Porridge for intestinal infections. With an intestinal infection, what can an adult and a child eat and drink

Children often suffer from intestinal infections. And all because they constantly put something into their mouths, forget to wash their hands, or, due to the negligence of adults, eat food contaminated with bacteria or simple microorganisms in kindergartens and schools. Rotavirus diseases(ARVI) in children often have intestinal manifestations. The specificity of the treatment of this disease in a child is that in order to successfully fight the infection, it is necessary to constantly replenish mineral components, vitamins and minerals in the body. nutrients. That's why important aspect treatment intestinal infection children have a strict diet, which will be discussed in this article.

Cooked food should be varied, light and tasty, since almost any child with indigestion often loses his appetite and increases the requirements for food. palatability food.

  • Timing

It is necessary to follow the nutrition prescribed by the doctor throughout the illness and at least two weeks after recovery. On the first day of illness and the next few days, it is better to limit the amount of food to 20% (and sometimes 50%) of the physiological need.

  • sparing diet

In order not to cause deterioration of the child's condition during illness and after the disappearance severe symptoms, it is necessary to use a sparing diet. Food should be served more often and in small portions. It should be boiled or steamed, well mashed, puree. It is necessary to use foods with the optimal amount of protein, while limiting the fat, carbohydrate components of food, salt and the total calorie content of cooked meals.

  • Do's and Don'ts

In the menu for the treatment of infection, it will be useful to add fermented milk products rich in amino acids and vitamins. The bifido- and lactobacilli contained in them contribute to the speedy normalization of the intestinal microflora. Exclude and under no circumstances should you add products that stimulate peristalsis and cause gas formation.

What can be consumed

  • Kashi. Depending on the nature of the child's stool, rice, buckwheat, corn, and oatmeal porridge can be cooked on water. For example, with diarrhea it is better to cook rice, and for constipation - buckwheat or corn.
  • Meat. This protein-rich product must be provided in the diet even when treating bowel disorders. A child up to 1-1.5 years old can only be given meat from jars, specially designed for baby food. From about 3 years old, cooked in the form of meatballs can be introduced into the diet during an illness. chicken breasts, veal, turkey meat, rabbit meat.
  • Dairy products. The diet of a child during and after an intestinal infection must necessarily include fermented milk products with low fat content: natural cottage cheese (without fillers), sour cream (up to 20 g per day), kefir.
  • Fruits. During the active manifestation of symptoms of infection, the use of any fruit should be excluded.
  • Vegetables. The diet allows broccoli, pumpkin, zucchini, boiled, mashed or mashed potatoes.
  • Toasted bread, dryers, biscuits, crackers.
  • Other. It is allowed to add to dishes in a small amount vegetable oil, you can cook low-fat soups.
  • shown plentiful drink still water, tea, dried fruit compotes (except raisins, dried apricots and prunes).

The diet imposes a restriction on the child's intake of heavy foods and foods such as:

  • sweets in the form of caramels, sweets, chocolate bars, bars, ice cream, cakes;
  • some vegetables ( fresh herbs, tomatoes, cucumbers, beets, carrots);
  • rye and fresh bread;
  • meat products (sausages, sausages, smoked meats);
  • juices, whole milk, carbonated drinks;
  • legumes;
  • sour berries, fruits, and other foods (such as sauerkraut);
  • strong broths.

Diet after an infection

When all the most terrible manifestations of the disease - vomiting, diarrhea, intoxication - are behind, and the very cause of the infection has been eliminated and the child is recovering, you can gradually increase the portions and volume of food by adding new foods to the diet. Nutrition after suffering an intestinal disease in children has a number of conditions:

  • the use of whole milk is prohibited for at least 2 weeks after the improvement of the child's condition. In the patient's body during this period, there is not enough lactase (an enzyme that breaks down milk carbohydrates), which leads to the occurrence of fermentation and gas formation processes);
  • 5-7 days after the main symptoms of intestinal upset subside, you can offer the child a little banana or apple puree (pectin, found in fruits and some vegetables, adsorbs the remains of toxins and bacteria in the intestines);
  • pasta should be given no more than 2 times a week (only after the symptoms of an acute infection have completely disappeared);
  • some sweets are allowed (marshmallows, marmalade, marshmallows);
  • an increase in the fat content of lactic acid products is permissible;
  • boiled yolk or steam omelette cooked in water is given no more than 2 times a week.

