I dreamed of a huge snake in a dream. A look from different sides - what is the dream of a big snake

Miller's dream book

If a woman dreams that she is bitten by a dead snake- it means that the anger of a hypocritical friend will make her suffer.

Dreams about snakes- this is generally a warning about any varieties and forms of evil.

See snakes wriggling or falling on someone in a dream- means the struggle for existence and remorse.

Kill snakes in a dream- means that you will do anything to achieve your interests or to be considered by other people. You will triumph over your enemies.

Pass in a dream among snakes- means that you will live in constant fear of illness, and egoists will encroach on your place in a friendly circle.

If snakes bite you in your dream- you will succumb to evil intrigues, and enemies will damage your work.

If you dream that a flat spotted snake is crawling towards you on green grass- you bounce to the side, it creeps past, and you forget about it, when suddenly it approaches you again, increasing in size and, finally, transforming into a huge snake, and at the cost of insane efforts you successfully avoid its attack and completely get rid of it a terrible vision - all this means that in real life you will soon imagine that you are neglected and not respected, and your affairs are going from bad to worse. Illnesses, anxiety, bitterness will terribly hypertrophy in your mind, but everything will end happily, imaginary troubles will be forgotten, and obligations taken on will be thrown aside, and you will be satisfied and rewarded.

If you dream that a snake coils around you and shoots you with its sting- it means that you will be powerless in the hands of your enemies, and you are threatened by illness.

If in a dream you are holding a snake in your hands- it means that you will develop your own strategy to overthrow the forces hostile to you.

If loudly screaming frogs are watching this fight- then such a dream indicates that soon you will have a difficult task, in which you can succeed only if you work hard. This dream reminds one simple truth: solve your problems with deeds, not words.

Watch in a dream how a snake sheds its skin- means that in real life you will meet a wise person who will not only improve your health, but also make you think about eternal truths.

Cooking a decoction of snake skin in a dream- a sign that in order to improve your health or the health of your loved ones, you need to seek help from traditional healers.

If several snakes attack you in a dream- it means that in reality you will need to protect your dignity from the vicious attacks of envious people.

If you dreamed that you were bitten by a snake- then soon you will seriously suffer from evil rumors and gossip.

See baby snakes in a dream- a bad omen. Such a dream warns of evil betrayal by people you trust.

Dream Interpretation of Dmitry and Hope of Winter

dream snake- symbolizes intrigue, deceit and meanness.

Often such dreams warn- that someone in your environment may be hiding toxic thoughts under the guise of friendly feelings. woman- this may indicate that she has a dangerous rival.

See snakes threatening your child- is a reminder that your omissions and oversights in raising children can have a detrimental effect in the future.

snake ball- a sign that intrigues in your environment have completely confused the situation, and now there is no way to unravel it without loss.

snake hair- a symbol of insidious thoughts and destructive ideas.

Crush or kill snakes in a dream- a harbinger of a serious and very painful conflict.

Snake- can also symbolize seduction, as the snake seduced Eve in the Garden of Eden. Are you tempted? Perhaps you yourself want to seduce someone? Declare to yourself: "I am managing myself to achieve my highest goal."

Snake- a wonderful symbol of rebirth and transformation. Just as a snake sheds its old skin to allow it to grow, so you shed your old attachments and habits in order to gain new perspectives.

snake also- a symbol of sexuality, it symbolizes the male penis.

Dream interpretation of the XXI century

To see a snake on your wife or that a snake crawled into your bosom- to the birth of a son.

Find a snake in your house in a dream- means troubles that occur or will occur in the house in your absence.

Keep a snake in your bosom- it means that you will soon begin to enjoy a good reputation, you will have a good reputation.

A nest of snakes in a dream symbolizes a person from whom it will be difficult to get rid of, quarrels and discord in the family, a tangle of snakes- a feeling of internal discord, discord within oneself.

See how snakes sting others- it means to offend someone undeservedly.

To be wrapped in a snake- a sign of powerlessness in front of enemies.

See snakes in the water that you have to cross- means that anxiety will be followed by success.

If you dream that a snake turns into a dragon- expect the support of an influential person; see the snake move underwater or enter the water- means that you are waiting for relocation to a new house or promotion; a dream in which a snake follows a person- to the betrayal of his wife.

