What to take if already sick. What to do when you get sick? Wrong diet for the flu

Mom surrounded us with care and did everything so that a common cold would not develop into a more serious illness. And if then we easily and simply stayed at home and happily skipped classes, now you go to work in any state and try to fulfill your direct job duties. Therefore, every adult begins sooner or later to think about the question: I'm starting to get sick, what should I do?

The first signs of a cold

Before undertaking any, you need to know exactly which symptoms relate specifically to a cold:

  • itching and because of what you constantly want to scratch your nose;
  • frequent sneezing, but only if the person does not suffer from allergies (if a person starts sneezing, a doctor can tell you how not to get sick);
  • increased tearing, which follows immediately after sneezing and itching in the nose;
  • possible nasal congestion;
  • a feeling of general weakness, throughout the day you want to lie down, sleep;
  • headache caused by nasal congestion;
  • muscle soreness, feeling of aches;
  • an increase in body temperature, but not higher than 38 degrees.

In the event that several symptoms appear at once, a person immediately realizes: I am starting to get sick. What to do? Moreover, it is necessary to take any action immediately, because this is the only way to prevent complications.

What to do at the first sign of a cold

Not all folk remedies that we remember from childhood can be used when the first symptoms of a cold appear. For example, you can take a hot bath only if there is no high temperature and other contraindications.

Therefore, every adult needs to clearly know what to do at the first sign of a cold. The following measures will help ease the flow:

  1. If the body temperature has risen, then it is necessary to observe bed rest, because the body loses a lot of strength due to the fight against infection.
  2. Ventilate the room regularly. This will kill the bacteria and not create favorable conditions for their reproduction.
  3. Drink plenty of liquids, give preference to hot tea, in which it is recommended to add honey or ginger, or a rosehip drink.
  4. Periodically gargle with special medicinal decoctions, such as chamomile or calendula. It is allowed to use special solutions with the use of soda, salt, iodine, furacilin.
  5. Rinse your nose with salt water or a special tool that can be purchased at a pharmacy. You can prepare a saline solution yourself, for this, add a teaspoon of salt to a glass of warm water.
  6. Cough helps warm milk, in which you need to dissolve honey and butter. You can apply a warm compress, but only at normal body temperature.

And, of course, do not forget about vitamins, which are huge in fruits and vegetables. And if a person thinks like this: "I'm starting to get a cold. What should I do? Only a doctor can tell," then it will definitely be possible to avoid the consequences. After all, the timely help of a specialist will always come in handy.

What can not be done?

Bringing down the temperature at first is not recommended. This is the body's natural reaction to an infection, which means that the fight against the disease is in full swing. However, it is still worth paying attention to general well-being. If the temperature is too poorly tolerated, then you can bring down the temperature with Nurofen.

You cannot risk your health, and if you are getting worse every day, it is better to call a doctor at home. Remember that the common cold, if left untreated, can cause a sore throat or pneumonia.

Medical treatment

I'm starting to get sick. What to do? You can take a number of medicines that are sure to be in almost every home. Well, it is best not to neglect the advice of a specialist who will prescribe the right treatment.

There are a huge number of medications that are designed to make you feel better and speed up your recovery. The most popular and effective are:

  • "AnviMax", which includes vitamin C, paracetamol and loratadine. The therapeutic effect is felt within 30 minutes after taking the drug.
  • "Pinosol" - nose drops that are recommended by most doctors, since they are made on the basis of natural ingredients, which means that the risk of side effects and addiction is minimal.
  • "Suprastin" is an antihistamine that can reduce swelling in the nasal and throat mucosa.
  • "Tantum Verde" - a spray that is used to treat the throat.

It is worth remembering that the earlier a person paid attention to his condition and found the first signs of a cold in himself, started treatment on time, the greater the likelihood of preventing the further development of the disease. When the thought appears in my head: "I'm starting to get a cold, what should I do?" - a doctor can help.

A child has a cold: first aid

Particularly relevant is the question of what to do at the first sign of a cold in a child. You can help the baby, but only if you do not panic.

First of all, you need to find out if the child has a temperature. If it is elevated, but below 38 degrees, it is not worth knocking it down. You need to give your body time to fight off the infection on its own. If it is above 38 degrees, then it is recommended to give an antipyretic, such as Nurofen. If this remedy does not help and the temperature continues to rise, you need to wipe the child with warm water (vodka and vinegar cannot be used).

