Daily food intake for toy terrier puppies. Rules for a healthy diet for a toy terrier: what is healthy and tasty

They belong to the breed of dogs that are considered puppies, even if the dog is already an adult. Small, smooth-haired dogs have fascinated, above all, women all over the world.

A toy terrier can be carried in a bag (it is important to remember that the bag for carrying a pet must be designed for this purpose) to various events, or taken with you on a visit or to a cafe. Babies love their owners' attention more than anything in life. and are happy to be around them all the time.

The popularity of the breed in the world is great, but small dogs require an even more responsible approach on the part of the owner. Improper feeding can lead to problems with the stomach and intestines. Toy terriers do not complain about their health if they follow proper diet and walking in clothes during the cold season.

Advice! If adult dog looks like a puppy, then you can’t feed her based on the number of feedings of puppies. An adult Toy Terrier should eat 2 times a day, like any breed of dog.

Despite its size and fragile build, the basis of the diet for this breed is meat. Toy Terriers are incredible active dogs who spend during the day great amount energy, as a result of which they are constantly ready to eat more.

But you should not overfeed your pet, since obesity will sharply reduce life expectancy. It is important to balance food in terms of protein, carbohydrates and fats.

Important! Meat in the diet of a small predator should be from 40 to 50%, cereals (cereals) - from 20 to 30%, vegetables - 15-25%, fruits - 2-5%.

The standard for toy terriers appeared at the end of the 20th century, according to it The dog's weight does not exceed 3 kg, and its height reaches 20–28 cm. If the dog is shorter than the declared height, then its weight should not exceed 1.5–2 kg. Portions for adult pets are weighed on an electronic kitchen scale, which will be very helpful in determining the weight of a portion. For every kilogram of animal weight there should be 65–80 grams of food.

What is the best way to feed a toy terrier?

There are two food options for the Toy Terrier: natural or dry. Breeders have varied opinions about the benefits of a particular type of feeding, consensus not here. But it is important to remember that if in the first months the puppy was on natural food, then accustoming him to dry food should be gradual. Over the course of a month, you add a little dry food to your diet, replacing one natural feeding completely dry. A smooth transition is important for the dog's digestive system.

Important! Many veterinarians are of the opinion that combining dry and natural food but you can't. If the dog eats only dry food, then there is no need to give it additional fruit or meat.

Natural feeding provides additional vitamins, which are prescribed by a veterinarian based on the results of the examination.

Adult dogs, starting from 9 months, are fed 2 times a day. It is best to do this after morning and evening walks.

If the pet goes to the litter box, then you can safely feed it at any time in the morning or evening, the main thing is not to feed it too late in the morning - the toy terrier should not go hungry. The serving size is determined by the weight of the animal - about 80 grams of feed per 1 kg of weight.

Important! Additionally, natural food is not salted or sugar is added.

Natural feeding can be varied as desired: Give meat and porridge in the morning, vegetables or cottage cheese in the evening, the next day you can replace dairy foods with fish. Food small pet should be as healthy and complete as possible. Many owners note that their pets’ diet prompted them to change their own eating pattern. After all, in fact, the nutrition of a toy terrier is what almost every trainer in the gym will offer to switch to a dietary and healthy diet. Food must be fresh and prepared daily - You can’t feed your dogs week-old porridge.

Features of the diet for small breeds

In addition, before feeding the meat to the dog, it is not only defrosted, but also scalded with boiling water. Some owners cook the meat in boiling unsalted water for 5 minutes.

You can do the same with fish and cottage cheese.– divide into portions and put in the freezer, and give to the animal after defrosting. By-products are good for dogs; they are not frozen, but doused with boiling water or boiled for several minutes.

No spices are added to the cereals given to toy terriers. as well as in stewed vegetables. Exception - sea ​​salt on the tip of a teaspoon is added to the porridge, but this is done infrequently. If your dog eats yogurt, it should not contain dyes. Cottage cheese for toy terriers is often made from children's cottage cheese. You can mix meat with porridge (1/3 porridge and 2/3 meat) if your pet does not want to eat porridge in its pure form.

Advice! A dog that eats healthy food has a cheerful appearance, its coat is glossy and shiny, its eyes are not watery, its nose is moist, its breath is clear, and there is no smell from its mouth. If you see negative changes in your dog's appearance, contact your veterinarian.

