Cauterization of cervical erosion: types and features of procedures. General information about the disease

hellowik-08 asks:

Please tell me on what day after menstruation can erosion be cauterized? One doctor told me that the first, in extreme cases the second. And the other said that you can up to the fifth. So how is it really right?

Usually, erosion is cauterized no later than the second day after the end of menstrual bleeding.

hellowik-08 asks:

Please tell me which method of cauterization of erosion is better to choose? I had erosion after childbirth, the treatment did not help, they said it was necessary to cauterize. In the future (in 5 years) I am going to give birth a second time, so I thought about which method to choose, so that the cervix opens well during childbirth, and erosion after cauterization does not resume.

hellowik-08 asks:

Hello. I heard about this type of cauterization of erosion as a radio knife. Please tell me how it affects the opening of the cervix during subsequent births and whether the cervical canal can be affected, as, for example, in a situation with cauterization (I just have my mother, cauterized erosion, touched the cervical canal, then it was overgrown and for 2 months could not go menstruation, all this accumulated inside and broke through one fine day, and as the doctor who burned her said, "Your happiness that it broke through" - of course it was ten years ago, but the doctor was not the worst). Now, after my mother’s unsuccessful experience, I’m afraid to do it, tell me if there can be such problems with a radio knife, how safe this method is, and whether it has been studied enough. I was told that this is a new method, is it worth trying it on yourself. Thank you.

Reliable information about this type of cauterization of the cervix on this moment no. Therefore, it is not possible to provide you with the information of interest.

veronica asks:

Hello, tell me please, I had erosion after giving birth 2 years ago. During pregnancy, they found ureaplasma. It is still there. The doctor said that it is not necessary to treat the infection, but she said urgently to cauterize the erosion with nitrogen. cauterize erosion?

If the vagina leaks inflammatory process, infectious or non-infectious origin, it is necessary to treat it before cauterizing erosion. Since otherwise, a recurrence of cervical erosion is possible.

hellowik-08 asks:

Hello, please write whether it is necessary to heat the drug sinestrol (2% oil solution Biopharma company). I just read in the pharmacy with one eye that it was necessary to warm, but I didn’t pay much attention, because. I thought at home on the Internet I’ll look at the summary, I came and looked nowhere it says to warm. Now I do not know what to do, how to inject. Thank you!

special instructions before use this drug no. The drug should be at room temperature, or body temperature, it must be administered slowly.

veronica asks:

Why, then, the doctor told me that it is not necessary to treat ureaplasma, referring to the fact that you will plant immunity? Is it like a recurrence of cervical erosion?

We cannot comment on the treatment prescribed by your gynecologist. However, the use of antibiotics in the treatment of infectious diseases reduces protective properties organism.

hellowik-08 asks:

Good afternoon. Can you please tell me if alcohol neutralizes the effect of antibiotics?

The use of alcohol during antibiotic treatment is not recommended. alcohol together with antibiotics can cause severe adverse reactions and worsen the course of the disease.

Catherine asks:

hello, I have a big erosion, gave birth to a second child, child 2 month, days I will cauterize erosion with nitrogen, will it be possible to raise a child?, Or is it better to cauterize with a laser?

Elena asks:

Hello, yesterday they cauterized my erosion with radio waves. Today I went for treatment and the doctor prescribed Terzhinan suppositories for me. can they be inserted immediately after cauterization of erosion?

Terzhinan can be used both in preparation for cauterization of cervical erosion, and after this procedure. You can read more about this drug, indications and contraindications for the use of Terzhinan in our thematic section with the same name: Terzhinan. More about various methods diagnosis and treatment of cervical erosion, you can read in our thematic section of the same name: Cervical erosion.

Elena asks:

Hello, I want to ask you one more question about erosion. I wrote to you that they cauterized the erosion with radio waves on May 31. There were practically no withdrawals. After 2 weeks, discharge with blood began, but not strong, it just smeared. And now, 3 days, it bleeds heavily, almost like during menstruation. Is it normal? and what to do?

