Why is he so sleepy during the day. Why have I been feeling sleepy all the time lately, I’m constantly falling asleep, like I’m not pregnant! Winter hibernation and weather conditions

The human brain, unlike a TV or a computer, cannot be turned off so that it can have a normal rest. That is why our body is designed in such a way that the brain fully rests only during sleep.

But to be absolutely precise, during sleep, the brain does not rest, but begins to work in a completely different way.

When we sleep, the blood flow through the vessels of our brain is reduced by almost half, which results in a simplified work of the brain, which tries to fall asleep as soon as possible in order to restore physical forces organism. It often happens that a person is tormented by drowsiness even in daytime days.

Constant sleepiness

The causes of drowsiness can be very diverse, but despite this, the desire to sleep is an absolutely natural desire, in which there is nothing wrong, because in this way our body fights various diseases on its own without any intervention.

Many have probably heard that at the time of sleep everything life processes in our body slow down, which allows our brain to throw all its strength into restoring the body and achieving harmony. All forms physical fatigue send special signals to the brain, which it perceives as a need for recuperation. In particular, drowsiness takes possession of our body in the following cases:

Right after a meal or when it rains

When a person has a hearty lunch, then literally in five to ten minutes he begins to fall asleep. The point is that after eating most of blood rushes to the intestines and stomach, and on the contrary, it ebbs from the brain.

As a result, cells human brain for lack of the required amount of blood, they begin to work not at full capacity. That is why a person begins to sleep. The reverse phenomenon is overexcitation, after which blood flows into the brain in large quantities, which naturally prevents normal sleep.

This may happen due to an upcoming event or nervous breakdown. In this case, our brain cells work more than intensively and do not allow us to fall asleep normally.

When it rains, atmospheric pressure drops, which leads to a decrease in the amount of oxygen in the air. As a result, the brain cannot get the right amount of energy and the person is drawn to sleep.

In winter time

At this time of the year, the air is very rarefied, and the oxygen content in it decreases significantly. Thus, in winter, a person receives less oxygen than is required for active image life.

Among other things, in winter people cannot eat enough fruits and vegetables, which in turn leads to beriberi. Together, the lack of vitamins and oxygen greatly affects the performance of the body. As a result, brain activity decreases and a person tends to sleep.

Often a constant desire to sleep occurs in those people who for a long time stay in an unventilated area. In winter, this problem is more than relevant, since people very rarely ventilate the apartment in order to save money. In addition, the means of heating greatly dry the air, which ultimately leads to a significant lack of oxygen. Thus, we can conclude that for normal life it is necessary to constantly ventilate the room.

Chronic sleep deprivation

Many people, without noticing it, constantly lack sleep, leaving too little time for sleep. In such cases wonder severe drowsiness in the daytime, to say the least, silly.

Probably everyone knows that our brain includes special " The biological clock”, which count the daily cycles. After fifteen to sixteen hours of wakefulness, a person begins to fall asleep, which is completely natural, since the brain switches to recovery mode.

If a person violates his sleep regimen, then he naturally begins to overcome drowsiness in the daytime. To combat drowsiness, first of all, of course, you need to establish a sleep pattern. You need to wake up and fall asleep at a certain time. In this case, brain function will improve, health will increase, and drowsiness will pass.

motion sickness

Any parent tries to rock his child so that he falls asleep as quickly as possible. But according to psychologists, it is absolutely not necessary to rock the children, because they already fall asleep perfectly, and this bad habit, instilled by their parents, remains with them for life.

It is for this reason that we tend to sleep in buses, trains and other means of transportation. The program, which the child acquired in childhood, in this case works flawlessly.

In this case, getting rid of drowsiness is almost impossible, especially if you have a long journey ahead. You can try to stock up on energy drinks or collect strong coffee in a thermos, but this is not a panacea for drowsiness.

Taking various medications

Often, frequent cravings for sleep are associated with medication, and in particular with sedatives. Also to the reasons increased sleepiness refer abuse alcoholic drinks and cigarettes, influence household chemicals, the use of preservatives and chemicals in food.

All modern medications possess side effects, but the most common of these is drowsiness. If such a drug is taken regularly, then constant drowsiness may develop, which can be eliminated by stopping the medication.


This is enough dangerous disease, which manifests itself through a short-term nocturnal cessation of breathing. In this case, the patient's sleep is always accompanied heavy snoring. The snoring that subsides for a few seconds is replaced by respiratory arrest.

