How to care for a hookah without special equipment? How to properly wash a hookah at home.

After each smoking, combustion products settle on the insides of the hookah. As they accumulate, they mix with fresh smoke, change its taste and add bitterness. In addition, old smoke can cause significant harm to health. Therefore, you should clean your hookah regularly. Ideally, you should wash it after every use, but you can do this less often - after every fifth smoking. How to do this correctly?

It should be remembered that not all products are suitable for use.

I love it household chemicals cannot be used - it is impossible to completely wash it off from internal surfaces, and when smoking it will react with smoke, which can cause serious damage to health.

Safe products are citric acid and soda. These substances are combined in a ratio of 1 to 4.

When choosing a product, you should also take into account the material from which the hookah hose is made. Not all of them tolerate contact with water. So, leather or metal hoses are not washed, but simply blown thoroughly to remove small debris. If the hose is made of plastic, it can be safely washed with water.

What will you need?

Before you start cleaning, you should stock up on:

  • a brush with stiff short bristles;
  • soda and citric acid;
  • toothpicks;
  • dry cereal.

How to wash a hookah?

It is important to know: you should start washing only after the device has completely cooled down.

Saucer and bowl

If the tobacco is so burnt that it is difficult to clean it with your hands, you can soak the bowl in hot water for a few minutes. When the tobacco softens, remove it with a clean (preferably a new) soft sponge. The bowl itself needs to be rinsed well under the tap. To clean the holes in the bowl, it is convenient to use toothpicks.


This method is suitable for cleaning hoses made of plastic or leatherette with a stainless spring.

The hose is first disconnected from the hookah, and then rinsed (if the material from which it is made allows) in a weak solution citric acid.

Then the mouthpiece is placed under the tap with warm water and rinse well for a long time. This may take up to 20 minutes. After this, the hose is blown in turn from both ends.

Advice! A fishing line will help clean the hose well. You need to take a piece of fishing line 3 times longer than the hose itself, fold it in half, and secure a small piece of rag to the resulting fold. One end of the fishing line is inserted into the hose, and then cleaned with a piece of rag on the fishing line along its entire length. You may need to change the rag to a fresh one if the old one gets dirty quickly.

Dry the hose in vertical position- this way the water will flow freely.

If the material of the hose does not allow it to be washed, then this part of the hookah should be changed regularly.

A tablespoon of soda is poured into the flask, then cleaned with a brush. To remove heavy deposits, you can pour cereal into the flask, add soda, add water and shake well.
After the main contaminants have been removed, the flask is placed under a tap with cold water and washed for about a quarter of an hour.
After washing, wipe it with a clean cloth and leave to dry.


This part of the hookah should be given special attention Special attention when cleaning. For washing, you can use soda or citric acid. When using acid, it is important to understand that the paint may come off on a low-quality product.

Hookah shafts are either collapsible or non-removable; depending on the type, the methods of washing them also differ.


Before washing, the shaft should be disassembled.

Both parts of the shaft (upper and lower) are cleaned with a brush and soda or citric acid. Then place it under running water and rinse for about 5-10 minutes.

After washing, the parts are blown to remove excess moisture and left to dry on a spread towel.

Now let's talk about how to wash a hookah and is it even possible to wash a hookah? When smoking a hookah, we use water or another liquid that we pour into the flask, and you probably noticed that after smoking, when you drain the water from the flask, it already has a different color. We also fill the hookah cup with tobacco. We also inhale smoke through the hose, in which vapors remain, which are also present in the hookah shaft and also clog it. Our answer is that you need to take care of your hookah and be sure to wash and clean it after each use. So that next time you don't feel the taste of past tobacco, discomfort and no small particles got into your mouth.

Let's take a look at an example of how to clean a hookah correctly.

First, after smoking a hookah, you need to remove the bowl of tobacco from the hookah shaft, then remove the foil from the bowl and shake out the remaining tobacco from the bowl.

We disassemble the hookah into all its components.

The tobacco cup should be cleaned with soda (the consistency is mush). Since it will, firstly, clean the cup, and secondly, it will not leave behind an odor, which is very difficult to get rid of if you use detergents for dishes.

The flask and shaft should be washed hot water using a special hookah brush, as it is long and very convenient for cleaning the shaft.

