Why you need to drink more water. Is it good to drink water on an empty stomach in the morning, how much water to drink, cold or hot? What if I don't want to drink

Water… How much is said in this one simple word. For some, these are seas and oceans, rivers and lakes, where you can spend an excellent outdoor recreation without unnecessary worries and fuss. For others, there is no greater pleasure than taking a few sips of purified water after intense exercise.

What's this?

And what does it represent in its essence? Water is a chemical substance composed of one oxygen atom and two hydrogen atoms. In short, this is H 2 O. This formula is the basis of water. However, in its pure form you will meet it extremely rarely, and in nature, probably, you can’t find it at all. Indeed, during the movement of liquids on the surface of the planet, water is constantly transformed into different physical states and comes into contact with many chemicals, which make each portion absolutely unique. For the water in one glass will not be an exact copy of it, but in another glass. In science, since ancient times, it is customary to divide water into fresh (drinking) and salty. Almost 97 percent of the oceans are salty.

You can’t drink it, because due to the chemical composition, when it enters the body, catastrophic failures in its work occur, up to death. Salt water is found mainly in the oceans and seas. Fresh water is found in fresh lakes and rivers, swamps and glaciers, groundwater and evaporation. She is fit for drinking. It allows the body to maintain normal functionality, provided it is cleared or not contaminated.

Drink little water

From water, life appeared on our planet and developed thanks to it. Every living organism, be it an animal or a plant, fungi or single-celled creatures - all consist of water for more than half of its composition. To maintain the water balance in the body, it is necessary to consume water in certain quantities. If its consumption becomes below the norm, then it threatens him with dehydration. The latter entails the most terrible metabolic disorders, up to imminent death.

Therefore, in no case should such a state be allowed, and you need to drink a sufficient amount of liquids per day. According to international standards, approximately one liter of liquids is considered the minimum norm, which ideally should be water. But as for the maximum amount of fluid consumed, then on this account the opinions of experts differ. By the way, what happens if you drink a lot of water? This will be described in detail below.

weight loss

High fluid intake is recommended by many professionals such as fitness trainers, dietitians or cosmetologists. After all, it is believed that if you drink a lot of water, you can lose weight. And this refers to water, and not milk, juice, tea and coffee or alcoholic beverages. It is necessary to use water in its pure form, as it is intended by nature.

Otherwise, problems with the body begin, such as: unhealthy skin and hair, general depletion of internal organs, pollution of the body with all sorts of toxins. In order to prevent this, you need to drink at least two liters of water a day. A person who drinks a lot of it generally feels healthier and more energetic. And the body, due to the lack of imbalance, is constantly in good shape, which is in demand for a full life.

Why drink a lot?

Many people are probably wondering why drink a lot of water if you live in a not hot, temperate climate, and the work is devoid of physical exertion. Indeed, residents of southern hot countries need to drink an order of magnitude more water than residents of the north.

While the body is in hot air, moisture evaporates from it in the form of sweating. In some cases, it even leads to death. In one hot day, up to 10 liters of water evaporate from the body. And these losses must be compensated by no less consumption of liquids. Also, increased sweating can be observed in people whose work is associated with physical labor or takes place in hot conditions (which is often compatible, such as the work of a bathhouse attendant or in the metallurgical industry). With intense physical activity, a large amount of moisture is also released, which people involved in sports know firsthand. So in these situations, it cannot be said that drinking a lot of water is harmful.

An exception, perhaps, are cases of outright insanity, when people drank colossal volumes of liquid on a dare, about thirty liters at a time. This led to inevitable death.

Intense exercise and water

What happens if you drink a lot of water to a person who is actively involved in sports? It is known that professional bodybuilders during the period of active training consume about ten to twelve liters of water per day.

Intensive training affects the evaporation of fluid from the body. Exceptional cases are also known. So, for example, one girl from the UK, who consumes up to 25 liters of water per day, feels quite fine. But this is a unique case.

Benefits of water

According to various sources, the human body consists of about eighty to ninety percent water. It normalizes metabolism in the body, delivers nutrients to each cell, removes toxins. The amount of liquid consumed should be chosen for yourself based on many factors, such as, say, food intake. If the food consists of a large amount of harmful, salty and spicy, then a large amount of liquids will only help the body cope with the load.

For Vegetarians

But is it possible to drink a lot of water if a person is a vegetarian? Yes, with a large consumption of plant products, water intake can be reduced to about one and a half liters per day. It should not harm the body.

True, a separate issue is the kidneys. In some diseases of this organ, daily water intake should be limited. Since this can lead to excessive congestion of organs. In this regard, you should consult with your doctor on an individual basis.

Why should you drink a lot?

Few people realize what will happen if you drink a lot of water, and yet a significant part of the diseases in the human body occurs precisely because of its small amount. By observing the drinking regimen, you can avoid problems with joints, kidneys, and skin.

So many health problems can be avoided simply by increasing the amount of fluid consumed. Especially a lot of it is lost during gastrointestinal disorders. And during these unpleasant periods, you need to drink as much water as possible.

Young ladies know firsthand why to drink a lot of water. Because it has long been known that a full-fledged water balance slows down the aging of the skin and helps to avoid wrinkles and other unpleasant cosmetic defects.

If you don't drink enough water, what will happen?

At the first hints of a small amount of water in the body, the brain begins to switch to work in economy mode. It is pulled out of the cells to replenish the composition of the blood. A person may not want to go to the toilet for the whole day and feel fine. However, at the same time, the body works at full capacity, so to speak, for wear and tear. With such a long-term lifestyle, problems with the work of the kidneys begin in the first place. Next come the heart and brain.

