How and where does the ovary hurt? What pathologies can cause discomfort in the left ovary

Pain in the ovaries is the “curse” of young women and the most common complaint, with which they, unfortunately, do not often rush to the gynecologist.

Why do my ovaries hurt? Only a gynecologist can answer this question 100%, because the reasons why pain occurs are very diverse:

  • violations of the normal physiological position of the appendages, uterus or anomaly of their development;
  • pathologies of the monthly cycle;
  • inflammatory processes and diseases (and not only gynecological);
  • hormonal imbalances in the body;
  • development of benign or malignant tumors and formations.

We hope that the descriptions below will help women get their bearings and quickly contact a specialist.

Pain in the lumbar region and lower abdomen

In 90% of cases, girls and young women complain of simultaneous pain in the ovarian region and at the lumbar level. Banal prolonged hypothermia is the first reason for the occurrence of such unpleasant sensations. If hypothermia is excluded, then this indicates the presence of one or more pathologies of the genitourinary system, for the diagnosis of which great importance has the nature of pain, frequency of occurrence, as well as its duration.

Ovarian cyst rupture

The occurrence of pain in such a localization should alert a woman - they are considered the first harbingers of a burst cystic capsule and precede severe pain “dagger” syndrome. The pain in the ovary intensifies very strongly and increases only on one side, purulent or bloody discharge appears, vaginal bleeding opens, nausea and fever rise, then an urgent call for an ambulance is the only correct decision.

Ovarian cyst, adnexitis, inflammation of the appendages

Is it necessary to do something if there is prolonged discomfort in the lumbar region, but the ovaries do not hurt much and nothing else bothers you? With such seemingly insignificant complaints, after all it's worth visiting a gynecologist– these may be the initial symptoms of the early stage of adnexitis (inflammation of the ovaries) or the development of cystic formations on the ovaries.

    lumbosacral region- a sure sign of inflammation of the appendages (oophoritis). In this case, pain in the right ovary is observed much more often than pain in the left ovary.
  • Hurts left ovary, pulls the lower abdomen only on the right side, ache in the back? In this case, you need to do an ultrasound, make sure there is no cystic formation and begin treatment of right-sided adnexitis or ophitis.
  • Does your right ovary hurt? In this case, you need to be more alert and monitor changes in your well-being. Despite the fact that the right-sided localization of cystic blisters is observed almost 2 times more often, acute appendicitis also falls under the same painful symptoms, the treatment of which is not provided and surgical intervention is required.


Acute and chronic cystitis is another reason for pain in the lower abdomen and back. In addition to severe paroxysmal pain, the following symptoms are indicative of the disease:

  • increase or decrease in temperature;
  • nausea (up to vomiting);
  • frequent and false urge to urinate, which may be painful at the end of the act.

During periods of exacerbation There may be blood in the urine and slight spotting. Cystitis cannot be ignored. The chronic form can lead to interstitial cystitis, which requires lifelong treatment.


Do not underestimate such a disease as thrush. Starting with a trifle white discharge and slight itching, in case of neglect and ignoring treatment, the “trifle” develops into a chronicle. Therefore, you may not be surprised when pain in the lower abdomen, appendages and lumbosacral region, after a visit to the gynecologist, turns into a diagnosis infertility due to chronic thrush.

Ovulatory syndrome

Dull and aching pain in the ovaries, sometimes with slight spotting, and back pain can occur in the middle of the menstrual cycle. At the moment of ovulation, when the ovarian follicle bursts and the mature egg is released, a slight hemorrhage occurs. The cause of pain is blood entering the peritoneum. The duration of such pain is short - from 15 minutes to several hours. The pain occurs alternately and only on one side:

  • pain in the right ovary indicates that during this monthly cycle, it was he who did the work of “growing” the egg;
  • pain in the left ovary - signals its monthly activity.

You should not be surprised if there is a malfunction in the order of the ovaries. Pain in the right ovary can be observed several times in a row - according to nature’s orders, it is almost 2 times more active than the left one.

