It smears for several days but there is no period. What causes mid-cycle spotting? Wrong lifestyle

A woman's monthly cycle is a reliable indicator of health. It is of a purely individual nature and can fundamentally differ in the frequency and abundance of discharge each lunar calendar.

It happens that a girl is expecting menstruation, and they are replaced by spotting, which ends after a few days. Or there is a daub between cycles. Such problems need to be dealt with and not put off this action for a single day.

We will help you with the following questions: “why does spotting happen instead of menstruation and what should be done in such situations?”

Spotting may be normal when it lasts 2 days, but then regular periods follow.

But such periods are inconsistent. As a rule, spotting is caused by external factors.

  • Sexual contact. Physical contact with a representative of the male half of humanity, which was of a violent nature. During sex, it is very easy to damage the vaginal walls and thus cause spotting.
  • After menstruation. When the spotting began after several days, this phenomenon is considered normal.
  • Defloration. After the hymen has been torn or damaged, the underwear may become dirty for some days.
  • After gynecological operations. Everything related to the female genital organs and their surgical treatment causes a little “drawing”. And that's okay.
  • Other reasons. Spotting instead of menstruation can be caused by physiological reasons: stress, climate change, physical fatigue, weight fluctuations, abuse of junk food, lack of vitamins, and the like. Usually, in such cases, the daub is not permanent and goes away almost immediately. Therefore, you need to treat yourself with love and take care of your health.

When it smears and you should worry

Spotting instead of menstruation can also be caused by serious disturbances in the functioning of the female body.

If this situation repeats monthly or always smears during the first day of your critical days, then you should consult your doctor for advice.

To some extent this is true. But, in most cases, this is not a normal situation and you need to find out the reason. Some of these signs may warn of danger.

When does spotting appear during pregnancy:

  • Embryo implantation. If a girl finds blood stains on her underwear within two days, this could be implantation bleeding. That is, the fertilized egg has successfully attached to the walls of the uterus. Such daubing has pinkish, light reddish or brown tints and should not last too long.
  • Risk of miscarriage. Another situation is when scanty discharge comes instead of menstruation and the first day of the cycle is characterized by its constant appearance, then this indicates. You need to urgently go to the gynecologist to maintain the pregnancy. Additional symptoms may include pain in the lower abdomen, general fatigue, breast changes (swelling,).
  • Ectopic pregnancy. If the daubing continues for more than one day and pain appears on one side (depending on which tube the embryo “settled” in), this may be. The pain is getting worse every day. The test shows either a pale second stripe, or two stripes have a normal outline. In such a situation, only a doctor can look at the ultrasound and determine the cause. If the diagnosis is confirmed, then an urgent operation is performed to remove the embryo from the embryo. This danger must be identified as early as possible to avoid removal of the fallopian tube. Another pitfall is the likelihood of death. When the embryo reaches its maximum growth in the fallopian tube, it ruptures and the woman experiences intra-abdominal bleeding.

A woman should take care of herself more than ever. This is not a disease, but it is not an easy process for the body. Therefore, any suspicious symptoms should be reported to a gynecologist.

Rules of conduct for spotting

In the modern world, stuffed with information excess, you can find a lot of information about daubing instead of menstruation and even see photos. But no matter how many days it lasts, you need to consult a professional for advice.

Now medicine has stepped far forward and there are many high-speed methods for determining the causes of such discharge. Even if it shows a negative result, this does not mean that it does not exist.

What a woman can do to avoid problems with menstrual bleeding:

  • Eat well;
  • Get full sleep;
  • Eliminate bad habits;
  • Wear the most comfortable and natural underwear;
  • Maintain body hygiene;
  • Avoid stressful situations.

Remember forever: any spotting instead of menstruation can indicate hidden pathologies in the body, even if it occurs during the day.

All this can lead to a number of problems associated with the reproductive system. So don’t put off visiting a doctor, it certainly won’t make things worse.

