Growing buckwheat how to germinate buckwheat. How to germinate green buckwheat for food

The most useful, rich in minerals and vitamins - "live" green buckwheat, which does not lend itself to heat treatment frying and steaming. And even more useful substances in raw sprouted buckwheat, where the content of antioxidants is doubled, and the amount of vitamin C - as much as twenty times. And today I will tell you how to germinate buckwheat at home.

How to germinate buckwheat at home

Green raw buckwheat is one of the healthiest herbal products for the body of each person. Especially a lot of useful substances are formed during the germination period. That is why plant seeds are eaten raw sprouted. So, how to germinate buckwheat?

For sprouting, green buckwheat fits just fine. And there is nothing particularly complicated, you just need to know what and how should be done. To germinate buckwheat at home, you only need green buckwheat itself, drinking purified water, a porcelain or glass container.

  1. Buckwheat must first be sorted out, this can also be done during its washing. You can wash green buckwheat with a colander. The main thing in this matter is accuracy, so as not to accidentally damage the embryos in the grains.
  2. Put prepared buckwheat in a large glass or porcelain bowl.
  3. Now green buckwheat needs to be filled with water. Water should be 2-3 times more than buckwheat itself. You need to take clean water - or filtered, but not boiled. Keep in mind that the volume of buckwheat, when swollen, will increase by 2 times.
  4. The next step is to soak the buckwheat in water. Here it is important to guess over time. It is best to infuse for two to four hours. If longer, then buckwheat can become covered with mucus. When it does happen, don't get scared right away and don't get upset, just rinse the buckwheat one more time. With a longer infusion, buckwheat can simply deteriorate (ferment), then the entire procedure for seed germination will have to be repeated again.
  5. After a while, when the buckwheat is saturated with water, drain the liquid and distribute it evenly over the walls and bottom of our bowl, then cover the dish with a lid, but so that air constantly gets inside. And we leave our buckwheat in a dark place for 12-20 hours.
  6. After this time, small seedlings (1-2 millimeters) should appear in buckwheat. But you need to wait until the seedlings become larger, about 1-2 centimeters. By the way, in order for germination to proceed successfully and quickly, buckwheat must be moist all the time. Without water, it will simply dry out.
  7. Sprouted buckwheat is used for various purposes. It can be eaten as an independent product, and as part of dishes, for example, salads.

The benefits of sprouted buckwheat

Buckwheat is unique in its components. It contains a whole "cocktail" of vitamins and nutrients. Vitamins of group B, as well as C and E, iron, phosphorus, zinc, magnesium and potassium.

And during germination, all these useful substances in buckwheat increase several times! There are twice as many antioxidants as in the usual one, and vitamin C is generally 20 times more. And an important plus of all this is that green buckwheat is very easy to germinate at home.

When eating green buckwheat, our body needs much less effort and energy to assimilate nutrients than for the assimilation of ordinary fried or steamed buckwheat.

How to eat sprouted buckwheat

Green buckwheat in sprouted form is suitable to eat it in " pure form" without additives. But you can eat it with spices, salt or unrefined vegetable oil.
Also, sprouted buckwheat can be part of various dishes that are not amenable to heat treatment. Often sprouted buckwheat is added to vitamin vegetable salads. You can also eat with dairy products: kefir, fermented baked milk, yogurt.

How to store sprouted buckwheat

You can store buckwheat with sprouts only in a closed container in the refrigerator and only two days.

Proper nutrition is not only the rejection of "bad" food, but also a variety of healthy foods in the diet. The constant use of a strictly limited allowed menu is also far from truly healthy lifestyle life, as the abuse of sweets, smoked meats and other junk food. But the development of new and original dishes is a guarantee that you will not get tired of sticking to balanced diet and balanced diet will not become a routine for you. For example, you can try green grain sprouts. They are very popular among the adherents of the raw food diet and perfectly complement the diet of all other people who ventured to taste this not quite ordinary food. You can germinate almost any living grain, but we advise you to choose buckwheat. Her sprouts have a particularly pleasant taste and appear very quickly - ideal for beginners! Although we note that green sprouted buckwheat is very fond of vegetarians "with experience". And they have a lot of reasons for this.