Further actions

After the child's condition has stabilized, it is necessary to give an antiviral drug, such as Anaferon. Inhalations with medicines or mineral water will also be useful. If there is no special device for inhalation, you can use a folk remedy - breathe over boiled potatoes. The effect of such a remedy is complex: getting rid of a cough, treating a throat, eliminating the symptoms of a cold. What to drink when you start to get sick, only a doctor will tell. Therefore, it is better not to postpone the trip to him.

Remember that when the first symptoms of a cold appear, in no case should you immediately take antibiotics in the hope that the disease will disappear in one day. Such miraculous drugs do not exist, and improper treatment can lead to undesirable consequences. "What if I start to get sick? What should I do in such a situation?" - you ask. Answer: listen to your own body. He himself will tell you what he needs: he gets sleepy - go to bed, if you want to eat a certain product - eat it. And in no case do not go to work or anywhere else in this state.

Runny nose, sore throat, chills and headache - all these are symptoms of acute respiratory infections or flu at the initial stage, finding in yourself that you realize that you are starting to get sick.

But even having a common cold, no one wants to be isolated within four walls for several days.

What to do in order not to get sick if the first signs of acute respiratory infections are found? What medicines should be taken to stop a runny nose, get rid of a cough and prevent a cold from becoming more serious?

To begin with, before you do anything, you need to determine exactly whether you really get a cold, or if it's just a runny nose. Of course, ideally, call a doctor or go to the clinic.

But what if it’s evening outside, and you return home and find that you have a runny nose, cough?

The following symptoms also speak of the onset of ARI:

  • Nasal congestion;
  • Watery, copious discharge from the nasal passages;
  • Headache;
  • Perspiration and discomfort in the throat;
  • Chills;
  • Sometimes an increase in body temperature.

It is not necessary, if you get sick with a cold, that a runny nose is accompanied by a temperature. But that doesn't mean you can do nothing. Even if the ailment is mild, it is better to take action immediately and suppress the development of the disease at the very beginning.

It is important not to confuse the onset of a cold with ordinary overwork. If a person is very tired, overworked, or has not had enough sleep for a long time, they may experience similar symptoms.

In this way, the body signals that it needs rest, and puts the person to bed.

What can you do if you have a cold

Simple actions that are easy to perform at home will help to avoid complications and not get sick completely.

  1. Wrap your feet warmly. Most often, acute respiratory infections begin due to hypothermia - the patient got his feet wet, froze on a walk or in public transport. As a result - a runny nose, sneezing, coughing. Therefore, when you get home, you should immediately wipe your feet dry and put on woolen socks.
  2. Drink hot tea with raspberries, honey and lemon. Plentiful drinking is now necessary. If in the first aid kit there is a pharmacy powder for making hot drinks - Coldrex, Rinza, Theraflu and their analogues, then it will be just wonderful. The hot vitamin liquid will warm your throat and stop the infection from spreading.
  3. Take additional vitamin C. Now it is very important to support the immune system, and vitamin complexes will help in this. It is better to take them constantly. But if this was not done, then at least with the first symptoms of acute respiratory infections, you need to drink ascorbic acid or multivitamins with its high content. This will help the body fight off the infection.

First aid for a cold depends largely on the symptoms and general condition of the patient. A very good effect is given by hot baths for the legs or even for the whole body. But you can do them only if the temperature has not risen. Eucalyptus or essential oil of coniferous plants can be added to the water. Then the bath will not only warm, but also have the effect of inhalation.

If a foot bath is being made, then mustard powder can be added to the water. After the procedure, in no case should you go outside for at least two hours.

It is advisable to lie under the covers and drink hot tea with raspberries, lemon, strawberry leaves, or a decoction of chamomile, linden, mint.

Modern pharmaceuticals offer a range of products that can be used both as a therapeutic and as a prophylactic. Their action is aimed at restoring and maintaining natural immunity, which is why they are called so - immunomodulators.

They are most often made on a plant basis, therefore immunomodulatory drugs can be taken for a long period.

