The benefits of dairy products for the human body. The harm and benefits of dairy products for humans

Milk is a product that we get used to with early childhood, neither children nor adults can do without it. Even if we do not drink milk, we use it as one of the components of ready-made meals, and also eat products made from it. It contains calcium, vitamins and other useful macro and microelements.

The dairy industry is one of the largest and developing areas of modern industry. Meanwhile, the quality of manufactured products is far from perfect. That is why the question: how to choose milk is very relevant. Another important question How much milk can adults drink. According to the recommendation of the Ministry of Health, the consumption rate of dairy products for an adult is 325 grams per day. In case a person suffers from intolerance or partial lactose intolerance, which develops in some people during adulthood, even high-quality milk is not recommended.

On the shelves of shops you can find pasteurized and sterilized milk. Pasteurized is stored for 5-7 days. It can be considered more natural. The advantage of a sterilized product is a long shelf life, up to 6 months. However, it should be borne in mind that there are fewer useful substances in it.

Which milk is the best, and which disorders are most often found, you can find out by reading the results.

There are many dairy products that are made from milk, below is a list of products.

List of dairy products:

  • Kefir
  • Cottage cheese
  • curdled milk
  • Ryazhenka
  • Sour cream
  • Cream
  • Butter
  • Yogurt
  • Varenets
  • Kumys
  • Katyk
  • Matsoni
  • Shubat
  • buttermilk
  • Condensed milk

Dairy products contain healthy proteins animal origin. Milk and dairy products contain and do not healthy fats animal origin, which are not beneficial to the body. Dairy products should be bought with a low fat content in order to bring maximum benefit to your health. Natural products usually with a short shelf life. Long shelf life products are less useful, so buy fresh products with a short shelf life, and then you will get a large amount of vitamins, calcium, proteins and other useful components.

Let's look at the list of dairy products in more detail, and you will understand their health benefits and be sure to include them in your daily diet:

10 popular dairy products and their benefits

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No. 1 - Milk

Milk contains 3 g of protein per 100 grams. Lots of vitamins and minerals beneficial to human health. Even children know about the beneficial properties of milk. You need to drink milk with 0.5-1% fat from childhood, if there are no problems with the digestive tract. Milk contains well-absorbed calcium, which is good for bones and teeth. Milk contains amino acids that help fight insomnia, improve sleep and calm the nervous system. Milk has a positive effect on blood pressure, normalizes it. Natural milk and dairy products last approximately 5 days, buy with short term suitability, it is more useful.

No. 2 - Kefir

Kefir has 2.9 g of protein per 100 grams. Lots of vitamins and minerals that are good for people's health. Kefir has a beneficial effect on the entire body and is useful for the prevention of many serious and chronic diseases. Many people are lactose intolerant, which is found in milk, so kefir will be a good substitute for milk. Kefir is certainly useful for the development and growth of children and adults. It is useful to drink kefir on an empty stomach or before going to bed for 1 hour, the digestion process as a whole improves. Kefir also contains calcium, which is good for bones, kefir has a positive effect on vision and skin.

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No. 3 - Curd

Cottage cheese has 16 grams of protein per 100 grams. Lots of vitamins and minerals that are good for people's health. Low-fat cottage cheese is useful for children, women, men, the elderly. Thanks to calcium, bones, teeth, heart muscle are strengthened. Cottage cheese is a perishable product and can harm the body if eaten out of date. Look carefully at the production date and storage time indicated on the package. When buying homemade cottage cheese on the market, be careful, because your grandmother may not have a health book and you can only guess under what conditions this was prepared milk product. If you still buy homemade cottage cheese, then look at the color and smell, of course, it should have a pleasant color and taste.

No. 4 - Prostokvasha

In curdled milk 3 g of protein in 100 grams. Lots of vitamins and minerals that are good for people's health. Yogurt is a fermented milk product. Curdled milk has a beneficial effect on digestive tract, improves metabolism, improves skin and hair, helps with coughs and diseases of the heart and blood vessels, helps control and reduce weight, removes toxins from the human body. Curdled milk is popular in cooking, many different products are made from it, delicious meals. Try it anyway.

No. 5 - Ryazhenka

Ryazhenka has 2.8 g of protein per 100 grams. Lots of vitamins and minerals that are good for people's health. Natural fermented baked milk belongs to fermented milk products. Ryazhenka has an interesting taste, different from kefir. Calcium in ryazhenka improves nails, bones, hair. Calcium serves as a prevention of osteoporosis, atherosclerosis. Ryazhenka improves the digestive system, satisfies hunger well, strengthens the immune system and improves the body's resistance to various diseases.

