How to close the third eye with the index finger. How to open the third eye yourself: exercises to develop intuition

Many have heard that a person is able to see the future. We all have the beginnings of these abilities, but not everyone discovers their manifestation. This article will help you find out how developed your gift of divination is.

There are many recommendations on how to open the third eye, and from the most famous psychics. For example, the advice of the Siberian witch Elena Golunova has already helped many people get closer to their dreams. Experts say that to know this is much easier than it seems at first glance.

What is the third eye

This is an abstract idea, like the supernatural allows you to see something that other people do not see. Exist scientific theories, which explain how this is possible and have been wrestling with the phenomenon of human perception for many years.

One of the opinions says: the ability to see the future is not about our development. On the contrary, it proves that earlier, many hundreds of thousands of years ago, our ancestors communicated telepathically. This explains the presence of a large brain in ancient people. Telepathy, or the gift of foresight, is a residual effect, an echo of the ancient functions of our brain that have not been completely lost.

How to find a telepath in yourself

We have prepared 5 signs that you have a highly developed sixth sense, and with it the power to see the future with your own eyes. This power can be expressed in different ways, and everyone can discover the potential in themselves to really predict the future by training their consciousness.

Sign one: you see prophetic dreams. If your dreams come true or have come true at least once, we can congratulate you: you have already seen the future. Your brain is developed enough to work not for its intended purpose. Very few people see prophetic dreams, so you can consider yourself to some extent a unique person.

Sign two: do you often experience feeling of deja vu. In other words, you often feel like you've been in a particular situation before. The more often you have this feeling, the better you see the future.

Sign three: if you are engaged in fortune-telling and see images that come true, then you can also consider that your third eye is more developed than the rest. According to statistics, fortune-telling helps only 15-20 percent of people see the future.

Sign four: brown eye color. We previously wrote about . This article details why people with brown eyes more often are psychics. Remember that the eyes are the mirror of the soul and a direct indicator of what your predisposition is to open the third eye.

Sign five: you have powerful energy. Energy flows are very important point, since the entire Universe and the everyday world around us are permeated with strings of energy. Most people have about the same level of radiation, but some are not just stronger than others, but many times stronger. The most interesting thing is that they do not know about it. Powerful energy is characteristic of those who constantly take risks and win - lucky people, leaders, charismatic and self-sufficient.

Remember that all of the above only says that you have the makings of a third eye. Any gift needs to be developed, so read Fatima Khadueva's advice on how to develop psychic abilities in yourself. Good luck and don't forget to press the buttons and

25.05.2016 05:14

Many of us would like to have psychic abilities. It's so cool to learn how to read...

Many people think that a psychic needs to be born. It's a delusion. Psychic abilities can arise in a person in ...

Third Eye- the sixth energy center in the human body. It's a chakra Ajna.

Invisible physical sight everyone has a third eye. There are no exceptions.

The picture of the world becomes more complete, expanded, clear, when the perception of the subtle plane is connected to your innate gift to see the physical world.

What can I say! World fully transforms with you!

If you want to learn how to overcome space and time with your inner eye in all directions of each of the many facets of reality, take on board technology, data in this article.

Third eye - Ajna chakra

Having a third eye can be a revelation for you. Unexpected. You are able to acquire the ability to foresee or foresee without even setting yourself such a goal - easily, quickly, simply.

Those to whom this ability is given from birth are called clairvoyants. But the gift of seeing clearly is capable of revealing in each person at any age.

It may turn out that you have to go a long way in self-development in order to open the third eye. It's always unique the path of special practices, training, self-discipline.

But for the sake of such a lofty goal as opening the third eye, it is worth working on yourself. Perhaps this work will take quite a bit of time and effort from you.

So, the opening of the third eye is the opening of the ability to clairvoyance. But be prepared for the fact that it may not only be clear to you vision, and also:

  • clairaudience,
  • clairsentience,
  • clairvoyance,
  • clairaudience.

