Plant food.

Nowadays more and more more people become vegetarians. They only eat food plant origin. Some simply imitate newfangled trends, others believe that this will make their body healthier. Is it really?


Vegetarianism is a style or even a way of life that people lead who completely exclude animal products from their diet. They do not eat meat of animals, birds, seafood. Some vegetarians consume eggs, milk, and dairy products. Others don't eat it either. As for honey, there are still disputes: to what type of product should it be attributed? In any case, it is good for health, whatever its origin.

Herbal Products

The list of herbal products is quite diverse. One should not think that people who limit their diet to only such food have a modest, monotonous and tasteless meal.

So, the products of plant origin include:

  1. Fruits.
  2. Vegetables.
  3. Berries.
  4. Cereals.
  5. Herbs.
  6. Nuts.
  7. Juices.

Fruits and berries

Fruits are ideal plant foods. There are opinions that the human body was originally, in primitive times, was "tuned" only to feed on them. Today, “fruit eating” is very popular, when a person consumes exclusively this food. By the way, there are about 300 types of such a product in the world. Fruits contain a large amount of water, vitamins, carbohydrates. Fructose - the sugar in them is perfectly absorbed. It enriches the body beneficial substances. According to the content of vitamins, sugar and trace elements, fruits can be divided into several categories:

  • Sweet: bananas, dates, papaya, etc.
  • Semi-acidic: apricots, pears, apples, plums, etc.
  • Sour: tangerines, oranges, lemons, pineapples, etc.

It is best if all three categories of fruits are present in the diet. But thermally processed fruits (jam, jams, compotes, etc.) are many times inferior to their fresh counterparts in quality and quantity of nutrients. Their use should be completely abandoned. Berries are very similar to fruits in composition, but they contain much more amino acids. The most useful: cranberries, cranberries, currants, blueberries, blueberries, strawberries, cherries and raspberries.


Vegetables are vegetable products that can almost completely replace the meat of animals and birds. How? Very simple. Some of their representatives contain the optimal amount of protein. In terms of volume and quality, it can compete with the protein found in meat. All vegetables can be conditionally divided into the following groups:

  • Juicy: cucumbers, tomatoes, peppers, eggplant, pumpkin, etc.
  • Leafy: kale, lettuce, spinach, etc.
  • Seeds: beans, beans, peas, lentils.
  • Petiole: celery, fennel.
  • Flowering: cauliflower, artichoke.
  • Tuberous: carrots, onions, radishes, potatoes, etc.

Interestingly, the ground part of the plant is much more useful than that that is in the ground. Take, for example, beets. Its tops will be much more useful than rhizomes. Vegetables should be present in the diet of any person in large quantities, as they contain a large amount of carbohydrates, vitamins and protein.


Grains are also foods of plant origin. This group includes wheat, rye, oats and their other species. They have been used by humans for centuries. At first they were prepared whole, then they began to grind and bake various bakery products. But over time, more and more research scientists come to the conclusion that cereal cereals cause fermentation, and excessive consumption of bread contributes to weight gain.

Of course, we will not succeed in completely eliminating these foods of plant origin from the diet. But it is worth using some tips:

  1. Grains should be consumed in raw form. That is, the diet should not contain any cereals, semolina, etc.
  2. You must combine them with vegetables and fruits. This refers to the correct balance of these products in the diet.
  3. It is better to eat cereals in the morning. They contain a lot of carbohydrates necessary for normal activity and vivacity throughout the day.


Herbs are rich in vitamins, insoluble fats and essential oils. Some are able to excite appetite, while others, on the contrary, suppress it. This is necessary if you urgently need to lose weight. Many herbs have medicinal properties. For example, dill improves digestion, and fennel helps to eliminate fermentation in the intestines. These herbal products have been eaten since ancient times.


Nuts are the healthiest plant-based protein foods. In addition, they are very high in carbohydrates. Even in antiquity they were valued for taste qualities, high energy properties and the ability to long-term storage. The fats found in nuts are much better absorbed than the lipids of any other food. It should be noted that because of this they have a fairly high calorie content. At one time there was an opinion that nuts are poorly digested. This happened when people consumed them at the end of the meal, when two or three courses had already been eaten.

To bring nuts maximum benefit, they should be consumed as an independent dish in combination with vegetables and herbs.