Seeing a python in a dream- means that in order to achieve the intended goal, you will have to overcome a physical obstacle, to see a snake means that matchmakers will come to the house.

A bronze snake seen in a dream- may be a harbinger of envy or deceit.

To dream of a snake trying to attack you, to run away from it- means that in real life you are surrounded by many ill-wishers, and in order not to lose everything, you need to be vigilant, especially if you are too trusting.

Kill the snake means to triumph over cunning and envious enemies.

See a snake swaying from side to side- means that you are surrounded by cunning and ungrateful people, envious people, imprisonment and other misfortunes are possible.

If you dream that a snake is wrapped around your neck and you are suffocating- beware of a joyless marriage.

Being stung in a dream by a snake- means someone's enmity, quarrel, trouble; crush the snake's head to give a lesson to a spineless or immoral person.

However, if in a dream you were bitten by a snake- it can also be a harbinger of gaining great wealth.

English dream book

snakes in our dreams- this is the true embodiment of the enemy.

If you dream that you are stepping on snakes, crush them with your feet- it means that in life your enemies will not be able to harm you.

If the snakes crawl away from you That means you will defeat your enemies. But if in a dream the snakes turn around and sting you, then in reality the insidious enemies will overcome you and cause you a lot of grief. This is always a warning dream: do not allow any evil interference in your life, do not allow anyone to destroy your happiness.

Medieval dream book of Daniel

snake attack- to accusations.

See snakes- to joy or honor.

See that a snake is attacking you- to defeat the enemy.

Kill the snake- means to prevail over the enemy.

Italian dream book

Snakes can symbolize a huge number of things.

Since most snakes are poisonous and dangerous, one of the most common meanings of this image is- death.

Since snakes are very slippery and creeping, another meaning of this symbol is- deceit, cunning, deceit. It was the snake that seduced Eve to eat the apple from the tree of knowledge and her image is a symbol of temptation (especially sexual temptation), and after all the image of the snake is the actual symbol. The image of a snake expresses the fear of death or its desire, concern for one's health, fear that someone is doing an undesirable act against you. The feeling that you are dexterous, cunning in this situation. Fear that the other may be more dexterous and cunning in this matter. The desire to give in to a certain temptation, the desire for sexual intercourse and at the same time the fear of it. As a rule, the image of a snake is negative, indicating the impossibility of an adequate command in a situation, the loss of an individual "inse" and the implementation of actions according to a program alien to the individual, inscribed in his logical, rational. Moreover, this program, like obsession, makes a person walk in a circle or in a spiral.- on a route that is predetermined.

Islamic dream book

hissing snake- announces the retreat of the hiding and undefeated enemy, from which the dreaming person will be protected.

see a snake- to the enemy, and the strength of the enemy will be corresponding to the strength of the seen snake.

If anyone sees a snake tame and obedient- reaches the property, and if he sees that the snake attacked him- some chagrin on the part of the king will befall him.

If anyone sees that many snakes have gathered together and do no harm- it means that a person who sees such a dream will command the army.

Mythological dream book

fire serpent- winged; fire-breathing serpent with anthropomorphic features- embodies the demonic energy of Kundalini, or a deadly attack on a sleeping person; alcoholism.

Dream Interpretation Dasha

Snake- one of the complex characters.

In most cases- personifies evil, deceit, envy and even death. May mean a woman. On the other hand, it can personify wisdom and new life.

Lunar dream book

Snake- to the disease; crush- recovery.

Chinese dream book

to be stung- disease.

See a small snake on a tree– punishment / slander.

Giant on a leafless tree- higher wisdom; understanding the mysteries of human existence.

snakes in the branches of a green tree- the beginning of a path / an idea that requires materialization.

eat them- to join the dangerous wisdom.

See the snakes raise their heads and hiss at you- there will be contact with the demonic world.

If you had a bad dream:

Don't worry - it's just a dream. Thanks for the warning.

When you wake up, look out the window. Say through the open window: “Where the night is, there is a dream. All good things stay, all bad things go away.

Open the faucet and tell the dream to flowing running water.

Wash yourself three times with the words "Where the water flows, the dream goes there."