The habitual picture of the world can be revealed not only through visual images. It can be:

  • additional sounds, noises, speech of higher energy entities,
  • emerging emotions, feelings,
  • sensations in the body as clues, the ability to physically feel the invisible,
  • the appearance of odors as if from nowhere,
  • special dreams.

This will be your personal, unique skill. More precisely, it already you have. It is necessary to open the third eye - it will manifest itself.

The yoga tradition suggests that the opening of the third eye is impossible without the harmonization of all five previous energy centers in the human body:

  • Muladhara,
  • Svadhisthana,
  • Manipuri,
  • Vishuddhi.

It is better to open each of them in order, to do it gradually. So development occurs naturally, harmoniously, holistically, ecologically for a person, his environment and the Universe.

When the lower chakras are open and balanced, they begin to open the third eye - Ajna.

Located in the Ajna zone on the forehead between the eyebrows.

Minimum knowledge about Ajna, necessary for everyone who aims to open the third eye:

  • Wisdom
  • Sensuality
  • Inspiration
  • inner eye
  • organization
  • Orientation

Clairvoyance is the ability to know:

  • past
  • the present
  • future
Paranormal abilities
  • Contact with the Superconscious
  • The ability to forcefully penetrate any body
Energy color Blue, blue-violet, indigo
Mantra AUM
Feeling Cold in the palms
ruling planet Saturn or Moon (varies in several sources)
Energy type Female (maternal)
Physical dysfunction Diseases of the eyes, nose, ears, brain
The effect of working on yourself
  • Psychic Power
  • Getting rid of shortcomings (vices, sins)
  • Filling the aura with calmness
  • The ability to soothe others with your mere presence
  • Liberation from selfish desires and motives
  • Release from the negative burdens of karma

Top 5 Third Eye Opening Techniques


This is the most simple technique. It can be practiced where, when, as much as you like. Its essence is to concentrate your attention at the point between the eyebrows slightly in the depth of the forehead (2-3 cm further into the head).

The correct execution of the technique gives pleasant pressure in the area of ​​the third eye. This feeling needs to be strengthened, and then mentally transfer your vision there. Aim mentally that you are looking from this area of ​​your forehead, and not with your eyes.

All-Seeing Eye Technique

A slightly more complex technique. It needs time, a place, a quiet environment.

On the palm left hand draw symbol human eye- a circle with another circle inside (see fig.). The color, the size of the image, what you draw it with does not matter.

Sit in meditative pose. Fix the palm of your left hand so that the drawn eye is at the level of yours. The palm should be straightened and the fingers pressed.

Look without blinking at the eye, but do not strain your eyesight. Make sure your facial muscles are relaxed. Tuck your tongue to the upper palate, as if gluing it at the base of the teeth.

WITH exhale imagine that the energy from your third eye is directed to the center of the palm, to the drawn eye.

So breath imagine how in response from the drawn eye the energy comes to your Ajna.

At the end of the practice close your eyes, relax and recreate the visual image of the eye mentally.

Practice with a candle

This exercise helps restore vision. If it is not perfect for you, you will notice significant improvements pretty soon, provided that you practice regularly.

Suitable for technique only dark Times of Day. You will also need a candle.

Retire in a room, completely turn off all the lights, light a candle.

Place the candle at a distance 20 cm from eyes at their level.

Approximately two minutes look at the candle flame. It is very important - the look should be relaxed, calm. Don't stress.

Next step: without turning your head, look up. Out of the corner of your eye, you will continue to see the flame of the candle. Look up about one minute.

Return your gaze, again concentrate on the candle. Look straight at her yet two minutes. After similarly look right, and then to the left.

Fire Breathing Technique

A very pleasant technique that requires a calm environment around.

Retire, light a candle. Place it at eye level at a distance 1-2 m from you. Imagine that the flame of a candle and the third eye are connected. energy channel:

  • beam of fire,
  • channel of light
  • golden beam.