In this case, it is necessary to consult a gynecologist for a personal examination and assessment of the condition of the cervix. Most likely it can be both menstrual flow and bleeding from the cervix. Only after a personal examination, the doctor will issue a specialist accurate diagnosis and, if necessary, assign adequate treatment. You can read more about the various methods of diagnosis and treatment of cervical erosion in our thematic section of the same name:

A woman should know how cervical erosion is cauterized - the success of further treatment depends on this.

Erosion of the cervix is ​​diagnosed in every second patient of a gynecologist. Doctors attribute it to complex disease, the exact mechanism of which is unknown.

Why erosion needs to be treated

When the doctor diagnoses erosion, he sees on the cervix:

  • injuries and abrasions that, when pressed, begin to bleed, or true form pathology;
  • red spots on the cervix, formed by atypical red cylindrical epithelium for the vaginal area, or false erosion (ectopia);
  • influxes of red epithelium on the neck, or a congenital form.

Injuries and abrasions are caused by mechanical damage due to various medical manipulations, difficult childbirth or after rough sexual contact. True erosion is rarely recorded - mechanical injury exist on the mucosa for no more than two weeks, then they either heal, forming a scar, or are closed by an atypical epithelium, that is, they turn into false erosion.

Normally, the cervix is ​​covered with stratified columnar epithelium. The cells are densely located to each other, their membranes are quite dense, normally a small amount of mucus is secreted.
With ectopia, instead of a dense epithelium, a cylindrical epithelium begins to form on the cervix:

  • it is characteristic of the internal canal of the neck;
  • its cells are cylindrical;
  • the created surface looks velvety;
  • covers the affected area in one layer;
  • secretes viscous mucus more than squamous epithelium.

This layer is easily injured, mucus is the background for the reproduction of infection. Why, instead of the "native" epithelium, a cylindrical epithelium is formed - doctors do not know, most probable cause counts hormonal disbalance in the body of a woman (this is described in the video).

The congenital form of erosion is considered a pathology that is provoked hereditary factors or fluctuations in the hormonal background in the mother's body during pregnancy and goes away on its own after 25 years.

In order general examination the gynecologist takes a smear to study the flora of the vagina and prescribes tests to study for the presence of genital infections.

If erosion is observed against the background of the absence of inflammatory diseases and genital infections, the doctor takes a wait-and-see attitude and monitors the woman's health every three months - in this case, the disease can go away on its own.

If there is inflammation, it is first prescribed specific treatment. It can be long, its purpose is:

  • elimination of foci of pathology;
  • normalization of the microflora of the vagina;
  • improvement of immunity;
  • normalization of hormonal levels.

If there is no improvement, cauterization is prescribed. The burn on the mucosa provoked by doctors “restarts” the body, as a result of “shock” therapy, a crust is formed on the burnt mucosa, and under it is the “native”, flat cylindrical epithelium.

This will allow:

  • eliminate inflammatory processes in the body;
  • take the load off the immune system;
  • restore hormonal balance;
  • prevent the degeneration of the epithelium into malignant forms.

There are several methods of cauterization; doctor chooses:

  • least painful;
  • affordable;
  • technologically available.

For the procedure, the doctor appoints a day, usually it falls on the first week after the end of menstruation.

Stage before cauterization

If a woman is constantly observed by a doctor, no mandatory preparations are made. The doctor prescribes repeated laboratory tests for control:

  • general clinical and biochemical analyzes blood;
  • bacteriological examination of the smear;
  • blood test for sexual infections, HIV and hepatitis, HPV;
  • if necessary, tissue sampling for histology is performed.

Cauterization is carried out only if the woman does not suffer:

  • inflammatory diseases of the genital area;
  • acute infectious diseases;
  • neoplasms;
  • blood diseases that reduce clotting;
  • CNS disorders.

The procedure is not performed if a woman is diagnosed with pregnancy, she has recently given birth or is nursing a child.

A few days before the procedure, the patient needs:

  • stop smoking;
  • switch to a fractional diet, food should be light;
  • avoid heavy physical labor and active sports
  • eliminate nervous overload and stress from life;
  • use hygienic cotton underwear;
  • use fragrance-free body care products.

If the procedure will be carried out in the morning and anesthesia is planned, it is advisable to do without breakfast.

Painful sensations

Every woman is afraid of gynecological procedures because of the feeling of discomfort and pain. And stories about the pain of cauterization have been passed between women for a good ten years.

