (disease-causing). And in each of them there are hundreds of strains! For example, non-pathogenic bacilli can be lactose-positive or lactose-negative. Among pathogenic bacilli there are enteropathogenic, enteroinvasive, enterohemorrhagic and others.

Normally, E. coli is intended to ensure the active functioning of the gastrointestinal tract and helps limit the proliferation of pathogenic microorganisms. Normal quantity of the microorganism in question in the intestines of children and adults is absolutely the same. If the content of non-pathogenic bacteria is disrupted, a person develops symptoms of dysbiosis - treatment of this condition can be carried out at home, but in some cases the help of professionals is required.

Pathogenic (disease-causing) bacteria, entering the human body, provoke the appearance of enterotoxins and the person complains of symptoms of poisoning - the main symptom is diarrhea.


In the body, the development of pathogenic microorganisms is often associated with violation of hygiene rules. E. coli, for example, begins to negatively affect health when eating unwashed vegetables and fruits, raw meat and fish (and even poorly fried/cooked). It is not surprising that the symptoms of E. coli are most often observed in children - they are the ones who forget to wash their hands before eating and/or after using the toilet, like to eat outside and often refuse to wash apples, strawberries and other fruits/berries.

It should be remembered that the symptoms of E. coli can also be a consequence of improper personal hygiene; this gram-negative bacterium is found in a woman’s reproductive system after unprotected anal intercourse or after improperly performed personal hygiene procedures for the external genitalia.

Symptoms of E. coli

Signs of the spread of pathogenic microorganisms can manifest themselves in different ways and depend on which specific body system is affected.

Damage to the digestive system

The most common form of E. coli infection. It manifests itself as diarrhea (diarrhea), which can reach 10-12 times a day. Patients complain not only about frequent stool, but also to false impulses. Feces when E. coli affects the gastrointestinal tract (gastrointestinal tract), they have a liquid appearance, an admixture of mucus and a small amount of foam. In extremely rare cases, an unpleasant odor and the presence of “fibers” of blood are detected.

In children under 1 year of age, the spread of E. coli in the gastrointestinal tract is manifested by diarrhea and abdominal pain, increased gas formation- this is how fermentation processes take place in the body. Due to the large loss of fluid, the patient feels very thirsty. The following signs of E. coli, which spread throughout the gastrointestinal tract, are characteristic of children and adults:

  • lack of appetite;
  • weakness and drowsiness;
  • nausea and vomiting (for newborns - regurgitation).

Most often, three days pass from the moment of infection, but the duration of the disease can be 10 days. very rarely incubation period lasts 24 hours - this development of the disease is recorded when eating a large amount of insufficiently cooked or fried meat (fish).

In some cases, the patient may develop heat body and localized abdominal pain - in this case, you should put the patient to bed, provide him drinking plenty of fluids and call a doctor immediately.

Escherichia coli damage to the genitourinary system

The route of entry of E. coli into the genitourinary system is from the rectum - for example, when anal way sexual intercourse or improper personal hygiene of the genitals. In this case clinical picture may be different, but symptoms may indicate cystitis, prostatitis, urethritis, pyelonephritis and others inflammatory processes in the genitourinary system. Identify E. coli and prescribe effective treatment Only a doctor can!


Diagnostic measures for identifying E. coli are reduced to the following procedures:

Bacteriological studies - specialists conduct biological inoculation on a nutrient medium. Material for sowing is taken individually:

  • for genital infections - smears of the vaginal or urethral mucosa;
  • in case of problems with urinary system– urine;
  • for infections of the digestive system - a fragment of vomiting or diarrhea.

Are common clinical tests– blood, urine and feces are taken for examination. Such study is additional examination and does not directly detect infection, but excludes inflammatory diseases.

Study instrumental methods– ultrasound, urography and others.

At the same time with bacteriological examination specialists conduct an antibiogram (they determine the sensitivity of the identified strain of Escherichia coli to antibiotics). Without the results of an antibiogram, effective treatment cannot be prescribed.


Therapeutic measures for diagnosed infections caused by E. coli begin with a diet:

  1. In case of indigestion, dietary table No. 4 is recommended: all dishes are steamed or served boiled. It is forbidden to eat dairy products, barley, and pasta. Meat and fish dishes, soups should be chopped or pureed in a blender.
  2. For diseases of the genitourinary system, dietary table No. 7 is prescribed, which implies the exclusion of salt, fatty and spicy food. Pickled and salted vegetables and fruits, chocolate, mushrooms, and mustard are prohibited.

Drug treatment:

  • antibiotics;
  • bacteriophages;
  • infusions of special drugs that perform the function of detoxification;
  • probiotics.

Treatment of children begins with the use of probiotics and bacteriophages, prescribing dietary nutrition. Antibacterial drugs are prescribed only in the absence of positive dynamics.

The specific antibiotic, quantity and duration of treatment are determined exclusively by a specialist!

Dysbacteriosis due to the spread of E. coli is one of the few diseases that can be treated independently. But you should be careful: take curative measures for diarrhea and unstable symptoms of intoxication, you can only initial stage diseases. If the treatment measures taken do not have the desired effect within 2 days, you should immediately consult a doctor.

Prevention of E. coli

As preventive measures are considered:

  • regular hand washing;
  • deep heat treatment food;
  • avoiding consumption of water and foods from unknown sources;
  • compliance with food storage rules.