It is recommended to start a prophylactic course with the onset of cold weather or at the beginning of an influenza epidemic. It has been proven that those who regularly take immunomodulators catch colds several times less often and endure the disease much faster and easier.

With their help, you can cure a runny nose and cough at the initial stage, get rid of headaches and fever.

What drugs should be purchased at the pharmacy to suppress the onset of a cold? This:

  • Aflubin in drops or tablets is a homeopathic remedy that strengthens the body's defenses;
  • Amizon or Arbidol are stronger immunostimulating agents with which you can cope with a viral infection;
  • Echinacea Tincture - This over-the-counter remedy is slow-acting but also very helpful for boosting immunity during cold and flu season.

Before starting a course of treatment, it is advisable to consult a doctor or at least carefully study the instructions for use. Each of them has its own contraindications, some components can cause an allergic reaction, so you should always be careful and not recklessly take all the drugs advertised or advised by friends.

In fact, among the people there are many recipes for starting a cold, with which you can quickly cure a runny nose and cough.

Some of them are quite unexpected. Everyone knows that you need to drink a lot, preferably warm and sour drinks. Most patients know that when they have a cold, they should put mustard plasters and soar their feet.

But there is one more recommendation on how not to get sick and recover quickly if the infection still overtakes. Need to sneeze. Sneezing is a protective reflex of the body, with its help it pushes viruses out of the body that have entered through the nasopharynx. Therefore, if the first symptoms of acute respiratory infections appear, you need to sneeze as much and as often as possible.

Sneezing can be provoked in the following ways:

  1. Irritation of the nasal mucosa with a cotton swab. But it is important not to overdo it and not injure the mucous membrane.
  2. Kalanchoe juice. This is a houseplant native to Africa, the juice of which is used to instill in the nose for a runny nose. The juice irritates the mucous membrane and causes sneezing, in addition, some substances in the composition of Kalanchoe can neutralize viruses and bacteria. Pure juice cannot be buried, it must be diluted with water.
  3. Snuff. Sniffing tobacco is considered a bad habit. But in this case, such a procedure will be beneficial. If there is no tobacco, you can sniff allspice from time to time. The main thing is to cause intense sneezing.

Another method of strengthening the immune system and eliminating a viral infection is massage. Some doctors recommend rubbing the hands and feet at the first sign of a cold. Pressing on certain points allows you to get rid of high fever and headaches.

Head and face massage is also practiced. To do this, by pressing, you need to find the most painful points on the head and gently massage them for 4-5 minutes several times a day. Usually, with a cold, the occiput, temples, and superciliary arches are sensitive.

If, despite all the measures taken, the symptoms did not go away after 2-3 days, but, on the contrary, intensified, you should consult a doctor and move on to more serious treatment. What to do at the first sign of a cold will tell the video in this article.


What to do if you feel like you are getting sick?


oksana tryn

drink vitamins, some theraflu, warm socks, lemon honey milk

Vika Maslyanova

Indeed, if you feel sick, go to the Pharmacy. Say what hurts, ask for pills: Vitamins, teraflu, perhaps if your throat hurts - Strepsils.

Arina Tkachenko

If you have a cold, then close all the windows (from drafts), tea with honey and lemon. Drink plenty of water, preferably warm. Also, bitter chocolate helps with coughing. If the temperature, then it can not be knocked down. Because the body is just fighting the disease. But if it becomes higher than 38, then it is already necessary to reduce it. Also just lie down and sleep. You need to lie under a warm blanket. to steam the body. Be sure to keep your neck and legs warm, just a must. Exclude TV, computer and phone. For a long time I watched how it would be cured in one day in the first stages, it helped me.


The most effective is to eat a whole lemon at a time (possible with sugar) with tea. This amount of vitamin C at a time will drive away your cold. Along with this, you can honey, also a good antiseptic.

Nadezhda Sorokina

Measure the temperature and if normal, nothing needs to be done. When it gets above 38, you can take any antipyretic medicine and go to bed, just lie down for a day and everything will pass.

Antonina Kalinina

It is best to drink tea with ginger. Mix grated ginger, honey, lemon in a separate bowl, preferably in a jar. Do not touch the mixture for one day. Then eat a teaspoon a day. Add to tea, honey to taste, my granddaughter is allergic to it, but with honey it is more effective, you choose)

I'm sick with a cold. Pain in the throat. What to do to remove a cold already at this initial stage?