When the main symptoms of the disease have disappeared and the child is on the mend, it is important to follow the principles of proper nutrition and a sparing diet. Otherwise, the recovery of the child's body may be delayed. Children are not immune from relapse infectious process- due to non-observance of elementary rules of hygiene and regime sanitization products.

Summing up

Treatment of intestinal infections in both children and adults is associated with strict adherence to the diet. Proper nutrition and regular drinking play a primary role in the restoration of functions gastrointestinal tract(GIT) after the disorder. It is impossible to completely exclude the use of food in any case, because the body needs strength to fight the infection.

When treating, carefully approach the nutrition of babies up to 1-1.5 years old, as they are normal enzyme deficiency in the gastrointestinal tract. Often, improperly selected foods cause bouts of colic, vomiting, nausea, diarrhea (diarrhea). To prevent complications, keep your child away from junk food.

Intestinal infections are considered a common problem among adults and children. Infection can occur when eating poor-quality products or non-compliance with hygiene rules. If such a condition occurs, you need to know what you can eat with an intestinal infection?

Infection is the main condition successful treatment. With a rational selection of products, you can recover and avoid the development of complications.

The principles of nutrition are as follows:

  1. adherence to a strict drinking regimen. With numerous vomiting and diarrhea, the body loses a lot of fluid and useful components. To prevent the development of such a process, you need to take a liquid in a volume of at least two liters per day;
  2. complete refusal to eat for about a day. Such a process will prevent further poisoning of the body and significantly reduce the load on the weakened intestinal canal;
  3. adherence to a sparing diet. In the first two or three days, only liquid food in the form of cereals, soups and broths should be included in the diet;
  4. complete exclusion of annoying intestinal tract food. These include fast foods, convenience foods, sweets, sour fruits, dairy and sour-milk products;
  5. restoration of lost vitamins and minerals.

Compliance with the above rules will help the patient quickly gain strength and overcome unpleasant symptoms illness. You should not take large portions, since the digestive system after an illness is difficult to eat. If the recommendations are not followed, the body will simply reject all the food again.

Nutrition for intestinal disease in adults

Recovery after an intestinal infection is a serious process. Although the disease disappears after five to seven days, the body still for a long time can't get back to normal.

Infections in adults mean a complete refusal to take foods that can irritate the digestive canal thermally, chemically and mechanically. Therefore, products must be ingested in the form of a liquid consistency. At the same time, their temperature should be average.

Dishes are best steamed or boiled. Must be crushed before use. The number of meals for intestinal infections should be five to six times.

Calories per day should not exceed two thousand calories. Sugar is limited to forty grams per day, and salt - up to ten grams.

On the first day, it is better to completely abandon meals. Only water with a small amount of salt should enter the body. This will prevent dehydration of the body.

What can adults eat? The menu is allowed to include:

  • crackers based on a white loaf;
  • fat-free broths from fish, chicken, meat;
  • scrambled eggs;
  • porridge on water based in the form of rice, buckwheat, oatmeal;
  • meat and fish dishes that are steamed or boiled;
  • banana or apple puree;
  • kissel home cooking;
  • slightly sweetened tea;
  • decoctions of berries in the form of raspberries, currants, blueberries.

The diet after an intestinal infection excludes the consumption of certain types of foods. They lead to the development of unpleasant symptoms in the form of flatulence, gas formation, bloating, discomfort in the abdomen and diarrhea.

These include:

  • fatty and donated dishes;
  • hot and spicy spices;
  • smoked meats and canned food;
  • black bread;
  • cereals in the form of millet and barley;
  • dairy products;
  • raw vegetable and fruit crops;
  • mushrooms and nuts;
  • dried fruits;
  • legumes;
  • various greens;
  • sweets and pastries in the form of chocolate, cookies, cakes, buns;
  • carbonated, alcoholic and caffeinated drinks.

