Hair roots get oily quickly what to do. Causes of oily hair

From time immemorial, hair has been an adornment of a woman, her wealth and protection. However, chic hair is not only inherited, along with good genes, but is also the result of proper care, rational nutrition and other nuances, which we will discuss in this article.

The sebaceous gland is connected to each hair follicle, its task is to produce a secretion that envelops the hair, protects it, makes it smooth and elastic. If too much secretion is produced, then the activity sebaceous glands increased, possibly due to malfunctions in the body. The reason that the hair quickly becomes oily, in addition to diseases, may be heredity or the period of a teenage hormonal explosion, external factors, improper care, Not proper nutrition, stress and chronic fatigue.

Hair gets oily very quickly hormonal disorders, infections that are present in the body, problems with gastrointestinal tract and even nervous disorders.

Care products

If your hair gets oily quickly, you don’t need to panic prematurely, first of all - pay attention to care products, shampoos, conditioners. Take a closer look at shampoos without SLS, (SODIUM LAURYL SULFATE). This ingredient has a strong corrosive effect, eliminates any fat from any surface, and also has the ability to react, forming nitrites, which are then absorbed into the blood. Naturally, sebaceous glands hair follicle respond to SLS increased excretion secretion, to protect against an aggressive environment, so we have reverse effect- hair gets oily very quickly.

Wrong care

In addition to shampoos and conditioners, you should pay attention to the temperature of the water for washing your hair, hot water stimulates the sebaceous glands. It is recommended to wash your hair with water, which is equal to body temperature, no more than 37 degrees. Frequent styling with a hot hair dryer can also cause your hair to get oily very quickly, hot air acts just like hot water.

Improper nutrition

Fatty foods, a lot of sweet, salty, spicy, semi-finished products, mayonnaise, sauces, coffee and alcohol do not affect the body. in the best way in general, and hair in particular. Rather, on the condition of the scalp and sebaceous glands. It is worth changing the diet, increasing the consumption of vegetables, fruits, cereals, seafood, excluding foods that contain flavor enhancers, the well-known E 621 and 631, stabilizers and dyes. From what a person eats, it directly depends on how quickly the hair grows oily, how the skin looks, how slim the figure is.

External factors

Antibiotic use, regular exposure to direct sunbeams, stay in a room with dry air, constant wear headgear - all this can be the reason that hair grows oily quickly. What to do in such cases when it is not possible to change the factors of external influence?

What to do if your hair gets oily quickly

First of all, you should make sure that there are no health problems, review your diet, change shampoo and conditioner, do not wash your hair. hot water, do not do styling with a hot hair dryer. Here are some tips on how to take care of oily hair.

Shampoos for oily hair

If we talk about shampoos, you should use products containing rosemary, nettle, plantain, mountain ash, aloe, green tea. Conditioners and rinses with chamomile, hop cones, St. John's wort, calamus root.

You can prepare decoctions for rinsing and masks at home.

Masks for oily hair

If your hair gets oily quickly, a mask from sour milk applied half an hour before shampooing.

Mask of the proteins of 2 eggs, beaten into foam, with the addition of the juice of half a lemon. The mask is applied to dry hair, a plastic cap should be put on the head and warmed with a towel. Wash off after 15 minutes.

Mask of rowan berries and mint leaves - grind a quarter cup of berries and 3 tablespoons of leaves into a pulp and apply to dry hair for 10 minutes.

A mustard powder mask is one of the most effective remedies when hair gets oily quickly. A few tablespoons, 2-3, depending on the length, dilute warm water, apply for 10 minutes, rinse without shampoo, rinse with decoction.


Decoctions of horsetail, thyme, mother and stepmother, burdock root have a great effect on the condition of the scalp, normalize the sebaceous glands, strengthen hair. So, hair gets oily quickly, what to do? We prepare a decoction, pour 2 tablespoons of herbs with a liter of boiling water, bring to a boil, let it brew for 20 minutes, strain. Decoction for rinsing is ready.

There can be many reasons why hair quickly becomes oily, therefore, it is worth approaching the problem in a complex manner. healthy image life, proper nutrition and competent hair care is the key to looking young and attractive.