Violation of the monthly cycle happens to every woman. Brown spotting instead of menstruation makes you worry about your own health. But is it all that serious? Why do my periods smear but not start?

All processes of the menstrual cycle are influenced by hormones. Balance is very important for the normal functioning of the reproductive system and the health of women in general. With a high amount of estrogen and or go in a strange way, namely, there is a brown spot. At the same time, an insufficient amount of estrogen in the first phase of the cycle interferes with the normal functioning of the genital organs. Therefore, a new egg does not develop and ovulation does not occur. The endometrial layer in the uterus does not thicken. When the time comes for the next menstruation, there is simply nothing to reject. Instead of the usual discharge, there is a brown daub. To restore a full menstrual cycle, it is necessary to adjust the balance of hormones. Moreover, in case of serious violations, it is very difficult to do this on your own. You need to know which hormone is missing, in what dose to take and for how long. There are many factors that cause hormone imbalance. And people call them reasons.

At the same time, there are situations when hormonal imbalance occurs deliberately, and brown spotting instead of menstruation is the norm.

Scanty brown discharge while taking contraceptives

Their main task of birth control pills is to prevent ovulation. Insufficient estrogen interferes with the birth and development of the egg. There is simply no ovulation. In addition, low estrogen levels in the first half of the cycle prevent the development of the endometrial layer in the uterus. Then, instead of menstruation, scanty brown discharge appears. It takes three months to get used to the new living conditions. Bloody discharge occurs throughout the entire menstrual cycle. They can appear any day. Doctors regard this situation as normal. But if brown discharge continues to appear instead of menstruation for longer than 3 months, the question arises of replacing the drug.

Spotting due to pregnancy

A missed period is considered the main sign of pregnancy. But this is not always the case. Due to the individual characteristics of a woman’s body and the influence of various factors, ovulation may not occur in the middle of the cycle, as is customary, but closer to the end. Then the hormonal background does not have time to adjust. At first there is a slight delay, then scanty brown discharge. Progesterone is responsible for the successful development of pregnancy during the first 3 months. It is its deficiency that causes brown discharge instead of menstruation when conception occurs. The further fate of the fertilized egg depends on how much it can increase. High probability of failure. In case of an unsuccessful pregnancy, the test results may turn out to be false. In the first 2 weeks, one line will appear if there are tangible signs of pregnancy. If a woman wants to keep the child, she should seek help from a doctor.

Bloody discharge can also occur in the presence of an ectopic pregnancy. Then, in addition to strange brown discharge, there is general weakness, dizziness, severe pain in the lower back, lower abdomen. The situation becomes life-threatening if the scanty brown discharge turns into severe bleeding.

If your monthly cycle is disrupted with unusual discharge, you should visit a gynecologist instead of menstruation. Better to play it safe.

Severe nervous exhaustion

Menses are smeared brown instead of normal discharge due to nervous tension. Especially when it comes to stress. The nervous system is not given much importance, but it is the one that is involved in the production of hormones. The part of the brain that regulates processes is the hypothalamus. It is connected to the central nervous system, and it, in turn, gives instructions to the internal organs and systems about the required hormones. Severe tension, or, as they say, overload, leads to negative processes in the body. The monthly cycle is disrupted and brown discharge appears. Your period is coming but not coming. Moreover, short-term stress leads to heavy bleeding, and long-term stress leads to the absence of normal menstruation.

Constant nervous exhaustion causes hormone imbalance. Spotting instead of full periods is observed at first, then menstruation does not come at all. You should pay special attention to your psycho-emotional state.

Brown discharge after antibiotics

Taking some medications has a mediocre effect on the monthly cycle. These drugs include strong antibiotics. It is a misconception that antibiotics only affect the intestinal microflora, cause dysbiosis and nothing more. Modern medicine has proven the connection between these medications and cycle disorders. Antibiotics affect the liver and pancreas, which, in turn, can lead to changes in hormonal levels. In addition, antibiotics affect the nervous system. . At the same time, very often the periods are smeared brown, but do not come fully. After prolonged use of antibiotics. Especially in the form of injections, the menstrual cycle definitely gets disrupted. In other cases it can be done without it.