These foods should not be consumed within fourteen days. Even if it seems that the body has recovered, the above food can lead to the re-development of intestinal dysbiosis.

Diet for intestinal ailments in children

The disease is much more severe in young and middle-aged children. Many parents are afraid of the condition of the baby, so they do not know how to feed the child.

Nutrition with is based on the same principles as in an adult. Only some amendments are allowed based on the age of the patient.

First of all, the treatment of a child with an intestinal infection is based on strict adherence to the drinking regimen. To reduce the urge to vomit, pediatricians advise giving mint decoction to babies. It must be alternated simultaneously with dehydration solutions.

With the development of acute symptoms, doctors categorically prohibit drinking any dairy products. But this restriction does not apply to children. infancy. Mother's milk counts the best remedy to boost immune forces. With intestinal infections, the baby should not be weaned, but, on the contrary, continue to give him the breast and as often as possible.

If the baby is on artificial feeding, then it is best to transfer it to a lactose-free mixture. The thing is that intestinal infection leads to the destruction of enzymes that are necessary for the breakdown of lactose. In their absence, the child has severe pain in the abdomen, and diarrhea only intensifies.

As soon as the symptoms recede, you can give the baby easily digestible food in small portions. First, you should start with fifty grams, and in a few days bring the volume up to two hundred grams.

Feeding a child after an intestinal infection begins with the consumption of decoctions of rice and oatmeal. The first infusion strengthens the stool well and removes all harmful components from the body. A oatmeal well envelops the stomach and intestines, creating a protective shell.

Feed the child often, but little by little. At first, you can take a break of one to two hours. After five days, you can return to your normal lifestyle.

When diarrhea and vomiting stop, the diet after an intestinal infection involves the introduction of applesauce. This product contains pectin, which is so needed during recovery. It allows you to adsorb the remains of poorly digested food, as well as destroy pathogenic bacteria.

Sample menu for intestinal infection

Diet after intestinal infection in children and adults should continue for another three to four days after recovery. Pediatricians highlight sample menu, which allows you to establish the functionality of the digestive system and restore the microflora.

  1. First day.

    For breakfast, it is best to eat semolina made on the water. Instead of porridge, you can eat an omelet for a couple. Wash down everything with unsweetened tea.

    After two hours, you should have a snack. Fat-free curd mass is perfect for this.

    At lunchtime, you need to mash chicken broth with potatoes. You need to drink everything with jelly.

    For an afternoon snack, two hundred milliliters of rosehip-based decoction is taken. You can have a snack with crackers from a white loaf.

    For the evening, it is worth steaming a low-fat fish. Wash it all down with unsweetened tea.

    During this time, strict drinking regimen. Normal and mineral water are suitable as drinks. Servings should not exceed fifty grams for children and one hundred grams for adults.

  2. Second day.

    After sleep, you need to drink a glass of water. You can eat for breakfast oatmeal on water and drink it with a glass of slightly sweetened tea.

    As a snack, applesauce is suitable. Better to cook it yourself. Do not add sugar to this.

    At lunchtime, you can eat lean beef broth and drink blueberry broth.

    For an afternoon snack, cocoa without milk is introduced into the diet. You can eat some crackers or biscuits.

    IN evening time you should eat low-fat meatballs and drink everything with tea or jelly.

  3. The third day.

    To fix the chair you need to eat a little rice porridge. You can add applesauce for sweetening. Wash it all down with a little sweetened tea.

    During a snack, you need to drink a glass of rosehip-based decoction. You can eat fifty grams of fat-free cottage cheese.

    At lunchtime, you need to eat soup based on rice and chicken broth. It should be mucus-like in consistency. This will improve the functioning of the intestinal canal. As a second, you can eat minced chicken dumplings. You need to drink everything with blueberry jelly.

    For an afternoon snack, a glass of decoction based on apple peel is drunk. You can eat several pieces of biscuits.

