Dandruff on the head: causes of the disease and its prevention. What is the result of skin peeling in the baby? Hormonal imbalance

Translated from Latin, "dandruff" means "bran". Indeed, externally exfoliated particles of the epidermis are similar to this product. Arises this phenomenon, usually on the scalp and is characterized chronic course. For some people, dandruff on the head may not go away for a lifetime without treatment.

With dandruff, the skin can be excessively dry and, or vice versa, pathologically oily. In any case, the hair becomes thin, brittle and dull. At severe course pathologies in patients, gray-yellow spots and crusts may appear on the skin.

The pathogenesis of dandruff is not yet fully understood. However, most scientists believe that the cause of this disease is an infection. Namely - mushrooms of the genus Malassezia. Normally, they are part healthy microflora human, live in the mouths of hair follicles and feed on decay products of organic acids and sebum.

In the presence of negative factors, this fungus can begin to multiply rapidly and become overly active. This, in turn, provokes increased growth of epidermal cells and accelerates the process of keratinization. skin. So, if in a healthy person the skin is updated in about a month, then in a patient suffering from dandruff, this process takes about a week.

Increased activity of pathogenic microorganisms can cause itching of the scalp.

At the same time, combing the skin, the patient inflicts microtrauma on himself. As a result of this, later on this process can join infectious process resulting in inflammation.

Causes and diagnosis of pathology

The main factors that can cause a lot of dandruff on the head include:

It has been noticed that the most severe dandruff manifests itself in the cold season. This is due to the fact that during this period a person is not exposed to UV radiation, which can destroy pathogenic fungi.

It is worth saying that too large dandruff is very similar to dermatitis, microsporia, psoriasis, eczema and many others. dermatological diseases. That is why it is so important not to engage in self-diagnosis and self-treatment, but to go to a qualified doctor. In this case, he will conduct a thorough examination, and then appoint:

If the patient has a lot of dandruff, then after that you may need to consult an immunologist, an infectious disease specialist and a gastroenterologist. Only after that the doctor will be able to understand what to do to the patient in a particular case.

Traditional Therapy

After identifying the negative factors that became the impetus for the development of the pathological process, all necessary measures to eliminate them. To this end, patients need to undergo treatment for the underlying disease, change their lifestyle and care for the scalp.

In any case, patients should monitor their diet. Their diet should include a large number of products containing vegetable fiber, zinc and B vitamins. It is recommended to limit or completely eliminate fried, smoked, sweet, salty and fatty foods. The same rule applies to alcohol, strong coffee and tea. The use of vitamin-mineral complexes and the use of water in large quantities are welcome.

Shampoo for hair should be specialized, aimed at treating dandruff. It is better if the patient buys it in a pharmacy, and it will contain antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory components. So, the following drugs are effective:

  1. Dermazol.
  2. Nizoral.
  3. Sulsen.
  4. Vichy.
  5. Mustela.

In advanced cases, the use of caratolytic drugs may be required. For example, salicylic acid. If the dandruff flakes are too tight on the skin, dermatologists recommend first applying petroleum jelly or any other oil to the scalp. cosmetic oil. It will help soften the scales and promote their separation.

After that, the hair is thoroughly washed. When the head is completely dry, medicines containing nizoral and ketonazole (Lamisil, Nizoral) should be applied to the skin. It may also sometimes be necessary to take systemic antifungal drugs. If they don't bring desired result, the doctor may prescribe hormone therapy (Dexamethasone). At severe inflammation it is possible to use tablets from the group of NSAIDs (Diclofenac).

Physiotherapy procedures in this case will help improve blood circulation in the scalp and normalize the process of exfoliation of epidermal cells. The greatest effect in this case can be achieved with the help of cryomassage of the scalp and darsonvalization, during which the follicles are stimulated. A side effect of these procedures is the acceleration of hair growth. Patients undergoing these procedures quickly get rid of skin itching and inflammation.

Even if the patient has already completely got rid of the disease, he must use shampoos designed to combat profuse dandruff for another 2 months. In the future, these funds should be used regularly 1-2 times a month. Thus, the risk of recurrence of the pathology can be prevented. These patients should be extremely careful when changing their hair care products. They are not recommended to abuse styling, chemical staining and perms.

Folk methods of treatment

The question of how to get rid of this pathology must be considered by an experienced, qualified doctor. Folk remedies can also be used in the treatment of severe dandruff only after an examination.

There are a lot of popular ways to treat dandruff. Here are some of them:

In conclusion, it is worth noting that all these folk masks, decoctions and lotions, as well as specialized pharmacy products, should not be used from time to time, but regularly. Only in this way can a really good, lasting effect be achieved.

Dandruff is a visible manifestation of the renewal of the epidermis of the scalp. Normally, the cycle of cell development is about a month and goes unnoticed by humans. With dandruff, it decreases to a week, and then exfoliating scales are clearly visible on the hair and clothes. Dandruff, the causes and treatment of which will be discussed in the article, is early sign and most mild clinical form of seborrheic dermatitis.

Symptoms and types of dandruff

This pathology is difficult. Light dry scales of white or grayish color easily fall off the scalp, pollute the hair, comb, clothes. Hair can become dull, quickly greasy, thinner. Quite often, with dandruff, a person is concerned about itching of the scalp, but inflammatory processes, as a rule, are absent.

Against the background of hypersecretion of large ones, which are quite a lot in such an area as the scalp, dandruff can become oily. The exfoliated particles of the epidermis are combined into fairly large yellowish flakes. They are sebaceous, are difficult to separate from the surface of the skin, and can form layers. Hair very quickly becomes dirty, weakens, begins to split and fall out.

