The value of motor activity and physical culture for human health. The value of physical activity for human health

Not everyone goes in for sports. This is due to constant exhausting work, family and other matters. Moreover, many spend most of their working day in a sitting position, and usually go home by car. However, do not underestimate the importance motor activity for human health. No wonder they say that movement is life. This topic will be very useful for those who are seriously thinking about their health.

Active lifestyle

To ensure normal functionality human body need to exercise regularly. This does not mean that you have to sit in the gym for hours or run marathons. Everything is much simpler here. A minimal morning run before work or on a day off is enough. This activity causes the body to release endorphins, also known as happiness hormones. They allow not only to relieve stress, but also to improve tone and blood circulation.

The great importance of motor activity for human health has long been proven by scientists. Especially true for people who exercise. Also, experiments have shown that people involved in sports in old age feel much better. This immediately affects health. During physical exertion, redox processes are triggered in the body. This improves blood circulation and saturates the body with oxygen.

Movement is life

Every year, physical human labor is used less and less. The development of computer technology only contributes to this. Children sit all day long at the screens of laptops or tablets, and adults sit in the office, which, in fact, is similar. In some cases, even young people develop muscle atrophy, the person becomes lethargic and weak. The strength of heart contractions decreases, and consequently, the general condition worsens.

The same can significantly improve the situation. To do this, just a few times a week go for a run or do fitness. Of course, in order to achieve the proper result, it is necessary to go in for sports systematically, and not only during the holidays or when there is a mood.

Why is a sedentary lifestyle dangerous?

If a person spends most of the day in one position, say, at a computer in the office, then this does not lead to anything good. Some muscle groups experience serious stress, while others do not work at all. This leads to health problems. In particular, there are pains in the back, in the pelvic area, etc. In this mode, the heart and lungs work less efficiently, this also applies to other body systems. The capillary network is reduced, blood circulation worsens and problems with the legs appear.

There is nothing good in this, therefore, the importance of physical activity for human health should not be underestimated. It is also worth understanding how the body itself is arranged. In the absence of loads, all useless functions are turned off from the life process. The number of reserve vessels is reduced, which can lead to blockage, the work of the cardiovascular system worsens. But all this is recoverable if you take care of yourself today and do not put the problem on the back burner.

On the positive impact of physical activity

The phrase: "Movement is life" is not unfounded. It has long been proven that people who are actively involved in sports get sick much less often and look better. This is especially true in old age. The body begins to degenerate later by 5-7 years, the risk of atherosclerosis and hypertension decreases.

To improve the condition of the body, you can use a variety of modes of physical activity, ranging from ordinary light jogging to weightlifting. Of course, to each his own. For office workers, it is desirable to spend time outdoors as much as possible, sports will only be a plus. This applies not only to the younger generation, but also to older people. You can go in for sports walking, which will soon restore your body and increase immunity. Activity is especially important for children. This is the only way to achieve the harmonious development of the skeleton. Therefore, as often as possible, you need to play outdoor games and walk in the fresh air.

Physical activity and health

As noted above, you need to find some free time. It's actually not that hard to do. You just need to get up 15 minutes earlier and go to bed not too late. Jogging before and after work will bring you vigor and tone your muscles. If it’s hard to force yourself, then you can find a like-minded person. Together it will be much easier.

Of course, here you can overdo it, driving your body and bringing it to a critical state. You don't need to do this. Everything is good, but only if in moderation. For example, immediately after eating, you definitely do not need to run anywhere. It is better to do this after 40-60 minutes, when the food is absorbed in the body.

Jogging can also be done while walking the dog. This is useful for you, and the dog will be happy to run once again. activities must be selected individually. What one can, the second will be available only after a while, so you should not chase someone either.

Charging in the morning

There is nothing difficult in this. Such a charge takes a little time, an average of 10 minutes. But this will allow you to awaken not only the muscles of the body, but also the nervous system. As a result, you will be more alert and efficient. Many doctors recommend not to neglect this useful habit, especially since you don’t even need to leave the house.

A set of exercises can be developed both independently and use existing ones. It is advisable to include the following exercises for the whole body in the exercises:

  • squats;
  • stretching;
  • push-ups, etc.

Dosed muscle load in morning time should not be too high. It is advisable to work only with your own weight and navigate according to your condition. If possible, it is better to get out into the fresh air, and finish the lesson by dousing with water. This will further strengthen the immune system, but hardening should also be approached wisely, and if you have never done this, then you should not go and douse yourself with water in the cold.

Organizational matters

It is extremely important to dose the load correctly. If your friend is able to run 3 kilometers, then this does not mean at all that you need the same amount. Here it is necessary individual approach. Insufficient or excessive activity will not give any positive results. For this simple reason, it is advisable to use the following recommendations:

As you can see, there is nothing complicated here. It is necessary to exercise regularly, while not forcing your body and not trying. In this case, the benefits of jogging and other exercises will be, and you will definitely feel it for yourself.

Going to the gym

If there are no serious contraindications, then you can go to the gym. For greater motivation, you can set yourself a specific goal and gradually move towards it. It is extremely important to develop suitable program under your body. The same principle applies - from small to large. Do not immediately try to lift 100 kilograms to the chest, focusing on someone. This person, most likely, went to this for more than one year.

Therefore, at first it is advisable to familiarize yourself with the technique of performing exercises and draw up a training program. For example, based on the work schedule, choose the time and number of classes per week. There should be at least 2 and no more than 4. Going to the gym every day is also not worth it, since the muscles and psyche need to recover. The duration of the workout is also better not to stretch. It will be enough for 40-60 minutes, after which you can go home to rest. Remember that the importance of physical activity and physical education for a person are closely related. That is why the athletic physique of a guy or girl is admirable. A healthy body gets sick less, and with proper nutrition looks much younger and fresher.

