Choosing the best teeth whitening gel. High efficiency is not always safe

How to get rid of the yellowish plaque and return the teeth to their former whiteness without harming the enamel? It may seem that for such a procedure, you need to go to the dentist's office. In fact, there are safe, affordable, and yet effective ways to whiten your teeth at home.

Ways to whiten teeth at home

Whitening your teeth at home, you need to prepare for the fact that it will not be possible to achieve a visible effect quickly. Depending on the condition of the teeth, the process can take several weeks or months. For example, it takes 2-3 weeks for lovers of strong tea and coffee to achieve a radiant smile, while for an experienced smoker it may take 3-4 months. Among the most popular home whitening methods are the following:

Whitening gels
  1. safe for teeth;
  2. long lasting effect.
Visible results of the gel procedure appear no earlier than after 2 weeks
Coconut oil
  1. natural product;
  2. safe for enamel;
  3. prevention of dental diseases.
A noticeable effect is achieved slowly and persists only with constant use of the product.
Activated carbon
  1. ease of use;
  2. safe for teeth;
  3. antibacterial properties.
Continuous use is required to maintain the results achieved.
Baking soda
  1. cheap;
  2. a visible effect is quickly achieved.
May damage enamel
Hydrogen peroxide
  1. available facility;
  2. works quickly and efficiently
Aggressive composition, can lead to the destruction of enamel

Description and approximate composition of the whitening gel

Teeth whitening gel is popular due to its affordability, effectiveness, ease of use and relative safety. All gels for home teeth whitening can be conditionally divided into several groups, based on which brightening agent the manufacturer used as part of the product:

Currently, bleaching gels based on carbamide or hydrogen peroxide are most commonly used. When they are used, whitening occurs due to the fact that when the product interacts with tooth enamel, a chemical reaction occurs, as a result of which active oxygen is released.

Use cases

The options for using a teeth whitening gel will vary depending on how it is applied. You can apply the product directly to the teeth, using a regular toothbrush or a special brush. The second method is based on the use of cap. These are special "matrices" that need to be filled with a whitening agent, and then put on the teeth.

Application with a brush or toothbrush

The easiest way to whiten is to apply special gels to the surface of the teeth with a toothbrush (the procedure can be combined with hygienic cleaning) or with a special brush that is included in the kit. Currently, the popularity of products made in the form of pencils filled with whitening composition is growing.

With their help, you can easily apply the gel only on tooth enamel, avoiding active substances from getting on the mucous membrane (using a toothbrush, it is much more difficult to achieve accurate application), in addition, you can independently determine the size of the “single portion” of the product by scrolling a special dispenser.

with hood

Capa is a special overlay for the dentition, made of translucent material. In dental practice, they are used to whiten or treat teeth, and mouthguards are also actively used in boxing - to protect the athlete's teeth from opponent's blows.

The pad is filled with a special whitening gel or paste and put on the teeth. This ensures maximum contact area of ​​the whitening composition with the tooth surface.

Whitening with a cap has all the advantages of carrying out the procedure at home - it is inexpensive, simple, and it is possible to select the preparation on an individual basis. At the same time, this method has several disadvantages:

To whiten teeth at home, mouth guards are used that belong to one of the following varieties: individual, thermoplastic and standard (we recommend reading:). They have some differences in the method of manufacture, the materials used, but the main characteristic that separates these varieties is the price.

  • comfortable;
  • safe;
  • effective
  • high price;
  • the need to visit the dental office for the manufacture of lining.
They are made taking into account the unique features of the client's dentition:
  • jaw impressions are taken;
  • models are cast according to the molds;
  • cap is made on a special machine;
  • trimming the finished lining.
thermoplasticThe material used to make these overlays, under the influence of warm water, becomes plastic and can take the shape of the patient's jaw. Disadvantage - it costs more than a standard overlay
  • universal;
  • available
  • inconvenient to use;
  • there is a risk of chemical damage to the oral mucosa.
Produced in factories, the cheapest variety.

Advantages and disadvantages of whitening gel

Like any other remedy, whitening gel has its advantages and disadvantages, which you should be aware of before choosing it for whitening your teeth. In addition, it is important to consider that the whitening gels contain highly active chemicals, so there are groups of people who are contraindicated in using this method.