Dandruff is a fairly common problem. In some people, this pathology becomes chronic, others suffer from it only from time to time. One way or another, but every person has encountered this phenomenon at least once in his life. Attempts to get rid of the problem will not be effective if you do not find the answer to the question: "What caused dandruff?"

Fungus is the main cause of dandruff

Most people perceive dandruff as a purely cosmetic problem. Indeed, its presence is not aesthetically pleasing and can ruin any outfit and hairstyle. However, the occurrence of dandruff primarily signals the existing disorders in the body, although it is not an independent disease. The assumption that the main culprit for the appearance of dandruff is a fungal infection Pityrosporum Ovale, put forward about a hundred years ago. Dermatologists adhere to the same opinion at the present time.

Reasons for the active reproduction of the fungus

Interestingly, the notorious microorganism is a representative of the normal human microflora and can long time inhabit the scalp and do not cause dandruff. The problem arises when the protective properties of the skin decrease, the composition of sebum changes and conditions are created for uncontrolled reproduction of the fungus. And this happens under the influence of a number of factors, including:

  • hormonal imbalance;
  • some diseases, and, as a result, a decrease in immunity;
  • stress, both physical and emotional;
  • malnutrition, hypovitaminosis;
  • mistakes in hair and scalp care: the use of aggressive chemicals, drying with a hairdryer, hypothermia as a result of neglecting a hat in winter;
  • hereditary predisposition.

Most often, it is impossible to give an unambiguous answer to the question of what caused dandruff. Any of listed reasons, and sometimes their complex, can provoke its occurrence. Age is another factor. almost never happens, and in adolescents it can be a transient phenomenon. There is a certain dependence of sex and the frequency of occurrence of this pathology. So, dandruff appears more often in men than in women. In the autumn-winter period, the problem tends to worsen.

Dandruff Treatment: Lifestyle Changes

To understand what caused dandruff, sometimes it is enough to analyze your own menu and daily routine. Perhaps the correction should be subjected to the nutrition system, limiting the use of fatty, spicy and fried food, alcohol and sweets. It is necessary to consume a sufficient amount of foods rich in fiber, vitamins A and group B, fermented milk products. The normalization of the drinking regimen is important.

The absence of physical overload, stress, sufficient time for sleep and rest will definitely have a positive effect on the state of the body as a whole and the scalp in particular.

Correct and hairy

If dandruff appears, it is worth at least for the duration of treatment to exclude aggressive hairdressing procedures: dyeing, perm, blow-drying, using hairspray and hair gel. You can temporarily replace chemical hair dyes with natural ones: henna and basma, walnut shells. If desired, you can use natural styling products based on flax seeds, gelatin, egg white, sugar.

Special attention should be paid to the issue of hygiene. It is recommended to use combs made of natural wood and regularly replace them with new ones.

Dandruff Remedies

It is logical that the easiest way to provide a direct effect on the hair and scalp is with the help of shampoos, masks and lotions. It is not so important what caused dandruff: effective means should always contain an antifungal component. Even if the fungus is not the root cause of dandruff, most often it joins the complex of problems later. In addition, it is good if the product has regenerating and bactericidal properties and regulates the work sebaceous glands. In this case, the impact will be complex.

Any cosmetic store has a wide selection of dandruff shampoos. Consumer reviews about them are different: such funds helped someone to get rid of the problem once and for all, and someone was disappointed. But, as practice shows, special medical dermatological shampoos are more effective. And the composition of such products, which can be purchased exclusively at the pharmacy, is much more natural.

Active ingredients for dandruff

Most often, ketoconazole, selenium disulfide, ciclopirox, bifonazole, climbazole act as antifungal components in dandruff remedies. Tar, sulfur, salicylic acid have a pronounced exfoliating effect. These substances well cleanse the scalp from skin scales. Slow down the accelerated vital activity of cells octopirox, tar, ichthyol. Most of these components have an anti-inflammatory effect, normalize the activity of the sebaceous glands. It is better when the composition of the drug includes not one, but several active components, and additionally they contain natural additives: herbal extracts (nettle, burdock, chamomile) and essential oils (lavender, tea tree, eucalyptus). Sometimes these ingredients alone are able to defeat itching and dandruff.

Features of the use of medicated dandruff shampoos

All the nuances of using this or that remedy for dandruff are indicated in the attached instructions. There are also some common points. As a rule, in order for the active substance in the shampoo to work as efficiently as possible, it is recommended to keep it on the scalp for some time, while doing a light massage. Medicinal products for washing hair most often almost do not foam. This indicates their useful composition.

Anti-dandruff shampoos in the first month of use should be used at least twice a week, and in the future, for prevention, twice a month. You can alternate the pharmacy with a suitable shampoo from the cosmetic series.

There are many medicinal products for different tastes and wallets: Nizoral, Friderm, Fitoval, Sebazol, Dermazol, Keto Plus, Sulsena, Sebiproks, Vichy. Well, there are cosmetic ones in almost every line of shampoos of most brands known to the mass buyer. If dandruff appears, its causes and treatment are an individual matter. In the absence of the opportunity to consult with a specialist trichologist, you will have to select a therapeutic shampoo by trial and error.

Folk remedies

Offers many recipes ethnoscience those who are faced with such a nuisance as dandruff. What to do for people who are disappointed in pharmaceutical preparations or fearful side effects? Choose a recipe option to your liking and try, since there are many of them, and they differ in simplicity and accessibility.

Herbal medicine suggests using decoctions and infusions of herbs: burdock root, nettle, tansy, chamomile, calendula, coltsfoot, oak bark. They can both rinse your head after washing, and rub it into the scalp.

Oil masks are often offered as effective Olive or Castor oil Can be used on its own or combined with lemon juice. Of course, after half an hour of exposure to such a mask, the hair must be washed with shampoo.

