Massage in the fight against headaches. Head massage for headaches

Headache is probably the most common unpleasant sensation that can be a harbinger serious illnesses, but it can also be caused by normal muscle tension.

It is almost impossible to distinguish one type of pain from another. Pain that is paroxysmal or recurring, as well as migraine, can be easily treated with medication. However, why take pills right away if you can try a massage? In any case, even if the pain does not go away completely, you can still alleviate your condition and “teach” your body not to react so sharply to all kinds of stress, and you can also learn to relax at any convenient moment.

So, to remove headache first you need to remove muscle tension, the causes of which can be both physical and emotional. Regarding the latter, we can say that they go away on their own if the cause of stress is eliminated in time. If such a condition nervous tension is constantly present in your life, then, sadly, headaches can turn into chronic form, and the reason for this remains the same muscle tension. Simply put, the muscles are constantly in a contracted state, which causes pain.

For effective therapeutic massage You must first of all have an idea of ​​which points need to be affected. There are two of these points: the first is located at the base of the skull, and the second at the top of the spine. You need to act on these two points extremely carefully so as not to worsen the headache. You should press gently and very lightly, since the points have hypersensitivity due to the huge number of plexuses of nerve endings that are located in them. Try applying light pressure on one of the points. If discomfort or any discomfort, you must stop exposure immediately. You can also make an appointment with a massage master on the website

Now let's look at some self-massage techniques that can be used almost anywhere for quick removal headache. These techniques will be more effective if, during the massage, you lean your elbows on the table and hold your head in such a way as to give your head the opportunity to relax.

1. Smooth the forehead area using the pads of your middle fingers. Start the massage from the eyebrow area and move up and to the sides. It is necessary to massage right up to the hairline (even if the pain is not in this area). Once you've finished massaging the first area, move on to the second. To do this, move up your forehead one finger higher and continue in the same way. Then repeat everything in the same sequence twice. Don't stop, even if the pain has stopped, until you have massaged your entire forehead.

2. Use your heels or whole palms to press down on your temples and perform circular movements six times clockwise and counterclockwise.

3. Place your thumbs on the bones behind your ears. Then press hard and release immediately. Massage the base of the skull to the middle in this way. The procedure must be repeated three times. If at the moment of pressing you feel tension in any area, then, most likely, this particular area is the place where the pain comes from. If you find a place where the pain is concentrated, do deep breath, and then as you exhale, press hard and hold your fingers in this position, count to seven and release.

4. Tilt your head slightly forward and, holding it with one hand, use your other hand to squeeze the neck muscles from behind. Hold this while you exhale. Massage your neck in this way three times.

Now you know how to quickly get rid of headaches. But it is also worth recalling the contraindications to head massage, since some types of pain signal a disease that needs to be treated. So, if you find that relieving muscle tension does not help you get rid of your head pain, then you may be dehydrated or have a fever. hangover syndrome or any infection. Also, long-term, ongoing headaches can be provoked by noise and chemical pollution. environment. Massage should also not be used to treat migraines or severe recurring pain in the form of attacks. In these cases, it is necessary to consult a doctor or eliminate the cause of the pain.

Headache is an unpleasant, painful symptom that indicates serious problems with health, is a companion to overwork, sudden changes in weather outside the window. There are pressing, pulsating, stabbing and point pain, long-term and short-term. Based on these characteristics, the severity of the problem is judged. A short-term pinpoint headache is not cause for concern, but it also does not bring pleasure. To get rid of painful sensations, we recommend using acupressure. You will learn further where the headache points are located, the technique, and the rules for using acupuncture.

Causes of the problem

Headache refers to frequent symptoms impaired functioning of the body. There are many reasons for its appearance. Let's highlight the main ones:

  • the vessels of the head and neck are not able to provide good nutrition, blood supply to the brain;
  • insufficient oxygen supply to nerve endings;
  • stagnation in the intestines;
  • inflammation of the trigeminal nerve;
  • nervous exhaustion caused by regular stress, emotional overstrain;
  • increased intracranial pressure;
  • migraine;
  • eye diseases;
  • breathing disturbed by swelling of the nasopharynx, strong mucous discharge from the nose;
  • poisoning with alcohol, medications, nicotine, drugs.

There are several factors associated with the malaise: muscle spasm in the neck, curved spine, injuries, abnormal development of blood vessels. Disturbed sleep and an uncomfortable bed cause pain.

