The best shampoo for lice and nits: reviews. Does lice shampoo help? Baby shampoos for lice and nits

Most often, it is children who suffer from peliculosis, but choosing the right medicine for them is not easy, many drugs are not suitable for babies under one year old or contain too aggressive components. Therefore, when choosing a lice shampoo for a child, one must carefully study its composition and make sure that the active ingredient indicated in it is suitable for the baby. The most popular tools contain:

  • Permethrin. This substance really quickly and effectively destroys lice. Some preparations containing it can even be used to treat children from 2 months.
  • Fenotrin. A fairly effective remedy that is suitable for children from 2.5 years. It must be used carefully, avoiding contact with eyes.
  • Malathion. Often used in combination with permethrin or tetramethrin, such as Pedilin or Para-plus. By itself, malathion is practically not used for the treatment of pediculosis due to its low efficiency and relatively high toxicity. It is not recommended for use in children under 2.5 years of age.
  • pyrethrin. It is an insecticide of natural origin, which today has been almost universally replaced by synthetic pyrethroids. It is no longer used for the manufacture of lice shampoos.

In addition, there are oil-based shampoos that do not contain insecticides, such as Paranix. They are considered safer, but even such drugs are not recommended for the treatment of children under 2 years of age.

When choosing a pediculosis shampoo for a child, do not forget to get another lice and nit comb. The fact is that almost all drugs act only on adults, without affecting the state of nits. And even if the nits die, they still remain hanging by hairs. Only careful combing with a special comb can separate them from the hair.

Do not forget that even the safest baby lice shampoo can cause allergic reactions. Therefore, before using it, it is necessary to conduct a sensitivity test. To do this, you need to drop a little of the product on the skin and wait 15-20 minutes. If there is no redness, itching and other unpleasant reactions, shampoo can be used.

Young children are not the most obedient patients. They constantly try to taste everything and do not want to sit still while you shampoo your hair. Therefore, you must be very careful not to get the product into your mouth or eyes. At the slightest sign of intoxication, you should consult a doctor.

Lice Shampoo Veda

This is an inexpensive (150-200 rubles) and effective anti-pediculosis agent. The active ingredient in Veda shampoo is permethrin. It damages the nervous system of insects and causes paralysis in them. After shampooing, adults and larvae usually die, but nits can survive, so parallel treatment with a special comb is recommended. The use of this remedy is contraindicated in patients with hypersensitivity to any of its components, as well as in the presence of acute inflammatory diseases of the skin under the hair.

Veda shampoo has low toxicity to humans and, when used correctly, rarely causes side effects, but it is still better not to use it for women during lactation. During pregnancy, the use of shampoo is possible, but only if all safety measures are observed and under the supervision of a doctor.

Using Veda shampoo is very simple - you need to apply it to your hair with a cotton swab, and rub it a little into the roots. It takes about 10-60 ml of the product per person. It depends on the length and thickness of the hair. After processing, the head must be covered with a scarf and wait 40 minutes. Next, the product is washed off with warm water with any shampoo or soap, and the dead insects and their nits must be combed out.

If the combing was not carried out very well, and not dead nits remained on the hair, after about a week live lice can be found on the head. In this case, you need to process the hair again.

In a situation where the risk of re-infection is very high, for example, you have to regularly contact with pediculosis patients, Veda shampoo can be used for prevention. It is applied to the hair after shampooing and left there until dry. This leads to the death of lice that have fallen on the head.

Occasionally Veda lice shampoo can cause side reactions:

  • allergic, for example, swelling of the skin and rash;
  • local, such as itching, burning of the skin, paresthesia.

Lice shampoo Paranit

Shampoo Paranit by right considered one of the safest, but many are scared away by the considerable cost - about 750 rubles for a 200-gram bottle. This product does not contain insecticides. It consists of mineral oil (Clearol), foaming agents and perfume fragrance.

Using Paranit shampoo is very simple, it is applied to dry, unwashed hair, carefully distributing it along the entire length. Its consistency is quite thick, so it can take up to half a bottle to process medium-length hair. Then the product should be left on the head for 10 minutes. After this time, a little water is added to the strands and the composition is foamed. After that, rinse your hair thoroughly.

