What and how you can feed a sterilized cat, before and after the operation. Natural nutrition for castrates Feeding a sterilized cat

Cat serenades and inappropriate behavior during hormonal surges cause a lot of trouble for owners. To prevent possible problems, the owners decide to sterilize the cat. Unfortunately, veterinarians rarely explain the nuances of caring for a pet after sterilization, this also applies to dietary changes. In this article, we will tell you how to feed a sterilized cat in order to preserve her health and help her live a full and long life.

Feeding in the postoperative period

Cats tolerate castration more easily, and within a day they return to their previous way of life. With cats it will be a little more difficult: lethargy and drowsiness can persist for 2-3 days. A special bandage is put on the cat so that it does not lick the seam. Your task is to monitor the general condition of the pet, process the seams and provide the most comfortable conditions.

Expert advice. If after 3-4 days the cat continues to refuse food, cannot lie on its stomach or behaves restlessly, be sure to contact your veterinarian!

After the operation, the animal may refuse to eat for a day or two; you cannot force feed it. Within 3-4 days after sterilization, feed the cat with soft semi-liquid food, suitable:

  • Grated boiled or raw eggs.
  • Chicken bouillon.
  • Low-fat dairy products, cottage cheese.
  • Baby formulas.

If you are feeding ready-made food, choose wet canned food labeled "for cats after surgery." A cat should always have clean water in a bowl; it is not necessary to artificially water the animal.

Natural food: we select a diet

The nutrition of a sterilized cat should be varied, but do not forget that this is a small domesticated, but still a predator, so 50% of the diet should be meat.

Natural food for cats after sterilization is:

  • Low-fat meat and poultry (can be given boiled and raw, but after thoroughly freezing it).
  • Boiled or steamed offal (liver, kidney, lung, etc.) - no more than 2 times a week.
  • Meat broths.
  • Boiled or steamed vegetables - these can be added to meals or mashed and served as a main "dish". Carrots, cabbage, zucchini, pumpkin are useful for cats, sometimes you can give a cucumber or tomatoes.
  • Dairy products (kefir, cottage cheese, sour cream, fermented baked milk).
  • Kashi (oatmeal, rice, wheat, sometimes corn).
  • Wheatgrass or sprouted grass for cats.

If you have free time, prepare healthy canned food for your cat. Offal is desirable to pre-freeze or boil. We pass cartilage, chicken necks, pig ears, chicken or beef liver, heart through a meat grinder. Boil oatmeal or buckwheat without salt, mix with offal. To make the food more liquid, it can be diluted with broth. Packed in plastic containers or additionally boiled and rolled into jars.

What should be the finished feed

Every caring owner, before buying ready-made food for his pet, at least reads the label. In other words, cheap economy class food simply cannot be of high quality and complete. It is best to take food marked "for sterilized cats" of a class not lower than premium. The most common brands are Royal Canin, Proplan, Gourmet, Hills, etc.

Try to dose portions (there are always tables with norms on the packages). If your pet is prone to gaining excess weight, it is worth consulting with a veterinarian and choosing a low-calorie food. It is preferable to give canned food to sterilized cats, because they contain a lot of moisture. If you give dry food, make sure that there is always clean water next to the bowl. During the day, the cat should consume fluids at least twice as much as the weight of the food eaten.

"Human" food provokes obesity and metabolic disorders. Do not give cats legumes, a lot of milk, fish, starchy foods, because they cause indigestion and are not absorbed by the body, and fish also provokes the development of urolithiasis.

What to feed cats after sterilization? - important details:

  • The food should be balanced and tasty: if it is a high-quality ready-made food, you do not need to give the animal additional vitamins without a veterinarian's prescription. Hypervitaminosis is no better than beriberi.
  • The food should correspond to the age of the cat; a special menu is drawn up for young and old animals.
  • Nutrition should control her weight, prevent the development of diabetes, urolithiasis, inflammatory processes and other diseases that sterilized cats are susceptible to.
  • If you feed your pet with natural food and want to change the diet, this should be done gradually, over a month. Do not mix industrial feed and natural food.
  • Many cats after spaying constantly beg for food. Often, animals do not have a sense of satiety: they can eat everything that is in their bowl. The result is overweight problems. Dose portions, if necessary, buy a less high-calorie food.

Checking if your pet is prone to obesity is easy: stroke her on the back and hips. If the bones are palpable, do not worry. If they are swollen with fat, the condition of the coat has worsened, the behavior of the pet has changed - a diet is urgently needed.