Proteins and plant products

The table of plant foods will clearly show which vegetables and nuts contain the most large quantity squirrel.

All plant foods supply carbohydrates to our body due to their sugar content. Vegetables containing starch provide the body with complex carbohydrates, and fruits and berries are simple. When it comes to protein, things are a little more complicated. Its best source is animal products, meat or fish. If there is no possibility or desire to eat them, then a good replacement can be found among plants, especially legumes. And a vegetarian can get fats if he adds unrefined food to his diet. vegetable oil: sunflower, olive and others.

Thus, any person can decide for himself: whether to fully consume all products of plant and animal origin or not. As for nutritionists, they do not recommend completely abandoning the last variety of food. Doctors advise every day to eat fruits, vegetables, nuts and, if desired, meat or fish dishes. The main thing is that the food is balanced.

We are what we eat. This truth is familiar to many. At the same time, we are all different, differ in gender and age, as well as taste preferences. Perhaps that is why the debate about which products are the most useful does not subside. Today we want to comparative analysis two large groups products of plant and animal origin. As a result, in addition to the conclusions, a list will appear. origin, as well as more difficult, from the point of view of nutritionists, but more nutritious in their properties, of animal origin are well known to all of us, but it will not be superfluous to systematize our knowledge.

Systematizing all the experience of modern dietology

In fact, it is quite difficult to separate one from the other. Only at first glance, the standard reflects the whole variety of food products available. As you know, cereals and grain products lie at its base, fruits and vegetables are located above, then proteins (milk, meat, fish), and at the very top - sweets and fat. This pyramid clearly shows how much space in your diet should be occupied by certain foods. However, it does not separate plant products (listed below) from their animal counterparts. Both proteins and fats can be supplied to our body from different sources, giving a different load on the digestive organs, as well as different energy potential. Therefore, today we have decided to separate these two important product groups among themselves.

Plant food

These are useful and extremely necessary products for our body. These are all the gifts that we receive from plants. By the way, mushrooms and algae do not belong here, in terms of their properties they are in the middle between plant and animal food. What are the benefits of herbal products? The list will allow you to form the most useful and complete diet. So, this is primarily a source of fiber, which is so lacking in the abundance of animal proteins and fats in the diet. There are a lot of vitamins and minerals, amino acids in the products of this group. However, let's look at each group individually.

Cereal products

This is the basis of our nutrition. Every day in the diet should be present these products of plant origin. The list is quite extensive. These are cereals and flour products. First of all, they include cereals and legumes. The characteristic of these species food products is a large amount of protein. They are easier to digest than animal products, but they are very nutritious and provide a huge supply of energy. Of all the variety of plant foods, it is grains that can act as a complete meal. Soybeans and peas, beans and beans, buckwheat and millet are all healthy and not too high in calories. protein products vegetable origin. The list can be supplemented by wheat and barley, alfalfa and flax, hops and lentils. In addition to proteins, fats and carbohydrates, they contain a large amount of vitamins and minerals.

Fruits and vegetables

Vegetables play a huge role in our diet. These are the various parts and fruits herbaceous plants and shrubs. Moreover, these can be roots, like carrots, or leaf buds, such as cabbage, or maybe stems (asparagus). All plant products from this group are easily digestible, contain little protein and fat and a large amount of vitamins. If vegetables are rather the main food, then fruits are useful and delicious treat. These are the fruits of trees that are rich in carbohydrates, vitamins and fiber. By adding them regularly to the diet, we not only provide ourselves with energy, but also increase immunity.

Berries, nuts, herbs

These plant products are additional sources of nutrients, vitamins, trace elements and minerals. Berries are very similar in properties to fruits, but contain more organic acids, creating a load on the teeth and gastrointestinal tract. If you decide to exclude animal products for a while, then be sure to include nuts in the menu. They are easily digestible, contain proteins, fats and carbohydrates, vitamins, that is, they are a complete meal. However, they are very high in calories and quite expensive. Finally, the aromatic herbs that we use in the form of seasonings have many useful substances, they contain vitamins and substances that improve digestion.

