Why does a cat shed heavily what to do. The cat sheds heavily: reasons for what to do

If a pet is healthy, then all life processes in it go in accordance with the biological rhythm. Shedding in cats is an integral part of their life, and therefore you should not worry about this.

However, sometimes there are situations when the mustachioed inhabitant of the apartment sheds very strongly, and the hair loss does not stop throughout the year. The owners of the cat begin to worry - this is not the norm for their pet. However, the reasons for this condition are extremely simple, and even those who do not have sufficient experience in keeping four-legged friends are able to cope with them.

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    Reasons for heavy shedding

    Cats living in their natural habitat systematically molt twice a year. Spring molt is timed to coincide with the onset of the hot season, when thick wool becomes a burden. In autumn, the animals shed their old cover, in order to soon acquire a new warm coat.

    Cats that have spent their entire lives in an apartment environment may lose this rhythm. The beginning of the heating season will give them the command to shed the excess. The air in the apartment becomes dry and warm, and this has a bad effect on the animal's coat. Due to such changes in the “climate” of the apartment, a cat begins to shed heavily. Her hair is left on the sofas, the balls are constantly spreading on the floor, all her clothes are hung with hair. This creates certain difficulties in cleaning.

    Due to the approximate constancy of the microclimate of an apartment, cats can shed all year round. In this case, only periodic increases and decreases in hair loss are observed.

    Naturally long hair

    If the cat breed provides for long hair and a thick undercoat, then you should not be surprised that the pet sheds a lot. These breeds include Scottish cats, British, Angora, Persian, Maine Coons, Siamese and some others.

    Consciously acquiring a cat of one of these breeds, one must be prepared for the fact that the whole house will be in wool.

    Improper care and maintenance

    But the cause of strong molting can also be non-physiological features of the cat. Due to improper care of the animal's coat (inappropriate shampoo, frequent washing, lack of combing), its loss will increase many times over.

    In addition to the reasons given, which are understandable and easily solved, there are others. These are various diseases and poor living conditions of the animal.

    The first thing to note is an unbalanced diet. The use of low quality dry or canned food leads to the fact that the cat lacks vitamins, micro and macro elements. And a mono-diet (exclusively fish or meat) contributes to the continuous loss of hair in a cat.

    Diseases, age, pregnancy (or feeding kittens)

    In addition to nutritional problems, there may be disturbances in the functioning of internal organs - for example, the gastrointestinal tract and kidneys. Allergies to certain foods sometimes cause a partial loss of hair in a cat, and the pet itself will certainly lose weight.

    If the cat has recently brought kittens or is just preparing for childbirth, her hormonal background will certainly be somewhat disturbed. You need to be prepared for this and not panic at the sight of tufts that crawl out of your pet when stroking.

    Aging does not bring health to pets. Gradually, they will only weaken, fade. An elderly pet no longer has the strength to provide proper care for its fur. Because of this, older cats shed heavily.

    There are many reasons for increased shedding. And only with the correct definition of one of them, the owner will be able to help his pet and avoid inconvenience at home. The surest way would be to go to the vet. Only a good specialist is able to make an accurate diagnosis (if it is a disease) and prescribe the appropriate treatment.

    Ways to solve the problem

    Depending on the cause, appropriate solutions are selected. You can use the trial and error method, but it’s better to first correctly establish the cause of a strong molt.

    Some of the methods practically do not require any effort from the owner. While others will require both money and free time.

    Creating the right temperature

    If the reason lies in the constancy of the microclimate of the apartment, then the conditions should be brought closer to natural ones. That is, it should be warm in summer and cold in winter.

    To solve this problem, you can equip a room for a cat on a balcony or loggia, where the air temperature is lower than in the apartment. To attract the attention of a pet, you should equip a cat house there, install scratching posts, put your favorite toys. Access both to the balcony and back to the rooms must be constantly open.


    In most cases, elementary combing of the cat helps. Such procedures should be taught from a young age, but it is never too late to start, especially if necessary. An ordinary comb or slicker comb can serve as a tool for combing relatively short hair. Both can be purchased at most pet stores.

    But if the cat's hair is long, often tangled into real tangles, then more powerful "weapons" will be required here. Furminators are no longer available in all pet stores and they cost an order of magnitude more expensive. However, the benefit is obvious: the furminator combs not only the top coat, but also the undercoat, which is usually difficult to reach. Already after the first application, the cat looks more well-groomed, feels better.