With dehydration of the brain, its normal functioning is disrupted, crazy ideas, hallucinations appear, and some people have an increased level of aggression. So, if a person claims: “I drink a lot of water”, the reasons for this may be just that the body is sounding the alarm. That is, it signals that he does not have enough fluid. Some hold the erroneous opinion about what will happen if you drink a lot of water, they believe that there may be swelling. On the contrary, they are the result of low fluid intake. Since the body, sensing danger, is trying to make reserves. But most people live with dehydration and do not know about it.

Why will you lose weight?

There is an opinion that if you drink a lot of water, you will lose weight and get rid of excess weight. Although there are many shortcomings in this statement, but in general it is so. Water, of course, does not have any fat-burning properties. However, it will still help in the fight against excess weight.

Firstly, because it will actively participate in the metabolic process. Secondly, water will help reduce appetite by filling the space of the stomach, thereby preventing a person from eating more than he would like. Drinking a glass of water before meals, and preferably two, you can avoid overeating. Because it will be impossible to eat everything you want, for the simple reason that the stomach is already full.

Drink only water

Some believe that by drinking tea or coffee alone instead of water, they thereby replenish the body's supply and are in a state of rest regarding their health. However, this opinion is erroneous and detrimental to health. Coffee and tea do not replenish liquids.

Milk and juice are considered food. But alcohol, to which many are so accustomed, rather draws moisture from the body. With regular consumption of all of the above instead of water, the development of various diseases is only a matter of time.

An experiment is recommended for all lovers to avoid ordinary water - within a few months you need to start drinking its normal volume. There were no those who would complain about their well-being after such an innovation. On the contrary, everyone began to find out what would happen if you drink a lot of water. In general, health and well-being will improve.

Frequent urination

But what about the problem of urination? And can this be considered a problem? Many, having begun to consume so much liquid, complain that, they say, "I drink a lot of water and often go to the toilet." Is it normal?

It would not be normal if a person consumed two or three liters of water per day and at the same time did not go to the toilet often. Then it would be necessary to sound the alarm. And so everything is in order. After all, the body is thus cleansed, and excess toxins and toxins are removed from it, especially if you like to pamper yourself with junk food.

You can often find questions that "caring" parents pay attention to frequent visits to the toilet and begin to sound the alarm, trying to limit fluid intake in extremely persistent ways and refuting all medical opinions on this matter. In such situations, of course, it is very difficult to prove something to conservative-minded people with a Soviet upbringing. But nevertheless, one can draw conclusions for oneself that if a person claims: “I drink water and go to the toilet a lot”, then there is nothing supernatural here. And with such frequent visits to the bathroom, he only helps his body to remove all the muck that gets into it.

The obvious answer

So what happens if you drink a lot of water? The answer to this question is quite obvious. Only by transferring to a regular basis the consumption of a large amount of liquid, you can improve your health and improve the metabolism in the body.

In today's world it is extremely difficult to lead a healthy lifestyle. There are numerous temptations at every turn, such as junk food like fast food, carbonated drinks, fatty foods, and alcohol. But what about inadequate sleep, nervous stress and a sedentary lifestyle? All this leads to such health problems that were not even heard of a hundred years ago.

The life of our ancestors was filled with physical activity, and the air, food and water were pure and natural. Now everything has changed, and maintaining a healthy lifestyle is extremely difficult. You can't change the air we breathe, and you can't refuse certain foods either. But there are things that we can fix, for example, you can go to the gym, increase the consumption of fruits and vegetables.

And also drink plenty of water. And it is desirable to monitor its quality, which many regions cannot boast of. As mentioned earlier, drinking two to three liters of water per day, you can improve the general condition of the body in a few months. And if you start to actively engage in sports, then you can increase the volume to five liters, unless, of course, you have a small body weight. Everyone is strongly advised to take care of their health, without which it is so difficult in our world.

A small conclusion

Now you know what will happen if you drink a lot of water. We have considered the benefits and harms of it. We hope that this information was of interest to you.

Proper drinking regime along with rational nutrition plays an important role in ensuring the normal functioning of the body. What kind of water is more useful to drink and how to do it correctly so as not to harm your health? Read about it below.

Water is a universal solvent. As part of the liquid component of blood, it is involved in the transport of oxygen, carbon dioxide, nutrients and waste products, thermoregulation and chemical processes in cells.

How much water should an adult, a pregnant woman, a newborn child, children drink per day per 1 kg of weight?

Scientists have calculated that the body of an adult male is 60% water, and female - 50%. For an adult:

  • To maintain water balance, it is necessary to consume 1.5 - 2 liters of pure water per day.
  • The physiological need in terms of 1 kg of adult weight is 30 ml of water daily.

During pregnancy water is involved not only in the metabolism of the mother's body, but also the unborn fetus. That's why doctors recommend:

  • Drink 2.5 liters of drinking water per day.
  • To prevent the occurrence of edema, it is necessary to reduce not the amount of fluid you drink, but salt, and this should be done throughout the pregnancy.

The doctor will help you establish the correct drinking regimen based on the results of the tests.

Inadequate fluid intake can affect the quality of amniotic fluid and the mother's body.

The amount consumed newborn baby water depends on the type of feeding.

  • With artificial or mixed feeding, the norm should be supplemented by a baby from two weeks of age, while the norm of water he drinks during the day is 100 - 200 ml.
  • When breastfeeding, the baby needs to be supplemented, since the breast milk he drinks is 90% water. 50-70 ml of drinking water per day is enough for the baby.

Important: the opinion that a breastfed baby does not need supplementation is erroneous. Remember that mother's milk is food, not drink!

Keeping the water balance in the body children is the key to their health. Drinking enough liquid of proper quality will help to avoid problems with growing teeth, gums, joints, kidneys.