Such a dream is not full and does not restore strength, so the brain tries to compensate for lack of sleep during the daytime. long current disease leads to the fact that a person develops constant drowsiness, which can only be overcome by curing the disease that provokes it.

It is impossible to identify such a disease on your own; a relative, spouse or spouse can help with this. You can also consult a doctor, suspecting a similar ailment, the doctor, based on the results of tests and examinations, will be able to say for sure whether there is a disease or not.


If your craving for sleep is not due to any of the above reasons, then it is best to visit a highly qualified doctor for a consultation. Often, constant drowsiness is a symptom of a more serious illness, such as hormonal imbalance, beriberi, anemia, depression, and more.

Do not turn a blind eye to constant drowsiness, because this is a kind of signal (symptom) of the body about chronic fatigue. Be sure to put your life in order, start with sleep and nutrition, rest and follow the rules of a healthy lifestyle. In no case do not abuse pills, drugs and alcohol. Drink only purified water whenever possible.

Try to eat only organic food purified from preservatives and chemicals. Periodically perform physical exercise. Don't use your sleep time for work or exercise. If you start constant drowsiness, then later it can result in health problems, impaired attention and memory, an inferior perception of life and depression.

Do not try to sleep off on a day off, this is unrealistic. Give up tea, coffee and other tonic drugs that interfere with normal sleep.

Notable time management export Gleb Arkhangelsky speaks well of sleep at work. According to him, if you can’t get enough sleep, then even a small sleep-hour in lunch break significantly increase labor productivity. We wrote about this yesterday. However, even if you had a good night's sleep, you can still feel sleepy at work.

There are a number of explanations why do you get sleepy during the day. The first is afternoon sleepiness. The body received new food during lunch and it needs to be digested. This requires energy. Especially if the dinner was especially tight. Therefore, the body, as it were, tells us - lie down and let me digest everything that you ate. The Spanish siesta is a break in the middle of the working day when employees can sleep.

As a rule, we are also affected by what exactly do we eat. Fast carbohydrates such as sweet milk chocolate give a powerful burst of energy, but then it is followed by a fairly quick and strong decline. It acts as an energy usurer, write the authors of the book Sugar Free (Mann Ivanov Ferber). Fatty foods are hard to digest and vice versa will make you sleepy. Slow carbohydrates are not digested instantly, so they give an even flow of energy for several hours. The Success Builder website writes that it also gives a lot of energy protein food. You need to make sure not only that the food helps you work, but also that the diet is generally healthy and contributes to long-term performance. Some object and believe that carbohydrates can drive you to sleep, and on the contrary, people get a burst of energy from fatty foods. I advise you to just observe how you feel after this or that food. And then - to draw conclusions.

The second reason why you get sleepy at work is, on the contrary, hunger. The brain (and muscles too) during work needs great amount energy. If you are hungry, then the body has nowhere to draw energy from. Therefore, you can safely say goodbye to high mental activity if you are hungry. You may think that you want to sleep, but nothing like that. Maybe you haven't eaten in a long time.

Just like hunger and lack of conditioned blood sugar, lack of oxygen can cause drowsiness, which, along with food, is used by the body to extract energy. Perhaps your office is too hot and stuffy? It's not just about ventilating rooms. Including in order to maintain high productivity.

Another one causes of sleepiness at work a sharp decline atmospheric pressure. Some people are especially weather sensitive and it really affects them. When you feel low on energy, it may be worth getting some sleep.

It is possible that you are sleepy at the workplace because the work has lost its former interest for you and you want to passive-aggressively withdraw from additional responsibilities or an important assignment. Maybe it's time to change something in your career?

And maybe you haven't been on vacation for a long time and the work weekend didn't do you any good. In this case, it can be useful to take additional days off and unwind a little.

Fitness is crying.

Low energy tone is also a consequence of sedentary seated image life. For many, fitness is crying. Obesity and poor metabolism are a poor assistant in both physical and mental work.

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Lack of energy, heavy eyelids closing, the desire to sleep for a couple of minutes in the middle of the working day, periodically occurs in everyone. Even drunk coffee does not save - irresistibly sleepy. Complete rest at night provides productive work during the day. At constant desire sleep, the quality of life is disturbed, the level of stress increases, neuroses can develop. Sleepiness is dangerous state, signaling brain hypoxia, insufficient oxygen supply. You can cope with functional failures on your own by restoring the energy potential.