If the pain does not go away for a long time and gradually intensifies, seek help from a highly qualified specialist; significant health problems are possible. Unpleasant sensations of a short-term nature, presumably caused by sleep disturbances, sudden changes in weather, stress ­- Acupressure will ease the condition.

For reference. Migraine is a common disease accompanied by a throbbing, intense headache. Painful sensations last up to 3 days. Additional symptoms: vomiting, nausea, general weakness. Women aged 25–35 years are at risk.

The effectiveness of massage

Head massage for headaches - quick, safe way reduce discomfort. But it does not completely solve the health problem. If the symptom recurs regularly, a visit to a specialist is required.

There are several massage techniques for headaches:

  • General massage- aimed at relaxing the neck muscles, normalizing blood supply, and bringing superficial blood vessels to their usual tone.
  • Spot- influence is performed on certain biologically active points (acupuncture). The technique refers to traditional methods treating problems in Chinese medicine, have been used since ancient times. Acupressure is based on knowledge of the location of acupuncture points in a person. It is carried out in strict sequence, with regulation of the force of impact.
  • Impact on trigger points- the method is painful, aimed at the source of pain. When the massage is performed correctly, the pain quickly subsides.
  • Massage therapy to relieve muscle-tonic insufficiency in the neck and back of the head- used in the treatment of osteochondrosis, problems with the spine, causing painful sensations.

An effective way to eliminate an unpleasant symptom is acupressure. It belongs to the category of ancient oriental treatment methods, the procedure is painless. Proper massage allows you to:

  • improve brain nutrition, normalize the outflow and flow of blood to the organ;
  • accelerate metabolism in nerve cells, strengthen and stabilize the functioning of the nervous system;
  • correct problems with insomnia, make sleep sound and long;
  • improve mood, achieve emotional balance of the patient;
  • normalize work individual systems, organism;
  • increase the client’s performance, remove the risk of overwork;
  • improve memory.

After a massage session, the patient becomes calmer and feels rested.

Execution Rules

Acupressure for headaches involves influencing certain biologically active points. Eastern medicine claims that on the human body and head there are points that connect specific organs. Correct exposure to them improves the functioning of the brain, organs, and organ systems. The points form lines (medians) along which vital energy moves.

To relieve headaches through massage, it is necessary to adhere to the rules of procedure:

  1. Do not take before massage medications, tinctures.
  2. Make sure there are no contraindications for therapy.
  3. Carefully study which points to massage for headaches, their location, and the recommended pressure.
  4. It is prohibited to use needles or sharp objects for point impact on your own. This is the prerogative of a highly qualified specialist.
  5. Stroking is performed with two fingers (middle, index), and the thumbs and index fingers are used to influence symmetrical acupuncture points.
  6. Massage movements are performed symmetrically. This can be pressure, stroking clockwise, or vibration.
  7. The massage element is performed confidently, evenly, with a certain effort. The time of exposure to one point is 4-5 seconds.
  8. Before pressing, strokes are performed: the fingertips are slowly moved around the indicated area, gradually increasing the pace of movements.
  9. Massage movements are performed in the specified sequence.
  10. It is recommended to perform several procedures with a specialist, undergo training, and after a detailed study of the technique, begin massage at home.

Location of important points

Active points are located throughout the body, there are many of them. Having studied the cause of the appearance of an unpleasant symptom, its nature affects the points:

  • Feng chi (gb 20)- located on the back of the head, at the base of the skull. Helps reduce pain caused by colds, migraines, nervous overstrain, stress.
  • Hsin-hui (gv 22)- located in the upper part of the back of the head. It is massaged if discomfort is felt in the upper part of the head.
  • Suan-lu (gb 5), Shan-yan (gb 4) - acupuncture points located on the temples. Massaging them reduces throbbing pain in the temporal region.
  • Se-ju-kun (sj 23)- the active point is located on the eyebrow line above outer corner eyes. It needs to be pressed when the headache is accompanied by tinnitus or migraine.
  • Tsuan-chu (v 2)- located on the inner edges of the eyebrows.
  • Yin-tan (vg 24.5)- called the “third eye”. The point is asymmetrical, located at the intersection of the line of the eyebrows with the line of the bridge of the nose. Massaging the “third eye”, Tsuan-zhu, relieves pain in the temporal and frontal areas.
  • Tian-rong- located on the back of the head, behind the auricle.