Anna Nefier

Take antiviral drugs such as Ingavirin, Orbidol and drink chamomile tea with honey)

Miranda Vetrova

Buy TONZILGON drops. Drip 25 drops into a tablespoon and keep in your mouth until dissolved. Minutes 2. Then you can swallow the rest. Every 4 hours. 6 times a day.

Nina Antiptseva

Gargle your throat and nose with a mild saline solution.

ewgeny gasnikov

There are 2 options.
1. If there is no sore throat, if there are other symptoms of the flu (cold), that is
the disease has not yet penetrated deep into the body: then, it follows: for 1 glass of hot milk (not necessarily boiled (not everyone likes the taste of boiled milk)) take, a pinch:
-ground black pepper
- red ground pepper
- ginger (dry, ground)
- cardamom (dry, ground)
1 teaspoon each:
- butter (10 gr).
Drink such a prepared composition in the evening, before going to bed, and in the morning, when you wake up and do the same. Usually, after 2-3 hours, after taking the second glass, all the symptoms of the disease disappear.
2. If, to all the symptoms, a sore throat (when swallowing) was added, that is, YOU overslept the onset of the disease, allowing it to penetrate deep into the body, you should:
just replace 1 component of the composition: instead of cardamom, lay turmeric (dry,
ground, which is a natural antibiotic, BUT, you should drink 4-5 glasses in 2 days. When using the second composition, an increase in internal heat (not temperature, but rather sensation) is observed. And a quick cure - with bed rest (2 days and - like a cucumber). All ingredients are natural. Doctors and modern medicine, for 350 years of existence, unfortunately, have not learned how to treat either a cold, or an acute respiratory disease, or a SARS, or influenza, which is why they say: if you treat a cold, it goes away in a week, and if you don’t treat it, it takes 7 days.

Ivanova Anna

Ginger tea, aqualor in the nose and viferon candles help me, and I also usually use tantum verde, a throat spray. like this, everything goes away in a couple of days, I limit myself to a runny nose, a maximum of a sore throat.

Tamara Ilyicheva

treatment b. symptomatic, rinsing, anti-inflammatory, etc. The main thing is not to overdo it and not buy any advertised rubbish :)

Ears hurt with a cold: how to treat complications at home

Often, patients complain of such a symptom as ear pain with a cold. The symptoms of a cold are very unpleasant in themselves - a runny nose, cough, headaches, weakness and fever.

And if a cold in the ear joins them, the person suffers doubly.

In such cases, you need to know what to do at home if the ear hurts a lot, especially in a child.

Removing local symptoms is not enough - it is imperative to treat the root cause, and this is usually the flu virus or colds caused by hypothermia.

Why do ears hurt with a cold? Sometimes this is a complication with a runny nose, but the ear can hurt on its own, due to inflammation inside the ear canal. Colds of the ear can also occur as a complication after other serious diseases that occur in severe form.

The most common causes of ear pain are:

  • Otitis with purulent discharge;
  • Runny nose of a chronic nature;
  • Inflammation of the middle ear;
  • sinusitis;
  • Angina.

Treatment of all these diseases is possible at home. But it is necessary to treat not only pain, but also the causes that caused them.

What to do if the ear is blocked

Often, with a strong, prolonged runny nose, symptoms such as stuffy ears, tinnitus occur. This is a signal that the ear is also affected by the inflammatory process, and it is time to start its treatment. You can eliminate unpleasant symptoms if you do such a simple exercise: take a deep breath, and then exhale with effort, closing your mouth.

The ear hurts and lays if the pressure in the Eustachian tube is disturbed. To return it to normal, you need to make such movements with your jaws, as if you are chewing solid food or yawning widely. You can get rid of discomfort in the ear at home by inflating balloons.

If the ear hurts very much, treatment with various folk remedies will help. For example, you can do warming up with salt. To do this, coarse salt is poured into the pan and heated on the stove or in the oven. After the salt should be poured into a linen bag and applied to the sore ear. In this way, you can treat a runny nose.

Also at home, a sore ear can be treated with camphor or thuja oil. These substances must be instilled into the ear several times a day. It should be understood that treatment with folk remedies may not have an effect in acute inflammation of the ear and even harm.