  • effective in a short period of time;
  • easy to apply;
  • if mouth guards are used, they can be left on during the night's rest to save time.

Disadvantages (in most cases, they appear in the presence of contraindications or improper use of the remedy):

  • irritation (sometimes burns) of the mucous membranes when the gel gets on them;
  • allergy (with individual intolerance to the components);
  • increased sensitivity of the teeth (if the enamel is damaged).


  • the use of braces (uneven whitening occurs);
  • with damage to tooth enamel;
  • persons suffering from dental diseases;
  • children under 16;
  • pregnant and lactating;
  • with increased sensitivity or individual intolerance to the components;
  • before the expiration of a 4-month period after a surgical operation to remove a tooth;
  • if there is a piercing on the tongue or lips.

Rating of the best brands

Currently, the choice of whitening gels is quite wide. Many pharmaceutical companies are engaged in the release of such funds. Each tool has its pros and cons, some of them are for professional use, others are suitable for those who wish to whiten their teeth on their own. What is the best whitening gel? The following rating will help you choose the most suitable tool:

NameRelease forma brief description of
global white
  • pencil;
  • stripes;
  • gels;
  • paste
It has a mild effect on tooth enamel. The degree of effectiveness is similar to clinical procedures. Opportunity to lighten teeth by 3-5 tones. To achieve a visible effect, the procedure must be repeated daily for a week.
White light (see also: )Whitening gelIn addition to the gel, the kit includes a cap, lithium batteries, a light emitter and detailed instructions. To achieve the desired result, the procedure must be carried out for half an hour and repeated for at least 5 days in a row.
LumiBriteGelWhen using gentle formulations containing a 22% or 16% hydrogen peroxide solution, the product will need to be applied for 1 to 2 hours, 2 times a day for two weeks. When using a 32% composition, one 3-minute procedure per day is enough, the whitening course is 14 days.
BLIQPencilThe whitening course takes 2-3 weeks, the daily procedure is a few minutes. You can repeat courses with a break of at least 1 month. Means based on carbamide peroxide.
smile4youTeeth whitening gelIt belongs to the category of expensive ones - you will have to pay at least 30 - 40 euros for the tool. The kit includes a gel (the package is enough for two hundred procedures) and universal caps. The manufacturer provides a 14-day money-back guarantee.

Glowing white teeth are the dream of most people. But nature gave the natural whiteness of teeth not to everyone. Over time, the enamel loses its whiteness due to the frequent use of aggressive dyes, a great love for coffee or a bad habit - smoking. Plaque and tartar appear on the surface of the tooth.

Professional dental cleaning services are quite expensive and not accessible to everyone. This is where various means of whitening at home come to the rescue. One of them is whitening gels.

Teeth whitening gel


Today, whitening gels are becoming increasingly popular among different segments of the population. This is due to high availability, relatively low price (compared to services in dental clinics), ease of use and effectiveness. The active ingredient in most whitening gels is hydrogen peroxide.

But peroxide alone can cause damaging damage to tooth enamel, which is why the composition includes other elements that protect teeth from damage. Some manufacturers use carbamide peroxide instead of hydrogen peroxide. This substance is less aggressive, and therefore the first results appear a little later. At the same time, carbamide peroxide does not cause increased sensitivity of the teeth and bleeding gums.

In addition to the active components in the composition of the gels, you can find:

  1. Abrasives. Most often, this role is played by sodium bicarbonate (baking soda). This substance enhances the aggressive effect on the enamel. For this reason, dentists do not recommend using gels that contain soda.
  2. Calcium and fluorine. These substances have a protective function, reduce the negative impact of active ingredients.
  3. acids. It is considered to be the most dangerous component. Acids not only destroy teeth, but also negatively affect the body as a whole. When choosing a whitening gel, you should refuse those that contain any acids.

Advantages and disadvantages of teeth whitening gels

There are both pros and cons to using whitening gels.