Is there some more additional points, they are on the arms and legs. By massaging them, you increase the analgesic effect:

  • Hae-gu (li 4)- called “closed valley”. It is located on the hand, between the large and index finger. By massaging it, you reduce muscle tension in the forearms and relieve painful symptoms in the temporal and parietal areas. He-gu point massage is useful during childbirth: eastern sages claim that the painful sensations of a woman in labor are dulled. Such exposure is harmful for pregnant women, and premature birth is possible.
  • Hou-si (sj 3)- called the “back gorge”. The point is located on the outer edge of the palm, under the little finger.
  • Neu-ting (st 44)- received the name “inner courtyard”. It is located between the second and third toe. Helps relieve frontal ailments.

Advice. First, work on the acupuncture of the occipital region, then begin massaging the points directly near the source of pain. Additionally, points on the legs and arms are stimulated.


General acupressure for headaches involves working out each area through acupuncture points in the following sequence: frontal zone, temporal, parietal and occipital. Allow 2 minutes to massage each zone. The entire procedure takes 8–10 minutes.

The massage is performed in a sitting position for the convenience of the procedure. Let's consider massage therapist movements step by step

1. Frontal, temporal areas:

  • strokes are performed with palms from left to right, in the opposite direction;
  • stroking is replaced by light pressure with the palm, the brush is pressed and slowly moved from the right area of ​​the forehead to the left, the “third eye” in the central part of the forehead is massaged for a few seconds, and the movement continues to the left; the exercise is repeated in the opposite direction;
  • do light stroking and repeated pressure;
  • knead with vertically placed fingers, the index finger is placed at the hairline, the little finger at the outer edge of the eyebrow;
  • kneading is repeated with great effort so that subcutaneous tissue moved along with the fingers.

2. Parietal region:

  • perform stroking, as if combing hair in the forehead-back of head direction, repeat the actions 3-4 times;
  • light stroking is replaced with intense kneading, the direction of movements is unchanged: forehead-parietal area-occiput, the skin moves with the fingertips during movements;
  • complement the impact with vibration, the movements resemble intermittent (jumping) shaking, the fingers are spread wider, with their pads resting on the skin;
  • perform quick taps with palms;
  • palms are placed symmetrically above the ears, massage movements gradually bring them closer together, repeat the procedure, changing the location of the palms (the right one is placed on the back of the head, the left one on the forehead).

3. Back of the head:

  • perform stroking and kneading, similar to the frontal area;
  • start working on the lower part of the back of the head, massaging the neck muscles, they are often overstrained and contribute to the appearance of painful sensations;
  • acupuncture points of the lower part of the back of the head are worked out, pressure is applied to the dimples, located 3–4 cm below the center of the base of the skull; The first pressure is painful, then the discomfort goes away.

If the movements are performed correctly, affecting the desired active points, the patient feels a slight tingling, numbness of the skin, goosebumps appear, and warmth and lightness are felt in the acupuncture area.

How long will it take for the pain to go away?

The patient may notice the fading of the symptom after the massage. Otherwise, the active points were not used. Additional treatment will be required, including acupuncture on the legs and arms.

Advice. Are you worried about migraines? You should not expect the situation to worsen; perform the suggested massage regularly. Preventive measures will relieve the appearance of painful symptoms.

Precautionary measures

Working with active points requires attention, skills, and preparation. When applying pressure, be careful not to complicate the disease. Side effects wrong massage are high blood pressure, the appearance of nausea, increasing the problem.

  • oncological diseases;
  • tuberculosis;
  • blood poisoning;
  • warts, neoplasms, wounds in the massage area;
  • otitis, ear infection;
  • pregnancy;
  • age up to 2 years.

Hold off on execution acupressure to come with alcohol, drug intoxication, elevated temperature, on the days of menstruation.

Acupressure is recognized as therapeutic and preventative measure, its effectiveness has been proven for centuries. But you shouldn’t hope for a lightning-fast recovery, especially if the appearance painful symptom caused by serious health problems. After symptoms subside, consult a doctor to determine accurate diagnosis, causes of concern.

Useful videos

How to quickly relieve a headache without pills.

Head massage to relieve headaches in 4 minutes.

Acupressure for headaches- one of effective means. One of the most common methods is the method of rubbing the earlobe, but if this does not help, you need to find the pain point a little lower on the neck and massage it with light movements. If you experience pain when pressing, this means that you are pressing on the right point.