At first, these rumors were grounded - the very first cauterizations were performed by current high frequency and were painful due to deep burns of the mucous membranes.

Now more gentle methods of influencing the cervical mucosa are being used, which do not cause significant pain.

Each person has his own threshold of sensitivity, therefore, it is not possible to determine in advance how painful the procedure will be for a woman - what will be a slight tingling for one, then for the second - the threshold of pain.

Sensitivity during gynecological procedures occurs due to irritation of the receptors of the cervix, which is quite well innervated. The deeper and more extensive the impact on the mucosa, the stronger the reaction.

Whether it hurts to treat cervical erosion depends on how cervical erosion is cauterized (what method is used - from painful current to minimally invasive radio wave).

The doctor applies anesthesia depending on the procedure and the condition of the woman.

Possible methods of anesthesia

The main methods of anesthesia are:

Practically no anesthesia is used when using the method of laser vaporization and radio wave - they allow you to act pointwise, burning out only the affected areas.

Possible consequences after the introduction of anesthesia will be:

  • headache, dizziness as a reaction to the action of the drug;
  • nausea or vomiting;
  • possible allergic reaction for drug administration.

Most often, such consequences are observed if general anesthesia is used, so it is offered:

  • with current cauterization;
  • with a cone-shaped removal of a portion of the cervix;
  • in exceptional cases with other types of interventions.

Local anesthesia can be used when freezing the cervical area, if the woman has not given birth, anesthesia is often not performed for those who have given birth.

Cautery methods

In the treatment of violations of the epithelium of the cervix, the following methods of exposure are used:

  • burning with high frequency current, or diathermocoagulation;
  • freezing with nitrogen, or cryodestruction;
  • point exposure to a laser, or laser vaporization;
  • radio waves;
  • argon plasma beam or argon plasma ablation;
  • ultrasonic waves;
  • medicines.

When answering the question of whether it hurts to cauterize cervical erosion, it is impossible not to notice - a lot depends on the skill, experience and qualifications of the doctor.

How is the cauterization procedure

The cauterization procedure, regardless of the method by which the treatment is carried out, consists of the following steps:

  1. The woman goes to the doctor to determine the cause of the ailment.
  2. The doctor makes a diagnosis, determines the treatment regimen.
  3. Conducted a course of conservative therapy.
  4. The gynecologist performs a control examination, appoints the day of cauterization.
  5. The patient comes to the procedure from the 3rd to the 8th day of the physiological cycle.
  6. The doctor prepares the cauterization zone, determining its size, dries and administers anesthesia.
  7. Carrying out hardware impact.
  8. A scab or film is formed at the contact site (this depends on the method of cauterization).
  9. After 10-15 days, the scab or film departs, a zone of squamous epithelium is formed from below.
  10. The gynecologist conducts a control examination, allows the woman a full life.

Current cauterization

Diathermic electrocoagulation, or cauterization of cervical erosion with high frequency current, has been used for more than 20 years. The method is outdated, although it is often used due to the fact that there is equipment for cauterization of the cervix with current in all women's consultations and the cost of treatment is negligible.

The disadvantages of the method are:

  • the inability to regulate the strength of the current on the tissue, which leads to a stronger and deeper burn than is necessary for healing;
  • strong pain due to extensive burns and strong contraction muscle fibers;
  • a long recovery period after treatment (6-8 weeks), associated with the need to heal an extensive wound, strong bloody discharge, long period sexual abstinence and physical restrictions;
  • the formation of an extensive scar due to healing, which makes the cervix inelastic and causes difficulties in repeated births;
  • a high percentage of repeated cases of erosion.

The treatment is carried out under anesthesia, a woman can stay in the clinic for one day to restore her well-being. Before cauterization, the doctor instructs the woman how to behave after the procedure, appoints a day for a re-examination.


The freezing method is used if the erosion is small and shallow. To influence the mucous membrane, liquid nitrogen is used, cooled to -190 degrees Celsius.

The method allows spot freezing of tissue, which is destroyed by freezing. No spasms when exposed to nitrogen muscle tissue, the destruction of the mucous membranes goes to a shallower depth.