Animal Products

Here we need to return to our nature. ancient man it was not in vain that he used for food not only what he obtained by gathering, but also hunting trophies. Because for optimal functioning, a person needs products of animal and vegetable origin. You can bring the list of the first ones yourself, they are on your table every day. These are meat and offal, fish and eggs, as well as milk. Moreover, it is very important and useful to consume not only and not so much whole milk, but dairy products. This is primarily kefir and cottage cheese, sour cream and cheese. They are rich in proteins and fats, contain carbohydrates and vitamins, as well as various enzymes. Of course, vegetable origin is significantly inferior to their nutritional value. However, it is also impossible to say that only one or other products are useful for the body. The optimal ratio is considered to be 30% of the diet, consisting of meat, fish, cottage cheese, about the same amount is allocated to cereals, and everything else is fruits and vegetables. That is, 70% of our diet should be devoted to plant products.

Analysis in the end

Animal products - this is the main one that cannot be replaced by anything. However, their main disadvantage is their high calorie content, the presence of refractory fats and bad cholesterol. However, choosing lean fish and chicken fillet, eggs and low-fat dairy products, you practically neutralize these shortcomings. The protein they contain is extremely important building material, which needs to be replenished daily. In addition, it is a source of essential amino acids. That is, these products should be on the table every day. But this does not detract from the merits of plant-based foods. Vitamins and minerals, antioxidants, fiber, and fats all come from cereals, vegetables, and fruits, so an optimal diet can only be achieved by using all of these foods.

And what's the list?

We have not mentioned products that cannot be unequivocally assigned to one of the listed groups. Despite the fact that honey, propolis and other bee products are not originally of animal origin, they belong to this group. Mushrooms stand apart, as well as algae, which are rich in carbohydrates and trace elements. Yeast and microorganisms are not food, but they help us get fluffy bread and delicious kefir for breakfast, so they are also part of our diet.

A light plant-based diet is special treatment nutrition, which has many similarities with veganism. It completely eliminates the use of animal products. Light, lively and well-digestible food allows you to quickly lose weight and gain a beautiful figure, cleanse the body of toxins.

The rules and essence of a plant-based diet

The basis of a plant-based diet is proteins and amino acids obtained from legumes and cereals. Essential acids - valine, leucine, tryptophan and phenylalanine - in enough found in soybeans, nuts, brown rice, bananas, beans, lentils, mushrooms, wheat germ. A large number of amino acids found in buckwheat and other cereals.

A plant-based diet is similar to a raw food diet in many ways, but with less restrictive restrictions. This allows you to periodically consume boiled and steamed dishes. At the same time, sweets, fatty and smoked foods should be excluded from the diet, and the amount of salt consumed should be reduced.

Vegetables and fruits energize the body, allow you to get rid of depression. With them regular use lowers cholesterol levels, improves brain function. Such products act as antidepressants, have an antioxidant and regenerating effect, help maintain youth and beauty.

In addition to vegetarian, there is a dairy plant based diet. Milk saturates the body with the necessary proteins, calcium, trace elements. It is allowed to include in your diet:

  • milk and low-fat sour cream;
  • light low-calorie cheese.

The person who sticks to the rules diet food, must give up overuse salt, sugar and spices. Food should not be fried, but boiled, baked in the oven or steamed. Allowed to eat low-calorie cottage cheese casseroles, cereals with milk, lactic acid products, including yogurts.

Allowed and prohibited products

The list of allowed foods includes any food of plant origin. This is:

  • fruits, vegetables, dried fruits;
  • nuts and seeds;
  • legumes;
  • mushrooms, berries.

Vegetarians use sprouted cereals, soy, cereals. At the same time, any products of animal origin are completely excluded from the diet. Dairy products are an exception for lacto-vegetarians. A complete dairy-vegetarian diet is based on the use of light and low-calorie dairy foods; diabetics and obese people can adhere to this diet. Lactose in this case is a source of complete protein necessary for the normal functioning of the body.

During the diet, you should drink more fluids - water, green tea without sugar. It is allowed to include unsweetened compotes, juices and other natural drinks in the diet.

Menus and recipes for weight loss

The standard daily menu of the dairy-vegetarian diet includes the following components:

  • low-percentage milk, kefir or yogurt - no more than 1 liter;
  • low-calorie fruits and vegetables with a total weight of up to 500 g;
  • a couple of slices of whole grain bread.