Another interesting recipe: take egg, add a tablespoon of vodka and kefir and rub into the scalp. Wash off after half an hour. You can combine an egg with natural honey.

It is worth trying to do with fine food salt before washing. It is claimed to be one of the most effective methods of getting rid of dandruff. But you should be careful with salt if there are foci of inflammation on the scalp.

So, we must remember that such a seemingly harmless problem as dandruff should not be ignored, if only because there is a certain disorder in the body behind it. Running dandruff not only spoils the appearance, but can also lead to more serious consequences up to baldness.

Dandruff on the head can appear as a result of both external and internal factors. At the same time, there is a so-called risk group - people who are more susceptible to the disease.

Dandruff on the head (medical name "seborrhea") is not only a cosmetic problem, it can appear for a number of reasons and requires professional advice from a trichologist or dermatologist.

With absence timely treatment white flakes form a dense crust that blocks the access of oxygen to the skin of the scalp. The nutrition of the follicles is disturbed, and the hair begins to fall out.

Symptoms and clinical picture of the problem

With the disease, dead skin particles exfoliate and become like bran. Actually, this is how the name of the disease is translated from Latin. Dandruff becomes noticeable only when hundreds of keratinized epidermal cells stick together. About 1000 of them make up just one tiny white plate.

The following symptoms signal the appearance of dandruff:

  • the formation of a fine "powder" on the hair, shoulders and outerwear, which is exfoliated cells of the epidermis;
  • dry or, conversely, oily scalp, as a result of metabolic disorders;
  • dull, brittle hair;
  • itching on the scalp and the appearance of a yellow-gray crust.

Dandruff can appear with improper care of the scalp, hormonal disorders, certain diseases or an inappropriate diet.

Types of dandruff

Depending on the intensity of sebum secretion by the scalp, two types of dandruff are distinguished: dry scales appear on dry hair, while white flakes on hair prone to oiliness have a glossy appearance.

This type of disease occurs with a low intensity of sebum secretion. At the same time, the exfoliated particles of the epidermis are small and dry. They look like powder and are usually “scattered” over all hair or localized in the forehead and crown.

Dry dandruff can also appear with sensitive skin a head prone to irritation not only from the use of unsuitable hygiene and cosmetic products, but even from dry indoor air. In this case, the phenomenon passes by itself, after the external sources of its occurrence are eliminated.

The cause of dry seborrhea may be disturbed water balance in the body. The human body constantly loses moisture, to replenish which it is recommended to drink an average of about two liters of warm, clean non-carbonated water per day.

To aggravate the situation with the disease can: stress, overheating or hypothermia of the hair, prolonged fatigue, taking hormonal drugs, lack of vitamins B6, B12, F and selenium, as well as the use of unsuitable hair care products.

oily dandruff

Oily dandruff appears with increased sebum secretion of the scalp. It looks like fatty large flakes that stick together, cling to the hair and comb out poorly.

The hair becomes greasy, and the skin itches. This is because fat fills the excretory ducts of the sebaceous and sweat glands and provokes irritation of the nerve endings. As fat decomposes and oxidizes, fatty acids are released, which also cause itching.

If you notice a tendency to oily scalp, especially if this phenomenon has appeared recently, seek the advice of a dermatologist or trichologist. The doctor will identify the causes of changes in skin properties and prescribe the appropriate treatment. Unqualified therapy can harm the health of curls.

Frequent washing oily hair does not solve the problem, but, on the contrary, can aggravate it, because it provokes increased work sebaceous glands.

For home care use shampoos for oily hair. Apply directly to their roots. Wash your head warm water, avoiding intense massaging movements. When combing strands, try not to touch the scalp.

External factors for the appearance of dandruff

Improper scalp care

One of the common causes of "white flakes" is improper hair care, including:

  • Frequent washing.
    In frequency hygiene procedures there must be moderation. When washing, the protective lipid film is washed off the skin. Over time sebaceous glands form a new protective barrier, but if you wash your hair too often, they do not have time to fully fulfill their function. As a result, the skin dries out, which provokes the disease. Wash your hair according to how dirty it is. The optimal frequency is 1 time in 2-4 days. The more often you wash, the softer the shampoo should be.
  • Excessive use and improper selection of hair care products.
    Regular application of styling products and dyes to the curls contributes to the drying of the hair and provokes the formation of dandruff. Wrongly matched cosmetics can also cause disease.

    Remember that styling products are not intended for daily use.

  • Poorly washed hair.
    The scalp is exposed to the irritating action of poorly washed off small particles of shampoo or balm. Hard water is another reason why whitewash can occur. Any acid rinse can soften its action. Hygiene products must be thoroughly rinsed under a large stream of warm water.
  • Hot styling.
    Regular styling of hair with an iron and hair dryer contributes to the dryness of the epidermis. Therefore, as a preventive measure, and, moreover, in the presence of the first signs of the disease, give up hot styling.
  • Use of artificial or dirty combs.
    The best option is a wooden comb or a brush with natural bristles - such devices will not harm the skin. The cleanliness of the tool is an important tool prevention of seborrhea.


Poor ecology is another factor for the emergence and development of the disease. The influence of polluted air, eating foods treated with pesticides and pesticides provoke a whole chain of diseases, including dandruff. With poor ecology, head fungus can develop. In this case, the skin itches, and the hair becomes brittle.

Houseplants, air conditioners with good filters, and air purifiers can help reduce your exposure to polluted indoor air. Ventilate your home regularly and use only filtered water.

As for nutrition, if you live in a contaminated area, you will have to comply strict rules when choosing products and preparing them:

  • Drain the broth from meat and fish twice after boiling.
  • Soak vegetables for 3-4 hours in salt water.
  • Cook the mushrooms for 10 minutes in boiling water, then drain the water. Repeat twice.

