Fish in the diet of children. Steamed cod cutlets

After 6 months, new foods are introduced into the diet of the baby. A place of honor among them is occupied by fish - a source of easily digestible protein, fatty polyunsaturated acids, as well as minerals and vitamins necessary for the body with early age. To get the maximum benefit, parents should know what kind of fish can be given to a child up to a year old, and how to choose it correctly.

By its nutritional value, fish is not inferior to meat, and due to a smaller amount connective tissue more easily absorbed by the body.

This product will provide children with the B vitamins needed for proper metabolism. Also, babies will receive vitamin A, which is responsible for good vision, and vitamin D, which is involved in the formation and strengthening of skeletal muscles.

Fish contains a rich list of substances useful for children: phosphorus, magnesium, calcium, potassium, sodium, iron, fluorine, as well as iodine, the amount of which is important for stimulation mental capacity and neuromuscular development.

Choosing fish for baby food

What kind of fish can be cooked and offered to the baby? The pancreas of the baby is not able to cope with fatty foods, so complementary foods for a child under the age of 12 months begin with low-fat varieties.

What product quality should be avoided? Fish grown in private waters can be dangerous for children. To speed up growth, the fry are fed special hormones. It is harmful to use such a product.

It is better to use fresh or chilled fish, in which nutrients are retained to the maximum.

How to determine how long the product has been on the counter of the store and what is its freshness? O good quality say the following signs:

  1. The scales fit snugly to the fish and shine.
  2. The eyes are bulging, without turbidity.
  3. The gills are rather rigid, bright red or pink.
  4. When you press the abdomen, the dent quickly disappears. Abdominal bloating is a sign of spoilage!

How long can the product be stored after purchase? You can keep fresh fish in the cold for up to 2 days, and if you freeze it, then up to 3-6 months.

What to do when there is no fresh product on sale? What kind of fish, in this case, is it permissible to give a child up to a year? You can buy frozen fish fillets or a whole carcass in stores.

When buying, you should ask about the date of capture and freezing. It is important to consider how much time has passed since the day of freezing: the fresher the product, the more microelements are stored in it. A smooth transparent crust of ice indicates that the product has not been defrosted.

To save maximum amount trace elements, fish should be thawed in lightly salted water. After defrosting, another suitability test can be carried out: pay attention to the condition of the product. When the pulp falls apart, does not hold its shape and resembles a rag, this means that the product is spoiled. Do not cook such fish for babies. Any suspicions of poor quality cannot be ignored, because the health of children is more important than the money spent.

Proper complementary foods - how and from what age?

Children under one year old need to cook fish or steam it. You can not give babies a fried product, and even more so salted or smoked.

It is important to consider that fish is an allergen. According to statistics, fish products cause allergic reaction in 2% of young children. The risk is increased when a parent or older child has similar problem.

When the body responds to complementary foods with allergies, it is better to take a break for two weeks, and then try other varieties of fish. persistent rejection of any fish products indicates that complementary foods should be postponed until the age of one.

If there is no allergy, you can give your baby fish from 9-11 months. You need to start complementary foods with 0.5 parts of a teaspoon in the morning, carefully observing what reaction the body will give to New Product. It is advisable not to combine fish and meat foods in one day, it is better to arrange "fish" days 2 times a week. At 12 months, the child should receive a portion weighing 60 grams, after a year it is gradually increased to 100-150 grams.

It is better to start feeding infants up to a year with one type of fish, for 3-4 weeks, then you can add other species to the diet.

It is recommended to boil the fish fillet, free it from the bones, chop it with a blender and give it to the child in this form. Later, by 12 months, when the baby has developed a chewing skill, you can cook fish soufflé or meatballs for him, and after a year give fish in pieces and cook soups in fish broth from medium-fat varieties.

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Fish for children up to a year, and in principle at any age, is valuable and useful product nutrition. Along with meat, it acts as a source of complete animal protein, which includes amino acids that are not produced in our body. But these substances are very important, especially for a growing man, because they are involved in the construction of new tissues and cells, the synthesis of antibodies, and also protect your child from viruses and microorganisms, hormones and enzymes. Moreover, the "sea" protein is faster absorbed and easier to digest than the "meat". And for the first time, fish is introduced, like meat, into. But its main differences from the “colleague” are its low calorie content and delicate structure: it lacks refractory fats and connective tissue (films, coarse fibers), which are very difficult for the fragile enzyme system of the baby to cope with.

To answer this question, we first understand what it is. There are three categories based on fat content.