Throw a pinch of salt into a glass of water and say: "As this salt has melted, so my dream will go away, it will not bring harm."

Turn bedding inside out.

Don't tell anyone a bad dream before dinner.

Write it down on paper and burn this sheet.

Why is the big snake dreaming? Most people compare this reptile to a tempter, so even a virtual meeting with her is not expected to do anything good. However, in order to correctly interpret the dream, one should carefully consider all the details of what he saw, and perhaps after that the dream will not seem so terrible. So, what do big snakes dream of, according to the most popular dream books?

Women's dream book

According to this interpreter, any reptiles dream of trouble. Wriggling huge black snakes mean that the dreamer will have to fight to prove his worth. Probably, in real life, the sleeper often changes his place of residence or work, and he will have to "fight for a place in the sun." Why dream of big fat snakes that are trying to attack a person? As a rule, such a vision suggests that society will accuse the sleeping person of some bad deeds, innocence in which it will be very difficult to prove. If the dreamer can calm the reptiles in a dream, then in reality he will be able to justify himself, otherwise everything can end badly. Why dream of a big snake wrapping around a person’s neck? Such a dream is interpreted as the presence of a serious illness, and it will not be the sleeping person or his relatives who will get sick, but the one whose neck the reptile wrapped around.

Esoteric dream book

This publication answers the question of what big snakes dream of in a completely different way. According to the authors of this dream book, if the reptile does not take any action, but simply appears as a mirage, then an air or car accident is expected soon, which the sleeping person will witness. The interpreter also knows the answer to the question of why the big black snake is dreaming. As a rule, such a vision indicates that a great danger looms over the dreamer, so he should be very careful not only in his deeds, but also in words, since any wrong step can provoke an ill-wisher. A huge crawling snake means danger, betrayal. If she crawled straight to the sleeper, then this is a signal of the presence of a serious illness, so the dreamer should undergo an examination and begin treatment as soon as possible.

Family dream book

Why is the snake dreaming? A large and fat reptile lying quietly on the lawn means that responsible and hard work awaits the sleeper, which will make him sweat, but will not bring him pleasure. If she crawls the road right in front of the dreamer, then one of the ill-wishers of the sleeping person is trying to interfere with him, and he does not act directly, but on the sly. In addition, the authors of the publication believe that answering the question of what a big snake is dreaming of should be based on the day of the week on which the vision was dreamed. So, for example, if the dream was from Thursday to Friday, then this indicates that one of the sleeper's friends decides to help him financially, you should not refuse help, because the person does it wholeheartedly. If the dream was from Friday to Saturday, then this is a bad sign, meaning that the personal life of the sleeping person is not developing at all as he would like, and what he hoped for is unlikely to come true.

Dream interpretation of the XXI century

The authors of this interpreter also know what the big snake is dreaming of. If a man has a dream, and the reptile wraps around the body of his wife, then soon the spouse will give him a son who will become his hope and support. If the snake, despite its size, peeks out from behind the sleeper's bosom, then this indicates that his reputation will improve significantly, and his authority will increase. Why dream of big black snakes crawling out of the body of a sick person? As a rule, this dream has a good omen and indicates that he will recover soon. A dream in which the sleeper sees how snakes sting other people warns that he will have to regret some unseemly acts committed by him in a fit of rage. If the reptile wraps itself around the sleeping person, then he will be powerless in front of his enemies, and they know about his weaknesses. A huge python in a dream warns that in order to achieve his goal, the sleeper will have to overcome a physical obstacle.

Dream Interpretation of the Healer Fedorkovskaya

A huge anaconda is most often dreamed of by those people who put pressure on others. It is believed that a dreaming reptile portends trouble. Probably, next to the dreamer there is a person who will try to limit his actions. However, if a young woman saw such a vision, then this portends her imminent marriage. A dream in which the sleeper crushed the head of a huge black snake indicates that he will be able to teach a lesson to some immoral person who unceremoniously invaded his life.

Muslim dream book

A snake in a dream portends an enemy, and its strength will correspond to the size of the reptile, that is, the larger it is, the more powerful the enemy will be. If the dreaming individual is tame and obedient, then the dreamer's well-being will improve, but when the snake attacks the sleeping person, this means that an influential person will offend him. A huge ball of snakes that does not harm the sleeper indicates that he will soon be offered a promotion.