  • Children need to drink 1-1.5 liters of pure water per day
  • The physiological need for water in children is 50 ml per 1 kg of body weight.

What happens if you drink too much water - is it good or bad: consequences

Despite all the benefits of clean drinking water, with a large amount of consumption, it can harm the body.

  1. When drinking large amounts of water at a time, vomiting occurs. This property is used when washing the stomach in case of poisoning, but in normal conditions such a phenomenon brings only discomfort.
  2. The risk of edema increases, which can even affect the brain and lungs.
  3. Along with excess water, salts and minerals are washed out of the body, the water-salt balance is disturbed, which can lead to a decrease in muscle and mental activity and even convulsions.
  4. The body will try to get rid of large amounts of fluid through diarrhea.

Everything is poison and everything is medicine. And only the dose makes a medicine a poison, and a poison a medicine. (Paracelsus)

Is it bad for the kidneys to drink too much water?

There is an opinion among doctors that the best prevention of kidney disease is their continuous work. In order not to suffer from urolithiasis or inflammation of the urinary tract, you need to consume a sufficient amount of fluid per day (at least 2 liters). This volume must be reduced if kidney disease is already present.

With excessive water intake, the kidneys work in an enhanced mode, and it can be assumed that over time, such overloads will begin to affect their health and performance. However, to date, a reliable relationship between kidney disease and a large amount of fluid drunk has not been established.

Situations in which you need to drink more water

In some cases, the amount of fluid consumed can be increased to 3 liters per day.

  1. Physical exercise
  2. Vomiting and diarrhea
  3. increased urination
  4. Increased sweating
  5. Body burns
  6. Poisoning and intoxication of the body
  7. SARS, influenza

What happens if you drink too little water - is it good or bad: signs of dehydration, consequences

A person can live without food for more than a month, but without water, only 3-4 days. Reducing the level of fluid in the body is extremely dangerous for all body systems. You are suffering from mild to moderate water deprivation if:

  1. You have dry skin. This manifests itself in peeling, a tendency to chapping, the appearance of deep wrinkles and other signs of premature aging.
  2. There are problems with digestion - heartburn, indigestion, frequent constipation.
  3. There is thirst and dryness in the mouth and eyes, as the mucous membranes dry up.
  4. You are sick longer, because the viscous blood does not have time to transport the toxins formed during the illness to the organs of their excretion.
  5. You experience joint pain due to the fact that the amount of fluid in the joint bag decreases, and the bones begin to rub against each other.
  6. You often get headaches, especially at the end of the day. So the brain reacts to a decrease in the level of water in its composition.
  7. The feeling of hunger occurs more often than usual. The body sends hunger signals in order to replenish fluid reserves along with the food taken.

Severe dehydration requires prompt medical attention and has the following symptoms:

  • rapid breathing and heartbeat
  • elevated body temperature
  • sunken fontanel in infants
  • confusion and distraction in children and adults
  • lack of sweat and tears
  • dark urine in small amounts
  • strong feeling of thirst
  • low blood pressure

Such dehydration is rare, but requires close treatment in a hospital setting.

What water is better to drink: cold or hot?

Neither cold nor hot. Cold water causes spasms of the walls of the digestive tract and stomach, besides, the body still “warms up” the incoming liquid to body temperature. Hot water, boiling water - not very pleasant in taste, and can burn the mucous membrane.

It is correct to drink warm water heated to room temperature or the temperature of the human body.

Why do Chinese people drink hot water?

There is no single correct answer to this question, however, there are versions that:

  • According to traditional Chinese medicine, drinking cold drinks can disrupt the flow of yin and yang energy in the body.
  • Heated water contributes to better absorption of food, especially fatty foods, because fat dissolves easily in boiling water.
  • A more earthy version - the water is heated for hygienic reasons to kill pathogens.
  • The use of pure boiling water is a feature of the mentality, a tradition developed over the centuries that does not have a specific subtext.

Is it good to drink water on an empty stomach in the morning, how much water to drink, cold or hot?

According to doctors, the ideal start to the day should necessarily include drinking water on an empty stomach. It should be warm water, comfortable for our body.

  1. Drinking water on an empty stomach washes the walls of the stomach, helping to cleanse it of undigested food debris.
  2. It stimulates the contraction of the walls of the digestive tract and thus has a mild laxative effect.
  3. The gastric juice is diluted and the feeling of morning heartburn disappears.
  4. Appetite decreases due to a feeling of fullness in the stomach.

To achieve such positive effects, it is enough to drink 1.5 - 2 glasses of warm water in the morning on an empty stomach.

Is it useful and how to drink water with lemon in the morning?

It will not be superfluous to add a slice of lemon or a teaspoon of lemon juice to warm water in the morning.

Lemon perfectly stimulates the immune system, invigorates, accelerates the elimination of toxins, enriches the body with vitamins.

In addition, it is known for its fat burning and antibacterial properties. You need to drink such homemade "lemonade" on an empty stomach, 20-30 minutes before a meal.

Giving lemon water to children should be done with caution. Sour juice can harm the baby's delicate stomach lining, and lemon can cause an unpredictable allergic reaction.

What water is better to drink: boiled or raw?

Heat treatment of the drink is one of the most effective means in the fight against pathogenic microbes. However, many people consider boiled water to be dead, useless, and harmful chlorine-containing compounds are formed during boiling. To avoid this, it is recommended to leave the water in an open container for a day before boiling, so that impurities such as chlorine, ammonia, etc., evaporate.

Raw water tastes better, but contains pathogens and disinfectant additives in the case of tap water. Before use, such water must be defended or passed through household filters.

What water is better to drink: mineral or plain?

plain water, tap water, is usually taken from terrestrial sources and has a variable composition. It depends on the amount of precipitation, season, remoteness of the reservoir from settlements and other factors. Not always the chemical composition of ordinary water satisfies the needs of the body in the quality and quantity of microelements contained.