Today there is a special cleaner for hookahs, “Sodex gretorol”, it is produced in Russia and effectively removes carbon deposits and tobacco aroma residues and is designed specifically for mines, as it does not leave odors behind and does not spoil metal, enameled and polymer surfaces. Sodex is soda-based, easy to wash off, non-foaming and non-toxic.

We present to you the complete sequence of cleaning a hookah using Sodex with pictures.

1. Disassemble the hookah into its components.

2. Add cleaning agent to all shaft openings.

3. Take a brush and clean thoroughly inner surface hookah mines.

4. Rinse the hookah parts with water.

Hookah cleaner Sodex costs 60 rubles, and you can purchase it in our online hookah store

Now about the hose or tube, whichever is more convenient for you:

Firstly: never use any chemical cleaners or special products when cleaning the hose!

Secondly: after each use of the hookah, you need to rinse the hose thoroughly and let the water drain from it for 5-6 hours.

Thirdly: store the hookah hose without breaking it, slightly twisting it into a ball, away from heating devices and sun rays, since it dries at high temperatures.

Fourth: after every 5-10 uses, rinse the hose thoroughly with a mixture of soda and warm milk(1 teaspoon of soda per glass of milk) followed by intensive rinsing in slightly warm water.

Most often, the hose breaks near the mouthpiece or at the junction with the hookah bulb. If this happens, do not try to cover it with adhesive tape, duct tape, tape or, worse, rubber cement. Deal with it and buy a new hose. After all, when we sit down to smoke a hookah, we, first of all, want to relax and have fun.

The problem of caring for a hookah is always very acute. Whether you were given a hookah or you took a long time to choose and buy it yourself, you still need to take care of it. A hookah is not much different from the utensils in your kitchen. It must be washed after each use so that the next time you smoke from a clean hookah. It is worth following this rule and not bringing the hookah to a state where no amount of cleaning will help. If you do not take care of the hookah, then all the holes will become clogged, the threads in the connections will oxidize, the ball in the valve will stick, and rust particles from the spring will fall from the hose into the mouth when you inhale. All this is very unpleasant. And you won’t get pleasure from smoking such a hookah. Therefore, it is recommended to monitor the hookah from the very first use.

Initial care of hookah

When using a hookah for the first time, you need to rinse it with water. First, rinse the inside of the flask without using cleaning agents or detergents. If the ball in the valve on the shaft is metal, then you must remove it, otherwise it will quickly oxidize and stick. Then rinse the inner shaft pipe and the hose adapter under running water. After which the ball can be returned from the valve. The tobacco cup is simply enough to rinse. As for the hose, you need to know exactly what material it is made of. If the hose is made of silicone, then it needs to be washed - nothing will happen to it. It is strictly forbidden to rinse the hose with water, which has a metal spring and cellophane film inside. When interacting with water, rust will form on the spring, and the cellophane will deteriorate, and all this waste will end up in your oral cavity. The tongs, cap and caloud do not need to be washed for the first time. Coal basket too.

Helpful advice! After smoking, do not leave water in the hookah. The longer the hookah sits with water, the more difficult it will be to wash off the deposits on the inner walls of the flask. If the tube in the mine is not made of stainless steel, it will oxidize and in the future may give an unpleasant aftertaste. Quite often there are cases when a hookah is left with water for a long time after smoking, and the moisture greatly destroys it. There is no longer any desire to clean such a hookah, and it is simply thrown away. It's easier to buy a new hookah.

How to wash a hookah?

To wash your hookah, you should take care of equipment and cleaning products in advance. To properly and easily clean your hookah, you will need the following kit:

- Long shaft cleaning brush

- Small brush for cleaning the shaft

- Brush for cleaning the flask

Special cleaning agent

Household gloves

Kitchen rags

Why so many brushes for one hookah?

In any hookah there are hard-to-reach places where you can’t wash everything with a simple stream of water.

A long brush will help clean the main shaft pipe. It has a moderately hard or especially hard pile. This allows you to remove plaque from the surface of the inner shaft tube. There are convenient versions of this brush with a handle, which allows you to secure it well in the palm of your hand.