You need to start complementary foods with low-fat fish - river perch, pollock, pike perch, etc.

The first includes “skinny” species (no more than 4% fat) - silver hake, haddock, pollock, river perch, pike perch, pollock, navaga.

Finally, “fat” (more than 8% fat) are stellate sturgeon, sturgeon, pink salmon, chum salmon, halibut, saury, mackerel, fatty herring.

Thus, a fish for an 8-month-old child is shown to be skinny or, in extreme cases, moderately fatty. And when your child grows up, you can move on to the third category.

If you doubt that fish is important and necessary for children under one year old, remember that the above polyunsaturated fatty acid, which it contains, not only participate in the regulation of metabolism (calcium, potassium, zinc, sodium and magnesium, in particular, are responsible for this). They have a positive effect on the nervous and cardiovascular system baby. Stimulate the intellect and improve brain activity.

Fish is a source of vitamins and minerals for a child

This is especially important sea ​​food peanuts located on artificial feeding. And, of course, all crumbs really need A and D, E and B2, B12 and PP, as well as phosphorus, fluorine and other trace elements.

By the way, fluorine takes part in the formation of tooth enamel. Phosphorus - in development skeletal system and brain. Iron (although there is much more of it in meat) is needed to prevent anemia.

And also the residents sea ​​depthsunique sources iodine (it is needed for the formation of hormones thyroid gland) and bromine.

Fish broth can be given to a child from 3 years

When choosing which fish to give to a child, it is important to consider the very form of its preparation. The fact is that it contains extractive substances - creatine, carnosine, purine bases, etc. In the process of cooking, they turn into a decoction, giving the broth a specific taste and exciting gastric secretion. Therefore, they are included in the diet of children with reduced appetite.

But such stimulation can also lead to excessive overexertion. digestive glands. Therefore, such broths can be introduced only after three years.

This rule is also true for other seafood, including caviar.

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Canned fish: what can children under one year old?

It is advisable to buy canned fish for children in glass jars

Many nutritionists and pediatricians advise giving infants specialized canned food. They are easy to prepare (they just need to be warmed up), which saves mommy time and effort. It is also guaranteed to be safe and good nutrition for a toddler.

But it is advisable to purchase complementary foods for babies in glass jars. And, of course, you should carefully study the label (expiration date, composition, etc.)

Usually, vegetables and (or) cereals are added to canned fish in order to additionally saturate them with important nutrients. The share of such "additives" ranges from 50 to 90%. And the combined and well-balanced dish itself is better absorbed, and babies like it more.

The vegetable composition in such a puree may include potatoes, zucchini, carrots, colored or white cabbage, pumpkin, beans, green pea, onion. And as a cereal, as a rule, rice, pearl barley, semolina, oats and corn are used.

Also, canned fish products do not contain a large number of fish oil and vegetable oil(corn, sunflower, olive, rapeseed or soybean). Sometimes animal fats are added to the "jar" in the form butter. And to improve taste qualities- extracts of parsley and dill, tomato paste. A uniform and even consistency is achieved by adding corn or rice starch.

What fish to start with?

When answering the question of what kind of fish can children try for the first time this new food for themselves, one should, of course, give preference to fish puree without starch and spices. It is difficult for the baby's body to process starch, and this can lead to constipation and other negative consequences.

If the puree contains oil (butter, vegetable), then, of course, it should not be added to the dish additionally.

Feeding a child with fish should begin with fish puree without starch and spices

For the first acquaintance with seafood, it is necessary to take puree-like canned food, oriented to and older. Older children (up to 12 months) are offered already coarsely ground product. And from one to one and a half years - canned food with pieces.

If you prefer homemade canned products, be sure to follow the rules of heat treatment and storage: not only the nutritional value, but also the safety of the dish depends on this.

When deciding which fish to start feeding with, you should also think about the presence of salt in it. The latter is sometimes added to canned fish (of course, in small quantities), but most often manufacturers do without it.

In principle, babies are more likely to eat salted than unleavened food, since this additive enhances the perception of taste by acting on the tongue. It also improves digestion, promotes the efficient breakdown of food by saliva.

But peanuts up to 3 years old do not need salt in the diet. Moreover, she is natural form contained in waterfowl, especially if cooked by poaching, in a pressure cooker or steamed. And when cooking, you can salt the water a little.

For the first feeding, you need to choose low-fat and not red fish. It is better to take the sea - it is less allergenic, and beneficial trace elements it has more. It's about about species such as hake, cod, flounder, haddock. And from the river trout, pike perch and silver carp are suitable.