Important Details

It is advisable to start an active lifestyle with normal hiking. Many may think that this is useless for health, but this is not at all the case. While walking, the abdominal muscles, calves, thighs, buttocks, and back are tensed. All these muscle groups are included in the work and gradually restore their functions. As mentioned above, it is best to start small. About 10-15 minutes of walking in the fresh air before work will be very helpful. In some cases, you can also ride a bicycle to the workplace. It is much more useful than driving a car or using public transport.

Pay attention to the fact that the importance of physical activity for the development of the child has a huge role. It is useful to walk and run in the fresh air, to engage in developing active games. The mobility of the child must be constantly developed. The less time he spends in front of a computer or TV, the better. This will not only increase immunity, but also strengthen bones and muscles. Do not forget that for each person the load should be individual, this is one of the basic rules.

Let's put laziness aside

Many diseases arise precisely because of insufficient physical activity. Someone even goes to the nearest store, which is 5-10 minutes away, by car. What can we say about health if the muscles atrophy not so much in the elderly as in today's youth. But if in youth there may not be any special problems with well-being, then they will definitely appear later, there is no getting away from this. But all this can be prevented. It is enough to devote a little time and not be lazy.

Summing up

Recent studies have shown that the importance of physical activity for human health plays a decisive role. Due to a sedentary lifestyle, the incidence increases by about 50%. At the same time, you need to understand that it is not a cold that appears, but such an ailment as hypokinesia. This disease is shown in sensory systems organism. Decreased vision and performance vestibular apparatus. Lung ventilation is reduced by 5-20%. In some cases, not only the work of the circulatory system worsens, but also the weight and size of the heart decreases. These are very serious prerequisites for trying at least a little to change your lifestyle. Getting out of bed in the morning and exercising or going for a run is the first step to recovery. You will soon be surprised how great the impact of physical activity on health.

Every person has heard this phrase more than once in his life: “Life is movement, and without movement there is no life.” But few people understand what it means, but in fact everything is exactly like that. The essence of the physical activity of human nature is in motion, and complete rest is death. But first, let's figure out what types of physical activity exist and what are its benefits for the human body.

Physical activity: what is it?

The human body is made up of 600 different muscles, and their component is protein. It is this product that is considered the most valuable for the body. We are designed in such a way that muscle and protein mass can be accumulated and preserved only if the muscles work regularly, and when they are at rest for a long time, their atrophy occurs. Therefore, any activity is important, and physical activity as well.

Active rest is considered one of the optimal types of physical activity. It means a pleasant pastime, during which the vacationer does not just lie on the couch, but replaces one type of activity with another. It can be any sport, morning run or outdoor activities. But the very best outdoor activities, according to experts, are hiking in nature.

Types of physical activity

There are many types of physical activity, and each of them has a positive effect on certain types muscles:

  • Yawning and stretching. This is one of the important actions that a person performs immediately after waking up. Waking up, we begin to stretch and thus stretch our muscles, stale during a night's sleep. No one teaches this gesture to their children, they stretch instinctively, as the body itself requires it. In old age, people forget about this type of activity, but in vain, it is just very necessary.
  • Jogging. This is another type of activity that perfectly strengthens the muscles of the legs and the cardiovascular system. Few people like to run, but it is very important for health, and it is not necessary to do it in the morning, experts say that 5-6 times a week for 40 minutes is the best activity. And physical activity of this kind will be useful at any age.
  • Walking. Chinese Wise Men rightly noted that a person must walk 10,000 steps a day to stay healthy.
  • Sport games.
  • Biking.

All of the above is physical activity that prevents our muscles from atrophying and strengthens our internal organs. Many exercises can easily act as medicinal product but nothing in the world can replace physical activity.

Health benefits of physical activity

Physical activity and human health - these two concepts are inseparable. Only balanced and regular physical activity will provide correct work organism. For people with heart pathologies, health training is significantly different from those for healthy people. But special techniques are also being developed for them, which involve constant monitoring of ECG tests. All the principles of physical activity must be observed, only in this case you can get the desired healing effect.

The physical activity and health of each person are directly related to each other, but you can achieve a state of fitness in one case: if it is regular, and not when the desire appears. The energy potential in a person grows only when he recovers from stress. One of the main recommendations regarding physical activity is the choice of the regularity of training and the duration of each individual session, taking into account the intensity. As a result, each person should spend up to 3000 kcal per day. But physical activity is not only important for adults, it also helps proper development child's body.

The Importance of Physical Activity in Child Development

Since early years pediatricians recommend doing exercises with a newborn. It is not as complex and intense as in adults, but also helps the active development of each muscle. In kindergarten, and then at school, every child goes to physical education, where he goes in for sports according to a special program - this can be a regular exercise, but all exercises are aimed at making the muscles in the child's body work.

The importance of physical activity in childhood and adolescence very large, because it helps the whole body to develop properly and strengthens each organ, preparing for later life at an accelerated pace. It is noted that this also has a positive effect on the state of the psyche.

AT recent times psychologists appeared in every kindergarten and school. Their mission is to prepare children for adult life so that their psyche is strong and does not suffer from the slightest stress.

Why do so many people give up physical activity?

Many people simply cannot fully understand why being active is so important. Both physical activity and psychological are very important, the quality of our life depends on it. But in the modern world, the issue of hypodynamia is acute. Most of of the population of our country sit for hours at computers, even kids prefer to bury themselves in the TV screen or computer monitor, and not run with friends on the street. Here, of course, all the blame lies with the parents.