You can also use specific points during the massage. Since there are a lot of them on the head, you need to know exactly which ones you need to press. Here is their description:

  • TIAN-RONG - Located behind the ear, more precisely on the back of the head in the depths of the edge, which is located below. To do everything correctly, you need to clasp your forehead with your palm and thus hold your head. Rub with the thumb of your right hand counterclockwise for approximately 5 minutes.
  • BAI-HUI - to the top of the ear and from the middle of the crown. You need to rub until you feel pain for two minutes. The patient should lie down or sit.
  • TAI YANG - from the temples to the eyebrow line. Both points are massaged simultaneously, but always against the arrow. Ironing takes approximately 4 minutes. The eyes are closed during the massage.
  • TIAN – ZHU – on the back side of the hair. With 4 fingers you need to clasp the lower part of the jaw and the front of the neck. Press with your thumb for a couple of minutes.
  • HE-GU – thumb press on the point between the knuckles of the index and thumb. Act for three minutes.

Massage for headaches at home

The patient can do the massage himself. To do this you need:

  • Initially, you need to rub the scalp for 4 minutes. Rub to the temple and from the back of the head in a circular motion. With each circle you need to strengthen your movements.
  • Massage your temples up and down in a spiral from one to the second temple. Starting with the fingers and ending with the knuckles.
  • The whiskey is rubbed with the middle and index fingers.
  • The neck is massaged in the form of a spiral to the back of the head and from the temple.
  • From the middle of the head to the bottom from the top.
  • Use your thumbs to press lightly behind the ears.
  • Lightly tapping your fingers, starting from the back of the head and ending with the forehead and back.
  • Use your palms to stroke your head.

During the massage, you can use brushes and combs.

Neck massage for headaches

Because common cause headache is a problem with the cervical vertebra, it is necessary to carry out neck massage. To do this, you need to follow the step-by-step instructions:

  1. Sit on a chair, lean back on it and lower your head. It is important that at this moment it is comfortable, and the person can easily relax.
  2. Run your palm along the back of your head, going down to your neck and ending with your shoulders.
  3. With effort right hand pass from the left back side of the neck to the chest, and the left from right side neck and also to the chest.
  4. back part the neck is massaged towards the middle of the shoulder blades
  5. Starting from the shoulder blades and leading to the shoulders and ending with the neck. All actions begin with the work of the fingers and end with the knuckles.
  6. Tapping your fingers should go over the neck, shoulders and chest.
  7. At the end, you need to gently stroke from the neck to the chest.

How to relieve headaches with massage:

  • Can be shared head massage. To do this, you need to massage your hair using movements that are used when washing your hair. Massaging should last 5 minutes.
  • Massaging your temples, this method helps not only with headaches, but also with high blood pressure.
  • Neck massage helps you relax
  • In any case, it is important to be in comfortable position and relax.
  • Movements should be soft and smooth.
  • It is advisable to use oil that nourishes the skin and hair.
  • Relaxing music such as birdsong or the sound of the surf.
  • Best time for evening massage before bed.
  • It is advisable to drink relaxing green tea after the session.

Can relieve headaches with finger massage. To do this, between the thumb and index finger. You need to measure 2 cm from the edge of the skin. This is where one of the points is located.

Another point is located on the outside, three centimeters above the wrist. You need to feel between the bones. There is also one on the bend of the little toe. At the junction of the toe and foot.

The points are located on both the arms and legs. The main thing is to find them and click in the right place.

Features of therapy

Massage is often used to relieve headaches. This method has a number of features, namely:

  • no need to take medicine or tinctures;
  • The work involves hands and objects with which you can achieve relaxation.
  • the body should be in a relaxed state.
  • It is important to follow all instructions so as not to cause harm. Since inaccurate clicking on one point or another can lead to severe consequences. Before starting a massage, you need to familiarize yourself with the contraindications and make sure that the patient does not have them.

The operating technique is indicated in the description of working with a point. If everything is done correctly, then the patient will experience the following feelings:

  • slight tingling,
  • slight sensation of a weak electric shock,
  • goose bumps appear
  • the area of ​​skin becomes numb.

At the end, a slight warming appears in the area that is massaged.


When working with points on the body, you need to be extremely careful. There is a wide variety of massage options that can be used to treat headaches, namely:

  • hand massage for headaches,
  • neck massage,
  • head massage,
  • full body massage.