If in the morning your hair is voluminous and elastic, and freshness comes from them, and closer to dinner they become greasy. No need to panic. There are ways that are ready to solve this problem once and for all.

Powder can remove oil from hair. Pour a little powder on the hair roots with your fingertips, massage the scalp, as if you were washing your hair with shampoo.

Then use a natural bristle brush to comb the powder out of your hair. Powder can be replaced with baby powder or cornmeal.

Rub a little modeling mousse into the scalp or spray a little varnish on the hair roots. Like mousse, the alcohol found in hairspray absorbs excess sebum and adds volume to the surface of the hair.

Be sure to apply a tonic for the face with an alcohol content on a cotton pad, and wipe excess fat from the surface of the head.

You, with such problems with hair, must have dry shampoo in your purse. Spray it at the roots of the hair, then massage into the roots. Comb your hair after a couple of minutes.

The tighter the hair is attached to the scalp, the faster it becomes oily. Therefore, it is necessary to do a light pile at the roots of the hair. This will add volume to the hair, as well as move it away from the source of oil pollution.

Hair miling.

Use only a comb with natural bristles. This brush evenly distributes sebum throughout the hair.

Avoid oil-based styling products such as pomade, wax, or styling cream. Oily hair types are more suitable for products containing alcohol: gel, hairspray or mousse.

Wash your hair brush. This procedure should be done once a week with a mild shampoo. Also regularly clean the straightener, styler, with a cotton pad dipped in alcohol.

Oily hair needs special care:

hair wash

Hair should be washed with shampoos for oily hair, which contain extracts of: rosemary, sage, aloe, mountain ash, nettle, grapefruit, burdock, green tea, coltsfoot, plantain, St. John's wort.

Before you start washing your hair, you need to rub degreasing agents into her skin: carrot juice, yogurt, aloe juice. It is not recommended to degrease hair with carrot juice on fair hair, as carrot juice can stain them. carrot juice Best used on dark hair. Can be used on light hair onion juice, diluted with castor oil in a ratio of 1 to 1.


Oily type of hair should be rinsed with decoctions of: nettle, coltsfoot, cones, horsetail hop, field, calamus root, burdock root, chamomile.


Masks are a must for oily hair.

  1. Egg yolk and alcohol mask

  • 1 tsp alcohol.
  • 1 tsp water.
  • 1 egg yolk.

Mix alcohol with water, add the yolk. Apply to hair, wait 10 minutes, rinse hair thoroughly.

  1. egg mask

It is better to make such a mask at night - 2 times a week.

  • 2 tbsp honey.
  • 2 yolks.

We mix the ingredients of the mask, rub it on the head, put a plastic bag on the head, wrap a towel on top, go to bed, and wash my head in the morning, as usual.

  1. Mask of kefir with calendula.

We warm up the kefir a little, add oil and calendula to it. We mix everything. Apply to the scalp. We are waiting 30 minutes. Wash off with shampoo.


Oily hair type should be styled and dried only in extreme cases, when it is really necessary. Try not to blow dry your hair, let it dry naturally.

With oily hair type, in addition to special care You should also rethink your diet. Eat more fruits, vegetables, avoid processed foods, fast foods.

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The traditional hair care recommendation that calls for washing your hair at least once every three days is simply unacceptable for owners of very oily hair! After all, how can you go to work or any other public place when the hair looks greasy and unkempt. Of course, daily shampooing and subsequent hair styling with a hairdryer causes a lot of inconvenience, which makes both women and men look for all sorts of, and even folk, products for oily hair care.

Oily hair problems

Enhanced sebum secretion skin called seborrhea. With its mild manifestations, by the evening the hair becomes a little greasy at the roots, and by morning the sebum spreads to the ends of the hair. In this case, the most unpleasant moment is the need to wash your hair daily.

In the case of hyper seborrhea, the hair becomes oily very quickly (after a couple of hours), appears oily dandruff, itching and scratching. Excess fat thins the hair, which leads to premature hair loss.