Dry food for toy terriers – which is best?

Veterinarians are of the opinion that the main thing in choosing dry food should be selection of food specifically for small breed dogs. These foods contain the entire range of vitamins a baby needs. It is worth choosing premium brands. Trusted manufacturers of food for toy terriers are the following companies: Purina, Royal Canin, Hill's Pet Nutrition, Orijen, etc..

Selection the right food consists in choosing a product that contains several types of cereals, 2-3 types of meat (chicken and beef), vitamins, dry vegetables and fruits. All this will provide the toy terrier with much-needed energy. Breeders do not recommend alternating natural feeding and dry food.

If the dog eats only dry food, it Sometimes you can give fermented milk products(cottage cheese, kefir).

Important! Dry food should not contain soy, dyes, flavor enhancers, corn grits, cereals (wheat).

What you can and cannot feed

Mandatory components in the toy terrier's diet will be beef and chicken. You can also note the following products allowed for consumption:

  • lamb, offal;
  • cottage cheese, kefir;
  • natural yogurt (without dyes and sugar);
  • rice, buckwheat, hercules;
  • fish, exclusively sea fish - salmon, pollock;
  • zucchini, carrots, beets, tomatoes;
  • seaweed;
  • dill, parsley;
  • chicken yolk (be sure to cook!);
  • honey (no more than 1 time per week);
  • vegetable or olive oil(1-2 drops 2 times a week);
  • bananas, apples.

Generally speaking, the toy terrier Any food from the master's table that contains sugar and salt in excess is prohibited. The list can be expanded the following products, feeding which will not only cause allergies in the dog, but will also lead to serious illnesses:

  • sausages, fried meat, smoked meats;
  • spicy foods, seasonings, ketchup, sauces and mayonnaise;
  • chips, crackers, cookies;
  • chocolate, sweets;
  • pasta, bread;
  • pork and any fatty meat;
  • raw offal and raw fish;
  • potatoes and legumes;
  • a raw egg.

It is worth noting that small breeds require careful and special treatment both in nutrition and circulation. Toy terriers are practically dependent on their owner for psychological levelthey love attention very much, they are afraid large items, loud noise. Therefore, it is important to provide the baby with a carefree existence.

Advice! Do not feed your toy terrier food from the table, no matter how much he whines and dances in front of you. This is fraught with health problems.

Monitor your health and general condition dogs, don't let them go hungry. If your pet eats the portion too quickly, increase it by 10-15 grams, which will allow you to understand whether he needs additional nutrition.

But it is important to remember the ratio of height and weight, toy terrier should not be swollen or have a bloated belly. The dog should always be graceful and active. If your pet does not eat for more than a day, you must take the animal to the veterinarian. Healthy and good nutrition will provide your dog life expectancy equal to 13–18 years.

Useful video

Video about the nutrition of toy terriers:

One of the most attractive miniature breeds is. And, having this “toy” dog at home, you need to take care of his nutrition. It must be of high quality, balanced and specialized. By skimping on food for your pet, you risk developing numerous diseases associated with gastrointestinal tract, musculoskeletal system And nervous system dogs.

What to feed a puppy and an adult toy terrier? First of all, you should decide whether you will prepare food for your terrier yourself or buy industrial food.

When feeding natural products Think carefully about the balance of the diet, especially during the puppyhood of the toy terrier. For supporting wellness And physical fitness throughout its life, your dog's diet should include: correct proportions proteins, fiber, vitamins and minerals are present.

From the early childhood teach your puppy good manners . The toy should not receive food from the owner's table, otherwise it will result in serious problems with health and education. Train your dog to stop begging mature age incredibly difficult. Therefore, you should cook separately for your pet.

You can't overfeed him, because miniature breeds gain weight quickly. It is best to give food once or twice a day, and after half an hour go for a walk. And don’t forget to add vitamins to natural foods.

Strictly prohibited in any diet purebred dog There should be spicy and bitter, fried, fatty and salty foods that can cause fatty liver and diabetes. Therefore, exclude fatty pork and other meat products rich in preservatives from your toy terrier’s diet. Pampering your pet with sweets is also strictly prohibited due to the risk of developing caries. Do not accustom your pet to flour. And don't give him nuts. For example, macadamia nuts can cause instant death in a dog.