Disadvantages of the method:

  • it is impossible to regulate the depth of freezing and the volume of frozen mucous membranes;
  • a large amount of watery discharge after the procedure;
  • long recovery period after cauterization;
  • if the erosion is large, several courses of treatment should be carried out.

The positive side is the absence of scars after the procedure and the relative painlessness. Local anesthesia is used only in nulliparous women and with a low individual pain threshold.

Laser vaporization

To cauterize erosion with a laser is considered a gentle method of exposure, which is carried out without identifying a woman in a clinic and anesthesia. By the method of laser vaporization, cauterization is done with small erosions for both women who have given birth and who have not given birth.

The procedure is carried out quickly - up to an hour, for it the interval between the fifth and ninth days of the monthly cycle is selected.

The laser vaporization method is performed as follows:

  • the instrument for influencing the mucosa is a hydrocarbon laser;
  • the tip is inserted into the vagina and the beam is focused on the lesion point;
  • the directional beam evaporates the cells of the cylindrical epithelium;
  • small blood vessels immediately thrombosed, which stops possible bleeding.

Properties of a hydrocarbon laser when exposed to tissues:

  • destruction possible infection in the affected area;
  • thickening of tissues in the affected area;
  • launch recovery processes on the cervix;
  • improvement of blood circulation at the point of laser exposure;
  • destruction of the focus of the altered epithelium;
  • normalization metabolic processes in the area of ​​manipulation.

Positive aspects of laser vaporization:

  • missing painful symptoms contraction of muscle fibers in the affected area;
  • the penetration depth of the beam can be strictly controlled;
  • the method allows you to point to the affected area;
  • laser exposure has a stimulating effect on the epithelium of the cervix;
  • healing and discharge of the scab takes up to 10 days;
  • no scar is formed, almost 100% restoration of the epithelium;
  • due to the lack of contact, the mucosa is not infected.

The rehabilitation period after vaporization takes up to 15 days, the ban on other activities (sports, sex) is determined by the doctor.

Radio wave coagulation

How is cervical erosion treated (how is it cauterized) by radio wave coagulation? For this, a special apparatus is used that generates low-frequency vibrations - Surgitron.

gentle method, modern gynecology considered one of the most promising methods of treatment, the lack of contact with the device stops possible inflammatory processes after the procedure. it the only method, after the application of which a scab is not formed on the treated surface, but a thin film.

Treatment is carried out from the fourth to the 9th day of the cycle, this reduces the possibility of bleeding and increases the chances of tissue healing. Hospitalization for treatment with this method is not needed, the duration of the procedure is 15 minutes. If necessary, conduct anesthesia.

When exposed to radio waves, the tissues are dissected at the right point, the cells evaporate, the vessels in this area are “soldered”, which stops the possibility of bleeding, one session is required to cure.

It takes up to 10 days to restore normal mucosa, and 30 days to complete rehabilitation.

Immediately after cauterization, a woman may feel drawing pains in the abdomen, will be observed meager discharge from the vagina, which disappear within a week and a half.

Less commonly used methods are plasma ablation and pharmacological cauterization.

Plasma cauterization is performed with a Fotek apparatus with an expansion unit for such a procedure or with a special coagulator. The erosion zone is affected by ionized argon gas focused through the probe.

For chemical destruction, Solkovagin is used, which is a mixture of zinc nitrate and concentrated acids(nitrogen, oxalic). The mixture is applied with a swab to the erosion zone and causes the proteins to fold, forming a scab. After 10 days under it will appear
new epithelium.

Whatever method of cauterization is used for radical exposure, the key to recovery is to strictly follow the recommendations of the attending physician.

According to statistics, almost every second woman at least once in her life has been diagnosed with cervical erosion. However, many women are not only in no hurry to get a qualified medical care and recover, but also try to self-medicate. Both of these options for actual inaction are potentially dangerous not only for health, but also for the life of a woman.

General information about the disease

Erosion (ectopia) of the cervix is ​​one of the most common gynecological pathologies. Theoretically, erosion is some kind of defect in the mucous membrane and everything seems not so serious, but in practice this condition is very serious and requires immediate treatment.