Gynecological diseases

Disturbances in a woman's menstrual cycle are caused by sexually transmitted diseases - chlamydia, gonorrhea, syphilis, trichomoniasis, etc. A woman experiences increased discharge with an unpleasant odor. During menstruation there is bleeding. If you miss your period for more than one cycle, the disease has become chronic. In addition to brown discharge, pain in the lower abdomen, weakness, general deterioration in well-being, and fever are disturbing.

Hormonal imbalance in a woman’s body provokes various gynecological diseases. Protective functions decrease, immunity decreases, the number of pathogenic microorganisms and altered cells increases. Pain in the lower abdomen, spotting instead of menstruation may be a sign of:

All diseases are diagnosed in a doctor's office; it is impossible to make a correct diagnosis on your own at home. And delaying a visit to the doctor can result in serious health problems.

The cycle is disrupted due to inflammatory processes in the genital organs. Then, for a month, the woman has clear discharge in increased quantities, and instead of menstruation, bloody discharge or spotting begins. In addition, there is pain in the lower abdomen, lower back, intestinal upset, and sometimes the temperature rises.

Brown discharge instead of menstruation should alert you; if it lasts for several days, full menstruation does not begin. Otherwise, we are talking about a slight hormonal imbalance, when the uterus is not yet ready to shed the endometrial layer, droplets of blood are released gradually. Under the influence of the acidic environment of the vagina and oxygen, it turns into brown discharge. The same situation may be present when after menstruation the smear continues for several days. There is nothing dangerous in this, but you can reconsider your lifestyle.

Each female body is unique and requires special care and attention. Any woman of childbearing age experiences menstruation once a month - the result of the hormonal activity of the female body. During menstruation, bloody vaginal discharge is observed, consisting of vaginal secretion, exfoliated endometrium and cervical mucus. Menstruation normally lasts 3–7 days.

A woman’s health should come first, and if any problems arise, she should immediately consult a doctor.

One of these reasons may be spotting instead of heavy menstrual flow. What to do if your period starts but doesn’t start?

Causes of spotting

There are many factors that influence the amount of discharge during menstruation. Let's take a closer look at some of the reasons why spotting may occur.

Woman's age

During puberty in adolescence, the monthly cycle is irregular, and failures in ovulation may occur. That is why spotting is the norm for 1–2 years after menarche, and is not considered a deviation from the norm, since during this period the formation of menstrual function occurs. If this period has been prolonged and spotting is observed more than two years after the onset of menarche, then this is a good reason to seek advice from a specialist.

In the period before menopause (from the age of forty years), spotting may also be observed, which indicates a decrease in hormonal levels in a woman and a natural decline in the reproductive function of the reproductive system during menopause.


In the early stages, spotting may occur, which indicate embryo implantation. Therefore, to confirm the “interesting situation,” we advise you to take a pregnancy test and check the level of hCG in the blood.

If pregnancy is confirmed by a hCG test or analysis, and scanty periods continue for a long time, this may be an alarming sign indicating a hormonal disorder and an incipient miscarriage. Your body may not have enough hormones that are necessary to support the embryo. To avoid miscarriage, contact your gynecologist immediately.

Ectopic pregnancy

Abnormal placement of the embryo can lead to spotting brown discharge. Pathological pregnancy occurs when the fertilized egg develops outside the uterus. For example, in the fallopian tube or cervix. The pregnancy test in this case shows a positive result. Your gynecologist may prescribe an ultrasound to determine where the fertilized egg is implanted.

Inflammatory and hormonal diseases

Inflammatory diseases of the female reproductive organs can cause disruption of the menstrual cycle. Inflammation can occur due to hypothermia of the body.

Diseases that develop from changes in hormonal levels affect menstruation in the most direct way. The most famous and common of these diseases is polycystic ovary syndrome. This syndrome means the formation of numerous small cysts in the ovaries, which can lead to scanty periods, similar to spotting, or no menstruation at all.