The composition and benefits of green buckwheat
Buckwheat is familiar to everyone since childhood, but we are used to seeing it brown. And green, that is, raw buckwheat, is relatively New Product for most of our countrymen. But it is precisely this grain that has not been subjected to heat treatment that retains the maximum of its natural properties. His chemical composition remains intact, including the ratio of components to each other, which is especially important for their full assimilation. The amino acid composition of buckwheat puts it in a special position in relation to other cereals: lysine and myotin from it are absorbed by a person by 75%, and this is a record figure for a product of plant origin. Except valuable protein, in the kernels of green buckwheat there is a lot of starch, natural sugars, organic acids (citric, oxalic, malic, etc.) and very little fatty oil. Buckwheat is one of the leaders in the content of iron and calcium, vitamin E and group B. There is a relatively large amount of potassium, phosphorus, iodine, fluorine, zinc, cobalt and molybdenum in it.

Buckwheat has the ability to be stored for a long time, without acquiring bitterness over time and not becoming moldy (this provided it permanent place in army food depots). At the same time, useful properties also practically do not decrease (which made buckwheat a popular product in folk medicine). It is traditionally used for anemia to increase the quantity and quality of hemoglobin, to stimulate hematopoiesis and the body's resistance to radiation. Colds, a drop in immunity are also indications for taking buckwheat. It helps cells and organs recover, become stronger and resist adverse factors. external environment, prevents absorption and promotes the elimination of toxic substances. For people who are unable to eat bread and potatoes due to a tendency to diabetes, buckwheat replaces both of these products. And in practice oriental medicine to prepare a multitude medical preparations and dishes, up to tea, only green unroasted buckwheat is used. In our latitudes, it is customary to fry buckwheat kernels, which significantly reduces its nutritional value and therapeutic potential.

It is enough to overcome the stereotype once and try to use buckwheat differently in order to change the prevailing idea forever. After all, green, that is, live buckwheat, can be germinated and benefit not only from its grain, but also from the strength of young shoots. Sprouts have an incredibly powerful charge vital energy designed for the growth and development of a young plant. The human body responds to it with active tissue regeneration, cell renewal, and activation of internal organs. If buckwheat grains themselves qualitatively nourish, warm, and provide a feeling of satiety for a long time, then sprouted buckwheat also gives the body an impulse to activate metabolism, slows down oxidative processes and contributes to a more complete absorption of vitamins in the most natural form. It contains enzymes that would be destroyed by heat treatment, but remain intact in the sprouts. In addition, in a short but very important stage in the life of a plant, which occurs in the first days after grain germination, powerful biological mechanisms are activated to ensure its survival and growth. To do this, inhibitors are destroyed, and proteins are broken down into amino acids, fats are divided into fatty acid and the starch turns into malt. All these processes are very similar to those that occur during the digestion of food by the digestive system. Only when eating sprouts, the work of internal organs is greatly facilitated, and the percentage of absorbed components increases significantly. Thus, the potential inherent in each grain for the development of a new life can be applied to own use if you learn to germinate and eat green buckwheat.

How to germinate buckwheat
Sprouted green buckwheat is natural product, useful throughout the year, but the body needs its properties especially in the off-season, that is, in spring and autumn, when it is most vulnerable. But not only the germination time matters - it is important to choose the right grain itself. If you plan not just to cook buckwheat porridge, but to learn how to germinate grain, then look for organic buckwheat that has not been treated with chemicals from the freshest crop. Pay attention to the integrity of the nuclei, their uniform greenish-beige color and the absence of damage. For germination, only not fried and not steamed buckwheat is suitable. It does not matter where the cereal is sold: in the market by weight or in the supermarket in its original packaging. The main thing is that its quality does not cause the slightest doubt. If the grains you have purchased meet these requirements, you can start sprouting them:

  1. Take 1 full glass of green buckwheat. This is an approximate amount - keep in mind that the volume of seedlings will be about 1.5 times larger.
  2. Rinse green buckwheat under cool running water for at least 1 minute to remove excess starch.
  3. Put the washed buckwheat in a large jar and pour drinking water room temperature at the rate of 3 cups of water per 1 cup of grains. Leave no longer than an hour and a half, so that the grains have time to absorb moisture, but do not become sour.
  4. Drain the water from the jar (it can be used for watering indoor plants), remove the grains that have surfaced (they are spoiled), and wash the good swollen grains several times in clean water until it becomes transparent.
  5. Place clean, moist kernels in a jar or other container made of glass, porcelain or ceramic with a lid. Close tightly and place in a warm place. After about 4-5 hours, gently stir the grains so that they are evenly moistened and receive the same amount of oxygen.
  6. Green seedlings will appear in 8-10 hours. Sometimes it takes a little longer - depending on the characteristics of the cereal and environment. When the sprouts reach 1 mm in length, they can be used for food. But the most useful and tasty are seedlings aged from 2 to 4 days.
  7. Rinse sprouted grains clean water- now they are completely ready for use.
Green sprouts fit into any diet without any problems. They can be eaten as a separate meal or added to salads, cereals and sandwiches. One of the most popular recipes, captivating with its taste and simplicity of implementation, is a salad of 200 grams of sprouted green buckwheat, cereal bread and fresh herbs, seasoned vegetable oil and lemon juice. But the full range of possible uses of buckwheat seedlings is much wider. The main thing is not to expose them to strong heat and avoid several common mistakes when germinating grain.

Secrets of delicious green buckwheat
Incorrectly prepared and / or sprouted buckwheat turns out to be not tasty, and this makes it difficult to appreciate its benefits. Usually it becomes slippery and as if "snotty" due to a coating of mucus. Such seedlings do not bring harm, but their taste is not at all what it could be. If your first attempts to germinate green buckwheat led to exactly this result, you may have made a mistake in one of these cases:

  • You have used too much water. After the grains absorb moisture and you wash them again, do not add water to the buckwheat sprouting dish.
  • You left the buckwheat for too long. The first stage of soaking the kernels should not exceed 1.5 hours, and the germination itself must be controlled by appearance sprouts.
  • You didn't mix the buckwheat. Seedlings need oxygen, so during their germination, you need to swap the lower and upper layers at least a couple of times.
Green buckwheat, sprouted with all the nuances, has a pleasant taste and enriches any dish. It is stored without problems in the refrigerator, without losing its life force. Make its extraordinary benefits a regular component of your diet, and you will soon notice how energy arrives, your mood improves and your immune system strengthens. All these wonderful properties green buckwheat has long been familiar to adherents natural nutrition And now you are one of them too. Health to you and bon appetit!

All those who have long adhered to the principles proper nutrition, know: it is important not only to give up “harmful” food, but also to make the diet varied. Constantly eating the same foods is almost as unhealthy as overusing sweet or fatty foods. So that your diet does not turn into real flour, we recommend that you learn new healthy, tasty and unusual dishes. For example, try grain sprouts. Almost all living grains can be used for this, but green buckwheat is considered the most popular option. It is about how to germinate green buckwheat at home - our today's article. Read, memorize and put into practice!

Who in childhood did not eat buckwheat porridge with milk? We grew up, but our favorite buckwheat still remained in our diet. True, most of us are accustomed to seeing her in only one color - brown. And not everyone knows that raw buckwheat is actually green. And it is in this, not thermally processed grain, that the maximum of useful properties is preserved. The chemical composition of green buckwheat, compared to brown buckwheat, remains unchanged, which means that the percentage of components is maintained at the correct level.

Green buckwheat for sprouting has a unique amino acid composition that has no analogues among plant products. Substances such as myotin and lysine are absorbed from raw buckwheat by three quarters - an absolute record among all existing cereals.