According to the second version of the lacto-vegetarian diet, a person can add liquid porridge boiled in water, a small amount of cottage cheese to his diet. Dairy products, vegetables and fruits are recommended to be eaten separately, alternating with each other. Most the best option breakfast remains porridge. As a snack, you can use a fruit - an apple or an orange. For lunch, you can eat cottage cheese with low-percentage sour cream. Nutritionists advise making dinner light and low in calories. In the evening you are allowed to eat light vegetable salad without oil, and before going to bed, drink a glass of kefir.

Dairy foods should not be mixed with other foods for better absorption. Some types of diets suggest alternating "dairy" days with "vegetables". During unloading days you can use juices and other liquid plant foods.

If you follow a strict vegetarian diet, you should refuse dairy foods and eggs. To properly follow the diet, it is necessary to carefully study the composition of the products consumed.

The standard vegetarian food program is designed for 2 weeks. During the first 3 days, only raw fruits and vegetables should be consumed. Their number can be any. You can satisfy your hunger with a handful of any nuts, except for peanuts. On day 4, you can eat a small amount of stewed cabbage and other vegetables. For dinner, it is recommended to prepare a salad of raw cucumbers, tomatoes, bell peppers.

For 5 and subsequent days, it is allowed to eat light vegetable soups, boiled rice, salads with sprouted cereals, drink cocktails, vegetable and berry smoothies. Helps get rid of excess weight light raw beetroot, consisting of the following ingredients:

  • beets;
  • apples
  • cucumber;
  • avocado;
  • lemon juice;
  • any greenery;
  • pumpkin seeds and a little olive oil.

Such a live diet will fill life energy and quickly regain lost strength. It contributes to the rapid healing of the body, effective weight loss. Adhering to this diet, you can easily lose 4-6 kg.

Pros and cons of a plant-based diet

The main advantage of the technique is rapid decline body weight. Weight loss is achieved by reducing the amount of fat and "fast" carbohydrates consumed. The indisputable advantage is the improvement of the body. The level of cholesterol decreases, blood pressure normalizes, the walls of blood vessels are strengthened. Foods rich in fiber provide beneficial effect on the state gastrointestinal tract. Vegetables and fruits provide the body's need for vitamins and minerals.

The disadvantage of the diet is the difficulty of selecting products. Some people believe that the list of acceptable foods is too limited and a plant-based diet cannot fully meet the needs of the body in the cold season. The results of losing weight are also individual - some people manage to lose weight only a little. But a vegetarian diet will benefit every person due to its lightness and nutritional value.

A lot has been said about the benefits of vegetables and fruits, however, vegetable nutrition- it is also cereals, cereals, legumes, as well as greens, nuts, dried fruits and berries. Eating plant foods, the body practically does not receive harmful substances, which means that it does not become slagged and does not waste additional energy on the digestion of heavy animal food.

Plant based nutrition: a bit of history

Now it is hard to believe that several centuries ago our ancestors ate only 2 times a day. The basis of their diet was root crops, mainly turnips and rutabaga, as well as vegetables (cabbage, cucumbers, salted in winter). The ancient Slavs did not neglect mushrooms, which they salted or cooked stew and wild berries (strawberries, cranberries, etc.) from them. Present in their plant nutrition and some types of cereals (millet, rye, barley), as well as legumes (peas).

From the stories of numerous travelers, the peasants of the 17th-19th centuries ate exclusively plant foods. According to Robert Bremner, author of Excursions in Russia (1839), people from the lower strata of society were "very strong in body, although they ate only sauerkraut and black bread with garlic." Vegetable nutrition was natural for our great-grandfathers - people ate simple food: they cooked porridge and various "yushki", baked bread every few days, and only on holidays - pies.

Such a clearly vegetarian diet was due to the high cost cattle(mostly oxen), which was not a source of meat, but served to cultivate the fields. Nevertheless, vegetable nutrition did not at all prevent the peasants from working hard: plowing the land, chopping firewood, building huts, and cultivating gardens. The importance of amino acids in human nutrition was not even suspected at that time, but sunflower seeds could well serve as a source of protein, walnuts, peas and cereals.

Vegetarian food includes several varieties:

  • Strict vegetarianism (veganism);
  • Raw food;
  • fruitarianism;
  • lacto-vegetarianism;
  • Pescetarianism;
  • Flexitarianism.