For helpful tips and opinions from cat nutrition experts, watch the video below.


A healthy, balanced diet is essential for a pet recovering from surgery. For cats after surgery, weakness and drowsiness are characteristic, the pet becomes inactive. This condition during the recovery period is the norm. In order for the cat to return to its normal state as quickly as possible, to become active and cheerful, it is necessary to carefully monitor its diet. Proper diet speeds up the healing process and prevents the development of complications.

Within 1-2 days after the operation, the cat may refuse to eat. Poor appetite after surgery is normal, but if you regularly refuse food, it is recommended to consult a veterinarian. The day after the operation, the cat should not receive solid food. 5-6 hours after the procedure, you can offer your pet clean water. On the second day, soft food and puree-like food should be given in small portions 3-4 times a day.

The task of postoperative nutrition is to compensate for the lack of nutrients that the cat has lost during the period of illness and treatment. Food should be rich in minerals, proteins, fats and carbohydrates. The cat's body is extremely sensitive, so it is recommended to buy specialized veterinary food with a suitable consistency, high nutritional value and a balanced composition. These feeds contain all the necessary vitamins, minerals and trace elements.

High-quality veterinary food is produced by Royal Canine (Recovery canned food for postoperative animals). In addition, baby food is an excellent food for recovering cats. Meat and vegetable purees without salt and sugar are made from high quality natural ingredients, so they can be safely given to a cat after surgery. Spices and strong-smelling foods (eg sardines) should be avoided. A weak digestive system after an illness may not be able to cope with such food. If the cat was fed dry food before the illness, it is not recommended to give it after the operation. Many veterinarians offer dry food, however prepared canned meats or mashed meats will be more beneficial during the recovery period.

Food for cats should not be hot, and cold foods should also be avoided. Before feeding your cat, make sure the food is at a comfortable body temperature.

"Defabergerization" is the veterinary slang term for this delicate procedure. One of the simplest from a professional point of view, but at the same time very serious in terms of the impact on the health of the animal.

You will need

  • - stimulant or anti-stress drug
  • - warm and soft lining
  • - a spacious carrying basket where the cat can lie horizontally


Not 14 hours before the procedure. Animals are usually given general anesthesia, which induces vomiting, and undigested pieces of food can enter the respiratory tract. Therefore, the optimal time for - before 11 am. You can feed a cat in the evening, he will spend a good night with a full stomach, and in the morning he will empty his intestines. And there will be no embarrassment on the veterinarian's examination table.

Make an injection of a biostimulant the day before (for example, "Gamavit", in case of stress associated with transportation or castration, indicated in the instructions) or give an anti-stress drug. Do not "distract" the animal with valerian, it excites the nervous system. It is especially important to support the day before if the animal is aged or has recently been ill.

Be next to the cat when he comes out. Animals in this state behave inappropriately: they climb up, fall, cannot land correctly, this turns into fractures, bruises, and even death. After the operation, the cat should be put in a warm place, provide access to fresh air (but not put in a draft). It is best to close in a portable basket. When the cat comes to his senses and wants to drink, you need to bring him warm and clean water (milk is not needed, its usefulness for cats is doubtful, and it can provoke an emetic reaction). You can feed the animal at least ten hours later. Veterinarians advise to communicate with the cat affectionately, calmly and patiently.

Diet and supportive care. In cats, after castration, the hormonal background changes, the metabolism slows down. This means that the problem of obesity and diseases of the liver and kidneys is increasing. Therefore, it is worth taking care of the diet in advance: choose ready-made food for neutered cats, or build a balanced diet from natural products.


The optimal age for castration of a cat or cat is 7-9 months. It is advisable to do the operation before the sexual instinct wakes up.

Helpful advice

If the owner thinks that after castration the cat will stop tearing furniture and marking the owner's boots, then this is not so. The quantity of "hormonal" outrages can decrease. But deviations in behavior, psychological problems and banal revenge on the owner are not solved by castration. In order for the animal to learn to go to the toilet where necessary, there are special sprays with pheromones.


  • Castration and urolithiasis, the opinion of veterinarians.

Castration inevitably becomes an ordeal for a cat. If the owners decide to do this, it is their direct responsibility to make sure that the operation is as painless as possible for the animal.

The cat must be properly prepared. During the operation, the bladder and digestive tract of the animal must be empty, therefore, 12 hours before the cat, you can’t, and even drink an hour before.