But very often, due to improper pressure during pressure on the body, the patient can be harmed. Such manipulations can lead to complications of chorionic disease, can increase blood pressure, cause nausea, and even worsen headaches.

Manipulations should not be performed if the patient:

  • increased level of alcohol in the blood,
  • temperature body heightened,
  • blood poisoning,
  • tuberculosis,
  • menstruation or pregnancy,
  • brain diseases,
  • cancer tumor,
  • ear infection,
  • papillomas, warts, wounds, etc. are observed on the skin.

Children under two years of age and older people, as well as those under the influence of drugs, should also avoid this type of manipulation.

Many people suffering from headaches take all kinds of medications, but after a while the discomfort returns. Head massage for headaches will help for a long time get rid of migraine attacks, relax muscles, dilate blood vessels and saturate with oxygen nerve cells body. General tones the vessels that are located in the upper layers of the epidermis and relaxes the muscles, while acupressure relieves pain and affects the body reflexively.

The main causes of headaches are overstrain of the neck muscles, curvature of the spine, increased concentration sinus fluid, sleep deprivation, dehydration, stress, abuse alcoholic drinks, excessive physical exercise. All this not only causes discomfort, but also adversely affects the body as a whole. For correct execution massage and relief from headaches follow the following recommendations and advice:

  1. Use smooth and soft movements when working. Do not put pressure on the scalp - pain It shouldn't happen during a massage.
  2. Use a variety of massage oils as an assistant - they will make your movements softer.
  3. You can massage not only with your hands, but also special simulators, which can be purchased at any pharmacy.
  4. Exercise can be combined with aromatherapy to treat headaches.
  5. You can perform a head massage for yourself if you have a headache - the exercises are available for you to do yourself.
  6. The procedure should be carried out in silence, in dim light. You can turn on light music (birds singing, sounds of the sea) for additional relaxation and relief from pain.
  7. When massaging your neck, do not press carotid artery– this can lead to a state close to fainting.
  8. If the person being massaged feels heaviness or dizziness, end all procedures immediately.
  9. Most the right time for procedures - evening, before bedtime.

If headaches are frequent and long-lasting, and it is difficult to get rid of them with the help of medications or massage, be sure to consult your doctor.

General massage

If the pain is not constant and bothers you after a long day at work or a difficult awakening, you can perform a general head massage for headaches. With its help you will calm down nervous system, get rid of bad thoughts and unpleasant feelings. The execution time depends on the duration and severity of the pain and ranges from 5 to 15 minutes. For execution general massage The following exercises are suitable:

  1. If you are using oil, rub it into your hair, distributing the substance throughout your head.
  2. Place your fingers in your hair and begin to move them slowly over your head, gradually increasing the intensity of the movements.
  3. Perform five to seven strokes from head to shoulders (use both hands). Increase the pressure and do the exercises five more times.
  4. Scratch your head lightly over the entire surface.
  5. Place your fingertips on shoulder joints, perform several gentle circular movements.
  6. During a head massage for headaches in the temples, massage the area above the eyebrows in a circular motion, smoothly moving to the temples, gradually reducing the force of impact.
  7. Walk your fingers from bottom to top, in a spiral from one ear to the other. At the same time, lightly press on the skin, kneading the stiff muscles.
  8. For best result Pay attention to your forehead: make several massaging movements in this area.
  9. Warm up and stretch the muscles of the back of your head and neck. Use rubbing and light pinching.
  10. Place your hands in the area of ​​the spine, perform several soft blows with the edge of a completely relaxed palm.
  11. Finish the massage with light strokes. Afterwards, the patient is recommended to lie down and rest for a few minutes.


Our body contains great amount active points affecting various organs and systems of the body. Acupressure of the head for headaches will help in a short time get rid of the disease. The exercises were developed in 1995 by the famous physician Michael Reed Gaich. The advantages of this massage option are that it can be performed anywhere: in lunch break at work or at home. For massage you can use the following exercises:

  1. Rub your scalp with your fingertips, as if rubbing shampoo into your hair. The duration of the movements is about five minutes.
  2. Tilt your head back as much as possible. Apply light pressure to the points at the base of the skull for a few seconds. They are easy to find - they are located along the hair growth, on both sides of the spine line.
  3. Massage your earlobes for three minutes.
  4. Find a point just below the back of your head, at the point where the spine enters the skull. Click on it.
  5. Breathe deeply. Using two fingers of one hand, press the bridge of your nose (eye level), and hold the pressure for two to three minutes.
  6. Turn your head to the side, put your palms together and place your index and middle fingers on a point slightly above the bridge of your nose. Hold the pressure for another two minutes and continue to breathe deeply.
  7. Using two fingers, massage the lower cheekbones for pain in the head. Press on them for a minute.
  8. Take turns pressing the points between the index and thumb on your hand and hold for about a minute. Change hand.
  9. Rub the heel of your left foot over the foot of your right and vice versa.