In some cases, congenital erosion can be diagnosed, but this is extremely rare. congenital erosion usually resolves on its own after hormonal changes, including after childbirth. In addition, there may also be true erosion, which is a common wound on the mucous membrane, which heals after a while. But most often there is false erosion, which is the most dangerous. Her hallmark is that the ectopia of the epithelium of the mucous membrane of the cervix cannot heal on its own, therefore it requires treatment.

Erosion cauterization methods

  • Electricity. Cervical erosion is an indication for surgical treatment. In most cases, cauterization of erosion with an electric current is recommended (diathermocoagulation of erosion). During the procedure, the affected areas of the mucous membrane are treated with current. DEC is carried out in the first half menstrual cycle. After treatment, a scab is formed at the site of the former erosion, that is, necrotic tissue. After a few days, the rejection of dead tissue begins and the restoration of normal epithelium, but complete recovery occurs only after 2 months. This method of treatment is highly effective, affordable, such a procedure can be carried out in almost any gynecological clinic. However, it must be understood that this method also has disadvantages. With a high degree of probability, scars form in women at the site of the former erosion, which will lead to problems with opening the cervix during childbirth. That is why this method is not suitable for women who have not yet given birth. For such patients, more gentle methods of treatment are used, which, for example, include cryodestruction.
  • A liquid nitrogen. Cryodestruction is a treatment method in which erosion is treated liquid nitrogen. Low temperature causes the water that is part of the altered cells to crystallize and, accordingly, die. Nitrogen is applied to the erosion pointwise, using a special apparatus, which allows you to save healthy tissue. After the procedures, swelling may appear on the cervix, sometimes there are also copious discharge. Main advantage this method treatment is its painlessness and bloodlessness, and healing will occur in 4-7 weeks. Cryodestruction is used to treat cervical erosion in women who have not yet given birth, scars are practically not formed during the healing process, but in some cases, shortening of the cervix is ​​​​possible. The disadvantages of this method include the fact that it is impossible to be sure that all affected tissues have been treated, so recovery may not be complete. In addition, cryodestruction is not used for very deep erosions, and in cases where the affected area has irregular shape, healthy tissues can be captured during processing, since the tip of the liquid nitrogen applicator has a standard size.
  • laser treatment. most preferred and modern method treatment is cauterization of erosion using a laser. In this case, the operation is carried out contactlessly using a laser beam that acts on the damaged area of ​​the mucous membrane, evaporating the fluid from the erosion cells, which leads to the formation of a scab. This crust will be rejected by the body after 7 days. This method of treatment is considered the most advanced, it already has many supporters in the world of medicine, and patients choose it precisely because pain from the procedure are absent, there is no risk of bleeding, no scarring, and the effectiveness of the method is high. Treatment with a laser beam can also be recommended for nulliparous women, and the site of the former erosion in this case heals much faster. To disadvantages laser therapy relative accessibility can be attributed, since the procedure is quite expensive, and the equipment for its implementation is available only in modern gynecological clinics equipped with last word medical technology. A similar method of treatment is radio wave therapy, which has a similar mechanism of action.
  • Chemical coagulation method can only be applied if erosion has small size. In this case, the affected area is treated with special preparations that destroy the “wrong” cells, but several procedures are necessary to complete the course of treatment.

Consequences of the operation

Despite the fact that each method of treatment has certain disadvantages, one cannot but note the fact that it is still necessary to be treated, and not with prescriptions. traditional medicine. In this case, self-medication will only aggravate the course of the disease, which can lead to very serious complications. Inaction in this case is also not recommended, since the lack of treatment at all will lead to uterine cancer or other unpleasant, but less serious illnesses. The consequences of treatment can be expressed in the formation of a scar on the cervix, which can cause problems during delivery.

Today, a doctor can recommend exactly the method of treatment that is best suited in each specific situation - this guarantees full preservation reproductive function women of any age, as well as the prevention of cervical cancer - the most common malignant disease of the female genital organs.

Some organ diseases reproductive system Women have almost no symptoms. about the existence of a serious gynecological problems they often find out during a visit to a doctor for the purpose of preventive examination or to confirm pregnancy. Meanwhile, inflammatory processes, cervical erosion and other benign changes in the tissues of the genital organs become the cause of precancerous conditions. When choosing a method of treatment, the woman's age, her desire to maintain childbearing ability is taken into account.