Mineral water has a constant chemical composition and is more saturated with inorganic trace elements. Depending on the content of salts in it, they distinguish:

  • medical
  • medical dining room
  • table mineral water.

The first two types of water are taken as prescribed by a doctor and in limited quantities. Table mineral water (with a salt content of less than 1 g/l) can be drunk without restrictions and preferably from those sources that are geographically close to the place of your permanent residence.

Mineral water perfectly quenches thirst and restores the water-salt balance, but its regular use requires significant financial costs.

Is it possible to drink distilled water from a car shop, rain?

Distilled water from a car dealer It is intended for household purposes of servicing machines, for example, for washing radiators. Therefore, the container in which it is stored is not intended for food products, and you should not drink such water unless absolutely necessary.

Distilled water does not contain impurities and minerals, and it is impossible to replace absolutely all the water consumed with it.

Against, rainwater has an indefinite composition. It absorbs impurities contained in the atmosphere - dust, heavy metals, ammonia, pesticides. Drinking such water and even using it for domestic purposes is not recommended.

Can you drink sea water?

Sea water is the strongest poison for humans. The salts contained in it are enough to disable the kidneys and poison the body. After its assimilation, there is a sharp increase in the concentration of trace elements and salt in the blood, which leads to the outflow of fluid from the tissues, which leads to rapid dehydration of the body.

Can you drink tap water from a well?

tap water passes through several stages of purification and meets all sanitary and epidemiological standards before entering the pipes. However, in the water supply, it is polluted a second time - with iron oxides, organic matter, bacteria, and the chlorine compounds contained in it can have a negative impact on the health of allergy sufferers and asthmatics. Therefore, tap water that has not been boiled or cleaned with household filters is not recommended to drink.

Delicious and invigorating well water in the conditions of modern ecology most often contains a large amount of nitrates and fluorides. These compounds are difficult to remove, and they pose a particular danger to the child's body. The quality of water in different wells is different, and without laboratory tests it is difficult to establish whether it is possible to drink water from one or another source.

Is it possible to drink water with lime sediment?

The characteristic milky sediment of limestone after settling water indicates a significant content of calcium salts in it (increased hardness). Sanitary standards prohibit the use of such water for drinking purposes. Without additional softening and purification, regular drinking of water rich in limestone can lead to metabolic disorders and the formation of kidney stones.

Is it possible and useful to drink water at night?

The body consumes water in the process of metabolism even at night. To avoid feeling thirsty, half an hour before bedtime, it is recommended to drink half a glass of pure water, mineral water can be used. But you should stop drinking fluids before bed if:

  • swelling in the morning
  • restless sleep and frequent urge to urinate

Is it possible to drink water with high blood pressure, hypertension?

A diet for hypertensive patients must necessarily include a sufficient amount of liquid for an adult (at least 1.5 liters of water per day). Water in hypertension plays an important role in the body:

  1. Cleanses the walls of blood vessels from cholesterol plaques.
  2. Increases the volume of circulating blood, thus expanding the vessels and lowering blood pressure.
  3. Thins the blood, facilitating the work of the heart.

The amount of water consumed and its quality should be agreed with the attending physician.

How to drink water frozen in a bottle?

Frozen water has altered qualities. It is more conducive to cleansing and rejuvenation of the body, speeds up metabolism. To obtain it, settled water is poured into a bottle and placed in a freezer, and then the opaque ice and the unfrozen part are removed.

  • At first, it is recommended to drink no more than 100 ml of frozen water per day in order to induce addiction.
  • Then you can drink up to 1.5 liters of frozen water per day. This volume should be divided into 4-5 times and for medicinal purposes drink 30 minutes before meals.

How to drink water for weight loss?

Proper drinking regimen will help not only get rid of extra pounds, but also maintain the result achieved.

During the day you need to drink 8-12 glasses of water.

Try to stick to an approximate schedule for drinking water:

  1. In the morning on an empty stomach, at least half an hour before breakfast.
  2. During the day, 30 minutes before meals and 2-3 hours after meals.
  3. Between meals, focusing on the feeling of thirst.
  4. Small amount of water before bed.

In this case, water will help get rid of a false feeling of hunger, reduce the amount of food consumed, cleanse the body of toxins and toxins.

How to drink water in the heat and is it possible to drink cold water?

In hot weather, thirst is felt more strongly, and you want to drink as many cold refreshing drinks as possible.

The amount of water drunk on a hot day should be increased by 0.5 - 1 liter from the norm. Thus, an adult needs 2.5 -3 liters of fluid to maintain the water-salt balance.

Choose the right water temperature. Do not abuse cold drinks- this is fraught with colds and sore throats. Ice water causes vasospasm, is absorbed more slowly and quenches thirst worse.

It is much more effective to drink warm or even hot water to speed up metabolism, increase perspiration, and thus cool your body naturally.

Is it good to drink a lot of water at a temperature?

  • Water is additionally consumed for increased sweating and rapid breathing
  • The liquid helps the body cope with intoxication, removing the products of the activity of viruses, bacteria and toxins from the body.

Instead of water, you can drink herbal teas with the addition of raspberries and rose hips.

How long after a meal can you drink water and why not with meals?

The tradition of drinking food while eating makes digestion difficult, since the incoming water dilutes the gastric juice and takes the necessary enzymes out of the stomach. For the same reasons, you should not drink water immediately after eating.

It would be correct to drink a glass of clean water half an hour before a meal and 0.5 - 4 hours after a meal.

  • 30 minutes after eating fruit
  • 1 hour after vegetables
  • 2 hours after a carbohydrate meal
  • 4 hours after meat products.