During the procedures, act on the points carefully and carefully. Make movements perpendicular to the surface of the skin. Use stroking and circular movements.

Head massage during pregnancy

Massage is effective and safe method treatment of many diseases. Unfortunately, each type of massage has its own contraindications. Women who are expecting a child should be especially careful about prohibitions on procedures. Head massage for headaches during pregnancy should be carried out taking into account all possible restrictions.

In the first months of pregnancy, any serious massage is contraindicated. When massaging a woman's head, use only light stroking movements. It is better to completely abandon acupressure massage - by mistake you can influence other systems of the body. The total duration of the procedures is no more than 10 minutes. Carefully monitor the woman’s well-being, stop the massage completely at the slightest discomfort.

It will help relieve headaches. Make a few small circular movements, stimulating blood circulation, then move to the head, gently massaging the shoulders, neck and area hairline. Using your palms, stroke a line from the middle of the forehead to the temples, from the chin to the bridge of the nose. Perform light pinching lower jaw from the chin to the ears. At the end of the procedure, moisturize your facial skin with special cream or masks.

Head massage during headaches is a wonderful alternative to medications. A correctly performed procedure promotes general relaxation of the body, relieves stress, and improves body tone. Massage promotes deep and restful sleep, improves blood circulation and strengthens weakened hair roots. Forget about headaches and live happily.

Just 4 minutes of massage against headaches - video

A headache is a kind of signal that not everything is in order in the body and there are many reasons for this. Besides medications, one of the types can relieve an unpleasant syndrome manual therapy- shiatsu, which will be discussed in this article.

A headache is not just a painful condition of the body. Because of it, the focus of attention decreases, vision temporarily deteriorates and photophobia and disorientation appear. Gradually, weakness covers the whole body, and irritability worsens general state. A person with a headache, even a minor, aching one, does not fully control his activities. Therefore, it is very important to be able to return to the state in time healthy person. Fast-acting painkillers are not always at hand, and for many they are simply contraindicated due to side effects. Here on help will come acupressure of the head, which is very effective for headaches.

Worth knowing: painful discomfort in the brain area is a symptom of a serious pathological process and is not an independent disease. The exception is migraine, but the sensations are very different and should be discussed separately.

The acupressure technique helps to overcome sudden unpleasant sensations in any part of the body, including the head. The main advantage of this method is the possibility of self-massage anywhere and at any time. But this is not a panacea. Systematic headaches cause the presence of a serious pathological process in the body. You should consult a therapist who will help identify the main source of such attacks and gradually get rid of them.

We will not consider all the factors that cause discomfort of this kind, because there are a great many of them. We will highlight only the most common ones.

Oxygen deficiency in brain cells

Prolonged muscle tension in the neck and shoulder girdle causes vasoconstriction, which, in turn, complicates the access of oxygen to neurons. The resulting fasting is expressed by an unpleasant, aching sensation. Usually goes away after a little warm-up and relaxation. You should not suppress such pain with pills, they will not relieve you of the cause, but will only delay the next attack.

Important: if the unpleasant sensation lasts and does not go away within a couple of days, consult a doctor.


Accompanied by nausea, blurred vision and an irritable reaction to light sources. It is considered an independent disease, and patients with this diagnosis need regular visits to the doctor. The pain is sharp, throbbing. Most often it appears in the temporal zones, spreading in impulses.

Problems with the spinal column

Incorrect position upper sections of the spine, when the base of the skeleton is curvature, it provokes compression cervical nerve. The pain is acute, intense and is often accompanied by limited mobility of the affected area: the head cannot turn in some directions. With acupressure therapy, you can temporarily relieve pain by soothing the tense nerve. But you still have to go to the doctor, otherwise stiffness and discomfort will become your constant companions.

Stagnation in the intestines

Constipation is often accompanied by pain in the frontal lobe of the brain. Acupuncture massage in this case allows you to get rid of the symptom and the problem itself, improving bowel function.