What can you feed your toy terrier? Don't worry, list of recommended products also cannot be called poor. Complete diet includes lean meats, fish and chicken by-products(15-30%), finely chopped but not ground beef and hake, fermented milk products (no more than once every three days), various cereals (30-35%): buckwheat, rice, rolled oats are best.

Milk should not be given to a dog due to poor digestibility, but kefir, fermented baked milk and cottage cheese can be given, especially in childhood to strengthen bones. It is recommended to boil once a week chicken yolk. Don't forget about vegetables (20-25%). They can be boiled or served raw. Especially loved by toy terriers cucumbers, cabbage, beets and carrots. Sometimes it is permissible to treat your pet with a piece of banana, apricot, pear or apple.

Approximate dog menu per day

Morning: low-fat cottage cheese mixed with kefir.
Evening: scalded buckwheat porridge beef liver. Morning: rolled oats with boiled chicken heart.
Evening: lean fish with cucumbers or boiled carrots. Morning: chopped beef with stewed beets.
Evening: rice with boiled chicken with a teaspoon of olive oil.

If you decide to entrust the preparation of food for your pet to manufacturers ready-made feed, you need to learn distinguish high-quality food from low-quality food.

Toy terriers have very sensitive stomachs and therefore immediately forget about buying economy class feed(“Pedigree”, “Chappy”). They are based on corn, which is strong allergen. In addition, manufacturers of cheap food use low-quality raw materials of animal origin and saturate their products with chemical additives. Phosphorus, potassium and calcium, which are not spared in factories, settle in the animal’s kidneys and then develop into a major problem called “urolithiasis.”

For daily feeding of your purebred friend Premium food is best(“Pro Plan”, “Royal Canine”, “Hill’s”) and super premium classes (“Eagle Pack Holistik”, “Acana”, “Orijen”). When choosing food for your pet from these manufacturers, you can be sure that no harmful preservatives were used in their production, and in the composition you will see “first fresh” protein and, as additional additives, berries, vegetables, legumes, probiotics and medicinal herbs.

After reviewing the assortment, choose food intended for miniature breeds, and when feeding, follow the instructions on the packaging. Make sure your Toy Terrier always has a full bowl of fresh water.

Video about toy terrier nutrition

We invite you to watch the video where you will find out about feeding standards for a toy terrier and choose what type of food you can provide for your pet.

What do you feed your “fawn”? And how much time do you spend on cooking? Or what brand of food do you use? Share with us the ideal recipe, which you came to through trial and error, in the comments so that new breeders do not have any questions. Health and longevity to your pet!

A dog's health depends on four factors: feeding, regular walks, hygiene, communication with the owner. It’s not for nothing that feeding comes first. Toy terriers do not need large supplies of food, but their nutrition should be harmonious and regular. Before you figure out what to feed your Toy Terrier, check out general rules nutrition and canine eating habits.

General nutrition rules

The dog must receive microelements and nutrients from food in optimal quantities. The toy terrier's menu depends on the dog's age, activity level and size.

Feed your dog on a regular schedule. Don't give tasty morsels from the table between feedings and don't leave bowls of leftover food on the floor. An adult toy should receive food at least twice a day. Place water near the bowl and “refresh” it twice a day.

If you notice that your pet regularly leaves food in the bowl, make the portion smaller. If he greedily pounces on food and licks the bowl clean, increase the portion.

Remember - the nutrition of a toy terrier is different from that of a human. If you feed your dog with natural products, prepare separate meals for him, maintaining the balance of minerals and vitamins. Prepare food from natural, fresh ingredients and store it properly. Do not feed your toy expired canned food or offal. Rinse the bowl after each meal.

Monitor the correctness of the diet according to the dog’s condition. Has a shiny coat, clean eyes and mucous membranes, a good appetite and stable stool. If you notice negative changes in your dog's appearance or behavior, contact your veterinarian for tests and a special diet.

Feeding regimen for puppy and adult toy

The answer to the question of how many times to feed a toy terrier depends on the age of the pet. Ideal feeding schedule from puppyhood:

  • up to 2 months – 6 times a day;
  • up to 3 months – 5 times;
  • up to 4 months – 4 times;
  • up to 10 months – 3 times;
  • up to 18 months – 2 times;
  • over 18 months – one feeding per day is acceptable.