Sexually transmitted diseases

If a woman was promiscuous and had unprotected sexual intercourse, then the cause of the “spotting” may be hidden sexually transmitted infections. Symptoms of sexually transmitted diseases:

  • pain in the lower abdomen, in the area of ​​the appendages;
  • pain during urination;
  • itching and burning in the vagina;
  • foul-smelling discharge, colored in unnatural shades;
  • discomfort during sexual intercourse.

Sexually transmitted diseases include gonorrhea, syphilis, chlamydia, and trichomoniasis.

Taking hormonal contraceptives

When taking hormonal drugs Women may experience decreased ovarian function or endometrial atrophy. This may cause spotting. You should select contraceptives correctly and take into account all contraindications to their use. An imbalance of estrogen and progesterone in the female body affects the nature of the discharge. If spotting is observed for three cycles or more, you need to stop taking hormonal contraceptives or replace them with others that are most suitable for your body.

The same point applies to the intrauterine device. This method of protection against unwanted pregnancy has a specific side effect - periods may become scanty and have a light brown color.

Postpartum period and lactation period

After childbirth and during breastfeeding, a woman's menstrual cycle recovers very slowly. Menstruation may be absent throughout the entire period of lactation. Scanty brown discharge may be observed, this is also a variant of the norm. Due to the nature of the female body, the cycle can be completely restored a few months after childbirth and menstruation will become the same as before pregnancy.


Any intrauterine surgical intervention causes brown discharge instead of menstruation:

  • diagnostic curettage;
  • removal of part of the uterus;
  • medical abortion;
  • removal of fibroids;
  • elimination of polyps;
  • laparoscopy.

If during the postoperative period symptoms such as an unpleasant odor of discharge, pain and elevated body temperature are observed, you should immediately consult a doctor to avoid possible complications.

Sudden weight change

If a girl suddenly loses weight due to heavy physical activity, or due to the use of various strict diets, this can disrupt the body's menstrual functions. Conversely, a rapid increase in fat mass also leads to menstrual irregularities.

External factors

We list the factors that may cause inconsistent or scanty periods:

  • stress and depression;
  • lack of sleep and insomnia;
  • poor nutrition;
  • bad habits – smoking, alcohol;
  • acclimatization;
  • metabolic disease;
  • harmful working conditions.

These factors have a negative impact on women's health. Frequent walks in the fresh air and giving up bad habits will help restore the body.

Diagnosis and treatment

The basis of treatment for spotting is to identify and eliminate the causes of its appearance. Menstrual irregularities can be corrected by proper nutrition, giving up bad habits, and proper rest. If the cycle is disrupted by various types of diseases, the doctor will prescribe certain examinations, identify the causes, and prescribe the correct medication.

Take care of yourself and your health. The well-being of your future children depends on your health.

Every woman experiences monthly menstruation. It’s good when they go systematically and without failures, and the amount of discharge remains approximately unchanged. But what to do when, instead of normal discharge, a girl has brown smear? It is better to seek advice from a specialist.

Of course, spotting does not always indicate pathologies in the body, but you need to monitor your health. Especially when it comes to the reproductive system.

Monthly discharge is given to a woman by nature for favorable conception and gestation of the future human being. They should be cyclical and constant - this is the main indicator of women's health.

Each body is individual, and the menstrual cycle is different for all women. On average, its frequency is 21-35 days, and spotting is considered normal from 3 to 7 days.

There are peculiarities of the body when, a few days before the expected discharge, a brown smear begins. Then it develops first into scanty periods, and then recovers to normal. This situation does not threaten anything terrible - it is a simple reaction of the body to changes in a woman’s hormonal levels.

But, if menstruation does not come, but continues, you should be wary and seek advice from a specialist.

Let's look at the most common causes of such discharge.

Spotting instead of menstruation: possible causes

If instead of monthly discharge there is a scanty smear, it is worth finding out the reasons, what is happening in the body and what could influence this course of events. When your period smears but does not start during the postpartum period, there is no need to worry too much.