From the pros:

  • the ability to choose the gel with the most suitable composition. On sale are gels with the active substance - hydrogen peroxide with various concentrations. And also with carbamide peroxide;
  • fast performance. In a number of gels, the result is noticeable after the first application. Also a small general course of use;
  • You can whiten enamel by 5 shades.

With the help of gels you can whiten the enamel by 5 shades

The disadvantages include:

  • the possibility of damage to the enamel in the presence of cracks or other defects;
  • negative impact on the mucous membrane in case of accidental contact;
  • damage to the esophagus as a result of accidental ingestion;
  • possible allergic reactions.

Teeth whitening gels can be used in three different ways:

  • with daily hygienic brushing of teeth with a simple toothbrush;
  • using a special brush included in the kit;
  • with the use of a mouth guard - a special case created according to an individual project. You can use it for several hours during the day or at night.

How does teeth whitening gel work?

The active components of whitening gels, when in contact with tooth enamel, release active oxygen, which activates the oxidation reaction, due to which foreign substances are split on the enamel. Thus, peroxides destroy pigments on the surface of the tooth and eliminate soft plaque and make the enamel lighter.

Indications and contraindications for teeth whitening gel

Before use, you must carefully read the indications and contraindications in order to avoid the possibility of negative consequences. The gel can be used if:

  • the enamel has darkened as a result of frequent use of coffee, smoking, as well as products with dyes;
  • the natural color of the enamel is yellowish;
  • darkening of the enamel is associated with prolonged use of any drugs.

Smoking makes teeth yellow
  • age less than 16 years;
  • during pregnancy and breastfeeding;
  • with increased sensitivity of the teeth;
  • with periodontal disease;
  • in the presence of caries;
  • possible allergic reaction to the constituent components;
  • defects in the surface of the teeth (cracks, chips);
  • large fillings;
  • in the presence of braces and other orthodontic structures.

The best teeth whitening gels

The modern market for teeth whitening products is very diverse. Each manufacturer has made its own features in the product and endowed it with unique characteristics that you should pay attention to when choosing.

global white

Gel based on 3 or 6% hydrogen peroxide and potassium nitrate.

From the pros:

  • whitening is possible with increased sensitivity of the teeth (to acid, high or low temperature);
  • whitens teeth by 3 shades in 7 days;
  • an additional component - xylitol, prevents the growth of bacteria, eliminates bad breath;
  • ease of use;
  • it is possible to remove not only plaque, but also whitening the dark color of enamel given by nature.

global white

Of the minuses:

  • the likelihood of damage to the mucous membranes in contact with them;
  • the effect of whiteness is rather short.

Instructions for use:

  1. Carry out a hygienic cleaning of the teeth with a regular toothpaste.
  2. The retractor is installed so that the teeth are open.
  3. Apply the gel to the microbrush that comes with the kit, spread it over the entire surface of the teeth so as not to hurt the gums, and the layer was even. Time - 5-7 minutes.
  4. Remove retractor, rinse mouth thoroughly, avoiding swallowing.

R.O.C.S. pro

The gel is designed to give the teeth a natural white color.

From the pros:

Mode of application.

The instructions offer several ways to use:

  1. Apply to a damp toothbrush along with regular toothpaste. Brush for 3 minutes, rinse your mouth well.
  2. Intensive way. Apply two pastes twice a day alternately. First brush your teeth with regular R.O.C.S. toothpaste, finish with R.O.C.S. pro Oxygen bleaching.
  3. With the help of a kappa.
  4. Alternation. In the morning, use regular R.O.C.S. In the evening - R.O.C.S. pro Oxygen bleaching.

Colgate simply white

Gentle and effective whitening agent.


  • makes enamel whiter in just 14 days;
  • does not damage the enamel;
  • removes dark spots on the teeth;
  • no need to wait for drying.

Colgate simply white


  • rather high price;
  • not recommended for children under 12;

Mode of application:

  • Before applying the gel, you should make sure that the teeth are dry, there are no drops of water left.
  • Brush should spread the gel on the enamel of the teeth. It must be remembered that one dipping of the brush is enough to cover three teeth. The gel is instantly absorbed into the enamel, so there is no need to dry or wash off the gel.