A small brush will clean those holes where a long one cannot fit. It has soft pile. Great for cleaning valve and hose adapter.

Flask brush, which is offered in specialized stores, has a special rigid bending base. It can be fixed at any angle for flasks various forms to reach the most difficult to reach places.

Where to buy brushes for cleaning hookahs?

Brushes can be purchased in specialized stores or you can use brushes for washing dishes. You just need to take into account that dish brushes are simple. They are not as strong and more fragile when bent.

When purchasing a brush, pay attention to the pile. Thick or too hard pile is not suitable for all mines. The ruff easily fits into the mine pipe, but pulling it back out will not be easy.

Hookah cleaning products

Cleaning agents and detergents are selected depending on the degree of contamination of the hookah.

If the plaque is not strong, then a soap solution will be enough. It can be made from liquid soap and water in a separate container. You can also use a small amount of dishwashing detergent diluted with water.

If the hookah requires major cleaning, then it would be better to use products for removing deposits from teapots, washing machines, dishwashers, irons and stoves. Products for removing deposits from plumbing fixtures are also suitable. Similar means easy to use and does not require special knowledge. Do not forget to protect your hands from contact with the skin of the listed products. Put on household rubber gloves.

Where to buy special hookah cleaning products?

Since the material of a hookah is not particularly different from everything that surrounds you in everyday life, accordingly, any products from the household department will be suitable: for glass, for caring for plumbing, for cleaning pipes, for removing deposits from household appliances. Such an assortment is available to everyone.

Important! After cleaning the hookah using any detergent or even soap solution, rinse it well with water several times. There should not be a single drop of detergent left. Be sure to blow air through all hard-to-reach areas of the hookah parts.

How to wash a hookah?

The hookah consists of several parts. They are made from various materials. Therefore, it is best to consider cleaning each part separately. A standard hookah consists of four main parts: a shaft, a flask, a hose and a cup. Accessories (tongs, coal basket, cap, caloud) are easy to clean, without the use of additional products.

How to wash a hookah shaft?

First you need to prepare a cleaning solution. Use a separate bowl or bowl. When choosing a cleaning product, it is worth considering the degree of contamination of the mine. The stronger the plaque, the more potent the product should be. If the plaque is easily wiped off, then liquid soap is enough. Otherwise use special means for cleaning surfaces. Moisten the brush with water or place it in the prepared solution for a while. Rinse the shaft and all its parts with water. Use a large brush to clean the inner tube of the shaft using an up and down motion. If the pipe is long, then you need to clean it on both sides. Then, use a small brush to clean the holes in the adapter for the hose and valve. Don't forget to remove the ball from the valve.

After washing, the shaft must be thoroughly dried. Wipe off any drops of water with a cloth. Blow air through the pipe in the shaft and all hard-to-reach places. Try to dry the shaft and all its parts as much as possible.

If the ball is metal, then it should only be placed in a well-dried valve to avoid oxidation.

In cases of severe contamination, the shaft must be placed in the solution for several hours, and then cleaned.

It is worth remembering that the shaft is the main part of the hookah and requires more time to clean, unlike other parts.

The following materials are used in the production of the mine: copper, brass, zinc, stainless steel and glass. There are original hookahs that have added decorative elements made of wood, aluminum, plexiglass or foam. These hookahs require special cleaning and wiping products.

Shafts are either collapsible or solid. The collapsible shaft consists of several parts. It is much more convenient to wash such a shaft than a solid one, due to easy access to all parts.

How to wash a hookah flask?

To clean the flask you will need a regular kitchen cloth. The rag must be moistened and placed in the flask. Pour a couple of centimeters of water into the flask. Take the flask in both palms. Close the hole with one palm and grab the bottom with the other. We tightly squeeze the flask on both sides. We synchronously rotate the flask in front of us in a circle in our hands. Several times from myself, and then on myself. This way, the rag inside the flask will clean its walls. If necessary, you can add a little cleaner.

Do not use strong cleaning agents that may damage the paint or design on the bulb.

How to wash a hookah hose?