Choose the image that you like best, to your liking.

Slow deep inhale. At the same time, imagine how the golden energy of fire from the candle moves through the channel that connects you to the third eye, and then goes down the spine.

When she gets to coccyx, the breath should stop. Hold up breath and then start slowly exhale. At the same time, imagine how the same golden fiery energy moves back into the candle flame.

After a full exhalation hold up breath.

Start repeating the fire breathing cycle with a new breath, and so on.

Visualization of Sri Yantra

Sri Yantra - graphic image Universe. This is not just a picture, but an energy in a conditionally dormant state that you are able to awaken (see the figure).

Like any visualization technique, it is suitable for those who have a well-developed imagination. The reverse is also true: this technique will develop not only intuition, but also creative thinking, the ability to see images.

Print on a sheet of paper or open the image to the full width of the computer monitor screen Sri Yantras.

The practice is to focus on center Images. You look at the center of the Sri Yantra in a relaxed, calm way, without straining your eyes, at the same time you catch its lateral parts with your eyesight. It is very important to breathe slowly and evenly.

Wish to awaken the energy of Sri Yantra. Ask your Higher Self to integrate this universal energy with yours.

You can say so: “Above I, I ask you, please, unite my energy with the energy of Sri Yantra!”.

The last stage of practice is to close your eyes, imagine the Sri Yantra around you.

Attention! She must be three-dimensional. That is, the triangles depicted in the picture turn into pyramids in your mind, squares into cubes, circles into balls.

Eat weight other new ways to discover the gift of clairvoyance. Accessibly, quickly, qualitatively, this can be done according to the method of V. Nagorny.

The "" technique is based on performing several secret sacred movements and reciting a mantra.

5-7 minutes a day for 7-10 days and you see clearly! For many, opening the third eye according to the "Clairvoyance Opening" method is obtained in 1-2 sessions! Rather go - open new facets of yourself and reality!

It is believed that it is the third eye that gives a person supernatural abilities. Various sources say that every person has this organ - a substance. Despite the fact that official science is skeptical about the fact of its existence, many successfully manage to awaken the third eye in themselves and successfully use its powers.

How to unlock the power of the third eye

According to the majority of practicing esotericists, yogis and adherents of Eastern cultural traditions, every person has a third eye from birth. But, only some people are able to fully reveal the potential hidden in this essence.

So, what is the third eye, and what forces are in it? IN general case it is generally accepted that this is a special area in the brain responsible for the perception of the energy component of the surrounding space. It is believed that this particular organ gives its owner extrasensory perception of the surrounding space.

The third eye is awakened in almost every person, but due to the rules, traditions and beliefs of the society in which the individual lives, the possibilities of this sense organ can be unconsciously suppressed. The opinion and worldview of people surrounding the child during the period of personality formation directly affects his extrasensory abilities. This pattern can be traced in the biographies of many famous psychics.

Indeed, children tend to imitate the behavior and habits of their parents, peers, patterns imposed by teachers and TV, etc. If society is skeptical about unusual energy abilities, by the time the personality is fully formed, extrasensory perception skills remain undeveloped and do not represent any practical benefit. .

It is highly likely that children a long period after birth, they are able to see energy formations - the aura. Although under the influence social factors the ability of extrasensory vision disappears, the energy of the third eye does not disappear at all. It moves to more practical areas of consciousness that are responsible for premonition, the ability to recognize the motives of the interlocutor, the achievement of results, in some cases reading thoughts and seeing the future.

Signs of an open third eye

signs open third eyes can appear even in a person who has not practiced esoteric practices. This happens quite rarely, in the case of strong hereditary abilities.

Most often, the ability to extrasensory perception is manifested in the process of performing spiritual training. It does not matter which particular parapsychological ability or energy flow is the object of training. Quantity turns into quality. The third eye, having opened, no longer closes, influencing the further life path person.