To achieve greater effectiveness, do not drink or eat for 15 minutes after application. After 3-5 days, the first result will be noticeable - brightening the enamel. At the end of the course, the teeth will become 3-4 shades lighter.

Plus white 5 minute bleach whitening gel


  • the maximum whitening effect is achieved after 5 minutes;
  • the result lasts up to 12 months;
  • the formula with hydrogen peroxide and special polymers does not destroy the enamel;
  • due to the neutral ph does not damage the mucous membranes.

Plus white 5 minute bleach whitening gel


  • no mouth guard included.

Mode of application:

  1. Apply to toothbrush.
  2. Treat the surface of the teeth for 5 minutes.
  3. Rinse your mouth thoroughly.

Use 1 time per day.

Can be used with a kappa.

white kiss

Carbamide peroxide whitening gel also contains potassium, fluorine and xylitol. The market is presented in 3 trim levels:

  • set with preparations of mouthguards and gel;
  • pencil;
  • stick.


  • gently whitens;
  • the presence of several forms allows you to choose the most convenient;
  • an additional component xylitol protects the oral cavity from the reproduction of microbes, prevents the formation of caries, and eliminates unpleasant odors.

white kiss


  • possible contact of the gel on the mucous membranes during the application of caps;
  • preliminary preparation of overlays.

Mode of application:

Depends on the selected kit.

  1. If this set with mouthguards, then first you need to prepare mouthguards. The form must be placed in boiling water until the material becomes transparent. Then pull it out, let it cool a little so as not to burn the mucous membranes. Place the blank in your mouth and press firmly with your teeth. Then completely cool it in cold water. Kappa is ready. First you need to brush your teeth with a toothpaste from the kit. Then apply the gel on the surface of the kappa. And place it in your mouth. Desired holding time - 1 hour. After the mouth guard has been removed, it is necessary to brush your teeth again with the paste from the set.
  2. stick and pencil easy to use. It is necessary to apply the gel on the surface of the teeth for about 1 hour. Then rinse your mouth. On average, they are used 3-4 times a day.


When choosing a gel for teeth whitening, it is always necessary to get acquainted with the instructions and composition in detail in order to choose the least aggressive option, and in pursuit of a snow-white smile, do not damage the enamel.

To do this, it is worth remembering that the higher the percentage of the active substance, the more effective the gel and the shorter the time to achieve the desired result. But it can be even more dangerous. Especially dangerous gels- containing acids. They can lead to tooth decay.

To reduce the negative impact of the active ingredient, you should choose those options that contain additional substances in the form of fluorine, calcium or xylitol.

Often, the lack of a smile can be associated with several factors: malocclusion, missing or damaged front teeth, their wrong color, and the presence of pronounced tartar. Having at least one of these problems, most young people experience complexes, believing that this negatively affects their appearance.

Solving all these problems requires time and financial investments. And not small ones, either. Correction of an overbite or installation of implants will cost a pretty penny. And hygienic cleaning of the oral cavity from tartar can simply cause fear of the dentist.

Soviet medicine may have been the best, but it clearly did not have the service. And it wasn't the most painless. This was quite enough for young people to forget their way to state dentistry for a long time. I haven't saved up money for a private clinic yet. From here, problems arise due to the delay in treatment, and complexes appear.

However, there is a remedy that will help solve at least one of these problems, namely, correct the color of the teeth. A whitening gel will help with this.

How do gels work?

  • The secret is in the hydrogen peroxide.. Surely, many people know what it is. Peroxide is an excellent treatment for open wounds on the skin, thereby killing various harmful bacteria that get there. There is also a rumor that they used to dye their hair. More precisely, he etched the “ashy blond” to the drain. But this is already at the level of legends.
  • In general, when it comes into contact with tooth enamel hydrogen peroxide, a chemical oxidation reaction comes into play. Active oxygen, which is part of the peroxide, penetrates deep into the tooth. Entering into interaction with the organic component of tooth enamel, this miracle liquid causes its clarification.
  • However, the use of pure peroxide can cause significant damage to the enamel. Therefore, in gels (where hydrogen peroxide is used) there are additional elements that contain the aggressive nature of the peroxide.
  • Using a whitening gel- a fairly simple procedure.