The cramping, spasmodic pain that occurs on the eve of menstruation is caused by the production of specific hormones - prostaglandins - during this period. For half of women, such moderate discomfort does not cause any particular problems. Treatment consists of taking painkillers and antispasmodic drugs, reducing physical activity, maintaining peace and avoiding conflict situations.

When the pain syndrome before critical days becomes increasing in nature, the pain is described as subacute, menstruation lasts longer than usual, nausea appears and body temperature rises slightly - this indicates inflammatory processes in the ovaries and/or uterus.

Endometriosis, fibroma

If a woman has severe pain in her ovaries during menstruation, her back is strained, and she experiences heavy bleeding, then these are clear signs of fibroids, fibromyomas, or endometriosis.

In fact, during menstruation they hurt not ovaries, but a contracting uterus. Such contractions are needed to free its cavity from “unnecessary” endometrium. Therefore, severe pain indicates diseases of the uterus, not the ovaries.

To avoid persistent infertility, these pathologies require urgent treatment.


During pregnancy, complaints of pain in the lower abdomen and lumbar region are due to an increase in the load on the spinal column. But in the early stages of pregnancy, when the weight of the fetus and the weight of the woman herself have not yet increased significantly, such complaints may signal a threat of miscarriage.

If the pulling sensation does not cause pain, but is quite uncomfortable and occurs after the 20th week, false Braxton-Hicks contractions can be suspected. The reason for this phenomenon is considered to be increased excitability of the uterus, which does not require special treatment and goes away after taking warm water procedures and walking at a calm pace.

Ovarian hyperstimulation syndrome

The reason for the occurrence of acute lumbar pain and tension in the ovarian area may be the procedure of drug stimulation of ovulation. Symptoms may occur immediately or up to 7 days after and do not always indicate a positive result.

As a result of an incorrectly selected dose of stimulant drugs, and most often due to an overdose of stimulant tablets by women and improper dilution of the powder, hCG develops hyperstimulation syndrome.

In mild form, it causes discomfort in the lower abdomen and lumbosacral region, the ovaries increase in size and are tense, and the abdomen is often bloated. In more severe cases, fluid accumulates in the peritoneum, the ovaries clearly hurt, metabolism is disrupted, and the woman often gains weight.

Treatment consists of stopping any stimulant medications.

Chronic pelvic pain

Painful symptoms in the lower abdomen and below the level of the kidneys that persist for more than 6 months are called chronic pelvic pain. In 75% of cases it is caused by advanced gynecological diseases. The remaining 25% are classified as diseases that affect both women and men equally:

  • development of adhesions in the pelvic area;
  • diseases of the rectum and bladder pathologies;
  • intervertebral hernia or vertebral lesions (arthritis, arthrosis);
  • stroke;
  • osteoporosis;
  • in men - prostatitis.

Genital tract infections

If you experience mild pain localized in the lower abdomen and back, as well as a slight increase in temperature, you should undergo an examination and rule out:

  • chlamydia;
  • ureaplasmosis;
  • mycoplasmosis;
  • gonorrhea.

Throbbing pain

Pains of a pulsating nature require special attention, especially if they last more than half an hour.

If there is pulsation on the left, the left ovary hurts, the temperature rises and general weakness occurs, then you should immediately consult a doctor or call an ambulance. If you contact your doctor with questions about why your left ovary hurts and what to do, you will probably hear in response - immediate hospitalization, you torsion of cystic ovarian pedicle!

The peculiarity of the location of the right ovary can cause pulsation in the lower abdomen on the right after curettage of the uterus or hysteroscopy. If the pulsation occurs for no apparent reason, the pain increases, bloody discharge appears, the temperature rises, then the advice is the same - call an ambulance immediately! Not only can the cystic pedicle twist on the right side. Ectopic pregnancy (torsion, rupture of the tube), spontaneous abortion or ruptured appendicitis are the reasons that cause pulsation and pain in the right ovary.

Pain in the ovaries that radiates to the leg

Pulsation in the right, left or simultaneously in both ovaries, accompanied by a variety of pain that radiates to the left or right leg, occurs due to increased pressure on the pelvic organs. They can:

  • be a consequence of complications of a femoral or inguinal hernia;
  • indicate suppuration of the uterine appendages;
  • indicate the development of acute appendicitis.

