which aids in the absorption of food. How to improve digestion? Drugs, enzymes, herbs and foods to speed up digestion

Many people suffer from digestive problems such as: constipation, diarrhea, irritable bowel syndrome, bloating, nausea, and so on. Especially often bodybuilders face these problems, since this sport involves the consumption of food in large quantities. Naturally, according to all the rules of a healthy diet, this is a very big stress for the stomach. To minimize or even eliminate the load on the stomach, you need to know some features of proper nutrition. It is about them that we will talk today.

How to improve gut health?

Without the right approach to nutrition, the problems with digestion of food that were listed above can occur. Most of these problems can be avoided by adding vegetable fibers, water, probiotics, and other equally beneficial substances to your daily diet. By adding all these necessary components, after a while you will feel a positive result on yourself.

It is important to understand that any changes in your diet should be made gradually. If you change your diet drastically, this can lead to some complications, such as bloating, nausea, and other unpleasant problems. Therefore, all the tips listed below must be implemented without haste.

Add Probiotics to Your Diet

Probiotics are microorganisms that are currently used for therapeutic purposes. They help improve digestion. Many nutritional supplements and common foods contain probiotics. This substance is mainly found in enzyme products: kefir, yogurt, soy milk, coconut water, tea mushroom etc. These products contain a large number of such bacteria, including lactobacilli and bifidobacteria, which are so necessary for improving digestion.

lactobacilli- help to digest various carbohydrates, including lactose into lactic acid. Many types of these bacteria have a very positive effect on the human digestive system.

bifidobacteria- These are very beneficial bacteria that make up almost 80-90% of the intestinal flora of children who are breastfed. Also, these bacteria inhibit the development of various microbes in the human body, and promote the digestion of various organic substances.

Ideally, you can start with 3 tablespoons of yogurt a day, which is about 45 ml. Although yogurt should definitely contain all the necessary components, you can still always check on the packaging which microorganisms this product contains.

Many studies have shown that probiotics can improve or even eliminate the symptoms of bloating, gas, and pain in people with irritable bowel syndrome (IBS). Moreover, these substances help in the fight against diarrhea and constipation.

Add Soluble and Insoluble Fibers to Your Diet

Most people neglect to get a very important nutritional component that improves digestion. We are talking about Fiber, which is found in large quantities in vegetables. If you're consuming small amounts of seeds, whole grains, fruits and vegetables, it's time to fix it! The sooner the better for you! Basically, the daily diet should consist of 70% of these products. First of all, this concerns notorious meat lovers, since foods high in fiber help in the digestion of meat and partially unload the digestive system.

Soluble fiber absorbs water and helps bulk up stools. Insoluble fiber acts like a giant toothbrush, cleaning and pushing all ingested food through the digestive tract.

Soluble fibers are found in: carrots, cucumbers, lentils, oats and other cereals, as well as in various varieties of cabbage. They are also found in fruits such as: strawberry, pear, orange, apple and so on. In addition, these products are perfectly combined with various diets, preventing overeating and a constant feeling of hunger. These components absorb moisture, thereby allowing you to fill the stomach, satisfying a person’s hunger.

Insoluble fiber is found in nuts, various seeds, whole grains, brown rice, celery, bulgur, onions, and dark leafy vegetables. This type of dietary fiber does not absorb water. They help speed up the processes in the digestive system. The main task of insoluble fiber is to ensure regular emptying of the intestinal tract, as well as to prevent the development of dysbacteriosis.

The consumption of soluble and insoluble fiber will be very effective for people who are losing weight, as this substance satisfies hunger and contains a small amount of calories. In general, an ideal product for losing weight people. Why they say, when losing weight, eat a large amount of salads and fruits, and so on.

A high-fiber diet has been shown to reduce the risk of digestive disease and is an excellent prophylaxis against ulcers, reflux, hemorrhoids, diverticulitis, and irritable bowel syndrome.

Reduce Fat and Sugar Intake

Fats and sugar in our intestinal tract not only cause pain in the abdomen, they also slow down the digestive processes, thereby causing constipation. One of the effective ways to reduce sugar and fat is to reduce the amount of consumption of sweets, chips, crackers and other similar foods. Also, these products may contain hidden chemicals that negatively affect the general condition of the body as a whole.