Veganism is based on the refusal to eat not only animal products, but also products that contain non-vegetable components. Strict vegetarians do not even eat sugar, since the technology for its purification includes filtering through carbon filters obtained by burning animal bones.

A raw food diet is a type of plant-based diet in which only raw foods are eaten. herbal products. The basis of the diet of raw foodists is raw fruits and vegetables, sometimes nuts, seeds, sprouted cereals are allowed.

Fruitarianism is eating only fresh fruit. People who practice this kind do not eat any more food, but some of them allow the use of fruit compotes and honey.

Lacto-vegetarianism is a type of vegetarian diet when, in addition to plant foods, various dairy products and eggs are consumed. Lacto-vegetarians not only eat cheese, sour cream, butter and milk, but also cook milk porridge, cheese puddings, dumplings, pies and pancakes, eat omelettes and casseroles.

Pescetarianism is no longer quite a plant-based diet, since the use of fish and seafood is allowed.

Flexitarianism is the most loyal type of vegetarian diet, since the consumption of meat and meat products is not forbidden in it, but is only limited to 1-2 times a month. With this type of diet, amino acids enter the body in larger quantities than with other types of vegetarianism.

The opinion of vegetarianism as the only healthy system of nutrition is not approved by modern nutritionists. According to leading experts in the field rational nutrition, vegetarianism can only take place as a temporary system of plant nutrition: in the treatment of certain diseases, weight loss or nutrition to cleanse the body. Essential amino acids play a very important role in human nutrition. important role Therefore, animal proteins must be present in our diet.

Healing nutrition

“Food can be medicine,” the ancients said, and as history shows, they were absolutely right. In our age of consumerism, the abundance of food has led to a dangerous trend - we eat more and more. harmful products in incredible numbers and we move less and less, preferring to walk on the street a cozy armchair at the TV or computer.

The neglect of plant-based nutrition is not in vain: more and more young people are obese, diabetes, osteochondrosis and diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. The abundance of meat food, too little vegetables and fruits in the diet leads to the fact that these diseases "get younger" and attack even teenagers - children of 13-14 years old.

Each of us must radically change the situation - no government programs will force the younger generation (and the older ones too) to eat right, only parental care and own example may affect children. The task of everyone is to provide themselves and their loved ones with healthy nutrition, based on the natural laws of nature and the rejection of harmful products.

Foods that you need to eat to make your diet healing:

  • Seasonal vegetables, fruits and herbs from your own garden, or bought from gardeners in the countryside;
  • Sprouted cereals - wheat, rye, oatmeal;
  • Bran;
  • Cereals in the form of steamed cereals, without long cooking;
  • Boiled or baked potatoes 2 times a week;
  • Nuts, seeds, dried fruits;
  • Dairy products 1 time per day;
  • Boiled or stewed meat, seafood and fish dishes;
  • 1 st. a spoonful of olive oil per day (this is the only oil in the diet);

Basic rules of healthy nutrition


All vegetables and fruits should be consumed only according to the seasonal calendar. This means that an ordinary apple from our garden in winter is much more preferable than an “overseas” banana or grape.


You should not load the stomach immediately with an abundance various products, it is much better to stick to this order: one product at one meal. For example, for breakfast we eat buckwheat porridge on the water, for lunch - lean soup, for dinner - boiled fish or seafood.

Heat treatment.

Heat treatment of dishes should be minimal - it is better to steam porridges, boil vegetables for several minutes and leave in hot water without boiling, throw the greens into the soup after cooking. Whenever possible, fruits and vegetables are best eaten raw. It is better not to use frying products at all.

Nutrition cleansing

Vegetable nutrition allows you to cleanse the body from the inside, thereby relieving it of many diseases. Nutrition cleansing is long way, and strict diets or simply giving up certain products will not help here. For a truly safe cleansing course, you should consult with a specialist who will create an individual menu of plant foods.

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In 2004, American professor Colin Campbell published the book " Chinese study”, dedicated to a new look at food and nutrition. The result of many years of work of the scientist promotes exclusively plant foods in its original form. For seven years of sales in America, half a million copies were bought, which provided the author and his plant-based diet with unprecedented fame in the States.

The Russian edition was published only in 2013. Now, in our latitudes, they have become interested in a new trend with might and main. Some have already taken Campbell's teachings as the basis of their lives and set out to give up steaks forever. Others have considered in a popular book a way to fast weight loss. Just about this more specifically.