Erosion is cauterized in cases where the area of ​​the lesion is large, relapses of the disease occur, and conservative treatment Does not help. How cervical erosion is cauterized depends on the results of the preliminary examination, the physiology of the woman, and contraindications are taken into account.

Cauterization is carried out only when there is no doubt about the benign nature of the lesion, and erosion has not spread to the cervical canal of the cervix.


Erosion is not cauterized in the presence of an inflammatory process in the vagina and cervix, fungal or other infectious disease genitals. Before the appointment of cauterization, the pathologies that caused the formation of erosion are eliminated.

In young nulliparous women, cervical erosion most often disappears on its own. It is enough to get rid of inflammatory processes or adjust hormonal background. Only the state of the affected area is being monitored.

Addition: Scars that remain on the surface of the cervix after cauterization by certain methods can make it difficult for childbirth. Therefore, they are not used to treat women planning to have children. If necessary, only gentle methods are used.

Erosion is not cauterized during pregnancy, after childbirth (in the presence of lochia), and also if it was carried out C-section. Cauterization is not done if a woman has blood diseases, diabetes observed uterine bleeding. A contraindication is the presence of an intrauterine device.

Exploratory survey

An examination conducted before prescribing treatment allows you to find out the degree of changes in the tissues of the cervix, to detect the cause, the size of the lesion, and the presence of neoplasms.

The following examination methods are used:

  1. Analysis bacterial microflora vagina. The contents of a vaginal smear are cultured and cervical canal necks. The presence of an inflammatory process is revealed.
  2. Smear analysis for the presence of genital infections (genital herpes, chlamydia, human papillomavirus infection and others). It is carried out by ELISA and PCR methods.
  3. Swab analysis for cancer cells.
  4. Colposcopy - examination of the site of erosion through optical magnification and illumination.
  5. Biopsy and cytological examination a tissue sample taken from the affected area to detect cancer.
  6. Blood test for syphilis, HIV infection, hepatitis B and C.

Mandatory general analysis blood for leukocytes and coagulability, blood sugar, urinalysis.

Video: When and how to cauterize erosion

Erosion cauterization methods

Cauterization is a conventional name for a group of methods in which either the direct treatment of the surface of the cervix damaged by erosion, or the non-contact destruction of diseased cells, is performed. The procedure is carried out, as a rule, on the 5th-9th day of the cycle, so that by the beginning of the next menstruation, the treated surface has time to heal slightly.


Erosion is cauterized using a high frequency electric current. The whole procedure lasts about 30 minutes, is performed under local anesthesia. On site heat treatment a scab is formed, which after a while disappears, leaving a scar. Complete healing of the wound occurs after 6-10 weeks.

Within 1 month after cauterization, abundant transparent discharge with blood impurities may appear.

Warning: The crust is easily injured, therefore, after such a procedure, a woman should not exert herself physically, have sexual contact, or resort to douching. To avoid bleeding, it is not recommended to take a hot bath.

The advantages of the method are the impact efficiency, availability and comparative cheapness. The main disadvantage is the pain of the procedure. Due to the formation of a scar, the cervical canal narrows, the elasticity of tissues decreases, which subsequently complicates childbirth. The method is not used for the treatment nulliparous women.

After such cauterization of cervical erosion, complications are possible: bleeding, tissue inflammation, endometriosis. During the first month, a woman should be examined every 4-5 days.

Cauterization by laser

Depending on the degree of damage to the surface of the cervix by erosion, laser exposure is applied. different intensity. The beam is directed to individual points on the surface. Damaged tissues are removed with a laser "scalpel". A thin protective film is formed, which is rejected within a few days. The procedure is performed under local anesthesia.

The advantages of the method are that laser ray does not affect healthy tissue. The surface is disinfected, which prevents the occurrence postoperative complications. There are no scars on the tissues, erosion is completely eliminated, recovery takes place within 1 month.


Damaged cells are frozen with liquid nitrogen, which is directed to the eroded surface using a special probe. The procedure takes 5 minutes. Local anesthesia is carried out. The surface is regenerated in 2-3 months.

The method has contraindications. It is not used if the diameter of the affected surface is greater than 3 cm, there are tears in the cervix. Cryodestruction is not performed if the woman has fibroids, inflammatory diseases organs of the reproductive system.