Such simple actions reduce the risk of contamination of the body with radionuclides, insecticides, herbicides and other poisons.

Hypothermia or overheating of the scalp

Regular walks in the cold with an uncovered head, as well as overheating of the skin, lead to malnutrition of the hair follicles. Hair becomes thin, dry and begins to fall out.

Therefore, when going outside in hot or frosty weather, do not forget to wear an appropriate headgear.

Internal causes of dandruff

Problems with the immune system

A favorable foundation for the active development of the fungus that lives on the skin of the scalp is also reduced immunity. Normally, the life cycle of cells lasts a month, and with a fungus disease, it is reduced to one week. As a result, a large number of them collect on the scalp, and they form white flake scales.

To strengthen the immune system:

  • Enrich your diet with vitamins and minerals: A, B5, C, D, F, PP, selenium, zinc, magnesium, calcium, iron, iodine and manganese. They are contained in vegetable food yellow and red, as well as black currants, rose hips, citrus fruits, nuts, seeds and germinated cereals. Don't forget to eat seafood dairy products and green tea.
  • Accept herbal infusions and decoctions of lemongrass, echinacea, ginseng and licorice. This can be done for both curative and preventive purposes.
  • Temper yourself. Swimming, dousing and contrast showers are great for strengthening the body.
  • choose active image life. For moderate physical activity suitable for any sport, dance or exercise equipment.
  • Let the body rest. Take time every day to relax and think about something pleasant or just be in silence. It's soothing nervous system and is a good stress reliever.

Disruptions in the hormonal system

One of the causes of dandruff is hormonal changes in the body during puberty - in both sexes, as well as during pregnancy and menopause - in women. Interestingly, as a result of the restructuring of the hormonal system, white scales can both appear and, conversely, disappear if they were a cause for concern before.

Diseases of the gastrointestinal tract

Many illnesses have their origin in dysfunction gastrointestinal tract. Dandruff is no exception. If the cause of its occurrence is a fungus, you must observe strict diet. Favorite for the fungus: sweet, starchy, fatty, fried and smoked foods. That is why problems with the scalp are more likely to occur in people with the listed taste preferences.

An unbalanced diet, a lack of certain vitamins and microelements, an excess of proteins and fast carbohydrates, all lead to the same dandruff.

Dandruff risk groups

For any disease, there are risk groups. The risk group for dandruff includes:

  • men, as their sebaceous glands produce more fat than women;
  • owners oily skin heads;
  • people with bad habits, as alcohol and nicotine disrupt metabolism;
  • people aged 10-14 to 40 years - this is due to the production of hormones;
  • people with reduced immunity or those who have recently experienced severe stress.

These people are more susceptible to the disease and must comply with preventive measures to prevent it.

Dandruff must be fought. It's not only aesthetic problem, but also a signal of a violation in the work of the body. Therefore, at the first signs of the disease, do not be too lazy to consult a doctor, find out the cause of the phenomenon and get rid of it in time.

Why dandruff appears on the head: video

The problem with dandruff affects any person at least once in a lifetime, for some of us this problem is daily. We have prepared a video for which a dermatologist will tell you in detail what is the cause of this disease and how to deal with it.

Dandruff is the result of "overproduction" and accumulation of sticky epidermal surface cells in the scalp area. Dandruff can be dispersed, in the form of individual flakes or collected in lumps. Sometimes dandruff is accompanied by itching and other, not only cosmetic problems.

Dandruff scales can be quite transparent and visible only on dark clothes, and can be easily removed. But with increased activity of the sebaceous glands, dandruff can accumulate on the scalp in the form of sebaceous crusts. With seborrheic dermatitis, severe peeling is accompanied by the formation of limited hyperkeratotic plaques on the surface of the skin of the scalp, its redness and increased itching.

Dandruff: what to do - understand the cause

In order to quickly solve this problem, you must know what you are dealing with. Recently, scientists have associated the appearance of dandruff not with "hard" water or improper care behind hair, and not even with seborrhea: as the cause of the problem, the researchers indicated a fungus of the genus Malassezia. Two types of fungus - Malassezia globosa and Malassezia restricta- live exclusively on the scalp scalp, and many people, but not all Malassezia provoke dandruff.

Fungi begin to multiply intensively under certain conditions, such as hyperactivity of the sebaceous glands, lack of minerals (zinc), immune disorders, at which the production of lipids on the surface of the scalp increases: Malassezia they actually feed on them. And only then it develops inflammatory response, growing into seborrheic dermatitis- that is, seborrhea is not a cause, but, as it were, a consequence of dandruff. Dandruff, which has the classic features of a collection of whitish or gray scales on the surface of the scalp, can sometimes transform into more severe form seborrheic dermatitis. Dandruff can also result from the use of highly fortified scented hair care products or products that contain irritating ingredients (such as peppermint, citrus, or eucalyptus oil). And at the same time, not all flakes in the hair are dandruff ...

Dandruff or not?

So, not all “snowflakes” on the scalp are dandruff! Unnecessarily dry scalp, buildup of styling product residue (hairspray and hair gels), and certain medications such as minoxidil can all cause flaking and flaking of white flakes that can easily be mistaken for dandruff and the wrong choice. medicinal products for hair care. So before you panic “Dandruff! What to do?!" and start fighting the problem, unequivocally decide: is it really the “same” dandruff caused by fungi, or something else?

The key difference between these relatively harmless flakes and true dandruff is that the former are more translucent and have a dense, thick texture, mostly visible on the surface of the scalp rather than tangled in the hair. Also in this case, itching should be completely absent. And the second - flakes of true dandruff - more dense white color and are often accompanied by greasiness of the scalp, and even the face.

