Effective recuperation. How to restore strength? Restoration of vital, physical and mental strength and energy after illness, stress, training, work, fatigue

Just woke up, but already thinking about how to get back to bed? Zero energy and no energy for anything? If these sensations are familiar to you firsthand, you probably have a syndrome chronic fatigue. Faithful companion urban residents, it occurs due to stress, overtime and lack of sleep. Don't despair, coping with fatigue is easier than you think. The main thing is to take our advice into service.

1. Optimal sleep should last at least 7-8 hours. This time is necessary for the body to restore its strength during the night and in the morning you are vigorous. Truth, good health depends not only on the quantity, but also on the quality of sleep. It is important that the mattress, blanket and pillow are comfortable, take into account the peculiarities of the position during sleep and correspond to the condition of the back. Bedding and bedding should be comfortable and tactilely pleasing. Sleeping on a hard pillow under a prickly blanket has never been good for anyone.
2. Turn it off a couple of hours before bed. bright light. It disrupts the synthesis of melatonin, a hormone that regulates circadian rhythms. Therefore, instead of a 15-horn chandelier, light candles (especially since it is so romantic to have dinner with them!) Or local lighting - a table lamp, wall lamp, floor lamp. Soft subdued light will set the brain to relax mode.
3. If all of the above is done, and sleep does not come, drink sedatives vegetable drops Dr. Bach or melatonin tablets. Unlike sleeping pills, such dietary supplements are not addictive and do not affect the quality of sleep (there is no risk of waking up with a “square” head). It will not be superfluous and a cup of relaxing herbal tea with mint leaves, lemon balm, chamomile, etc. Such a drink will drive away anxiety and anxiety, which often prevent you from falling asleep peacefully.
4. You need to wake up in the light phase of dreams. Then the awakening will be comfortable, without a headache, a feeling of weakness and clouded thoughts. Optimal time lifting will help track " smart alarm clocks” (look for similar applications in the AppStore and Android Market) or fitness bracelets (Jawbone). At night, the devices recognize the smallest movements of the body and, thanks to a system of algorithms, calculate the ideal “wake-up” moment.
5. Adjust the diet: meals should occur at about the same time every day. Load up on breakfast. It should be rich in proteins, slow carbohydrates and unsaturated fats, which will provide you with energy until lunch. Sample example: scrambled eggs with whole grain toast or oatmeal. If you want something new, make a healthy fruit and vegetable smoothie in a blender. And as a snack, take with you a pressed granola bar (baked with honey cereals, nuts and dried fruits). But dinner should be extremely easy. When overeating, the scenario is this: the stomach works after hours, you toss and turn for half the night and do not get enough sleep.
6. Blacklist processed foods, fast food and meat products industrial production. All these essential attributes of the 21st century are stuffed with dyes, flavor enhancers, trans fats and salt. Regular consumption of such junk food will inevitably lead to the accumulation of toxins and other health problems.