The advantages include the fact that such cauterization can be performed on nulliparous women, there are no scars and bleeding. Disadvantages - the duration of recovery, accompanied by watery discharge. With this method, it is impossible to process tissues with their deep damage. Sometimes it becomes necessary to repeat the procedure.

Video: Treatment of erosion by cryodestruction

Radio wave coagulation

This method is the safest. Erosion cells are heated up to high temperature using radio waves directed to the affected area. At the same time, they evaporate. The procedure is absolutely painless. The possibility of infection penetration to the treated surface, as well as the appearance of bleeding, is completely excluded, since damaged capillaries are sealed at high temperature.

The treatment process lasts 20 minutes, healing takes place within 1 month, healthy tissues are not affected. The disadvantage of the method is its low availability, since the complexity and high cost of the equipment do not allow its use everywhere.

The method is not applicable if the patient has a pacemaker. Radio wave coagulation contraindicated in exacerbation of any chronic diseases. 1 procedure is enough for a cure.

Argon plasma ablation

For cauterization, ionized argon is used. The torch of argon plasma is brought to the eroded area at a distance of 0.5 cm. Ionization occurs under the influence of high frequency electromagnetic waves.

There is local heating and evaporation of damaged cells. The procedure is painless, healthy tissues are not injured. A thin crust remains at the treatment site. Rapid healing takes place.

Chemical cauterization

The cervical pharynx is treated with the preparation "Solkagin". The drug is applied with a cotton swab to the dried surface. It takes 3 minutes to process. The accuracy of application is controlled using a colposcope.

The advantage is that the procedure is painless, performed without anesthesia. The method can be used to treat nulliparous women. The disadvantage is the need for repeated repetition of the procedure, the inefficiency of treatment with deep damage and large area defeat.

Pregnancy and childbirth after cauterization of erosion

When using gentle methods of cauterization of cervical erosion, pregnancy is quite possible, they do not have any effect on its course. Childbirth takes place without complications, since when processing the surface of the cervix, it is not injured, its plasticity is not disturbed. In such operations, the depth and boundaries of the processing of the epithelium are carefully controlled.

After cauterization for 1-2 months (depending on the method used), women should not lift weights, play sports, or supercool. To avoid injury to the surface of the neck and possible bleeding, it is necessary to refrain from sexual contact during this time.

Do not use hygienic tampons, douche, do an ultrasound using a vaginal probe. You should refuse to visit the pool, baths, swimming in natural reservoirs, staying under the rays of the sun.

Causes, symptoms and treatment of cervical erosion.

Cervical erosion is one of the most common gynecological diseases. You can find it on gynecological examination. Consider why erosion occurs and how to treat it.

What causes cervical erosion? Causes of cervical erosion

Cervical erosion- destruction of the mucous membrane of the cervix and the appearance of a wound in this place. The damaged area is exposed to microbes, an inflammatory process may begin, which spreads to the internal genital organs of a woman.

Causes of erosion:

  1. Change normal level hormones
  2. Rough sexual intercourse, as a result of which the epithelium is exfoliated
  3. Abortion or childbirth occurring mechanical damage area of ​​the cervix
  4. Infectious diseases (genital herpes, chlamydia, trichomoniasis, etc.)
  5. Early sexual intercourse (the mucous membrane of the genital organs is formed in a woman by the age of 20-23)

Signs of erosion of the cervix. How to recognize cervical erosion?

With erosion, you may not feel any symptoms. Sometimes after sexual intercourse there is a discharge of blood. In most cases, no symptoms are observed. As a rule, this disease is detected by a gynecologist during an examination. For many, this becomes an accident, as many women neglect the examination, and visit the doctor only when absolutely necessary. If inflammation has joined the erosion, then white discharge may be observed.

Important: Even meager bloody issues after sexual intercourse are the reason for a visit to the gynecologist. Do not be careless about this.

The gynecologist determines erosion by a red spot on the neck. For specification of the diagnosis it is necessary to carry out a colposcopy.

Colposcopy- an absolutely painless process that does not require additional preparation. On a special optical device examine the cervix in 25-fold size.