Acute severe pain in the ovaries

Question: “Why do the ovaries hurt and what to do?” in case of severe and acute pain, it is not just inappropriate. Seek emergency medical help immediately - this is what you need to do in such a situation. Such pain signals the following pathologies requiring immediate hospitalization:

  • apoplexy and rupture of the ovary, which can even occur as a result of the release of an egg from an inflamed ovary;
  • pelvioperitonitis - a purulent process in the peritoneum;
  • ruptured cystic capsule or torsion of its legs;
  • ectopic pregnancy.

In addition to the listed reasons, when all organic causes are excluded, discomfort in the ovaries and pain can be caused by psychogenic factors and the woman should talk to a psychotherapist.

Only regular general medical examinations, mandatory annual examinations by a gynecologist, adherence to a healthy lifestyle and prompt, responsible treatment are a relative guarantee of preserving a woman’s health and fertility.

If the ovaries hurt, this may be a sign of a serious pathology. Self-medication is unacceptable here. In any case, you need to visit a specialist. Only a doctor can correctly prescribe treatment, taking into account all the characteristics of the patient’s body.

The ovaries are paired gonads located on either side of the uterus. They perform important work in a woman’s body, being sex and endocrine glands at the same time, i.e. glands of mixed secretion. The ovaries are the main reproductive organ of a woman, so their pathology should raise alarm first. At different periods of life, their function changes: it depends on age, phase of the menstrual cycle, state of health, pregnancy, etc. But this does not make them any less important. Unfortunately, they are the ones most often susceptible to various diseases.

Normally, the glands are similar to a peach pit, have a length of about 4 cm, a width of 2.5 cm, and a thickness of 1-1.5 cm. They have a thick, durable protein shell that acts as a barrier for these organs, protecting them from injury and inflammation. Therefore, for inflammation to occur, it is not enough for the pathogen to penetrate the ovary; it usually does not reach it; with good immunity, the appendages themselves cope with the infection. But if the body is weakened, immunity is reduced, there is an endocrine pathology, a gynecological pathological background, then inflammation develops.

Function in the body

Follicles mature in their ovaries. Their number is inherent by nature from birth in each woman about 500 thousand, but during her entire life only about 500 mature, i.e. 0.1% - this is such economical spending. And even fewer mature eggs are formed. Due to this whole complex process, a woman is able to reproduce for up to 48 years on average. The process of ovulation with the release of a mature egg, without which a woman cannot become a mother, also depends on the glands. The functioning and existence of the monthly cycle of menstruation and pregnancy depend on them. In addition, their functions include the production of female hormones, i.e. they perform the generative function and the work of the endocrine gland.

The very structure of the ovary is as follows: it has a stroma, i.e. connective tissue and a cortex in which follicles are located at various stages of maturity. The initial follicle has several stages of growth. In the last, most mature stage, it already contains an egg, then the follicle is already considered antral, i.e. going out. Antral follicles contain up to 7 pieces, no more. They continue their development, and 1 or 2 of them begin to overtake their neighbors in development, preventing them from developing to their full potential. Follicles enlarged in this way are called dominant, i.e. prevailing. The whole process takes about 13 days, during which time the egg has time to mature, which, having matured, destroys the follicle shell and comes out into the abdominal cavity. This process is very important, it is called ovulation.

If within 2 days the sperm does not fertilize the egg, it dies, passes into the tubes, from there descends into the uterine cavity, and is then excreted with menstrual blood. The remaining follicles regress, first turning into so-called white bodies, and then completely dissolving, freeing up space for new follicles. Special sections (upper areas) in the ovary produce hormones: progesterone, prolactin, estrogens, progestins, and a small amount of male sex hormones - androgens. Usually 1 egg matures in 1 cycle, rarely 2.