It is also acceptable to smear it during the period after surgery.

Such changes are also typical before. Menstruation smears, but may not begin.

During reproductive age, in a healthy woman, spotting instead of menstruation may indicate a number of problems. Including, it may be.

Age group

The first thing you should pay attention to is the age of the representative of the female part of the world.

The very first menstruation - menarche - occurs during puberty of a teenager, on average, the age is 11-16 years. It is quite normal if at this stage, when the young lady’s monthly cycle is restored, spotting occurs.

The recovery period takes up to two years, and the frequency between cycles can be up to six months. All this is considered the norm. If this period is somewhat prolonged, it is worth informing the gynecologist about this in order to prevent possible unpleasant consequences.

The second age group is women aged 40 to 55 years. It is at this time that women’s reproductive system declines.

It can all start with spotting plus additional symptoms:

  • Heavy sweating.
  • It can make you feel hot, especially the upper body: neck, face.
  • Sudden mood swings.
  • Other.

All these are signs of approaching menopause. During such a period, a woman should be especially attentive to her health and be under constant medical supervision.


may indicate a possible pregnancy. Typically, such discharge accompanies the implantation of the fertilized egg to the walls of the uterus. Therefore, if you have had unprotected sexual intercourse or there is a chance of this happening, buy a pregnancy test and take it.

You can also donate blood to check the level of hCG - this is a pregnancy hormone.

If pregnancy is confirmed, you need to go to the doctor. This is especially true for ladies with long-lasting brown discharge.

Such “periods” may indicate the presence of hormonal disorders or be a threat of miscarriage. In any case, the doctor will determine the cause and prescribe special medications to maintain pregnancy and eliminate the threat to the embryo.

"Wrong" pregnancy

The presence of spotting during pregnancy can cause the fertilized egg to attach to the wrong place. This type of ectopic pregnancy includes:

  • Pipe;
  • Ovarian.
  • Cervical.
  • And abdominal pregnancy.

If you take a pregnancy test, it will be positive. Sometimes, the second stripe may be faded. To establish an accurate diagnosis, the gynecologist will order an ultrasound examination.

Postpartum period and breastfeeding

For a certain time after giving birth, a woman experiences heavy periods - lochia. At first they are very strong, gradually the abundance decreases and sometimes ends with spotting.

Then the young mother’s body needs time to restore the entire function of the reproductive system.

It even happens that throughout the entire feeding period, menstruation does not come and this is normal. And it happens that there is a daub. It all depends on the individuality of the body of the girl who gave birth.

After delivery, spotting is normal. After a woman stops breastfeeding, she should begin having full periods and her cycle should be restored.

Surgical intervention

The cause of brown spotting can be surgical interventions. But when they are added to increased body temperature, the discharge has an unpleasant odor, plus a burning sensation, pain in the perineum - run to the doctor. This may be a complication after surgery.

Any type of surgery on female organs:

  • Laparoscopy;
  • Abortion;
  • Scraping;
  • Removal of fibroids;

After any surgical intervention, you need to take any deviations from the norm very seriously.

Gynecological problems

Very often, menstruation is smeared during obvious illnesses. The girl may not even realize that she has problems, since some diseases are practically asymptomatic.

For example, cervical erosion can only be detected at an appointment with a gynecologist. A woman cannot determine its presence on her own.

What diseases in the female genital organs can cause scanty discharge:

  • Polycystic ovary syndrome;
  • Uterine fibroids;
  • Endometriosis;
  • Endometrial polyp;
  • Cervical erosion;
  • Similar.

In addition to diseases, spotting can be caused by an inflammatory process in a girl’s body. They often result from hypothermia.

Also, disruptions in the monthly cycle occur due to a woman’s infection with sexually transmitted diseases.

Among these diseases are:

  • Chlamydia;
  • gonorrhea;
  • Syphilis;
  • And others.

Most often, after the incubation period, such diseases of the reproductive system are accompanied by a number of unpleasant symptoms.