7. If craving for junk food overpowered and you ate french fries, atone for this sin with a fruit and vegetable detox diet or fasting day. Such measures will restore lightness to the body and spirit. But from now on, be more conscious and give preference to quality gastronomy and homemade food. Moreover, cooking is a great way to cope with stress.
8. Limit your intake of white sugar. Once in the body, it starts a chain of very harmful processes. Sugar triggers the release of insulin into the bloodstream, which drops as quickly as it rises. Such a rollercoaster provokes the activation of the hormone cortisol, which in turn can cause hyperactivity, anxiety, irritability and rapid mood swings. If you cannot imagine life without sweet tea and coffee, add honey, agave syrup or Jerusalem artichoke to them.
9. Skip the caffeine. It gives a fleeting charge of vivacity, followed by a breakdown. Replace coffee with healthy homemade drinks with honey, ginseng, ginger and spices. Or buy a ready-made energy drink at plant-based. Look for taurine, vitamin C, ginkgo biloba extract, eleutherococcus, and guarana. These are the most powerful natural stimulants that are not harmful to health. However, even such safe cocktails should not be carried away. Human body tends to be lazy and over-stimulation can lead to adverse effects over time.
10. Don't forget the beneficial properties of aromatherapy. A surge of energy in the morning will be given by shower gels, scrubs and body lotions with essential oils of citrus, cardamom, mint and sage. And falling asleep is promoted by lavender, verbena, chamomile and lemon balm. Get soothing pillow sprays, sachets, and candles with these scents. Concentrated will also help essential oils, a couple of drops of which can be applied to whiskey or under the nose, and also added to a warm bath.
11. City dwellers breathe quickly and shallowly. Which, alas, does not at all contribute to relaxation and restoration of energy balance. On the help will come deep breathing technique. Breathe deeply, slowly and evenly at the moment of passion. Within a couple of minutes, the state of mind and nervous system are stabilizing. 12. Do not bypass physical activity (at least 30 minutes a day). If you don’t have time to go to the fitness club, do the usual, but no less effective exercise. Apps for smartphones (The 7 Minute Work Out; Runtastic series) will help to perform it systematically. If you and sports are incompatible, try to walk more, prefer walking up the stairs to lifts, and get off public transport a couple of stops earlier to walk home on foot.
13. If fitness is not alien to you, find your ideal anti-stress direction. For splash negative energy fit different types martial arts and sports swimming. By the way, it is better to go to these workouts, like all strength and aerobic workouts, before 20:00. Otherwise, you can interrupt the dream. After work, it’s better to do slow fitness: Pilates, tai chi, yoga, yamuna and slow dancing(no latina and zumba!).
14. When was the last time you were on vacation? Don't remember? The thing is bad. Better plan your vacation. Already just thinking about him will establish an emotional background, on which well-being depends. If you can’t leave for a long time, find at least a couple of free days. Weekends outside the city - also a change of scenery. The necessary conditions for a complete switch - lack of access to the phone and the Internet. The amount of information that we receive from social networks inevitably drives us into a state of anxiety and stress. But believe me, in a couple of days the world will not collapse without your comments and likes.

15. At work, remember the importance of short breaks. In the "five minutes of relaxation" you need to take a break from business, walk and let your eyes recover after hours of contemplation of the monitor. All this will add strength and allow you to quickly cope with the current task.
16. Put on your desktop photos of loved ones, friends and souvenirs from trips. Keep a mini bottle of your favorite perfume in your purse. Their pacifying flair and other little things dear to the heart will cheer you up in a moment of crisis.
17. Find time for yourself. If you want to trade another party for an evening at home with a book, that's your right. No one, except for inveterate party-goers, will condemn you. Do not forget about small pleasures like communication with a child or a pet. Also on the list of simple pleasures: aroma bath by candlelight, board games with friends, online shopping, etc.
18. According to psychologists, the best prevention chronic fatigue - a favorite hobby. Learn soap making, painting, scrapbooking or pottery. The new kind activity perfectly switches psychologically, inspires and opens up previously unknown talents. And by the way, you never know what hobby can eventually develop into a life's work.