It is they who owe their own example show the importance of physical activity for the normal functioning of the body. No wonder doctors say: "Movement is life." Constant inactivity leads to a weakening of the muscular system, bone tissue renewal is inhibited, which certainly leads to irreversible changes throughout the body.

The age of high technology is, of course, good, but overindulgence computers leads to the fact that already in primary school school, almost all children have the wrong posture. Parents and teachers at school should explain to children that physical activity of a person is very important, without it it is impossible normal work all organ systems.

Fortunately, in recent years there has been a tendency to popularize and, therefore, sports. It is already becoming completely unfashionable to sit in the park on a bench with a cigarette in your mouth and a can of beer in your hands, and this pleases.

Physical activity brings back youth

As mentioned earlier, if you do not pay attention to physical activity, then old age can come very early. But, as scientific studies have shown, thanks to the loads, it is possible to maintain the length of telomeres, a kind of "caps" at the ends of DNA chains that protect chromosomes from destruction. Gradually, they lose their strength, which eventually leads to the destruction of cells, and, as a result, aging occurs, and then death. Therefore, any activity is important. And physical activity makes it possible for a long time maintain the desired length of telomeres, which means that youth can be extended.

Any exercise helps to activate the energy stations of the cell. There is also stimulation of the genes that are responsible for the work of each of the organs, which ultimately leads to the fact that even an already flabby old man can rejuvenate his body and become stronger.

Physical activity helps you eat healthy foods

As already mentioned, physical activity and human health are interconnected, because loads encourage eating only healthy foods. This changes the area of ​​the brain that is responsible for impulsive behavior. Scientists have concluded that due to the constant tempting advertising of food products that provoke overeating and the appearance of extra pounds, the part of the brain responsible for the control inhibition mechanism is constantly in great tension.

And physical activity will help correct the process of overeating and make the brain work properly. In addition, regular exercise suppresses the release of a hormone that stimulates hunger. But it is worth remembering that prolonged loads can, on the contrary, provoke overeating and lead to an increase in body weight.

The value of human physical activity is great, but you need to know how to do it right. The frequency should be about 5 times a week, but not less than three. You can practice in a day. Each person determines the duration individually, but not less than 30 minutes. And it needs to be divided into three phases:

  • A warm-up (5-10 minutes) is necessary to warm up the muscles.
  • Direct execution should take from 10 to 40 minutes.
  • Relaxation. This stage is aimed at relaxing the muscles after exercise and stretching them. It usually lasts no more than 5-10 minutes.

You need to control the level of load by heart rate, and this is very simple to do. Before you engage in thorough physical exercise, you should consult your doctor, especially if you have accompanying illnesses. The load should be dosed and selected taking into account age and general

The role of physical activity

Every modern person should understand that his health depends only on him. In Soviet times, few people talked about the main role of physical activity, but in our age of innovation, you can find a lot useful information and take care of yourself and your loved ones.

Thanks to the information, you can independently adjust the load for yourself and save yourself from rapid aging and malfunctions in the work of each organ. Such efforts will be rewarded very quickly, and the person himself will feel that his life is drastically changing for the better, because the benefits of physical activity are enormous:

But it is worth remembering that there is also psychological activity. Physical activity has already been considered, it's time to move on to mental, which also takes place.

Types of mental activity

If you follow the theory of Buddhism, then the psyche of each person is built on 5 types of mental activity:

  • Perception.
  • Emotions.

  • Reflections.
  • Intentions.
  • Consciousness.

Every person knows the first three types very well:

1. Perception determines the ability of a person to receive all the necessary information through the 5 senses.

2. Emotions- this is what makes it possible to dream, desire, attract or repel.

3. Intelligence allows us to build in our mind the realities of our lives and manipulate them without touching the reality for a long time.

But the last two points have become popular in recent years.

If mental, physical activity is considered, then the latter is more understandable for everyone. But one must understand that without mental activity, knowledge of the surrounding world is impossible.

Consciousness in every person is a kind of activity of the psyche. is the basis of all kinds of knowledge. It is also worth remembering that mental activity suffers greatly due to the work of the mind during the whole working day.

mental performance

The working capacity of a person is any resistance to overwork: physical, mental and any other. Most often, it depends on the endurance of the body, and in order for it to be higher than that of others, it must be prepared for this. Physical activity will help with this.

Mental performance of a person is not constant throughout the day. Immediately after waking up, it is very low, then it starts to rise and stays at a height for a short period of time, and decreases towards the end of the day. But such surges and falls can occur several times during the day.

For working week you can also notice ups and downs in performance. On Monday, it is just beginning to grow, it’s not for nothing that they say: “Monday is a hard day.” The most surge falls on the middle of the week, and by Friday there is a decline. And all these changes greatly affect the human psyche, and if, moreover, a person is overloaded at work, then fatigue sets in quickly, a stressful state develops, which leads to mental activity.


Summing up the above, we can say for sure that mental and physical activity are directly related. a person can improve after physical exertion, when all stresses and unpleasant thoughts are left behind and all that remains is to feel pleasant fatigue in the muscles. Physical activity is important for both adults and children, so you should not avoid it, but you should definitely give it 30 minutes of free time 5 times a week, because even walking in an intense rhythm is already one of the types of activity.

All people should take care of their health without shifting this responsibility to others, and therefore they need to know how important physical activity is in human life. We often think about [...]

All people should take care of their health without shifting this responsibility to others, and therefore they need to know how important physical activity is in human life. Often we remember the state of our body only after the appearance of serious problems.

Modern medicine is developed quite well, but it is not omnipotent. To visit doctors less often, it is necessary with early age adopt an active lifestyle. When the psychophysical forces of a person are in harmony, the reserves of health increase significantly. Only in such a situation can one show his abilities in various fields vital activity.