The ovaries function throughout the reproductive period. Then, by the onset of menopause, they fade away; during menopause, they stop producing estrogens, shrink, decrease in size by half, and the woman ages. The endocrine glands of the entire human body are always closely interconnected, more than other systems. In this case, it is similar: in order for the follicles to mature, they must be helped by FSH (follicle-stimulating hormone), which is supplied by the pituitary gland. And their further maturation depends on the hormones of the adrenal glands. If, due to disruption of the adrenal glands, ovulation does not occur in the follicles, they increase in size, almost 5 times, begin to fill with fluid, thus turning into cysts. Polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS) develops; the incidence of polycystic disease is only about 5% of cases of gynecological pathologies.

In other cases, due to disturbances and failure of hormones, follicles accumulate, they all mature, their number is increased to 8-12 pieces, this is called multifollicular ovaries (MFO) - their frequency is higher, about 25%. The ovaries have few nerve endings, this indicates their peculiar tolerance to pain. But if the pain appears, then you cannot put off the problem for later, you need to urgently go to the doctor. Partially, a significant role in the disruption of ovarian function is played by a woman’s hypothermia, which is greatly facilitated by the modern fashion for bare navels, low-rise trousers, and wearing minis. The desire to be at the level of modernity and slimness, the reluctance to keep warm in the cold, when all the girls’ clothing in winter consists of light jackets, and the lower part of the body is insulated only by thongs and thin tights. For such a desire to be in the center of attention, girls later pay with inflammatory processes in the genital organs, because hypothermia and infections have not yet been canceled.

Impaired ovarian function can be suggested by periodically occurring pain of various types. Based on the nature of the pain, gynecologists can immediately predict their causes. The pain can be aching, unpleasant sensations in the lower abdomen and side, they can involve the lower back, perineum, there are pains that are sharp, acute, paroxysmal, this is evidence of an emergency condition.

Pathological causes

In the absence of pregnancy, the causes of pain can be:

  1. Ovarian dysfunction. Their signs: menstrual irregularities, menorrhagia, or oligomenorrhea, habitual miscarriages, paroxysmal, aching, nagging pain in the lower abdomen, radiating to the lower back and sacrum, severe PMS, acyclic bleeding or amenorrhea (absence of menstruation for more than six months).
  2. Inflammation of the glands (oophoritis), inflammation of the tubes (salpingitis) - the cause is always an infection. Infections may also include STIs: chlamydia, ureaplasma, mycoplasma. In this case, periodic pain in the lower abdomen radiating to the lower back, there may be a high temperature, and the discharge may be purulent in nature. Treatment is mandatory, otherwise infertility may occur.
  3. Inflammation of the appendages (the uterus also has its own appendages). If the fallopian tubes are also affected, then salpingoophoritis or adnexitis are similar symptoms. But the pain can also be more constant, it can radiate to the lower back and sacrum, it is dull, aching, and one-sided. In this case, adhesions form on the pipes, causing discomfort when urinating. The course of the disease has a wave-like character. During an exacerbation, the temperature rises to 37-38°C, there may be chills, weakness, discharge with an unpleasant odor and pus, menstrual irregularities, and decreased libido. Symptoms intensify with hypothermia, decreased immunity, and stress. Inflammation of the right ovary is more common.
  4. Cyst - at first the ovary does not hurt, the cyst is asymptomatic, then pain appears as the cyst grows and increases in size. In this case, the peripheral nerves and neighboring organs are compressed, the pain comes only on one side, in attacks, the nature of the pain is nagging, aching, a feeling of heaviness in the lower abdomen, dyspareunia, cycle disruption, abdominal enlargement. When the cyst stalk is twisted, it can rupture due to circulatory problems; its contents spill into the abdominal cavity, which causes peritonitis. At the same time, severe pain of a dagger-like nature occurs, more often on the right side, bloody discharge appears, sometimes with pus, odor, nausea and vomiting, and fever. Pain during torsion is pulsating, on the one hand, the Shchetkin-Blumberg symptom, loss of consciousness may occur, the condition is considered urgent. In addition, with torsion, necrosis and inflammation of the ovary develop.
  5. Myomas and fibroids - the lower abdomen hurts severely during menstruation, lower back pain, severe bleeding. In fact, the pain arises from the uterus: it contracts, pushing out unnecessary endometrium.
  6. Apoplexy (rupture) - this can occur during ovulation, the cause is heavy lifting, taking COCs, excessive physical exertion, the consequence can be peritonitis. It is accompanied by nausea, vomiting, and fainting. More often the rupture occurs on the right. The pain is diffuse, sharp, and radiates to the lower back, rectum and legs. During the operation, the ovary may be sutured.
  7. Ovarian hyperstimulation - appears during the treatment of women for infertility, is its side effect, the ovaries can in these cases increase significantly in size, small cysts appear in them, there can be a lot of them. Weight gain, flatulence, shortness of breath, abdominal ascites, effusion in the pleural cavity, and oliguria are noted.
  8. The tumor does not manifest itself in any way at first, but as it grows, dull aching pains appear in the lower abdomen, often on one side, and are not associated with the menstrual cycle. When a growing tumor compresses neighboring organs, their functions may be disrupted, the abdomen increases in size, and large tumors can be detected by palpation. For diagnosis, ultrasound, MRI, and, if necessary, laparoscopy are necessary. With oncology, weight loss occurs, malaise, weakness, and deterioration of well-being occur. With cancer, the entire menstrual cycle is disrupted.
  9. Ovulatory syndrome - stomach pain before or during menstruation, this is due to the course of the menstrual cycle.
  10. Endometriosis - occurs in women after 45 years of age, 2 cases per 1000 people, with the growth of the inner layer, similar to the endometrium, in the ovaries, tubes, and abdominal cavity. With significant growth, aching pain is observed in the lower abdomen, radiating to the rectum and lower back. Urination becomes painful, the mucous elements of the uterine membrane are carried into the abdominal cavity with the flow of menstrual blood, grow and bleed during each cycle. If left untreated, adhesions and infertility develop.
  11. PCOS - with this pathology, a large number of growths form around the ovary. The menstrual cycle becomes disrupted, weight increases, hair falls out, acne appears, oily skin appears on the face, and male secondary sexual characteristics appear. The pain is one-sided, radiates to the pelvic area, and appears periodically.
  12. MFN - there are no special pathognomonic symptoms. There may be irregularity in the onset of menstruation with a prolonged cycle of up to 40-50 days, sometimes it is absent for six months. When it occurs, it is scanty (oligomenorrhea), and nagging pain in the lower abdomen may be noted. Hyperandrogenic symptoms often begin to appear in the form of a decrease in the tone of the voice, increased facial hair, oily seborrhea of ​​the face and scalp, acne, rashes on the body and face, and weight gain begins for no apparent reason. Such hyperandrogenic symptoms indicate that MFJ has entered the initial stage of PCOS. By the way, PCOS most often affects the right ovary.
  13. Hormonal disturbances in the functioning of the ovaries - pain occurs due to fatigue during childbirth, lactation. The ovaries hurt during pregnancy and menopause; over time, these abnormalities go away without treatment.
  14. Pain after surgery. After the puncture, they are aching, pulling, there may be spotting, flatulence, during laparoscopy in the presence of adhesions, postoperative bleeding. The larger the operation, the greater the pain.

Pain during pregnancy

During pregnancy, the following types of pain may occur:

  1. Pregnancy can cause this condition. This is due to an increase in the load on the spinal column.
  2. Pain may occur, but not as a result of pathology, but due to a change in the position of the uterus: it rises above its normal level and strains the supporting ligaments, i.e. the load on the ligamentous apparatus increases.
  3. Pain may result from intestinal colic.
  4. Braxton-Hicks false contractions - after the 20th week of pregnancy, a nagging sensation of discomfort may appear. This is due to increased excitability of the uterus. No treatment is required, just take a warm bath and a quiet walk.
  5. Spontaneous abortion - severe pain in the sacrum, lower abdomen and heavy bleeding, both symptoms appear simultaneously.
  6. Pain in the ovaries in the middle of the 1st trimester of pregnancy (1.5-2 months of pregnancy) - can occur with a corpus luteum cyst. The sensations in the abdomen are unpleasant; as the fetus develops, the corpus luteum regresses and the pain goes away.
  7. Pregnancy pathologies: abnormal low position of the fetus, placental abruption, fetal hypoxia, increased uterine tone.

