Titles of the novel fathers and sons article. Literary and historical notes of a young technician

Turgenev's novel "Fathers and Sons" reveals several problems at once. One reflects the conflict of generations and clearly demonstrates a way to get out of it, preserving the main thing - the value of the family. The second one demonstrates the processes taking place in the society of that time. Through dialogues and skillfully crafted images of heroes, a type of public figure that has barely begun to emerge is presented, denying all the foundations of the existing statehood and ridiculing such moral and ethical values ​​as love feelings and sincere affection.

Ivan Sergeevich himself does not take sides in the work. As an author, he condemns both the nobility and representatives of new social and political movements, clearly showing that the value of life and sincere affection is much higher than rebelliousness and political passions.

History of creation

Of all the works of Turgenev, the novel "Fathers and Sons" was the only one written in a short time. From the moment the idea was born to the first publication of the manuscript, only two years passed.

The first thoughts about the new story came to the writer in August 1860 during his stay in England on the Isle of Wight. This was facilitated by Turgenev's acquaintance with a provincial young doctor. Fate pushed them in bad weather on the railway and under the pressure of circumstances, they talked with Ivan Sergeevich all night. New acquaintances were shown those ideas that the reader could later observe in Bazarov's speeches. The doctor became the prototype of the main character.

(The Kirsanov estate from the film "Fathers and Sons", the location of the filming is the Fryanovo estate, 1983)

In the autumn of the same year, upon his return to Paris, Turgenev worked out the plot of the novel and began writing chapters. Within six months, half of the manuscript was ready, and he finished it after his arrival in Russia, in the middle of the summer of 1861.

Until the spring of 1862, reading his novel to friends and giving the manuscript for reading to the editor of the Russian Messenger, Turgenev made corrections to the work. In March of the same year, the novel was published. This version was slightly different from the edition that was published six months later. In it, Bazarov was presented in a more unsightly light and the image of the main character was a bit repulsive.

Analysis of the work

Main plot

The protagonist of the novel, the nihilist Bazarov, together with the young nobleman Arkady Kirsanov, arrives at the Kirsanovs' estate, where the protagonist meets his friend's father and uncle.

Pavel Petrovich is a refined aristocrat who absolutely does not like either Bazarov or the ideas and values ​​​​he shows. Bazarov also does not remain in debt, and no less actively and passionately, he speaks out against the values ​​and morals of the old people.

After that, young people get acquainted with the recently widowed Anna Odintsova. They both fall in love with her, but temporarily hide it not only from the object of adoration, but also from each other. The protagonist is ashamed to admit that he, who spoke vehemently against romanticism and love affection, now suffers from these feelings himself.

The young nobleman begins to be jealous of the lady of the heart for Bazarov, there are omissions between friends and, as a result, Bazarov tells Anna about his feelings. Odintsova prefers him a quiet life and a marriage of convenience.

Gradually, relations between Bazarov and Arkady deteriorate, and Arkady himself is fond of Anna's younger sister Ekaterina.

Relations between the older generation of the Kirsanovs and Bazarov are heating up, it comes to a duel, in which Pavel Petrovich is injured. This puts a bullet between Arkady and Bazarov, and the main character has to return to his father's house. There he becomes infected with a deadly disease and dies in the arms of his own parents.

At the end of the novel, Anna Sergeevna Odintsova marries for convenience, Arkady and Ekaterina, as well as Fenechka and Nikolai Petrovich, marry. They play their weddings on the same day. Uncle Arkady leaves the estate and goes to live abroad.

Heroes of Turgenev's novel

Evgeny Vasilyevich Bazarov

Bazarov is a medical student, by social status, a simple man, the son of a military doctor. He is seriously interested in the natural sciences, shares the beliefs of nihilists and denies romantic attachments. He is self-confident, proud, ironic and mocking. Bazarov does not like to talk much.

In addition to love, the protagonist does not share admiration for art, has little faith in medicine, regardless of the education he receives. Not referring to himself as a romantic nature, Bazarov loves beautiful women and, at the same time, despises them.

The most interesting moment in the novel is when the hero himself begins to experience those feelings, the existence of which he denied and ridiculed. Turgenev clearly demonstrates the intrapersonal conflict, at the moment when the feelings and beliefs of a person diverge.