Causes of increased greasiness of hair

To find a cure for a disease, one looks for its cause. Understand why hair becomes greasy and suggest the most effective remedy their treatment will help the doctor trichologist. But in most cases, increased greasiness of the hair is inherited. The first manifestations of oily skin and hair are observed in adolescence when puberty occurs.

If the hair has become greasy in an adult, then possible cause this phenomenon may fail hormonal background caused by menopause, pregnancy, stress and nervous overload, abnormalities in the activity of the endocrine system.

An unbalanced diet frequent use sweet, fat, fried food that disrupts the activity digestive system, can also lead to excessive greasiness of the hair.

How to wash your hair properly?

If your hair gets oily quickly, in the process of washing your hair, you need to follow three simple rules:

  1. Wash hair cool water so as not to stimulate sebum secretion.
  2. Shampoo should be clear, not creamy.
  3. Apply the balm only to the hair, retreating 10 cm from the roots.

Perhaps these measures will be enough to solve the not very pronounced problem of oily hair. For more difficult cases it is preferable to use different natural hair care products.

Hello, dear readers. When people talk about oily hair, they mean that they belong to the oily subtype. This characteristic indicates an excessively active work of the sebaceous glands located in the thickness of the scalp. Owners of oily hair suffer from the fact that their hairstyle often looks untidy, and styling does not hold well. It should be understood that this problem should by no means be considered purely aesthetic. Oily hair does not at all indicate a sloppy person. It often turns out that the cause of this state of affairs is certain diseases in combination with an insufficiently well-chosen option for caring for the scalp and hairline. In people with an oily hair subtype, the strands become greasy very quickly after washing, stick together, become heavy and naughty.

Because of this, there are problems with their installation. Any somewhat complicated hairstyle can fall apart even when used. a large number styling products and products with increased fixation.

Excess fat content is often combined with the presence of dandruff, the particles of which stick together into larger formations, sticking to the scalp and hair shafts.

In addition to external ugliness, such hair still gives its owner considerable discomfort.

oily film on skin surface increases perspiration, sucks in dust and dirt particles, which can cause itching and cause the head to exude a characteristic unpleasant odor. And with this type of hair, there is an increased loss of hair.

A high degree of greasiness of hair is observed not only in owners of oily skin. Often, such a problem is encountered with its mixed type. In this case, the hair, as a rule, is not greasy so much and mainly at the roots.

Oily hair - causes of oily hair

The reasons why the hair grows oily quickly are quite diverse. At specific person there may be several.

But in any case, the immediate cause of oily hair is increased activity sebaceous glands.

They secrete an oily substance called sebum. This is a lipid compound that envelops the skin with a filmy coating.

This film performs a number important functions:

- Prevention of drying of the skin due to excessive evaporation of the liquid.

- Skin softening.

- Creation of a natural barrier that prevents the penetration of various microorganisms into the human body through the skin.

- Shielding - it is a natural filter that protects the body from ultraviolet radiation.

The number of sebum-producing glands, as well as the level of their activity, are parameters set by nature. But there is certain reasons, which are able to initiate a jump in the intensity of secretion of the sebaceous glands.

Hormonal imbalance

This condition is typical for women. A change in the level of hormones is observed due to cyclic processes, during the bearing and feeding of a child, in the menopause.

Also, hormonal attacks are experienced by children during puberty. Another reason for such changes can be the use of drugs and contraceptives.

The presence of systemic diseases

Associated with malfunctions of the digestive organs, endocrine glands, peripheral nervous system, also often affects the condition of the hair, in particular, the degree of their fat content.


A skin disease in which the production of sebum increases, which causes a change in the type of skin, and therefore hair, to oily.

Unbalanced diet

By itself, it does not directly affect the type of hairline. But the diet affects the state of the digestive system, as well as the health of the body as a whole.

Spicy, spicy, salty, fatty foods and smoked meats, as well as drinks based on alcohol and overuse sweets.

Illiterate care

Incorrectly selected care products, excessive passion for styling products can cause serious harm to the health of the hairline and scalp. Sometimes it even leads to a change in hair type.