Wound treatment

If the doctor after the operation treated the wound with Terramycin or Alumazol spray, they remain on the skin for some time, in this case it is not necessary to treat the wound. If there was no such treatment, the wound must be washed with 3% peroxide or furatsilin solution, dissolving one tablet in a glass of water. It is not recommended to treat the wound with brilliant green or an alcohol solution of iodine, they can dry out the skin.

So that the cat does not disturb the wound by licking it, he needs to put on a special collar around his neck, which will prevent him from reaching the back of the body. The collar is taken off only when eating. It is necessary to ensure that the cat does not rub against the floor with the back of the body.

The filler used at this time should be soft so as not to disturb the wound. It is better if it is white or at least a light shade, in which case the owners will be able to immediately notice the bleeding that has begun.

Possible Complications

The owners should be alerted by the increase in body temperature of the animal. The normal temperature for a cat is 38-39°C. In the first three days, it will inevitably be elevated, but if the temperature has not decreased on the fourth day, this is an occasion for an urgent appeal to the veterinarian. Moreover, you need to show the animal to the doctor if the wound began to fester. In this case, the veterinarian will prescribe an antibiotic.

On the first day after the operation, a decrease in temperature (less than 37 degrees) can also be observed, while the animal is sleeping. The cat needs to be warmed up by applying a heating pad and rubbing its paws. If this does not help, the cat still does not move and does not wake up, it is urgent to call a veterinarian or take the cat to the clinic.

It is also necessary to take the cat to the clinic if the suture begins to bleed.

After castration, the cat may suffer from constipation. Stool retention is inevitable during the first two to three days after anesthesia, but if the cat has no stool for more than four days, it is necessary to start giving him a laxative. Of course, this cannot be done without first consulting with the veterinarian, only he can choose the appropriate drug, taking into account the state of health and the characteristics of the body of a particular animal.


  • Cat care after castration

Does a sterilized cat need a special diet and how to take care of her food so that the life of a pet is full? This question is asked by many pet owners. Below we will talk about some of the nuances of the "healthy diet" of sterilized cats, common to animals of all breeds.

Features of feeding a sterilized cat

Of course, we are not talking about feeding the animal from special dishes. It is important to remember here that both before and after the operation, you should use the same bowls and places that the cat is used to. This is an important psychological moment that will not cause stress in the animal. But you need to prepare in advance about changing the diet so that the cat is fully provided with all the necessary substances that must be present in its diet.

First of all, you should think about what kind of food to give preference. There are two options - homemade food and factory-made ready-to-eat food. Experts do not advise mixing these two different types of food. We will only add that your choice should be based on your own capabilities and the presence or absence of free time. Keeping a package of factory-made food just to have something to feed the animal when you don’t have time to cook is basically wrong. From the point of view of financial savings, homemade food is also not always profitable, but there is already a choice of your own preferences and opportunities. Our recommendations are based on the fact that when deciding what to feed a sterilized cat, you will prepare the food yourself. When deciding to buy ready-made products, they will recommend them to you at the pet store. We will talk about some of the features of choosing ready-made food for sterilized cats below, focusing on home-made food for now.

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Your cat's diet should include lean meats.

In the diet of sterilized cats, it is very important to maintain a balance of minerals. For this, vitamins or special supplements should be added to the diet. The opinion that fish is a favorite delicacy for all felines is wrong in principle. This is especially true of the diet of sterilized cats. The high presence of phosphorus and magnesium provokes the formation of stones in the bladder and can be fraught with the appearance and development of this disease.

Try to make sure that your cat's diet contains lean meats. Broths should also be cooked from such meat. Must have vegetables. Cats are not particularly different in this respect from rabbits and hares and also willingly and with pleasure eat cabbage, carrots, and sometimes even ready to gnaw on a fresh cucumber.

Include offal in the menu once or twice a week- they can be given alone or mixed with cereals made from rice, wheat, semolina or corn. Don't forget to include dairy products in your diet. All cats love milk, kefir, low-fat sour cream or cottage cheese, so do not deprive your sterilized girlfriend of such pleasure and do not forget to pour milk for her several times a week.

Be sure to have greens or special grass. It is easy to grow at home, and if your cat is accustomed to walking on the street, then she will find the right plants for herself in any park or square.