    In the evening, you should eat steamed fish.

    The drinking regime is preserved. With the improvement of well-being, you can gradually expand the diet. At night, you can drink a glass of kefir or yogurt without additives. Fruit crops normalize the microflora. And compotes from dried fruits allow you to adjust the stool and prevent the development of constipation.

After three to five days, the symptoms disappear, and the work of the intestinal canal is restored. These principles of nutrition are generalized for children and adults. But each case is individual and requires expert advice.

Dangers of intestinal infection for the digestive system

When we talk about stomach and intestinal infections, we mean large group microorganisms - bacteria and viruses - which, when penetrating into human body damage the gastrointestinal tract. Bacteria usually enter through the mouth - with poor-quality food or dirty water. Sometimes the cause of infection and inflammation of the intestines can be unwashed hands with which we touched some objects where pathogens have been preserved. Rotavirus or enterovirus infection you can get infected by airborne droplets. The causative agents of acute intestinal infections (AII) are very tenacious. They fall into environment with saliva, feces, other waste products of a person (even if he is not sick, but only a carrier of a virus or bacterial infection) and remain active for a long time in soil, water, furniture, dishes, door handles, etc. Bacteria can enter the human body while swimming in water bodies (especially with stagnant water), as well as if you use unwashed fruits or greens, dairy products without heat treatment.

Both with bacterial and viral intestinal infections - when microorganisms enter the digestive system, their increased reproduction begins with the release of toxins. In this case, a person feels unwell, fever, then nausea, vomiting, upset stool appear. The first symptoms of an acute intestinal infection usually appear 6-12 hours after infection, although they can occur in a day or two: the stronger the infection and the weaker defensive forces organism, the sooner signs of intoxication will appear. The danger of OKI is the following possible complications:

  • dehydration due to intense vomiting and diarrhea (may cause kidney failure, toxic shock and even death);
  • inflammation of the mucous membranes of the digestive system, turning into chronic form;
  • exacerbation peptic ulcer with perforation of the walls of the stomach and intestines.

In order to prevent such severe complications OKI, treatment is necessary under the supervision of a doctor and competently organized meals during an exacerbation, as well as nutrition and diet after an intestinal (rotavirus) infection.

Principles of diet therapy for intestinal disorders

Diet therapy for acute intestinal disorder should begin from the very first hours of the onset of symptoms of intoxication - you must completely stop eating, but at the same time drink as much liquid as possible. Approximately 1-1.5 liters of water or weak green tea should be added to the regular drinking norm. Even if drinking provokes new bouts of vomiting, this procedure will help flush the stomach: bacteria can hide in the folds of the mucous membrane of the stomach and intestines for quite a long time, continuing to release toxins, and water in large quantities will allow them to be removed. Further, the principles of the diet after an acute intestinal infection in adults are:

  • reduce fluid loss and restore water-salt balance;
  • accelerate the healing of the inflamed mucous membrane of the digestive organs;
  • provide the body with macro- and micronutrients, vitamins to restore the health of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • restore the affected intestinal microflora.

The main macronutrient that the body uses in the fight against bacterial and viral toxins is protein, so the diet after an intestinal infection should restore its reserves as much as possible. At the same time, the menu has a very low energy intensity - no more than 1700 kcal per day. Fats and especially carbohydrates will have to be severely limited, since these elements contribute to fermentation and putrefactive processes during a bacterial infection, preventing the inflammation from dragging on. Particular attention should be paid to honey and fruits - many mistakenly consider them necessary for recuperation after an intestinal infection, but these foods are high in calories, provoke fermentation and can cause abdominal pain.

Nutrition for intestinal infection involves fragmentation (5-6 times a day) and strict adherence temperature regime(dishes not cold and not hot). Portions should be very small so as not to cause additional irritation of the gastric mucosa and not provoke a new attack of vomiting. The menu should contain very little salt (8-10 g per day) and there should be no products at all that can chemically or mechanically irritate the intestines.