What else could cause the symptom?

After sex, pain can be caused by choosing the wrong position, vaginal dryness due to low secretion production. In addition, dyspareunia appears as a result of the presence of STIs, tumors, cysts, and inflammation of the cervix.

In women of a hysterical nature, pain, often before menstruation, can be bothersome without any reason. Sometimes symptoms of diseases of neighboring organs can also cause painful symptoms in the lower abdomen, for example: diseases of the kidneys, intestines, bladder, and with these pathologies the pain is most often on the left. Therefore, if ovarian pathology is excluded during examination, you should be examined by a therapist. If the pain is pulsating in nature, radiates to the leg, occurs either on the right or on the left, this indicates increased pressure on the organs in the pelvis. This happens with a complicated hernia, inguinal or femoral, purulent processes in the uterine appendages, acute appendicitis.

Provoking factors

Decreased immunity, infections, hypothermia, hypothyroidism, diabetes mellitus, diseases of the pituitary gland, adrenal glands, tumors of the pituitary gland, hypothalamus, thyroid gland - with all these pathologies, hormonal imbalances are noted, which cannot but affect the ovaries. Insolation, radiation, taking certain medications, overheating, stress, malnutrition, acclimatization, fasting, hypovitaminosis, especially vitamins C and E, also provoke pain in the ovaries. Other reasons: poor environment, work in hazardous industries, prolonged nervous tension, smoking, menstrual irregularities, abortions, abnormal placement of the IUD.

Clinical manifestations

First of all, these will be the following symptoms: menstrual irregularities, constant nagging, stabbing, cutting pain in the lower abdomen, before or during menstruation. Pain can radiate to the lower back, perineum, and sacrum. There are skin rashes, nausea, constipation, loss of appetite, constant low fever, malaise, weakness, dizziness, headaches, irritability, fatigue, poor sleep, painful urination. A reaction to ovarian pathology may include symptoms in the form of discharge: if it has an odor, is yellowish or dark in color, you should definitely consult a doctor. There is a relatively new concept in gynecology: ovulatory syndrome - pain persists after ovulation, appears before or during menstruation.

When the level of estrogen decreases during phase 1 of the cycle, towards its end, part of the endometrial mucous layer is torn off, which causes pain and spotting for 1-2 days at the beginning of bleeding. Sometimes pain occurs before menstruation a few days before, but often in the middle of the cycle, within 13-15 days - this is the so-called fertile window or fertile days - the time most favorable for conception. At this time, the egg destroys the follicle membrane and exits into the fallopian tubes. At the same time, a small amount of blood is released into the abdominal cavity, which causes pain; it can go away in a few minutes, sometimes longer, but not more than a few hours. The pain is nagging, dull. At different cycles, in accordance with physiology, pain may appear either in the right or left side. Pain during menstruation is not associated with the ovaries, it is associated with the rejection of the endometrium, and contractions of the uterus to expel it, the so-called microbirth. The pain is diffuse, dull, throughout the abdomen, especially in the lower center.

Causes of pain in the left ovary: it is most susceptible to inflammatory processes, infection. It was noticed that the cyst on the left is functional in nature, i.e. there are no organic changes, it resolves on its own or sometimes after a course of hormone therapy, without treatment. In some cases, it is not forbidden to apply heat. Other reasons: torsion of the cyst stalk, ovulatory syndrome.

If it stings on the right: ovarian apoplexy, inflammation, unsettled menstrual cycle, tumors, hormonal imbalances, and the risk of ectopic pregnancy are more often noted here. Cysts on the right require mandatory treatment; they do not resolve on their own. Treatment is usually surgical, followed by hormones and antibiotic therapy. It should be noted that even after the operation, at 1 month, pain appears in the lower abdomen on the right, but this is a variant of the norm, a reaction to the removal of living tissue.