A woman can feel b:

  • Pain in the lower abdomen;
  • Painful urination;
  • Unpleasant odor of discharge;
  • Burning, itching of the vagina;
  • Discomfort during sexual intercourse.

Taking hormonal drugs

Incorrectly selected hormonal drugs cause consequences such as spotting instead of menstruation. It is worth sticking to the recommended doses, studying all kinds of side effects and contraindications.

A situation where the application lasts for more than three monthly cycles requires stopping the use of the hormonal drug and then replacing it with a suitable remedy.

This also includes the intrauterine device. One of the side effects of this contraception is scanty menstruation of a light brown color.

External factors

Even such seemingly simple circumstances as the external influence of the surrounding world on a woman can bring “turmoil” into the regular cycle of menstruation. No one is immune from overwork at work or emergency situations that can disrupt the usual way of life.

Constant grueling diets can also do a bad “service” to the body. However, just like smoking, alcohol.

Among the external factors that affect the amount of discharge:

  • Stressful situations.
  • Climate change.
  • Change in weight in one direction or another.
  • Bad habits.
  • Fatigue of the body.
  • Similar.

Treatment of scanty menstruation

Treatment is prescribed by the doctor, depending on the cause of the spotting. Proper treatment is to eliminate the cause of menstruation irregularities.

In different cases, these are completely different medications or their withdrawal (in the case where hormonal pills have affected your periods).

In case of ectopic pregnancy, surgical intervention is required.

If your period is smeared but does not come and the cause is stressful situations and other external factors, non-medicinal treatment is prescribed.

First of all, these are changes in living conditions:

  • Complete rest.
  • Proper nutrition.
  • Rejection of bad habits.

If the cause of the failure is illness, a course of medications is prescribed.

Every woman knows that normal periods are red, slightly darker than in the case of normal bleeding. When menstruation comes to an end, the amount of discharge decreases and it darkens. However, sometimes you may experience brown spots appearing instead of your period. Why is this happening? Let's figure out the reasons for this phenomenon together.

Possible causes of brown spotting instead of menstruation

Vaginal discharge is healthy and normal. This is how cleansing occurs, removing bacteria, dead cells, and protecting against possible infections. The process of interaction between progesterone and estrogen is responsible for changes in the female body during different phases of menstruation; as a result, discharge may differ in quantity and color. For example, the presence of light brown spotting during menstruation is not a reason to panic, but if any other symptom appears, then you should consult a gynecologist.

After childbirth

During this period of life, the female body undergoes many changes and everything returns to normal after pregnancy, the restoration of the menstrual cycle begins. Menstruation may not immediately be regular, with a characteristic blood color, and the nature of the discharge may change. If earlier menstruation was heavy, then brown spotting may appear after childbirth, which is considered normal. However, it is still worth checking for a possible pregnancy, which provokes scanty discharge.

During pregnancy

If a woman has unprotected sexual intercourse, her periods are delayed and a brown spot appears after a few days. After some more time, menstruation may begin, which indicates a hormonal imbalance. If nothing happens except scant brown discharge, then it is worth doing a test for pregnancy, taking an hCG test, since in an interesting position a spot may appear, which indicates embryo implantation. If the test is negative when your period is late, then it was a hormonal imbalance.

If pregnancy is confirmed, but the discharge continues, this indicates insufficient production of hormones by the body that are necessary for the expectant mother to bear a normal fetus. A particularly dangerous sign is considered if brown discharge occurs at the moment when menstruation should have occurred according to the time (days of the cycle). This period is very dangerous for the fetus, since the risk of miscarriage is high due to a decrease in progesterone concentration.

When brown spotting instead of menstruation is a sign of pregnancy, the gynecologist will tell you this after an examination or tests. In other cases, an additional examination will be prescribed, the purpose of which will be to identify the diagnosis followed by a treatment regimen. Don’t be alarmed right away; the treatment may be quick and simple, although you will most likely have to undergo a course of procedures.