The role of motor activity in human life

Scientists have found that the activity of modern man has decreased by 100 times compared to previous centuries. If you think about it, you can agree with this statement. For example, peasants previously had a small land plot which they had to handle manually.

Then there was no modern inventory and equipment, as well as various fertilizers. At the same time, they were forced to feed a large family and work off corvee. Today it is difficult to imagine what kind of physical stress they experienced. It was probably even more difficult for primitive people in this regard.

They were forced to look for food, escape from predators, and so on. Of course, excessive physical activity cannot be beneficial for the body. However, their deficiency is no less dangerous for our health. Movement for a person is one of the basic needs and has the following meaning:

  • determines the level of basic metabolism;
  • affects the condition of bone and muscle tissue;
  • improves the psychophysical state.

Speaking about the importance of motor activity in human life, the heart immediately comes to mind. At ordinary people this muscular organ works on average with a frequency of 60-70 beats / min. To function smoothly, the heart needs a certain amount of nutrients, and its wear proceeds at a certain rate.

In untrained people, the heart consumes more nutrients and ages much faster. If you exercise regularly, the situation changes and the heart muscle can work at a frequency of 40-50 beats / min, which implies a lower wear rate.

Physical activity also has a positive effect on metabolism and the body begins to work more economically, which helps to prolong life. With an increase in the level of fitness of the body, work improves enzymatic system, as well as more energy substances, such as ATP, are produced. All this contributes to an increase in mental, sexual and physical activity.

Lack of motor activity is called hypodynamia. This is a condition that adversely affects the respiratory system. First of all, we are talking about a decrease in the useful volume of the lungs and a decrease in the amplitude of breathing. Moderate physical activity contributes to the enrichment of oxygen to all tissues of the body, which in turn has a positive effect on the immune system.

Equally important is motor activity in human life from the point of view of increasing the body's resistance to various negative harmful factors. In the course of studies on rodents, it was proved that a trained organism is able to more effectively resist even radiation. You should also remember about reducing stress, which is very destructive for our body.

Types of physical activity

Now the main types of activity will be considered, starting from the simplest and ending with more complex ones.


This is the simplest and yet sufficient efficient view physical activity. If a person has never played sports before, then it is worth starting training with walking. To increase physical activity, it is enough to start walking regularly.

When a person moves in the fresh air, the body receives significantly more oxygen compared to being indoors. As a result, the quality of brain nutrition improves, and the process of gas exchange in the lungs increases. Hiking away from highways, for example, in the park.



An excellent form of physical activity that allows you to increase endurance and get rid of excess weight. The results obtained from jogging directly depend on the type of running and its manner:

  • slow morning running is a great alternative to exercise;
  • sprint - fast races for short distances, optimize the process of glucose utilization and increase lung capacity;
  • marathon - running long distances to increase endurance.



Good way to deal with overweight, as it allows you to burn a large amount of energy. In addition, dancing is pleasant and it has a positive effect on the psycho-emotional state.



Bicycle is one of the main modes of transport in many countries of the world. This affordable and useful transport reduces emissions of harmful substances into the atmosphere, and improves health.



Today there are a large number of directions, and each person can find something interesting for himself. Every city has fitness rooms and thanks to group classes, a person does not have to look for additional motivation.



This sport allows you to strengthen all the muscles of the body and get rid of excess weight. Unlike running, which can negatively impact your joints, swimming has no downsides.


The danger of a sedentary lifestyle

Hypodynamia is a serious danger to the whole organism. Our body is designed for a certain daily physical activity. If the activity is in short supply, then the functionality of the body quickly decreases, muscle mass decreases, the main metabolism slows down, etc.

First of all, a sedentary lifestyle negatively affects the cardiovascular system. In the absence of physical activity, the capillary network is reduced due to a significant decrease in the number of reserve vessels. This, in turn, negatively affects the blood supply to the brain and other organs.

The risk of blood clots in an untrained person is much higher compared to those who exercise regularly. It should also be remembered that muscle starvation is a more serious danger compared to micronutrient deficiencies and even food.

If the body does not have enough food, it signals this with the help of a feeling of hunger. Interestingly, the lack of muscle activity is not outwardly manifested in any way. As a result, by the age of 30-35, a person’s muscles can become flabby and weak. By increasing physical activity, you can improve your health and avoid a lot of problems.

Nevryueva Ekaterina

The value and role of motor activity for maintaining human health, prolonging life, increasing efficiency.



The role of motor activity in human life

The work was done by a student of 9 "B" class

Nevryueva Ekaterina

Head: OBJ teacher

Pavlyuchenko Tatyana Nikolaevna

MOOOOSH No. 11 p. Praskoveya

2015-2016 academic year


Motor activity in human life

The influence of health-improving physical culture on the body




Social and medical measures do not give the expected effect in maintaining people's health. In the improvement of society, medicine went mainly along the path "from illness to health", turning more and more into a purely medical, hospital. Social activities are aimed primarily at improving the environment and consumer goods, but not at educating a person.

The most justified way to increase the adaptive capacity of the body, maintain health, prepare the individual for fruitful labor, socially important activities - physical education and sports.

Today we hardly find educated person who would deny the great role of physical culture and sports in modern society. In sports clubs, regardless of age, millions of people go in for physical culture. Sports achievements for the vast majority of them have ceased to be an end in itself. Physical training "becomes a catalyst for vital activity, a tool for a breakthrough in the field of intellectual potential and longevity." The technical process, freeing workers from the exhausting costs of manual labor, did not free them from the need for physical training and professional activity, but changed the tasks of this training.