Causes of sleepiness

Violation of night rest is one of the main factors in the occurrence of drowsiness. Unstable breathing during dreams, cardiovascular diseases, endocrine system lead to a decrease in the quality of sleep. With a decrease in body temperature to critical levels, the use of certain drugs is also observed similar condition. common cause increased drowsiness is the lack of daily routine. With regular daytime siesta, insomnia is observed at night, physiological rhythms and phases of dreams are confused.

Reasons why you constantly want to sleep:

  • with a long stay in one position, blood circulation is disturbed, work in a static position requires large energy resources, fatigue occurs faster than during activities related to light physical activity;
  • sleep apnea - pauses in breathing occur during sleep, lasting from a couple of seconds to several minutes, oxygen starvation also accompanied by headaches, chronic feeling of fatigue;
  • overwork, stress - the modern rhythm of life requires lightning-fast decisions, it starts to fall asleep, if the body needs a reboot, they turn on defense mechanisms immunity, to prevent the development of pathologies nervous system;
  • drowsiness is also observed with depression, a lack of hormones of neurotransmitters leads to an apathetic state, drug treatment is required;
  • taking drugs to normalize blood pressure can cause side effects, the desire to sleep also occurs in the treatment of allergies, mental and neurological disorders;
  • hidden inflammatory process in addition to drowsiness is accompanied frequent shifts mood, pressure surges, headaches, digestive disorders;
  • beriberi, anemia lead to circulatory disorders, there is weakness, irritability, pallor skin, the condition of hair, nails worsens;
  • bad habits - drinking alcohol, narcotic substances, smoking, illicit drugs often have sedative properties;
  • diseases internal organs cause daytime sleepiness, these include ischemia, atherosclerosis, bronchitis, pneumonia, arrhythmia.
The reason may be not only in the disease, but also in the banal stress.

Sleepiness after eating

After eating, relaxation sets in, there is a natural desire to sleep. The forces of the body are aimed at digesting food, the heartbeat slows down, the brain gives a feeling of peace.

Why can sleepiness occur after eating:

  • use simple carbohydrates leads to jumps sugar, energy is enough only for half an hour, after apathy sets in, there is a breakdown, introduction to the diet complex carbohydrates maintains normal state for 3-4 hours;
  • large portions and irregular meals lead to overeating, there is a desire to lie down and sleep until the entire volume is digested, the optimal frequency is to eat after 2-3 hours;
  • the lack of vegetables and fruits causes not only beriberi, but also problems with absorption nutrients, there is a deficit important elements, which reduces the energy potential, for the restoration of which you want to lie down;
  • violation of the water balance leads to malfunctions of metabolic processes, with dehydration, a decrease in blood pressure occurs, the pulse becomes weak, dizziness is possible, if you feel sleepy, you need to drink at least 1.5 liters daily clean water to keep you energized throughout the day.

What to do

Decreased mental and physical activity occurs when there is insufficient or ineffective rest. If you constantly get sleepy, then the body needs a full vacation. You should reconsider the daily routine, nutrition, habits, working conditions. But first of all, it is better to get enough sleep and only after that, with renewed vigor, proceed to the usual duties.

How to deal with sleepiness:

  1. It is important to establish a routine, get up and go to bed at about the same time. Before going to bed, be sure to ventilate the room. Helps restore full night sleep evening walk along the street.
  2. Worth giving up bad habits. Smoking and alcohol cause oxygen deficiency, the body works in a stressful mode, needs additional rest.
  3. It is necessary to reconsider your diet, be sure to introduce fruits and vegetables as the main sources of vitamins. They increase the energy potential, increase the ability to work. To feel cheerful, easily digestible proteins should be present in the diet. Low-fat varieties meat (turkey, rabbit, chicken), fish, seafood.

Watch your diet and water balance in organism.

4. You should limit the use of simple carbohydrates - sweets, bakery products, sweet carbonated drinks, snacks.

5. Increase the amount of time spent fresh air. Walking on sunny days is especially useful. Vitamin D is synthesized, which is necessary for a feeling of cheerfulness.

6. Sports activities activate the brain, accelerate blood circulation, provide a sufficient amount of oxygen. 15 minutes of physical activity daily is enough to maintain a healthy lifestyle.