19. Confidence in one's attractiveness affects well-being more than we think. Not in the mood? Overpower yourself and put on a beautiful dress for no reason, paint your lips with bright lipstick, line your eyes and let your hair down. Success in men is guaranteed. So, both self-esteem and mood will certainly improve.
20. Keep your back straight. Good posture is the key to proper blood circulation and an uninterrupted supply of oxygen to all organs of the body, including the brain.
21. If you smoke, quit. If not, don't start. Nicotine is able to give a short burst of energy and sharpen the mind. However, after such a rise, your performance will decrease. In addition, smoking leads to slagging of the body and "blocks" the access of oxygen. And this is not all the arguments in favor of abandoning addiction. No matter how boring it may sound.
22. Vitamin D, which is produced in the body under the action of sun rays, we just need. The deficiency of this component causes muscle weakness, irritability, insomnia, increased fatigue and ... decreased libido. Try to spend at least 10-15 minutes a day in the sun. In summer this is not a problem. In other seasons, we advise you to catch up on rare clear days, with the help of food additives and two-three-minute runs in the solarium.
23. Dull skin, bags and blue under the eyes, wrinkles appearing ... There are signs of fatigue! Regularly use products that "recharge" the cells with energy. A couple of times a week, do peels and masks that exfoliate keratinized scales - main reason dull complexion. Cooling eye gels and patches are designed to eliminate swelling and dark circles under the eyes. Store these products in the refrigerator for a refreshing effect.
24. Hide traces sleepless night special serum-correctors will help. They make the complexion healthy and bright. If that's not enough, get help foundation with shining effect. dark circles under the eyes will hide a dense concealer. A white, flesh-colored or bluish pencil will help to give the look radiance (bring the lower eyelid to them). But black eyeliner and mascara along the lower lash line is best avoided. They accentuate the haggard look and visually reduce the eyes.
25. In the off-season, resort to heavy beauty-"artillery". Take a course of oxygen therapy, as well as revitalizing and vitamin injections for the face, which will restore skin hydration, tone and radiant appearance.

Insidious viruses not only unsettle us, tormenting us with a runny nose, cough, sore throat and fever. Even already conquered disease, leaving, can deliver the final blow. The organism exhausted by it will not immediately begin to cope with the rhythm of life familiar to you, because the consequences of a cold prevail over it. If left untreated, asthenia, also known as chronic fatigue syndrome, may develop.

Why do you feel weak after a cold?

For our immunity, disease is a continuous battle that requires the mobilization of resources. Roughly speaking, the fight against viruses consumes energy, the reserves of which then need to be replenished.

The causative agents of infections clog the body far from useful products of his life activity. As a result, intoxication occurs, and your body continues to remove harmful substances after recovery.

Viruses can harm cellular level. After their exposure, cells often experience oxygen starvation, which leads to malaise of the whole organism.

metabolism in a body that has had an illness can slow down. Because of this you not get the right portions of energy from food, and your internal reserves and so wasted. Sometimes after an illness, people noticeably lose interest in food.

Do not forget about the purely psychological "fatigue". You for a long time felt constant discomfort due to the symptoms of the disease, your nervous system was overstrained all this time, “processing” unpleasant sensations.

What is asthenia: symptoms, treatment

Asthenia - this word the ancient Greeks called the state of impotence. Now for various types asthenia use such names as "nervous mental weakness", "chronic fatigue syndrome", etc. Asthenic syndrome is not always a consequence of the disease, in some cases it may be a harbinger of the development of certain diseases. Quite often, it also arises from constant physical or mental overstrain.

Asthenia symptoms:

  • a person quickly gets tired, noticeably losing working capacity;
  • the mood becomes unstable;
  • the patient reacts to everything negatively and loses self-control, becomes impatient and restless;
  • sleep disturbances occur;
  • sharp sounds, pronounced odors, bright colors may cause irritability;
  • patients can be capricious, like children;
  • weakness may be replaced by brief bursts of excitability.

However, you must agree: many people behave this way due to character traits, and weakness can be caused by unidentified internal diseases. That is why it is impossible to diagnose "asthenia", and even more so to select medications without the participation of a doctor. But it is quite possible to start applying other recommendations that will definitely not lead to a deterioration in well-being and other undesirable consequences. They will defeat the gloomy mood, but only on one condition - first you need to defeat yourself.

The first way to invigorate body and spirit - restoring sleep patterns. For this you need not just go to bed early, but and prepare for bedtime: do not eat on night heavy food and not drink tonic drinks, tune in to positive manner, saying goodbye to anxieties and worries. Another tip- not work before bed computer and not flip through the pages of the Internet through a phone or tablet. Prolonged contemplation of a luminous screen leads to making it harder to fall asleep.

Surprisingly, it is not rest that will help to overcome weakness, but, on the contrary, physical activity. However, they should not be very heavy, and the intensity should be increased gradually. For starters, morning exercises and walks at an energetic pace are suitable, then, after consulting with a doctor, you can buy a subscription to the pool. And then it is worth connecting some other, energy-consuming types of fitness and sports.