Nowadays more and more species labor activity instead of brute physical efforts, they require precisely calculated and precisely coordinated muscular efforts. Some professions place increased demands on the psychological capabilities of a person, sensory capabilities and some other physical qualities. Particularly high demands are placed on representatives of technical professions, whose activities require advanced level general physical fitness. One of the main conditions is high level general working capacity, harmonious development of professional, physical qualities. The concepts of physical qualities used in theory and methods of physical culture are very convenient for classifying the variety of training means and, in essence, are a criterion for a qualitative assessment of a person's motor function. There are four main motor qualities: strength, speed, endurance, flexibility. Each of these qualities of a person has its own structures and features, which generally characterize its physical features.


Some researchers argue that nowadays exercise stress decreased 100 times - compared with previous centuries. If you look at it properly, you can come to the conclusion that there is little or no exaggeration in this statement. Imagine a peasant of the past centuries. He usually had a small allotment of land. There are almost no inventory and fertilizers. However, often, he had to feed a "brood" of a dozen children. Many also worked out corvée. All this huge load people carried on themselves day after day and all their lives. Human ancestors experienced no less stress. Constant pursuit of prey, flight from the enemy, etc. Of course, physical overstrain cannot add health, but lack of physical activity is harmful to the body. The truth, as always, lies somewhere in the middle. It is difficult even to list all the positive phenomena that occur in the body during reasonably organized physical exercises. Indeed, movement is life. Let's pay attention only to the main points.

First of all, let's talk about the heart. At ordinary person the heart beats at a rate of 60-70 beats per minute. At the same time, it consumes a certain amount of nutrients and wears out at a certain rate (like the body as a whole). In a completely untrained person, the heart makes more contractions per minute, also consumes more nutrients and, of course, ages faster. It's different for well-trained people. The number of beats per minute can be 50, 40 or less. The economy of the heart muscle is significantly higher than usual. Consequently, such a heart wears out much more slowly. Physical exercises lead to the emergence of very interesting and useful effect in the body. During exercise, the metabolism accelerates significantly, but after it, it begins to slow down and finally decreases to a level below normal. In general, in a training person, the metabolism is slower than usual, the body works more economically, and life expectancy increases. Everyday stress on a trained body has a noticeably less destructive effect, which also prolongs life. The system of enzymes is improved, metabolism is normalized, a person sleeps better and recovers after sleep, which is very important. In a trained body, the number of energy-rich compounds, such as ATP, increases, and due to this, almost all possibilities and abilities increase. Including mental, physical, sexual.

When hypodynamia occurs (lack of movement), as well as with age, negative changes appear in the respiratory organs. Amplitude decreases respiratory movements. The ability to deeply exhale is especially reduced. In this regard, the volume of residual air increases, which adversely affects gas exchange in the lungs. The vital capacity of the lungs also decreases. All this leads to oxygen starvation. In a trained organism, on the contrary, the amount of oxygen is higher (despite the fact that the need is reduced), and this is very important, since oxygen deficiency gives rise to a huge number of metabolic disorders. Significantly strengthens the immune system. AT special studies carried out on humans, it has been shown that physical exercises increase the immunobiological properties of blood and skin, as well as resistance to certain infectious diseases. In addition to the above, there is an improvement in a number of indicators: the speed of movements can increase by 1.5 - 2 times, endurance - by several times, strength by 1.5 - 3 times, minute blood volume during work by 2 - 3 times, oxygen absorption in 1 minute during operation - 1.5 - 2 times, etc.

The great importance of physical exercises lies in the fact that they increase the body's resistance to the action of a number of different adverse factors. For example, such as low atmospheric pressure, overheating, some poisons, radiation, etc. In special experiments on animals, it was shown that rats, which were trained daily for 1-2 hours by swimming, running or hanging on a thin pole, survived after exposure to X-rays. in a higher percentage of cases. With repeated exposure to small doses, 15% of untrained rats died already after a total dose of 600 roentgens, and the same percentage of trained rats died after a dose of 2400 roentgens. Physical exercise increases the resistance of the body of mice after transplantation of cancerous tumors.

Stress has a powerful destructive effect on the body. Positive emotions on the contrary, they contribute to the normalization of many functions. Physical exercise helps to maintain vigor and cheerfulness. Physical activity has a strong anti-stress effect. From an unhealthy lifestyle or simply over time, the body can accumulate harmful substances, the so-called slag. acid environment, which is formed in the body during significant physical activity, oxidizes toxins to harmless compounds, and then they are easily excreted.

As you can see beneficial effect physical load on the human body is truly limitless! This is understandable. After all, man was originally designed by nature for increased physical activity. Reduced activity leads to many disorders and premature fading of the body!

It would seem that well-organized physical exercises should bring us especially impressive results. However, for some reason, we do not notice that athletes live much longer. ordinary people. Swedish scientists note that skiers in their country live 4 years (on average) longer than ordinary people. You can also often hear advice like: rest more often, strain less, sleep more, etc. Churchill, who lived for more than 90 years, to the question:

How did you do it? - answered:

I never stood if it was possible to sit and never sat if it was possible to lie down - (although we do not know how long he would have lived if he had trained - maybe more than 100 years).