Wangi's Dream Interpretation

A snake crawling across the field indicates that the sleeper will have a fight with the enemy, who at first tried to act secretly, but later decided on an open war. It should be borne in mind that if the snake seen is poisonous, then the dreamer is unlikely to win this duel, since the enemy will be very strong and dangerous. In the same case, when the dreaming reptile turns out to be non-poisonous, the dream can be considered successful. Because it means that the dreamer will be able to turn the intrigues of the enemy against himself and win the fight. A dream in which the sleeper sees and feels like he was bitten by a snake portends a betrayal by a loved one. For a long time, the dreamer will not understand the reason for his bad luck, but time will put everything in its place. A dreamed tangle of snakes is a bad omen, meaning that the sleeper has to revolve in a circle of evil and envious people who wish him the collapse of his career and unhappiness in his personal life, and sometimes death. A huge reptile squeezing the neck of a familiar person is also considered a negative sign. Such a dream suggests that the dreamer's close friend is dying and, most likely, that even a miracle will not help him recover. A gigantic thick black snake means a large-scale catastrophe. This dream warns that the time will soon come when Satan in the guise of a man will rule the world. It is during this period that people will have to experience all the hardships of life: poverty, hunger, violence, etc. A good omen can be considered a dream in which the sleeper will kill this reptile, because this indicates that the world will be freed from the tyrant who has come, and on Earth peace and grace will come again.

Dream Interpretation Grishina

The author of this publication assures his readers that the big snake symbolizes health promotion, recovery. If a reptile crawls along a tree on which there are no leaves, then the dreamer will finally find the meaning of life, gain wisdom. A dream in which a reptile crawls in the mountains portends a new life, probably a child will be born to the sleeping person. If the dreaming snake is so large that the dreamer cannot fully see it, then he will be between life and death, and secrets that he should not have known will be to blame.

Dream Interpretation Online Big Snake

The snake is a symbol of striking contrasts. In the gardens of Eden, the snake seduced Eve, therefore she is a full-fledged symbol of temptation, sexuality. For Hindus, this is a sign of spiritual rebirth. They believe that the energies of a person are hidden in the coccyx, coiled like a snake. Spinning ring after ring, the snake moves along the spine, activates all the chakras and entails spiritual enlightenment and healing. The reptile's ability to shed its old skin in order to regain its youth and the ability to grow is a symbol of change, wisdom and longevity.
What interpretation can these symbols have in a dream? All people are able to dream. But not everyone can read the signs and messages that dreams carry. Do you have any idea what the big snake is dreaming of?

If you dreamed of a big snake

Let's be curious by opening the dream book. She is a sign of significant troubles and even real disasters. If you dreamed about how it changes in size, becoming larger, therefore you do not understand the true range of the problem and tend to exaggerate.
Does the dream book broadcast if the woman saw the anaconda in a dream? This promises success among men. Seeing a man, the anaconda portends a meeting with his future wife, a wonderful hostess, the keeper of comfort in the house. Anaconda with other animals - a messenger of a meeting with an old friend.
Anaconda fell from a height - beware of the bad intentions of others. An anaconda is dreaming, which is brought without cubs, as a sacrifice to the gods - a messenger of wealth, an anaconda with cubs - the rich life of your children.

snake in the water

If the snake is in the water

Did you see a snake floating in the water? Expect career advancement or a move soon. A snake in the water can indicate the approach of depression. The snake swims in the water, but not in the water, but in the aquarium - look for a hypocrite among friends.
It is a dream that a snake in the water curls up in a ring - you will find yourself in a confusing situation from which it is not easy to get out. Bitten in the water - to lose. Swimming in the water with snakes - intrigues, insidious conspiracies. Do snakes swim in muddy water? A guarantee that you will not be involved in a dangerous scam, but will be shrouded in slander. If the snakes are in clear water, it is true that your vigilance is lulled under the guise of good intentions. A dead snake has surfaced - to victory over the enemy. A snake wriggling in the water - to repentance. Rarely snakes in the water - to the death of the sleeping person.

snake in your house

A snake at home, like a pet, warns that you yourself have given a reason to be dependent on people. A snake settled at home is a signal of the secret plans of loved ones. Seeing a lot of snakes at home means that there are a lot of envious people and hypocrites around you.