Therefore, if the condition worsens and the pain does not go away, you should consult a doctor as soon as possible.

Medical treatment for ear pain

All appointments for pain in the ear should only be made by a doctor, especially if it is a complication after a runny nose or sore throat. If the pain is very severe, and the doctor is temporarily unavailable, you can purchase the following remedies at the pharmacy:

  1. Drops otinum. They are prescribed for complications after influenza or tonsillitis, otitis and myringitis. The main active ingredient of the drug is choline salicylate. It has a pronounced analgesic effect, relieves inflammation. You need to bury three drops every six hours. If the pain does not go away after a seven-day course of treatment, you need to choose another method of treatment.
  2. Otipax. This drug is used to treat all types and forms of otitis media, including those that occur after the flu or a cold. Drops have an antimicrobial effect, relieve inflammation and eliminate pain. There are no contraindications to the use of this drug, it can be used to treat infants. You need to bury five drops of the drug in a sore ear twice a day.
  3. Sofradex. This remedy is available in the form of drops or ointment. Destroys microorganisms and effectively eliminates pain in the ear. Sofradex has a number of contraindications, therefore it is prescribed only after the cause of pain in the ear has been accurately established. The course of treatment should not exceed seven days.

If the ear hurts in pregnant women or children, it is not recommended to use medications without a doctor's recommendation - it is safer to use traditional medicine recipes.

Are antibiotics needed for ear infections?

Antibiotics are drugs that quickly destroy pathogenic microorganisms, but at the same time, those bacteria that are needed in the human body for certain metabolic processes also die. However, with purulent otitis media, they cannot be dispensed with.

If the remedies and recipes listed above were not effective, there is nothing left but to resort to antibiotic therapy. Indications are severe pain in the ear, fever, purulent discharge. No other medicine will help in this case. Antibiotics are also needed if a cold begins without a temperature.

Pain can decrease and disappear completely if pus flows from the ear. But this does not mean that the disease has passed. On the contrary, it is high time to start intensive antibiotic treatment to avoid hospitalization and complications. Some more useful information in the video in this article on the topic of ear pain during a cold.

Spring is in the yard, but the cold is not appeased!

Here and there, all you can hear is that someone is sick. ARVI is not a rare guest in our climate. And then the flu kicked in! Each time it seems that we will not be taken. Who is vaccinated in advance, who is tempered. But…

And if such an indisposition happened, then some kind of helplessness immediately covers. Especially when children are sick. Even if they are already big. Students. Moreover, they are already working.

Here's what a friend of mine recently wrote:

“For some reason, when children get sick, I panic and forget everything - how to treat, what to do, what medicines are needed. Rarely get sick?

I start calling my friends, flipping through directories and surfing the Internet.

And this fear is even stronger than that of me, a young mother. Why? Awareness of the fragility of life?

By the way, my girlfriend has the same thing - the child gets sick, she calls me - Luda, don't you remember what to do? And I remember everything, I give advice, I recommend medicines. In the same situation at myself - I do not know anything. Probably, we should someday sit down and calmly write down what to do and in what cases.

So I decided to write a memo to myself, my adult children and my friends.

It's better if you don't need it.

Before, I just put prescriptions from doctors and my notes on what I gave and what I wanted to do in doing so in a basket of medicines. In other words, I learned from my own experience. I recommend.

But now I rely less and less on doctors, I try to make do with what I have at hand. I have developed my own attitude to colds. But common methods can be useful to many.

First, first,

Prevention of colds

  • Eat more raw vegetables (carrots, beets, cabbage).
  • Always have garlic and onions on the table at the time of a possible illness.
  • Don't get cold. If so, warm up. Warm bath, massage. Raspberry tea. If there is no homemade raspberry jam, then I recently found a very decent one in the store - Premier.
  • We use cranberries, lemon and other citrus fruits. In general, a shock dose of vitamin C in its natural form.
  • Rinse the nasopharynx - 1 liter of boiled water + 6-8 drops of iodine and 1 teaspoon of salt. Sniff in and pour out the rest.
  • Grind onion to gruel, add garlic and breathe for 3-5 minutes 3 times a day.
  • Breathing (almost according to Strelnikova - who knows): a deep breath and a few exhalations.