Sharp jumps blood pressure provoke pain in the temples and back of the head. Proper impact on specific areas for such symptoms helps restore the optimal balance of blood circulation for the body and thereby get rid of unpleasant sensations.


Not all doctors can say with precision why some people’s bodies react with pain to various atmospheric phenomena. But the fact remains: in the event of a sudden change in weather, severe thunderstorms, hurricanes, etc. similar phenomena weather-sensitive people experience headaches, joint aches, and other unpleasant symptoms, which disappear without a trace as soon as the weather improves. Medicines in such cases do not always help and you have to look for other ways to deal with aching pain, which does not give rest. Acupressure is a great way to help overcome unfavorable times. weather for the body with minimal discomfort.


Painful sensations occur due to accumulated fluid in the sinuses. A filled reservoir puts pressure on the nerves, which signal the brain about a problem. Pain is concentrated in the frontal lobe with variable pulling sensations all over the face.


Tension headaches are a consequence of stress, which affects 90% of working-age citizens. Overload of the body due to lack of normal rest, regular sleep, nutrition and the right image life leads to systematic attacks of pain in the head. The sensations can be of a different nature: from acute to fascicular and pulling, but they are all caused by nervous overstrain. Associated symptoms: hair loss, crumbling nails, teeth, bad condition skin, low immunity.

The effects of acupressure

Even in ancient times, Eastern healers discovered the presence of many points on the human body, which are a kind of “application” to nerve endings. Proper influence on them helps to get rid of a number of unpleasant sensations of different nature, and systematic exposure helps in the fight against illnesses.

Acupuncture is a Latin term (acus - needle, pungere - prick), which the inventors of this technique did not know, and it appeared much later than the practice itself. This method is better known as acupressure self-massage. It is done by hand, and in salons - with special needles. The use of special devices without proper skills and knowledge is prohibited. The work is “jewelry”, the impact occurs on points connected to nerve endings, and the damage caused can be critical.

At home, manual manipulation is enough to relieve headache symptoms.

The specificity of acupressure lies in the ability to calculate cun - the individual distance between points. They are different for each person, which is why the technique is considered complex.

For example, when determining the cun when getting rid of migraine symptoms, you should bend middle finger crochet (if you are giving a massage to someone, then we're talking about not about your hand, but the patient's hand) and estimate the size of one phalanx. Using these measurements, the length is calculated.

The pattern of points is standard, but, as already mentioned, the distance between them is slightly different, especially if a person high growth. Incorrectly determined position of the points will aggravate the condition of the area affected by the nerve.

Mechanical stimulation provokes the formation of an impulse that tends to the thalamus, and then the cerebral cortex, where a reaction to the stimulus is formed. In our case, this is a decrease and disappearance pain syndrome in my head.

Location of acupuncture points

Reflex areas on the body are not visually distinguished by anything, therefore they are determined by characteristic features and landmarks - depressions, folds, protrusions.

Interesting: under a microscope, the reflex zone looks like a cluster of nerve cells.

When pressing on the point, a person may feel:

  • local or shooting pain;
  • a feeling similar to a weak electric shock;
  • numbness;
  • the appearance of “goose bumps”;
  • pleasant warmth.

Depending on a person’s condition, the area of ​​biologically active zones changes: for a sleeping person this point has a diameter of 1 mm, and for a waking person it is 1 cm. The skin temperature in these areas is slightly higher than normal.

Areas on the head

On the hand

On the foot

  • Kun-Lun "river". Relates to bladder, but helps in the fight against pain in the head and neck. Located on the foot, in a depression.
  • Zhi-yin “to achieve yin.” Lives on the little finger, 3 mm from the nail plate.
  • Tzu-san-li "longevity". Count 3 cun down from the popliteal fossa and 1 cun to the outside of the shin.
  • Tzu-lin-chi or shao-yang (VB 41) “tree”. At the top of the foot, 2.5 cm above the indentation between the little toe and ring toe.

It is enough to select several points. You don't have to affect everything.

To make it easier to discover reflex zones, use the point maps in the photo.

Technique for relieving headaches using acupressure

Acupuncture or Chinese method Shiatsu is easy to implement, even if you are planning to do it yourself, but only if you correctly calculate the location of the reflex zone.


Manual acupressure does not leave bruises. If a hematoma appears, it means you did something wrong or the massage parlor you went to hired incompetent specialists.