Drink plenty of WATER

In most cases, low fluid intake is the cause of constipation. The combination of soluble fiber and water in the human body will increase the efficiency of your digestion. Most doctors recommend consuming approximately 1-2 liters of water per day. The volume depends on many factors, including what kind of lifestyle you lead, what time of the year it is outside, and so on. If you are actively involved in sports, then this figure can increase significantly, especially in the heat. To learn more about how much water you need to consume per day, I recommend reading this one.

Water also helps to rejuvenate the skin and prevent it from becoming saggy after losing weight. Therefore, if you consume enough water and fiber per day, you can safely forget about the question: "?".

Separate food is OUR EVERYTHING

Try to eat 4-6 times a day. The human body is much better at digesting food in SMALL PORTIONS. You need to calculate the approximate number of calories that you should consume per day, then break the resulting figure into several parts (meals). After you have decided on this, you need to stick to approximately the same meal schedule. So your body will be easier to adjust, and always follow the plan.

Protein is one of the most important components for the life of the human body. It must be consumed in sufficient quantity. However, in order not to complicate the life of your digestion, you need to eat boiled meat, fish, with a minimum fat content. Triglycerides (fats) are a natural substance that slows down the process of digestion of food, therefore, in the articles "nutrition before training" and "nutrition after training", we have repeatedly mentioned that you should try to reduce the amount of fat consumed to a minimum.

What is good for the whole body is good for digestion. Physical activity is excellent for promoting weight loss. Loss of excess fat, also improves digestion person. Studies in people with chronic constipation showed that with daily moderate exercise, the symptoms of constipation decreased.

In addition, many studies suggest that regular exercise can reduce symptoms of inflammatory bowel disease due to its anti-inflammatory effects.

Avoid Alcohol and Cigarettes

Smoking has been directly linked to an increased risk of stomach ulcers and cancer of the gastrointestinal tract.

As for alcohol, it can increase the production of stomach acid and lead to heartburn, acid reflux, and stomach ulcers. Regular alcohol consumption has been associated with the occurrence of diseases in which bleeding occurs in the gastrointestinal tract.

Also avoid frequent consumption of coffee. It can lead to increased acidity in the stomach and further problems with the digestive tract.

Be less nervous and avoid stress

Stress has been shown in studies to cause weight gain, constipation, diarrhea and lower the immune system. During stressful situations, various hormones are released that negatively affect our digestive system. The human digestive system is directly related to the functioning of the brain. That is, processes that affect the brain can also affect digestion.

In such cases, you can avoid stress and improve the functioning of the digestive tract with the help of yoga, meditation, massage, baths and other well-known relaxation methods. Many studies show that various systems of meditation, acupuncture, level the symptoms of irritable bowel.

Start a Food Diary

Be sure to keep a notebook in which you will write what and how much you consumed today. This will help you keep track of your calorie intake and weight loss. If you follow any diet, then with the help of such a diary it will be possible to track the effectiveness of this diet. You can keep a diet diary, along with.

See your doctor regularly

If you eat relatively well, follow all the above tips, and still feel bad, the digestive processes are very slow and have some side effects (constipation, diarrhea, and so on), you should immediately contact your doctor. Perhaps this is the result of food poisoning, an allergy to any product.

Another effective way to help you improve your digestion is to consume green tea. Green tea is on the list and contains various antioxidants that help speed up the metabolism in the human body.

Also, if you want to lose weight or gain muscle mass, you need to use to see how many calories you need to consume in order to lose weight. Then go to this one and calculate the calorie content of your daily diet.

Before using these tips, you should also consult with your doctor and find out if you have any allergic reactions to one of the products listed above.

Does diarrhea change into constipation? Heartburn and bloating occur after every meal? Symptoms indicate problems with the intestines or stomach. Constant stress and snacking on the go, a sedentary lifestyle and taking medications weaken the digestive organs and impair their work. To get rid of drowsiness, headaches and problematic skin, you will have to abandon your usual lifestyle and start restoring intestinal and stomach motility.