You can do it yourself in several ways:

  1. During the morning and evening brushing of the teeth, the gel is applied to the teeth with an ordinary toothbrush;
  2. You can use the special brush included in the kit for this;
  3. Caps can be used. This is a special device made according to individual parameters (everyone's jaws are different). Gel is placed in them, mouth guards are put on the teeth for several hours during the day or all night - as it is more convenient for anyone.

Indications and contraindications

Like any other medication, teeth whitening gels should be used with caution.

Also, it makes sense to consult with a specialist if there are indications for the use of the gel, or if there are contraindications.

The indications include the following:

  • If the tooth enamel has darkened as a result of frequent use of wine, coffee or cigarettes;
  • If a change in the color of the tooth enamel occurred under the influence of any strong drugs (fluorine-containing drugs, or antibiotics);
  • Natural gray or yellow shade of tooth enamel.

Contraindications are as follows:

  • If there are acute periodontal tissue diseases;
  • If there are diseases of the oral mucosa or gums;
  • If there are open caries of any complexity;
  • If there is an allergic reaction to the components of the whitening gel.

Do you want white and healthy teeth?

Even with careful care of the teeth, spots appear on them over time, they darken, turn yellow.

In addition, the enamel becomes thinner and the teeth become sensitive to cold, hot, sweet foods or drinks.

In such cases, our readers recommend using the latest tool - Denta Seal toothpaste with a filling effect..

It has the following properties:

  • Evens out damage and fills microcracks on the enamel surface
  • Effectively removes plaque and prevents the formation of caries
  • Restores natural whiteness, smoothness and shine to teeth

Disadvantages and advantages

Accordingly, gels may not be suitable for everyone. As you can see above, there is a certain group of people who cannot use this tool. But what, those who are allowed to win win?

Approximately this:

  • Ease of use;
  • Free sale in cosmetics stores and pharmacies;
  • A fairly wide range;
  • Much cheaper than in-office bleaching;
  • Long lasting effect.

Not the longest list of positive qualities, however, it is still there.

It's time to consider the reverse side of the coin, that is, the disadvantages:

  1. The sensitivity of the teeth may increase sharply;
  2. There is a possibility of developing caries (if there is any damage to the enamel - chips, cracks);
  3. There is a risk of damage to the mucosa (if the gel is applied carelessly);
  4. There is a risk of getting a burn of the throat mucosa if you accidentally swallow the gel;
  5. The enamel will definitely darken again, so the procedure will have to be repeated;
  6. An allergy to gel elements may begin;
  7. The cost of whitening gel is higher than the cost of whitening paste (although pastes are safer).

Many patients complain of excessive sensitivity, discoloration of the enamel and caries. Toothpaste with a filling effect does not thin the enamel, but, on the contrary, strengthens it as much as possible.

Thanks to hydroxyapatite, it firmly seals microcracks on the enamel surface. The paste prevents earlier tooth decay. Effectively eliminates plaque and prevents the formation of caries. I recommend.

Gel whitening at home

In order to get the desired shade of white teeth at home with the greatest efficiency and at the lowest cost, you will need to observe certain nuances:

  • Gels applied with a toothbrush are considered the simplest. And the most dangerous. They can easily lead to damage to the mucosa.
  • Gel applied with a brush, is much smoother. Plus it's more secure.
  • Dentists recommend using for teeth whitening at home. However, it makes sense to order them individually, as the stock version may allow the gel to get on the oral mucosa, which will not be very useful for the latter.
  • It is recommended to visit the dentist before deciding on home whitening. Only a professional can adequately assess the condition of the enamel and recommend a suitable remedy.
  • There are many microcracks in the teeth and damage that is invisible to an inexperienced person. However, if a whitening gel gets into them, the process of enamel destruction, the development of caries and other problems may begin. It is best to carry out whitening at home, but under the periodic supervision of a specialist.
  • Some gels must be in contact with the teeth a few hours, others all night. In order to get a more or less noticeable result, you will have to spend about 14-15 procedures, but the result can last about six months.
  • Smokers have whitening may last up to several months. For lovers of coffee and wine, the process goes much faster.
  • In some cases it is possible to use the gel as a prophylactic after professional teeth cleaning.
  • Better choose that gel which has the shortest procedure time. For example, this includes their bleaching.

