How to cure dry scalp. Masochki with dairy products

Baldness is often accompanied by such an unpleasant phenomenon as very dry scalp, which in turn leads to the formation of dandruff. What is the reason for the appearance of such processes as dry scalp hair loss and how to deal with them, you will learn from this article.

Dry scalp leads to dandruff

Main reasons

When the scalp flakes and the hair falls out, this indicates that the problem has appeared for one of the following reasons:

  • skin pathologies;
  • frequent dyeing and perms;
  • unsuitable care products for curls;
  • regular use of a hair dryer and ironing;
  • vitamin deficiency.

Skin diseases such as psoriasis or seborrhea may well provoke peeling and dryness of the scalp. In this case, the pathological process is accompanied by symptoms such as unbearable itching and redness of the integument.

External aggressive influences in the form of the use of additional hair care can also cause problems with the scalp and curls.

The lack of nutrients, in turn, affects the health of the dermis and the frequency of renewal of the hair follicles.

The elimination of the cause that caused the unpleasant process, as well as the use of funds to improve the strands and dermis, will help to solve the problem.

Troubleshooting Methods

Medicated shampoos to help get rid of dandruff

The following therapeutic measures will help get rid of dry skin and intense hair loss:

  • taking vitamin supplements;
  • use of medicated shampoos, balms, etc.;
  • the use of masks and conditioners.

It is desirable that the treatment is carried out in a complex, that is, with the simultaneous use of several methods of treatment at once.


The most effective vitamin preparations for the treatment of intense loss are the following complexes:

  • "Vita Sharm";
  • "Pantovigar";
  • "Perfectil";
  • "Aevit";
  • "Revalid".

Vita Charm includes all B and A vitamins

"Vita Sharm" is included in the list of the most popular and effective vitamin complexes, the action of which is aimed at improving not only hair, but also skin. as well as nails. It contains all the necessary nutrients that act from the inside, enriching the hair follicles with trace elements. As a result, the curls acquire a radiant beauty, and the scalp stops flaking.

Pantovigar is a complete medicine

"Pantovigar" is a worthy vitamin complex, which is prescribed for the treatment and prevention of hair loss and dry skin. The preparation contains keratin, which acts as a building material for weakened strands, and it also includes all the necessary amino acids and vitamins.

"Pantovigar" provides complete nutrition to the skin, strands and nails, saturating them with nutrients and moisture from the inside. The complex not only prevents the premature death of hair follicles, but also accelerates the growth process.

Perfectil contains vitamins, various trace elements and plant extracts

"Perfectil" refers to vitamin complexes, which are prescribed for excessive fragility of curls and dryness of the scalp. It allows you to return lifeless strands to their former beauty and health due to the nutritional elements that are part of it. A distinctive feature of the drug is its ability to use during the period of bearing a child and breastfeeding in women.

The duration of taking multivitamins largely depends on the severity of the problem, it is determined solely by the doctor.

Aevit helps in restoring the structure of the skin, accelerating growth and strengthening hair

"Aevit" is considered a fairly good drug from the group of multivitamins. It contains all the necessary substances to ensure nutrition and health not only for curls, but also for skin and nails.

To obtain good therapeutic results, Aevit is drunk for four weeks without a break. If necessary, the course can be increased, but only after consultation with a specialist.

Revalid quite quickly gives a visible result

"Revalid" allows you to get rid of peeling, dry skin, as well as dandruff. In addition, it prevents the premature death of hair follicles, and prevents the appearance of gray hair. With regular use, the strands become shiny, elastic, obedient and strong. Dry skin and dandruff completely disappear. Take the drug for two or more months according to the doctor's indications.

Local preparations

In the treatment of dry scalp and baldness, topical preparations of the following type are also used:

  • ampoules;
  • serum;
  • shampoos;
  • balms;
  • lotions.

To get rid of dandruff, you can use local preparations

Among the ampoules, the following drugs are most popular:

  • "Rinfoltil";
  • "Derkos";
  • "Dixon".

"Rinfoltil" has in its composition extracts of medicinal plant components that not only nourish the strands, but also moisturize the scalp, and also saturate it with all the necessary elements. Also, the drug is available in the form of shampoo and therapeutic balm.

"Derkos" provides additional protection to curls, and helps to strengthen hair follicles. Regular use of these ampoules returns the natural beauty of curls, and the oils included in the composition eliminate dry skin, filling it with moisture. Also, the manufacturer of ampoules produces a series of therapeutic shampoos, lotions and conditioners.