Bad habits

The main enemy of poor digestion is fast food. Sausage sandwiches and hot dogs are high in fat and low in fiber. Fast food clogs the intestines, slowing down digestion. Stale food begins to rot and ferment, causing bloating and constipation.

Chips, cakes, fried, smoked and pickled foods are consumed in limited quantities or completely excluded from the diet. A minimum of sugar and chocolate, mayonnaise and margarine. More fiber, complex carbohydrates and proper protein.

To drink or not to drink
Water is good for bowel function. It is recommended to drink up to 2 liters of liquid per day, but only in between meals. Do not mix food and sugary or carbonated drinks. You can not drink sandwiches with mineral water or compote.

Any liquid, even non-carbonated water or unsweetened herbal decoction, dilutes the gastric juices. The number of enzymes that can digest food decreases, and it enters the intestines “raw”. The breakdown of food eaten into useful substances and waste slows down, gases are formed, and either diarrhea or constipation begins.

Water should be drunk 40 minutes before breakfast or dinner and 1.5-2 hours after. Then the work of the digestive organs and the condition of the skin will improve, energy will appear, and fatigue will disappear.

enjoy food
You can’t satisfy your hunger on the go by swallowing huge pieces of an unchewed sandwich or an apple. Teeth were given to man to grind food, so that the stomach would be easier to digest food. Insufficiently processed food slows down the digestive processes and injures the walls of the stomach and intestines. Each spoonful of porridge or piece of meat should be chewed at least 40 times so that the food becomes liquid and mixes with saliva.

For lunch and dinner, you should allocate at least 10-15 minutes, when you can not rush anywhere. It is advisable not to read books during meals, not to talk and not be distracted by the computer, but simply enjoy the process of eating food.

Overeating and nighttime snacking

Late dinners harm not only the figure, but also the stomach. The body digests light dishes from vegetables and fruits in 40-60 minutes, but it takes 2 to 4 hours for meat, sweets and cereals. If the digestive organs do not have time to process food before sleep, it stagnates and rots. There is heaviness and flatulence, intestinal motility worsens.

Dinner is not allowed after 6 pm. Fasting harms the stomach no less than overeating. But the last portion of food should be consumed 3-4 hours before going to bed, so as not to suffer from heaviness and nausea in the morning.

The work of the stomach and intestines is disturbed due to systematic overeating. It doesn't matter how useful the products are. When there is a lot of food, the body does not have time to secrete a sufficient amount of hydrochloric acid and bile to digest it. You should reduce portion sizes, and in order not to feel constant hunger, snack not three, but five or six times a day.

Bad habits
Cigarettes, like alcohol, contain chemicals that irritate the stomach lining and increase acidity. Alcohol and nicotine cause nausea, lead to impaired appetite and prevent the absorption of beneficial components from food.

More dangerous than cigarettes and alcohol are only enzyme preparations, like Mezim. The pill removes the heaviness caused by overeating and bloating, but uncontrolled medication contributes to the development of lazy bowel syndrome. When drugs do the work of the digestive organs, the latter "relax" and stop producing secrets to break down food.

Important: Tablets are beneficial, but only a gastroenterologist should prescribe any medication. The consequences of the abuse of enzyme preparations have to be treated for years or a lifetime.

Top 7 Healthy Foods

Intestinal motility will start water and light foods rich in complex carbohydrates, fiber and protein. Instead of fried meat and sandwiches with butter, fruits in large quantities, cereals and dietary meat are recommended. Vegetables and fish, fermented milk drinks are useful: yogurt kefir and natural yogurt. Digestion normalizes in a matter of weeks if you enrich the diet with dishes from seven unusual and tasty foods.

Red root vegetable salads are served for breakfast or dinner. Beets are indicated for regular constipation and stagnation of food in the intestines. The vegetable is rich in fiber, which absorbs toxins and stimulates the release of gastric enzymes. Beetroot is boiled, served raw or added to vegetable stew. Mixed with carrots and garlic, seasoned with olive oil.

The orange pulp helps digest proteins and regulates acid levels. Papaya is recommended for frequent heartburn, gastritis and for the prevention of inflammation in the digestive organs. The fruit destroys infections and improves the absorption of beneficial components.