    Vitamin and mineral complexes

    If the problem lies in the lack of nutrients, then with the help of a veterinarian, you should choose a vitamin complex that is suitable for your pet. Similar products are available in the form of powder, drops or tablets and are added directly to the cat's food. Vitamins will make up for the lack of various elements, and the condition of the cat's hair will be much better. Below are the main anti-shedding products that improve the appearance of the animal's coat and have a beneficial effect on the general condition of the pet.

    • Sherstevit;
    • Farmavit Neo;
    • Brewers Yeast With Garlic;
    • Radostin.

    All these preparations contain biotin, which improves tissue regeneration, makes the coat thick and shiny.

    Cat food should be varied. You can include soups and cereals. It is wrong to believe that cats eat only fish and milk. It is this food that will harm the pet. In a separate bowl, the cat should always have clean water.

    Folk ways

    Some cat ailments are successfully treated with folk remedies. No one guarantees that the molt will immediately stop, but its causes can be eliminated.

    Some of the herbs can be poisonous to your pet, so you should consult your veterinarian before using them.

    By following the simple rules of keeping a cat, you can quickly and easily get rid of excess hair. Vitamins, timely combing and a balanced diet will do their job, and your beloved pet will bring joy, not trouble.

Every owner of fluffy pets sooner or later faces problems related to the health of their pets. If your cat sheds heavily, this article will tell you what to do. First of all, you need to understand what molting is in cats and how to cope with the fact that the cat is constantly shedding heavily. Most often, animals experience this period in autumn or spring, but in some cases, the process can continue throughout the year.

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Possible causes of shedding

Shedding always brings a lot of inconvenience to cat owners, as tufts of wool constantly appear throughout the house. If a cat sheds heavily, then the hairs can be found on clothes, on a carpet, on a blanket - in general, on any surface accessible to the animal. There are many reasons why your beloved pet may start losing hair. It is very important to know what to do if the animal sheds heavily and why this happens.

seasonal molt

It is important to understand that if the cat sheds in the spring or autumn, then there is no reason to panic. The reason is simple: the fur coat of pets is preparing for changes. It is quite logical that before the winter cold, the pet should prepare and “dress” in a denser coat. Surely you have noticed that during such periods, cats look bigger and fluffier.

In the spring, on the contrary, the cat wants to feel most comfortable with a minimum amount of wool, and therefore gets rid of excess hair. Hence the wool in tufts all over the house - just your pet is preparing for warm days. Don't scold your pet. Why? Since this is a completely natural process, and what to do with it - we will tell later.

Ambient temperature

In some cases, cats begin to shed heavily due to temperature “jokes”. As it became clear a little higher, a decrease in the mercury column stimulates the pet to acquire a new fur coat. If the process has already ended, and the cold weather is still not visible, then the warm fur is rejected by the animal.

In cases where a cat lives indoors all its life, the molting schedule is somewhat confused and sometimes hair loss becomes permanent. The most important thing is not to panic, know what to do, and understand that molting in cats is a completely normal phenomenon.

Health problems

In some cases, if the cat sheds heavily, then this becomes a sign of health problems. It is important to understand that some breeds are prone to constant molting. These include British cats, Siberian cats, as well as Maine Coons. This knowledge is needed in order not to take the usual loss of hair as an indicator of illness.

In the event that your pet does not belong to the indicated breeds, and it does not look good, then you need to take him to the veterinarian. In some diseases, wool from fluffy climbs in tufts. The cause of such an unpleasant phenomenon can be hormonal problems or any “malfunctions” in the work of the gastrointestinal tract. You can recognize them by itching, redness of the skin, as well as the appearance of noticeable bald patches.

Feed change

Sometimes gastrointestinal problems or allergic reactions with hair loss can be associated with a change in food. If you have recently changed your pet's diet, it is best to abandon the selected menu. Most likely, the beloved cat does not have a relationship with some of the new ingredients, which is why the wool climbs.


Our four-legged friends are very impressionable creatures. Very often, a cat sheds if she is very frightened or nervous. In some situations, the pet reacts with molting even to a change in the situation in the apartment, since cats are very conservative creatures.

How to deal with heavy shedding

When a cat sheds heavily, the life of the owners of the apartment turns into a real nightmare, because every few hours they have to start a raid to clean the hairs. There is no way to avoid molting, however, reducing its abundance is quite easy. Doing this is quite simple. In the event that the process proceeds with additional symptoms, then the pet must be shown to the veterinarian to prevent possible problems.