"Dixon" with regular use returns strength and beauty to curls. The drug eliminates dryness, cross-section and fragility of the tips, and also prevents the premature death of curls.

Among shampoos, balms and lotions, the following products are most popular:

  • "Rinfoltil";
  • "Derkos";
  • "Biocon";
  • "Selenzin".

These medications are designed to enhance the therapeutic effect of ampoules and vitamins.

Masks and conditioners

Hair masks made from natural products will help cure the scalp

To strengthen curls and eliminate dryness and flaking of the scalp in folk medicine, masks that you can prepare yourself are especially popular. Next, consider the recipes for the most effective masks:

  • The yolk part of the chicken egg is mixed with a spoonful of honey and the same amount of olive oil. A well-mixed mixture is applied to the skin, closer to the roots of the curls, after which the head should be covered with cellophane for the best effect of the product. After thirty minutes, the mask is washed off using shampoo.
  • A mask based on blue clay has good efficiency, which fights well with skin peeling and strengthens curls. For a dry type of scalp, the component is best combined with kefir and olive oil. To prepare the mixture, you will need a glass of a fermented milk product, a large spoonful of clay and an identical amount of an oil product. After mixing, the ingredients are applied to clean and slightly damp strands. For exposure, leave for half an hour, covering the head with a plastic cap.
  • For one chicken yolk, a large spoonful of forty-degree alcohol or vodka and two tablespoons of burdock oil are taken. After thorough mixing, the consistency is distributed at the very roots. After that, you can put on a plastic cap, wait half an hour, and then wash off the product with shampoo.
  • For fifty milliliters of olive oil, the juice of one lemon is taken. The mixed components are applied to the dermis of the head, and left on average for half an hour. You can use the mask every three days.
  • Castor oil in a dosage of two large spoons is mixed with a small amount of glycerin, egg yolk and a dessert spoon of three percent vinegar. Apply to the roots, then put on a plastic cap and wait twenty minutes. Can be used once every five days.
  • The juice of one onion and lemon is mixed with a quarter cup of any vegetable oil, but preferably olive oil. Distribute on the scalp and wrap in cellophane. After half an hour, the treatment mixture is washed off.
  • Liquid linden honey and olive oil are mixed in equal quantities. It is desirable to distribute the tool only at the root of the curls, after which it is left to work for half an hour. After this time

At an early stage, the symptoms are mild and do not attract much attention, but over time they become very aggravated. How to take care of the scalp and cure it if there is such a problem? It is possible and necessary, when it occurs, to carry out procedures aimed at softening and moisturizing the hairline.

What to do if the scalp is dry and itchy?

Dry hair and scalp can be symptoms of serious health problems. During the prescribed treatment will help save time, money and nerves spent on restoring the former attractiveness of curls. The above methods of treatment can be used as a preventive measure to prevent the manifestation of the disease. If you want to know more detailed information about the causes of itching of the scalp and methods of its treatment, then click here

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Reference! Dry scalp becomes when the sweat and sebaceous glands, water and lipid metabolism are disrupted.

As a result of a failure, the skin stops producing the right amount of secretion, which is needed for full protection against natural damage. Without this protection, it flakes off, feels tight, reddens and cracks easily, becomes dull and often itchy.

Causes of dry scalp in children and adults


First manifestations

  • Feeling of tightness after washing the hair.
  • Peeling.
  • Dandruff.

Difference from skin diseases

Dry skin can be distinguished from skin diseases, since in addition to dryness, diseases also have the following symptoms: irritation, redness, swelling, rashes, sores, itching (skin itches), spots, hair loss, dandruff.

Important! If you have these problems, you should consult a doctor.

Possible dermatological pathology


If you do not provide timely care for dry skin, there may be such consequences:

  • folliculitis;
  • eczema;
  • phlegmon;
  • painful cracks that may bleed.

Home care

  1. Hydration. Use various masks, balms, oils.
  2. Wash your hair not with hot water, but with warm. Use a suitable shampoo, and after washing comb your hair only when it is almost dry.
  3. Follow nutrition.

    Reference! It is necessary to add foods rich in proteins, healthy fats, vitamins to the diet, and exclude harmful foods.

  4. Drink plenty of pure water.
  5. Minimum use of a hair dryer, curling iron, etc.
  6. If the air in the house is not humid enough, get a humidifier.
  7. To refuse from bad habits.
  8. Wash your hair with a special shampoo for dry scalp no more than once every 4 days.