What to do if you have a cold

Yep, it happened. Got sick.

Do not immediately drink antipyretics or antibiotics. Any smart doctor will tell you that.

Speaking of doctors. We were visiting. The owners' adult son fell ill, caught a cold. In addition to the fact that it is difficult for him to give in to the advice of adults, we ourselves have not believed for a long time in favor of the numerous newfangled drugs with which all pharmacies are inundated. The doctor who came on call, a young woman, struck me with her intelligence and attentive attitude.

  1. Arbidol 0.2 g x 4 r per day. You can first buy for 3 days, we'll see;
  2. Bioparox 4 injections x 4 r per day - this is in the mouth and nose (instead of drops);
  3. Vitamin C, you can use the simplest yellow balls for 15-18 rubles per jar of dragees;
  4. Plentiful drink;
  5. Paracetamol at high temperature, over 38.

If it went down and a cough appeared - inexpensive cough tablets for thermopsis, or mukaltin, chest collection (you can filter bags or just brew grass)

Here I will add my proven recipe, which I convulsively recall after every broncholithin or bromhexine comes to mind:

tablets "Cough" (thermopsis) 2 pcs - crush in a tablespoon, add water and add 5 drops of ammonia-anise drops (available in every pharmacy).

Basic rules of conduct for a cold:

You don't have to lie down all the time

It is not necessary to chain a sick person to bed, since with prolonged lying, the ventilation of the lungs and bronchi decreases, and congestion may begin in them. There is also a diagnosis of "congestive pneumonia", which develops in those who remain bedridden for a long time.

Therefore, during a cold, it is better just stay at home. Beware of drafts!

Drinking regime

Let's start with water. If you have a cold, increase your fluid intake. Together with urine, all harmful impurities are excreted. The flu virus does not like an alkaline environment, so drink more mineral water.

Raspberry tea is very useful for colds. In raspberries there are many antipyretic and diaphoretic substances. However, if you have heart disease, be careful with raspberries - they can cause arrhythmias.


A relatively large amount of energy and time is spent on the digestion of protein and fatty foods. And during a cold, the body's forces should be directed to fight the infection. Therefore, you should try to eat less rich foods.

But we increase the consumption of foods that are easily digested and do not linger in the intestines. These products include fruits, especially citrus fruits, fresh and stewed vegetables, boiled and stewed fish, juices, fruit drinks.

By the way, the effectiveness of chicken broth against colds and flu has been proven by scientists. Almost all broths have pronounced anti-inflammatory properties, soothe sore throats and make breathing easier with nasal congestion. This is because compounds are formed in the broth that stop the production of mucus in the nasopharynx.


If there is pain and sore throat, you should immediately start some procedures.

It is necessary to rinse the throat with salt and soda. You can make a solution of herbs: chamomile, thyme, sage. Repeat this procedure at least 4-5 times a day. Sore throat relieve mint lozenges, but if you have a sore throat or pharyngitis, you need to be treated with antibacterial drugs.

Personally, I also use propolis tincture:

15 ml per 1/2 cup of warm water as a rinse 4-5 times a day for 3-4 days.

In chronic pharyngitis and tonsillitis, propolis tincture is smeared with tonsils 1-2 times a day for 8-15 days. In addition, in chronic tonsillitis, propolis tincture is used in the form of inhalations with an aqueous solution in a ratio of 1:20. The course of treatment is 1-2 inhalations per day for 7-10 days.

Inside alcohol tincture of propolis can be taken for colds, flu, acute and chronic bronchitis, inflammation and tuberculosis of the lungs, hypertension, peptic ulcer of the stomach and duodenum, acute and chronic colitis.

The dose can be 20-60 drops. Take it in half a glass of water (a milky liquid emulsion with small flakes is formed) or milk, the course of treatment is 5-30 days, depending on the disease (for a stomach ulcer - 3-4 weeks, you can repeat after a 15-day break).

The dose for children is calculated according to the principle: for 1 year of the child - 1/20 of the adult dose. A 10-year-old child, for example, is given half the adult dose.

And about the rather new remedy Arbidol. You will find details about Arbidol on the Internet or in the instructions for the drug itself. I will write only general information.