You should adjust the pet's diet and plan the intake of vitamins. There are special vitamin complexes aimed at reducing shedding and improving the quality of wool. Try to protect your pet from stress and not change his usual way of life.

So, we reduce the amount of hair falling out. What should you do when your cat starts shedding? The furminator comes to the rescue, that is, a special comb. Regular brushing of your pet helps to significantly reduce the amount of wool. In addition, with this comb, you can prevent the appearance of tangles. Furminator is gentle on the skin of the animal.

It is very important to wash the cat using special products. Check with your veterinarian, as a specialist can recommend effective conditioners and balms that restore coats and save cats from dry skin.

Video "How to get rid of excess hair with a furminator"

In this video, you can see how to use the furminator correctly and what you need to do to make it easier for your pet to shed.

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Let's figure out what to do so that the cat does not shed on all counts. "Look at the root!" - taught Kozma Petrovich Prutkov. In this case, the “root” is that throwing off wool is not a separate disease, it is a symptom characteristic of many diseases that need to be identified and treated in a timely manner.

Seasonal molting is also not a disease. This is a natural process associated with the renewal of the coat.

"Hot" molting

Another thing is that the body of cats and cats living permanently in enclosed spaces (apartment, house) loses contact with the change in climatic temperatures at different times of the year. Hence - a constant, year-round molting, intensifying when the radiators are turned on. Cats like to take a nap next to or on the radiator, as a result, their coat dries out, becomes thin and brittle - the cat sheds a lot, leaving behind tufts of broken hair with almost no undercoat.

The loss of the undercoat along with the awn is a bad sign that speaks of overdried skin. Violations of the sebaceous glands lead to micro wounds on the skin of the animal, through which various infectious and fungal diseases easily penetrate.

To a lesser extent, owners of cats and cats whose undercoat has a dense natural structure (British, Chartreuse-Cartisians, Smokers, Korats, etc.) should worry. For these breeds, hair loss along with profuse undercoat loss is normal.

But, if your blue handsome drops the undercoat not evenly over the body, then you definitely need to pay attention to this!

To make the cat shed less in winter, when the house needs additional heating, try not to raise the temperature above 26 *, humidify the air, and the cat or cat can be trimmed, providing the cat’s skin with additional “ventilation”, if the animal does not have free access to the street, itself yourself.

A hot, dry atmosphere in the house is the first reason for the “hair fall” of felines..

"Play, my hormone!"

The second reason, not related to diseases, why a cat or a cat sheds heavily is a hormonal explosion, which can be observed from 2-4 times a year in a cat and almost constantly in a mature cat.

When a cat or a cat wants to "be fruitful and multiply", their anxiety about finding a mate can develop into aggression towards the owners, they become restless (to put it mildly), "call", mark, refuse to eat, lose weight, shed ...

The reason for this is the hormones that push them to these recklessness. Long abstinence inevitably leads to stress that changes the normal behavior of the animal, leads to a weakening of the protective functions of the body, and "Welcome!" diseases of the urinary-genital and reproductive systems, and other unhealthy troubles.

The use of chem. drugs that stop the release of hormones into the blood, leads to greater losses in the health of the pet than forced celibacy. Here we will not just talk about how to stop the molt, but about whether you, together with the surgeon, will have time to save him from death in time.

If your cat (cat) does not shine with the laurels of a hero-producer, then in order for the cat not to shed, you need to carry out a one-time castration operation.

By doing this, you will solve many problems with his health, and the cat will not only stop shedding and losing weight, but will also stop replaying plans for revenge on the owner in his head (to shit on slippers or grab his leg?) and plans how to “slip away” from the house.

Pregnancy of a cat can also cause active molting of the expectant mother. And then there are the hormones. If the cat is not worried, then you have nothing to worry about.


An allergic reaction to inappropriate care items - shampoos, lotions, conditioners, hard brushes, too hot water when bathing or a hair dryer jet (allergy to mechanical effects on the skin) can also become the cause of abundant molting in cats.

With improper or inappropriate use of cosmetics and care items, dandruff, irritation appear on the scalp, and hair begins to fall out. Cats have much more sensitive and thinner skin than human skin! Change your shampoo, handle the slicker and hair dryer more carefully, purchase cat vitamins “for hair” that help strengthen and nourish the skin and hair follicles. This will help not only stop the molting of the cat, but will support her health.