After washing your hair, you need to dry your hair a little with a towel and you can start combing. Be sure to periodically wipe the comb with a white cloth, thus controlling the quality of the procedure.

Shampoo Paranit has a number of contraindications. Its use is prohibited:

  • children under 3 years old;
  • women during pregnancy and lactation;
  • with any diseases of the scalp;
  • with hypersensitivity to any of its components.

Lice tar shampoo

Shampoo with tar is one of the fairly popular cosmetic products. Its price can vary from 100 to 1000 rubles, depending on the composition and manufacturer. But it should be noted that none of these shampoos is a cure for head lice.

Tar contains many valuable substances obtained from wood - these are organic acids, phenols and esters. Therefore, tar shampoo is able to have a beneficial effect on the hair and scalp:

  • it acts as an antiseptic that destroys pathogenic bacteria and even fungi;
  • stimulates blood circulation in the hair follicles, which strengthens them and accelerates hair growth;
  • promotes exfoliation of dead skin cells and accelerates tissue regeneration;
  • regulates the production of sebum.

The antiseptic properties of tar are not enough to kill lice. All he can do is to make them uncomfortable and immobilize them for a while. Therefore, the simultaneous use of tar shampoo with combing really increases the effectiveness of the latter. Tar-based shampoo is recommended to be used only as an adjuvant, but not an independent medicine.

If you decide to use tar shampoo for the treatment of head lice, then do not forget that you cannot apply the product itself to your hair. First you need to lather a little shampoo, then distribute it over the scalp and hair. Keep the foam on the head for at least 5 minutes. This tool is not suitable for owners of dry hair, as it can dry them out more and cause split ends. Also, it is not suitable for girls with dyed hair, as it can change their color.

Natural tar shampoo can be prepared at home. To do this, you will need high-quality baby soap without dyes and fragrances, and birch tar, which can be purchased at a pharmacy. It is necessary to take equal amounts of soap and tar. Then we cut the soap into pieces and heat it in a water bath, gradually adding tar. When the mass becomes homogeneous, 1-2 tablespoons of any red wine are added to it. The finished product is cooled, wrapped in polyethylene and left for a couple of days at room temperature.

Shampoo Pedilin

The composition of the combined lice shampoo Pedilin (approx. 150 rubles) includes malathion and tetramethrin. Tetramethrin is a potent and safe insecticide for humans. And its action is enhanced by malathion, an organophosphorus insecticide, a nerve and contact poison that destroys any arthropods, in particular, head lice.

It is very simple to use Pedilin: shampoo is applied to wet hair, then massaged for 5 minutes and washed off with running water. Then the hair is dried a little with a towel and, while still wet, is carefully combed out with a special comb, removing dead insects and nits. If live insects are found again after a week, the treatment can be repeated.

To enhance the effect of using shampoo, after treating the hair, you can cover your head with a scarf and leave it like that for 2-3 minutes.

If there are a lot of lice and nits, you can use Pedilin shampoo and emulsion at the same time. First, the head must be treated with a solution and left for 10 minutes. Then wash your hair with shampoo, preferably twice. After that, a thorough combing is carried out.

Pedilin lice shampoo is considered safe for humans. But with hypersensitivity to its individual components, allergic reactions may occur. In addition, prolonged inhalation of its vapors, ingestion of the agent in the esophagus or too long contact with the skin can lead to toxic reactions. The patient may have impaired vision, tachycardia or bradycardia, nausea and mouth. There have been cases of increased lacrimation, urinary incontinence, increase or decrease in blood pressure.

If the product is ingested, it is necessary to immediately rinse the stomach. If the shampoo gets into the eyes, they are washed with running water or saline.

The product should not be used by children under 2 years of age, women during pregnancy and lactation. It is also forbidden to use it in case of hypersensitivity to any component.

Shampoo Hygia

Permethrin rapidly decomposes in air, it does not enter the systemic circulation and never accumulates in tissues. The shampoo also contains acetic acid, which dissolves the glue that holds the nits to the hairs, making it easier to remove them.

Hygia shampoo is applied to wet hair, lightly massaging and rubbing into the roots. Then the head should be covered with a scarf and left for 20 minutes. After that, the product is washed off with running water and combed out with a special frequent comb. Usually 15-20 ml of product is enough for one head, but if there are too many insects or very long hair, the consumption may increase. It is advisable to repeat the shampoo treatment after 7-10 days.