Dandruff: what to do with hair

If you are sure that real dandruff has appeared in your hair, you will need special means. When washing your hair, use light circular motions - while applying and rubbing the shampoo, you should simultaneously massage the scalp in order to quickly wash dead skin cells from the surface of the scalp. Just don't scrub your skin - that will damage it and increase the growth of fungi that cause dandruff. Here are some of the effective ingredients and examples of dandruff treatment products that will be enough to keep dandruff under control.

  • Antifungal antibiotics: as mentioned above, the fungus is a common cause of dandruff, so you need to fight the problem with the help of an antifungal active substance (for example, ketoconazole). an example of a shampoo that contains ketoconazole is the well-known Nizoral therapeutic shampoo.
  • Pyrithione zinc- another antifungal substance with a wide spectrum of action, which kills not only the fungus, but also pathogenic bacteria, and also prevents the development of seborrhea. Product examples: Selsun Salon and Head & Shoulders shampoos.
  • Based shampoos coal tar- a multi-component mixture of more than 1000 aromatic compounds. Coal tar slows down the life cycle of epidermal cells. These products are not distinguished by sophistication, as they have a pungent, powerful and extremely bad smell but very effective against dandruff. Product example: Neutrogena T shampoo/gel.
  • Selenium sulfide, selenium disulfate - mineral salt works on the same principle as coal tar, preventing the death of epidermal cells, but it does not have a repulsive odor. Well suited for treatment when dandruff flakes are dry and easily peel off from the surface of the skin. Product examples: Selsun Blue shampoo and Ducray Selegel.
  • Funds based salicylic acid(also known as beta hydroxy acid - BHA). Products with BHA allow you to quickly shed excess skin cells if they accumulate on the scalp. Salicylic acid also has anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial action, making it an excellent choice for scalps prone to seborrhea. Product example: Vichy Dercos and Klorane shampoos with nasturtium extract and salicylic acid.
  • Shampoos with birch tar- a well-known folk remedy that has pronounced antiseptic properties. However, you should not try to prepare dandruff remedies yourself: tar can lead to severe skin irritation and thus only increase dandruff.

Many of these products dry out the scalp, so after a course of treatment (indicated separately for each product in the instructions), you should immediately switch to a regular shampoo that suits your hair type. True, in the pharmacy cosmetics segment, you can find therapeutic shampoos that are created taking into account the characteristics of dandruff and hair type (dry, normal, oily). In the presence of outlined foci of dandruff, it is recommended to apply Phytosquam solution to these parts of the head 15-20 minutes before washing the head and then wash it off with one of the therapeutic shampoos - either Phytoretard Dual Action or Phytosylic Exfoliating.

During the treatment of dandruff (it lasts from 3 to 6 weeks), make sure to wash your hair well, without leaving aggressive substances on the scalp, otherwise irritation will occur, which will only increase itching and flaking. If after trying home treatment after a few weeks you still do not see much results, you should definitely visit a dermatologist. The dermatologist will be able to determine the cause of the appearance of scales in the hair, whether they are dandruff or something else and prescribe more effective treatment.

What not to do with dandruff

Do not use hair products with a strong scent. Aromatic substances in the composition essential oils, which are introduced into many hair care products, as well as other irritants, can provoke itching of the scalp, which in turn will cause peeling.

Frequent hair washing. Separate conversation - people who wash their hair every day. According to them, they “like the feeling of freshness” or “annoy the feeling of pollution”, but their hair is extremely oily in appearance (and we remember that the fungus that provokes dandruff loves lipids!). You need to "accustom" your hair to washing at least every other day.

If you are prone to dandruff and seborrhea, you should not use heavy conditioners or oils. These Foods May Increase Fungal Growth Malassezia and lead to the development of seborrhea.

Do not overdose on balms and hair masks. Unfortunately, many women do not know how to properly use these products at all and do not pay attention to the specific instructions on the label. If the manufacturer does not specify that this product applied to the scalp, then this should not be done. After all, if a mask intended for hair nutrition is massaged into the scalp, then in best case you get off with greasy hair. At worst, a signal will be sent to the basal layer of the skin that “something is wrong” in the upper layer, the cells will begin to actively divide and instead of the prescribed 20+ days, they will speed up the process by half, which will cause peeling, redness and dandruff. You will blame cosmetics - but cosmetics have nothing to do with it!

Dandruff in the hair - but watch out for the skin!

It should also not be forgotten that our body is one, so it is unreasonable to separate cosmetic problems with hair from the state of the body as a whole. So, dry scalp with facial skin glossy from excess sebum and acne- nonsense. So a clear indicator of how healthy the scalp (and the hair growing on it) is the facial skin. To "regulate" the activity of the sebaceous glands, try

- these are exfoliated particles of the skin, which are a mild manifestation of a disease such as. If we turn to Latin, then literal translation the word "dandruff" sounds like "bran". This is because the separated skin particles appearance reminiscent of a well-known dietary product.

Although dandruff is a common occurrence for many people, this syndrome is a medical concept, manifested in the exfoliation of small particles of skin at a considerable speed. He worries the patient for a long time, sometimes throughout life, the localization of the pathological process - hairy part heads. In order to get rid of obsessive syndrome, you need to know about the causes of dandruff and how to deal with it.

There are several reasons leading to the accelerated separation of particles of the dermis on the head.

There are certain factors that, under the influence of each other, exacerbate the existing problem:

    Metabolic disorders. In the event of a failure in the metabolic processes, a drop in the body's resistance to various exogenous pathogenetic factors occurs.

    Hormonal dysfunction often leads to dandruff in females.

    diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, endocrine disorders, diseases respiratory tract, problems in the neurological sphere, immunodeficiency states.