In addition, there are many other useful substances in unprocessed buckwheat: iron, calcium, vitamins E and B, as well as potassium, iodine, zinc, fluorine, phosphorus, cobalt, molybdenum, plus organic acids - malic, citric, oxalic and others, starch and natural sugars.

Buckwheat can be stored for a very long time. At the same time, it does not become bitter over time, does not grow moldy, does not lose its beneficial properties.

Buckwheat is a real healer: it is actively used to increase hemoglobin (both in quantity and quality), for colds, decreased immunity, and in many other cases. This unique cereal is indicated for diabetics who are forbidden to eat bread and potatoes. In addition, buckwheat contributes to the restoration of organs and cells. human body, helps to resist the adverse effects of the external environment, prevents toxic substances from accumulating in the body, contributing to their speedy removal.

Sprouted green buckwheat: the benefits of nature for beauty and harmony

As you can see, buckwheat is a real storehouse of nutrients. But sprouted green buckwheat is even more useful, because, in addition to the benefits of the grain itself, it also contains beneficial features sprouts. Sprouted buckwheat activates metabolism, significantly slows down oxidation processes and helps to absorb vitamins in full and in the most natural form.

Another “bonus” that the germination of green buckwheat gives is that in the very first days after the germination of the grain, very powerful biological mechanisms work. More specifically, inhibitors are destroyed, proteins are broken down into amino acids, and fats are broken down into fatty acids. Also at this time, starch turns into malt. Similar processes resemble those that occur in our digestive tract during the digestion of food. With the only difference - when using grain sprouts internal organs work half-heartedly, but the percentage of nutrients absorbed by the body increases many times over.

How to germinate green buckwheat?

We figured out the benefits of raw buckwheat and its sprouts. Now let's talk about how to germinate green buckwheat. Here it is important to take into account several nuances at once:

  • The ideal time for germination is the off-season: spring or autumn.
  • It is important to choose the grain itself wisely: look for organic buckwheat from the latest harvest, not treated with any chemicals.
  • The kernels must be intact, have a uniform color - green with beige.

You can buy buckwheat for sprouting anywhere - from a large store to a tent in the market. The main condition is that the grains remain of high quality.

Sprouting green buckwheat is much easier than it seems:

  1. All you need is a glass of green buckwheat. This is an approximate amount - keep in mind that the yield of the finished product will be about one and a half times more.
  2. Rinse the cereal under cool water for a minute or two to get rid of excess starch.
  3. already washed buckwheat put in glass jar large volume and fill with clean drinking water in proportions of three to one. That is, for a glass of buckwheat - three waters. Leave for an hour and a half, no longer.
  4. Drain the water. The grains that have surfaced during this time can be safely thrown away, all the rest must be washed several more times - until the water is absolutely clear.
  5. The remaining cereal must be put back in the jar (or any other ceramic, glass or porcelain dish with a lid). The dishes must be tightly closed and put in any warm place. Then you need to wait about five hours and gently mix the grains again.
  6. After 8-10 hours, the first green seedlings should appear. Sometimes it may take more time - do not panic, it may just be the characteristics of the cereal. Wait until the seedlings are at least 1 mm long - then you can safely eat them. And it’s better to wait from two to four days: it is these sprouts that are considered the most useful and most delicious.
  7. Ready-to-eat seedlings should be thoroughly rinsed again in clean water.

Everything turned out as it should, but now how to use the sprouts? So, if you have ready-made sprouted green buckwheat, recipes will be found by themselves.

Firstly, sprouts can be eaten as an independent dish. Secondly, add to any vegetable salads, season cereals, decorate sandwiches. For example, to begin with, try to think of a simple, but very original and delicious salad from two hundred grams of sprouted buckwheat, a bunch of fresh herbs and several cereal loaves. All this splendor must be seasoned with oil (vegetable or olive) mixed with lemon juice. Delicious, original and very, very useful!