If you develop the third eye chakra or the ajna chakra, you can achieve quick results. In this case, the ability to see the auras of living beings and inanimate objects may appear. You may also be able to remotely sense surface topography and the warmth of objects.

In the case of continuing training, at the later stages, the ability to see objects from the side through the eyes of living beings, sometimes energy entities, appears. The world becomes voluminous, the person himself becomes the surrounding space and at the same time feels every object that fills this space. Often, the ability to see fragments of the past and future, at different points in space, as well as important events, is manifested.

In the process of training, the ability to extrasensory perception only increases. With the third eye fully open, it becomes possible to penetrate into the past, future and other worlds, including world of the dead. As side effects, the ability to read minds and non-contact movement of objects may appear.

The connection between clairvoyance and the third eye

It is generally accepted that the concepts of clairvoyance and the third eye are closely related. One seems to flow from the other. Clairvoyance is the ability to see and feel objects and events as if they were in the immediate field of vision. For such a perception of the world, time and space are not barriers. A clairvoyant can easily focus perception on any of the realities.

The third eye gives you the ability to see hidden features things like aura and energy. Places where dramatic events once took place have their own unique energy. Unusual effects can also be found in the rifts between worlds - geopathic zones and places of power. Such energy flows can give clues about past events and what may happen in the future.

Although the third eye endows its owner with the ability to clairvoyance, it does not endow its owner with the ability to witchcraft. Amplifying the magical potential, it is just one of the many tools of the practicing magician.

Third eye in Eastern beliefs

In Hindu mythology, the third eye is possessed by the supreme deity - Shiva. Just like Vishnu and Brahma, he is part of the triad of gods of the Hindu pantheon. According to beliefs, it was this god who was the creator of Sanskrit and the sacred mantra OM, as well as yoga.

If we look at the images and sculptures of Shiva that have survived to this day, we can find that there is a third eye on the forehead of the deity. It is generally accepted that the human sense organ responsible for extrasensory perception is also located in this place. From here leads the widespread Eastern tradition the designation of the third eye is the eye of Shiva.

Another important concept that is directly related to the spiritual practices of the East is the chakras. In yoga and Ayurveda, this term refers to the energy centers in the human body. There are seven chakras in total, one of which is the ajna chakra, which corresponds to and is located in the place of the third eye.

According to beliefs, the development of the ajna chakra can bestow wisdom, spiritual enlightenment, knowledge of the essence of things and the ability to see at a distance. In the event of a threat to life, through this chakra, the human spirit can move to another bodily shell.

Third eye from the point of view of modern science

Under the concept of the third eye modern science thinks pineal gland. Located in the central part of the brain, it is also called the pineal gland. By structure, the gland has a rounded shape and a lens, and also shows the ability to move like a human eye.

The epiphysis serves to regulate internal processes in the body and is responsible for the synthesis of melatonin.

According to scientists, the functions performed by the gland even remotely correspond to the extrasensory abilities attributed to it. But, nevertheless, this organ, which has an external resemblance to the third eye, is available to every person.

In the age-old dispute between science and mysticism, there is no unequivocal answer to the question of the existence of a third eye. Although it is not possible to put an end to this dispute, perhaps the situation will become clearer when the capabilities of the brain are described and studied in more detail.

For many millennia in a row, spiritual teachers in yoga have kept special secrets of activating the brow chakra, which are really effective and safe.

If you are interested in opening the third eye, ancient way awakening spirituality and superpowers you will like the simplicity and minimal cost of resources. Even without an emphasis on strengthening the sixth energy center, with the current exercises, an increase in intuition and creativity can be achieved.

Basic exercises for opening the third eye

The vast majority of ancient practices are based on the classical eastern directions of meditation, qigong and yoga, therefore, they involve visualization techniques and competent breathing.

Concentration in Ajna area

To develop astral vision, one must maintain concentration on the Ajna area until the breath becomes continuous and the body completely relaxed.