The third tip is also familiar to everyone and without prompts. it balanced diet. You should not overeat sweet and fatty, no matter how much you want to throw sweets at your problems. Drowning them in alcohol is also not an option.

Another danger that usually lies in wait for women seeking to improve themselves is trying to lose weight by sharply reducing the calorie content of the diet. Such diets lead not only to nervous breakdowns, but they can also put you in a psychiatric hospital forever, and this is not a joke.

How to recover from an illness: 6 ways

Even if complications after a cold have bypassed you, you should ask yourself how to restore immunity after an illness.

1. Eat foods rich in vitamins A and C, as well as B vitamins and zinc. Be sure to include in your diet protein food. You will be useful, for example, liver pate, avocado, bananas, nuts, pumpkin. If there is no allergy, drink herbal teas, such as those containing rosehip, echinacea, ginseng, lemongrass, eleutherococcus . This is the answer to the question how to support immunity. You can prepare delicious and invigorating drinks with the addition of ginger, honey and lemon.

2. Sleep more, don't stay up late. Sleep is a universal medicine.

3. Drink more water. It has already been proven that it is not necessary to fill yourself with two liters per day. But for those who are struggling with intoxication, water is the best helper.

4. Gently start going outside, dressed warmly. You should not immediately stay in the cold for a long time, gradually increase the time you spend in the fresh air.

5. Returning to active training immediately is also not worth it. But little by little, carefully listening to your inner feelings, you can start practicing. Of course, it is necessary that the return to physical activity doctor approved.

6. Since your body is still weak, avoid visiting crowded places, especially enclosed spaces. Bacilli strive to pounce on us and in public transport. Be careful.

Our expert - family psychologist, art therapist, business coach Olga Zavodilina.

Reason 1. You need to relax to the fullest

Often, vacation is presented as something grandiose, requiring a lot of time, effort and money. What good vacation? A trip to distant countries, a sightseeing marathon, parties until the morning. This perception makes us simply put off rest until better times. That is, if there is no opportunity to take a vacation, go to the sea, then it seems that you don’t need to rest.

Reason 2. Weekends are for household chores

Many people believe that a day off is a great opportunity to redo all household chores. Therefore, sometimes on weekends we get tired more than on weekdays. And we go to work exhausted to take a break from the weekend.

Reason 3. Being lazy is bad

From childhood, we were taught that it is necessary to constantly do something, that just lying on the couch is bad. As a result, rest becomes synonymous with laziness for many. If so, you can't rest. And many of us try to fill our weekends and holidays with some sometimes completely unnecessary things, not thinking about the fact that sometimes you just need to give yourself a break.

Reason 4. Did the job - walk boldly!

Most parents teach their children to do things first, and only then can they go to rest. This leads to the fact that, as adults, we do not allow ourselves to rest during the day. But since we need a break like air, we begin to look for an excuse to get distracted from work. Most often, such an excuse is a smoke break, a trip to the store, an empty conversation with colleagues. But sometimes the body needs something completely different. And since we can’t rest during such short pauses, we get even more tired, and we have to smoke more and more often.

What threatens fatigue?

Since childhood, we have become accustomed to the fact that the best way to give yourself a break is to get sick. Only in this case, you can skip school, watch TV or just lie on the couch. This habit persists into adulthood.

Until a person brings himself to high temperature or an attack of hypertension, he does not give himself a break. And as soon as the disease recedes, we again begin to work for wear and tear. The result is a vicious circle: fatigue - illness - short rest and again fatigue and illness.