    The cause of dandruff, which cannot be corrected, is a hereditary predisposition.

    Violations in the work of the glands of external secretion, namely sebaceous.

    Errors in nutrition, lack of vitamins.

    Overexertion, both physical and mental.

    Mycotic infection, the causative agent of which is the yeast-like fungi P. Ovale. Normally, they can be found on the skin of 90% of people, and they begin to show pathological activity under the influence of provocative factors, leading to a decrease in defensive forces organism.

    Hypothermia of the scalp and its overheating as a result of improper use of the headgear.

    Frequent use of a hair dryer, exposure to chemical dyes, use of curling irons - any aggressive effect on the scalp.

    Violations of the rules of hygiene, namely ignoring the washing of the head.

In addition, there are additional factors that increase the risk of developing dandruff, among them:

    Age - in adolescence and young age the disease develops more often. In children, dandruff almost never appears. In puberty, dandruff can be a physiological phenomenon associated with an increase in the work of the sebaceous glands under the influence of hormones.

    Nervous strain. When a person is in a state of chronic stress, dandruff will be his obligatory companion.

In medicine, it is customary to consider dandruff as a form of skin disease - seborrheic dermatitis. At the same time, the exfoliated scales are dry, sebum secretion is reduced. If normally, skin particles should exfoliate for a month, then with dry seborrhea, they leave in 7 days.

There is a classification that involves the distinction between dry and oily dandruff, but some scientists consider it not entirely correct. They explain this by the fact that true dandruff cannot be oily, since the production of the sebaceous glands is significantly reduced. With oily dandruff, detachments on the hair rarely appear, they are attached to the dermis itself. Unlike dry dandruff, which is always abundant, it also causes itching and irritation of the skin.

Dandruff and itchy scalp - what are the causes?

Itching of the scalp almost always occurs in the presence of dandruff. This happens as a result of the scalp being too dry. The reason for this is the insufficient work of the sebaceous glands. As a result, skin particles die off, the dermis itself suffers from microscopic cracks, which cause itching.

Itching is also a consequence of the interaction of the scalp and water. The dermis is overdried due to disruption of the sebaceous glands, and water and improperly selected shampoos exacerbate this process. The result is a feeling of tension and irritation.

Itching is aggravated by external stimuli. So, people suffering from dandruff try to hide it under hats or dye their hair in light colors. However, this only exacerbates the situation, making itching even worse.

Another cause of itching is the activity of Malassezia fungi. When there are a lot of them, they provoke irritation of the scalp and, accordingly, make a person comb it.

Dermatocosmetologist, trichologist Irina Kotova about dandruff

According to the trichologist and dermatocosmetologist I. Kotova, one should not take such a phenomenon as dandruff lightly. Often it is she who indicates such a serious disease as seborrheic dermatitis. A trichologist from a professional point of view talks about what dandruff is, what are its main symptoms and how to treat it (at home and under the supervision of a specialist).

Dandruff symptoms

The following symptoms make it possible to judge that a person is suffering from dandruff:

    The appearance of white scales on outer clothing, on hair and shoulders, on a comb and on a hat. These scales represent the detached layer of the epidermis of the head.

    Most often, with dandruff, the scalp is dry, however, it can also be oily. Both of these pathological conditions of the dermis are the result of metabolic disorders.

    Hair becomes unhealthy. They become brittle and dull.

    If the disease progresses, then the exfoliated dermis scales become larger, yellowish-gray crusts form on the head, and spots appear.

    The scalp itches.

What absolutely can not be done with dandruff?

    If symptoms indicating the presence of dandruff are found, it is forbidden to use alcohol-containing scalp care products. They aggravate pathological condition skin, drying it out even more.

    Avoid scratching the scalp. Itching always accompanies dandruff. If you try to eliminate it and scratch your head at the same time, the problem will only get worse. Even minor microscopic injuries are gates for penetration infectious agents. As a result, pustules form on the scalp.

    It is forbidden to dye hair, as well as apply other aggressive substances to them.

    Rigid metal teeth of combs can increase peeling. If used carelessly, they will injure the scalp.

    Until the moment of cure, you should refrain from using curling irons, hair dryers and irons for styling hair.

Answers to popular questions about dandruff

    Is there a connection between dandruff and hair loss? It has been found that dandruff can cause hair loss. However, be sure to look for other problems, since dandruff itself is one of the additional, and not its main causes. Therefore, if you get rid of only dandruff, hair loss will not stop.

    What causes dandruff? Why does she appear again and again? Most scientists are of the opinion that dandruff occurs due to an individual predisposition to it. Detachment of particles of the dermis is a natural process that is designed to renew it. For some people, this process happens faster than others, which is why they cannot get rid of the problem forever.

    After people with an individual predisposition refuse to use products designed to slow down the division of epidermal particles or capable of dissolving the formed flakes, dandruff becomes visible again. In this case the only solution problems will be the use of special shampoos and balms on an ongoing basis.

    In addition, studies have been conducted that have established a relationship between the appearance of dandruff and too much drying of the dermis of the head. This is due to the use of cleaning products that are included in most shampoos that manufacturers recommend for daily use.

    In order for the skin to be updated normally and not cause discomfort to its owner, it must have a certain level of moisture, provided by a thin fatty layer. Otherwise, the process of desquamation of the particles of the epidermis is disrupted. The sebaceous glands are responsible for producing fat. With frequent exposure to the dermis with aggressive detergents, the protective fatty layer is washed off. Dry skin begins to divide faster, the particles increase in size and this causes the appearance of visible dandruff, which was previously invisible.