Arkady Nikolaevich Kirsanov

One of the central characters of Turgenev's novel is a young and educated nobleman. He is only 23 years old and barely graduated from university. Due to his youth and temperament, he is naive and easily falls under the influence of Bazarov. Outwardly, he shares the beliefs of the nihilists, but in his heart, and further in the story it is clear, he appears as a generous, gentle and very sentimental young man. Over time, the hero himself understands this.

Unlike Bazarov, Arkady likes to speak a lot and beautifully, he is emotional, cheerful and values ​​affection. He believes in marriage. Despite the conflict between fathers and children shown at the beginning of the novel, Arkady loves both his uncle and his father.

Odintsova Anna Sergeevna is an early widowed rich person who at one time married not out of love, but out of calculation in order to save herself from poverty. One of the main characters of the novel loves peace and her own independence. She never loved anyone and never became attached to anyone.

For the main characters, she looks beautiful and inaccessible, because she does not reciprocate with anyone. Even after the death of the hero, she remarries, and again by calculation.

The younger sister of the widow Odintsova, Katya, is very young. She is only 20 years old. Catherine is one of the most endearing and pleasant characters in the novel. She is kind, sociable, observant and at the same time demonstrates independence and obstinacy, which only paint a young lady. She comes from a family of poor nobles. Her parents died when she was only 12 years old. Since then, she has been raised by her older sister, Anna. Ekaterina is afraid of her and feels uncomfortable under the gaze of Odintsova.

The girl loves nature, thinks a lot, she is direct and not flirtatious.

Father of Arkady (brother of Pavel Petrovich Kirsanov). Widower. He is 44 years old, he is a completely harmless person and an undemanding owner. He is soft, kind, attached to his son. By nature, he is a romantic, he likes music, nature, poetry. Nikolai Petrovich loves a quiet, calm, measured life in the countryside.

At one time he married for love and lived happily in marriage until his wife died. For many years he could not come to his senses after the death of his beloved, but over the years he found love again and she became Fenechka, a simple and poor girl.

Refined aristocrat, 45 years old, uncle of Arkady. At one time he served as an officer of the guard, but because of Princess R. his life changed. A secular lion in the past, a heartthrob who easily won the love of women. All his life he built in the English style, read newspapers in a foreign language, conducted business and life.

Kirsanov is a clear adherent of liberal views and a man of principles. He is self-confident, proud and mocking. Love at one time knocked him down, and from a lover of noisy companies, he became an ardent misanthrope who in every possible way avoided the company of people. In his heart, the hero is unhappy and at the end of the novel he finds himself far from his loved ones.

Analysis of the plot of the novel

The main plot of Turgenev's novel, which has become classic, is Bazarov's conflict with the society in which he found himself by the will of fate. A society that does not support his views and ideals.

The conditional plot of the plot is the appearance of the main character in the Kirsanovs' house. In the course of communication with other characters, conflicts and clashes of views are demonstrated, which test Evgeny's beliefs for stamina. This also happens within the framework of the main love line - in the relationship between Bazarov and Odintsova.

Contradiction is the main technique that the author used when writing the novel. It is reflected not only in its title and is demonstrated in the conflict, but also reflected in the repetition of the protagonist's route. Bazarov ends up twice on the Kirsanovs' estate, visits Odintsova twice, and also returns twice to his parents' house.

The denouement of the plot is the death of the protagonist, with which the writer wanted to demonstrate the collapse of the thoughts expressed by the hero throughout the novel.

In his work, Turgenev clearly showed that in the cycle of all ideologies and political disputes there is a big, complex and diverse life, where traditional values, nature, art, love and sincere, deep affections always win.

In 1862, the fourth novel by the great writer Turgenev was published. The title of the novel is Fathers and Sons. It fully reflected the socio-political views of Turgenev and his direct attitude to all the events taking place in Russia. Analysis of the novel "Fathers and Sons" will help to fully experience all the thoughts and experiences of the author.

The theme of two generations

The novel "Fathers and Sons" reflects the theme of two generations. It was inspired by the author of the fierce ideological struggle between democrats and liberals. This struggle unfolded during the preparation of the peasant reform. Turgenev gave the most detailed description of it. The analysis of the novel "Fathers and Sons" is interesting in that when considering certain episodes, one can more acutely feel the dispute between two generations reflected in the novel. It considers such events of socio-political activity as disputes on questions of history and philosophy, as well as controversy on the topic of science and art.

