The cat does not eat raw meat what to do. Is it possible to feed a cat with raw chicken: all the features of "cat cooking"

Meat plays a major role in the cat's diet. In industrial feeds, it is already in the composition, but with natural nutrition, the choice and preparation of the product is under the responsibility of the owners. At the same time, some of them are sure that raw meat is more useful for animals, while others prefer to boil it. Let's find out if it is possible to feed a cat with raw meat.

First, let's figure out why this product is so important.

Cats are obligate (unconditional) predators. It is animal protein that forms the basis of their diet in the wild. At the same time, all parts of the prey are eaten: the meat itself, and the internal organs, and the skin, and cartilage. From these foods, cats get energy and all the necessary nutrients, including taurine, the most important amino acid for them.

A lack of taurine leads to loss and a sharp deterioration in the structure of the coat, loss of vision, impaired blood supply to the heart and liver, obesity, infertility, and in pregnant females to miscarriages.

Vegetable proteins are absorbed by cats much worse and put a little more stress on the kidneys. They do not contain taurine. Thus, although small amounts of vegetables and greens are useful for cats, they are not able to replace them with meat.

Video "What not to feed cats and kittens"

From this video you will learn what foods you can not feed cats and kittens.

What is dangerous raw product

Cats digest raw meat best of all, but there are two dangers when eating it:

There are three main ways to secure meat:

  1. Cooking. In this case, the meat is boiled for about 5 minutes.
  2. Scalding small pieces with boiling water.
  3. Deep freeze. The only way that allows you to leave the meat raw. To do this, it is cut into pieces and placed in the freezer for 4-5 days (at least 48 hours). The eggs of the helminths die. The pieces do not need to be made too small: when a cat bites and gnaws food, it produces gastric juice along the way. Finely (about 1.5x1.5 cm) meat is cut only for those animals that, in a hurry, swallow it almost entirely.

What types to give preference

A cat's diet can be combined from several types of meat products:

  1. Lean beef. Contains a large amount of protein, a moderate amount of fat, rich in taurine. It is believed that this meat brings the greatest benefit to the cat's body. You can give it to your pet every day.
  2. Mutton. Only lean pieces. You can give every day.
  3. Rabbit meat. Contains less protein and fat than beef. Recommended for overweight or renal insufficiency cats.
  4. Turkey meat. Rich in protein and lean meat. It is advisable to alternate with beef.
  5. Chicken. Chicken meat is easily digestible, suitable for diet food, contains a lot of protein. A number of experts, however, are wary of him because of modern methods of raising chickens (the use of hormone supplements by manufacturers, antibiotics, feeding salt before slaughter, etc.). Like turkey, you can give from time to time.
  6. Fish. Only sea and boiled. No more than 200 g per week is allowed.
  7. Offal. Hearts can be chicken or turkey. Liver, lungs or tripe are preferred beef. Offal must be present in the diet, but not more than 200 g per week. The liver is given especially carefully: raw - relaxes the intestines, and boiled - strengthens.
  8. Chicken necks without skin. They contain a lot of calcium, which is poor in other types of meat products. Some advise to turn them through a meat grinder or beat them with a hammer, others - to give them as a whole. Focus on the capabilities of the pet itself: a kitten may not bite its neck, and a large cat can easily cope with it. 3-4 raw necks per week are allowed.
  9. Chicken heads. The most controversial product The brain they contain is certainly good for pets, but small bones, according to some veterinarians, can clog or injure the intestines. Other experts insist that chicken heads for cats, in fact, play the role of "mice" that these predators eat whole, and that the thin bones of the skull are easily digested. One way or another, no more than 2-3 goals per week are allowed. Please consult your veterinarian before adding this product to your pet's diet. Also, keep in mind that this is rough food, and for a cat that has lived for years on soft, easily digestible food, it can really do harm.

Now let's find out what types of meat should not be fed to cats, even in small quantities. These include:

  • pork;
  • fatty lamb;
  • fatty poultry (geese and ducks);
  • chicken skin;
  • purchased minced meat (their composition may be far from the declared one);
  • large and tubular bones - they injure and clog the esophagus;
  • any fried, smoked and salted meat;
  • canned food and sausages.

Some owners wonder why cats should not be given pork, such as lean parts of the carcass. The fact is that in pets this meat often causes intestinal upset.