The rules and essence of the diet

The meaning of the diet is not much different from vegetarianism and a raw food diet, but at the same time it does not apply to either one or the other. Compared to vegetarianism, it is more rigid (refusing even eggs), more like veganism. Unlike raw foodists, fans of this technique, nevertheless, sometimes thermally process their food.

Campbell himself called his methodology the Whole Plant Based Diet (Plant based diete, CRD). He claims that the most healthy foods must be used in its original form. That is, a plant, vegetable or fruit is better to eat not crushed and without heat treatment. So the person will get the maximum benefit from food. Those who adhere to such a diet, nevertheless, resort to processing in order to dilute the menu a little.

It is important to choose products as natural as possible, to refuse any "garbage" additives, E-components, dyes, flavors. Also, the followers of this philosophy do not eat foods with it, since it consists of bone tissue animals. To avoid any harmful additives, the professor puts emphasis on home cooking food. Even vegetarian products in stores often contain processed foods that are essentially no better than meat.

You don't need to count calories on this diet. All eligible products So, low calorie. Campbell believes that the quality of food is much more important than it. In this regard, the opinions of the "greens" differ regarding, since in most cases it is GMOs. Most daily allowance Calories scientist calls to receive from - approximately 80%. Another 10% is accounted for by proteins.

The CRD also prohibits the use of and. The professor argues that these ingredients impair health. It should be noted that for weight loss it is not the best companions. It will be useful to replace them with herbs, natural spices, maple syrup and spruce honey. Natural among the supporters of the raw diet is also banned. This is argued by the fact that the bees perform "slave labor" to create honey and a person has no right to use it. For those who are not concerned about the problem of "slave labor" - honey is a joy.

You must completely abandon animal products:

  • eggs;
  • milk and dairy products;
  • fish and seafood;
  • meat in any form and form;
  • gelatin and dishes from it.

They should be replaced by natural plant ingredients: fruits, nuts, berries, vegetables, herbs. As already mentioned, it is better to eat them raw, not crushed.

Relatively drinking regime and the frequency of meals recommendations for this diet is not. You can eat to your fill, the main thing is only allowed products. For those who are trying to lose weight, it is still better to abstain from food two hours before bedtime.

So, to switch to a plant-based diet, you need to eat only natural vegetables, fruits, herbs, nuts, berries with a minimum heat treatment. This view of nutrition was promoted back in the middle of the last century by Professor Werner Kollat. The scientist believed that the food we are used to is suitable only for satisfying hunger, but is practically useless for health. He, like Campbell, called for a plant-based diet.

Menus and recipes for weight loss

The debate about what is more useful - meat or greens, has not subsided for a very long time. Scientists who advocate a complete rejection of animal products, after all, are in the minority. Most of nutritionists tend to believe that a person needs absolutely all the components of nutrition. This also includes animal fats, which are simply indispensable for the functioning of the brain and respiratory system.

Such a plant-based diet can be without any loss (except excess weight) stick for 2 weeks. If you add dairy products and eggs to your diet, you can extend the course for a month. Reviews of those losing weight on the "green side" show that weight loss averages 4-6 kg in 14 days. The results of such weight loss are strictly individual, you can lose more excess weight.

For those who are switching to a completely plant-based diet for the first time, it is better to gradually remove all prohibited foods from their menu.

Step #1: minus meat and fish. A few days before the start of the course, you need to completely abandon meat products, seafood and fish in any form.

Step #2: Avoid Dairy. This is necessary for those who intend to follow the original version of the diet. You need to learn to drink without milk (for this you need really high-quality coffee). Also, you will have to ensure that there are no other dairy products in the dishes.

Step 3: Avoid eggs. Also an optional item that refers to the original type of diet. Here, too, you will have to monitor the composition of products and dishes.

A gradual transition can be skipped if the upcoming diet does not seem too strict. But it is important for the body to gradually adapt to changes in nutrition, so it is better to give up meat products at least two days in advance.

The program only on vegetables and fruits lasts 2 weeks. The menu for the week can be drawn up in advance to prepare necessary products. Although, the diet is very simple and clear: fresh plant foods. For the first three days, it is recommended to eat only raw ingredients, after which, if desired, you can add stewed stews, baked and boiled vegetables.

For example, consider the menu for a week of a plant-based diet.