Oils should not be abused oily masks. Wearing low-quality wigs and synthetic headwear won't end well either.

Weather factors such as hot weather and high humidity cannot be discounted either. They also contribute to the strengthening of the sebaceous glands.

But at the same time, excess oily hair, if it is not characteristic of a person, is, as a rule, temporary.

stress and nervous strain often cause the hair to become greasy quickly.

Proper care for oily hair

Many are concerned about the question of what to do if oily hair. And the problem does not become less acute even if it is temporary. But here the solution is easier to find.

But when this condition is chronic, one can often hear complaints that all the efforts made are not effective enough. Here, most likely, you will have to completely change the approach to hair care and, possibly, seek help from narrow specialists.

It would seem logical to use methods that lead to the drying of the scalp in order to reduce its oiliness. But this method often gives the opposite result.

The fact is that compensatory mechanisms are activated in the body. They provide increased secretion of sebaceous secretion in response to the drying of the skin. Therefore, such actions may not solve the problem, but drive it into an acute phase.

In the presence of quickly greasy hair, a number of recommendations should be followed.

It is undesirable to use too hot water to wash your hair. This leads to the expansion of pores and increased work of the skin glands. Shampoo is applied twice and thoroughly washed off its traces. No need to use additional balms or rinses. They can weigh down the hair, increasing its oiliness and provoking hair loss.

It is better to dry your hair without using a hair dryer. If it is difficult to do without it, then you should use cold air or its minimum heating.

It is advisable to avoid active massaging movements. With oily hair in the massage, light stroking, gentle kneading and displacement of the scalp are allowed. Also, frequent combing, the use of hard combs and massage brushes is not recommended.

When styling your hair, it is better not to use a curling iron or a hot iron. It is worth choosing simple hairstyles, do not use weighting agents (gel, wax) and metal accessories to fix them. You also shouldn't pull your hair tight.

The optimal length of curls is medium. Short haircuts are also suitable for oily hair.

As for the frequency of hygiene procedures, the experts still disagreed. So which one should you listen to and how often should you wash your hair?

It is better to try to find the correct interval yourself. One thing is for sure - you should never wash your hair more than once a day.

Repeated washing leads to drying of the skin of the scalp. At the same time, the very compensatory mechanisms that were mentioned above are launched. So you definitely can’t get rid of greasiness.

Another fact is that hair tends to get used to the frequency of washing. If you wash them daily, then even with a normal type, the curls begin to get fat by the evening.

So it's worth trying to gradually increase the interval between hygiene procedures. But only in combination with measures to reduce hair greasiness.

Hair becomes oily quickly - how to improve the condition of the hair

Let's see how to improve the condition of the hair if the hair becomes oily quickly.


Diet affects the condition of the hair. It should be varied, fortified and balanced.

It is useful to eat seafood, dairy products, fish and whole grain dishes, eggs, legumes, meat (but not in the form of sausages or smoked meats). You should also not neglect purchased mineral-vitamin complexes, especially in the off-season.

General strengthening of the body

The right way of life, getting rid of bad habits, normalized physical exercise, regular walks and hardening have a beneficial effect on health. It also affects the condition of the hair.

Herbal infusions

For improvement appearance and reduce sebaceous secretions, rinses are used, made independently on the basis of medicinal herbs. For this, coltsfoot, sage, nettle, calamus, aloe, oak bark, horsetail.

You can use either one of the herbs or multi-component mixtures, individually selecting plants and achieving maximum effectiveness of the product.


Must be selected in individually, focusing on the mark "for fatty type hair". It is desirable that it be made on the basis of vegetable raw materials.

Be careful not to use medicated shampoos, aimed at combating dandruff, if this disease is not observed.

When you can’t find a shampoo, you can try to completely abandon it and wash your hair the old fashioned way, using chicken egg. This method will not suit everyone.

It will seem especially uncomfortable out of habit. But perhaps this is natural remedy will help solve the problem.