Dried fruits are sources of fiber. Figs, dried apricots, raisins and, of course, prunes provide the body with coarse fibers necessary to cleanse the intestines from the remnants of undigested food. And dried plums are a natural laxative that works gently but effectively.

In the evening, dried fruits are soaked in water, and in the morning they are added to cereals or eaten instead of breakfast.

Fragrant fruits are rich in soluble fiber and pectins, as well as vitamins. Peaches soothe the inflamed stomach lining and speed up the metabolism. Help with constipation and frequent bloating. Fruits are consumed before breakfast to wake up the stomach.

wheat bran
The supplement contains a lot of coarse fiber. Dietary fiber promotes fecal masses to the exit, at the same time cleaning particles of undigested products from the intestinal walls. A nutritious and healthy cocktail is prepared from wheat bran and kefir or natural yogurt, which starts the motility of the stomach and helps to lose weight.

They start with a tablespoon of the supplement, otherwise the fiber will simply clog the intestines. Gradually bring to 3-4 tablespoons per day and stop. Be sure to drink plenty of water to prevent constipation.

Flax seeds
A cocktail of flaxseeds and natural yogurt populates the intestines with beneficial bacteria. This dish has a lot of fiber, vitamins and oils that normalize fat metabolism and the gallbladder.

A glass of warm water with lemon juice or honey will start intestinal motility. The drink is taken before breakfast and eaten with oatmeal of a mucous consistency. Protein, which is found in chicken breast, cottage cheese, sea fish, is responsible for normal digestion.

Sea buckthorn oil helps with ulcers and gastritis, and honey with walnuts normalizes liver function. With frequent diarrhea, a decoction of barley is recommended: steam 50 g of grain in 500 ml of boiling water. Leave the agent for 6 hours, and when the dry component swells, put the workpiece on a slow fire and boil for 10 minutes. Leave the drink for half an hour to cool down. Drink 100-150 ml of barley broth three times a day.

Intestinal peristalsis is improved by red wine medicine. You will need:

  • aloe - 1 part;
  • honey - 2 parts;
  • red wine, for example, Cahors - 2 parts.

Aloe grind, combine with the rest of the ingredients. Beat to get a homogeneous mass, and eat a spoonful of medicine an hour before meals.

Constipation removes porridge from pumpkin and millet. A little honey is added to the finished dish. Celery infusion will also solve a delicate problem:

  • Peel and chop the root of the plant.
  • Pour 1-2 tbsp. l. preparations of 1 liter of water.
  • Instruct all night, and strain in the morning.

Drink 30-40 ml of herbal medicine per day. Useful and freshly squeezed celery juice, as well as a decoction of the seeds of the plant.

For digestive problems, coffee and regular tea are replaced with herbal decoctions. Medicinal drinks are prepared from:

  • peppermint;
  • fennel;
  • lemon balm;
  • bark of viburnum;
  • dill;
  • licorice.

Intestinal peristalsis is improved by a special massage, which is done in the morning before breakfast. Stroke your belly for a few minutes. The hand moves clockwise, you can not press hard or rub.

  1. The bowels become sluggish due to lack of movement. Daily morning exercises will wake up the digestive organs and start the metabolism.
  2. You can not eat more than two dishes at a time. It is difficult for the stomach to digest a mixture of soup, meat and dessert, so it stagnates.
  3. Porridge or a sandwich should not be eaten with fruit. They digest faster, but remain in the stomach, causing fermentation and a feeling of heaviness. Apples and oranges are eaten before the main meal or instead of an afternoon snack or second breakfast.
  4. Stress also affects bowel function. For some, intense excitement causes diarrhea or constipation. In order for the digestive organs to work properly, after a busy day at work, you should meditate, do yoga or take a relaxing bath.

Digestion of food is a delicate process, depending on many factors. The stomach and intestines will work without failures if you eat right, give up bad habits and move a lot. You can normalize peristalsis with folk remedies and optimism. If all the options turned out to be powerless, you should see a gastroenterologist who will find the cause of the failures and offer methods to eliminate it.

Video: 3 simple exercises to improve digestion


Digestion is carried out by the human digestive system. Unfortunately, there are a number of things that disrupt the digestive tract and cause unpleasant symptoms such as bloating, nausea, constipation, etc.