The Science of Relaxing

  • Be sure to give yourself a day off at least once a week. But not in order to fill it with things that are important to do, that have accumulated. The day off is needed in order to give yourself pleasure. For example, sleep, go to an exhibition, take a walk, chat with those who are of interest to you.
  • Try to distract yourself from your usual activities when you are resting. For example, if you regularly play computer games, considering them to be a rest, then in fact it is no longer a rest, but just a habit. This does not mean that you need to give up what you like to do. You just need to learn to perceive new ideas and opportunities and allow yourself to implement them.
  • Turn vacation from a global event into a daily routine. Learn to rest every day, at least a little.
  • Get in the habit of charging first and then working. Before each new task, give yourself a little break. Take breaks between tasks throughout the day. Do not think that rest is necessarily two weeks at sea. You can restore strength by just sitting for a couple of minutes with eyes closed. Just remember to listen to yourself to understand what you need to relax: a cup of tea, look out the window, spend five minutes in the air, talk on the phone with a friend, or take a bath with aromatic salt. The main thing is to imagine real things, and not think that you need to be on the beach. After all, now you cannot afford it, which means that this is again a reason to leave yourself completely without rest.

Ivan Zhidkov:

Rest is different. When we sleep, our body also restores strength. If we talk about the rest in the hotel on the all-inclusive system, then this is not about me. I love leisure- travel a lot, visit new places. In general, any vacation for me is, first of all, inner harmony and a comfortable state of mind, when people pleasant to you are nearby.

After 9 hours at work, there is no energy for anything! Although I want to organize a romantic evening and go to visit. But most often, hands reach only to cooking in haste and goodbye to your favorite sofa and TV.

In order to stay alert in the evening, it is important to start your day right in the morning. Namely: waking up at the same time, having a healthy breakfast, and, of course, thinking positively throughout the day. And also to avoid the stresses we spend on the largest number energy. But besides this, there are several simple ways to restore strength and cheer up in 15-20 minutes after a working day.

Cold and hot shower

Oh, believe me, after such a procedure, you will flutter around the house for at least a few more hours and think about what to do with yourself. Contrast shower not only excellent tool to boost immunity, but also perfectly helps to get a charge of vivacity. The thing is that when we alternate between cold and hot water everything in our body is activated metabolic processes improves blood flow. And when blood flows well into the brain, mood and strength appear. Among other things, a nice bonus is the fact that cold and hot shower favorably affects the condition of the skin: moisturizes, tightens, prevents the appearance of cellulite, and also accelerates the process of losing weight.

How it's done:

Firstly, a contrast shower can be used only in the absence of infectious diseases, inflammatory processes, and elevated temperature. Take a shower in the following sequence: first, the temperature of the water should be pleasant for the body, then it should be made as hot as you can stand (you should be careful here, as you can burn yourself). Turn on after 30-60 seconds cold water. Good dousing body cold water(30-60 sec) turn on hot again. In this sequence, continue the procedure for 5 minutes. This is enough to recharge your batteries and not get sick out of habit.


One of the most better ways cheer up. Meditation will help not only to get a powerful boost of energy, but will calm you down after a hard day, find harmony with your body, and also let go of all negative thoughts. The main thing is to practice this activity not immediately before going to bed, otherwise there is a risk of falling asleep. best time- 6-7 pm. It will only take you 15 minutes. You will be surprised how much energy you will have for all the things that you always wanted to do after work. How to learn to do it right

Ten minute relaxing bath

Of course, you might think that such a bathroom would make you even more sleepy. But the whole secret is in special aromatic oils with an uplifting effect. The point is that ten minutes is just enough for your body to get all the desired effects from such a procedure. And at the same time, so that you do not have time to doze off. These oils include: eucalyptus, ginger, cedar, lavender, lemon balm oil, and cypress. Just a few drops in a full warm bath and your energy cocktail is ready! Also at this time you can combine business with pleasure and make cosmetic mask for face.

Mini Workout

If every evening we devote 15 minutes to exercises, then at the output we get not only cheerfulness, but also toned body. The direction of training can be different: yoga, Pilates, cardio, functional training or strength training. Perhaps you have your own mini-program for such an activity. And if not, there is a great app for iPhone and Android called 7 minutes workout Seven. This application offers interval training, which involves all muscle groups. Do 2 circles - it will take you 14 minutes and not a minute more.

We really hope that our tips will help you regain strength even after the most difficult days at work!