When germinating grains, avoid the most common mistakes: do not add excess water, even if it seems that it is not enough, do not leave buckwheat for a longer period than prescribed by the recipe, and mix it in time.

Now you know how to germinate green buckwheat for food. Try new things and share your impressions with us!

Buckwheat is the most valuable product nutrition of plant origin. Everyone knows her as grits Brown color. Moreover, many do not even think that these are roasted grains. But the one that is harvested in the fields has green color. Brown, however, it acquires only after roasting.

In the article we will talk about what it is, germinated buckwheat. How comparable are its benefits and harms? Let's reveal some more aspects of green grains.

Green buckwheat

Benefits, harms, calorie content, beneficial properties - all this is extremely important to study in order to understand whether such grains are worth consuming or not.

It is clear that non-fried foods have much more vitamins and minerals than after heat treatment. So it is with buckwheat. Everything that was originally laid down by nature can be obtained if you use it in its raw form.

Mild taste, extraordinary nutritional value and numerous beneficial properties characterize these valuable grains. In addition, buckwheat is capable of rapid germination.

Many assure that having tried it only once, people become its devoted fans.


Such a rich composition of nutrients, as in buckwheat, is very difficult to find among other foods. It contains:

  • carbohydrates;


    essential amino acids;

    vitamins A, E, C, PP, B 1, B 2, B 6, B 9.

The cereal contains 313 kilocalories per 100 grams. Interestingly, in the form of porridge, its calorie content is much less. This is achieved due to the fact that the grains absorb water.

Of the bulk of the product, 63% is occupied by carbohydrates. Only 12% is allocated to protein, 10% to fiber, and 3% to fats.

The benefits of sprouted green buckwheat

It is convenient to consider the benefits of grains, referring to its rich composition.

Carbohydrates are converted into glucose slowly, which reduces sugar levels, and mental activity is activated. This transformation provides the body with energy for a long period. Therefore, buckwheat perfectly saturates the body and has a low calorie content. It is extremely useful for people engaged in mental activity.

Buckwheat helps in the treatment of stomach and intestinal diseases. It helps cleanse the intestines and liver, relieving constipation. Vessels are significantly strengthened, their elasticity increases. All this is achieved due to the large amount of routine responsible for these properties.

All vitamins are kept unchanged by sprouted green buckwheat. Benefits and harms are not comparable. Visual acuity improves, metabolism normalizes, and potency increases in men.

Another very important property is environmental friendliness. Buckwheat is probably the only cereal that does not undergo any modifications today. This is a 100% natural product. In addition, during ripening, it displaces all the weeds next to it. Therefore, there is no need to treat the crop even with pesticides.

Advantages of sprouted buckwheat

Separately, it is worth mentioning the properties that germinated buckwheat has. The benefits and harms here are completely incomparable. Indeed, in this case, all the power of the embryo lives in it, endowing the body with vitamins and minerals several times more. Also, this buckwheat has vitamin C, which is absent in other forms. Therefore, it is able to fight diseases even better, increase immunity and get rid of viral infections.

Just think: sprouts have 15 grams of protein!

Such food cleanses and rejuvenates a person, adds strength and energy to him, and also resists many diseases, which include even cancer.

Here's what great power have buckwheat. Benefit and harm, however, coexist in it, as in any strong medicinal plant.

Let's consider what Negative consequences carry seedlings.


Those who are going to eat this product should first of all know that it is contraindicated for those who have increased clotting blood. In addition, germinated buckwheat can cause the accumulation of gases and the formation of black bile. The benefits and harms are obvious. Therefore, those who suffer from diseases gastrointestinal tract, you should definitely consult with a specialist - a gastroenterologist.

How to germinate

Green buckwheat can be sprouted independently. This will require the following.

The grains are poured cold water. Those remaining on the surface are taken away, the water is poured out and the procedure is repeated. Do this until the cereal is completely cleaned.