Rational nutrition plays a decisive role in the formation of immunity, stress resistance, and is also reflected in mood. Physical and psychological condition must be supported by the intake of vitamins. It is important to know which elements will help restore energy potential, relieving drowsiness.

List of vitamins:

  • vitamin A - provides protection against viruses and bacteria that can provoke a breakdown, weakness, maintains hemoglobin levels, preventing the development of anemia;
  • B vitamins - affect resistance to stress, are responsible for the balance of the processes of tension and relaxation of the nervous system, normalize the psychological state, eliminate the feeling of fatigue, depression;
  • vitamin D - deficiency weakens protective properties organism, increases susceptibility to the influence of infections, viruses, allergens; sharp drops mood, frequent respiratory illnesses.

Drugs are prescribed after consulting a doctor, you may need to pass additional tests to select the optimal complex.

Essential oils

The world of aromas can soothe, immersing in deep dream, or fill life energy, I activate the resources of the body. You can use ethers different ways. By adding to the spray bottle and spraying in the room, lighting the aroma lamp. Also, to quickly cheer up, you can add 1-2 drops of oil to 5 grams. cream for hands, face, men - aftershave lotion. At strong attack drowsiness, it is recommended to open the bottle and inhale the aroma.

You can buy oils in pharmacies or in specialized stores.

Energizing fragrances:

  • herbal - rosemary, thyme, mint;
  • citrus fruits - grapefruit, orange oil;
  • spicy - cloves, ginger, black pepper, cinnamon.

Massage or warm-up

If at the height of the working day it is impossible to concentrate because of the desire to sleep, you should use the secrets of acupuncture. By activating special points, it is easy to replenish the energy potential by improving brain activity.


  1. Click on the dot above upper lip, repeat 10-15 times.
  2. Thoroughly knead the earlobes with your thumb and forefinger.
  3. The middle finger is at the inner corner of the eye, the index finger is at the outer. Easy to press for 3-5 seconds.

It is useful to massage the head, neck, shoulder area. Intensively massage the skin of the hair area, slightly pulling the roots towards you. Good result gives kneading the back of the head and ears. When in a static position throughout the working day, you should not give up physical activity. Every half an hour it is recommended to change the position, rotate the head, arms, squats.

If it is not possible to carry out light exercises, gymnastics for the fingers will help get rid of drowsiness. It is necessary to alternately bend all 10 fingers, then unbend. It is useful to massage the nail plates and phalanges. Feel a surge of strength, easily with the help of intense rubbing of the palms, feeling the characteristic warmth, you can begin your work duties.


A little valerian before bedtime, and during the day the body will be more active

Traditional green tea no less effective for drowsiness than strong coffee. You can also use the gifts of nature to cope with fatigue, restore the protective properties of the body. medicinal plants rich in vitamins, minerals, amino acids, allowing you to restore strength.

Healing herbs:

  • Baikal skullcap - relieves stress and tension, effective remedy against loss of strength, brewed and taken with honey;
  • valerian tincture is taken in the morning and in the evening no more than 40 drops each, the reception allows you to normalize night sleep, restore the functioning of the nervous system;
  • borage infusion increases energy potential, increases efficiency, 3 tbsp. spoons of dry grass pour 1 liter of boiling water, leave for 3 hours, take between meals;
  • ginseng tincture with honey is a natural energy drink, take a teaspoon one hour after eating;
  • linden tea helps to increase immunity, improves brain activity.

Do not ignore the desire to sleep, it can be a signal of a serious illness. If this is the result of poor nutrition, lack of physical activity, it is necessary to adjust the daily routine. For quick recovery Vigor also uses express methods in the form of aromatherapy, massages, healing herbs.

If it tends to sleep and there is constant lethargy and weakness, many dismiss it, believing that this is just a chronic lack of sleep. But the problem of such a state may lie much deeper. A decrease in efficiency and a regular desire to sleep during the day can even signal some chronic diseases. Therefore, a few cups of coffee a day, such a problem is solved for me.

Sometimes sleepy even those who sleep the prescribed 9 hours at night. This may depend on the weather, on internal problems in the body, on overstrain of the nervous system.

There are several main reasons to pay attention to if you often feel like sleeping during the day:

Also, the causes of drowsiness include a violation of normal night sleep. If you sleep in a stuffy room, go to bed late and do not get enough sleep, then the body gradually begins to malfunction and you want to lie down even during the day.