How long after a workout can you drink water and why can't you drink during a workout?

It is worth refraining from drinking water during training, so as not to create a feeling of fullness in the stomach and avoid discomfort during active exertion. In addition, an athlete who uncontrollably drinks water during exercise to quench increased thirst is at risk of water poisoning.

  • You can drink water after physical exertion, every 15 minutes, 150-200 ml. The total amount of liquid drunk should not exceed 1 liter.
  • Drink 1-2 glasses of pure water half an hour before your workout to replenish your body's fluid stores and keep you from getting thirsty during exercise.

Why can't you drink water quickly, but can you take small sips?

Drinking water in one gulp puts a sharp strain on the kidneys and digestive tract. Not having time to assimilate, it is largely excreted from the body without being absorbed.

On the contrary, water, drunk in sips, is completely absorbed and perfectly quenches thirst.

Hold drinking water in your mouth before swallowing it. This will moisturize the oral mucosa and "deceive" the receptors that signal thirst, creating the effect of drinking a large amount of liquid.

Why can't you drink water after melon, corn?

To avoid unpleasant effects from the gastrointestinal tract, do not drink melon and corn with water. This will lead to increased flatulence, colic and even diarrhea. For the same reasons, it is not recommended to eat them on an empty stomach.

Why can't you drink water after surgery, anesthesia?

The postoperative condition is accompanied by intense thirst, but doctors do not allow drinking water after surgery and anesthesia.

  • The incoming water against the background of general weakness provokes nausea and vomiting, and vomit can enter the respiratory tract and cause pneumonia.
  • In the case of abdominal surgery, the drunk liquid puts pressure on the walls of the gastrointestinal tract and the sutures.

Drinking water is allowed only 2 hours after anesthesia.

The very existence of our planet is literally implicated in water. And the origin of life, and the movement of continents, and climate change - water took part in all these processes. She is credited with various properties (many of which, by the way, have been proven): that she has a memory, reacts to everything that happens around her, has powerful energy and outstanding physical and chemical properties. Only water at typical climatic conditions can change its state of aggregation: to be liquid, then solid, then gaseous. In the myths of many peoples, she appears both dead and alive. Here it is appropriate to recall the healing properties of melt water, on which at one time a fair percentage of the population of our country sat down, counting on gaining youth, longevity and harmony. Many, by the way, have achieved significant success in this field. But this technique is rather alternative, not scientifically substantiated. But the fact that the use of the optimal amount of water can virtually eliminate chronic pain from migraines, rheumatism, peptic ulcers, as well as lower cholesterol, normalize blood pressure and contribute to a noticeable weight loss is a medical fact.

Why should you drink more water?

Everything is very simple. The loss of even 10% of water by the body negatively affects our health: both metabolic processes and the activity of the central nervous system are disturbed (not for nothing that when a person is worried, he is advised to drink a glass of water).

Doctors say that even in a calm position of the body at an average air temperature, a person loses from 2 to 2.5 liters of water daily. It leaves with urine, saliva, sweat, breath ... This means that any healthy person needs 2-2.5 liters of fluid per day just to keep himself in working condition

And what happens if there is not enough water for a person?
Firstly, the kidneys begin to “lazy” and their function is partially taken over by the liver, due to which the process of “utilization” and the removal of decay products from the body slows down. This is fraught with intoxication and ... constipation, which is often observed in those who are intensively working on weight loss (diet / sports / sauna), while not drinking enough water. Although it was previously believed that in the treatment of obesity, water intake should be limited (up to 1-1.2 liters per day). But to prove that it contributes to weight loss, no one has succeeded.

Secondly, the lack of water contributes to edema no less than its excess. If the body decides that it is in danger of dehydration, it will hold every drop in the intercellular space. As a result: swollen face, legs and arms.

Thirdly, an interesting observation: the less water in the body, the more often we want to eat, especially sweets.

Scientists have their own statistics on the "water" account: with a lack of 2% of water, malaise occurs, with 6-8% - fainting, with 10% - hallucinations and even coma, and if the body loses 15-25% of water - this is a guarantee of irreversible processes in body and even death. Our brain, which is 85% water, is especially sensitive to dehydration. The loss of even 1% of water can lead to the death of brain cells that are not restored.
Since we are talking about the head, take note: a headache is often just a signal that the body does not get enough water. So do not grab the pills right away, try to drink the same glass of clean water first.
And here is another curious fact: a newborn consists of 75% water, but if we live to be 95 years old, the volume of fluid in our body by this age will be only 25%.

The conclusion suggests itself: if you want to stay active and alert longer, drink more water. Aging is the natural path of every person, and, alas, not everyone succeeds in being young even in old age. Of course, genes also play a role here, but the role of water cannot be ruled out! Think about the phrase “dries with old age” - it is the “shrinkage” of cells that modern scientists call the main cause of aging. 5 more reasons to drink more water.

How much water to drink per day

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The formula that allows you to calculate the optimal amount of fluid you need for life (and for health!), Is simple: the norm is 40 grams of water per 1 kg of human weight.
You need to increase this volume (by 1-2 glasses):

- when visiting the steam room / sauna;
- with an increase in protein in the diet;
- when drinking alcohol, coffee;
- when smoking;
- when breastfeeding;
- with increased breathing (physical activity, high altitude conditions).

Everything seems to be simple, but there are some buts. Let's say for some reason you got used to drinking not two and a half, but three and a half liters of water (tea, kefir, juices, etc.) per day. If you are not hypertensive and you have healthy kidneys, there is nothing to worry about: how much fluid has entered the body, so much will come out of it. But be on the lookout: constant thirst can be one of the symptoms of a number of serious diseases, such as diabetes or hormonal disorders. Also pay attention to swelling: if you do not have the habit of eating herring at night, but in the morning you notice swelling, see a doctor - you need to visit an endocrinologist and a cardiotherapist.