If the doctor sees a suspicious area, he may take a biopsy. A biopsy is performed 5-7 days after menstruation. Histological examination cells allows you to prescribe the appropriate correct treatment.

Is it possible to get pregnant with cervical erosion?

With this disease, it is quite possible to become pregnant. Erosion does not affect conception in any way. But when planning a pregnancy, it is first better to cure erosion, and then plan to conceive a child.

In the event that erosion was detected during pregnancy, its treatment is delayed for postpartum period. Erosion is subject emergency treatment when it is large or causes inflammation.

Erosion does not cause miscarriages, infertility. This is nothing more than a myth. The fetus is in the uterus, it is surrounded by amniotic fluid, and erosion is on the cervix. Erosion has no contact with the fetus.

Is it dangerous to give birth if there is a diagnosis of cervical erosion?

  • You can give birth with erosion
  • Erosion is not a barrier to natural childbirth
  • The disease is not an indication for caesarean section

Important: Doctors do not recommend cauterizing erosion during pregnancy, because changes in the neck are possible. These changes can affect the delivery process. But at this time, you need to monitor the disease, since cells rarely degenerate into cancerous ones.

How to treat cervical erosion?

There are several ways to treat:

  1. Cryodestruction. The area with erosion is treated with liquid nitrogen (a substance with a very low temperature). The affected area is thus frozen to healthy tissue
  2. Laser destruction. The doctor cuts out the problem area with a laser. The procedure is carried out under local anesthesia, no blood is shed
  3. Diathermocoagulation. Using high frequency current to melt problem areas
  4. Radio wave treatment. Cauterization erosion special device with radio waves. It does not affect living tissue. The method is painless, sparing women's health
  5. Moxibustion electric shock . It is considered the least sparing method of treatment. It is mainly used in public medical institutions. Scars may remain after electrocoagulation

Tampons for the treatment of cervical erosion

The doctor may prescribe tampons for erosion if it is small. Tampons are made from:

  • sea ​​buckthorn oil
  • Levomekoli

For douching is used:

  • copper sulphate solution
  • Propolis

These drugs reduce inflammation, promote tissue epithelialization, and eliminate infection.

Candles for the treatment of cervical erosion

Candles gently affect the damaged area of ​​the cervix. The doctor may prescribe the following suppositories:

  • Hexicon
  • Suporon
  • Depantol
  • Fitor candles

Candles are used as a treatment for erosion and after cauterization for faster recovery.

There are contraindications:

  1. Lymphogranulomatosis
  2. Poor-quality formations in the gastrointestinal tract
  3. Chronic or acute leukemia
  4. Allergy to components in the composition of suppositories

Is it possible to cure cervical erosion by cauterization?

Electric cauterization is an outdated method. To date, there are more gentle methods. As a result of radio waves, laser cautery no scars remain. After electric cauterization, a scar remains on the neck. After cauterization is required long time for tissue repair.

Is it necessary to treat cervical erosion? Can cervical erosion go away on its own?

The opinion that a small erosion in itself passes is a mistake that can serve a woman at the cost of her life. The number of women with cervical cancer is increasing every year. One of the reasons for this is the neglect of erosion.

Erosion itself does not go away. Erosion of the cervix can develop into dysplasia (precancerous condition) over time, even later - into a malignant pathology. Therefore, women definitely need to visit a gynecologist at least twice a year to diagnose possible diseases.

Ludmila:“As my gynecologist said, it is impossible to cauterize cervical erosion before childbirth. I had erosion, I had not yet given birth even once for that period. Appointed candles, erosion dragged on. Reappeared after childbirth. Cauterized. There were no more relapses."

Julia:“A few years before giving birth, she cauterized erosion with a laser. The procedure is absolutely painless. She gave birth herself, the birth went well.

Anna:“I have found erosion. I had a biopsy and the test was positive. They did cauterization, the doctor cauterized well, all the malignant cells were gone. Then they did more reanalysis. The result was negative. It's scary to even imagine what could have happened if I had applied late. Heal on time!"

Follow your women's health very important. Do not be afraid of visits to gynecologists, there is nothing terrible in the examination. Timely detected diseases can be cured and not risk your life. Don't forget about it.

Video: Cervical erosion