Then, grains are poured into a colander covered with gauze, covered with gauze on top and washed in a flowing cold water.

In this wrapped form, it is left for 8 hours, after which it is moistened again and left for another 6 hours.

At the end of this time, the grains are removed and placed in a deep container. Wash again in cold water. Ignore the characteristic musty smell that will stand out by this time. This is normal and quite normal phenomenon. After you wash the product, the smell of buckwheat will disappear.

The grains obtained in this way can be taken at 50 grams per day. They are stored in the refrigerator for several days, but no more than 4. Then the properties are lost. Therefore, it makes no sense to use it later.

In the optimal case, buckwheat is germinated each time for one serving.

In this way, you can get not only buckwheat grains, but also, for example, wheat. But the benefits and harms and buckwheat are excellent. They are mainly expressed in the fact that the first contains gluten, the allergy to which is very serious. But in buckwheat this substance is not.

Combination with other products

In cooking, it can be used both separately and with the addition of vegetable, such as olive, oil, various spices to your taste and salt. What can be prepared from sprouted buckwheat? One way or another, it is not recommended to subject the product to heat treatment.

Grains can be safely added to soups, side dishes, cereals and salads. They also make delicious sandwiches.

Sprouted buckwheat is often used by those involved in a healthy diet. It is relevant for raw foodists, vegetarians, as well as for various diets. It is an excellent and super useful addition to the daily diet.

Consider a few recipes with grains.

To prepare a salad, mix 200 grams of sprouts and 8 loaves, add sea ​​salt and lemon juice with olive oil.

The recipe for bread is as follows: two and a half glasses of grains, one and a half glasses of flaxseeds, two zucchini, carrots, an apple, seaweed and parsley are crushed with a blender, laid out on glossy paper and dried in a dryer or in the sun.

You can cook buckwheat with your favorite fruits. For this, sprouts are placed in a plate, then chopped fruits or berries. Can be crushed and added walnuts. All ingredients are mixed and a spoonful of honey is added.

Application in medicine and cosmetology

Since the already mentioned gluten is absent in buckwheat, it is often prescribed for allergies to this substance. Healers treat diabetes, polyps and even infertility with the help of them.

Nutritionists advise including the product in your diet not only for obesity, but also for various medicinal purposes.

Sprouts saturate the body with vitamins and microelements, treat arthritis, polyarthritis, eye diseases, help with menopause and to increase potency.

Cosmetologists say that when using this product, the skin improves, the hair becomes healthy, and the nails stop breaking.


We examined what sprouted buckwheat is, the benefits and harms of its use become clear to each person individually.

Of course, if you don’t have any of the few contraindications, try green buckwheat at least once. We all know the common brown groats and that they are healthy. But this benefit can be increased many times by adding sprouted grains to your diet.

Today, when the need healthy eating is more relevant than ever, do not neglect such accessible ways give your body health.

Today, more and more often you can hear odes to the so-called super-foods, among them - germinated buckwheat. Are the properties of such cereals as useful as the media, the Internet and "advanced" nutritionists say?

Properties of sprouted buckwheat

Buckwheat is distinguished by an abundance of useful substances in the composition, however, during heat treatment, some of them are destroyed. When sprouting, it is possible to preserve the chemical composition of cereals and even enrich it. For these purposes, only green buckwheat is suitable (the usual one, when trying to germinate, usually becomes moldy and does not let green shoots). Green grains are cereals that have not undergone steam treatment and grinding in production. It is under the influence of these procedures that the croup acquires a characteristic shade.

The healing properties of green buckwheat are due to the peculiarities of its composition. It contains a large number of protein, which in its properties is similar to beef protein, but, having vegetable origin, easier to digest. As part of the protein - nonessential and essential amino acids, in gluten, often allergic, is absent in cereals. In addition, the composition contains omega-3 fatty acids, without which protein synthesis in the body is impossible.