There are easy recipes for masks to help with care.


Sour cream


Mix the ingredients and heat slightly in a water bath. Apply the mask on the scalp and wash off after 40 minutes.

From oils


Heat oil with honey. Apply the resulting mask on the head for at least an hour..

From cream


    fresh cream - 100 gr;

Add flour until the mass becomes viscous. Apply the mixture on the scalp and keep for 30 minutes.. Wash off with warm water without shampoo.


Attention! If home remedies fail to cure dry scalp, you should contact a specialist who examines the affected areas and prescribes treatment.

The course of treatment may include such procedures:

  1. vitamin intake;
  2. the use of moisturizers and restorative agents;
  3. massage.

Also, restorative procedures in hairdressing salons can be prescribed, such as:

  • Mesotherapy– injections of vitamins into the scalp. The course of treatment is approximately 8-10 procedures, which last about 20 minutes. The price of one session is from 2500 rubles.
  • PRP therapy- Injections of the patient's blood plasma into the scalp. The course of treatment includes up to 10 procedures. The duration of one session is up to 60 minutes, and the price is from 7000 rubles.
  • Chemical peel

From time immemorial, human hair has been given special importance. Nothing has changed in the modern world. Beautiful, shiny hair is not only a sign of grooming, but also an indicator of health. Women are especially careful about their hair, because a lady cannot look attractive if her hair is dull, lifeless and constantly on her head, which causes dandruff. As a rule, few people can boast of normal scalp. But such problems as itching, loss and dryness are probably familiar to most. Simple but very effective folk recipes will help you get rid of dryness. But now about everything in order.

Signs of dry scalp

If you have a dry scalp, then you cannot help but notice this, because the problem is characterized by fairly obvious signs. Moreover, to determine whether you need treatment and additional care, you need to have at least 4 of the 8 indicators listed below:

  1. The skin on the head is peeling.
  2. Feeling of tight skin.
  3. Great desire to constantly brush your hair.
  4. Skin irritation.
  5. Dandruff.
  6. Hair loss.
  7. Dry and brittle hair.

There is another simple test for dry scalp. Take a regular napkin and attach to the roots. If there are greasy spots on it, then you have no problems with excessive dryness of the hair. But if the napkin is clean, then most likely you need to take appropriate measures. In this article, you will learn how to moisturize your scalp at home.

Dry scalp: causes

Before you start fighting dryness and itching of the scalp, you need to understand their causes. In general, the appearance of these signs is due to many factors. First of all, they can be divided into two categories: external and internal.

Internal factors include:

  • Diseases of the thyroid gland.
  • Metabolic disease.
  • Lack of vitamins and minerals.
  • Wrong nutrition.
  • Dehydration of the body.
  • Smoking, alcohol.
  • Dermatological diseases.
  • The period of pregnancy and lactation.

If you do not have any of the above problems, then most likely the reason lies in external factors, such as:

  1. Excessive use of styling devices (hairdryer, curling iron, iron).
  2. Improper hair care, such as frequent washing or the use of low-quality products.
  3. Frequent exposure to the sun or frost without a hat.
  4. Frequent staining.
  5. Too dry indoor air.

It is under the influence of all these factors that the scalp begins to experience a lack of moisture, itching and dandruff appear. Many people wonder how to moisturize the scalp. First you need to eliminate all harmful factors. That is, if possible, use a hairdryer and ironing less often, buy products that match your skin type, and of course, regularly carry out cosmetic procedures.

Peeling for the scalp

Moisturizing scalp mask is the most effective way to add shine and shine to your hair. But first, the scalp needs to be prepared so that it absorbs all the beneficial substances with great pleasure. And for this you can use a procedure such as peeling. It is useful not only for the scalp, but also for the face, and even the body. The main purpose of peeling is to remove dead cells of the epidermis and excess sebum, which allows you to activate cell metabolism, improve blood circulation and provide oxygen to the hair roots. For fans of natural remedies, sea salt can be used as a peeling. For cooking, you need 5 tablespoons of salt and the same amount of water. Salty mass must be rubbed into the scalp for 10 minutes. But if you have microcracks or other damage, then this method will be quite painful. You can use coffee grounds instead of salt. It also excels at removing dead cells, acting more gently. After peeling, the mask for dry scalp will act many times more effectively.