The Right Diet for Recovering from an Intestinal Infection

The dietary regimen during the recovery period of the body after an intestinal infection must be calculated very carefully, because weakened by toxins digestive system can re-inflame with the slightest power failure. In order for the daily menu to be not only sparing, but also complete, consider what you can eat after an intestinal infection, what you should definitely include in your diet, and what foods you should temporarily refrain from.

Excluded from the menu until complete recovery:

  • milk soups, on a strong broth with pasta;
  • fresh bread and yeast pastries;
  • sausage, canned food, fatty varieties meat and fish;
  • barley, barley and millet porridge;
  • coffee, cocoa and kvass;
  • chocolate, ice cream and jam.

Can you drink milk? It increases the risk of developing intraperitoneal inflammation, additionally irritates the alimentary tract. Of dairy products, only low-fat mashed cottage cheese can be recommended. Even kefir and yogurt should be avoided for at least 3 days from the moment of development acute inflammation.

Are eggs allowed? Egg yolk contains a lot of cholesterol and is hard to digest, provoking putrefactive processes in the intestines. You can recommend a steam protein omelette, and after 2 weeks add a soft-boiled egg to the menu.

Should I include honey on the menu? This product causes fermentation in the intestines, like other sweets, therefore, despite the general opinion that honey has bactericidal properties and easily digestible, it is not recommended for intestinal infections. Only after 2-3 weeks, you can add, say, honey in a small amount when baking apples or other fruits.

Be sure to include in your daily diet:

  • mucous mashed porridges on the water - oatmeal, rice and buckwheat;
  • mucous cereal decoctions as the basis for soup;
  • beef, veal, chicken meat - in the form of soufflé, quenelles, steam cutlets or meatballs;
  • unleavened cottage cheese, mild unsalted cheese;
  • weak green tea, a decoction of wild rose and dried blueberries.

These products have a beneficial effect on the mucous membrane, reducing inflammation and accelerating healing, and also help restore the level of proteins spent on fighting intestinal infection.

Rotavirus is the most famous and most common intestinal infection, which most often affects children. This is the so-called dirty hand disease. The main cause of intestinal infections in children are dirty hands or unwashed foods that are consumed by the child. Other reasons are thermally unprocessed foods, raw water from unexplored sources, general use household and hygiene items. Diet helps speed recovery intestinal flu in children.

Symptoms and first aid

The first symptoms that appear in a child are the appearance of nausea, frequent vomiting, diarrhea. Children complain of pain in the abdomen, their temperature rises, weakness appears.

In this case, first of all, isolate the child from other family members, especially other children, since the disease is contagious. Be sure to give a drink: just boiled water, mineral water or dried fruit compote. Peppermint tea is good for reducing the feeling of nausea. You can also use special medicinal solutions to replenish in the child's body not only fluids, but also minerals that are lost along with vomiting and diarrhea.

Dehydration during illness is especially dangerous for child's body especially for small children.

Drinking should be given little by little, about 1-2 tsp. every 5-10 minutes to reduce vomiting. For children, it is mandatory to call a pediatrician at home. In case of serious concerns for the health of the baby - call an ambulance.

Nutrition rules

Previously, doctors advised therapeutic fasting even for young children. This practice has now been abandoned. It is believed that such a measure is not useful for preschool and younger children. school age, and especially a one-year-old baby. The disease greatly weakens protective function in a child, he needs strength to fight the infection. Therefore, he needs food for quick recovery organism.

Basic principles:

  • Food should be sparing. Food should not irritate the walls of the esophagus and stomach mechanically (food in puree form or in the form of small soft pieces) and chemically (no hot spices, fatty and fried foods);
  • You should eat often, about 5-6 times a day, but in very small portions. For very young children, increase the number of meals up to 8 times a day;
  • Products should be boiled or steamed;
  • Food should not be cold or hot, about 35-37 degrees;
  • Dr. Komarovsky advises including lactose-free or low-lactose fermented milk products with bifidobacteria in the diet.