On the fourth day, breakfast will be the same as on the previous days. You can stew some cabbage with carrots and onions for lunch, and take raw vegetables for dinner.

On the fifth day, it is advisable to eat a light soup to maintain the stomach and digestion; if desired, brown rice or can be added to it.

The sixth day can be started with a berry smoothie, any ingredients for the season will do. For lunch, you can make a salad of carrots and. Dinner is a whole meal.

Cooking food, taking into account the requirements of the diet, is quite difficult, but even losing weight housewives have already adapted to them. Consider some recipes that will help you lose weight and not violate the rules of the CRD.

Raw beetroot:

  • beets - 1 pc;
  • cucumber - 1 pc;
  • small - 1 pc;
  • half;
  • - 1 tbsp;
  • miso paste - 1 tbsp;
  • greens - optional.

Peel and beat all ingredients except avocado lemon juice to a homogeneous consistency. After that, add the chopped avocado and a little clean, beat. Ready soup can be sprinkled with herbs and seeds, pour olive oil(cold pressed).

Vegan Pumpkin Latte:

  • almond milk - 200 ml;
  • maple syrup - 1 tbsp;
  • pumpkin powder - 1 tsp;
  • - ½ tbsp;

Mix all the ingredients in a saucepan, bring to a boil and boil for 2-3 minutes. A slightly cooled drink can be whipped with a blender. For more enjoyment, it is recommended to eat with raw food sweets.

"Raw" truffles:

  • 150 g ground;
  • 150 g;
  • 50 g raw cocoa powder.

Separate the dates from the pits, place in a blender and grind into a paste. Add powder and ground almonds to the resulting mass, mix everything until smooth. Form balls from the prepared dough. You can place a nut inside each candy or roll them in cocoa powder.

More plant-based diets

Those who do not really like the prospect of eating only plant foods use other options for this diet. There is, for example, a milk-and-vegetable diet, where those who lose weight use the same as in the first version, but with milk. Here, fat-free, no additives, low-fat cream, etc. become available. You can follow such a diet for 2-3 weeks. Weight loss, as reviews show, is the same 4-6 kg, but for longer period diets.

Another option is a protein-vegetable diet. Both meat and dairy products are available here. In the first two days you need to drink only low-fat kefir. Then two days you can combine boiled lean meat and plant foods. On the fifth and sixth day, only vegetable food is relied upon. Then everything is repeated in a circle. It is better to adhere to such a diet within the same framework - 10-14 days.

Conclusions: the pros and cons of the diet

The advantage of this technique for losing weight is that it undoubtedly leads to weight loss. Overweight leave due to the absence and minimum quantity"fast" carbohydrates.

Another one positive side affects health. in plant foods help to reduce the level, strengthen the walls of blood vessels, and normalize blood pressure. On the side of the "greens" there are practically no cardiovascular diseases.

A diet filled with water helps to cleanse the intestines, improves its peristalsis. However, the followers of this philosophy still have problems with digestion. If a coarse fiber comes for a short time, this contributes to the purification, if this happens constantly - there is an overload digestive tract. Raw foodists and vegans have the same gastrointestinal problems as other people.

The main advantage of this technique is saturation with vitamins. Plant foods contain a lot of useful components like no other product. But even here the "meat-eaters" saw a snag. Vegetables and fruits do not contain, which we need for recovery processes. Also, there is no and here. The main paradox of this method is that the “greens” have significantly reduced immunity.

For those who are diligent in sports, this option is definitely not suitable. Reviews of those who have already tried to combine active sports and a plant-based diet are not very encouraging. Without animal protein, relief is lost very quickly, moreover, strength for heavy physical exercise will be missed.

Another stone in the green garden of this philosophy is seasonality. It is practically not suitable for long-term use in our latitudes. In the cold season, a plant-based diet can even be dangerous due to too narrow a list. available products. Methods of raw food, veganism and CRD were invented in countries with a humid and warm climate. There vegetable menu available at any time of the year. With us, this period is reduced to 2 months a year.

As a short diet for weight loss, this option is considered safe and beneficial (which is very rare with diets). The results of such weight loss are individual, some losing weight note a slight weight loss. However, it is definitely worth a try: easy, simple, affordable, effective. In any case, a diet of fresh and maximum natural products will only benefit.