In this article, we will tell you how to improve the digestion process and avoid unpleasant complications in simple and affordable ways.

Binge eating

1. Apple cider vinegar

Natural apple cider vinegar has been shown to improve digestion and relieve colic and cramps. It helps to normalize the acidity of the stomach in order to digest food. In the first hours after overeating, you need to increase the secretion of the stomach to facilitate digestion. Try drinking a tablespoon of apple cider vinegar and honey in a glass of warm water. This will help increase the acidity and speed up the digestion of food.

2. Massage your belly

One of the most effective methods of restoring intestinal motility and combating constipation is abdominal massage. Massaging the abdomen helps to tone the muscles of the digestive system. With swelling of the internal organs during constipation, it is better to massage the abdomen in the supine position and perform movements in the direction of movement of food in the intestines, clockwise.

3. Breathing exercises

If you are stressed, it can negatively affect digestion. Under the influence of stress, the body throws all its strength into fighting it, and the entire digestive system suffers from this. Do breathing exercises to calm the nervous system. Before eating, take a few deep breaths in and out, this will help you relax and focus on eating.

Digestion problem

4. Drink enough water

Regular drinking of water improves the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract and the whole body. If there is not enough water, cleansing is difficult and everything bad remains in our cells, intercellular fluid, intestines, and other organs, while poisoning our body.

Water not only helps to hydrate the colon and speed up the elimination of toxins and empty the intestines, but it is also the main nutrient for the mucous membrane, which supports the small intestine bacteria for proper digestion and absorption of nutrients.

5. Digestive enzymes

Our body needs 3 types of digestive enzymes to digest food - lipase - to break down fats, amylase - to digest carbohydrates and protease - to digest proteins.

Many people have these enzymes out of balance due to poor diet, over-medication, and poor diet. The use of additional enzymes in the short term will restore the work of the digestive tract. But you must understand that for a healthy function of the digestive system, it is better to consult a doctor and receive appropriate treatment.

6. Ginger

Like apple cider vinegar, ginger is good for overeating. Ginger contains phytoncides and essential oils. These substances slightly raise the body temperature and speed up the metabolism. Thus, the body begins to actively burn calories.

Have you ever heard the saying, “You are what you eat?”.

It is true, and you are what you digest and absorb. You can eat the healthiest food in the world, but if you can't digest it, decompose it, and absorb its nutrients, then you have a nutritional problem.

The first place people turn to for help is a pharmacy, or the health food section of a grocery store. But it was not always so. Throughout human history, various cultures have used the healing power of food to aid digestion and get rid of various diseases. If you're experiencing digestive discomforts such as bloating, gas, constipation, heartburn, diarrhea, then it's time to use food as medicine to keep your gut healthy.

Here are nine foods that will help digestion.


Sauerkraut is a fermented cabbage that contains natural probiotics. These probiotics especially support a healthy balance in the intestinal flora between "good" and "bad" gut bacteria. Probiotic-rich foods feed your good bacteria, which reduces bloating, gas, and other types of gastrointestinal discomfort. You can eat one to two tablespoons of sauerkraut instead of a salad with eggs, meat, chicken, fish, or vegetables. Look for "raw" sauerkraut in a glass jar that is stored in the refrigerator. Refrigeration helps retain more healthy probiotic bacteria. Other probiotic-rich foods are kefir and kimchi (pickled vegetables), arugula, raw cocoa, and dandelion root.


Water performs many functions in the body, but is essential for digestion. By following the drinking regimen, you can soften the stool and improve digestion. Dehydration is one of the common causes of chronic constipation. If you often have problems with stools, constipation, start by increasing the amount of water per day. If your city has hard drinking water, you can add lemon or cucumber.

Vegetables and leafy greens

Vegetables and leafy greens contain insoluble fibers that support gut health. If you have loose stools, eat more cooked vegetables instead of raw ones to make sure it helps your bowel. Dark leafy greens, spirulina, and seaweed contain magnesium, which helps support bowel function. Try to increase the amount of fruits and vegetables you eat per day.