Restoring immunity after illness involves a number of activities aimed at strengthening the immune system. Human immunity is a rather complex structure that protects the body from attacks of various infections.

Some have strong immunity from birth. Such people rarely get sick and most time feel good. Those who are not so lucky have to deal with many ailments quite often. Very often after suffering from an illness the immune system needs support. If immunity is reduced, how to strengthen it after diseases? We will figure out how you can help yourself and how to speed up the recovery of the body.

For those who are interested in how to restore immunity after an illness, experts advise adhering to several important rules.

In the first week after the transfer of the disease, you should protect yourself from communicating with sick people. The body is still too weak and will not be able to resist pathogenic viruses and microbes.

AT winter period It is very important to dress warmly. Special attention should be given to the neck, arms, legs and head. Do not forget to wear warm socks, gloves and a hat.

It is very important to get enough sleep. Good dream will help to give strength to the body. A weakened body should rest at least 9 hours a day.

Fresh air has a beneficial effect on human health. That is why experts advise spending as much time as possible on the street. It is advisable to take walks in parks or near water bodies.

It is important to eat right. Dairy products should be consumed daily. Any food containing vitamin C is very useful. This vitamin in in large numbers found in citrus fruits, berries and vegetables. You should also include natural animal protein in your daily diet. Lots of good protein in chicken. Avoid canned foods.

Do not forget about daily exercise and active way life. How more people moves, the healthier his body. Loads after illness should be small. Their intensity should be increased gradually.

A Russian bath with steam and brooms will help to raise immunity. High content moisture in the air helps to remove toxins from the body.

Hardening is another very effective method support health and boost immunity.

Doctors advise doing a contrast shower every day. This procedure activates all internal organs and incredibly invigorating.

Currently, pharmacies can buy a huge number of medicines that can help boost immunity. Such means as Likopid, Galavit and Imunofan have proven themselves well.

Recovery after illness and use alcoholic beverages are two incompatible things.

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How to restore the body after taking antibiotics

Unfortunately, it is not always possible to cope with many serious diseases without antibiotics. Data medicines different high efficiency in the fight against bacteria, but at the same time, their long-term use can have a very negative effect on the state of the body. Very often, after taking antibiotics, the immune system is greatly weakened. Sometimes it takes from several weeks to several months for it to normalize.

To cope with reduced immunity will help various medications. They should only be taken after consulting a doctor. Well proven products containing nucleic acids, bacteria (Imudon) and plant components (echinacea, ginseng). Also useful biogenic stimulants(Phoebes).

If the patient cannot recover from a prolonged and serious infectious disease, then doctors prescribe immunomodulators. Experts distinguish several types of such drugs:

  1. Immunoglobulins. They are proteins-antibodies that remove viruses and bacteria from the body. They can also be used to treat children.
  2. Proteins are immunoregulatory. They are obtained from bone marrow and thymus animals.
  3. Cytokines - affect the interaction of immune cells.
  4. Interferons - are also able to strengthen the immune system after illness.
  5. Leukinferon is a natural interferon derived from human blood leukocytes.
  6. Polyoxidonium is a synthetic immunomodulator that removes toxins from the body.
  7. Imunoriks - is used, as a rule, for diseases of the upper respiratory tract.

After suffering serious illnesses, it is important not only to take medicines to increase immunity, but also to eat right. Reestablish defensive forces the body can be with the help of 3-4 glasses of kefir per day. The fermented milk product It is useful to drink before going to bed and in the morning (on an empty stomach). Children can be given yogurt with chopped fruits and berries.

For a while it's better to give up white bread, sweet, fatty, fried and flour dishes. They should be replaced with fresh vegetables and fruits. Carrots, tomatoes and pumpkin are very useful. They contain a lot of vitamin A. Vitamin C is rich in blueberries, viburnum and sauerkraut. Vitamin B can be obtained from buckwheat, cheese, mushrooms and bread coarse grinding. Great amount minerals found in nuts and seeds. Garlic, onions and apples will help restore intestinal microflora.