Hygia shampoo is recommended for use by adults and children over 5 years of age. If there is a need to treat a young child for pediculosis, this must be agreed with the doctor. The drug is contraindicated during pregnancy and lactation. Also, the use of shampoo is prohibited for people with hypersensitivity to its components.

When using the drug, it is necessary to protect the eyes, mouth and nose from getting it. During treatment, hands should be protected with disposable medical gloves. Although the remedy is considered safe for humans, occasionally it causes an allergic rash with prolonged contact.

Other lice remedies

In most cases, the use of anti-pediculosis shampoo in parallel with combing helps to get rid of lice in just 1-2 applications. Pharmaceutical products produced in other forms have the same effectiveness - emulsions, ointments or sprays from lice. For example, on the basis of permerin, not only shampoos are produced, but also Lauri in the form of a cream, as well as a solution, Medifox in the form of a concentrate, and many others. The consumer simply chooses the form that is most convenient for him.

The effectiveness and safety of folk methods for treating pediculosis has not been proven, so you should not consider them a harmless alternative to pharmaceuticals.

An electric comb will help increase the efficiency of combing. It not only removes lice and nits, but also kills them with an electric discharge between the teeth. A weak discharge is absolutely safe for humans. In addition, the comb itself has protection at the ends of the teeth, so electricity will definitely not hit a person.

Children may be allergic to shampoo

On the other hand, other drugs for pediculosis for children - sprays, solutions, liquids, lotions, creams, gels, aerosols - can also have side effects.

The choice is always up to parents, who are simply forced to shoulder responsibility, calculating the ratio of such indicators as the effectiveness and safety of anti-pediculosis drugs.

Main Rules

The main thing is to prevent the insecticidal solution or foam from getting into the mucous membrane of the nose, mouth, eyes.

If this still happened, it is thoroughly washed. In case of severe irritation of the mucosa, an allergic reaction, it is urgent to consult a doctor. For more information about baby shampoos, see this video:

Do not forget about the precautions and the parents themselves. Wear rubber gloves when using an insecticide. In addition, you can not touch the skin of the face with hands and fingers, especially around the eyes, nose, mouth. You do not need to consume food or drinks during the procedure. To some, these recommendations will seem ridiculous. But if, having applied the drug, you need to wait 10 minutes, then many parents begin to look for what to do with themselves at this time, forgetting about elementary precautions.

How to choose the right shampoo

Pharmaceutical preparations differ in the degree of toxic effects and the likelihood of side effects for health.

It is best to choose a suitable remedy for a child after consulting a doctor.

How to cure children from lice in this video review:

Insecticidal shampoos with permethrin or phenothrin have proven themselves to be the most effective. In addition, a number of manufacturers offer anti-pediculosis products based on the effects of essential oils.

Based on permethrin

Consult your doctor before use

This results in paralysis or death of adults, as well as dysfunctional effects on larvae and eggs (nits). The strong toxic effect of permethrin causes a certain list of contraindications, which usually includes:

  • the period of pregnancy and lactation in women;
  • children's age up to 1 year;
  • head injuries or skin diseases.

The most safe and balanced drugs, which include permethrin, are the following:

  1. Veda and Veda-2. Its effectiveness is quite high, although there are skeptical reviews. The instructions say to apply the drug on the hair and hold for 10 minutes. But buyers testify that in order to achieve a result, it must be left in the hair for at least 20 minutes. And such long-term processing increases the possibility of irritation and allergies. On the other hand, Veda has become very popular in terms of effectiveness and cost, it has no age contraindications. After rinsing, the hair is carefully combed out, which is carried out on a regular basis in the following days. If live insects are found, Veda is reapplied after about 2 weeks. The main contraindications are lactation period and inflammatory diseases of the scalp.
  2. NOC - contains a fairly high dose of permethrin. So, for 1 ml of cream-shampoo it accounts for 10 mg. In this regard, there is a strict age limit - it is contraindicated for babies under 2 years old. In older children and adolescents, the medicine can also cause irritation and allergies associated with individual intolerance to permethrin. Before use, apply a small amount of shampoo cream to the child on the inner crook of the elbow. If the skin turns red, then it is not recommended to use it. NOC is applied to washed and slightly dried hair. Then it is aged for 10 minutes, after which it is abundantly washed off with warm water. Here, too, it is necessary to regularly comb out dead lice and nits. If living individuals are found again, the drug is used again after a week.
  3. Nix. This cream shampoo is very similar to NOC. It is also applied to pre-washed hair. A significant advantage that this drug has in comparison with Veda and NOC is the pleasant aroma and softness of the effect on curls and skin. At the same time, there are many reviews warning of its ineffectiveness in the fight against nits. It is sold in tubes of 59 ml. This amount is enough for about 4 - 5 times. At one time, you can process the heads of all family members. If necessary, the cream-shampoo is used again after 1-2 weeks. Its cost is approximately 350 - 400 rubles.
  4. Chigia. It also has mixed reviews. It is applied for 20 minutes to moistened hair, after which it is washed off with plenty of warm water. Ease of use is a significant advantage. However, during exposure to the hair, the product often causes discomfort (stings, burns, itches, and so on). It also has a rather unpleasant smell. Hygiene is only recommended for children over 5 years of age.

For getting rid of pests, see this video review:

In general, in the assortment of domestic pharmacies, you can find more than ten drugs, the main poisoning ingredient of which is permethrin.

Shampoo based on phenothrin Sumitrin

To exclude insect infestation of other family members, this remedy can be used 1 to 2 times a week.

Phenothrin Shampoo

Sumitrin is applied to wet hair and left for 10 minutes. After that, the strands are again wetted and intensively rubbed. Then they are washed off, and dead insects and nits are combed out. If live pests are found, then Sumitrin is used again a day later. This allows you to effectively cope with pediculosis.

Paranit with mineral oil Clearol

As stated, Paranit is the only effective non-insecticide against lice offered on the Russian market. The active ingredient here is the essential oil clearol. It paralyzes the respiratory system of insects.

Additionally, measures are taken to prevent infection of pediculosis by other people living in the same room.

Paranit is applied to dry hair. After a 10-minute exposure, add a little water and foam the product, then rinse. It is allowed to repeat this procedure in a week. It is contraindicated in children under 3 years of age. A bottle is always sold with a comb for combing out, which is why its cost is about 700 - 800 rubles. Many parents prefer Paranit, considering it safe due to the absence of insecticidal poisons.

Pedilin based on organophosphate insecticides

The main poisonous substances are malathion and tetramethrin. These are powerful poisons. Pedilin does not need to be kept on the head for 10 minutes, it is washed off after a 3-minute treatment. It is better suited for impatient children. However, not only the effect of poisons on the scalp is dangerous here, but also the inhalation of toxic substances, which can even lead to nausea and vomiting.

Washing with Pedilin is repeated after 7 days

The procedure for using Pedilin can be repeated after 7 days. It is produced in Slovenia, and on the Russian pharmacy market it costs around 350-400 rubles. Among the shortcomings, parents most often name an unpleasant odor that causes acute rejection in children. In addition, there is a high percentage of those people who, after using Pedilin, declare its low effectiveness as an insecticide. For more information about Pedilin, see this video:

More common than in adults. This is due to the fact that children are in contact with each other for a longer time. Rest in the camp, communication at school or kindergarten significantly increase the risk of infection with head lice. It is harder for girls, since the complexity of getting rid of the disease depends on the length of the hair. In this case, the lice shampoo offered in pharmacies will be an effective remedy.

Only live lice from person to person. The nits are attached to the hair at a distance of approximately 1-2 cm from the hair roots, and they are not transmitted to other people. It is worth noting that nits are not able to fly or jump, they can only go to another person when they touch.

The most common place is public places where there is a large crowd of people. If you use one bed linen, a comb, a headdress of an infected person, then you will become infected with lice quite easily.

Use anti-lice shampoo only after. They are not used for prevention, as they may be unsafe for a healthy person. A prerequisite for the procedure is an allergy test.

To conduct such a test, it is necessary to apply a small amount of funds to the area behind the ear, you can wash it off after a few hours.

If no allergic reactions are detected, then this drug can be used for medicinal purposes. In the best case, you must wait a day after the test, as the allergy may not appear immediately.