No. 6 - Sour Cream

Buy low-fat sour cream. 10% sour cream contains 3 g of protein per 100 grams. Lots of vitamins and minerals that are good for people's health. Sour cream is well absorbed, improves appetite, has a pleasant taste, and has a positive effect on the hormonal fund. Gives a wonderful taste to borscht and other dishes. Sour cream is used for sunburn by rubbing the burns. Sour cream, useful from a young age, children love sour cream.

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No. 7 - Yoghurt

Yogurt has 5g of protein per 100g. Choose yogurt with 0.1-1% fat, so it will be more beneficial for your health. Lots of vitamins and minerals that are good for people's health. In yogurt bifidus and lactobacilli, they normalize metabolism and prevent the growth of harmful bacteria. Yogurt rarely causes allergic reactions. Eat yogurt in the morning and evening and improve your immunity and strengthen protective properties organism. Greatest Benefit from yogurt with a short shelf life and with the minimum amount additives.

No. 8 - Cream

No. 9 - Cheese

Cheese has 23 grams of protein per 100 grams. Lots of vitamins and minerals that are good for people's health. Cheese improves appetite, normalizes digestion. Cheese improves vision, skin condition, normalizes blood pressure, helps relieve stress and improves sleep. Choose cheese with the lowest fat content, because. animal fats spoil your figure and harm your health.

No. 10 - Butter

Butter contains 1 g of protein per 100 grams. Lots of vitamins and minerals that are good for people's health. Butter is rich in fats, so you do not need to abuse it. Eat a couple of times a week, spread on sandwiches. When cooking, use vegetable oil instead of butter. Vitamin E, which is part of butter, is the “beauty vitamin”. Butter strengthens blood vessels, improves immunity.

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What are the benefits of dairy products? Milk and dairy products have been famous for their amazing properties since ancient times. useful properties.

Dairy products are used in folk medicine and in traditional treatment as effective remedy from various diseases. Now there are hundreds of different dairy products in stores.

Nutritionists say that dairy products are vital for a person, because they contain proteins, fats, amino acids, vitamins. beneficial to the body person. It is very important that dairy products have a beneficial effect on the intestines, which helps to strengthen the immune system and prevent various diseases.

Dairy products are certainly very useful, but despite this, you need to use them in moderation and limit their use if you have food allergy please take this into account.

The benefits of milk and dairy products

Cottage cheese, sour cream, butter, cheese, these are dairy products made from natural milk, with useful properties and a unique taste. We all eat them daily. Rapid absorption makes dairy products indispensable for baby food. They are also applied in diet food adult population.

Insofar as milk protein can be easily digested, the benefits of eating dairy products cannot be overestimated. For example, milk can reduce the manifestations of gastritis by lowering the overall acidity. gastric juice. Diuretic effect the use of milk is expressed in a decrease blood pressure, which has a positive effect on general state organism.

The main milk vitamin B2 is involved in energy metabolism, converting carbohydrates into energy. In cases of intolerance to individual components of milk, as well as allergies, you should refrain from consuming dairy products. In these conditions, the intake of dairy products can be harmful, causing pruritus, the appearance of redness in the form of a rash, asthma attacks and other unpleasant manifestations.

Types of dairy products:

  • fermented baked milk;
  • kefir;
  • curdled milk;
  • cottage cheese;
  • Varenets;
  • serum;
  • yogurts.

These are the main types of dairy products.

Who are they useful for? For all healthy people, people recovering from illnesses. Since it diet foods and easily digestible, they are very useful because they normalize the intestinal microflora, preventing the occurrence intestinal infections. Kefir has a calming effect, it can be used for insomnia and nervous stress.

Harm from the use of fermented milk products can be obtained by excessive use of them. For those who have gastritis, kefir can be replaced with varenets or sweet yogurt. In everything, a measure must be observed in order to avoid unpleasant consequences.

Natural dairy products include cottage cheese, cheese, sour cream and all curd products made from milk.

What vitamins are in dairy products?

1) Calcium. All dairy products are champions in calcium content. It is simply necessary for our bones, for nervous system for normal blood clotting. Especially for the growing body of our children, so that the bones develop properly and the teeth are strong.

2) Vitamin A. A very valuable vitamin for immunity, for the beauty of the skin, nails, strengthening vision.

3) Vitamin D. Everyone knows that this vitamin is necessary for the absorption of calcium; dairy products also contain calcium and vitamin D, some foods contain only calcium, so for good absorption, we must also eat foods containing vitamin D.

4) Protein. It is the main element of which our muscles and bones are composed. The main builder of our body.

5) Vitamin B12. To maintain the health of the nervous system, normalizes blood flow.

6) Potassium. Regulates blood pressure and fluid balance.

7) Niacin. This vitamin produces enzymes that convert proteins, fats and carbohydrates into energy. Also good for the nervous system.

Useful properties of cottage cheese

So, cottage cheese, to whom is it useful? Of course, everyone healthy people. And these are children, adolescents and the elderly who do not have serious illnesses. And who already has diseases such as hypertension, kidney disease, atherosclerosis, anemia and obesity, a natural dairy product, such as cottage cheese, just needs to be urgently introduced into your daily diet.