An analysis of the work "Fathers and Sons" can begin with its title. The very title of the novel is very often understood in an extremely simplified way: the conflict between commoners and aristocrats, a change in the social ideology of generations. However, Turgenev's novel "Fathers and Sons" is not limited to only one social sphere. It also has a psychological dimension. To reduce the meaning of the novel solely to ideology - to understand it "in Bazarov's way". Since Bazarov himself believes that the whole essence of the new time lies in the need to destroy absolutely everything that was done by the "fathers" from the face of the earth, and also to discredit them with their morals and principles in the name of a very vague "bright future". Analysis of the work "Fathers and Sons" makes it clear one of the most important problems in the development of all mankind, revealed in the work. It's a paternity issue. Each person, over time, realizes his spiritual connection with the past, with his roots. Generational change is always a difficult and painful process. "Children" adopt from the "fathers" the spiritual experience of mankind. Of course, they should not copy their "fathers". They need to creatively rethink their life credo. During social upheavals, the reappraisal of values ​​by the new generation takes place much more cruelly and harshly than is necessary. The results are always extremely tragic: too much is lost in a hurry, and then it is too difficult to make up for these problems.

Analysis of the heroes of the novel

Of particular interest is the analysis of the characters. "Fathers and Sons" is a work in which we meet such vivid characters as Bazarov and Pavel Kirsanov. Both believe that they know the answer to the question of how to carry out transformations in the country. Each of them is sure that it is his idea that will bring prosperity to Russia. The party affiliation of Bazarov and Kirsanov can be traced not only in manners, but also in clothes. The reader can recognize the democrat-raznochinets by the peasant simplicity of speech, by the "naked red hand" and the deliberate carelessness of the costume. The peculiarity of the positions of an aristocrat and a democrat is emphasized by symbolic details. For Pavel Kirsanov, such a detail is the smell of cologne. His strong addiction to a good smell betrays the desire to move away from everything dirty, low, everyday, everything that occurs in life. Thus, the heroes-antagonists appear before the readers. Their worldview is determined by fundamental and irreconcilable contradictions.

Analysis of the duel in the novel "Fathers and Sons"

Let's do an analysis of the duel, "Fathers and Sons" contains an episode in which Bazarov and his friend drive through Maryino, Nikolskoye and the parental home. On this trip, the "new" Bazarov is already abandoning intense ideological disputes with Kirsanov. Only sometimes he throws rather flat witticisms, which no longer resemble the former fireworks of thoughts. Bazarov is opposed by the "cold politeness" of his uncle. They are opponents for each other, but do not admit it even to themselves. Gradually hostility changes to mutual interest. During this trip, Bazarov decided for the first time to inquire and find out what the arguments of his opponent were based on. However, a stop at the Kirsanovs' house turns into a duel for Bazarov. Duel demanded Pavel Petrovich. He even took a stick with him in order to make the duel inevitable by any means. By the very fact of being challenged to a duel, Kirsanov departed from his aristocratic principles. After all, a real aristocrat should not condescend to a commoner. In those days, the duel was considered an anachronism. Turgenev draws many funny and comical details in the novel. The duel begins with an invitation to Pyotr's seconds, who trembled half to death. The duel ends with a tragicomic wound “in the thigh” of Pavel Kirsanov, who, as if on purpose, put on “white trousers”. The strength of the spirit is inherent in both heroes. The author has noted this before. But it was the duel that helped to overcome internal limitations. After the duel, Bazarov and Kirsanov seem to change. Thus, Pavel Petrovich becomes attracted to previously alien democratism.

Bazarov's death

In the novel Fathers and Sons, the analysis of the episode of Bazarov's death deserves special attention. Although the outcome of the duel ended happily, Paul had long since died spiritually. The last thread with life was severed by his parting with Fenechka. His opponent also passes away. In the novel, references to the epidemic seem extremely persistent. She spares no one, and there is no escape from her. Despite this, the hero behaves as if cholera is not a danger to him. Bazarov understood that he was created for the tart and bitter life of a revolutionary agitator. He accepted this title as his calling. But at the end of the novel, he wonders what to do next, when the old ideas have been questioned, and science has not given answers to the questions of interest. Bazarov is trying to find the truth in conversations with a man unknown to him, but he never finds it.