Gel whitening in the clinic

Dental clinics have a wider range of options than whitening at home.

At home, you can use only the gel, and professionals can get the following whitening methods:

  • Mechanical;
  • Ultrasonic;
  • laser;
  • Oxygen;
  • Gel and mouthguard (which can be done at home);
  • Photobleaching;
  • Endobleaching.

Popular brands of gels

The Russian medical market has a fairly wide selection of gels for teeth whitening. Rating studies revealed the top seven.

Here they are:


Teeth whitening, like any other medical procedure, involves some risk. There are many factors that together give either a positive or a negative result. Only a qualified specialist can properly assess and correct the whitening process.

Aesthetic dentistry offers a wide range of pharmaceutical preparations for home use. Whiten your teeth by yourself using...

Aesthetic dentistry offers a wide range of pharmaceutical preparations for home use. Whitening your teeth yourself using a teeth whitening gel is preferred by people who do not plan to spend time and money on an in-office procedure. If you follow the instructions and use the products of reputable manufacturers, the desired lightening result can be achieved.

The composition and principle of action of whitening gels

Most bleaching products contain hydrogen peroxide in various concentrations. Its percentage in the gel ranges from 4 to 7.5%. When the active substance acts on the tooth enamel, oxygen is released, which oxidizes and discolors the pigmented fragments.

Some manufacturers use carbamide peroxide with a concentration of 10-15% as an active ingredient in gels. The active ingredient acts on tooth enamel on the same principle, but is softer, so the products are used for a longer period.

If the gel contains abrasive substances or acids, it is better to discuss the appropriateness of its use with the dentist, since these ingredients can have a destructive effect on tooth enamel.

Indications and contraindications for the use of gels

Apply funds for it is possible for people who are not satisfied with the color, want to eliminate plaque from tea, coffee, reduce yellowness. There should be no contraindications for this, which include:

    Age up to 16 years.

    Pregnancy and lactation.

    Wearing braces, due to the risk of uneven whitening.

    Parodontosis, inflammatory diseases of the oral cavity.

    Tooth enamel defects: caries, cracks. If ignored, tooth sensitivity can be exacerbated.

The use of gels is safe if you follow the instructions and choose products with the help of a dentist. Possible problems:

    Allergy with individual intolerance to individual components of the drugs.

    Burn of the mucous membrane due to improper use.

The greatest effect and safe use of the gel is provided by caps made from casts of teeth. They are filled with the drug and put on the teeth at night. Mouthguards are standard (sold in pharmacies), or are made individually in dental laboratories. When using standard trays, whitening can be uneven, so for ideal results, it is advisable to use custom trays.

When used without caps, the preparation is distributed over the surface of the enamel with a regular toothbrush or a special brush included in the kit.

Choice of teeth whitening gels

In a wide range of preparations for whitening, it is difficult for an ordinary person to navigate. The best option is to choose the remedy after consulting with a specialist. Online recommend products from recognized manufacturers that have successfully passed clinical trials and showed good results.

The most effective whitening gels:

    ExpertWhitening with different concentrations of the active substance.

    Smile4You, sold as a set with mouthguards.

    Day White Excel ACP, budget and quite effective option. To get the result, a course of 9-10 procedures is enough.

    Pola Day, which contains antibacterial components that prevent the formation of plaque.

    Colgate Simply White, which allows you to lighten the enamel by 3-4 tones in two weeks of application.

    R.O.C.S Intense Gel Pro "Oxygen Whitening" for use with mouthguards or in combination with regular toothpaste.

The listed funds contain active substances in acceptable concentrations. When used correctly, they do not injure the enamel.

Sign up for a consultation with us to find effective and safe preparations for home teeth whitening.

White teeth signal not only the health of the oral cavity, but also make the hostess several years younger. A charming snow-white smile will decorate better than any makeup, it suits absolutely all people. A person becomes more self-confident, makes contact easier, radiates positive and gives it to the world. There are really many advantages to white teeth, as well as ways to make them so.