Ginger is known for its anti-inflammatory properties and it soothes the digestive tract. It serves as a remedy for nausea, including those caused by chemotherapy. Ginger can be eaten fresh as a root or as a spice. It is good to add ginger to tea, or to juices, and smoothies.


It perfectly cleanses not only the intestines, but also the kidneys, gallbladder. Beetroot removes toxins from the body. Helps the body to absorb vitamin B. It is recommended to eat it for constipation, it can be either raw in the form of juice or boiled.


Honey helps with gastritis, with polyps in the stomach, with constipation, and helps as an antispasmodic and anti-inflammatory agent. Honey normalizes the work of the colon. It has a high concentration of iron and manganese. Honey can be diluted with water or added to tea.


Of the cereals, buckwheat and oatmeal are favorites for digestion. Buckwheat helps with obesity, diabetes, diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, liver, heart and blood vessels. Good as a side dish and as a filling, low-calorie and easily digestible. Oatmeal "Hercules" is useful not only for digestion, but also for hair, teeth, skin, strengthens the immune system, reduces the risk of cancer.


Banana pleases our stomach with the presence of fiber, which eliminates constipation, slows down the absorption of cholesterol and stimulates digestion. Banana contains a large amount of potassium. Include a banana in your daily diet and forget about stool problems.


As a bonus, one of the most important nutrients for excellent digestion is oxygen. Slow inhalations and slow exhalations before and during meals allow you to activate the parasympathetic nervous system, which is responsible for rest, sleep and digestion. When the body is relaxed, we digest food more efficiently, and all the healing properties of the above beneficial foods are absorbed better.

Paying attention to your digestion and absorption of food will help you deal with bloating and constipation and other digestive problems.

Try adding one of these foods a day. Watch the reaction of the body, and then you can clearly determine which foods help improve your condition. And for best results, consider eliminating fatty, fried, and high-sugar foods. Because these foods lead to inflammation in the digestive tract.

So you are not only what you eat, but what you DON'T EAT!

or the food was simply not digested. There are many reasons for this phenomenon. And to help the body improve digestion, you will have to take special medications that are designed specifically for this.

If you start to observe the work of your body, treat it reverently, then you can immediately notice the beginning changes that will talk about problems with the gastrointestinal tract. There are a number of manifestations that indicate that it is time to help the stomach:

  • Constant fatigue, which appears due to the fact that the body does not get the proper amount of vitamins, trace elements, which are so necessary for normal functioning. That is why the body gets tired more and more due to the use and depletion of its own reserves.
  • Constant sleepiness, which also appears due to a lack of nutrients
  • Bad skin condition. It becomes dry and pigment spots may appear on it.
  • Poor condition of hair, nails. These are some of the most alarming symptoms that the body will take up vitamins due to poorly digestible food.
  • ie frequent constipation or diarrhea, nausea
  • Pain in the abdomen, especially after eating
  • Poor appetite, which appears due to discomfort in the stomach
  • If a person has at least one of the above signs that problems with the gastrointestinal tract have begun, you must definitely consult a doctor and start drinking.

Causes of digestive disorders

Sometimes stomach problems begin after a heavy dinner or vice versa, hunger. But in addition to these reasons, there are more that are associated with eating food:

  1. Improper nutrition, namely the abuse of smoked meats, pickles, fatty foods that are difficult to digest, as well as the presence of large quantities of sweets in the diet
  2. Binge eating. Doctors say that you need to leave the table half-starved, because with such a feeling it is impossible to overeat. Often, the stomach is already full, but this signal has not reached the brain, and therefore it seems to the person that he wants to eat. If you eat slowly, you can avoid overeating, which is fraught with a violation of the digestive process.
  3. Poor chewing of food. Many people eat in a hurry and because of this they do not chew food, especially solid food. And it's much harder to digest.
  4. Dinner at a later time. Many people are used to eating after 9 pm, which is very bad not only for the stomach, but for the whole body. The biological clock works in such a way that by the evening all processes slow down, and late meals can simply lead to not digesting it.
  5. Eating large amounts at mealtimes. Almost all nutritionists recommend drinking plenty of water, but there is one caveat. This should be done only between meals, as water dilutes the enzymes in the stomach, and their action becomes less effective.

Everyone knows about what causes digestive problems, but few people adhere to a healthy lifestyle, and with it nutrition.