Oils for dry hair

The most popular way to get rid of flaking and itching is to use oils for dry scalp. The first and honorable place in this matter is occupied by burdock. This natural remedy contains vitamins necessary for beauty - A and E. In addition, burdock oil contains other healing substances. It nourishes, restores and moisturizes even the driest hair. Use oil as a mask. First, it must be heated in a water bath and applied to wet hair along the entire length. Wrap yourself in a towel and leave for 3 hours. Then wash off the mask in the usual way with shampoo. This procedure is carried out twice a week until the hair is completely healed.

For greater effectiveness, burdock oil can be mixed with other beneficial ingredients such as honey, mustard, eggs, and onions. You can also add burdock oil to your regular shampoo. In general, the benefits of this product are invaluable.

I would like to pay special attention to This product is quite expensive, but nevertheless it is very effective. In addition to the fact that coconut oil has nourishing and moisturizing properties, it is able to fight dandruff and heal wounds. It also protects hair from ultraviolet radiation and sea water, which will be very important in the summer.

Also, olive, castor, almond, hemp, corn oils are used to treat and improve hair. A scalp mask based on them is a real salvation for those who are already desperate to get a shiny hair.

Kefir mask for the scalp

Kefir is the most affordable product that you can not only drink, but also make head masks out of it. It is rich in calcium, vitamins and protein, which nourish the hair, making it strong and shiny. Kefir mask for dry scalp perfectly moisturizes and protects from external influences.

The easiest way to use is to apply kefir to the hair roots and then distribute along the entire length. Then you need to cover your hair (for example, a shower cap is just right for this) and wait at least 60 minutes. Then the hair should be washed with shampoo. By the way, some even omit this item altogether, but kefir makes the hair much heavier, and they begin to quickly get dirty.

A few tips:

  1. Do not use cold kefir, it is better to warm it up a little.
  2. If you have too dry scalp, then the fat content of kefir should be higher (3.2% is suitable).
  3. You need to make a kefir mask as a treatment once a week, for 3 months, but as a preventive measure, once a month is enough.

Egg mask for scalp

Chicken egg is a generous source of minerals and vitamins. It also contains proteins, which are the building blocks of hair. In addition to the fact that with the help of eggs you can restore the structure of the hair, they will become silky and shiny. Homemade scalp mask with egg is prepared as follows.

Mix one teaspoon each of different natural oils. It can be burdock, castor and sea buckthorn. Next, add one yolk. The protein in this mask is not useful to us. It is the yolk that is useful for dry scalp, as it contains a maximum of fat. Mix the resulting mass and apply with massage movements to the hair roots. Cover the mask with polyethylene and a towel and leave for 2 hours. Then rinse with water using shampoo. In order to breathe life into your dull hair, it is enough to do this mask twice a week, and soon you will notice the result.

Honey mask for the scalp

Honey is an integral part of many folk recipes, and for good reason. After all, it is considered a universal remedy that can get rid of excess fat, and also restore dry hair. The composition of honey includes about 400 vitamins and useful trace elements. This rich product is also present in expensive cosmetics. Preparing such a moisturizing scalp mask is very simple: mix four tablespoons of honey with one tablespoon of vegetable oil and add the same amount of apple cider vinegar. Rub the mass into the hair roots and leave for 40 minutes. Then wash off with warm water. After using the mask, you will notice that your hair seems to be covered with a protective film, thanks to which all irregularities in the form of split ends will be smoothed out, and the strands will look even and shiny.

Fruit Moisturizing Scalp Mask

Fruits not only have a positive effect on health from the inside, but also help hair regain its former beauty and strength. The most popular are peach fruit masks. This fruit perfectly nourishes, moisturizes the hair and scalp, besides it has a pleasant smell. For cooking, you only need 2 peaches. They need to be mashed in a blender to a puree state and add a little cream and a couple of drops of essential oil. The resulting mass must be applied along the entire length and left for an hour. Then rinse your head with warm water.

Herbal decoctions for rinsing hair

Almost all women use a conditioner after washing their hair. But it is more useful to rinse the hair in herbal decoctions. You can simply pour boiling water over the herbs and let them brew. And you can boil them a little for greater effect. But when choosing herbs, you need to pay attention to some nuances:

  1. For dry hair, decoctions of flax seeds, chamomile, and mint are suitable.
  2. To add shine to dull strands, you can brew rowan berries or parsley leaves.
  3. Hair color also matters, if you are, for example, a natural blonde, then you are better off using a decoction of chamomile and plain green tea.
  4. For dark-haired ladies, you can use a mixture of nettle grass, oak bark and horsetail.