Types of bleaching agents

Whitening - the effect on the enamel pigment, that is, its lightening. But it is often confused with cleansing. It also makes teeth brighter, just by removing accumulated plaque and dirt on the front wall, back and in hard-to-reach places. For cleaning, preparations with abrasive particles are used, for clarification - systems and products with active oxygen, peroxide.

Available in the form of pastes and gels, plasters, tooth powders, serums and liquids. Some of the products are easy to use, just brush your teeth. Some require exposure to the teeth, phased application. Serums and gels are often placed in trays. These are special caps for the jaws. Previously, they had to be ordered in dentistry, now you can buy a base and make mouthguards at home.

Video: Elena Malysheva about teeth whitening methods

How many shades can you whiten your teeth

Modern products promise maximum whitening by 4 tones, more often 2 or 3, but everything is individual. Do not immediately purchase products with a high concentration of peroxide. You also need to remember that with frequent exposure to the enamel, it becomes thinner and destroyed, over time it begins to turn yellow even faster. It is especially worth paying attention to this for smokers, lovers of coffee, strong tea. Dentists recommend taking breaks between courses for at least 6 months.

Important! White enamel is rare in nature. The natural color of the teeth is slightly beige, sometimes even yellowish. No need to try to change it by all available means, nothing will work.

Precautionary measures

The main danger is damage to the oral cavity by aggressive substances and abrasives. For some reason, first of all, people think about enamel. Yes, she really suffers from illiterate actions, her teeth become sensitive, food and drinks get into microscopic cracks, the color can very soon change again for the worse. But no less dangerous is the impact of aggressive components on the oral cavity itself. Chemicals have a negative effect on the mucous membranes, the integument is damaged, irritated, the wounds become the entrance gate for infections.

What is important to know and remember:

  1. Even the best home teeth whitening product can be harmful if not used as directed. The exposure time, the duration of the course, the method of application should not be invented, all this has already been done by the manufacturers and is indicated in the instructions.
  2. It is impossible to engage in teeth whitening during infectious, skin, sexually transmitted and any other diseases. You need to choose the most favorable period.
  3. If there are ulcers in the mouth, mucous membranes are damaged, or the gums simply bleed, then all these problems must be solved before the procedure. Otherwise, the situation will worsen.
  4. During the whitening course, you will need to observe the temperature regime, that is, you will not be able to eat hot and cold food, be in the cold, walk without a hat.
  5. After whitening procedures (regardless of their type), a special diet is needed. Foods with dyes are excluded from the diet: lemonade, black tea and coffee, bright fruits and vegetables. It is advisable to consume light-colored foods within two weeks so that the result is fixed.

The rules are simple, but they must be strictly observed. Otherwise, along with white teeth, you can get a lot of other problems: from bleeding gums to increased sensitivity and serious damage to the oral mucosa.

Top 5 Best Purchased Products

Pharmacies, stationary and online stores offer a variety of whitening systems, gels, pencils, liquids. In all the variety it is difficult to understand and easy to get confused, and the reviews are very contradictory. Here are the best tools that really work. Subject to all the rules, they will not harm health.

Almost all drugs are contraindicated in case of hypersensitivity of teeth, caries, gum diseases. If the rules are not followed, aching pain is possible, which usually intensifies at night. During pregnancy and breastfeeding, the condition of the teeth itself worsens, it is not recommended to whiten them.

Gel R.O.C.S. Pro "Oxygen whitening"

The cost is from 320 rubles.

EuroCosMed Cleaning Gel Paste for home use with OXY-WHITENING technology. It is based on an active oxygen system. It is he who is often used in professional lines for clarification. The paste mixes with saliva, begins to release active oxygen, it penetrates into the painted layers of enamel and brightens them. In addition to the main properties, it inhibits the growth of bacteria, prevents the appearance of bad breath, and strengthens the gums.

This is a gentle teeth whitener. To achieve maximum results, brushing should be carried out within four weeks. Efficiency depends on the duration of contact (at least three minutes). If you do everything according to the rules and complete the course completely, then the enamel will become lighter by 2-3 tones.

Global white dental system

The cost is from 900 to 1400 rubles.