Diet, or how to properly feed a sterilized cat

A spayed cat is fed twice a day

As with humans, eating disorders can lead to obesity in cats. Here you need to understand that the establishment of any special regime after sterilization is a waste of time. On the contrary, by restricting you will create discomfort for your animal. Therefore, experienced breeders recommend taking care of the formation of a proper diet literally from the first months after the birth of a cat and follow these rules all the time.

If you are acquiring a kitten or an adult cat, it would be appropriate to ask the previous owners about their diet and try to maintain it at home (see more details and). It is important here not to succumb to the plaintive meow near your feet and glances at the refrigerator. Usually, feeding twice a day is considered correct. Even if the cat is used to having lunch, do not increase the amount intended for the day. In the event that the cat that has eaten continues to ask for food and does not leave the bowl, you need to review its diet and adjust the natural diet of the sterilized cat.

How to choose food for spayed cats

Limit your cat to foods high in magnesium and phosphorus. This applies to fish and oatmeal. For meat, choose lean turkey or chicken, lean beef is also suitable. Millet and buckwheat are well suited for making cereals. From dairy, let's only fat-free kefir and cottage cheese.

When choosing food for a regular diet, remember that food should only be fresh. Sometimes some unscrupulous sellers (especially in the markets) sell special cat food. Usually these are expired products, which are by no means desirable for spayed cats.

Feeding a sterilized cat with industrial feed - features

The first rule regarding the choice of industrial food for a sterilized cat: food should be nutritious and high-calorie, high in protein. Inexpensive feeds usually lack the necessary components needed for a daily diet. It should be noted that products containing fish protein cause disorders of the gastrointestinal tract.

For sterilized cats, there are food lines such as Royal Canin, Gourmet, Proplan and others.

Of the dry products on the Russian market, pay attention to the following:

  • gourmet,
  • Proplan,
  • hills,
  • Bosch.

Preference should also be given to canned food. Their advantage lies in the already metered moisture content, while for the preparation of dry food you need at least twice as much liquid by volume.

Do not forget that when feeding both industrial feeds and home-made food, a bowl of clean water should always stand next to the food bowl.

As for the exact dosage of industrial food, there should always be a table on the packaging indicating the recommended weight of one serving.

Products that are dangerous for cats deprived of childbearing function

Fatty meat should be excluded from the diet

Fatty meat is very poorly digested. Chicken bones can simply get stuck not only in the teeth, but also in the throat. The danger is:

  • smoked meats,
  • sweets,
  • salted foods,
  • spice food,
  • legumes,
  • potato.

Never feed your cat fried meat.

And one more warning: if the cat has indigestion or bloating, do not use drugs from a home medicine cabinet intended for humans.

Why spayed cats get sick

In addition to non-compliance with the diet and diet, the causes of diseases of sterilized cats are very diverse. First of all, we note those that are directly related to food. First, it is non-observance of elementary rules of food hygiene. There may be several reasons for this:

  • the owners do not keep the dishes clean and pour fresh food into a bowl with food leftovers,
  • mix industrial products with homemade food,
  • fill up food during meals until the cat falls next to the bowl from overeating.

Do not forget that sterilized cats need entertainment and your attention. Try to set aside time for games and walks in the fresh air. Buy toys for your cat. Longing is the most unpleasant of diseases that can cause physiological disorders.

Neutering or castration of a cat prolongs its life by about 2 times and, as a rule, has a positive effect on character: it increases friendliness and sociability towards both people and other animals. But this operation also entails consequences, which are important and necessary to know in order to understand how to feed a sterilized cat and keep her in good health.

What happens to a cat's body after spaying or castration?

  • The periods of "empty hunting" stop and the hormonal background changes.
  • In adult and older cats, the metabolism slows down, which can cause obesity if the diet is not right.
  • The energy needs of the animal are reduced, but at the same time, appetite increases by 18-26%.
  • The frequency of urination decreases and the risk of bladder stones increases.

All possible negative consequences can be easily prevented with proper care and nutrition.

How to feed a neutered cat or cat?

As a rule, within 48 hours after the operation, the animal's appetite increases significantly. In cats by 18%, and in cats by 26%. It is worth remembering that in this case, energy requirements are synchronously reduced. With improper nutrition, in just 2-3 months, your pet can gain more than 50% of its pre-neuter weight. This can lead to serious consequences such as diabetes, lameness and skin diseases. Therefore, it is important to always remember how and what you can feed neutered cats or cats.