In this state, the blood naturally rushes to the head, and a pulsation begins in the back of the head. Then some pressure will build up behind the earlobes and between the eyebrows.

Three areas create a visual triangle between themselves, on which you need to focus your attention.

An ancient technique for activating the third eye

If the astral gaze is not yet available, you can try to apply ancient technique to activate ethereal vision, which does not require different ways data collection in the astral plane, but is based on clairvoyance. take this ancient technique in the twilight, taking a recumbent position and freeing the mind from unnecessary reflections.

  • Relax and stretch your palm out in front of you. Your fingers should be slightly apart from each other.
  • Look through your hand for a while so you can catch the glow around each finger.
  • You don’t need to focus on anything in particular, just blink as little as possible. This trick will help adjust the focus of the third eye.

At a distance of about 40 cm from the face, you are able to see the whole hand in the light at once or only a few fingers, which already depends on the general spiritual experience. Main result- the beginning of contact with a special kind of energy, i.e. with aura.

Crystal Sword Practice

Practice helps develop inner vision and develop detailed visions.

  • Sit comfortably, calm your breath and close your eyelids. Visualize before you a sword made of crystal, which will have a thin and strong blade and a carved handle.
  • Energize this weapon with your thought power. Thicken the sword and feel all the changes in it. Such crystal will be stronger than steel.
  • Rotate the object different sides in consciousness. In this case, you should not imagine your hands, you can just twist the sword and wave it as if your palms are invisible.

Then open your eyes and continue the practice for a few more minutes, holding the sword in space with your inner vision.

candle method

For recharge pineal gland- main source psychic abilities third eye - for a long time yogis used the method with a candle.

  • Put out the light, light a candle flame and sit next to me.
  • Focus on the flame and imagine that a golden energy beam of fire comes out, heading straight for you into the pineal gland and clearing all the channels along the way. Let such a stream of light and heat begin to illuminate your third eye.

Stay in a state of such a golden halo for about 15 minutes. During this time, your soul will be energetically renewed.

Through vision exercise

In order to look through great distances and object barriers, Indian yogis resorted to an exercise for through vision. The development of clairvoyance in this case is achieved by concentration of attention.

  • So, sit in front of a wall with your legs crossed. Only an outstretched hand should separate you from the barrier.
  • Relax as much as possible by entering a light trance.
  • Focus on any point on the wall, but so that it is at the level between the eyebrows, i.e. at the level of the third eye, not the physical pupils. For 15 minutes, try not to make frequent blinks and not look away.
  • Then look at the wall with an already diffused look to cover the entire object at once. Do not concentrate for 15 minutes.
  • Next, imagine a point behind the wall and start peering at this object as if it were on the horizon, in the distance. Look through the obstacle for 15 minutes.

Repeat the practice daily.

Gland recovery

The opening of the third eye is a powerful technique from ancient times, when much was based on the need to create special internal vibrations. This technique helps to activate the pineal and pituitary glands using the abilities of the human voice.

We are talking about the so-called attunement of the body with the help of chanting actions. Sound movement in the glands endocrine system It always evokes only a certain syllable or musical note.

Exercises with TOU

For the epiphysis, the sound TOU is ideal, which is performed in one syllable on the note DO. The exact frequency is not necessary, it is more important to remember approximately that the sound is in the center of the range between bass (deep) and tenor (high) notes. In other words, the right vibration lies where a person sings neither high nor low.

  • So do deep breath hold your breath and exhale slowly through your mouth.
  • Repeat twice to slow down the brain wave to alpha frequency as normal condition wakefulness in a person in the head beta-level waves. Relaxation of the body and brain allows easy concentration on the sound.
  • Then inhale through your nose, hold, and before exhaling, stick your tongue through parted lips.
  • Press the tip with your teeth and slowly release the air through your mouth, chanting TOU until all carbon dioxide will not come out of the lungs.
  • Feel the air passing through your tongue and teeth. After that you will feel slight pressure in the cheeks and jaws.