The nuances of combining

As you can see, both raw and boiled meat are allowed in the diet of cats. The main thing is not to mix them in one feeding, since the digestion of the product in one form or another requires different enzymes of gastric juice. When they are released at the same time, digestion deteriorates.

Carefully approach the choice of meat, try to maintain a balance of products, do not forget about freezing, and your cat will delight you with beauty, activity and health for a long time.

The cat is a nocturnal predator, so meat should be the main part of its diet. In this case, all systems of the animal's body work harmoniously. In today's article, we will try to figure out whether it is possible to feed a cat with raw meat.

Everyone knows that a cat is a predator, so 85-95% of meat should be in its diet. Wild cats or those that live in the countryside can get their own food: mice, frogs, birds, lizards. Everything in the cat's body is adapted for this.

Claws and strong teeth allow you to eat meat "in portions". The esophagus is elastic and can easily accept large pieces. When mucus moves them through the stomach, special enzymes are produced in it to break down proteins, and gastric juice helps digest them. In the body of a cat, everything is arranged in such a way that it completely digests only protein foods.

There are no enzymes for digesting plant or dairy products in the body of a predator. As for domestic cats, their gastrointestinal tract works in the same way and does not produce other enzymes. Of course, if a pet is fed with non-protein food, it will not stagger from hunger, but the necessary microelements in the body will not be enough for normal functioning.

Thus, our domestic murchiki need raw meat. Small kittens must receive pieces of raw meat for proper development. However, you must be 100% sure of its quality.

Video "Principles of feeding cats"

In this video, a specialist will tell you how to properly feed cats.

Danger of the raw product

First of all, it has a huge number of small bones. In addition, it is most often infected with helminths, which, when they enter the cat's body, cause a dangerous disease, opisthorchiasis. Therefore, it is better to give sea and ocean fish.

It is enough to arrange a “fish day” for the cat a couple of times a week, adding a few pieces of frozen or slightly cooked fish to the diet. You should not give a lot of this product, since the substances in fish actively break down vitamin B1, therefore, with an abundance of fish in the diet, its deficiency may occur.

Raw liver looks financially attractive, and there are enough vitamins in it. It is impossible to answer the question whether it is possible to give a raw liver to a cat unambiguously. It can lead to both slight constipation and watery stools.

The best choice for muroks is beef. Lamb, for example, contains a large amount of fat, it is impossible to feed animals with it. For cats that need dietary nutrition, a rabbit is suitable. Chicken is an acceptable product. Chicken meat should be alternated with beef. Turkey is also suitable, but in combination with beef and chicken. It is impossible to feed ducks to pussies because of the high fat content of meat.

Be sure to give by-products. Boiled liver, like other offal, should be introduced into the diet gradually and in small portions. You can do this when the cat reaches the age of one.

Chicken heads are not the best food for cats, as they contain a lot of bones that can clog the esophagus. It is better to replace the heads with boiled necks. As for the chicken, care should be taken not to get tubular bones, as they are sharp and can damage the digestive tract. Any fatty meat, skin, beaks, claws are prohibited.

Now let's talk about why domestic cats should not be given pork.

The fact is that pork contains a lot of fat. In addition, it should not be given raw, as it can be a source of fluke infection and false rabies.

Separately, it is worth mentioning minced meat. It usually contains a lot of fat, so this can affect the gastrointestinal tract of the animal.

Is it possible to combine

Often the owners give their pets both raw and boiled meat. It should be noted that cats eat boiled product more willingly. You can feed a cat with both raw and boiled meat, but you can’t combine such products in one feeding, since different enzymes are needed to digest raw and cooked food, so you can overload the animal’s digestive tract.

Our purring four-legged friends are real predators. However, over the years of living with humans, many of them have lost their hunting skills, but the need for high-protein nutrition remains. More and more people are inclined to buy ready-made food, but it's no secret that meat is natural, and therefore the most useful product for a cat. Let's discuss whether a cat can eat raw beef, and how eating meat affects the health of the animal.

Can you give your cat raw beef?

It seems logical that the main food for a predator is meat. It fully satisfies the needs for energy and nutrients, vitamins and minerals, and is well absorbed. Among the products recommended for home diets, beef is very often found - red meat containing relatively little fat, rich in protein and iron, and also less likely to cause allergic reactions.

If you give raw beef, then all the useful substances contained in it will be preserved, and in addition, such meat smells very attractive and has an optimal structure for cats - soft and fibrous at the same time, and if it also has veins, then this has a beneficial effect on dental health.