Allergies can manifest themselves not only to household chemicals, but also to flowering plants, insect bites, dust, medicines, feed, etc. At the same time, sneezing, saliva-and-tear-flow is not necessary at all, but scratching, dandruff and profuse hair loss are mandatory.

Seeing a doctor is also a must! Only he, through tests, will be able to determine the allergen affecting the cat and prescribe the necessary drugs.


Reason number 4 - vitamin deficiency. This reason most often concerns young, growing kittens, because their body during the growth period requires an increased diet containing not only nutrients, but also increased doses of microelements (calcium, magnesium, etc.) with a mandatory set of vitamins, without which these elements simply are not digested. And hair loss begins...

Hypovitaminosis of kittens is a very common phenomenon in kittens that fell into the hands of negligent owners who are trying to feed a predator animal (and a cat is a predator!) with products of little use to it. The first organ that reacts sharply to hypovitaminosis is the coat. A kitten can remain sick and bald for the rest of his life, which, to be honest, will be very short.

These problems associated with molting (and not only!) can be avoided if you catch yourself in time and provide the younger generation with a decent diet and an additional course of vitamin.

Old age is not fun!

The sad reason why a cat sheds a lot, loses weight and becomes inactive is old age, leading to the extinction of all body functions, including normal metabolism, which guarantees timely and complete nutrition of the cat's skin and hair follicles. This leads to a slow growth of a new “fur coat” when changing hair, or even stops altogether.


Prolonged stress is a common cause of profuse hair loss. There are many stressful situations that lead to a breakdown in the nervous system of unfortunate animals - from the long absence of a beloved owner to moving to a new home.

Food stress is possible when the animal's diet changes dramatically or one food is replaced with another "without warning".

What to do so that the cat does not shed in such situations?

  • Give her more time and attention.
  • Introduce new foods gradually.

Improper feeding

Since improper feeding almost always results in hair loss for the cat and cat, it is worth recalling that a good appetite and plentifully filled bowls are far from always an indicator of the correct diet. If the food of a cat, kitten, cat is not balanced and poor in terms of the main indicators of fats-proteins-carbohydrates, then it is not necessary to wait for a normal appearance and structure of the coat.

When choosing food, you need to take into account gender, age, physical activity and the general condition of the animal. To normalize metabolism means to stop the shedding of a cat, cat or kitten!

Feline diseases

Diseases hidden and obvious are the cause of such a negative phenomenon as increased molting. It can be:

So that the cat does not shed, and you are sure that this is just a protracted seasonal “wool fall”, and not a disease that can be fatal for the cat and dangerous for you, first take the cat to the veterinarian! There, at a personal appointment, both you and your cat will receive qualified help and practical advice!

Cats that live in a city apartment and do not have access to the street are prone to excessive shedding. With the onset of the heating season, the air in the apartment becomes dry and warm, and the pet begins to actively shed excess wool. Hot batteries or a heater replace a winter coat for cats, and artificial lighting aggravates the condition and the coat falls out even more.

Many owners are irritated by tufts of wool and hairs remaining on the palm after stroking a pet. So why does the cat's hair begin to fall out strongly and what should be done in order to cope with this scourge?

Why does a cat shed a lot: causes of excessive hair loss

Almost every owner of a fluffy pet has come across shreds of his fur scattered throughout the apartment. In some cases, this phenomenon is the norm, but sometimes profuse hair loss can signal about the presence of a certain disease in a pet. So, why does the cat shed and in what cases should you sound the alarm? The main causes of excessive shedding in a cat can be:

What to do if the cat sheds?

Most veterinarians and experienced breeders recommend using the following methods to help fight heavy molting in a cat:

What to do in a pathological condition?

In some cases, profuse hair loss is a phenomenon unnatural, signaling the presence of certain pathologies in a pet. In these cases, daily combing, water procedures and dietary adjustments will not give the desired result and the cat will not stop actively shedding hair. It is advisable in such situations to contact a veterinarian, and not try to get rid of the problem on your own.

The veterinarian during the appointment will conduct an examination and prescribe a change analyzes needed to make an accurate diagnosis. Analyzes will help to exclude or confirm the presence of a serious pathology or allergic reaction in a pet. If a disease is detected, the veterinarian will prescribe a course of treatment, after which the hair will cease to fall out intensively.

In some cases, when the cause of intense molting is unbalanced nutrition, you will need to completely revise the cat's diet. If, before the problem arose, the pet ate exclusively economy-class industrial food, then it is necessary to transfer it to a brand not lower than premium. There are also specialized brands of dry food designed to improve the condition of your furry pet's coat.