The health-improving and preventive effect of mass physical culture is inextricably linked with increased physical activity, strengthening the functions of the musculoskeletal system, activating metabolism. The teachings of R. Mogendovichabout motor-visceral reflexes showed the relationship between the activity of the motor apparatus, skeletal muscles and autonomic organs. As a result of insufficient motor activity in the human body, the neuro-reflex connections laid down by nature and fixed in the process of severe physical labor, which leads to a disorder in the regulation of the activity of the cardiovascular and other systems, metabolic disorders and the development degenerative diseases(atherosclerosis, etc.). For the normal functioning of the human body and the preservation of health, a certain “dose” of physical activity is necessary. In this regard, the question arises about the so-called habitual motor activity, i.e., the activity performed in the process of everyday professional labor and in everyday life. The most adequate expression of the quantity produced muscle work is the amount of energy consumption. The minimum amount of daily energy consumption required for the normal functioning of the body is 12-16 MJ (depending on age, sex and body weight), which corresponds to 2880-3840 kcal. Of these, at least 5.0-9.0 MJ (1200-1900 kcal) should be spent on muscle activity; the rest of the energy consumption ensures the maintenance of the body's vital functions at rest, the normal activity of the respiratory and circulatory systems, metabolic processes, etc. (energy of the main metabolism). In economically developed countries over the past 100 years specific gravity muscle work as a generator of energy used by a person decreased by almost 200 times, which led to a decrease in energy consumption for muscle activity (work metabolism) to an average of 3.5 MJ. The deficit of energy consumption necessary for the normal functioning of the body, thus, amounted to about 2.0-3.0 MJ (500-750 kcal) per day. The intensity of labor in conditions modern production does not exceed 2-3 kcal / world, which is 3 times lower than the threshold value (7.5 kcal / min) that provides a healing and preventive effect. In this regard, in order to compensate for the lack of energy consumption in the course of work, a modern person needs to perform physical exercises with an energy consumption of at least 350-500 kcal per day (or 2000-3000 kcal per week). According to Becker, at present, only 20% of the population of economically developed countries are engaged in sufficiently intense physical training, providing the necessary minimum energy consumption, the remaining 80% of the daily energy consumption is much lower than the level required to maintain stable health.

Severe limitation of physical activity recent decades led to a decrease in the functional capabilities of middle-aged people. So, for example, the value of the IPC healthy men decreased from about 45.0 to 36.0 ml/kg. Thus, most of the modern population of economically developed countries has developed real danger development of hypokinesia. The syndrome, or hypokinetic disease, is a complex of functional and organic changes and painful symptoms that develop as a result of a mismatch of activity individual systems and the organism as a whole with the external environment. The pathogenesis of this condition is based on violations of energy and plastic metabolism (primarily in the muscular system). The mechanism of the protective action of intense physical exercise lies in the genetic code of the human body. Skeletal muscles, which on average make up 40% of body weight (in men), are genetically programmed by nature for severe physical work. “Motor activity is one of the main factors determining the level metabolic processes body and the state of its bone, muscle and cardiovascular systems,” wrote Academician VV Parin (1969).Human muscles are a powerful generator of energy. They send a strong stream of nerve impulses to maintain optimal CNS tone., facilitate movement venous blood onblood vessels to the heart (“muscle pump”), create the necessary tension for the normal functioning of the motor apparatus. According to the "energy rule of skeletal muscles" by I. A. Arshavsky, the energy potential of the body and functional state of all organs and systems depends on the nature of the activity of skeletal muscles. The more intense the motor activity within the boundaries of the optimal zone, the more fully the genetic program is implemented, and the energy potential, functional resources of the body and life expectancy increase. Distinguish between the general and special effects of physical exercise, as well as their indirect effect on risk factors. The most common effect of training is the energy consumption, which is directly proportional to the duration and intensity of muscle activity, which makes it possible to compensate for the energy deficit. It is also important to increase the body's resistance to the action of adverse environmental factors: stressful situations, high and low temperatures, radiation, injuries, hypoxia. As a result of an increase in nonspecific immunity, resistance to colds also increases. However, the use of extreme training loads required in professional sports to achieve the "peak" of sports form often leads to the opposite effect - suppression of immunity and increased susceptibility to infectious diseases.. A similar negative effect can also be obtained when doing mass physical culture with an excessive increase in load. The special effect of health training is associated with an increase in the functionality of the cardiovascular system. It consists in economizing the work of the heart at rest and increasing the reserve capacity of the circulatory apparatus during muscle activity. One of the most important effects of physical training is the exercise of the heart rate at rest (bradycardia) as a manifestation of the economization of cardiac activity and a lower myocardial oxygen demand. Increasing the duration of the diastole (relaxation) phase provides more blood flow and a better supply of oxygen to the heart muscle. In persons with bradycardia, cases of coronary artery disease were detected much less frequently than in people with a fast pulse. It is believed that an increase in heart rate at rest by 15 beats / min increases the risk of sudden death from a heart attack by 70% - the same pattern is observed with muscle activity. When performing a standard load on a bicycle ergometer in trained men, the volume of coronary blood flow is almost 2 times less than in untrained men (140 vs. /min per 100 g of tissue). Thus, with an increase in the level of fitness, myocardial oxygen demand decreases both at rest and at submaximal loads, which indicates the economization of cardiac activity.