What are good masks for oily hair

To improve the condition of the hair and scalp, there is a wide choice various masks. Good results gives use various kinds clay. Raw materials can be purchased at a pharmacy or specialized store. The duration of application varies from 15 to 40 minutes. Do them every 4-7 days.

red clay relieves irritation, promotes skin regeneration, normalizes the functioning of the skin glands. You can add to the mask mustard powder which will dry out the skin a bit.

White clay has bactericidal properties and effectively eliminates oiliness, strengthens hair roots, which prevents hair loss. To prepare a mask, it can be mixed with mineral water.

Blue clay has a rich set of mineral components. It is able to block the activity of sebum production and prevent dandruff. Apple cider vinegar can be added to the mask.

green clay stabilizes the work of the skin glands, removes excess fat, fights dandruff. You can add to the mask vegetable oil(burdock, olive).

Dairy products also provide beneficial effect on oily skin. They help strengthen hair follicles and harmonize lipid metabolism skin covers. For the preparation of masks, kefir, yogurt, whey are used. All of these foods must be low fat.

Henna is a natural plant product. Its use allows you to dry the scalp. It also has a calming effect. To avoid hair coloring, it is recommended to make masks based on colorless henna.

Raw materials are diluted with warm water or whey to a creamy consistency. The mass is applied to the roots and basal areas. The head is wrapped for an hour, then the hair is thoroughly washed.

Oily hair - what to do, professional help

You should not postpone a visit to the doctor for professional advice. You will have to undergo an examination to identify possible systemic lesions that could cause excessive activity of the sebaceous glands.

In some cases, you will need to visit a gastroenterologist, a specialist in endocrine diseases, dermatologist, trichologist.

In the arsenal of physicians there are necessary medicines and physiotherapy procedures.


A procedure involving the introduction into the scalp by means of injections of a special mixture (the so-called mesotherapy cocktail). It consists of medicines, means for inhibiting the work of the sebaceous glands, vitamins, minerals.

The use of special needles is implied, which is unacceptable for some people. Exposure time - 20-60 minutes. The course is designed for 5-10 procedures.

Ozone therapy

A similar procedure in which an oxygen-ozone mixture is introduced. It is prescribed, as a rule, in combination with mesotherapy. For those who cannot stand needles, there is another variety of it.

In this case, the composition is applied to hairy part head, is covered from above with a device that, due to the creation greenhouse effect ensures the penetration of the ozonating mixture into the skin.

This procedure helps to improve the blood supply to the skin, saturate their deep layers with oxygen, and reduce sebaceous secretions. The course is designed for 5-10 visits for 15-20 minutes. Be sure to observe the time intervals between visits, the frequency of which is assigned individually.


The good thing is that there are no contraindications for its implementation. This procedure implies the use liquid nitrogen to inhibit the activity of the skin glands. Processing is done using the applicator. The duration of the session is up to ten minutes. The procedural course is designed for 15 visits with an interval of 2-3 days.

laser shower

Impact on the scalp with quantum laser energy. This painless procedure has a healing effect, helps to improve the structure of the hair, and normalizes the activity of the sebaceous glands. Sessions can be held every other day. The duration of exposure is about 10 minutes.


Pulse treatment alternating current using a special apparatus. In this case, a number of physical and chemical changes in the tissues are observed. The pores narrow, the production of lipid compounds decreases. The procedure is used to treat oily hair, fight dandruff, inflammation. The course of treatment should consist of at least 10 procedures. If it is possible to purchase a device, you can be treated at home on your own.

Plasma therapy

Introduction under the skin of plasma. First, blood is taken, which is subject to special processing. The finished plasma can be mixed with vitamin and medicinal supplements. The method of administration is the same as in mesotherapy. The principle of operation of this procedure is to activate the mechanisms of self-healing and self-regulation of the skin. It is necessary to go through 3-4 sessions (several minutes each) with an interval of 10-15 days.

It should be taken into account that all healing procedures should be carried out with strict adherence to technologies, dosages, intervals between visits, the principles of sterility and safety.

A harmonious combination of correctly selected care, drug treatment and funds traditional medicine will definitely give the expected result.

Of course, it is unlikely that the hair will suddenly go into the category of normal or dry, but they will cease to be a source of trouble, they will be healthier, more attractive and obedient.