Beware of their intrigues, the consequences of which can become sudden. Comforting news, heralding the expectation of great success in all your endeavors, when every snake, in the general mass, is white.

The essence of color

black is a bad sign

To see a black snake in a dream is to have problems within a psychological nature. This will require you to make a bold decision to find a way out. Often dreams where you see a black snake indicate the need for atonement for someone. Tweak your memory. Maybe some "sins" will come up.

Yellow, regardless of size, a snake is an ambiguous sign. You need to focus on the behavior of the animal. If it is not aggressive, take into account that there are reserves of energy lurking deep in you that you have not used for some reason.
If the yellow reptile did not dream of crawling into the house, then this is a favorable sign. It promises profit, in case of a well-aimed strategic decision. But a yellow snake wrapping around a tree dreams of debauchery. If a yellow snake basks in the sun, then to illness or worries.

It's great when you dream of a green snake. It is the source of success, growth and prosperity. And therefore, the green snake prophesies a new stage in life, getting rid of habits and rituals that have long been exhausted.
In a dream, a green snake winds around and around you - this marks the obstacles that interfere with the improvements in your life. Especially if a green snake wrapped around the body of a sleeping person and changes color, then there are a lot of doubts in the soul.

Warns against an unsafe situation coming ahead, a snake of red or scarlet color.

white is a good sign

Let's interpret dreams where the heroine is a white snake. This is a great sign. Fortune of luck will immediately work, the wheel will spin and the money will float into the hands and prosperity in the house. From a big win or something. With a high probability of embodying this in reality, expresses a ball of white curly snakes.
A small white snake is interpreted in two ways. Either you pay attention to your health, or take a closer look at a new acquaintance. Most likely he is an unreliable and not sincere person. A white snake shedding its skin hints at the wrong way to solve existing problems.
To see several whitish snakes that curl around and around you - wait for meaningful information. With a reasonable implementation of it in life, you will find great success. The white snake is a harbinger of success in a long hopeless business. The white snake will notify you of the acquisition of knowledge.

Dreams of men and women

If men dream of snakes, then this is a manifestation of male sex appeal and strength. For a woman or a girl to see a snake in her dreams - a clash with hypocrisy is ripening, from which they will suffer.
If she appeared to a pregnant woman in a dream, her daughter should know.

What is the dream book about

Poisonous or not?

Do you dream of climbing snakes? To be the development of mutual rejection into undisguised confrontation.
Creeping snakes are dreaming - a messenger of victory over enemies.
When an animal is not hiding from you, but on the contrary, it attacks, dirty, unjustified gossip about you will appear. Obviously frank, shameless slander.
Do you dream of snakes having poison? This speaks of a fight with an ill-wisher, where you do not know victory, because the person who attacks will be more sophisticated.
Seeing a dead snake is a warning that you should be wary of your surroundings, especially new acquaintances. And if a dead snake suddenly attacks, then your vigilance, thanks to gullibility, was clearly lulled.
Seeing a snake that has bitten you is a signal of deep disappointment in the closest.
Seeing a snake in the house and unable to do something is an insidious and outright betrayal.

Everyone interprets differently

Different predictors and astrologers have different interpretations of the events associated with the dream in which you saw a sick snake.

Miller's dream book

The snake strangles you - to problems

Miller claims that seeing a sleeping snake does not bode well. If you dream of reptiles, among which you are, then somewhere on a subconscious level, there is fear and uncertainty about your health. But, to see in a dream that you are destroying a snake, soon your unshakable determination will force others to reckon with you.
A snake has bitten you in the house - the intrigues of enemies will harm you. If in your house a snake compresses you with rings, enemies will discredit you, and you are powerless to change anything. If you hold a large snake in your hands in your house, it promises a competent solution to issues.

Magic dream book

If you dreamed of a huge snake - to know an open war is brewing against you.

Dream Interpretation of Catherine the Great

Seeing in a dream a snake that is rapidly increasing in size - your carelessness will cause the disease.