Today, the work "Fathers and Sons" is studied in all schools and humanitarian universities of the country. The problem of confrontation between generations is quite significant, young people insist on their moral values, which the "fathers" refuse to understand. In order to dot the "I", read this brilliant work of Turgenev.

The relationship of different generations is one of the eternal problems that psychologists and journalists, writers and critics, artists and composers are trying to solve. In Ivan Sergeevich Turgenev's novel "Fathers and Sons" this theme sounds already in its very title. It can be assumed that the author of the work sought to find an answer to one of the "eternal" questions.

The novel was published at a time of extreme intensification of the social struggle. The topicality of the work is confirmed by the storm of criticism that its appearance caused. Thus, the critic A. Skabichevsky in "Notes of the Fatherland" of 1868 noted that the main goal of the novel is to oppose the philosophy of fathers and the philosophy of children. D.I. Pisarev in the article "Realists" defined the main idea of ​​the novel as answers to questions for the younger generation: "What kind of people are you? I don't understand you, I can't and can't sympathize with you." Let's try and answer the question, what is the meaning of the title of the novel?

In the center of the plot is the conflict between Evgeny Vasilyevich Bazarov, a representative of a new generation, a nihilist who denies beauty, art, feelings, emotions, and Pavel Petrovich Kirsanov, a retired military man, a conservative who respects social principles. Their views were completely opposite, they did not get along from the very first meeting, disagreements arose between them on every issue. Pavel Petrovich is a prominent representative of high society and, despite the fact that he lives in the village, has retained the habits of an aristocrat.

Bazarov, on the other hand, is a simple grandson of a deacon, the son of a district doctor. He is energetic and impetuous, a supporter of everything new and progressive, an atheist, a materialist, a "man of science", very smart, rational, hardworking. The worldview of these heroes is also absolutely contradictory: Yevgeny Bazarov believed that one should live exclusively by reason, denying feelings and emotions, while Kirsanov adhered to liberal views on life, defended high ideas of dignity and individual rights, stood up for self-respect, honor and freedom of every person.

Another storyline that reveals the theme of "fathers and children" is Yevgeny Bazarov's contradictory and complex relationship with his parents. Old people love their son very much, “they don’t have a soul in him,” but their son does not share their emotions. Parents cannot understand their son, and he is rather cold with his mother and father, treats them condescendingly and indifferently, at least outwardly.

In my opinion, I.S. Turgenev in his novel helped readers understand what is the reason for the generational conflict. The new, constant changes that are rapidly breaking into life are easily picked up by young people, but the values ​​​​and traditions that the "fathers" are trying to preserve must be honored.

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Composition The meaning of the title and title Fathers and children of Turgenva's novel

The novel "Fathers and Sons" occupies an important place in the work of Turgenev. The title of this work can be interpreted from different points of view.

Firstly, the main conflict of the work is the clash of liberal and democratic views. From the first pages we understand that the "Fathers" Kirsanovs and "Children" (essentially only one Bazarov) are opposed to each other. At the first meeting with Nikolai Petrovich Kirsanov, Bazarov did not immediately shake his hand. And the hero turned out to be right, the brother of Nikolai Petrovich did not give Bazarov a hand at all and even hid it in his pocket. This is the main conflict of the novel. The portrait of the heroes also contrasts them: Bazarov's robe and Pavel Petrovich's neat appearance are immediately noticeable to the reader.

In the litters of Pavel Petrovich and Bazarov, we learn about their views. Eugene declares that he is a nihilist, while Arkady supports his friend. But later we understand that in fact Arkady does not share the views of Bazarov. Eugene considers the nature of the workshop, and Kirsanov perceives it as something more than just a workshop. The Kirsanovs love poetry, music, but Evgeny denies it.

The culmination of the storyline with Pavel Petrovich and Bzarov will be a duel of heroes. Kirsanov will be wounded and Evgeny will leave the house in Maryino forever. Thus, the Kirsanov brothers cannot accept Bazarov's views. Conflicts and misunderstandings between generations are inevitable, the young bring new ideas, and the old ones are convinced of the correctness of time-tested foundations. Neither the aristocrat Pavel Nikolaevich nor the simple gentleman Nikolai Petrovich accept Yevgeny's democratic views.