Means Veda-2

The active substance is permethrin. Produced in bottles of 100 ml, while it has a cost - from 150 rubles. The instructions indicate that it is required to apply an anti-pediculosis agent with cotton pads, while it must be rubbed. After rubbing, Veda-2 is left for at least 10 minutes, and preferably for an hour. While holding, it is recommended to wrap your head with a tight scarf.

Quite rarely, Veda-2 causes local allergic reactions, in the form of burning and itching. The room where the procedure is performed must be well ventilated. You can also use a gauze bandage as protection against eye contact. It is contraindicated to use this drug as a baby lice shampoo.


You need to monitor the result of using shampoo for 10 days, if live insects are found, then the procedure must be repeated. The drug should not be used during pregnancy. It is also worth noting that it is contraindicated to use shampoo for lice and nits for children.


Paranit consists of clearol, but also includes coconut, anise. Use a remedy to eliminate nits and lice. Paranit acts on lice and nits by blocking the respiratory function. Paranit is not prescribed for pregnant women, during lactation and for children under 3 years of age. The price of the drug ranges from 500 rubles to 1000 rubles.

Before use, it is required to hold all family members for treatment on the same day. Paranit is applied to dry hair, as well as the scalp. To enhance the result, you need to put a hat on your head. Leave paranit for 10 minutes, then rinse with warm water. Comb out dead lice and nits with a fine-toothed metal comb.

After the procedure, you need to disinfect all items that took part in the process. The clothes in which the manipulations were carried out must be washed at a temperature of at least 60 ˚C. A week later, you need to repeat the entire treatment process.


Hygiene is not used during pregnancy and lactation. It is also forbidden to use this shampoo for lice for children. The price of the drug is 179 rubles. It is worth using this remedy carefully, since an overdose can cause allergies.


The active ingredient of the drug is malathion. Pedilin is produced in two forms:

  • shampoo;
  • emulsion.

With individual intolerance to the components included in the drug, it is contraindicated to use it. The cost varies within 100 rubles. With the manifestation of pediculosis in a moderate form, only shampoo is used.

Pedilin must be applied to the hair and massaging movements. Keep the drug for no more than 5 minutes, then rinse with running water at room temperature. When the hair is dry, it is necessary to comb out the dead lice. If, then you need to combine shampoo and emulsion.

The emulsion is applied using a cotton pad. Be sure to tie a scarf. Keep the emulsion for half an hour, then rinse and apply shampoo for half an hour. After enduring the required time, it is required to wash off the contents and comb out the lice with a comb. It is recommended to carry out subjects that participated in the treatment process. If the drug gets into the eyes, rinse thoroughly with water. For the treatment of lice and nits for children, the use of the remedy is not recommended.


At the heart of this shampoo for nits and lice is permethrin. The component is able to paralyze the nervous system of lice, which leads to their death. During pregnancy, Nok can be used, however, for children under two years old, it is contraindicated to treat pediculosis with this remedy.

When using shampoo, make sure that the room is ventilated as much as possible. Nok should be applied with massaging movements and after application, use a scarf or cap. You need to keep it for at least 40 minutes, then rinse with running water and comb out dead insects.


This head lice shampoo is all natural. The components that make up the composition are able to destroy the enzyme, due to which the nits are attached to the hair. It is recommended to apply LiseGuard on dry hair. You need to keep no more than 5 minutes. After this time, the drug must be foamed and washed off with a small amount of water. After drying the hair, you need to comb out the insects. After 7 days, the procedure is recommended to be repeated.


Such a drug against lice and nits refers to natural remedies. The composition contains:

  • neem extract;
  • camphor oil;
  • Coconut oil;
  • anons.

Such a tool is completely safe for humans, while quite effective. It is used for children and adults, but it is worth noting that when applying Mediker, a child needs to make sure that he is not allergic to the components. The price of the drug is 200 rubles. Apply to damp hair, then lather. The time that you need to keep the product on your head is 4 minutes. Rinse Mediker with warm running water.


Before applying the drug, you need to wash your hair and dry your hair. Then put on gloves and gently apply Itax to the scalp and hair. It takes about 10 minutes to wait, after which the product is applied to the hair again. After holding for a few more minutes, rinse off the product from the head and wash the hair well. You need to remove dead insects with a comb that has frequent teeth. The drug for pediculosis is prohibited for children under two years of age, as well as for allergy sufferers.