Arbidol is an etiotropic antiviral drug for the treatment and prevention of influenza and SARS. Arbidol acts in the early stages of viral reproduction and inhibits the fusion of the viral lipid envelope with intracellular membranes, preventing the penetration of the virus into the cell. Arbidol differs in its mechanism of action from the anti-influenza drugs used: amantadine and rimantadine, which are blockers of ion channels formed by the M2 protein of the influenza virus, and neuraminidase (NA) inhibitors - zanamivir and oseltamivir 3,4.
Studies have shown that the high efficiency of Arbidol is the result of the diversity of its biological activity and is due, in addition to the specific effect on viral reproduction, also by the ability to induce interferon, immunostimulatory effect, antioxidant activity 5,6.
Arbidol is active against all antigenic subtypes of influenza A and B viruses (including "avian"). Arbidol is active against the main pathogens of SARS. The use of Arbidol reduces the period of fever and the overall duration of the disease. When using Arbidol, the risk of complications from influenza and SARS is significantly reduced. When using Arbidol during the epidemic, the risk of influenza and SARS is reduced by 7.5 times. Arbidol combines high efficiency and good tolerance. Dosage and administration: Inside, before meals. Adults and children over 12 years old - 0.2 g each; children under 12 years old - 0.05-0.1 g (depending on age) 1-4 times a day or 2 times a week for 5-28 days, depending on the goals (treatment / prevention)

And do not forget to take vitamins - this will increase your immunity.

Vitamin Compatibility

It has long been established that different vitamins and trace elements interact differently with each other. For example, due to the reaction of vitamins C and B12, the absorption of B12 stops; vitamin B1 can contribute to an allergic reaction, and vitamin B12 can make it worse.
Examples of positive interaction:

  • calcium is very well absorbed with vitamin D;
  • vitamin B12 is well absorbed with calcium;
  • Vitamin C helps restore the protective properties of vitamin E.

Table of compatibility of vitamins and microelements



vit. A - vit. Evit. A - vit. C
vit. B2 - vit. B6
vit. B2 - vit. B9
vit. B2 - vit. K
vit. B6 - vit. B3
vit. B12 - vit. B5
vit. B12 - vit. B9
vit. C - vit. E
vit. B6-Ca
vit. B6-Cu
vit. A-Zn
vit. D - Ca
vit. K - Ca
vit. B12-Ca
vit. B3-Fe
vit. E - Se
vit. A - vit. B12vit. A - vit. K
vit. D - vit. E
vit. B2 - vit. B1
vit. B3 - vit. B12
vit. B12 - vit. B1
vit. C - vit. B2
vit. C - vit. B12
vit. E - vit. B12
vit. E - vit. K
vit. B9-Zn
vit. C-Cu
vit. E - Fe
vit. B5-Cu
vit. B12-Cu
vit. B12-Fe
vit. B12-Mn

With the advent of cold weather and rainy autumn, the risk of catching some kind of seasonal sore increases. Moreover, neither adults nor children are immune from this. The virus can catch on at work, in public transport, at school, you can catch a cold from hypothermia, get your feet wet. It is important to immediately try to help yourself so as not to start the disease. In this material, we will tell you about what you should do first of all and how you should behave if you feel that you have already begun to get sick.

Before deciding what to do if you get sick, you should determine whether it is definitely a disease, and not general fatigue and the consequences of a lack of vitamins, lack of sleep, a poor immune system. If fatigue and depression mostly disappear after a good sleep in a comfortable bed, then the disease has a number of symptoms that a good rest will not relieve. Of course, they are quite different, depending on what kind of ailment you have overcome, but there is also a list of common ones that occur in most cases:
  1. Temperature rise. When the body fights the virus, it needs more strength, and in this battle, most often the body temperature rises by a couple of degrees.
  2. General weakness, lethargy. You do not want to do anything, a constant desire to sleep pursues. Even after sleeping for 12 hours, any physical stress causes severe fatigue.
  3. Chills, dizziness. There is a feeling that you are freezing, this is often a consequence of the temperature. Also, if you stand up abruptly, for example, from a chair, you can feel your head spinning for a couple of seconds.
  4. Aches. At the very beginning of the disease, there is a feeling as if all your joints are twisting and aching, sometimes your muscles are aching.
  5. Lack of appetite. It is especially easy to determine by this sign that the child is ill. Babies grow and develop, so in a normal state they should have a good appetite, but if a child begins to refuse even his favorite food, this is already an alarm signal.
It happens that when the disease begins, the condition of the skin, hair and nails also worsens. This all suggests that the body resists and all its forces go to correct the situation, drawing support from any resources.