Of course, no one wants to be in a state of somnambulism all day long. But before you take any action, you need to understand the cause of what is happening. Perhaps you simply do not get enough sleep, or perhaps you are taking medications with such an effect. Why does a dream with dreams haunt you during the day, even if you get enough sleep at night? The answer may lie in your daily habits, including bad ones.

What to do if you are drawn to sleep every day both at work and in transport. There is no desire to do something, apathy haunts, I just want to take a nap.

To get started, try the following methods:

If all of the above methods do not help, be sure to go to the doctor. He will produce full examination your health. You will need to take a blood test for hemoglobin, check the spine and blood circulation in the brain. You may need to get tested for vitamin deficiencies.

The reason may also be hormonal imbalance, for the detection of which studies of the pituitary gland and thyroid gland, as well as the work of the adrenal glands. The doctor will definitely answer the question why you constantly want to sleep.

If you sleep every day enough, then drowsiness is not the norm. Why such a failure occurred, the doctor will be able to answer you after a detailed examination.

Sleep is important aspect V healthy way life. Normally, a person should spend 7-9 hours in a dream. But sometimes people can sleep for 10-20 hours and still not get enough sleep. This is already a clear deviation from the norm, and if it becomes regular, then your body is trying to warn you about some kind of malfunction. If sleepy state does not go away in a day or two, this is already a disease that needs to be treated.

Everything floats in a fog, a computer monitor, text, walls and colleagues. You are at work, but two forces are fighting - sleepiness and the need to get the job done. If you have become more likely to experience drowsiness at work, there are reasons for this, whether it is overwork, lack of sleep, stress, or just laziness.

It's time to adopt methods that will allow you to cheer up if you find yourself drowsy in the middle of the working day.

Massage or warm-up

If you know how, give yourself a massage of the ears, neck and hands. It also helps to get up and start stretching - first the back, then the legs and arms. If you are shy of colleagues, go to the restroom. A five-minute exercise for the eyes can cheer up, you need to close your eyes and make eye movements counterclockwise and clockwise, then with eyes closed"look" up and down. Then close your eyes tighter and open your eyes. After some time, repeat the exercise.

But first of all, take care of your night's sleep. Do everything so that you can sleep comfortably and well - if necessary, buy a new good mattress, nice satin bedding, a comfortable pillow. The better the night's sleep, the less sleepy during the day.


Everyone knows the invigorating power of herbs and herbal combinations. Lemongrass tincture or ginseng tincture will invigorate you. You can ask them at the pharmacy. They are usually not expensive.

Another key moment in the use of tinctures for drowsiness: it is worthwhile to understand - if you have not slept one or two hours from your norm and take a tincture of herbs from drowsiness - this is one thing, but if you have not slept for a day - it would be wiser to refrain from energy drinks and tinctures and go to bed.

Essential oils are invigorating

Sage has a particularly invigorating effect. In most cases, essential oils are poured into a special lamp and set on fire, and since not all of your colleagues will be happy with the smells, there may be disputes about the advisability of lighting something in the office. It is better to clarify in advance about who will be against odors. essential oils in the office. Some oils can be simply applied to the skin, such as the wrist, and the fragrance will be with you for a long time throughout the day. Another plus of oils is that they are good antidepressants.

Green tea

Many people recommend drinking green tea when sleepy at work. It is recommended to buy high-quality green tea, find out the nearest store that sells green tea by weight and go to choose a type of tea, consultants will help you. Like herbs, tea can affect the body in different ways, so the next time you drink green tea, keep an eye on your state of cheerfulness. If you notice an increase in energy, then this method of dealing with drowsiness is suitable for you. Experts say that the content of caffeine in some varieties of tea is even higher than in coffee. Tinctures can be effectively combined with green tea and get an even more invigorating effect.


During periods when vegetables, fruits and sun become scarce in our lives - take a vitamin complex. Vitamins are most effective when combined with healthy eating and sports. Even after 15 minutes of sports (running, weight training or yoga), you will experience cheerfulness in the body. Cheerfulness will remain with you for the whole day and, most likely, it will be enough for the next.

Look for new and enjoyable ways to combat sleepiness. Don't give environment and stress to make you indifferent to the world around you and your health!