Preparations to improve digestion

Festal is one of the most popular drugs

If there was a failure in digestion, then it can be adjusted solely by dieting and taking medications. All drugs can be divided into several groups, each of which differs in the main active ingredient and its action:

  • Preparations, the main component in which is pancreatin. It is pancreatin that is the enzyme that can provide immediate support in case of indigestion. These drugs include Pancreatin, Penzital, Creon
  • Preparations in which, in addition to pancreatin, there are other auxiliary components, such as hemicellulose, bile acids, etc. These components help break down complex sugar compounds, improve intestinal activity and the production of enzymes by the pancreas. The main drugs in this group include Enzistal, Panzinorm
  • Drugs that help to normalize the exocrine activity of the pancreas. Such drugs include Somilase, Nigedaza, Oraza

Only a doctor can prescribe this or that drug after a thorough examination, since it will not always be correct to select medications on your own. In some cases, it will be better to drink Festal than Pancreatin, as many do.

Forms of drug release

Not everyone knows that depending on how the drug is released, its immediate effect will depend.
To date, all drugs made on the basis of enzymes are available in two forms:

  1. Capsules. Most recently, drugs began to be produced in capsules, and for some time people were afraid to buy them until the moment when the results of the study were publicly published. So, each capsule has all shells. The first dissolves in the stomach, and the second only in the intestines. Thus, the effect of the drug, taken in the form of a capsule, extends to the entire gastrointestinal tract.
  2. It just so happened that consumers trust pills more. Their action extends exclusively to the stomach, since under the action of gastric juice it dissolves and dissolves there.

The choice of the form that will be best taken depends solely on the doctor and patient. Some people, having purchased a capsule, for some reason open it and take only granules, thereby preventing the drug from entering the intestines. In no case should this be done with capsules. As for tablets, they can be crushed, broken into two parts, etc. The effect of this will not decrease.


Creon. Release form - tablets

It is one of the best preparations for improving digestion. In addition, the price of Pancreatin is quite low. So, a pack of 60 tablets can be bought for 70 rubles. This drug is indicated for use in several cases:

  • With insufficient production of enzymes by the pancreas
  • With, intestines, liver
  • When overeating
  • With a sedentary lifestyle and problems with the chewing apparatus

As such, there are no specific doses for taking the drug. It is recommended to take one tablet with meals. Some patients take two. As for children, according to the appointment of a gastroenterologist, you can give the child one third tablet three times a day to improve digestion, especially after intestinal infections. Very rarely, side effects occur while taking Pancreatin, usually in only one percent of patients:

  1. Discomfort in the stomach, nausea, and sometimes vomiting
  2. , mainly in the form of skin rashes
  3. Increased uric acid levels

Despite the fact that Pancreatin is considered a relatively safe drug, it can only be taken after the appointment of the attending physician, since in some cases an increase in dose is required to achieve a better effect.


Most gastroenterologists recommend taking Creon, as it comes in the form of capsules. As mentioned above, the effectiveness of capsules is much higher, since the drug penetrates not only into the stomach, but also into the intestines. The main active ingredient in Creon is pancreatin, which very well stimulates the production of all the necessary enzymes. Assign it during treatment:

  • Chronic pancreatitis
  • After operations performed on the organs of the gastrointestinal tract
  • cystic fibrosis
  • Oncological diseases, namely with tumors formed in the immediate vicinity of the stomach and pancreas, thereby interfering with their normal work
  • Creon is also recommended to be taken during a heavy meal (at corporate parties, holidays, etc.) in order to improve digestion and eliminate the occurrence of indigestion.

It is recommended to take one capsule before each meal. It is advisable to simply drink it with water and do not chew it so that the drug gets not only into the stomach, but also into the intestines. Separately, it must be said about the side effects. As such, the drug does not have them, but with regards to the reaction of the gastrointestinal tract, diarrhea may develop, and painful sensations will appear in the stomach area. Some patients develop urticaria. Usually this is a reaction of the body not to pancreatin, but to the auxiliary components of the drug.

Creon is one of the drugs that can improve digestion. True, it is considered much stronger than Pancreatin, and therefore it can be taken only after a doctor's prescription.