Diagnostic measures

It is imperative to take a medical history, a gynecological examination, during which the size of the uterus and ovaries is noted, palpation of the site of pain, ultrasound, CT, MRI, colposcopy, and in case of infections - bacterial smear culture. If necessary, laparoscopy and x-rays, hormonal studies are performed. By the way, blood is given for some hormones at the beginning of the cycle, others - in the 2nd phase of the cycle, smear cytology, biopsy.

What should the treatment be?

For inflammatory etiology and the presence of infection - antibacterial therapy, for viral etiology - antiviral drugs. From various groups of antibiotics, penicillins, tetracyclines, fluoroquinolones, cephalosporins, as well as representatives of macrolides are used:

  1. Of the tetracyclines, Doxycycline, Vibramycin, Tetracycline hydrochloride, Tetraolean, Unidox, etc. are often used.
  2. Of the macrolides, the most popular and convenient to use are Azithromycin, Erythromycin, Sumamed, Roxithromycin, Josamycin, Spiramycin, etc.
  3. Frequently used fluoroquinolones - Ciprofloxacin, Tsifran, Tsiprolet, Ofloxacin, Levofloxacin, etc. Penicillin antibiotics - Ampicillin, Ampiox, Penicillin, Augmentin, Amoxiclav, Amoxicillin, Amosin, Hiconcil, Flemoxin Solutab.
  4. Cephalosporins - Ceftriaxone, Cedex, Ceftibuten, Ceftazidime, Cephalexin, Cefotaxime, Cefuroxime.
  5. When immunity decreases, immunomodulators - Interferon, Polyoxidonium, Cycloferon, Timalin, Neovitin, Taquitin, Derinat.

In case of infection, treatment should be carried out together with a partner. After antibiotics, it is mandatory to take probiotics to restore the beneficial microflora of the vagina and intestines: Lactobacterin, Bifidobacterin, Linex, Bifiform, Enterol, etc.

Antibacterial therapy is always complex; in addition to it, antimicrobial drugs Metronidazole, Urotropin, Trichopolum, and antifungal drugs (Nizoral, Nystatin, Terbinafine, etc.) are prescribed.

Physiotherapy is widely used to prevent adhesions: diathermy, UHF, magnetic therapy, laser treatment, iontophoresis, amplipulse. Hormonal therapy - according to indications Duphaston, OK - Marvelon, Zhanin, Yarina, Novinet, etc. as prescribed by the gynecologist. If there is pain in the right ovary, there is most likely a pathology of the kidneys or bladder, because it is closer to them. The pain is often spasmodic in nature, so it is possible to use analgesics for it: Baralgin, Analgin, Tempalgin, Tramadol, etc. Antispasmodics include No-shpa, Papaverine, Spazmex. In this case, traditional medicine recommends chamomile tea. For pain in the left ovary, pay attention to the condition of the intestines, and include bran, fresh vegetables and fruits in the treatment.

Often a woman, feeling pain in the lower abdomen, cannot determine where it hurts. How to understand what exactly is wrong? And aren't these ovaries?

Pain when a cyst occurs

A cyst is a benign formation in the ovary, a sac filled with fluid. If a cyst on the ovary has grown to a large size, it begins to put pressure on neighboring organs, which causes pain. And an ovarian cyst can cause sharp pain in the lower abdomen during sexual intercourse or physical activity, frequent urination, nausea, vomiting... By the way, in some women the cyst does not manifest itself in any way, it is discovered by chance, on an ultrasound. The cyst may twist or rupture, causing severe pain. In this case, urgent surgical intervention is required, otherwise peritonitis may occur. If the cyst is small, it may manifest as pain radiating to the back, reminiscent of the pain of osteochondrosis.

Pain during ovulation

This is physiological pain when the egg leaves the follicle. The pain is dull and concentrated in the ovaries. As a rule, it occurs on one side 14 days before the next menstruation. Most often, this does not require visiting a doctor. If the pain becomes unbearable, the doctor prescribes painkillers or contraceptives that prevent ovulation. If there is chronic inflammation or adhesions, then the pain is more severe.