You will receive detailed recommendations from your nutritionist and therapist. It is best to use fat-free cottage cheese.
Cottage cheese reduces cholesterol levels, which causes the normalization of metabolism, adds calcium to the bones, strengthening them, reducing the risk of fractures and restoring cartilage tissue.

Cottage cheese is a wonderful dairy product and should be included in your diet throughout your life. If you always remember that excessive consumption of dairy products can cause malfunctions in the digestive system and do not violate this rule, then good health and excellent health will be your companions for a long time.

Be sure to eat dairy products, they are vital for any person, for immunity, healthy teeth and bones, for the normalization of intestinal microflora, they contain a lot of useful substances and vitamins for our health.

Milk is the first product we are introduced to from the day we are born. We grow on it until we grow up and do not stop loving this drink over the years. Milk is indispensable in conditions of hazardous production. And even in old age, contrary to the prevailing stereotype, it is useful for people to eat it.

Milk and dairy products: benefits for the body

Since childhood, everyone has been aware of the benefits of milk. Perhaps this is the only product that is as healthy as it is tasty. And how many different products are obtained on the basis of its processing! Not a single child has a desire to skip the kefir intake, refuse a bun with butter, not put sour cream in the soup, or ignore the next piece of cheese. Apart in this milk feast is cottage cheese, which crowns the top taste preferences humanity. Dairy products can be listed endlessly, the body is so accustomed to them that sometimes it takes it for granted. If you ask people about the benefits of milk, then everyone will answer with a memorized phrase about the invaluable role of calcium in the growth and strengthening of bone tissue.

Useful properties of milk

In fact, the benefits of the drink extend far beyond the phrase memorized from childhood. By eating milk and dairy products, we get:

Collagen formation

Let's take a closer look at the question of the contribution healing drink in the beauty and youth of the body. It is especially useful to read about this for the representatives of the beautiful half of humanity. It is calcium that is responsible for the natural formation in the body of such a substance as collagen. And than more people consumes dairy products, the higher the concentration of collagen in tissues. This provides excellent elasticity and firmness of the skin, which is extremely important for modern beauties.

Vitamins and trace elements

We mentioned collagen and calcium, it's time to talk about others useful substances. The dairy product (milk) contains a sufficient amount of potassium, which allows you to strengthen blood vessels, as well as positively affect the heart muscles. Vitamins B1 and B2 are able to raise the overall tone of the body, and vitamin D fruitfully "works" in tandem with calcium. The drink also contains vitamins of groups A and E, which are indispensable for the normal functioning of all organs of the human body without exception.

Dairy products

Dairy production is booming. With the discovery of useful bifidobacteria, more and more useful fermented milk products appear on store shelves. Experts have long been inclined to believe that such products bring even more benefits to the body. By consuming them, a person enriches his body with beneficial bacteria, so necessary in conditions of eternal stress and snacks on the run. Also, not all people can tolerate dairy products due to individual allergic reactions, increased gas formation or poor digestion. In this case dairy products are seen as an excellent alternative, because they are stored in required quantity valuable trace elements. Beneficial bacteria have a beneficial effect on the digestive system and can bring the gastrointestinal tract back to normal. For people prone to allergies, there is more good news. Now lactose-free milk has been created and put into production. Everyone can consume such a drink without exception!

Source of natural animal protein

Scientists have found that animal protein, contained in milk, is much more easily absorbed by the body than the protein extracted from meat or eggs. Nutritionists do not recommend consuming protein after 6 p.m. due to heavy digestibility. However, this kind of ban does not apply to dairy products. In addition, low-fat kefir and cottage cheese appear in many protein diets. Eat kefir for dinner and don’t think about anything, there is no more useful evening product for your body.

We follow the figure

In the distant past, natural cow's and even more fatty goat's milk remained. Now the world is ruled by a low-fat dairy product that has retained all the valuable nutrients, only getting rid of the unnecessary addition in the form high fat content. American nutritionists have long been promoting milk with mass fraction fat is not more than 1.2%, assuming that it is this concentration that can bring the body maximum amount benefit. For special diets and unloading days low-fat foods are offered. Dairy based dishes fat-free cottage cheese and kefir will charge the body with energy and, at the same time, burn all unnecessary deposits. People who are constantly watching their figure will not be out of place to pay close attention to dairy products such as whey and buttermilk, which contain reduced amount fats.