So, at first glance, raw beef for cats is the best option, but not everything is so simple.

Cutout doesn't mean best

In nature, predators do not eat animal fillets. They catch prey, most often rodents and small birds, which they eat together with wool, feathers, claws, small bones and entrails. And each of these seemingly inedible components contains a huge amount of essential substances, including vitamins and minerals.

For example, liver contains a lot of vitamin A, which is not synthesized in the body of cats and must be obtained from food, and the same can be said for almost any component of whole prey. Blood, cartilage, ligaments, tendons are extremely rich in useful substances.

Wool, leather, and other indigestible components improve intestinal motility, as does a small amount of plant food contained in the victim's stomach.

It turns out that the composition of meat eaten in nature is very different from what we buy in stores, so feeding one fillet will invariably lead to beriberi and digestive problems. Thus, the answer to the question of whether it is possible to give raw beef to cats has a twofold answer.

On the one hand, yes, because it is a good source of animal protein and fat, but on the other hand, feeding only raw beef will lead to a serious imbalance in the diet. It needs to be supplemented with other sources of protein, fiber, a small amount of carbohydrates and a vitamin and mineral premix.

Can a cat eat beef after heat treatment?

It is widely believed that raw meat is harmful to animals due to the risk of infection with helminths and bacteria. Many owners, breeders and even veterinarians still advise to process the meat before putting it in the cat's bowl.

Processing is reduced to scalding with boiling water or boiling beef. However, scalding does not make any sense at all - such a surface temperature effect is not capable of killing bacteria, not to mention helminth eggs. Boiling meat may be relevant if you suspect that it is infected, that is, it was obtained from a sick animal.

The veterinary check that every cow carcass that goes on sale is subjected to practically eliminates contamination of the meat. A cat may like boiled beef less than raw beef, and there will be less valuable substances in it. Thus, heat treatment is not necessary at all.

Beef is an excellent source of protein and fat when fed to cats whose owners prefer homemade food. But you can not give the animal only meat, the diet should be tailored to all the needs of the animal and must contain other products and additives.

What canned food is best for cats?

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Cats are small predators whose diet should be dominated by meat. But, many owners often have a question - is it possible to give a cat raw meat or is this product better served cooked? Today we will talk about the dangers and benefits of raw meat of different types and find out how useful this product is in the diet of a domestic predator.

Types of "safe" meat for a cat

More than 80% of a cat's daily diet is meat. But, before feeding a mustachioed pet with this product, you need to figure out which types of meat will be beneficial for the health of the cat and which types of this product can cause serious harm to the body.

First of all, you should focus on the following rules:

  • the meat must be fresh;
  • non-greasy;
  • without small and dangerous bones;
  • no bad smell.

You need to feed the cat with high-quality meat, and not with product waste that is not useful on the human table. Periodically, a pet can be pampered with offal and cartilage, always fresh and low-fat (no more than 200g per week).

To feed a cat, you can buy chicken meat, quail, lean lamb, beef meat, rabbit meat, turkey meat, horse meat, goat meat and beef meat.

Under the ban meat pork, duck, goose and fatty lamb.

Now let's figure out in what form you can serve meat to a domestic cat.

Grilled meat

The fried product is strictly prohibited for feeding domestic cats. After eating such meat, the animal may experience serious problems with the liver, stomach and other organs of the digestive tract. All this will lead to a lot of unpleasant health problems for your pet and will significantly shorten its lifespan.

Cooked meat

Such meat can be given to a cat. It contains many nutrients that are beneficial to her body. The main thing is to cook the meat correctly: boil it in a low-fat broth without salt and other spices.

And one more rule: You can not give raw and boiled meat at the same time. To digest these products, the body will need the production of various enzymes, which will negatively affect the digestion process. This can be manifested by vomiting, impaired stool and other adverse symptoms.

Smoked meat

Smoked meat is very dangerous for the body of a small predator. It is unacceptable to feed a pet with such a product that is harmful to him!

Raw meat

Raw meat is a natural product for domestic predators. In their natural environment, cats always feed on prey consisting of small rodents and birds. Of course, they use their catch raw, without cooking.

It is necessary to give the cat raw meat, but only beforehand this product must be frozen and scalded with boiling water shortly before serving to the animal. This precaution will reduce the likelihood of infection with helminths.