Groats occupies a leading position in the content of iron, folic acid, potassium. Green grains also contain magnesium, phosphorus, zinc, selenium, calcium, tocopherol, B vitamins, a nicotinic acid. It is not surprising that such a rich vitamin and mineral composition provides tonic, strengthening and immunostimulating properties of buckwheat with sprouts. It is in the green version of cereals that there are a lot of flavonoids, which are biologically active compounds. Among them are rutin, vitexin, etc. They are responsible for the production of enzymes and prevent the development of cancer. Finally, the composition contains a lot of fiber and starches, there are organic acids.

Germination allows you to double the content of vitamins and minerals in the composition, in addition, green "feathers" contain a large amount of ascorbic acid, which is not observed in buckwheat until the moment of germination. Sprouted grains demonstrate high activity in the breakdown of starch into sugars, the conversion of fat into fatty acids, proteins into amino acids. .

In other words, all metabolic processes in the body with the use of germinated grains proceed faster and better.

Sprouted buckwheat demonstrates a pronounced antioxidant effect, since the amount of flavonoids in it increases by 4 times. This provides the anti-cancer and anti-aging properties of green sprouts. Regular use of them allows you to get rid of toxins, save tightened skin and clarity of thought. Unlike other germinated cereals, buckwheat contains more fiber. This has a positive effect on the digestive system. Improves intestinal motility, accelerates metabolism, removes toxins and toxins.

The greatest benefit is brought by sprouts on the 2nd-4th day of germination. However, depending on the time of germination, they manifest themselves to a greater extent. various properties buckwheat. For example, the maximum concentration of rutin, which has a pronounced anticancer effect, is observed on the seventh day of germination. Its concentration during this period reaches 90% (for comparison, in thermally processed cereals it is only 17%), after seven days it begins to decline sharply.

Sprouts of 2-3 days "exposure" are especially rich in ascorbic acid. She is the first assistant in strengthening the immune system and fighting colds. The seedlings should not be allowed to acquire a pronounced green color (“their normal” state is white with a greenish tinge), since in this case they accumulate toxic compounds. The deadline for eating sprouts without harm to health is the seventh day of germination.

They are especially useful for people suffering from endocrine disorders, sick diabetes, obesity, anemia. The consumption of this super-food should also be considered by those who suffer from indigestion, frequent colds and infectious diseases.

In order to cover daily requirement organism in the gland and folic acid, you need to eat up to 100 g of the product.

Sprouting at home

Preparation of grains for germination should begin with sorting and washing the raw materials. You can use only whole grains that have a green-beige color. When sorting, it is necessary to separate foreign matter, grains that are unevenly colored, as well as damaged. You need to wash the cereal in several waters until the liquid becomes completely transparent and clean. You can wash the buckwheat in a bowl or put it in a sieve and send it under a gentle stream of water. If the perforations of the dishes are too large, you can fold gauze into 2 layers and line the sieve with it first.

In any case, the first time you need to fill the cereal with water in a bowl and leave for a minute. Perhaps some grains will float to the surface. They must be discarded, since they are empty nucleoli, they do not contain a green embryo. The cereal should be washed cool water, after which it should be filled with water and left for 10-12 hours.

Do not use tap or boiled water; bottled, filtered or spring water is best. The ratio of grains and water looks like 1:3.

Later specified time buckwheat is washed again and discarded on a sieve so that excess moisture is removed from the glass. Next, the cereal is laid out in one layer on a large flat dish and covered with a thick cotton cloth. It should be pulled so that it does not lie on buckwheat. In this form, the cereal should be left for 10-12 hours, periodically spraying from a spray bottle. Groats should always be moist, but there should be no stagnation of water.

You don't have to open the fabric all the time to check if the grains need watering. Note the time after which re-wetting is required and focus on it in the future. During the specified time, buckwheat will sprout, and when they reach 2-3 mm, you can start tasting.

The proposed way to germinate buckwheat for food is not the only one. You can get green shoots with gauze. The cereal must first be prepared, as in the previous recipe. Then take a colander and line it with gauze, put buckwheat on top of it in one layer and cover with another piece of gauze. The latter must be rolled up in 2 layers. Hold a colander under running water so that all the gauze is wet, let the water drain for 8 hours.