Pain due to inflammation of the ovaries (adnexitis)

It occurs periodically in the lower abdomen. In this case, the pain radiates to the leg or back. The intensity of the pain varies, sometimes it is so strong that the woman cannot straighten her back. Adnexitis can be treated well if correct and timely treatment is prescribed. Recovery comes quickly. But if you do not see a doctor in time, the disease will become chronic and will periodically bother the woman with nagging pain.

Pain during ectopic pregnancy

As with normal pregnancy, there may be a tugging in the lower abdomen. The fact that this is an ectopic pregnancy may be indicated by increased sensitivity and pain in the suprapubic region, and it occurs only on one side. Spasms in the pelvic area, painful false urge to defecate, bleeding, nausea, and frequent vomiting may also be observed.

Pain with oophoritis

Oophoritis is an inflammatory process in the ovarian appendages. It hurts not just in the lower abdomen, but in the area of ​​the ovaries themselves, and this pain is sharp, unlike the pain with adnexitis, it is cramping, comes in attacks, but there are also aching pains. Oophoritis occurs against the background of a decrease in the body's defenses. The woman experiences drowsiness and weakness.

V. I. Drobinina, gynecologist, doctor of the highest category

The occurrence of pain in the ovaries is a very alarming signal in the life of a healthy woman. If symptoms occur, you should not put off seeing a doctor until later, as the reproductive system of the female body may be damaged. Remember that only a qualified specialist can accurately diagnose and prescribe the correct treatment.

To make an initial attempt to diagnose pain, you need to understand exactly what is hurting you.

Causes of pain in the ovaries

Most often, pain occurs due to a number of reasons, among which the most common are:

  • hormonal imbalances;
  • disturbed position of the uterus and its tributaries;
  • tumors;
  • inflammation;
  • phenomena of internal female organs;
  • problems during menstruation.

Most often, pain in the ovaries can be observed immediately before the onset of menstruation. The process of forming a new “yellow” body (necessary for the production of the female hormone progesterone) in place of the “old” egg causes partial detachment of the uterine mucosa.

So, during menstruation, periodic pain (in the right or left ovary, where the ovulation process occurred) is caused by the birth of a new organ. In this case, there is a slight spotting discharge.

If pain occurs during menstruation, it is explained by the fact that as the new egg matures, it leaves the “cell” of the ovary. During this process, a small rupture occurs, accompanied by bleeding into the abdominal cavity and a feeling of pain.

Drawing pain in the ovaries

The most common cause of nagging pain in the ovaries is pregnancy. If you have a menstrual cycle disorder, you need to donate blood for a b-hCG test, which will definitely help identify a possible pregnancy. Of course, you need to see a gynecologist and undergo a pelvic ultrasound.

In addition to pregnancy, the causes of nagging pain in the ovaries can be an inflammatory process caused by an infection or any hormonal disorders.

If you notice sharp pain in the ovaries, you need to contact a specialist as soon as possible. One of the most common causes of severe pain in the ovarian area may be torsion of the cyst stalk or polycystic disease.

Polycystic disease is a pathology of the female genital organs, as a result of which a large number of small cysts appear on the surface of the ovarian membrane.

Symptoms of polycystic disease:

  • Menstruation irregularities (either lack of discharge or, on the contrary, excessive discharge).
  • The appearance of pimples and blackheads, obesity, hair loss.
  • The size of the ovaries is above average (detected by ultrasound of the pelvis).
  • Periodically recurring pain in the pelvic area.

Aching pain in the ovaries

There may be several reasons for the occurrence of aching pain in the ovaries, among which is the banal menstrual cycle. Another reason, and much more terrible, can be a number of ovarian diseases, such as a tumor (good or malignant) or ovarian endometriosis.

Endometriosis is the introduction of mucous elements of the uterine lining with the flow of menstrual blood into the abdominal cavity. The mucous membranes begin to grow and bleed during each period.

Remember that these diseases occur mainly in women over 45 years of age, and occur on average in 2 per 1000 people.