Hair mask with aloe juice at night

In today's world, not every woman can afford to set aside a few hours to make a hair mask. But there is one way to replace day care - this is a moisturizing scalp mask for the night. But in order for such a procedure to bring maximum benefit, you need to follow a few rules:

  1. Apply the mask half an hour before bedtime.
  2. First, the hair must be combed well.
  3. Do not apply the mask to wet hair, they must be exceptionally dry.
  4. It is important that during sleep your linen does not get dirty.

Night masks can consist of different components, the main thing is to exclude those products that have heating and stimulating blood circulation effects. We offer you a mask made from aloe juice, which has antibacterial and cleansing properties. He is able to revive each strand, instilling beauty and brilliance in it. To prepare the mask, you need to mix a third of a glass of carrot juice, the same amount of apple juice and 30 grams of aloe juice. It is necessary to distribute the mask along the entire length of the hair. Cover your head with a plastic cap and a towel. In the morning, the mask can be washed off.


Now you know how to prepare a moisturizing scalp mask at home. And, as you can see, there is nothing complicated about it. You can use any of the proposed components, you can also combine them with each other, the main thing is regularity, and then your hair will look healthy and shiny. Be beautiful!

Brittle and dull hair that cannot be styled, a constant desire to scratch your head are the first symptoms of dry scalp. Lack of attention to the problem can lead to hair loss.

Causes of dry scalp

Overdrying of the skin is usually caused by a violation of their water-lipid balance as a result of various factors. Because of this, the skin intensively loses moisture, the activity of the sebaceous glands decreases. The main causes of dryness:

  • Frequent hair coloring. The paints contain aggressive substances that not only change the structure of the hair, but also irritate the skin. Especially often, overdrying of the skin occurs with self-coloring of hair, when women want to save on hairdresser services.
  • Unbalanced Diet. The absence in the menu of products containing vitamins A (retinol), E (tocopherol), B vitamins, coffee abuse, spicy and salty foods leads to malnutrition of the epidermis. Also, dehydration of the skin contributes to insufficient fluid intake.
  • Wrong choice of shampoo. With dry hair and scalp, you do not need to buy products "for all types of hair", and even more so - use shampoos for oily and normal hair.
  • Temperature effect. High and low temperatures adversely affect the condition of the skin, so in winter you can’t be in the cold without a hat, in the summer you need to wear panama hats. Hats should be made only from natural materials to allow the skin to "breathe". Drying hair with a hot hair dryer is also harmful.
  • Diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, diseases of the nervous and endocrine systems cause metabolic disorders in the body, which leads to dehydration of the skin.
  • Washing hair with tap water. Tap water contains chlorine, calcium and magnesium salts, which intensively "dry" the skin and hair. Also, chlorinated water in pools is harmful, so you need to wear a cap while swimming.
  • Allergy, skin diseases. Allergens and pathogens of skin diseases (fungi, bacteria) cause disturbances in the processes of nutrition and metabolism in tissues, the response of the epidermis to the introduction of foreign agents - dryness, allergic reactions.
  • Smoking and alcohol. Bad habits negatively affect the condition of the blood vessels, the blood supply to the skin worsens, it loses moisture.
  • Pregnancy and lactation. Hormonal changes in the body can cause dry skin.


  • Constant feeling of discomfort: itching, tightness of the scalp, the desire to scratch it.
  • The appearance of dandruff - flakes of exfoliating epidermis.
  • Thinning, fading of hair, their fragility and loss, split ends.
  • When combing, the hair is strongly electrified.
  • After washing the head, the feeling of tightness of the skin quickly returns.

When these symptoms appear, it is safe to talk about dehydration of the scalp, but sometimes itching, dandruff and deterioration of the hair are companions of diseases that require treatment by a dermatologist.