A tool based on tar is often used to eliminate lice, however, it was originally intended to eliminate itching in head lice. The action is slow. Lice begin to die only 5 days after the start of treatment. You need to apply it like any other shampoo:

  • apply to wet hair;
  • keep about 5 minutes;
  • rinse with running water.

You can buy tar lice shampoo not only in a pharmacy, but also in a regular store. The price is about 70 rubles. It is worth noting that this shampoo has a rather specific smell, but over time it can fade. Tar treatment is carried out for various diseases of the scalp. It does not harm, so you can use it for as long as necessary to completely get rid of the disease.

Prevention of pediculosis

Outside the head, the louse lives no more than a day, therefore, using a remedy for pediculosis, it is required to carry out a wet cleaning of the home. It is imperative to disinfect combs, combs, hairpins, etc. Items can be treated with an alcohol solution and lice shampoo.

You can also place items in the freezer for several days.

Above 60 ˚C, nits die within 10 minutes, so be sure to wash bedding and clothes after each treatment. Things that cannot be processed (coat, fur coat) must be postponed for the period of treatment.

Video: How to get rid of lice and nits, ways to quickly treat lice at home.

A child has a much higher risk of getting lice than an adult. Therefore, the treatment and prevention of pediculosis in children has to be carried out more often. It is important that the treatment is convenient to use, does not cause allergies and discomfort, has a mild active base and is suitable for use in childhood.

To combat pediculosis in children, you can use any popular shampoos: (Veda-2), Hygia, Tar, Pedilin, etc.

This remedy may be suitable for those who have not been helped by ordinary shampoos made for people.

The shampoo has received many positive reviews from those who have used it to treat lice. But there are also skeptical opinions about the possibility of using it on humans, especially children, because in fact Lugovoi is certified as a drug for animals. The manufacturer does not give explanations and instructions for use on a person, the responsibility for the consequences of use lies entirely with the person who used this remedy on his child.

Composition and principle of action of Meadow Shampoo

The shampoo is available in bottles of 180 and 270 ml, the line is represented by several types: there are options separately for cats, separately for dogs, as well as a common option for both animals. Anyone can treat a child's hair, but the detergent and insecticidal base is milder in cat shampoo.

The composition includes:

  • deltamethrin - a synthetic insecticide, an analogue of natural insecticides contained in the flowers of plants of the Asteraceae family;
  • plant extracts: chamomile, calendula, coltsfoot, plantain, burdock and dandelion roots, thyme, St. John's wort, sage. The composition of herbal supplements in shampoos for cats and dogs is different.
  • nipagin - antiseptic;
  • glycerin is an organic compound in the form of alcohol;
  • lanolin is a natural wax extracted from sheep's wool;
  • Excipients.

Deltamethrin - a modern active insecticide with a wide spectrum of action, in fact, is a complex ester, quickly destroys the insect through contact action: almost instantly paralyzes it, after a while causes death.

Severe itching in pediculosis is caused not by the insects themselves, but by the saliva they secrete when they bite.

Deltamethrin is superior in effectiveness to many known insecticides, while acting softer. However, for humans, it is also toxic (hazard class 2), although it is much less dangerous than many insecticides. The concentration of deltamethrin in the shampoo is low, and yet, before use, you need to carefully read the information on the bottle, and even better, ask your doctor for advice.

Extracts of calendula, chamomile and antiseptic nipagin effectively destroy potentially dangerous bacterial microflora on the scalp, preventing the development of flea dermatitis, suppuration at the site of bites, relieve itching from bites, and soothe the skin. Glycerin, lanolin and herbal extracts protect and soften hair shafts, stimulate metabolic processes in the skin and hair follicles.


Pros of using shampoo:

  • effective against pediculosis, quickly destroys insects;
  • no need to keep on hair for a long time;
  • acts gently, does not cause burning on the skin;
  • easy to use;
  • relieves itching and heals wounds from bites;
  • destroys dangerous bacteria and microbes;
  • cares for hair;
  • has a pleasant smell;
  • foams well;
  • economically spent;
  • is inexpensive.