In any case, you can not introduce a new product if the baby is unwell, in the heat, and also after a preventive vaccination.

Fish soufflé video recipe

How and when to give a child fish?

If you are interested in the "allowed" age, then we have already said about it - this is 8-9 months. If frequency - then no more than twice a week.

This applies even to babies who are not prone to allergic reactions, since almost all seafood is highly allergenic. Moreover, the body of your child may react in an undesirable way not only in principle to, but also to a certain type of fish.

If mom, dad or the oldest child in the family has such an allergy, the time when you can give your child fish shifts from 8 to 12 months.

Fish food is offered to the baby before breastfeeding or formula (when he is more prone to eating) and before lunch, in order to observe the reaction of his body throughout the day. In the process of eating, the little one should sit, and the new dish itself should be warm.

You need to start, as always, with half or even a quarter of a teaspoon. You can give a new product in pure form, but it is better to mix it with a dish already familiar to the little one - porridge or vegetable puree.

By the age of two, a child can eat 80 grams of fish per day.

Our next main task is observation. Behind general condition baby, behind his skin, stool. If all is well, increase the dose to a teaspoon. And then for 7-10 days - up to the daily norm corresponding to age. For 8 months, this is 5-30 grams (if fish and vegetable puree, then 50-100 grams).

Fish - valuable protein product, which contains all the necessary child's body amino acids, unique vitamin complex(F, A, D, E) combined with useful fish oil and important for healthy metabolism substances minerals (iodine, manganese, zinc, copper, boron, iron, fluorine, etc.).

Suitable for children up to one year old lean varieties fish - hake, cod, pike perch, pollock, grenadier, blue whiting, pike, mullet, catfish, herring, etc.

When can you start giving your baby fish?

Introducing fish to the child's menu, according to the recommendations of dietitians, is possible not earlier than 9-10 months. This should be done only after the baby has fully mastered meat products. Remember that fish is the strongest allergen, so you need to use it with extreme caution. Feeding should start with 5-10 grams per day. Watching the reaction of the baby's body, gradually increase the dose. Maximum daily rate fish consumption for a one-year-old child - 70 grams. healthy child it is recommended to give it no more than 2 times a week. Distribute "fish" and "meat" days, as taking two of these products at once during the day will create a large load on digestive system baby. It is generally not recommended to give fish broth to children under 3 years old, due to the low nutritional value and content harmful substances released during the cooking process.

As a rule, an allergy in a child can be both for all fish, without exception, and for certain varieties of it. At the first signs of diathesis in a child, you need to take a two-week break, completely eliminating fish dishes from the diet. After the manifestations of the allergy subside, try again to introduce some other kind of fish into the menu. Do it the same way as the first time, gradually, starting with 5-10 grams per day. Even in the absence of an allergic reaction, do not exceed the recommended daily intake.

How to cook fish for a child?

  1. Defrost fish in salted water.
  2. It is very important to carefully cut and remove all the bones, even if you buy a ready-made fillet.
  3. Fish should be steamed or boiled in a small amount of water.
  4. Cook the fish for 10-15 minutes if the pieces are small and 20-25 minutes if the fish is cooked whole.

Simple and healthy fish recipes for children up to a year

After a year, the child can be offered a more varied menu of fish dishes.

With its nutritional value, fish is not inferior to meat, and due to a smaller amount of connective tissue, it is more easily absorbed by the body. This product will provide children with the necessary for proper metabolism. Also, kids will receive, responsible for good vision, and involved in the formation and strengthening of skeletal muscles. Fish contains a rich list of substances useful for children: phosphorus, magnesium, calcium, potassium, sodium, iron, fluorine, and iodine, the amount of which is important for stimulating mental abilities and neuromuscular development.

Choosing fish for baby food

What kind of fish can be cooked and offered to the baby? The pancreas of the baby is not able to cope with fatty foods, so feeding a child up to 12 months of age start with low-fat varieties:

  • Lean (skinny)- cod, pike perch, hake, pollock, river perch, flounder, navaga. They have a fat content of up to 4%. It can be introduced into the diet of children from 9-11 months.
  • medium fat - sea ​​bass, crucian carp, trout, pink salmon, herring, sturgeon, chum salmon. They have a fat content of 4-8%. Suitable for feeding children from 1.5-2 years.
  • oily- salmon, mackerel, herring, eel, omul. They have a fat content above 8%. Introduced into the diet of children not earlier than 3-4 years.

What kind of fish should not be given to a child?

What product quality should be avoided?