Also, the title of this novel can be understood as the relationship between fathers and children in the literal sense. The relationship of Arkady and his father and the relationship of Bazarov with his parents. Nikolai Petrovich is trying to get closer to his son, but at the same time he is embarrassed to talk about his new wife and child. Arkady, being kind and sensitive, gets to know Fenechka himself. The hero gladly helps his father.

Eugene has a completely different relationship with his parents. On the first visit, he restrains his feelings, his mother is afraid to ask something again, and his father tries not to be intrusive. On the second visit, everything changes, Bazarov has already experienced love for Odintsova, he begins to reconsider his views. In addition, the hero is mortally ill. In his last days, for the comfort of his parents, he allows religious rites to be performed, which the nihilist would never have allowed at the beginning of the novel. Bazarov asks his parents to call Odintsova to see her for the last time.

Thus, the meaning of the title of the novel lies in the confrontation of two generations. As in the same family, and on a larger scale, as a confrontation between liberals and democrats. In the epilogue, we see that the Kirsanovs live happily on their estate, Arkady married Katya, Pavel Petrovich went abroad. Bazarov's parents come to the grave of their son. Why did Bazarov die? Only death could make the hero abandon his nihilistic views. Bazarov is doomed to death because he stands only on the eve of the future.

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That is why it is called so because the value of each work included in its fund is time-tested. Shakespeare's tragedies, da Vinci's paintings, Schnittke's music, Rodin's sculptures can be listed for a long time, because the list of mankind's achievements created during its existence and development is really long and rich. And representatives of Russian culture can be proud that their great compatriot, Ivan Sergeevich Turgenev, occupies one of the first places of honor among the recognized authors of the world and

Russian novel creator

Yes exactly. Of course, even before Turgenev, there were many talented novelists in Russian literature. The “Encyclopedia of Russian Life” in verse, written by Pushkin, of a whole generation, created by Lermontov in his “Hero ...”, and many other wonderful works gave food to the mind and heart of a Russian person, educated, developed, explained, contributed to the formation of spiritually mature personalities, patriots of their homeland. But it was Turgenev who brought the Russian novel into the open spaces of world literature, introduced foreign readers to the uniqueness of our culture, way of life, and history. Brevity, extraordinary expressiveness of the language, intensity of the plot, reflection of the most important socio-political moments in the life of society, the ideological struggle characteristic of Russian reality, the deepest psychologism and the amazing skill of a true artist - these are the distinguishing features of Turgenev the novelist and his best creations. Thanks to Ivan Sergeevich, the foreign public and critics learned about this amazing phenomenon - “Russian literature”, “Russian novel”. The author's most important and favorite brainchild was Fathers and Sons. The meaning of the work reflected not only the complexity of family, social, civil and human relations in general, but also Turgenev's point of view on these issues.

Why fathers and children

The position of the author in the novel is not directly stated. But it is quite easy to determine if you carefully look at the composition of the work, analyze the language of the characters, the system of images, and identify the role of individual elements, such as landscape, in the novel. By the way, this is what Fathers and Sons is very interesting for. The meaning of the work is already in the title, and the main artistic device of opposition, or antithesis, can be traced throughout the entire novel.

So why fathers and why children? Because the family is a small cross-section of the whole society, and it, like in a mirror, reflects those most complex, sometimes dramatic collisions that shake and fever By the time the idea was born and the novel itself was written, life, according to the critic Belinsky, “ran into depth and width" in a huge variety of its elements. This variety of forms allows us to see and understand "Fathers and Sons". The meaning of the work is revealed in the conflict between generations, in views on politics, religion, science, art, social world order and world order. No less striking is the class conflict, which escalated against the backdrop of a tough confrontation between social forces and problems. The attentive reader, passing from chapter to chapter, more and more clearly understands the metaphorical nature of the title "Fathers and Sons". The meaning of the work is not only to show the continuity and division of generations (the universal aspect), but also to reveal the opposition of established views and opinions and new ones that replace the old ones.