Keep the amount of food your toy terrier eats in moderation. Feed him less if you notice protruding sides and a drooping tummy, and if his ribs are protruding, increase the nutritional standards.

List of approved products

The Toy Terrier's diet requires meat, vegetables, dairy ingredients, as well as cereals and fruits. The daily share of meat or fish should be 30% (but not more than 60 grams), permissible meat and fish products for toys:

  • mutton;
  • beef and offal (tripe, heart, kidneys, liver)
  • chicken (white meat);
  • sea ​​fish and seafood.

, after scalding it with boiling water. Chicken can cause an allergic reaction.

Vegetables are a key component healthy eating, containing vitamins for the toy terrier. The optimal proportion of vegetables in a dog’s diet is 25%. You can include in the menu:

  • cabbage;
  • carrot;
  • tomatoes;
  • beets;
  • zucchini

Remember - beets have a laxative effect on the body of small dogs, and tomatoes can cause allergies.

The share of cereals in the diet is 30%. It is acceptable to feed toy terriers rice and buckwheat on water. Fermented milk products are better absorbed by the puppy's body. But you can also give an adult toy:

  • kefir;
  • cottage cheese;
  • Ryazhenka.

Buy dairy products with a reduced percentage of fat content (up to 3%). Be prepared for the possibility allergic reaction pet for these products.

Don't get carried away with berries and fruits. Beware of citrus fruits and think about what to give - a toy terrier will not notice the difference between pieces of a pear and an orange, and the consequences can be sad. Allowed fruits for the dog:

  • bananas;
  • pears;
  • apricots;
  • apples;
  • peaches.

The diet should contain less than 10%.

Periodically add two drops of olive or unrefined sunflower oil to prepared toya dishes.

What should you not feed your toy terrier?

Read and learn the list of things that should not be given to your toy under any circumstances:

  • pork meat in any form;
  • sausage products;
  • sausages, sausages;
  • raw fish;
  • smoked products;
  • fatty broths, mayonnaise and ketchup;
  • seasonings and spices;
  • cream and sour cream;
  • legumes;
  • sweets and buns;
  • fried foods;
  • raw eggs;
  • boiled potatoes.

Examples of menus and daily rations

When you decide how much to feed your toy terrier, develop an individual menu for your pet. Examples of diets are given below.

over two months:

  • breakfast - fermented milk products, 1 tbsp;
  • second breakfast – rice or buckwheat with meat, 1 tbsp;
  • lunch – a tablespoon of cottage cheese;
  • afternoon snack – repeat second breakfast + vegetables;
  • dinner – 1/3 cup of kefir.

From three months onwards, feed your toy terrier the same diet, increasing the portions by one and a half times. Gradually reduce and eliminate the afternoon snack. Menu for a four-month-old puppy:

  • breakfast – kefir, 2 tbsp;
  • second breakfast - meat 1 tbsp. and porridge;
  • lunch – 2 tbsp. l. meat in pieces and 1 tsp. vegetables;
  • dinner – cottage cheese, 2 tbsp.

Increase the amount of food and remove the fourth feeding. By the age of six months, feed your baby three times a day:

  • breakfast: dairy products, 2 tbsp;
  • lunch: meat and porridge + vegetables + 1 tbsp;
  • dinner: 2 tbsp. porridge + vegetables + 2 tbsp. meat.

By eight months, eliminate lunch from the diet. Feed your puppy twice a day:

  • lunch – 3 tbsp. cottage cheese;
  • dinner – 2 tbsp. meat and 3 tbsp. rice or buckwheat.

The best food for a toy terrier older than eight months is: fermented milk products and boiled rice with raw meat and stewed vegetables.

Ready-made feed

To and avoid time-consuming food preparation, buy ready-made food for your toy terrier - canned food or dry granules. The advantage of ready-made food is that it meets veterinary standards for balanced nutrition. Ready-made food provides disease prevention, is well absorbed by the body, is hypoallergenic and low-calorie. Proven manufacturers of ready-made food for small breed dogs:

  • Acana;
  • Orijen;
  • Arden Grange;
  • Royal Canin.

Make sure that the food contains the following ingredients: three to five sources of carbohydrates (rice, rolled oats, flax seeds), two to three sources of protein (chicken, meat), vegetables and fruits, vitamins and mineral supplements, probiotics.