Someone is used to drinking a lot, and someone is a whole liter, or even one and a half, behind the norm, falling short. There are not so few people who hardly pour a glass of water into themselves. From the drunk liquid, they may have an increased heart rate, difficulty breathing, and a feeling of discomfort. In this case (under the obligatory condition that everything is in order with the health of the cardiologist and endocrinologist), it can be recommended to train, gradually increasing the “dose”: half a glass a day or two or three days. Carefully monitor your condition - the body itself will tell you at what pace to move towards the goal. Theoretically, he gets used to the norm within one to two weeks.

You may have heard that water speeds up the metabolism, so those who drink a lot of fluids are much less likely to gain weight from what they eat. And the manifestations of cellulite in those who drink a lot of water are also less ... If after these words you firmly decided to drink as much as possible, do not rush to realize your idea. A large amount of water drunk not only activates the kidneys (which is good), but also removes very valuable macro- and microelements from the body, disrupts the water-salt balance (which is bad).

First of all, water flushes out potassium from the body. And if, in addition to everything else, your water-salt balance is disturbed, then there will also be an excess of sodium, which just contributes to fluid retention. If you are actively losing weight, drink more water (just do not abuse mineral water, it is still healing) and take light, potassium-sparing diuretics. It also helps to take vitamin C, iron and magnesium.

What water to drink?

So, we figured out the required amount of liquid. However, one question, the main one for many, remains: is it enough to drink juices, kvass, tea, wine, or should one drink just plain water? There are many scientific and pseudo-scientific opinions, conjectures and studies on this subject, but a definite answer has not been found.

For example, the famous Iranian doctor Batmanghelidj came to the conclusion that plain water can heal a person from many diseases. He even has a single answer to all the questions of patients: "You are not sick, you are just thirsty." In his opinion, the right water is a carrier of energy. Only she is able to restore the vitality of the body. But from the point of view of evidence-based medicine, the difference between water and drinks is the same: tea and coffee increase blood pressure and cause even more thirst, while juices and carbonated drinks contain sugar and increase appetite. In any case, no matter what we drink, the intestinal walls filter water with the help of special “pumps”, and it is water that enters the cells, even if beer or broth was drunk. Actually, if during the illness you had a high temperature, then you probably heard the doctor’s recommendation more than once: “... And drink more fluids!” It's liquids, not water.

But still it is better to drink just pure water. It contains neither calories, nor salts, nor sugars, nor other elements that can harm the body. And its benefits are undeniable. For example, drinking a glass of water on an empty stomach will help to improve the functioning of the intestines and compensate for the loss of water during hours of sleep. In hot weather, before going out, it is also advisable to drink water. Is it possible to drink water during the walk itself? It is undesirable to drink a lot: it will increase sweating, which means it will increase the process of dehydration. Water is also useful during long flights: to feel good, be sure to drink a glass of water for every hour of flight.

In addition, there are a number of indications for which doctors recommend drinking water:

    first of all, these are all acute diseases, diarrhea, feverish conditions that cause high temperature, since the body during these periods loses a significant amount of water (through the lungs, skin, urine, etc.);

    flushes of blood to the heart, lungs, liver, spleen, stomach and inflammation in these organs;

    flushes of blood to the abdominal organs and, in general, to the lower part of the body, for example, with hemorrhoids, poisoning of the liver, kidneys, etc.;

    circulatory delay and improper distribution of blood, as well as internal and external neoplasms, cysts, polyps, growths.

And finally: you need to drink water skillfully! It should be slightly warm, and you should not drink it in one gulp, but in small sips.

Olga Gessen
Thank you for your advice
therapist, MD Eugene Parnes.

Hello dear blog readers!

I wanted to talk to you about why you should drink water, especially in the morning on an empty stomach. It seems that I read a lot and know about it, I myself try to drink more water, but while I was preparing the material, I came across my favorite program “Live Healthy” and learned a lot of interesting and new things about water, about why you need to drink water when you need to drink water and how much water to drink. After this viewing, I decided to treat water in a more organized and responsible way, because water is life!

Why you should drink water

Our body consists of 78% water. All substances that circulate in our body are dissolved in water. We can live without food for at least a month, but without water - no more than three days.

All metabolic processes in the body occur with the participation of water, we need to maintain a water balance: how much water is released, so much should be received, that's why you need to drink water first of all.

And we have to watch closely how we drink plain water.

Until recently, I drank a glass in the morning, sometimes lemon. Such water is also useful, we will talk about this later. But it turns out that it is not quite right to start the morning with such water, you must first of all drink a glass of clean water.

Why you should drink water in the morning on an empty stomach

A glass of raw water at room temperature should be drunk immediately after waking up to make up for the moisture deficit that always occurs during the night, in order to start the process of intestinal motility. Water should be drunk not just before breakfast, but in general before any action, before the morning shower, before brushing your teeth, etc.

At night, toxins accumulate in the intestines, all sorts of substances we do not need. And we must drink water to cleanse our intestines. It is in the morning that all the filth and fats accumulated during the night are best processed, and water helps in this.

And you should drink not one, but two glasses of water in the morning. In some sources, I met information that even 4 glasses of water should be drunk in the morning.

A glass of water, or rather a mug, is always on my bedside table. As soon as I wake up, I immediately drink water, and then I get up. 15 minutes later I drink a second glass of water. In order not to be bored, I knitted a case on the mug. It has become more comfortable and cheerful, and it is more pleasant to drink water.

We drink water and then go to do morning chores.

If you drink water in the morning, you will never have kidneys that function normally, and without water, the kidneys work worse.