Diet during an intestinal infection

If the disease overtook a child who is on breastfeeding, then it is not recommended to cancel it. Mother's milk will only speed up the healing process, increase his immunity. The patient needs to be applied to the chest more often, because the baby will not suck out at a time normal amount milk, because he gets tired quickly.

If the baby is bottle-fed, you should also not change his diet and milk formula. Sometimes it is advised to switch to a low-lactose fermented milk mixture containing bifidobacteria. If complementary foods are present in the baby's diet, it should be reduced or completely removed for a while.

On the first day of illness, when present frequent vomiting, you can not feed, but only actively feed your child. Offer your child warm tea without sugar, dried fruit compote. After, when the frequency of vomiting decreases, you can start feeding the baby. You should not force him to eat, his appetite is still low.

Food is served exceptionally warm, and not hot at all. Such gentle nutrition has a positive effect on general condition baby.

Food should be warm (never hot or cold), boiled or steamed.

The portion itself should be small: half or a third below normal. The frequency of meals should be increased. The diet of the child should be varied, but consist of those products that the doctor will allow. A properly formulated diet for intestinal infections in children can only be selected by a qualified medical specialist.

What products are prohibited

From the child's menu, you need to exclude all fried, salted, spicy food, any smoked meats, sausages and conservation. From vegetables and fruits with an intestinal infection, it is forbidden to eat fresh herbs, all legumes, fresh fruits and vegetables - beets, carrots, cucumbers, tomatoes. Avoid mushrooms and nuts. Avoid sour berries and fruits.

From flour products, you should not give fresh bread, as well as bread made from rye flour, all fancy products, cakes and pastries. Sweets should be sharply limited: exclude sweets, chocolate, sweet cookies. And also you should not offer your child packaged juices from the store, coffee. Fatty meat and strong meat broth - not the most the best option for a diet with intestinal infection. From dairy products, it is strictly forbidden to use milk and kefir.

Approved Products

Nutrition for intestinal infections with a competent approach can be varied. The main helpers in this disease are cereals cooked on water and without butter, and lean varieties meat (chicken, turkey, rabbit, veal). To young children, meat can be given in the form of puree in jars bought at a baby food store.

From cereals, rice, buckwheat, corn, oatmeal should be included in the diet. It is advisable to grind the porridge so as not to injure the esophagus. The soup should be prepared on a fat-free broth of vegetables and lean varieties of fish and meat. All vegetables should be boiled or steamed. Of the fruits, only apples and bananas are allowed in the form of mashed potatoes, apples must be baked in the oven. In the form of mashed potatoes, you need to eat vegetables, boiled or steamed: potatoes, broccoli, pumpkin.

From flour products allowed white dried bread in the form of crackers, biscuits, crackers. Vegetable oil for intestinal flu is allowed only in very limited quantities. From drinks, doctors advise using compotes from dried fruits and berries, home-made jelly, as well as unsweetened tea, cocoa. Dairy products with rotavirus should be low in fat.

Diet after infection

A light diet after an intestinal flu should be followed for about 2 weeks. All permitted foods must be introduced into the child's diet carefully, starting with a half serving. If the product did not cause a deterioration in the condition of the baby, then you can already give a full portion.

Porridge should continue to cook on the water. While the baby liquid stool, from porridge it is better to give rice. Milk should not be drunk for at least 2 weeks, because there are almost no enzymes that break down milk in the patient's intestines. This will only cause the condition to worsen. To improve the intestinal microflora, it is worth taking sorbents.

It is very useful to give mashed banana and apple after the end of the main symptoms. They contain pectin, which helps cleanse the intestines from harmful bacteria. fat content fermented milk products can be increased gradually. From sweets, you can offer your child marshmallows, marshmallows or marmalade.

Gradually it is worth moving from puree foods to foods with small pieces. If you eat only mashed potatoes, then the intestines are already sluggishly starting to work, you need to stir it up a little.

In conclusion, I would like to note that intestinal flu in children is a frequent phenomenon. It is more difficult to tolerate by a child's body, therefore, it requires careful attention. Treatment of intestinal infection and special diet must be observed at the same time. Treatment without a diet will be delayed for a long time.