Intensive system for teeth whitening at home. In just a week, you can achieve amazing results. According to the manufacturer, lightening by 4-5 tones is possible. This tool is also based on active oxygen. Additionally contains potassium, which reduces the sensitivity of the teeth. Xylitol is present in the composition, it suppresses harmful bacteria that provoke the formation of caries.

The system consists of a special paste, whitening gel, and a brush. Also included is a retractor that protects the delicate skin of the lips from aggressive components.

Crest 3d White Whitestrips Professional Effects

The cost is from 2700 to 4000 rubles.

The strips are easy to use. You can take them with you anywhere, brushes are not required, the procedure does not cause discomfort if everything is done according to the instructions and does not get on the mucous membranes. The strips need to be glued to the teeth and kept for 30 or 60 minutes, depending on the intensity chosen, rinse your mouth. The manufacturer promises whitening by 2-3 tones.

Important! When using the strips, do not swallow saliva. You also need to thoroughly rinse your mouth, as a small amount of gel accumulates between the teeth.

BLIQ Teeth Whitening Pencil From Vanessa

The cost is from 900 to 1300 rubles.

Pencil based on carbamide peroxide, carbomer and peppermint effectively removes plaque and dirt from enamel, freshens breath and creates a protective film that keeps the result for a long time. According to the promise of the manufacturer, after a week of use, the effect will be noticeable, the maximum effect of the product is achieved in 21 days. Enamel can lighten up to 4 tones.

Inside the pencil there is a product in the form of a gel, which is squeezed onto the tip, applied to the teeth cleaned with the paste and kept for the time specified in the instructions. Next, rinse your mouth with water.

Teeth whitening system Day White ACP 9.5%

The cost is from 2000 to 2500 rubles.

The system consists of three syringes with bleaching liquid. One is enough for 6-7 times. If you buy such a composition in dental clinics, then each will cost 1200-1500 rubles. The main active ingredient is carbamide peroxide. The composition is applied in caps that are put on the jaw. After the time specified in the instructions, you need to brush your teeth, rinse your mouth.

You can use the composition daily, but with an increase in sensitivity, it is recommended to take a break for 3-4 days, then look at the condition of the teeth.

Homemade Teeth Whitening Recipes

All kinds of home remedies for teeth whitening are very popular. They are prepared from food products, pharmaceutical preparations in combination with oils, herbal decoctions and other components. Usually they are inexpensive and affordable, there is in any home. There is no need to assume that the paste created by oneself is safe and will not harm the enamel, in fact, it is not. It is necessary to carefully follow the recipe and the recommended method of application, do not replace solutions with concentrates.

Recipe for peroxide, baking soda and salt

Baking soda - 1 tsp
Fine salt - 0.5 tsp.
Toothpaste - 0.5 tsp.
Hydrogen peroxide 3% - 1 tsp.

Combine salt and soda, add peroxide, stir and add toothpaste. Pick up the prepared product with a brush, brush your teeth for 5 minutes. Rinse mouth with water, do not use more than once a week.

Coconut Oil and Baking Soda

Coconut oil - 1 tsp
Baking soda - 0.5 tsp
Tea tree oil - 2 drops

Mix the ingredients together. If the coconut oil has hardened, then keep it slightly warm or in a bowl of hot water. Brush your teeth with the prepared remedy every other day.

How else to whiten your teeth

To lighten the enamel a little or just brush your teeth (paste suddenly ran out), you can use a variety of other products. In the summer season, whitening will help strawberries, which need to be kneaded and put on a brush. Favorably affects the gums and teeth tea tree oil. It can be added to the paste or simply applied to the brush. Also one of the popular means is crushed activated carbon. It is simply used for brushing teeth.

Unrefined sunflower oil has no less valuable properties. This tool is used not only for teeth, but also for cleansing the whole body. Every morning you need to take a sip in your mouth and suck for a few minutes. The oil takes in all the microbes from the oral cavity, becomes thick at first, then liquid and white. At the end of the procedure, you need to spit it out and rinse your mouth thoroughly or clean it with a brush and paste. Oil cleansing can be done throughout life, but only in the morning on an empty stomach.

Video: Teeth whitening with soda and peroxide