  • kefir;
  • beans;
  • oatmeal;
  • buckwheat;
  • cabbage;
  • veal;
  • chicken meat;
  • Champignon;
  • seaweed;
  • cocoa.

Why hair quickly becomes greasy and how to deal with it: nuances, features, key tips

The cause of greasy shine is increased activity of sebaceous and sweat glands. Sebum coats the roots and gives the hair a unkempt, “heavy” look. Frequent combing or constant touching of the curls leads to the fact that the secret is distributed along the entire length of the curl, which further aggravates the situation.

Particular attention should be paid to cosmetics and care products. Do not abuse varnishes and gels. Conditioners and hair balms do not need to be applied every time after washing your hair. The less often, the better.

Folk remedies for oily hair: herbal preparations for beauty and health

Herbal masks and rinses will make your hair thicker and healthier. Some plants have a special refreshing effect. They are able to slow down the formation of sebum, prolong the splendor and spectacular styling.

Mask "Healing"

Chamomile, nettle, burdock roots and calamus (each ingredient in 2 tablespoons) are poured into 200 ml. boiling water and insist about 1 hour. Fresh black bread is softened with infusion. It is necessary to give the mixture the consistency of a thick slurry. Apply the mask on dry hair for half an hour. It is necessary to rinse the hair at the end of the procedure with a cool decoction of nettle and oak bark.

Other herbal decoctions can be added to the basis of this mask. Beauty experts advise to always use natural-based rinses.

The ideal components are considered to be:

  • Field horsetail;
  • Pharmaceutical camomile;
  • Linden color;
  • yarrow;
  • Soapweed officinalis;
  • Oak bark;
  • Calamus root;
  • Burdock root;
  • Rosemary;
  • Thyme;
  • St. John's wort;
  • Coltsfoot;
  • Calendula.

Prepare masks and balms home cosmetology needed as hair gets oily fast. What to do and in what quantity each housewife will be able to "adjust" to her rhythm. As for herbs, there are no special restrictions and contraindications.

What to do so that the hair does not grow oily quickly: saving kefir procedures

Kefir - available to everyone and always effective remedy, allowing you to adjust the work of the sebaceous and sweat glands.

Here are some simple recipes:

  • Kefir of medium fat content is heated to 36 -38 degrees and applied to the entire length of the curls. Hair must be wrapped in cellophane and a towel. Kefir is left on the hair for 40-50 minutes and washed off with warm water;
  • 200 gr. fresh low-fat kefir is mixed with 1 chicken yolk, 20 gr. honey and 10 gr. aloe juice. The mixture is thoroughly mixed and applied to curls. After 30 - 40 minutes, wash everything off, rinse with a decoction of mint or lavender;
  • 100 gr. kefir and 30 gr. tinctures of calendula are mixed. Add a couple drops of oil tea tree and bergamot. Apply to hair for half an hour. Wash off with warm running water.

Folk remedies for oily hair: homemade shampoos

Homemade shampoos will also become a kind of "helper" in the fight for the purity and freshness of the hair.

Here are two unique recipes:

  • In 200 ml. water dilute 1 tablespoon of soda. The suspension is applied to the hair, especially carefully massaging the hair roots. Wash off with warm water. Rinse with herbal decoction.
  • Ordinary yeast is steamed with warm water and left for half an hour in a warm, dark place. The mixture should resemble liquid sour cream. Just before shampooing, whipped protein is added to the mixture and applied to the hair. The scalp and root zone are intensively massaged for 4-6 minutes. Wash off with warm herbal decoction.

Hair becomes oily quickly: what to do

It is advisable to wash your hair no more than 1 time in 4-5 days. Frequent washing head provokes even more active work of the sebaceous and sweat glands. The rest of the time, treat the hair roots and root zone with alcohol lotions or special “dry” shampoos.

Should be avoided too hot water. It also provokes the activity of secretion.

IN winter time protect your hair from cold and cold. Always wear hats.

Do not abuse the hair dryer and styling products (stylers, gels, varnishes, mousses and foam).