Mezim is one of those drugs that is widely advertised in the media. One Mezim tablet consists of pancreatin, lipase, amylase and protease. In fact, the composition of Pancreatin tablets is the same. Mezim is prescribed in the following cases:

  • With insufficient production of enzymes
  • For food retention problems
  • Inflammation of the gastric mucosa
  • For chronic pancreatitis

Separately, it must be said about the dosage. Take one tablet (unless prescribed by your doctor) before each meal. Depending on what disease and what problem a person has, the course can last from several days to several months. It is strictly forbidden to take the drug if a person has intestinal obstruction, jaundice or hepatitis.

Mezim can be called a more expensive analogue of Pancreatin. The only thing that distinguishes them from each other is the taste. Most patients note that the shell that covers the tablet with Mezim is much sweeter and more pleasant than with Pancreatin. And often, in order to give medicine to children, it is Mezim that is purchased.


Festal refers to enzyme preparations, which, in addition to pancreatin, also contains hemicellulose and bovine bile powder. Hemicellulose helps the stomach break down fiber, but ox bile powder improves lipase activity, and as a result, contributes to the normal absorption of fats and vitamins. Thanks to these properties of the constituent components, it is able to quickly improve digestion and affect the entire digestive system. It is recommended to use Festal:

  1. For problems with the production of enzymes by the pancreas
  2. With diarrhea, but only if the underlying cause is not an intestinal infection
  3. For irritable bowel syndrome
  4. It is also recommended to take Festal to improve digestion, especially when a large amount of spicy, fatty, salty food has been eaten.

Some experts advise taking a Festal tablet before an ultrasound examination of the abdominal organs.

As for contraindications, it is forbidden to take Festal if:

  • In man
  • Jaundice of any origin
  • Hepatitis
  • Bowel obstruction
  • There is an individual intolerance to the individual components of the drug
  • With caution, Festal is prescribed to patients who have a disease such as diabetes mellitus because the shell contains glucose and sucrose.

You can buy Festal at any pharmacy kiosk, and its price is quite affordable.


Mezim - an assistant in the digestive process

For those who experience digestive problems, Enzistal will be an excellent drug that can help improve this process. Enzistal contains not only pancreatin, but also hemicellulose, as well as bile components. That is why its action is much better than that of simple Pancreatin. Experts recommend taking the drug:

  1. If you have problems digesting food caused by a lack of digestive enzymes
  2. If you have problems with chewing, which is most common in people with dentures, or if your jaw or gums are damaged
  3. With a sedentary lifestyle, especially in bedridden patients
  4. Enzistal should be taken with caution in patients who:
  5. Has liver or kidney failure
  6. Jaundice
  7. Intestinal obstruction

In most of these cases, the attending physician may prohibit the drug altogether, as it can cause serious complications. As for the complications after taking, or rather side effects, it most often occurs:

  • An allergic reaction, which manifests itself in the form of a rash on the skin, tearing
  • Painful sensations in the abdomen
  • Nausea
  • Diarrhea
  • Mucosal irritation

If at least one of the above side effects occurs, you must immediately stop taking the drug. Enzsital is a drug with a very good effect, and also at a fairly low price, which makes it affordable for most consumers.


Somilase refers to those drugs that help restore pancreatic function. It contains solizim, which belongs to the enzymes that help break down fat, and alpha-amylase. The principle of action of the drug is slightly different from the above drugs, but the effect of it is no less noticeable. The components of the drug react with vegetable and animal fats that have entered the body, breaking them down, thereby compensating for the lack of enzymes. The drug is indicated for patients who:

  1. There are digestive problems associated with a lack of enzymes responsible for the breakdown of fats
  2. There is such a serious disease as chronic pancreatitis
  3. evolved
  4. There are problems with the intestines, namely inflammation of the small or large intestine
  5. Somilase is also recommended for people who have problems with the liver and gallbladder.
  6. He provides special assistance to patients who have undergone serious pancreas, liver.

The drug Somilase has practically no contraindications, with the exception of individual intolerance to the individual components of the drug. That is why it is prescribed to almost all patients with digestive problems. Since Somilisa is not a simple drug that stimulates