    Is dandruff related to a fungus? There is a definite relationship between fungal infection of the scalp and the appearance of dandruff. In this regard, mycotic organisms such as Pityrosporum pose a danger. They inhabit the human hairline and the epidermal layer of the skin. In this regard, to get rid of dandruff, shampoos with an antifungal component are prescribed.

    Is dandruff contagious? Is it transmitted from person to person? Do not worry about the fact that dandruff can be infected. Even the fact that it is sometimes caused by mycotic organisms is not cause for concern. The fact is that these fungi normally exist on the skin and hair of most people, however, they did not develop dandruff.

    Why, besides dandruff, does my head itch badly? There is an opinion that the appearance of a feeling of itching may be due to microscopic fungi of the genus Malassezia. To get rid of it, no special measures should be taken. It will be enough to undergo treatment for dandruff and the itching will disappear by itself.

    How to choose good shampoo"on every day"? It is important that there was no such component as sodium lauryl sulfate for shampoos that are planned to be washed daily. It is he and his derivatives that have a withering effect on the dermis of the head. Therefore, if there is a need for such frequent washing hair, you should give preference to shampoos that include less aggressive cleaning components: S. (sodium) Cocoyl Isethionate, or S. dodecyl sulfate, or S. Isethionate, or Disodium laureth sulfosuccinate, or Cocamidopropyl Betaine.

    Do men need a special dandruff shampoo? No, it does not make sense to buy a specialized product, since the formation of dandruff in men and women is provoked by the same factors.

    Is it possible to cope with dandruff with vegetable oils and medicinal herbs? There is no evidence that there is any effect of using oils on getting rid of dandruff. We are talking about olive, castor, burdock oil. A study was conducted on oil only tea tree in 5% solution. It has been established that it is able to reduce the volume of separated particles of the epidermis. However, these results are not sufficient to recommend this species oils as medicine. As for the popular herbs used to get rid of dandruff, such as burdock, calendula, and others, no clinical trials have been conducted on this subject either. Aloe vera leaf extract has been reported to be active against dandruff fungus. However, these data were obtained after studies conducted in the laboratory. It is not known whether this component will also work when found in shampoos.

    Does rinsing your hair with vinegar or baking soda help with dandruff? There have also been no clinical studies in this regard. However, it can be assumed that soda can not only get rid of the problem, but also aggravate it. The fact is that when it enters the dermis, sodium bicarbonate forms alkaline environment. At the same time, even normal process exfoliation of epithelial cells is disturbed. If it is already violated, this process will proceed even more intensively. It can be assumed that vinegar will not give the desired effect. Although it is essentially an acid, its structural formula has fundamental differences from hydroacids, which could be useful in one case or another.

    What does dandruff in the ears mean? When particles of the epithelium are found in the auricles, it is quite reasonable to assume that they got there from the head. If this is excluded, then their presence in the ears may be a symptom of true seborrhea.

    What can "dandruff" on the body mean? When spots appear on the body, on certain areas of the skin, and silver-colored scales hold on top of them, this requires an immediate appeal to a dermatologist. A similar phenomenon may be a sign of a disease, for example, seborrhea or versicolor. In addition, there are many other diseases of the dermis that only a doctor can determine.

    What could mean profuse dandruff a child or a teenager? If such a problem is found, a doctor's consultation is required. Your child may have a serious skin infection, such as ringworm. This condition requires emergency treatment.

    What can dandruff mean in a newborn baby? Some newborn babies are prone to the formation of flakes on the head. They have a yellow-brown color, in medicine this condition is defined as childhood seborrhea. Parents should not be afraid similar phenomenon. It is due to the fact that the cells of the dermis baby divide too quickly and do not have time to exfoliate in a timely manner. As a result, flakes are formed, which can be found not only on the head, but also on the face. This condition will resolve itself as the baby grows. Most often, this process becomes fully regulated after a few weeks. Sometimes it can take up to 8 months. Scales from the skin of the child can be removed. To do this, they need to be lubricated with a small amount of oil, but only for children, and not for ordinary vegetable oil. The latter is not applicable, as it provokes the growth of fungal flora. After a few hours, the crusts are carefully removed using a soft brush.

    What to do if there is a lot of dandruff on the head? If a lot of dandruff forms on the head, then a visit to a dermatologist cannot be postponed. A large number of scales indicates the activity of the exfoliation process, and this can be caused by serious diseases and problems in the functioning of the organs. Only a specialist can determine the pathology. If diseases are excluded, then the use of therapeutic shampoos based on selenium sulfide and ketoconazole is recommended.

Traditional methods of getting rid of dandruff include the use of shampoos that contain an antifungal component. To make a choice suitable means worth a visit to a trichologist. The fact is that dandruff can be a sign of serious disorders in the human body.

Most likely, the patient will be recommended not only the use of shampoos, but also a lifestyle correction in general (after other serious pathologies are excluded). It is necessary to revise the diet, increase the content of foods rich in fiber in it. In addition, for the period of treatment, it is necessary to refrain from exposing the dermis of the head to any aggressive substances, in particular, this applies to chemical staining, blow-drying, the use of an iron, curling iron, etc.

Anti-dandruff shampoo

Each patient, without exception, will be prescribed the use of shampoos and lotions that have antifungal agents.

Shampoo name



Ichthyol (Dermasence Shampoo)

    It has not only antiseptic, but also analgesic effect;

    Relieves inflammation;

    Normalizes the rate of cell division, contributing to less scale formation, thereby eliminating the problem.

    Contains sulfur which has exfoliating properties.

    Improves metabolic processes.

    Does not contain an antifungal component;

    Possible development allergic reactions, in the form of a rash and hyperemia of the scalp.

    Do not use in the presence of hypersensitivity to ichthyol.

Clotrimazole (Cloderm Shampoo)

    Stops the growth of fungi and contributes to their destruction;

    It has wide range not only antifungal, but antibacterial activity;

    It is not absorbed into the bloodstream when applied to inflamed skin areas.