After a short break, repeat the exercise. Say TOU three times in succession. After a day, return to this practice again, already observing the interval between three chants.

After another day, the last stage of the exercise begins. Chant the sound at this stage once. As a result, a person creates a vibration that finds its way to the epiphysis and causes a resonating effect in it.

The energy activates the third eye gradually, so at first you may not notice obvious changes in the psyche or physical shell.

The first reaction to the lesson may be headache and a feeling of discomfort, but over time it passes.

MEI exercises

After a week of exercise with TOU, you can proceed to stimulate the pituitary gland. This is done by chanting the sound MEI. The range between bass and tenor is preserved.

  • First, inhale 3-4 times to relax, slowly and evenly exhaling air through your mouth.
  • Then focus on the mid-eyebrow. Concentrate all your attention in this area until you feel warmth or pressure.
  • Then take a deep breath, hold your breath for 5 seconds and chant on the exhale - MEI. As you sing the sound, you should feel vibrations and energy that enter the head through the forehead, then penetrate the center of the brain and move to the crown, affecting the crown chakra.

After the end of the exhalation, return to normal breathing and just relax for a couple of seconds. Repeat the exercise 2 more times. With the constant experience of such practice, new psychic talents will be revealed, there will be a feeling of a surge of energy, which indicates the full stimulation of the pituitary gland on physical level. There may also be a slight dizziness, a feeling of euphoria. But the main thing is that the abilities of clairvoyance and clairaudience will increase.

If you are interested in opening the third eye, the ancient method can be of great service in stimulating various psychic skills. At the same time, do not forget about other types of meditation practices that have been updated or developed based on the latest discoveries about the work of the human brain.

Any of us has a third eye, but not all of us enter the phase of active work. The probability of opening a third eye in a person directly depends on the belief in its existence, the use of various practices and techniques. The following signs will help determine if your third eye has opened.

All these signs lead to the fact that a person experiences inspiration and grace. Whether a person's third eye always shows signs of clairvoyance is a moot point. Sometimes bright insights are seen, the ability to read the thoughts of other people arises.

There is an awareness of the Way - this is a system of values ​​that you need to use in your life. A person with an active sixth chakra changes: he feels part of the world. He gets the opportunity to "act without acting." He just walks in the direction life force without making any effort to change your life path.

Action without effort consists in the fact that a person allows life to act through him, instead of affecting life by the effort of his will. A person swims with the flow of life, but the direction of the flow is dictated by the opened third eye, to the signals of which there is high confidence.

People with a developed sixth chakra do not go through life guided by their personal worldview. They accept the stream of reality that the third eye dictates to them, after which they begin to follow the path dictated from above. This saves you from many mistakes and troubles.

If a person's third eye shows signs of opening, then one can mentally travel to other worlds, see the past and the future, and feed on energy from space. A person is able to do what others cannot do.

Physical signs:

Important.The above signs of opening the third eye may coincide with its underdevelopment and the beginning of activation. Especially if a person experiences fatigue, suffers from chronic migraine, is prone to sudden attacks panic.

Attitude towards other people

You can see for yourself how the third eye opens - signs of this will appear in tolerance for other people. Irritation and nervousness will practically disappear, and life wisdom will appear instead. Momentary flaws of relatives, relatives, friends, acquaintances, colleagues and subordinates will no longer annoy you and take you out of a state of peace, tranquility and peace of mind. Such changes are definitely beneficial and help to understand the world around us better.

Ability to read special signs of Space

An active sixth chakra allows you to see in everything. secret signs- nature gives hints about important events for a person. Their interpretation will help in preventing trouble, the owner of a working third eye will learn to appear in right time in the right place.

We figured out which signs of an open third eye are the most significant. If you have found at least some of the manifestations indicated above, then we congratulate you: your deep self has learned to use intuition and is ready to interact with energy fields.