I also once heard from one doctor that if you drink water from 5 to 7 in the morning, you will not have bile stasis. I have been following this rule for a long time and noticed that now there is no bitterness in my mouth in the morning.

Water for the heart

The most important reason why you should drink water is that without a sufficient amount of water, the heart cannot work normally, water is vital for the heart and blood vessels.

I was surprised to discover that quite often heart attacks and strokes happen precisely because of the insufficient amount of water consumed.

Without water, the blood elements in our blood cannot flow freely through the vessels. They stick together and form a blood clot, while the contractility of the heart decreases, which leads to a heart attack and stroke.

Therefore, it is necessary to drink more water so that the blood remains liquid and the blood elements float calmly.

Read what program I made for myself. I think it will be interesting and useful for you too.

Water against cancer

It is now completely proven that two liters of water a day protects a person from bladder cancer.

You need to drink more water so that an infection does not develop, toxic substances do not remain on the bladder mucosa, thereby reducing the risk of bladder cancer.

If there is not enough fluid, then a cancerous tumor gradually begins to grow.

Water for weight loss

To lose weight, you need to drink water! Why? Everything is very simple here.

After all, the stomach does not care what it is filled with. It reacts to volume, to expansion. Having filled the stomach to a certain level, a person is saturated. So, if you drink 2 glasses of water instead of high-calorie food, then the feeling of fullness will also come, while 0 calories will be consumed. This does not mean that you should drink water instead of food! You only need to drink 2 glasses of water before meals. We give a signal to the brain that we are already a little full and we will eat less food.

If you add food rich in dietary fiber (greens, vegetables) to water, which lingers in the stomach, the feeling of satiety will continue even more. Thus, it is possible to reduce weight within a short period of time.

Water helps both lose weight and maintain body weight and health.

water for infection

Water is needed to fight infections.

Our mucous should be sufficiently hydrated. If there is little water in the body, then the mucous becomes more vulnerable to bacteria, viruses and allergens.

And water, as it were, creates a barrier and does not let microbes into our body, but also repels them outward.

Therefore, during the period of exacerbation of infections, allergies, it is necessary to drink more water.

water for stress

Yes Yes! Water helps with stress!

After all, stress causes dehydration. Stress hormones are released and our heart begins to beat faster. Breathing becomes more frequent, sweating increases and a person loses much more water.

In general, under stress, moisture loss is greater than in the normal state.

Therefore, when under stress, you need to drink plenty of water, and not eat chocolate and cake. And you will fight stress, and you will not get better.

This list can go on and on for a long time about why you need to drink water.

But, you need to listen to another point of view, because excessive drinking of water can harm.

What water to drink

I must say that we are talking about clean water - not salty, not sweet, not tea or coffee, not milk or juice. By the way, tea and coffee remove fluid from the body.

You need to drink pure raw water. I purify tap water with a filter.

Melt water is perfect. To prepare it, the water in the bottle is first frozen and then thawed.

If you have a good spring nearby, then you can drink spring water, the main thing is to be sure of its purity.
It would be nice to make silicon or silver water, if possible. I also highly recommend drinking, which you can easily do yourself.

In principle, you can drink any water - from the tap, or bottled, the quality of which you are sure.

Boiled water is not suitable, it is poorly absorbed by the body and is generally considered dead useless water.

Therefore, you need to drink raw warm water, preferably slightly heated. Such water is close to body temperature and is better absorbed by the body. Do not drink too cold or too hot water!

I advise you to look at the details in my new publication on this topic:

When to drink water

Water should be drunk throughout the day, proportionally distributing two liters.

The first glass and even two must be drunk in the morning on an empty stomach (read above).

Drink a glass of water 30 minutes before a meal to improve digestion.

And the last glass should be drunk 40 minutes - an hour and a half before bedtime. This is what cardiologists recommend.

The fact is that at night we do not drink, we breathe, we sweat and therefore we become dehydrated. And at this point, a blood clot can form, which leads to a heart attack or stroke.

Therefore, you need to drink water at the indicated evening time. No need to be afraid that you have to get up at night to go to the toilet.

At night, people wake up and go to the toilet not at all because they drank a glass of water, but simply because they have some kind of kidney problems, insomnia, prostate adenoma or something else. A glass of water has nothing to do with it.

So, we found out when, how much and what kind of water to drink. Let's summarize why you should drink water.

Water should be drunk because:

  1. Water starts the process of intestinal peristalsis
  2. Water keeps blood from clotting
  3. Water protects against bladder cancer
  4. Water helps to deceive the stomach
  5. Water helps fight infection
  6. Water maintains pressure
  7. Water keeps the brain healthy
  8. Water improves the skin
  9. Water is essential for normal digestion
  10. Water reduces the risk of kidney stones
  11. Water helps fight constipation

Be sure to drink plenty of water for those who

  • smokes, drinks alcohol and drinks a lot of coffee;
  • nursing mothers;
  • athletes;
  • people over 60;
  • when taking medication.

Water simply helps us stay healthy.

The last important question.

How to train yourself to drink a lot of water

The most important thing is motivation!

“Old age is a struggle for water that occurs in cells, i.e. cells, losing water, grow old ...” Why not a motive? What about all of the above?

Drinking two liters at once is probably hard out of habit.

Start gradually. Be sure the first two glasses - in the morning. It should become a habit just like washing your face and brushing your teeth. After 4-6 months of taking only these morning glasses, you will see how immunity will be strengthened and even the flu will not cling.

Drink a glass of water before each meal (about 15-30 minutes in advance, an hour is possible). We went into the kitchen, drank water, and then we start cooking, warming up, setting the table. Or while at work, before. than go to a cafe or canteen for lunch or warm up a lunch you brought with you, drink a glass of water.