Rules for the nutrition of sterilized cats and cats:

1. Start a gradual transition to a new diet a couple of weeks before surgery to reduce stress on the animal's body.

2. Continue to give food regularly and at the usual time for the animal. This will help with stable digestion.

3. Reduce portions, but not the frequency of feeding. With two meals a day, the average volume of dry food is 30-40 grams, and wet - 50.

4. Before feeding a neutered cat, weigh and record the weight.

6. The cat should always have fresh water freely available.

7. Play often with your pet. Physical activity will prevent weight gain, and communication with the owner will create a good psychological background and help him cope with the new condition faster.

To determine if your cat is obese, stroke her back and thighs. All bones should be palpable but not protruding.

As a rule, within 48 hours after the operation, the animal's appetite increases significantly. In cats by 18%, and in cats by 26%

What to feed a neutered cat or cat?

In animals, after sterilization and castration, the appetite increases: some of them begin to lick the bowl clean and ask for supplements, although they did not differ in such behavior before. Therefore, to keep your cat healthy, you need to pay special attention to her diet.

To understand what food to feed a neutered cat or cat, first of all, consider the real needs of the animal's body.

  • The fat content of the feed should not exceed 10-12% to avoid overweight.
  • For the same reason, the calorie content should be no more than 3500 kcal / kg.
  • When choosing what to feed a sterilized cat or cat, proceed from the composition of the product. It should have a minimum content of phosphorus and magnesium to reduce the risk of stone formation.
  • Wet food is better than dry food because it contains more moisture.
  • To prevent urolithiasis, the food should not only promote regular urination, but also maintain the required pH level of the urine. (The average pH for cats is 6.4 to 6.8.)
  • Your pet's diet should have a balanced content of all essential nutrients.
  • Don't table-feed your cat: Mixing home-cooked food and specialized food can disrupt digestion and metabolism.
  • Feeds not for sterilized animals are more high-calorie and do not take into account the changes that have occurred in the body of the animal. This can lead to weight gain and the development of urolithiasis.

All the needs of your pet's body after sterilization or castration are taken into account in a specialized line of feeds. The balanced nutrients contained in the food reduce the risk of obesity, prevent the onset of urolithiasis, maintaining and strengthening the health of your cat.

Neutered pets need a strictly balanced diet that maintains good health. If you are wondering what is better to feed a sterilized cat, then it is better to choose super premium ready-made foods, because. it is impossible to achieve the perfect balance of useful components at home. If you are still an adherent of the natural type of feeding, be sure to discuss the diet with your veterinarian. He will tell you which products will be useful and recommend an additional vitamin and mineral complex.

As for ready-made feeds, preference should be given to premium and super premium lines. The main advantage of such diets is a perfectly balanced composition, developed taking into account the daily needs of the pet and the characteristics of his body. Ready-made food for sterilized cats (for example, Monge Sterilized Cat) not only saturates the body with vitamins, macro- and microelements necessary for proper development, but also effectively prevents weight gain.

What characteristics should food for sterilized cats have?

  • Ingredient #1 meat.

You should start with the main one. Cats, no matter how pampered and tame they may be, still remain predators, the basis of the diet of which is meat. Thus, it will always be the main ingredient in a quality balanced cat food.

  • Reduced calorie content.

Reduced calorie content in the feed helps prevent obesity.

  • Moderate fat content.

When choosing what food to feed a neutered cat, look for diets that are moderate in fat. They not only contribute to weight loss in a specific period of time, but also prevent the accumulation of excess body weight in the future.

  • Fiber enrichment.

Enriching the diet with fiber improves metabolism in the body and allows you to control the weight of the animal.

  • Enriched with omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids.

Omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids are effective aids in nutrient absorption. They support proper digestion, maintain the natural balance of the intestinal microflora, strengthen the immune system, and improve the condition of the skin and coat.

  • The content of antioxidants.

The composition of food for a sterilized cat must necessarily include antioxidants (vitamin E), which strengthen the immune system and maintain body tone.

  • Contents of X.O.S.

Xylo-oligosaccharides support the proper functioning of the digestive system and effectively strengthen the immune system.

  • palatability and safety.

What is the best food for a spayed cat?

Of course, food should be not only useful, but also tasty. In order not to disappoint your pet, purchase diets made from fresh meat, without the use of artificial preservatives, colors and flavor enhancers.

Do not be lazy to carefully study the composition of the feed before buying, this really requires a serious approach. Based on our recommendations, you can easily make the right choice in the matter of what is the best to feed a sterilized cat. And your pet will definitely appreciate it!

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