Dangerous components of finished feed, indicating low quality nutrition: yeast, flavorings, soy, flavor enhancers, maize, corn, wheat, cellulose.

How to switch from natural food

Avoid sudden changes in your dog's feeding. When you get a puppy from a breeder, find out what he fed the dog. Ask how much to feed your Toy Terrier and at what time. For babies under one year of age, food is not changed.

For adults new food introduce gradually and add lacto-bifid preparations to food. Scheme for changing dry food to natural food and vice versa:

  • Divide the portion into 10 parts. Give 9 parts of the usual food and one part of the new food.
  • Every day, change the proportion towards increasing the dose of the new food - 2/10, 3/10, etc.

Monitor your dog's stool - if it is loose, choose another food or stop the transfer process. Lacto-bifid drugs are needed to facilitate adaptation to new food. They suppress stress, normalize bowel movements and support normal microflora. Types of funds:

  • lactoferon;
  • bifidum;
  • lactobifide;
  • zoonorm;
  • Elvestin.

Vitamin supplements for dogs

A toy terrier on a natural diet needs vitamin supplements. Buy vitamins at pet stores. Types of additives:

  • Vitry;
  • Beophar;
  • AED – injections or oral administration.

Inexpensive analogues:

  • Gimpet;
  • Canina.

Essential vitamins and minerals included in the complex: carotene for vision and immunity; vitamins B1, B6 and B 12 to normalize enzyme function and improve performance circulatory system; calcium, iodine, iron – for normal operation thyroid gland, red blood cells; zinc for coat health and prevention of skin diseases; copper from skin pigmentation.

Classification of vitamins and minerals by purpose:

  • for growing puppies and juniors;
  • for pregnancy and lactation of bitches;
  • for the elderly;
  • for wool;
  • to strengthen bones and joints.

For vitamins for your pet, contact your veterinary pharmacy or pet store. If the drug is not suitable, change it. Having provided the dog proper nutrition in accordance with the regime, you will find a healthy and strong family pet.

Toy terriers are one of the smallest breeds of dogs, and owners must be especially responsible in all aspects of their maintenance, in particular, feeding. The small organism is very fragile and it is easy to cause irreparable harm to the animal if you do not approach the diet wisely. Today we will tell you what to feed your toy terrier, starting from puppyhood. Below are the options natural diets and ready-made dry industrial feed, suitable for this particular mini-breed.

Dogs are not able to independently generate many micro- and macroelements and vitamins essential for life, so they must fully obtain them from food. Toy's menu will depend on his age, activity level and weight, but general recommendations will be the same for all dogs of this breed.

The dog needs to be fed on a schedule, at the same time every day. You should not leave an uneaten portion in the animal’s free access, or constantly give your dog treats in the middle of the day. An adult toy terrier should receive food twice a day - after a morning walk and after an evening walk. The only thing that should always be in the dog's field of vision is a bowl full of clean, cool water.

If your pet regularly does not finish eating, leaving part of the portion in the bowl, you need to reduce its size next time. If the dog greedily pounces on food, destroying it in a matter of minutes, and continues to lick the bowl, you should consider increasing the portion size.

The diet of a toy terrier, even if the owner considers it a full member of the family, cannot be identical to that of a human. You cannot give your dog meals prepared for the owner, even if the dog eats natural products; the diet should be prepared separately. The products must be fresh, you cannot add seasonings to them, and it is also harmful to feed the terrier with complex culinary delights - the dog’s stomach is configured for mono-food.

The owner of a toy terrier must decide for himself what type of feeding to follow: cook from natural products, or buy ready-made dry food for your pet. Appearance dogs are an indicator of whether the owner has chosen the right diet for him. If the animal pleases the owner with activity, shiny coat, and has no problems with stool, then the food has been chosen correctly.

Do not forget that not only the composition of the portion is important, but also the frequency of feeding. For toy terriers of different ages different schemes are suitable.

Table 1. Toy Terrier nutrition plan?

Important point! Unlike many other breeds, toy terriers are not allowed to be fed less than twice a day. The fact is that these miniature dogs can experience acute shortage glucose during fasting. This is a difficult process that can end in hypoglycemic coma and death of the animal.