Family thought

Let's analyze first the "family thought" in the novel. It is worth noting that the theme of the family is generally characteristic of Turgenev. Throughout his independent life, the writer lived "on the edge of someone else's nest", and he had a rather complicated relationship with his mother. That is probably why Ivan Sergeevich cherished the warmth of the hearth, the harmony of relationships between older and younger generations. The work "Fathers and Sons" affirms those eternal values, without which, in fact, progress cannot move forward. This is shown on the example of the Kirsanov family. Arkady, a representative of the young and progressive generation, although he is under the influence of Bazarov, is still closely connected with his relatives. Even upon arrival in his father's land, he exclaims that here the air is sweeter and more and more expensive and closer than in the capital. Making an excursion into the past of his heroes, Turgenev says that Kirsanov the father constantly tried to get closer to his son, share his interests, live what Arkady lives, get acquainted with his friends, tried to understand the new generation coming to replace his peers. The work "Fathers and Sons", as already mentioned, is a novel-antithesis. But, although Bazarov is an ardent opponent of the whole past, including “fathers”, although he is outwardly rude with his father and mother and openly ridicules and despises the “old Kirsanovs”, the feeling of kinship is not alien to him. Thus, the bonds are sacred for Turgenev. Welcoming the new time, the writer believes that it is impossible to completely negate the achievements of past eras, including

New and old

The meaning of the novel "Fathers and Sons" is wider and deeper than the above question. Yes, indeed, the younger generation, with its inherent maximalism, often considers itself smarter, more progressive, more talented, more capable of significant deeds and more useful for the country than those whose century is nearing its end. Alas, but by and large it is. Both Nikolai Petrovich and Petr Petrovich Kirsanov, educated people and thinking in a modern way, nevertheless, in many respects, lagged behind the age uncontrollably flying forward. New scientific thoughts, technical achievements, political ideas are difficult for them to understand and difficult to accept in their everyday life. But does this mean that the past should be completely destroyed, forgotten, abandoned, “cleared out,” as Bazarov puts it? And what then to build in a new place, on an empty one? The nihilist Yevgeny cannot draw a detailed picture - apparently he does not know it himself, does not imagine it. And the author rightly saw the meaning of the novel “Fathers and Sons” not only in criticizing the ugliness of Russian reality, the rotten system of social, and often human relations, but also in proving that it is impossible to completely abandon the past. Human civilizations succeeded one another, and each was based on the achievements of the previous one.

The ideological and aesthetic concept of the novel

What else is Fathers and Sons about? written in 3 stages. The first one dates back to 1860-1861, when the main text was created, the plot and figurative system were formed. The second refers to the autumn of 1861 - the beginning of the winter of 1862. At this time, the writer is actively reworking the text, making plot and compositional corrections, expanding the range of issues covered in accordance with political changes in the country. And, finally, in the period from February to September 1862, the final revisions and the first publication in the Russkiy Vestnik of the work Fathers and Sons. The problematics of the novel is a vivid picture of the rise of the movement of raznochintsy, revolutionary democrats; showing a new, just emerging type of nihilist public figure, questioning all the foundations of the Russian state. The story of the life of the rebel Bazarov, criticism of the immorality of nihilism, the conflict between liberal conservatives and revolutionary-minded progressives, the disclosure of philosophical, spiritual, religious, ethical and aesthetic, moral conflicts fit on 238 sheets of neat Turgenev's handwriting.

What did the author want to say and what effect did he have?

It is impossible to understand what the meaning of the novel "Fathers and Sons" is without revealing the image of the main character - the nihilist Yevgeny Bazarov. The author himself noted that he saw a figure strong, vicious, wild and indomitable, honest, coming out of the people, but doomed to death, because the time of the Bazarovs had not yet come. He admitted that he did not know whether he loved or hated the image he had created. After all, the writer sought to criticize, first of all, the nobility as a once advanced, and now obsolete, conservative class, hindering the economic and political development of the country. But Bazarov came to the fore, and it was about this hero that controversy unfolded in domestic criticism. Some considered the main character an evil caricature, a pamphlet on the younger generation. Others, picking up Turgenev's word "nihilist", began to call them all kinds of atrocities, political unrest, produced by the students. And the name of Bazarov became synonymous with one of the names of the devil - Asmodeus. Still others, picking up revolutionary ideas, elevated Yevgeny Vasilyevich to the rank of their spiritual leader. Turgenev did not share the ideas of either one, or the second, or the third. This was one of the reasons for the ideological split between the writer and the staff of Sovremennik.