After this time, the procedure must be repeated - moisten abundantly and leave the colander in the water for 8 hours. room conditions to glass liquid. The next step- wet the gauze again, but leave it for 6 hours. Rinse the sprouted grains with water.

You can quickly germinate grains in a jar. To do this, the washed cereal should be put in a glass jar and left in the room for 2 hours. Do not seal with lid. After that, rinse the cereal again, put it back in a jar and this time close it with a “lid” made of gauze and gum. Remove the container for 10 hours in a dark cabinet, while placing it so that the jar is tilted. Before use, sprouted cereals should be washed under running water. Get as a result of sprouting useful product makes it possible to follow simple recommendations.

  • No more than 2 cups of buckwheat should be germinated at a time. The amount of finished germinated product increases by about 1.5 times compared to the volume of dry raw materials.
  • Careful washing of the cereal should not be neglected, since otherwise mucus will form on its surface during germination.
  • It is important to monitor the liquid level, because if there is a lack of water, the grains will dry out, if there is an excess, they will rot. Water should be added in small portions as needed.
  • Regardless of the germination method chosen, it is important to ensure the access of oxygen to the grains, since only in this case the embryo will “wake up” and start growing. With a lack fresh air a lot of mucus is formed on buckwheat and it acquires a rotten smell.

Subtleties of use

Salad with green buckwheat

To achieve a positive effect, especially in medicinal purposes, sprouted cereal should be consumed regularly. Recommended daily dose– 50 g per day, which can be eaten at a time or divided into several doses. Sprouted buckwheat can be consumed raw, however, few people like it in this form. But if you add grains with sprouts to a salad, it acquires an interesting taste. Usually sprouted buckwheat is an addition to vegetable salads.

Recipes for such dishes may include cucumbers, tomatoes, bell peppers, broccoli, celery, sour apple, radish, greens. Choose whatever combination you like best, cut them into random pieces, and add 1-2 tablespoons of sprouts to a bowl of salad. As a dressing, you can use natural yogurt, sour cream, vegetable or olive oil, lemon juice.

Sprouted buckwheat porridge

If you do not like raw grains, you can cook porridge based on them. To do this, pour buckwheat with water (usually 1 or 1.5 parts of water is taken for 1 part of the grains), bring to a boil, then simmer for 7-10 minutes and remove from heat. Keep the pan closed for 5 minutes, wrapped in a towel. This method, despite the gentle thermal effect, yet leads to the destruction of some useful elements sprouted product.

Green cocktail

It is much more effective to “hide” the taste of buckwheat with sprouts, without detracting from their merits in cocktails, fresh juices and smoothies. Try making a green smoothie with celery, cucumbers, and herbs, and add sprouted buckwheat to them. The mixture will be concentrated, so it is better to dilute it with water. You can put grains in kefir or others dairy products low fat. With beriberi, it is recommended to combine sprouts with celery juice and a small amount of freshly squeezed bulb juice. Dilute the drink with water.

Detox composition

On the basis of grains, you can prepare a detox composition by grinding rye bread and mixing them with sprouted buckwheat. The composition will turn out dry, so you need to add a little olive oil. For spices, you can add greens, spices (cinnamon, ginger, red ground pepper). From the resulting "dough" roll up balls that are consumed throughout the day. You can serve them with meat, salads.

How to store?

Sprouted buckwheat can be stored in the refrigerator for no more than 3 days, so you do not need to cook it in large quantities. If this nevertheless happened, then the cereal should be dried in an electric dryer, setting the temperature to 40-45 C. Drying time - 5-6 hours. You can store dry grains for up to a month - one and a half, after which they cease to be beneficial to the body. Dried grains are kept in a glass or ceramic container with a lid. Buckwheat tastes like nuts.

How to germinate buckwheat, see the next video.