Natural food for toy terrier

The basis of a dog's diet, like any other predatory animal, should be protein products(lean meat and offal, sea fish, poultry). Meat products should be present at every feeding and occupy at least 60 percent of the entire portion. There is no need to heat-treat the meat; just scald the pieces with boiling water before offering them to the dog.

Vegetables, berries, fruits and greens are another mandatory and irreplaceable part of the diet. An adult toy's bowl should contain these products daily without heat treatment(you can chop them finely; it’s better to grate them or put them through a blender). The following vegetables and fruits are suitable for dogs:

  • zucchini, zucchini;
  • pumpkin;
  • carrot;
  • bell red pepper
  • apples;
  • pears;

Toy terriers' food should also include finely chopped fresh herbs, you can give dogs blueberries, strawberries, watermelons and melons grown on your own plot (you cannot give purchased ones, there is a risk of poisoning a small dog with nitrates or pesticides).

The owner must also ensure that the pet regularly receives fermented milk products (low-fat cottage cheese, fermented baked milk, kefir), raw eggs(quail or chicken), vegetable oils. You can give a small amount of cereals, the best option there will be rice or buckwheat.

Vitamin supplements

No matter how fresh and high quality it is natural food, the dog will not be able to get everything from it necessary substances. Therefore, the toy terrier will need to choose special vitamin or mineral supplements. To make an informed choice, it is better to visit a veterinarian and select medications along with it. Supplements for dogs are divided into the following:

  • for growing puppies;
  • for pregnant bitches and dogs during lactation;
  • for juniors;
  • for adult dogs;
  • strengthening bones and joints;
  • for wool growth;
  • for older animals.

It is worth understanding that uncontrolled, and especially long-term, intake of vitamins without prescription veterinarian, can have a negative impact on the toy terrier’s body. Since this is a small dog, too much of a substance can be just as dangerous as too little. Before you buy vitamin complex, it's worth passing biochemical analysis blood.

Dry food for toy terriers

If the owner does not want to cook for the pet every day or does not have such an opportunity, or is simply afraid that he will not be able to balance the toy terrier’s diet, industrial dry food is the best option. For a toy terrier of any gender and age, you need to choose high-quality diets (only “holistic” and “super-premium” classes).

Today on the counter of any pet store you can find at least ten options of high-quality dry food suitable for miniature breed dogs. When choosing dry food, the owner should focus on the words “Mini” or “Small” on the packaging. Also, close attention should be paid to the composition of the feed. The first place in the list of ingredients should be the source of protein (meat component), and it should be at least 40-50%. It's good if it's turkey, salmon, venison, lamb or duck - most dogs do not have an allergic reaction to these types of meat.

Next, the composition must contain fruits and vegetables, or a source of fiber (grain, potatoes, rice). Also good food should contain an extensive list of vitamins (groups B, C, A), minerals, micro- and macroelements. This composition includes everything a dog needs; there is no need to purchase additional vitamins or other supplements.

When reading the composition of dry food, the owner must understand exactly what components are being discussed. High-quality food contains a minimum of ingredients; it is based on meat and grains (or vegetables or fruits). If the feed contains yeast, flavorings, dyes, corn or bone meal, cellulose is a low-quality feed.

According to reviews from Toy Terrier owners, the list of the best dry food for representatives of this breed looks like this:

  • "Akana";
  • "Origen";
  • "Grandorf"
  • "Farmina";
  • "Go";
  • "Belcando";
  • Eagle Pack;
  • "Innova".

Important point! Dry food is selected individually for the animal. It is not necessary that a food suitable for one toy terrier will also be good for another. For the first time, you need to take the smallest package in order to monitor your pet’s stool, his mood, and possible allergic reactions.

How to switch a dog from one type of food to another?

Like all miniature breeds, toy terriers have very delicate digestion, so “jumping” from one type of food to another is unacceptable. Also, you should not suddenly change the brand of dry food. The transfer should be carried out gradually, over the course of a week.

When a puppy moves from breeder to owner, the latter must adhere to the same type of feeding. Until six to eight months, it is not advisable to switch your pet to another food unless absolutely necessary, for example, due to health problems. If the owner wants to change natural food to industrial food or vice versa, he must proceed as follows:

  1. Day one – nine parts of the usual food and one part of the new food are placed in the dog’s bowl.
  2. Second day - the bowl contains eight parts of old food and two parts of new food.
  3. The third day is a combination of 70% of the old diet and 30% and then the same.