  • Sour cream to cottage cheese is served only to improve palatability. For dinner, it is better to add low-fat yogurt to the cottage cheese.
  • Do not fix your preferences on one type of dairy products, try the entire range presented on the store shelf. In a variety of consumption, there are much more benefits.
  • For those who follow the figure, hard cheese is better considered as a "holiday" product.
  • You will never know the true fat content of farm or homemade cottage cheese. Buy cottage cheese in the store, carefully read the composition indicated on the package. The content of vegetable fats in the product should not catch the eye.
  • Natural cottage cheese crumbly. If a curd mass crush with your hand, it will not look like plasticine.

What is inside?

This product is an excellent supplier of calcium and phosphorus, without which we would all fall victim to caries and constantly suffer from bone fractures. In addition, calcium and phosphorus are involved in the construction of brain cells, contribute to the smooth functioning of the nervous system and help normalize metabolism. Of course, these valuable elements are also found in other products, but the fact is that the body can only absorb them in a soluble form and in the presence of organic acids.

acids in in large numbers found in citrus fruits, black currants, strawberries, but, alas, in almost all of these healthy fruits both calcium and phosphorus are absent. In kefir, there is both, and that is why its composition is considered the most balanced.

Some people think that a glass of yogurt is the best end to the day. In fact, drinking kefir at night is not worth it. The fact is that kefir contains substances that can cause arousal and insomnia. So it is better to drink kefir a couple of hours before bedtime. By the way, with such a “schedule”, calcium is absorbed better than if you use a glass healthy drink just before going to bed.

How to choose

Kefir should be white (a yellowish tint, like a swollen package, indicates that the drink has fermented), without bad smell and lumps. Check the date of manufacture. A one-day yogurt helps to cope with constipation, and a three-day one relieves diarrhea.


What is inside?

Cheese contains the same vitamins as milk, but it contains much more protein. That is why a piece of cheese is an excellent support for immunity. After all, it is proteins that the body needs in order to resist viruses and bacteria.

Moreover, milk proteins are absorbed by the body better than meat, fish and vegetable proteins.

Among those who want to lose weight, there are those who seize hunger with a piece of cheese, believing that such a snack will not harm the figure.

However, if you eat 100 g of cheese, you will get approximately 350 kcal and quite a lot of fat - the fat content of some cheeses reaches 50%. Therefore, for those who decide to lose weight, it is better to avoid gatherings over a cheese plate.

How to choose

Pay attention to the cheese crust. It shouldn't be damaged. Through any crack in the thickness of the cheese can penetrate harmful microorganisms, which will cause the cheese to become covered with by no means noble mold. Before buying a piece of cheese, press it with your finger - the product should quickly take its original shape.

In addition, at good cheese should be holes of the same size and uniform color.


What is inside?

Immunologists and gastroenterologists appreciate yogurt for the presence of beneficial bacteria in them. The “right” microbes help digest food, absorb vitamins, protect us from infections.

Many people are sure not. the best remedy to improve intestinal microflora than live yogurt.

However, under the influence of saliva and gastric juice beneficial bacteria die, and of all the microbes that inhabit yogurt, in your gastrointestinal tract units will survive. For yogurt to benefit you, the number of microorganisms in it should not be less than 10 7 colonies per 1 g of product.

How to choose

The inscription "yogurt", "biogurt", "milk dessert" on the package means that beneficial microbes not present in this product.

A shelf life of more than one month indicates the presence of preservatives or that the yogurt has been processed. high temperature, during which all useful microorganisms were killed.


What is inside?

Milk contains a lot of vitamin A (necessary for vision and skin health), vitamin D (needed for strong bones, protection against ultraviolet irradiation and cell division) and folic acid (essential vitamin for pregnant women and those who want to have healthy color face and keep muscles in good shape).

It is believed that people over 30 should avoid milk. Allegedly, with age, the human body loses the ability to break down milk sugar (lactose). Therefore, drinking a glass of milk, you risk getting an upset stomach. Indeed, in some people, milk can cause flatulence, bloating and pain in the stomach, diarrhea.

However, intolerance milk sugar - genetic feature which has nothing to do with age. And therefore, those who drank milk with pleasure in childhood should not give up their favorite drink over the years. But, even if milk is contraindicated for you, you should not exclude dairy products from the diet - you can drink kefir, fermented baked milk, yogurt, eat cottage cheese and cheese without any health risk.

How to choose

Read the label to understand if your milk is sterilized or pasteurized. Sterilization and pasteurization is heat treatment which increases the shelf life of milk.

During the sterilization process, milk is heated to 135 degrees, and then cooled sharply. During this procedure, all bacteria, including those useful for the body, die, and most of the vitamins remain. Sterilized milk does not spoil within six months, and an opened package can be stored in the refrigerator for 2-3 days.

During pasteurization, milk is heated to 60-70 degrees, which allows you to save not only vitamins, but also most beneficial microorganisms and at the same time stop the process of souring milk. The shelf life of pasteurized milk is short - only 36 hours.

Reconstituted milk is obtained by adding water to powdered milk powder. There are practically no vitamins and microelements in it.