This circumstance is a physiological justification for the need for adequate physical training for patients with ICS, since as fitness increases and myocardial oxygen demand decreases, the level of threshold load increases, which the subject can perform without the threat of myocardial ischemia and an angina attack. The most pronounced increase in the reserve capacity of the circulatory apparatus during intense muscular activity: an increase in the maximum heart rate, systolic and minute blood volume, arteriovenous oxygen difference, a decrease in total peripheral vascular resistance (OPPS), which facilitates the mechanical work of the heart and increases its performance. Evaluation of the functional reserves of the circulatory system during extreme physical exertion in individuals with different levels of physical condition shows: people with average (and below average) UVA have minimal functionality bordering on pathology, their physical performance is lower 75% DMPK. On the contrary, well-trained athletes with a high UVF in all respects meet the criteria of physiological health, their physical performance reaches optimal values ​​or exceeds them (100% DMPC or more, or 3 W/kg or more). Adaptation of the peripheral link of blood circulation is reduced to an increase in muscle blood flow at maximum loads (maximum 100 times), arteriovenous oxygen difference, capillary bed density in working muscles, an increase in myoglobin concentration and an increase in the activity of oxidative enzymes. A protective role in the prevention of cardiovascular diseases is also played by an increase in blood fibrinolytic activity during health-improving training (by a maximum of 6 times) and a decrease in the tone of the sympathetic nervous system. As a result, the response to neurohormones decreases under conditions of emotional stress, i.e. increases the body's resistance to stress. In addition to a pronounced increase in the reserve capacity of the body under the influence of health training, its preventive effect is also extremely important, associated with an indirect effect on risk factors for cardiovascular diseases. With the growth of fitness (as the level of physical performance increases), there is a clear decrease in all the main risk factors for HES - cholesterol in the blood, blood pressure and body weight. B. A. Pirogova (1985) in her observations showed: as UFS increased, the cholesterol content in the blood decreased from 280 to 210 mg, and triglycerides from 168 to 150 mg%.

At any age, with the help of training, you can increase aerobic capacity and endurance levels - indicators of the biological age of the body and its viability. For example, in well-trained middle-aged runners, the maximum possible heart rate is about 10 bpm more than in untrained ones. Such physical exercises as walking, running (3 hours per week), after 10-12 weeks, lead to an increase in BMD by 10-15%. Thus, the health-improving effect of mass physical culture is associated primarily with an increase in the aerobic capacity of the body, the level of general endurance and physical performance. An increase in physical performance is accompanied by a preventive effect on risk factors for cardiovascular diseases: a decrease in body weight and fat mass, cholesterol and triglycerides in the blood, a decrease in LIP and an increase in HDL, a decrease in blood pressure and heart rate. In addition, regular physical training allows to significantly slow down the development of age-related involutional changes in physiological functions, as well as degenerative changes in various organs and systems (including the delay and reverse development of atherosclerosis). In this regard, it is no exception and musculoskeletal system. Performing physical exercises has a positive effect on all parts of the motor apparatus, preventing the development of degenerative changes associated with age and physical inactivity. The mineralization of bone tissue and the calcium content in the body increase, which prevents the development of osteoporosis. The flow of lymph to the articular cartilage and intervertebral discs increases, which is the best way to prevent arthrosis and osteochondrosis. All these data testify to the invaluable positive impact of health-improving physical culture on the human body.


Protecting one's own health is the direct responsibility of everyone, he has no right to shift it to others. Indeed, it often happens that a person in the wrong way life, bad habits, physical inactivity, overeating by the age of 20-30 brings himself to a catastrophic state and only then remembers medicine.

No matter how perfect medicine is, it cannot rid everyone of all diseases. A person is the creator of his own health, for which he must fight. From an early age, it is necessary to lead an active lifestyle, harden, engage in physical education and sports, observe the rules of personal hygiene - in a word, achieve genuine harmony of health in reasonable ways.

The integrity of the human personality is manifested, first of all, in the relationship and interaction of mental and physical strength organism. The harmony of the psychophysical forces of the body increases the reserves of health, creates conditions for creative expression in various areas of our lives. An active and healthy person retains youth for a long time, continuing creative activity.

A healthy lifestyle includes the following main elements: fruitful work, a rational mode of work and rest, the eradication of bad habits, optimal motor mode, personal hygiene, hardening, rational nutrition, etc.

Health is the first and most important human need, which determines his ability to work and ensures the harmonious development of the individual. Therefore, the importance of motor activity in the life of people plays a significant role.


  1. Soviet system of physical education. Ed. G. I. Kukushkina. M., "Physical culture and sport", 1975.
  2. P. F. Lensgaft. Selected writings. M., "Pedagogy", 1988.
  3. Handbook of a teacher of physical culture. Ed. L. B. Kofman. M., "Physical culture and sport", 1998.
  4. Pedagogy. Ed. V. V. Belorusova and I. N. Resheten. M., "Physical culture and sport", 1978.
  5. A. V. Shabunin. Lesgaft in Petersburg. L., 1989.
  6. Psychology. Ed. V. M. Melnikova. M., "Physical culture and sport", 1987.
  7. L. A. Leshchinsky. Take care of your health. M., "Physical culture and sport", 1995.
  8. G. I. Kutsenko, Yu. V. Novikov. A book about a healthy lifestyle. SPb., 1997.
  9. V. I. Vorobyov. Components of health.
  10. N. B. Korostelev. From A to Z.
  11. I. P. Berezin, Yu. V. Dergachev. Health School.
  12. A. V. Zherebtsov. M., Physical culture and labor, 1986.
  13. B.V. Petrovsky. M., popular medical encyclopedia, 1981.

It is difficult to overestimate the importance of movement in human life. In strengthening health, increasing life expectancy and increasing the body's resistance to adverse environmental factors, an important role belongs to the systematic human muscular activity. Today we will talk about the importance of physical activity for a person.

Why is physical activity necessary?

Dosed muscle load promotes discharge negative emotions, removes nervous tension and fatigue, increases vitality and performance. In addition, impulses coming from working skeletal muscles stimulate the course of redox processes, functional activity various organs and systems. This is essential for health and prevention premature aging.

The development of motor activity is extremely necessary for the body to prevent senile muscle atrophy.

It has been established that strict bed rest for 10-12 days leads to congestion, a significant decrease in heart rate, a decrease in the strength of heart contractions, metabolic disorders, significant oxygen starvation of the myocardium and the whole organism, atrophy and general weakness. This is especially true for various surgical interventions and injuries. Therefore, surgeons strongly recommend active movements and physiotherapy exercises from the first days after the operation.