Lugovoi shampoo favorably distinguishes it from many other products by the fact that you do not need to keep it on the child’s head for a long time (for comparison, some anti-lice products must be left on the hair for 20-40 minutes). With regard to a restless child, this is most relevant - the faster the procedure, the better.

The shampoo forms a thick foam, acts much softer than many other insecticidal preparations, which is important when treating delicate baby skin. If it gets into the eyes and mouth, it can cause mild irritation, but it does not sting the scalp. Therefore, you just need to make sure that the mouth and eyes of the child are closed during the procedure.

Herbal extracts take care of the skin and hair, soften the sensations from the action of the insecticide, leave a pleasant aroma on the hair. One bottle of shampoo is enough for many applications, and the cost of this product is several times lower than anti-pediculosis drugs offered in pharmacies for people (certification of veterinary drugs is much cheaper than human ones).

It is worth knowing that you can become infected with pediculosis only through contact with a carrier of lice, nits cannot pass from person to person, since they sit too firmly near the hair roots. Contrary to all myths, lice cannot fly or swim. They can only crawl from the hair of one person to the hair of another. The risk of such contact is very small in public places, it usually happens at home or in a kindergarten or school. Naturally, co-sleeping with a lice carrier puts a person at great risk of becoming infected. But the use of one hat, comb or headphones, despite all prejudices, rarely leads to infection with lice (but still not worth the risk).

How to get rid of lice

  • shampoo;
  • spray;
  • special comb;
  • lotion;
  • other liquids.

There are folk remedies for getting rid of lice, but it is highly discouraged to use them, as they can cause an allergic reaction, especially in children. However, before using any new product, whether it is homemade or purchased, it is better to test it first for allergies so that there are no unpleasant consequences.

How to get rid of lice with shampoo

  1. Comb the dry hair of the lice carrier properly with a comb.
  2. Carefully read the instructions for the shampoo.
  3. Apply the shampoo to dry hair for the time indicated in the shampoo instructions.
    After the appropriate time has elapsed, comb the hair thoroughly with a fine-toothed comb to remove dead lice and nits from the hair.
  4. Wash your hair with regular shampoo and then rinse it with a 2% solution of regular table vinegar to break down the adhesive that holds the nits in your hair.
  5. Comb your hair with a comb again.
  6. At the end of the procedure, ventilate the room and thoroughly wash your hands and surfaces that may have come into contact with shampoo.
  7. Comb your head every day for a week to remove any remaining nits from your hair. If lice are found during this procedure, it means that the product did not suit you or the instructions were not followed.

Advice! A comb is usually included with the shampoo (if for some reason it was not there, buy yourself a frequent comb with a distance between the teeth of no more than 2 mm, and preferably less).

When working with shampoo, there are a number of restrictions and precautions:

  • Almost any shampoo should not be used by nursing and pregnant mothers, children under three years old, people with bronchial asthma, diseases of the scalp. Therefore, if possible, it is recommended to consult a doctor in order to select an individual solution to the problem.
  • Do not use the drug three times in a row for the same person. If the remedy did not help twice, do not use it again.
  • Never mix different shampoos or other products. The consequences of such experiments are unpredictable.
  • The person applying the product must wear gloves.
  • If you wear contact lenses, it is better to remove them before the procedure.
    Make sure that the product does not get on the mucous membranes of the skin, it is recommended to tie a bandage around the head so that the shampoo does not drip onto the face.
  • Do not eat or drink during the procedure.
  • Any home remedies for head lice should be kept away from children and not stored with food.

What to choose shampoo from nits?

  • Paranit is a Belgian remedy. The motto of this drug is: "Safety is above all." It is considered harmless to both children and adults. The active substance is mineral oil Clearol. Approved for use by children from three years of age. Not recommended for pregnant and lactating women. It comes with a very high quality comb. It costs about 850 rubles. Most often, the price is its only drawback.

Advice! When applying this remedy, pay special attention to the occipital region and the area behind the ears.

  • Tar shampoo. It is produced in many countries, including Russia, however, the most famous Finnish tar shampoo. It has a specific smell that remains on the hair for some time, but still becomes the choice of many people. Its cost depends on the manufacturer. Despite the presence in it of substances that are intolerable to lice, nevertheless, tar shampoo cannot be called an effective way to get rid of pediculosis, but rather only an auxiliary tool.