Physicians strongly advise preventive measures to further minimize the risk of intestinal infection. Wash your hands more often after walking, before eating and after going to the toilet.

It is forbidden to swim in places not intended for this. Food, as well as water, must be thermally processed: boil milk and water, do not eat raw eggs. Be sure to monitor the expiration date of products, and ready meals must be stored in the refrigerator.

Proper Diet with intestinal flu in children - this is a guarantee get well soon. Do not neglect the rules prescribed by doctors.

Intestinal infections have a significant effect on the metabolism in the body, when due to the development of vomiting, diarrhea, fever and loss of appetite, significant dehydration of the body occurs, and the supply of energy and nutrients decreases. To restore the patient's strength, it is necessary to follow the stages of diet therapy and choose the right products.

Features of the course of an acute infectious process in the intestine

The infectious process is characterized by an increase in the processes of catabolism, severe violations metabolism, especially protein, energy, water and electrolyte.

At acute illness hyperthermia (fever) occurs. As a result, the intensity of basal metabolism increases, the need for energy increases, which should primarily be provided by carbohydrates. However, the reserves of carbohydrates in the body are limited (glycogen reserves are enough for 12–24 hours with complete starvation), therefore, tissue proteins, primarily skeletal muscle proteins, are actively involved in energy metabolism. Proven to be within 3 weeks severe course acute infectious enterocolitis patients can lose up to 10-15% of the original muscle mass. At the same time, there is also a loss of fat mass. However, with a normal initial body weight of the patient, fat reserves are enough for about 1 month of fasting.

In acute intestinal infections, a violation of water and electrolyte metabolism is often observed. Lost in diarrhea a large number of potassium, with vomiting - sodium and chlorine, in addition, dehydration occurs due to increased sweating with an increase in body temperature. Dehydration is especially pronounced in acute intestinal infections.

There are 4 degrees of dehydration of the body: I ​​degree - loss of 3% of body weight, II degree - 4-6%, III degree - 7-9%, IV degree - 10% or more.

In most patients with acute intestinal infections, against the background of intoxication and fever, there is a decrease in appetite up to the development of anorexia. In this regard, the intake of nutrients and energy is reduced. A shift in the acid-base state of the body towards acidosis is possible.

Thus, the most important principle medical nutrition at infectious diseases is the replenishment of increased energy costs, the full provision of the body with basic nutrients, vitamins and minerals.

Therapeutic nutrition for acute intestinal infections

Acute intestinal infections include diseases that occur with diarrhea syndrome (diarrhea).
Diarrhea is understood as rapid (usually more than 2-3 times a day) bowel movements with the release of liquid and mushy stools. The water content in feces during diarrhea increases to 85-95% and the mass of feces is more than 200 g / day. Sometimes with diarrhea, the frequency of stool does not exceed 1-2 times a day, but the stool has a more liquid than normal consistency. About the syndrome acute diarrhea it is customary to say in cases where its duration does not exceed 2-3 weeks.

According to ICD-10, the group of intestinal infections includes cholera, typhoid fever, paratyphoid, other salmonellosis, shigellosis (dysentery), escherichiosis, campylobacteriosis, yersiniosis, clostridium and others bacterial infections, as well as a number of intestinal infections, the causative agents of which are viruses and protozoa.

Acute intestinal infections are characterized by secretory or hyperexudative diarrhea with different pathogenetic mechanisms. With secretory diarrhea, there is an increase in the secretion of water and sodium into the intestinal lumen, while the stool is watery and plentiful. Such diarrhea occurs with cholera, escherichiosis, Klebsiellosis. With hyperexudative diarrhea, sweating of plasma, serum proteins, blood, mucus into the intestinal lumen occurs; the stool in patients is liquid, with an admixture of mucus and blood. This type of diarrhea occurs when inflammatory processes in the intestines, including dysentery, campylobacteriosis, salmonellosis, clostridium.

Exist different opinions on the nutrition of patients in the early days of the development of acute intestinal infections: a number of authors recommend starvation to patients, while other scientists do not restrict patients in nutrition.