The same scheme applies if the owner changes one brand of dry food to another. An exception is veterinary dietary food; you can switch your dog to it in one day.

Video - What not to feed a toy terrier

Surely almost every owner of a puppy (and not just a toy terrier) has thought about the question of how and what to feed it correctly so that the puppy grows up healthy? Is it harmful to give him a variety of “goodies”? Recommendations from veterinarians and toy terrier breeders will help us answer these questions.

First of all, you need to decide on the choice of your pet’s diet: give it dry food or natural products.

You need to consider all the options: cook it yourself, knowing exactly the composition, monitoring the quality and freshness of the products and, accordingly, ready food. This is not always convenient - you need to cook constantly and it is not always possible to balance your diet. It is more practical to use ready-made food - it will not require you to spend time. In any case, the food should satisfy the dogs' needs nutrients, (proteins, carbohydrates, fats, vitamins and minerals).

It is very important to check with the breeder what the baby ate before he came to you: switching from one type of food to another can cause psychological stress and digestive upset in the puppy.

If your baby was fed dry food and you want to switch him to natural nutrition, then this should be done gradually, mixing a small amount of a different type of food into the bowl of food. It is better to do this over several days, gradually adding new food to the daily portion of regular food. At this time, it is worth observing the puppy’s stool to rule out indigestion. Also, when switching a puppy to another food, it is recommended to give him medications containing lactobacilli for two weeks to soften the process of getting used to the new food.

And for proper development skeleton and teeth, the dog must be given vitamin supplements. Whatever your puppy's diet, he must have water - make sure it is always fresh and available to the dog.

The puppy needs to be fed regularly and the amount of food eaten must be controlled. You should not leave food in an accessible place - overeating is very harmful to the animal, as is undernutrition. See if the dog leaves food in the bowl or continues to lick it after eating. Depending on this, adjust the feed rate.

Be sure to maintain good hygiene by washing the bowl after each feeding. And the food itself should be stored in accordance with the manufacturer’s recommendations to eliminate the risk of poisoning your pet.

If you decide to cook your own food, then you need to know what products are used in your toy terrier’s diet. Keep in mind that the share of meat products should be no more than 30% of the total weight of the feed (lamb, beef, offal, seafood). Fresh vegetables (carrots, cabbage, bell peppers, zucchini, cucumbers) make up 20-25%, and rice and buckwheat - 30-35%.

It is not forbidden to include berries and fruits (apricots, bananas, apples, pears and peaches) in the diet (about 10%). You can use fermented baked milk, kefir, cottage cheese, and periodically add a few drops of unrefined sunflower or olive oil to your food.

There are several prohibited products that are strictly should be excluded from food for your dog:

  • White bread;
  • baking;
  • sweets;
  • sausage products;
  • smoked meats;
  • raw fish;
  • fatty broths;
  • everything fried;
  • fermented milk products (excluding fermented baked milk and cottage cheese);
  • everything is spicy;
  • soybeans and legumes.

Dried black bread, honey and sweet fruits can be an excellent replacement for these products.

If you decide to feed your pet food produced in a factory, then it is worth noting their wide variety: both dry and canned. All feeds contain vitamins and nutrients necessary for proper growth and development.

For miniature dogs such as Toy Terrier, special foods have been developed that take into account their activity and playfulness, satisfy their energy needs and help avoid excess weight. For example, Royal Canin has developed for small dogs special food Mini Adult. It contains vitamins that strengthen the dog's coat and make it smooth and shiny, as well as vitamins for healthy skin. The size of the food particles is designed for small jaws, and its taste qualities can satisfy even the most demanding pet.

If you decide to feed your dog ready-made feed, then you need to take into account some features:

  • adhere to the standards indicated on the food packaging;
  • do not soak food in different liquids (water, broth or milk);
  • do not change the brand of food suddenly;
  • Do not give food that is not appropriate for the dog’s age.

Toy terriers can be quite fussy creatures when it comes to food, so they have to be given a variety of foods throughout their lives. It is important to remember not to mix dry food and cooked food in one meal.

If you choose the right food for your dog, then he will not have problems with digestive system, she will always be healthy and full of strength.

We hope that with our tips you will be able to raise a healthy and beautiful pet.