May be dangerous for children fish grown in private ponds. To speed up growth, the fry are fed special hormones. It is harmful to use such a product.

It is better to use fresh or chilled fish, in which nutrients are retained to the maximum.

How to determine how long the product has been on the counter of the store and what is its freshness?

Talk about good quality the following signs:

  • The scales fit snugly to the fish and shine.
  • The eyes are bulging, without turbidity.
  • The gills are rather rigid, bright red or pink.
  • When you press the abdomen, the dent quickly disappears. Abdominal bloating is a sign of spoilage!

How long can the product be stored after purchase?

You can keep fresh fish in the cold for up to 2 days, and if you freeze it, then up to 3-6 months. When a fresh product is not on sale, you can purchase frozen fish fillets or a whole carcass in stores.

When buying, you should ask about the date of capture and freezing. It is important to consider how much time has passed since the day of freezing: the fresher the product, the more microelements are stored in it. A smooth transparent crust of ice indicates that the product has not been defrosted.

To preserve the maximum amount of trace elements, fish should be thawed in lightly salted water. After defrosting, you can spend another suitability test A: pay attention to the condition of the product. When the pulp falls apart, does not hold its shape and resembles a rag, this means that the product is spoiled. Do not cook such fish for babies. Any suspicions of poor quality cannot be ignored, because the health of children is more important than the money spent.

Proper complementary foods - how and from what age?

Children up to a year the fish must be boiled or steamed. You can not give babies a fried product, and even more so salted or smoked.

It is important to take into account that fish is an allergen. According to statistics, fish products cause an allergic reaction in 2% of young children. The risk is increased when a parent or older child has a similar problem. When the body responds to complementary foods with allergies, it is better to take a break for two weeks, and then try other varieties of fish. The persistent rejection of any fish products indicates that complementary foods should be postponed until the age of one.

If there is no allergy, you can give the baby fish from 9-11 months.

The diet of the baby should be healthy, tasty and varied. A child from the first days of life should receive all the necessary minerals, vitamins and elements for the proper functioning, growth and development of the body. But not all foods are allowed for babies, especially fish, it is with her that moms and dads should act very carefully, because in addition to its usefulness, it is the strongest allergen. Therefore, before trying this product, you need to know exactly what kind of fish a child can have at 1 year old.

Fish is very useful for children and adults, it contains a large amount of protein, thanks to which it develops muscular system, this product also contains a lot of iron, phosphorus, iodine, magnesium, B vitamins, as well as polyunsaturated fats, this whole set strengthens vascular system, vision, bones, has a positive effect on the state of the thyroid gland, and hence hormonal background improves metabolism.

At what age can you give fish to children

Until 1 year old, it is better for babies not to introduce fish dishes into the diet. Fish is one of the strongest allergens, and before the baby tries it, it is worth accustoming him to other foods, as well as doing allergy tests and consulting with your pediatrician. The recommended age in the absence of contraindications to start introducing fish into the diet is 10 months.

What kind of fish can a child at 1 year old

First of all, you have to choose between fatty species, and varieties of medium-fat fish. And then decide what kind of fish a child can have at 1 year old. So, low-fat varieties of fish that are suitable for a one-year-old baby are silver hake, pollock and pike perch, river perch and navaga. It is these varieties that should be given to the baby for the first time to try. Also, bold varieties can be introduced into the diet of crumbs, after she tastes low-fat varieties. Among them: carp and catfish, catfish. Also note that in River fish for children is the most dangerous, because if it is cooked incorrectly, there is Great chance infection of the child with opisthorchiasis.

Fish in the diet of a 1 year old child - where to start

In addition to the question of what kind of fish a child can have at 1 year old, you need to know how to properly introduce it into the diet. For two to three weeks of the first meals of fish, it is better not to give this product more than 2 times a week, it is better to start from 1 time. And in the future, it is not recommended to feed the child with dishes from this product more often than 2-3 times a week.

So, the first dose should contain the amount of fish equal to half a teaspoon. Gradually increasing the amount, the maximum number of fish per day one year old baby, should not exceed 100 grams (with good tolerance - 150 grams).

Prohibited fish products and products for a one-year-old child

Parents should remember the list of prohibited fish products that the baby is not even recommended to try until 1.5-2 years old. And if you decide what kind of fish a child can just try at 1 year old, then absolutely everything is prohibited. Shrimps, caviar, mussels, crabs, and, of course, crab sticks, which are not related to seafood at all, are completely prohibited until at least 2 years old. This list includes canned fish, dried, fried, smoked fish.