If the veterinarian has called hormonal failure the cause of heavy molting in an unsterilized cat, then you should think about castration. Upon receipt of positive tests, the owners only need to provide the pet with proper care and abundant molting will soon pass. The use of drugs in this case is not required.

Owners of British, Scottish and Shorthair cats know that a slight seasonal molt is normal for a tabby. The coat is renewed while dead hairs fall out. But everything changes if you notice that the hairline is falling off the pet in shreds, and in some places bald patches have already appeared on the body. If you found something similar in your pet, we can conclude that cat sheds a lot.

It is impossible to attribute this to natural phenomena: the loss of wool in large quantities can become both a signal that you need to urgently pay attention to the pet's lifestyle, and a symptom of the disease.

There are several main reasons why your cat started shedding. Let's take a look at them.

#1 Poor quality food

Many pet owners prefer to save money by purchasing cheap food for their pets or by treating cats with food from the table. This is a categorically wrong position that threatens your pet with health problems.

Photo source: healthypets.royalcanin.com

For example, a Scottish Shorthair cat may lose its plush "skin" even though it sheds very little compared to its brethren.

In this case, you need to urgently purchase a proven and balanced food, because without changing the diet it is impossible to stop the process of hair loss!

#2 Vitamin deficiency

Your lop-eared handsome man began intensively shed? Review his diet carefully. Is he getting enough vitamins and minerals? Are there any products in his “menu” that contain fatty acids? If an animal lacks some trace elements, this will definitely affect its appearance, and then its health!

Photo source: 123rf.com

The conclusion suggests itself: you need to provide the animal with a complete set of vitamins that will improve the quality of your pet's coat.

No. 3 A cat can shed heavily due to allergic reactions

In some cases, hair loss is associated with allergies, which are a response to some kind of irritant. It can be both the products that make up the feed and the environment.

A cat's body can react to household dyes, chemicals, and even regular bath soap if it contains an allergen. Along with hair loss, you will notice other symptoms: itching, sores, etc.

Photo source: briolma.com

To avoid hair loss, you need to find out what caused this reaction of the body and save the cat from contact with the allergen.

#4 Hormonal changes

Is your kitty preparing to become a mother, has she just given birth or has she been spayed? In this case, the cat sheds heavily anyway. The fact is that hormones are responsible for the quality of wool, and if they are restructured, such an “explosion” for the body can result in increased hair loss.

Photo source: www.cheezburger.com

Usually in such cases, nothing needs to be done - the hormonal background will return to normal by itself.

In a difficult period for the animal, it is important to help him with a vitamin course and ensure maximum peace.

#5 Hyperthyroidism

If your cat has suddenly lost weight despite eating a lot, it could be a symptom of hyperthyroidism. The term refers to a malfunction of the thyroid gland.

Along with symptoms of increased appetite and weight loss, the pet shows lethargy, anxiety and nervousness. Simultaneously cat sheds a lot, and often - to complete baldness.

Photo source: wagwalking.com

Unfortunately, at home, it is not possible to diagnose or, moreover, to cure this disease, so the pet needs a veterinarian's consultation!

It may also be that the cat is infected with worms, which simply do not allow his body to absorb nutrients. In this case, it is very important to carry out antihelminthic therapy, and in the future to observe preventive measures.

#7 Stress Causes Cats to Shed

Nervous shock is something that your charming Brit can face, just like a cat of any other breed. Strong fear is caused by unfamiliar people and objects, meeting a dog or moving with the need to adapt to a new territory. All this causes stress and, as a result, hair loss.

Photo source: pinterest.com

Fortunately, such a molt is short-term, and treatment is not required: the animal quickly returns to normal. The main thing is that there should be as few stressful situations for the cat as possible!

No. 8 Skin diseases

If your favorite, there is a high probability that he was overcome by a skin disease. A variety of fungi settle on the hairline of the animal, causing intense hair loss. Similar symptoms are caused by ringworm, which is also dangerous for humans.

Photo source: ourkoshki.ru

Increased hair loss in a cat is always a reason to be wary, but it is also a signal to visit a doctor.

It is unacceptable to treat a pet at home and look for the causes of increased molting.

Only a timely appeal to the veterinarian will help to find out the cause of the symptom that has arisen and offer competent therapy to your purr!

By the way, do you already know how you managed to make friends with the policeman?