What is "hypodynamia"

With insufficient muscle load, hypodynamia develops: profound changes occur in the cardiovascular system, blood circulation and metabolism are disturbed, the structure and function of the myocardium changes, atherosclerosis of the aorta, coronary and peripheral arteries develops.

The importance of physical activity is also important for children. Physical exercise should be started from childhood and continued daily throughout life.

In a person who leads predominantly sedentary image life, degeneration of the heart muscle occurs. At the same time, the blood supply to the myocardium weakens, and an ever smaller number of connecting arteries, anastomoses and reserve capillaries function in the myocardium than in physically active people. In such patients, thrombosis of the main trunks of the cardiac arteries can lead to lethal outcome due to poorly developed roundabout ways of blood circulation and due to insufficient reserve capacity of the heart.

Gradual muscle loading is important for the prevention of heart and vascular diseases, as well as for the prevention of premature aging.

Physical inactivity (muscle starvation) is no less dangerous than oxygen starvation, than a lack of food and vitamins. The only difference is that the lack of oxygen or food is quickly felt and sensitively captured by the body, causing a number of painful sensations and symptoms. Motor failure develops imperceptibly until a certain time. Often it is accompanied by even pleasant sensations.

The consequences of insufficient physical activity

It has been established that skeletal muscles, if they are not trained, become decrepit already in a 30-year-old person. Thus, insufficient physical activity is a serious threat to human health and longevity.

As a result of prolonged sitting and a bent position, some parts of the body and muscle groups are strained too much, while others are not enough. This leads to congestion and the development of diseases of the spine, pelvic organs, lungs, heart and vessels of the lower extremities.

Muscles that do not have sufficient physical activity are poorly supplied with blood, their structure and trophism gradually atrophy. In disease prevention and conservation long years The development of physical activity, such as daily walking, is of great importance for working capacity. Thanks to the latter, the excessive stress of individual organs and systems is relieved. Blood circulation and gas exchange improves, metabolic processes occur more intensively.

What is the importance of movement

During hiking, the muscles of the legs, abdominals, chest, as well as ligaments and joints of the hands. In order to take a step with one foot, it is necessary to set in motion about fifty muscles. Walking perfectly trains blood vessels, improves capillary and collateral circulation. The smallest things open up and begin to function. blood vessels penetrating and nourishing skeletal muscles and the heart. Increases blood oxygen saturation and vascular capacity. They receive reserve blood from the liver and spleen. Intensive flow of oxygen-rich blood improves microcirculation, metabolism in the cells and tissues of the body, stimulates the function digestive glands, improves the activity of the intestines, liver and pancreas.

Systematic physical activity improves the functional state of the heart and lungs, dilates arterial blood vessels, enriches the human body with oxygen, calms the excited nervous system, and gives a positive emotional stimulus, especially in morning hours. Therefore, if the place of work is nearby, it is very useful to walk to work. Fresh air, rhythmic walking create good mood, have a beneficial effect on the nervous system, significantly increase mental and physical performance.

It has been established that people who lead a physically active lifestyle live longer, suffer less from atherosclerosis, hypertension and coronary heart disease.

Who cares about physical activity

Walking is especially necessary for patients with initial manifestations of atherosclerosis and hypertension. Daily walks are very useful for mental workers. They are excellent brain stimulants.

Hiking before going to bed reduces the accumulated during the day psycho-emotional stress and fatigue of the cerebral cortex, contribute to rapid falling asleep and deep sleep.

Despite the fact that walking is the natural surest way to improve health, it is still necessary to follow certain rules when doing it. You should not walk to overwork and continue walking when tired. It is not recommended to leave the house immediately after a hearty meal. It is necessary to wait about an hour for the first phase of digestion to end. In this case, walking will only pleasantly facilitate this process. During the walk, you must discard all serious thoughts and try to maintain a cheerful mood.

Hiking as the most convenient form of physical activity

Persons not accustomed to long walks should start with small walks. In the early days, it is enough to walk for no more than an hour. It is recommended to walk 10–15 minutes in the morning before work, half an hour after work, and walk 20–25 minutes in the evening before going to bed. In the future, you can increase the distance of transitions daily. For a healthy person, it can be brought up to 5 km - this is 100 thousand steps per day.

The maximum duration of walking tours should be strictly individual. It depends on the state of health, age, health status, heart function and fitness for physical activity. You need to walk with a firm, springy step. The muscles of the thigh and lower leg should participate in walking. Shackled, strenuous walking does not give the desired effect. The distance between the heel of the forward leg and the toes of the other should be no more than the length of the foot. It is necessary to monitor the fit and position of the head.

However, it is necessary to give yourself such physical activity with great care, especially for the elderly. With the appearance of shortness of breath, palpitations, a feeling of tightness in the chest, fatigue, lethargy, increased pulsation of the arteries of the brain, it is necessary to stop walking and rest. Do not smoke while walking. You need to breathe deeply, calmly, do not hold your breath in and out.

Improper use of this powerful healing factor can bring great, and sometimes irreparable harm to the body.

Some people believe that the more they walk and run, the harder the physical activity, the better. At the same time, while walking, they allow movements at an accelerated pace, often until pain in the heart area appears. Some even try to overcome the pain that has arisen with the help of movement. it misdevelopment motor activity. As a result, from such physical zeal, a prolonged attack of angina pectoris or even a myocardial infarction can occur.

All human activity should take place without haste, rhythmically, without significant disruptions. If during walking there are compressive pains in the region of the heart, you need to stop, sit, drink a few sips cold water and only after the pain has passed, continue the movement. The general rule for everyone should be to gradually increase the duration of the walk and the pace of walking.