And a glass of water in the evening. That's a liter! (Or one and a half, depending on how many times you eat).

Get used to it, then you can add a glass of water, an hour after eating.

You can drink water by the hour: every hour - a glass of water. Set an alarm so you don't forget.

At work, I put a bottle of water and a glass in front of me, and slowly sip. It’s hard for me to drink a whole glass at once, I drink in small portions. At first I drank 1 liter, then it became not enough for one and a half liters. So gradually increase to the desired rate.

That's all for today, we learned why you need to drink water, I hope that the information will benefit you and you will immediately start drinking more water.

To consolidate the material, you can watch a video on why you need to drink water, with illustrative examples.

Be healthy!

Why you should drink water

A healthy person needs to drink much more water than most people do. Yogis drink about three liters of raw water per day, not counting liquid meals. The recommended dose for a healthy person is 8 glasses of water a day. We must remember that water is water, and tea, coffee and other drinks are food. Many people suffer from constipation, urolithiasis, headaches for years, get tired quickly and do not suspect that this may be due to the habit of drinking little water. Due to the lack of fluid in the body, as well as the use of drinks that contain caffeine (cola, coffee, tea) and actually stimulate fluid loss - all this contributes to dehydration. But few people know that

Dehydration of the body by only 3% of the total body weight is the first cause of daytime fatigue and slow metabolism;

Dehydration of only 1-2% of your total body weight can impair your mental capacity, concentration and physical performance;

Headache is also a sign of dehydration;

Constipation is a consequence of dehydration;

Dehydration can be a serious barrier to exercise. Since, due to general fatigue, you may simply not be able to cope with the load, and this is fraught with injuries. Drinking a couple of glasses of pure, mildly alkaline water before training will provide you with energy and maintain your health.

Why should you drink water? (jvotes)

  1. 1. Water is a source of nutrients.

Water circulates along with the bloodstream and helps deliver nutrients and oxygen to the cells and organs of the human body. It acts as a solvent for nutrients and salts and helps them to be absorbed.

  1. 2. Water is a means to lose weight.

Drinking water helps you lose weight because it contains no calories. It acts as an ideal "filler" for the stomach, creating a feeling that, in turn, reduces the feeling of hunger.

Also drinking water is a powerful appetite suppressant; when we think we are hungry, we are only thirsty. Drink a glass of water before your meal!

  1. 3. Water is needed for digestion.

The human digestive system requires a lot of water in order to properly digest food. Water helps to solve problems with increased stomach acidity, the acid concentration drops when drinking water. Water also helps digest food. Constipation is a consequence of dehydration.

The risk of developing cancer of the digestive tract in people who drink enough water is 45% less than in people who drink little water. It also reduces the risk of bladder cancer by 50% and breast cancer. In addition, it has long been known that cancer cells do not develop in an alkaline environment. Therefore, alkaline water prevents the appearance of cancer cells.

  1. 4. Water helps prevent kidney stones.

The kidneys of the body filter waste products and send them out of the body in the form of urine. An increase in the concentration of some salts in the urine increases the risk of kidney stones. In most cases, this risk can be reduced by drinking more water and thus "diluting" the concentration of salts in the urine. Therefore, for people prone to urolithiasis, it is recommended to consume 12 glasses of water per day (for healthy people, this rate is 8 glasses).

  1. 5. Water helps lower blood pressure.

When we lose a large amount of fluid for any reason (not drinking enough water, playing sports, illness, etc.), in order to prevent water loss (due to breathing and sweating), our body tries to compensate for this lack by constriction of blood vessels, which , in turn, leads to an increase in blood pressure. That's why it's so important to drink enough water to prevent high blood pressure. Of course, this applies to cases where blood pressure has increased precisely because of the lack of water in the body. (However, special courses of treatment for diseases of the heart, liver, kidneys, during which the body is specially dehydrated to reduce pressure, are not taken into account in this case.)

  1. 6. Water helps prevent heart disease.

As mentioned above, dehydration leads to the fact that the cells and tissues of the body absorb water from the bloodstream, thus reducing the strength of the blood flow (this is why the narrowing of blood vessels occurs, followed by an increase in blood pressure, see point 5). High blood pressure is a sign that the heart is working faster than usual: the heart is trying to pump more blood to the organs to balance the amount of blood in the narrowed vessels. This can exacerbate pre-existing heart conditions. Drinking enough water can help prevent this.

  1. 7. Water affects the health of our skin.

By participating in the process of perspiration, water also removes impurities from the skin and cleanses it, the skin looks younger and healthier. Dehydrated skin loses its tone: looks saggy and wrinkled.

How much should you drink?

Enough to produce 1.5 liters of urine per day. If you have a high fever or an upset stomach, you need to drink much more.

Water is the main structural component of our body:

  • in an adult, it makes up 70% of body weight,
  • in a child - 80%.

A person loses about 2600 ml per day. water, of which:

With urine - 1500 ml,

With feces - 100 ml,

Through the skin - 600 ml.

And through the lungs - 400 ml.

Naturally, this amount of water must be replenished.

Please note that the amount of water for drinking should be increased gradually and, most importantly, drink it not in glasses, but in several sips regularly throughout the day. If you gradually increase your water intake to at least three glasses a day, you will feel much better!

The recommended dose for a healthy person is 8 glasses of water a day. If drinking this amount of water is unusual for you, you can add lemon juice to the water to improve the taste. It is also a very good habit to always have a bottle of water with you.

By the way, you should pay attention to the fact that there is a difference between drinking enough water and drinking too much water. The latter can lead to the most undesirable and unpleasant consequences - the washing out of salt from the body, which leads to dizziness or fainting.

Be careful. Rely on your feelings!