The victory of life over ideology

Yes, Ivan Sergeevich, with all his sincere sympathy for the nobility and compassion for Bazarov, condemned both one and the other. In the novel, he proved that life is more complex and diverse than all ideologies, political disputes, and it cannot be put into one. Nature, love, sincere affection, the regenerating and ennobling power of art, patriotism will triumph over any "passionate, sinful, rebellious heart." And to this day, the fate of the heroes of the work interests and excites us, gives rise to disputes, encourages us to try to understand as deeply as possible and teach everyone to be a Human. And this is the main sign of the great classical works.

"Fathers and Sons"- a novel by the Russian writer Ivan Sergeevich Turgenev (1818 - 1883), written in the 60s of the XIX century. The novel became a landmark for its time, and the image of the protagonist Yevgeny Bazarov was perceived by young people as an example to follow. Such ideals as uncompromisingness, lack of reverence for authorities and old truths, the priority of the useful over the beautiful, were perceived by the people of that time and were reflected in Bazarov's worldview.

About the novel

Turgenev’s novel “Fathers and Sons” was born in those years when new trends began to replace the old way of life, when young people rethought old values ​​and, finally, when the hero-nobleman was replaced by a hero-thinker, a hero-commoner.

In the novel itself, we note two conflicts: external and internal. External is the conflict of "fathers" and "children", the confrontation of different generations, as well as the conflict between the hero-nobleman and the raznochintsy-democrat. It manifests itself in the relationship of Pavel Petrovich Kirsanov and Bazarov, Nikolai Petrovich Kirsanov and Arkady. The internal conflict is a confrontation of ideas, a struggle between two worldviews. Two conflicts determined the most important lines of the novel.

The protagonist of the novel "Fathers and Sons" Yevgeny Bazarov calls himself a nihilist. The essence of his theory is the denial of most of the scientific and cultural heritage, the assertion of material values ​​and a "natural-philosophical" view of nature. Everything about the protagonist is provocative, and while he has a clear influence on others, he is a natural leader. However, throughout the novel, Turgenev confronts Bazarov with difficulties: verbal battles between Pavel Petrovich Kirsanov, the love story of Nikolai Petrovich and Fenechka, Arkady's feelings for Katya, Bazarov's own love for Anna Odintsova. Thanks to all this, the author shows how Bazarov's theories and beliefs are narrow and far-fetched. Bazarov did not recognize religion, denied the old foundations, relied only on science, considering it necessary to destroy everything old, so that something new could only be built on a “bare foundation”. But the whole novel, every detail of it, every scene convinces us of the viciousness of the nihilistic theory.

The internal conflict of the novel is built on the opposition of Bazarov and Nikolai Petrovich. There are no open disputes between them, and in an open dispute, Nikolai Petrovich would never have won against Bazarov. As conceived by Turgenev, Nikolai Petrovich is the bearer of high moral values, those with which life moves: love for people and art, admiration for the world around him. It is all this that opposes Bazarov's nihilism. This is what wins at the end of the novel.

To reinforce the emphasis on the initial limitations and inconsistency of Bazarov's ideas, Turgenev introduces two more characters into the novel - Sitnikov and Kukshina. Only such parodies of people grow on the dead soil of nihilism. These two characters consider themselves followers of Bazarov's ideas, but there is little in common between them and Bazarov. Take their way of life. If Bazarov, following his philosophy, studies and works a lot, then Sitnikov and Kukshina waste their lives in vain. And as a result, their interest in Bazarov's theory fades, as any fashion passes. After the death of Bazarov, Sitnikov settled in life thanks to relatives, and Kukshina changed her place of residence and her interests.

Bazarov's "enlightenment" begins from the moment he falls in love with Anna Sergeevna. Before meeting Odintsova, Eugene was skeptical about love, considering it only from a physiological point of view. The hero liked female beauty, but he considered love a disease. However, meeting with Odintsova changes his views on this feeling. Everything in the heroine attracts Bazarov to her: her beauty, charm, intelligence, ability to behave with tact and nobility. But the feeling that arose in relation to Anna Sergeevna weighs and irritates the hero, because his nihilistic convictions come into conflict with his human, natural feelings. Bazarov loves passionately and passionately, but at the same time he does not understand himself and even hates himself. He reconciles with his love only before death. In the farewell scene with Odintsova, he is shown as a real romantic. The words about the burning candle, as well as the request to take care of the parents after his death, are the best way to refute all Bazarov's former statements! This scene shows that in the face of death everything superficial, far-fetched recedes, and only the main thing remains - love for a woman and old parents.