While taking hormonal contraceptives, a decrease in ovarian function and endometrial atrophy may occur. Contraindications to the use of these drugs, their incorrect choice causes brown spotting instead of menstruation. If scanty menstruation is observed during 3-4 cycles of taking contraceptives, then it is necessary to abandon the contraceptives or replace them with others. Any hormonal disruptions affect the nature of the discharge during menstruation, since this is an imbalance of progesterone and estrogen.

Ovarian wasting syndrome

This condition indicates the premature cessation of ovarian function. Even a young girl can experience sweating, hot flashes, irritability, decreased libido, depression and other symptoms that women experience during menopause. Ovarian wasting syndrome is accompanied by brown spotting and a complete absence of ovulation. An accurate diagnosis can be made by a doctor based on the results of a study of various hormones, ultrasound, gynecological examination, and a medical history.

Could brown spotting be a sign of pregnancy?

If you have an active sex life, spotting brown discharge instead of menstruation can become a symptom of pregnancy. When menstruation does not occur on time, but spotting appears after a few days, then you have a hormonal disorder. This means that in a few days everything will return to normal and normal periods will begin. If this does not happen and you recently had unprotected intercourse, then brown spotting instead of menstruation is most likely a sign of pregnancy.

What diseases does brown discharge indicate?

What happens in the female body if there is a brown spot instead of menstruation? There are many reasons for this disturbance of menstrual function, which depends on factors such as age, sex life, climate change, nutrition, lifestyle, poisoning, stress, physical activity, surgical interventions, lactation period, after childbirth, pregnancy, diseases of the genital organs, other infectious diseases. Let's figure out what light or dark brown discharge indicates?

Light brown

Light brown spotting instead of menstruation indicates the following possible causes:

  • Perimenopause provokes yellow, pink, light brown spotting. For some women they can be troublesome and very abundant.
  • Light brown or pink discharge may indicate early pregnancy.
  • Implantation bleeding is an early sign of pregnancy; the discharge may be red, pink, or light brown. This type of spotting instead of menstruation is considered normal and occurs 10-14 days after conception. This is caused by the implantation of a fertilized egg into the wall of the uterus.
  • Atrophic vaginitis causes light brown spotting, bleeding, itching, and pain in the vaginal area. A woman may experience burning, pain during sexual intercourse, and the discharge may have an unpleasant odor.
  • Sexually transmitted diseases - light brown spotting can be an early sign of diseases that are sexually transmitted. The most common diseases are trichomoniasis, chlamydia, genital warts, and gonorrhea.
  • Uterine polyps – lead to spotting and bleeding after sexual intercourse.

Dark brown

The following are considered common causes of dark brown spotting from the vagina:

  • Menopause - before it begins, brown discharge is observed.
  • During ovulation, the presence of spotting is considered normal and may last for several days.
  • Pregnancy - in this case, daubing can last 3-4 days.
  • Cervical cancer is a serious disease that is associated with brown spotting instead of periods. It is spread through the human papillomavirus. Other symptoms of cancer are: loss of weight, loss of appetite, pain in the pelvic area, pain in the legs, fatigue.
  • An endometriosis cyst is accompanied by spotting, pain during sexual intercourse, disruption of the urinary system, intestines, weakness, nausea, and apathy.
  • Pelvic inflammatory disease is a serious disease that requires urgent treatment. Occurs due to infection of the fallopian tubes, uterus, cervix, vagina, ovaries. These diseases are painful and can cause pain during sexual intercourse, in the abdomen, back, and infertility if not properly treated.

Brown spotting instead of your period can be a normal, harmless occurrence. But in some cases it is a symptom of very serious diseases that require urgent treatment. Therefore, be attentive to your own women’s health and consult a gynecologist in a timely manner.

Attention! The information presented in the article is for informational purposes only. The materials in the article do not encourage self-treatment. Only a qualified doctor can make a diagnosis and give treatment recommendations based on the individual characteristics of a particular patient.

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Why is there brown daub instead of menstruation?