Wangi's Dream Interpretation

In a dream, seeing a snake of the greatest size is interpreted in two ways - in the sense of a signal about the death of a relative, a familiar person, or the maturing of radical changes in the world, in favor of evil.

Freud's dream book

According to Freud

Freud interprets dreams from the heights of psychoanalysis. Therefore, his reflections on the meaning of dreams are completely different from other well-known dream books. According to him, a snake-like animal in a dream with is a symbol of the phallus.
Did you dream that you were kissing a reptile? You just need to experience all the colors of feelings during oral sex. In fact, you have been ready for this for a long time and do not really hide it.
Had a dream that you were admiring a reptile? This is your determination to enjoy the love action with different sexual delights and non-traditional options. This is especially true for a woman.
On the contrary, if you are running away from a snake, you are afraid or do not want to resolve gaps and misunderstandings in sex with a loved one or just a partner.

Interpretation in different dream books

Aesop's dream book predicts troubles and troubles from outsiders and people from his environment caused by their dank essence to the owner of the dream.

Nostradamus noted in the interpretation of dreams: “According to the Bible, a snake is a kind of symbol that informs a person about his fall into sin, about the violation of God's law”

The lunar dream book claims that to see an animal from the class of reptiles when a person is sleeping is to expect an illness. But if you killed a snake, then this is a guaranteed symbol of recovery.

Agree, seeing a snake in a dream is quite disgusting. And if it is also huge ... Why is a big snake dreaming? Many interpreters of dreams explain in their own way the meaning of the appearance of this amphibian in dreams. A dream involving a snake is considered the most difficult to interpret.

Big snake according to the dream book of Nostradamus

According to the explanations of Nostradamus, the presence of a snake in dreams is evil, cunning, a symbol of the fall. If a large snake hugged a person by the neck and squeezes it, then a dangerous time will come for him. A giant black snake - portends great evil.

Why dream of a big snake according to Vanga's dream book

According to Vanga, a dreaming snake of a very large size is a warning of a great tragedy. A harbinger that the time of the power of Satan will come, hunger, poverty, the death of many people will come.

If you dream that a big snake is squeezing your neck, then this is a bad sign. It is you who can find out about the fatal illness of a loved one. You will need great will power to help the family and the patient with dignity to spend the last days.

Indian dream book about a big snake

The winding snake symbolizes enemies, hatred and disease. Kill the snake - defeat your envious and enemies. Another dream snake is a symbol of female infidelity.

Muslim dream book

What is the dream of a big snake in the Muslim dream book? The snake is the presence of the enemy, the size of the snake is the strength of the enemy. If the snake is obedient, the person will have an acquisition, and if attacked, grief. When there are many snakes, but they do not attack, a person will control the army.

A huge snake in N. Grishina's dream book

According to Grishina's dream book, a large snake is a symbol of alleged deceit or recovery and health promotion. And a giant snake on a tree without leaves - great wisdom, understanding the secrets of human life.

A giant snake crawling in the mountains symbolizes new life. If in a dream the dimensions of a giant snake cannot be fully seen, it means to be on the verge of life and death, to know the secrets that make life unbearable.

Interpretations of a dreaming snake in other dream books

Why does a big snake dream in a dream according to other dream books:

  • Loff's dream book - to betrayal, deceit, illness;
  • Dream Interpretation Hasse - female enemies;
  • Azar's dream book is an evil enemy;
  • Freud's interpretation - the male sexual organ and the sexual life of a man;
  • Women's dream book - a snake is a prediction of troubles, temptations.

Deciphering unknown dream books

  • if a sick person dreams of a big snake, then he will recover soon;
  • if the dream frightened or alarmed you - beware of deception;
  • a snake is wisdom, to kill a snake is to “bury” talents, to do the wrong thing.

Such a dream means that there is the only source of evil that has a destructive effect on you in a dream. If a ball of snakes means ill will, envy, illness, an evil attitude, then one representative of amphibians portends a specific evil.

It can be an insidious plan, illness, betrayal, a lie, some kind of action that can become very unpleasant for the dreamer, as well as revenge, temptation, broken feelings and suffering. This is most often what a big snake dreams of, depending on the gender and age of the dreamer.