    Perhaps the development of allergic reactions from the skin, the appearance of a rash, itching, peeling, swelling and burning sensation.

Bifonazole (Bifon shampoo)

    It has a high antifungal activity, destroys the cell membrane of the fungus, contributing to its death;

    Can be used on infants medical supervision;

    Valid for two days after use.

    Possible development adverse reactions- redness and burning of the skin;

    There is a possibility of developing allergic reactions.

Ketoconazole (included in Sebozol, Perchotal, Mycozoral and Nizoral shampoos)

    It has antifungal (fungicidal) activity;

    Helps to stop the growth of fungi;

    Effective against certain bacteria (gram-positive cocci).

    Prohibited for use during breastfeeding and during breastfeeding;

    Main active substance– ketoconazole has a large amount side effects Therefore, it should not be used without medical advice.

Pyrithione zinc (shampoo Friederm Zinc)

    Has an antifungal effect;

    Helps relieve inflammation, eliminate the symptoms of dandruff;

    Has antibacterial activity;

    Can be used during pregnancy and lactation;

    It has no side effects if you use the drug in accordance with the instructions.

    It is forbidden to use in the presence of hypersensitivity to the components that make up the product.

Octopirox (Seborin Shampoo)

    Has a fungicidal effect;

    Harmless when applied topically.

    Perhaps the development of allergic reactions, in the presence of high sensitivity.

Cyclopirox (Sebiprox shampoo)

    It has high antifungal activity.

    Prohibited for use under the age of 10 years, while carrying a child and while breastfeeding;

    Possible development local reactions in the form of itching of the skin, burning sensation;

    Prohibited for long-term use (more than six months).

Salicylic acid (Salicylic shampoo)

    Has an antibacterial effect;

    Has an anti-inflammatory effect;

    It has a keratolytic and keratoplastic effect;

    Is an antiseptic;

    Suppresses the secretion of the sebaceous glands.

    Perhaps the appearance of itching and burning;

    Possible redness of the skin;

    Allergic reactions are possible;

    Cannot be used in childhood up to 3 years.

Quassia Amara extract (included in Quasix cream)

    Has antimicrobial, antifungal properties;

    Helps relieve inflammation.

    Development of allergic reactions is possible;

    The active substance has vegetable origin, the scope of which in medicine is limited.

Medical tar (shampoo Friderm Tar, Sebuton, T/Gel)

    Improves metabolic processes;

    Has antiseptic properties;

    Reduces peeling of the epidermis.

    Do not apply if the integrity of the skin is violated;

    Development of allergic reactions is possible;

    Possible development contact dermatitis;

    Prohibited for use during pregnancy and breastfeeding.

Selenium sulfide (Sulsena shampoo)

    Blocks cell division of the epidermis;

    Reduces the production of corneocytes.

    Development of allergic reactions is possible;

    Local alopecia, discoloration of the hairline are not excluded;

    Prohibited for use in exudative dermatitis and skin injuries.

Higher therapeutic activity can show means, which include not one, but several active active substances. These are tools such as:

    Keto plus based on ketoconazole and zinc pyrithione;

    Algopix based on tar and salicylic acid;

    Kelual DS with ciclopiroxolamine, zinc pyrithione and keluamide;

    Phytosylic with cypress, frankincense and tea tree oils and salicylic acid;

    NodeDS with climbazole, zinc pyrithione and salicylic acid.

Sulsena Paste 2% is a remedy for effective elimination dandruff. The selenium disulfide included in its composition acts in such a way that it eliminates not only the visible scales of the epidermis, but also eliminates the very causes of their active division. Among the positive effects of using Sulsen paste:

    Contributes to the normalization of the sebaceous glands, relieving the scalp of excess fat.

    It has a preventive effect and prevents the formation of dandruff.

    Helps relieve itching caused by dandruff.

    Promotes the activation of the hair follicles, strengthens the hair shaft.

    Helps stop destructive processes in the area responsible for hair growth.

    It has an effect on the renewal of epidermal cells.

    Improves nutrition of hair follicles.

    Unlike most dandruff remedies, Sulsena has a pleasant herbal scent and does not require subsequent airing of the hair.

    During the use of the paste, the head can be washed less often, which is associated with the normalization of the sebaceous glands.

    During the course of treatment, other cosmetic hair products can be used, since there is no data on the incompatibility of Sulsen with any substance.

    Not only visible, but also the smallest invisible exfoliated dermis scales will be removed.

    The paste can be used as needed as it is pH neutral.

    The tool helps to eliminate toxins that enter the scalp from the external environment, which is an obstacle to their destructive effect on the root apparatus of the hair.

    Has a prolonged effect.

Regular use of Sulsen paste allows not only to get rid of dandruff, but also to enhance hair growth, improving the dermis of the head and hair follicles. It is recommended to use the remedy as a prophylactic.

Drugs used to normalize lipolysis processes

In order to normalize the process of splitting fats into constituent fatty acids, it is possible to use Riboflavin (takes part in the process of fat metabolism, normalizes the process of their oxidation and reduction) and Methionine (regulates the synthesis of phospholipids from fats).

In addition, patients with dandruff may be recommended general restorative treatment. To do this, it is important to get rid of immunodeficiency, dysbacteriosis and hypovitaminosis. For this purpose, vitamin and mineral complexes, immunomodulators and probiotics.

Getting rid of dandruff is impossible without lifestyle changes. It concerns emotional sphere, general physical condition and dietary patterns. If you can not cope with stress, psychosis and nervousness on your own, then you should contact a psychotherapist. It is possible that it will be enough to take mild sedatives, for example, Persen.