One of the most important goals of therapeutic nutrition in the development of acute intestinal infections is rehydration and correction of water and electrolyte imbalance.

For this, the patient is given glucose-electrolyte solutions, salted meat broth, strained cereal broth. Sometimes drinking these liquids in small sips can help stop vomiting. The rehydration solution can be prepared at home: in 1 cup orange juice(source of sugars and potassium) add 1/2 teaspoon table salt and 1 teaspoon drinking soda, then boiled water bring the total volume of the solution to 1 liter. This solution should be drunk 1 glass every hour. WHO recommends the use of a standard oral rehydration solution of the following composition (g / l): sodium chloride - 3.5; potassium chloride - 1.5; sodium citrate - 2.9; glucose - 20.0.

Instead of glucose or sugar, you can use drinking mixtures of rice and other cereals in the form of powder with the addition of potassium and sodium salts. Such mixtures help to increase the effectiveness of oral rehydration solutions and reduce the need for them. The volume of fluid you drink should be at least 2-3 l / day, but in case of severe dehydration (loss of more than 10% of body weight within 24 hours), it is necessary intravenous administration polyionic crystalloid solutions (regidron, citroglucosalan, glucosalan), which can also be taken orally. Oral and parenteral rehydration solutions prevent the effects of dehydration, but they do not reduce stool frequency.

Classification of foods according to their effect on intestinal motility

When compiling a diet for patients with acute intestinal infections, it is necessary to take into account the effect of foods and dishes on intestinal motility.

All products are divided into three groups:

Products that enhance intestinal motility - black bread, raw vegetables and fruits, dried fruits, especially prunes, dried apricots and apricots, bread containing bran, legumes, oatmeal, buckwheat and barley cereals (compared to semolina and rice), sinewy meat, pickles, marinades, canned snacks, smoked meats, carbonated drinks, beer, kvass, fatty foods, very sweet dishes, especially in combination with organic acids, fermented milk drinks, koumiss, sour varieties of berries and fruits, cold food.

Products that weaken intestinal motility - products rich in tannin (blueberries, bird cherry, strong tea, cocoa on the water, Cahors), viscous substances (mucous soups, pureed cereals, jelly), warm and hot dishes.

Indifferent products - steam dishes from lean and lean meats and poultry (soufflé, dumplings, cutlets), boiled lean fish, wheat bread from premium flour stale or in the form of crackers, freshly prepared unleavened cottage cheese.

Stages of diet therapy for acute intestinal infections

On the first day, in case of acute intestinal infections of moderate severity with mild diarrhea, tea unloading is traditionally recommended: 5-6 glasses of freshly brewed strong tea with sugar (up to 20 g per glass) or jam syrup. You can use a decoction of wild rose, dried blueberries, bird cherry, black currant. Some experts suggest instead of tea to prescribe 1.5 kg of fresh apple puree, explaining therapeutic effect apples big amount the pectins they contain.

After unloading day prescribe a mechanically and chemically sparing diet. At the same time, milk and lactic acid products, all vegetables and fruits, sauces, spices, snacks, vegetable oil, as well as all foods that increase intestinal motility and stimulate the stomach, liver, and pancreas are excluded from the diet for 3–5 days.

The diet reduced the consumption of table salt to 6–8 g and products that enhance intestinal motility, fermentation and putrefaction in it, as well as strong stimulants of other digestive organs. Such a diet is prescribed for 8-10 weeks for enteritis and for 6 weeks for colitis.

The clinical recovery of the patient is always ahead of the morphological recovery, so there is no need to rush to expand the diet in the absence of complaints from the patient. Switching to regular food healthy person should be gradual. Non-compliance with the diet during this period often leads to the resumption intestinal disorders and the formation of chronic enteritis or colitis.

If the patient has constipation during treatment, then one should not resort to laxatives, as this can lead to chronic course diseases. In such cases, the diet includes products that have a laxative effect (boiled beets, dried fruits, vegetable oil, vegetable puree).

According to smed.ru