To create a complete diet for a mustachioed pet, experts recommend combining meat with other healthy foods. So, for example, you can serve it with vegetable puree with the addition of olive oil. Or prepare a delicious soup from low-fat broth with herbs, butter and pieces of meat.

  • fresh meat should be cut into pieces, distributed into bags in a small amount for one feeding and sent to the freezer for refreezing;
  • meat should be frozen for 3-4 days or more;
  • strong cold destroys helminth eggs, which makes the meat product absolutely safe for feeding cats;
  • before serving, the meat can be warmed up a little in the microwave or poured with boiling water;
  • it is better to defrost the product in a plate, after defrosting, the juice from the meat will remain in it, which your furry friend will also sip with pleasure;
  • sometimes you can pamper the cat with raw minced meat, cooked on your own from fresh lean meat, without salt and spices.

mixed food

There are three types of diet for domestic cats:

  • natural nutrition from ordinary products familiar to humans;
  • nutrition with ready-made industrial feeds created for animals;
  • a mixed diet that provides for feeding cats with natural products in combination with ready-made feeds.

Natural food and raw meat

When feeding with natural food, the issue with raw meat is solved by itself. Such a product is included in the pet menu. It can be served processed. To get a more nutritious meal, veterinarians recommend combining meat pieces with other healthy foods.

Dry, wet food and raw meat

Is it necessary to feed a cat with raw meat if he regularly eats ready-made industrial feeds?

Many experts do not recommend combining ready-made feeds with natural food, believing that such a composition will only harm the animal's body. Others recognize the possibility of mixed nutrition, but on the condition that an interval of several hours is observed between feeding with food and natural. During this time, the cat's body will have time to digest the previously consumed product.

If the cat eats premium wet food, adding raw meat to the menu is not necessary at all. The composition of high-quality feed contains natural meat, so there is no need for additional complementary foods with this product.

What pathologies does raw meat contain?

To protect your cat from such risks, properly prepare fresh meat for feeding your pet! Buy this product only in trusted places, carefully checking it for freshness.

Be sure to freeze the meat before serving and conduct heat treatment. For prevention purposes, periodically give your pet medicines for helminths. Which drug is better to choose, an experienced veterinarian will tell you.

Meat for castrated and sterilized

As you know, it is very important for cats after sterilization and cats after castration to choose the right diet for feeding. After such operations, great changes occur in the body of animals, metabolic processes slow down. With improper feeding, there is a high probability of developing certain diseases that significantly worsen the general condition of domestic cats.

After sterilization, cats can be given lean meat, but only in raw and frozen form! A boiled product is not particularly useful for the organism of operated animals. In addition, boiled meat can provoke protein intoxication, a very dangerous condition for cats.

Portions must be dosed and served fresh. You can also add offal of some types in a small amount to the menu.

Cats after castration can also eat raw meat of low-fat varieties after preliminary freezing. Fractional meals in small portions are welcome, up to 5-6 times a day.

The cat should not be given a supplement, even if he really asks. The restless appetite of a castrated animal often leads to obesity, as a result of which the cat has other unpleasant health problems.

Is it ok to give raw meat to small kittens?

It is possible and even necessary to feed a small kitten with raw meat! This product is especially useful not only for the body of a growing predator, but also for its milk teeth. The first meat complementary foods can be introduced into the cat's diet starting from 2 months of age.

Bones should not be small in size. It is unacceptable to give a kitten chicken and fish bones. They are dangerous for animals, as they can injure the esophagus and other organs of the digestive department.

Also, you should not give the cat boiled bones, which are softer in structure. This product can also cause gastrointestinal problems.

What kind of meat can you feed a kitten? Fresh, lean and processed! This product is best served in small pieces. For a complete diet, mix meat with healthy cereals and vegetable purees.

How often to feed meat, and in what quantity?

Meat is the most important product in the diet of a domestic predator. It must be given to the cat every day. According to generally accepted standards, 80-90% of a pet's daily diet is meat.

The amount of product for feeding is calculated individually, depending on the age of the cat and its activity.

On average, 30g of meat per day is enough for kittens, about 100g for adults. If the cat is overly active and spends a lot of time outdoors, you can slightly increase the dosage of this product.

But, in order not to harm the health of the pet, we still recommend that you first consult with a veterinarian who can accurately determine the rate for feeding a cat with meat products, taking into account its age, weight and activity level.

And remember, proper feeding is the key to a long and happy life of a domestic cat in your friendly family!

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