After the death of Bazarov, the people around him continue to live their usual, well-established lives. Arkady marries Odintsova's sister Katya Lokteva, Nikolai Petrovich marries Fenechka, both couples have children; Pavel Petrovich goes abroad, blessing his brother's marriage, and Anna Sergeevna gets married. Everyone let go of the past and live in the present. Bazarov's parents mourn the loss of their only son and go to his grave, and nature, as an unshakable symbol of beauty and eternal rebirth, surrounds the place of the last refuge of the rebellious heart of the hero.

The death of Bazarov based on Turgenev's novel "Fathers and Sons"

Bazarov's death occupies a special place in the novel "Fathers and Sons". This episode fully shows his inner strength and the richness of his nature. It is just before death that the hero understands all the inconsistency of the past life, its moments, for example, Bazarov's duel with Pavel Kirsanov.

He really wants to live, but he realizes that death is inevitable. In front of her, he understands that neither chemistry, nor biology, nor medicine, nor any other science will help him in any way. Everyone is powerless before death. An insight comes to him, what is the main thing in life, and what is a strong delusion.

At this moment, he is completely convinced that his Russia does not need him at all. And what did he do for her? Much less than those people who work day in and day out. He does not want to die, but death for him, perhaps, is the only true way out. All his principles have been destroyed, and nothing has been invented to replace them. And Bazarov understands this, accepting his fate with dignity.

The episode of the hero's death reflected all his inner potential, the struggle that did not stop in him from the moment the theory of "nihilism" collapsed. It is not death from typhus that destroys him, he is destroyed by the desire to abandon everything human and eternal, those things that allow one to live on earth.

Why does the novel end in death?

Roman I.S. Turgenev's "Fathers and Sons" ends with the death of the protagonist. Why? Turgenev felt something new, saw new people, but could not imagine how they would act. Bazarov dies very young, without having time to start any activity. With his death, he seems to redeem the one-sidedness of his views, which the author does not accept. Dying, the protagonist did not change either his sarcasm or his directness, but became softer, kinder, and speaks differently, even romantically, which completely contradicts his nihilist beliefs. In Bazarov, Turgenev dreamed of a gloomy figure.

The author's sympathy for the hero manifested itself even in the death scene. It was with her that Turgenev wanted to show the essence of Bazarov, his real character. The manifestation of a feeling of love for Odintsova does not deprive the young man of the main thing in his character: his selflessness, courage, he is not a coward, thinking about his imminent death. Bazarov dies without worrying about death as such. Not worrying about the people who will live, not worrying about the benefits of their deeds for them. What is the role of the death episode? His role is to show the non-standard personality of Bazarov and the failure of his nihilism in the face of the eternal movement of life and the majestic calmness of death.

The main theme of the episode is the frailty of being, the theme of love, the theme of courage in the face of death. The theme of filial love and respect for parents is also present here. The theme is loyalty to oneself, one's principles, the hero is broken, but not defeated.

Before his death, Bazarov reflects on what death is: "The old thing is death, but it's new for everyone." Here the failure of the denial of everything by the main character is manifested: no matter how much you deny death, it still denies you itself. Thinking about love, he understands its unrealizability in the face of death, and romantically says goodbye to Anna Sergeevna.

Of particular importance is his unction after death. Even dead, he remains true to his views on religion, and does not accept it. The farewell scene with Anna Sergeevna Odintsova was built by the author using the contrast method - a living woman - a dying man, and this is emphasized by the epithets used by Turgenev. Anna Sergeevna is glorious, beautiful, generous, young, fresh, pure. Bazarov - "half-crushed worm."

The passage makes a tragic impression - a young man in love dies in the prime of his life. And this death is inevitable and independent of man. The skill of the author allowed us, the readers, to be present, as it were, in the room where Bazarov said goodbye to life forever. And this is the manifestation of Turgenev's talent and writing skills. It is very sad and unbearably hard to read these lines.