How to help yourself quickly cope with the disease:

  • We drink a lot of liquid. The temperature causes dehydration, so the body needs to be hydrated all the time. This will make you feel better in general.
  • We eat vitamins. You can use vitamin complexes that are sold in a pharmacy or eat a large amount of fresh vegetables, fruits, and do not forget about foods containing calcium. With many diseases, its content in the body falls.
  • We try not to overexert ourselves. We are fighting the disease and all our internal resources go to eliminate it, so it’s better to support yourself, reduce any unnecessary load and lie at home for one or two days.
  • We eat light but nutritious food. The body must receive everything it needs to resist the virus and at the same time not waste energy on long-term digestion of foods.

What to do if you get the flu or SARS?

Influenza and SARS are exactly those health troubles that occur most often in autumn, winter and spring. If these diseases are started, they can cause many undesirable complications for the whole organism. Therefore, they should be recognized as soon as possible and treatment should be started from the first days, then, most likely, you will be up and running in the shortest possible time. To get rid of flu or cold infections in a couple of days, you need:
  • Steam. A good option would be a bath, but only on the condition that you do not have a temperature yet. This is a great solution if, for example, you are very cold or your feet are wet.
  • Take a large dose of vitamin C. You can drink a couple of cups of warm (but not hot) tea with lemon and eat about 6-8 tablets of ascorbic acid throughout the day.
  • Drink a lot of rosehip tinctures or warm milk with butter. Add 10 grams of butter to a cup, preferably homemade.
  • Take medication to relieve symptoms. For these purposes, special soluble powders are well suited, such as Coldrex, Pharmacitron, Teraflu and others similar in effect.
  • Eat. Even if you don’t feel like eating at all, try to have a snack with chicken broth and eat various fruits during the day.
  • Go to bed early, well covered. You can even put a heating pad in your bed. But it is better to open the windows so that there is fresh air in the room. If it is very cold outside, then just ventilate your room before going to bed. In a refreshed room, you will sleep better.
Remember that you should not bring down a small temperature. If it does not rise above 38 degrees, do not rush to drink antipyretics. Having coped on its own, the body will become stronger.

If your throat hurts, what should you do?

Angina, and just a sore throat, is not only very unpleasant, but can also threaten with extremely bad consequences if this condition is triggered. To quickly cope with the disease in its initial form, you should use:
  • Rinsing. The most popular recipe is salt, soda and iodine. To prepare, take a teaspoon of salt, soda and add two or three drops of iodine to a glass of warm water. Stir well and rinse for several minutes after each meal, but at least three times a day. Also, you can use a herbal decoction of sage, chamomile, calendula, St. John's wort, eucalyptus. From medical means, a solution of furacilin or chlorophyllipt is suitable.
  • Sprays. Special preparations of various price categories can be found in any pharmacy; propolis products are good enough in this case.
  • Honey. Just take 1 tsp. natural honey and gradually dissolve.
  • Aloe. Cut off the leaf, chew it and keep it in your mouth. If too bitter, add a little honey. This is both beneficial and tastes better.
  • Sea buckthorn oil. Especially suitable if the throat is wheezing and dry. We moisten a cotton ball in oil and roll such a cotton ball in the mouth three to four times a day.
  • Inhalations. The combination of many aromatic oils, if you breathe over them, greatly alleviates the condition of the sore throat, and also removes the runny nose, if any.
In addition, as in the case of a cold, eat vitamins, drink warm milk with butter, tea with honey. On New Year's holidays, if there is no temperature, but you breathed in cold air and are afraid that you will lose your voice by morning, you can combine business with pleasure and drink a couple of glasses of mulled wine or warmed honey beer.

So, the answer to the question of what to do if you start to get sick is not at all difficult, but still, it is very important not to forget that not only the measures taken on time, but also the correct diagnosis contribute to rapid treatment. Therefore, it is better to feel unwell as soon as possible, consult a doctor, it is the specialist who will be able to tell you exactly what to do.