How to distinguish dry scalp from skin diseases

Diseases that are accompanied by dry scalp:

  • Dry seborrhea (a type of seborrheic dermatitis)- a significant decrease in the secretory function of the sebaceous glands with a change in the qualitative composition of sebum. Dandruff scales appear on the skin, their number is constantly increasing. Hair begins to break, look powdered due to seborrheic plaque. The disease is accompanied by itching, dryness not only of the scalp, but also of the face.
    The cause of seborrheic dermatitis is some type of yeast-like fungus Malassezia, which affects the sebaceous glands. Hormonal changes in the body, diseases of internal organs (colitis, diseases of the liver and biliary tract) provoke the activity of the fungus. Also, the likelihood of seborrheic dermatitis is high if it was detected in close relatives (hereditary predisposition).
    Seborrheic dermatitis can be dry or oily. Oily seborrhea is accompanied by hyperfunction of the sebaceous glands, dandruff scales are greasy, yellow in color, layer on top of each other, inflammation of the sebaceous glands joins. Dry seborrhea is less common, not everyone knows its symptoms, so when it appears, patients do not seek help from a doctor, but try to get rid of dandruff in the usual ways.
  • Psoriasis- a non-communicable disease with completely unidentified causes of occurrence, a genetic factor plays a large role in its occurrence. It starts with dry skin, then pink bumps appear, covered with white scales (psoriatic plaques). The characteristic symptoms of psoriasis are the appearance of tiny droplets of blood when the scales are removed and the formation of new elements at the site of scratches or scratches. In addition to the head, the disease often affects the skin on the elbows, knees, and lumbar region.
  • Atopic dermatitis- a chronic disease, the causes of which are hereditary factors, disorders of the nervous and immune systems, pathologies of internal organs, intoxication. It is manifested by dry skin and severe itching. When combing, the skin coarsens, red spots appear on it, later turning into weeping wounds.

If you find symptoms similar to the listed diseases, you should seek help from a dermatologist.

Dry scalp treatment

Treatment for dry scalp begins with changes in lifestyle and habits. Need to:

Masks for dry scalp

Home masks can not only eliminate dry skin, but also restore hair structure, restore shine, volume, color. Masks are made 1-2 times a week.

  • Onion mask. A fresh onion is crushed in a blender or meat grinder, placed in gauze folded in several layers. The secreted juice is rubbed into the skin, the head is wrapped in a towel, washed off after half an hour.
  • Yolk mask. Mix raw egg yolk, 20 ml of vodka and 50 ml of boiled water. The mixture is rubbed into the skin and hair, wrapped in a towel, washed off after half an hour.
  • Oil-honey mask. To 50 ml of olive oil add 25 ml of liquid honey. The mixture is applied to the hair and scalp for 20 minutes.
  • Burdock. Warm burdock oil in its pure form is applied to the skin and hair for 1.5-2 hours.
  • Sour cream. A tablespoon of fat sour cream is mixed with a raw egg and a tablespoon of lemon juice. Mixed, the mass is applied for half an hour.

The masks are washed off with warm water, then they wash their hair with shampoo for dry hair, rinse with herbal decoctions.

Hair wash for dry skin

Shampooing is also important for maintaining healthy skin:

  • First of all, you need to choose a shampoo: it should contain moisturizing and nourishing additives (glycerin, soy and aloe extract, shea butter, almond oil, panthenol, herbal decoctions), strengthening components (keratin, silk proteins, wheat or rice), silicones for protection from external influences. The label should say “For dry hair type”, universal products for all hair types should be avoided.
  • Hair with a dry type is recommended to be washed once every 5-7 days.
  • The water should be hot, as hot water stimulates the sebaceous glands.
  • Comb hair thoroughly before washing. At this stage, you can apply a mask prepared on your own to the skin.
  • The shampoo is first applied to the palms, slightly diluted with water, whipping into foam, then applied to the hair and distributed over the head.
  • While washing your hair, you can do a massage: the shampoo is distributed in arbitrary circular motions, while the pressure with your fingers on the skin should be slightly stronger than during normal washing. Massage improves blood circulation, restores the function of the sebaceous glands, stimulates hair growth.
  • After washing, the shampoo is thoroughly washed off, the head is rinsed with a decoction of nettle or calendula (2 tablespoons of chopped raw materials are poured into 0.5 liters of water, boiled for about 3 minutes, filtered after cooling).
  • A balm or conditioner is applied to the hair.
  • Dry your hair gently, it is better to wrap your head with a towel and wait until the cloth absorbs moisture.
  • Wet hair does not comb, it is better to dry it naturally, without using a hair dryer.

Video about the causes and treatments for dry scalp

Compliance with the rules of care helps restore health to the scalp and hair. If you cannot eliminate dandruff, dryness, itching and peeling of the skin on your own, then you need to seek help from a dermatologist who will prescribe the necessary medication.