Pay attention to where she appeared in a dream and how she behaved, whether it was possible to avoid meeting her.

Dreams of girls and women

If they dreamed of a huge and fat snake, then the dream book warns of danger. Pay attention to its color, which may indicate the nature of evil. A green snake of any shade can indicate envy, illness and poisoning, as well as danger that can be associated with military exercises and operations, various poisons, poisonous gases and spoiled products. If a huge gray snake crawled into your house, then such a dream suggests that evil will come from where they were not expected and the woman will not be able to see it right away.

Any snakes of bright colors mean danger through erotic temptations, including in a nightclub, bar. In some cases, the dream book interprets the appearance of a large snake as a dangerous acquaintance, a person who can hook a girl on drugs or cruelly deceive. Moreover, all the offers of this person will be bright and very tempting. If you dreamed of a snake in a nightclub, pay attention to its color and belonging. A huge viper, anaconda and cobra portend a source of danger from a woman or he will be female. If you dreamed of a snake like a boa constrictor, a python, then evil will come from a man.

Why does a woman dream that a snake lies in her bed and bites? The dream interpretation warns of cruelty and the blow that fate is preparing for her. Perhaps very soon she will find out that the person she loves is unfaithful to her, or a terrible illness awaits her, from which the dear lady will not recover soon and get out of bed. If the snake was female, then the danger threatens her from a woman. Most likely, as the dream book writes, the husband or lover has a mistress, or in his environment a certain woman has far-reaching plans and hopes for him and does not intend to back down. It may very well be that she will resort to witchcraft and magic in order to bewitch a person who does not belong to her. Dealing with it will be very difficult. By the way, perhaps she is trying to discredit you in the eyes of her husband, so that later he himself will leave you.
But often such gossip is spread not out of malice, but simply because there is nothing else to do. But if you dreamed of a black snake in bed, especially a cobra, then such a dream speaks of a great danger that hangs over your family well-being and health.

Why did the girl dream of a snake in bed? Alas, the dream book warns that her gullibility will not lead to good and that there is a person who does not love her and wishes her all the worst. In some dreams, the snake represents a woman or other girl who is jealous of your happiness and wants to fight off her fiancé or even start an affair with her father.

Try to understand who the snake in your dream looks like - this will give a hint who is going to harm the girl, especially if it was a cobra, viper, anaconda.

A male amphibian almost always means a seducer. The dream interpretation writes that a boa constrictor or a python show a mercenary person, very dangerous and insidious. For the sake of his self-esteem and momentary profit, he will stop at nothing, skillfully falling in love with naive simpletons. His appearance in women's dreams does not bode well.

Men's dreams

If a man dreamed of a snake in a dream, then the dream book writes that he is in danger or illness, as well as big troubles due to his stupidity and lack of foresight. The dream interpretation interprets the appearance of a snake as an act of a person who does not wish you well. Perhaps someone has already harmed the dreamer, but he still does not know anything about it. Why dream that a snake bit you in the office or at work? Most likely, such a dream portends trouble, a painful prick of pride and trauma. Surely someone in your team is against you and wants to hurt you. It is worth understanding what kind of source of evil is preventing you from working and living.

A bright snake in a dream, especially a female one, means danger from an insidious seductress and a woman who will stop at nothing to achieve her goals. If she bit you or scared you a lot in a dream, the dream book writes that soon a certain lady will lay claim to you and start blackmailing you. It is quite possible that it will be a lover or just a seductress who knows how to turn men like toys and always get her way.

If the snake has wrapped itself around you, then the dream book writes that resistance to negativity will be useless, since the enemies are not asleep and have a very good idea of ​​​​how exactly you should be set up. Books on magic and dreams recommend in this case to suspend all business and try not to leave the house if you want trouble to pass you or danger to pass by.

Why dream of a big boa constrictor or python? Such a dream suggests that you have a very dangerous enemy, an envious person who is going to take revenge on you and do something nasty. The dream interpretation writes that this unpleasant dream means an opponent who will cunningly deceive your spouse or girlfriend. Think about who it could be in a dream, since such a person is having fun in order to hurt the dreamer, and not from passion for his lady of the heart.

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