Cleaning the hose is easy. If the hose handle becomes detached, then it is better to wash all parts separately. To clean the inside of the hose, use a special brush. A long brush for cleaning the hose itself, and a small brush for the handle. To clean heavy deposits from a hose, make a solution of water and dishwashing detergent in a basin. Place the hose in the solution for a day. Then rinse the hose very well. Blow out any drops with air and dry it well. Rinse the hose until you are sure that there are definitely no traces of chemicals left in the hose from the detergent.

Try to wash hoses with fabric decor carefully to preserve the decor as much as possible. Dry the hoses thoroughly.

Helpful advice! It is not recommended to wash hoses that contain metal and cellophane film inside. When interacting with water, materials are destroyed, and small particles of waste from them enter the oral cavity, which is extremely unpleasant. It is not possible to completely rinse all waste from the inside.

How to wash a hookah cup?

It is enough to wash the hookah bowl with water. Do not use cleaning products with chemical additives. Use a dish sponge to clean up any stuck-on residue from burnt dressing from a cup. Choose a sponge that has a soft abrasive layer. This layer will not spoil or scratch the surface of the cup.

Is it possible to wash a hookah in the dishwasher?

It is not recommended to use a dishwasher to wash your hookah. The flask has a narrow neck, which will not allow you to properly clean the internal walls from plaque. The water and soap solution will remain on the walls of the flask. The mine also has its hard-to-reach places.

After dishwasher You need to wash all parts of the hookah separately by hand so that no detergent remains on the surfaces. This hookah will have a pronounced soapy taste. Smoking will be unpleasant.

Features of washing a hookah after adding milk, alcohol, syrups and fruits to the flask

After smoking a hookah with the addition of milk, a coating remains on the walls of the flask. It cannot be removed with water alone. You need to place an ordinary kitchen cloth in the flask, which you use to wipe the table. Fill a flask with a couple of centimeters of water. Take the flask in both palms. Close the hole with one palm and grab the bottom with the other. Squeeze the flask in your hands so that it does not fall out. Rotate the flask synchronously in your hands in a circle away from you, and then towards yourself. Continue until the walls of the flask are clean. Take out the rag. Rinse the flask.

If necessary, you can add a little cleaner.

Finally, the flask must be rinsed thoroughly with water so that no cleaning agent remains.

In the same way, you need to rinse the flask after adding alcohol, syrups or fruits to the flask.

Does the cleanliness of a hookah affect the taste?

The cleanliness of the hookah directly affects taste sensations. There are many different flavors of hookah refills. Some of them have a subtle taste, while others have an incredibly strong flavor (citrus or mint). There are flavors that go well together. But there are also those that, when mixed, give a completely unpleasant sensation. These tastes include: chocolate, coffee or various spices. The hookah is so strongly saturated with such aromas that when smoking subsequent refills with other flavors, their aftertaste is still felt.

You can feel the taste of hookah only with a clean hookah.

Is it possible not to wash the hookah?

There are several popular misconceptions that it is not necessary to wash a hookah:

You cannot wash the hookah, the richness of the taste is lost;

A new clean disposable hookah mouthpiece will save you from any dirt in your hookah;

It is enough to change the water in the flask.

With any of the above options, the hookah will not lose its working capabilities. It's about about a person’s individual needs for cleanliness and attitude towards oneself and one’s health.

The main thing to remember is that timely care will preserve your hookah for a long time.

About, how to clean a hookah, every self-respecting smoker should know. If this is not done correctly and on time, it will become clogged, which will worsen the process of using the hookah. If during the process you begin to feel an unpleasant burning taste, this may indicate that the hookah needs cleaning

This must be done because when smoking, resins begin to be released, which settle on the walls of the device and dry there, which in the future causes an unpleasant aftertaste. To prevent this from happening, you need to clean hookah hose and its other parts each time before using the device, and carrying out general cleaning should occur after 5-6 times of using the hookah. Also recommended clean the hose after the process is completed. In this article you will learn how to properly clean a hookah at home.

How to clean a hookah: necessary tools

Cleaning This device will not take much time. Main condition - this means being careful, because if you do it incorrectly, you can scratch or damage important elements, which will make the hookah unsuitable for use.

Cleaning instruments and tools necessary for this process:

  • running water;
  • brush and sponge;
  • cleaning powder or soda;
  • rice or buckwheat;
  • toothpick.

It is important to remember that you should never use detergents. They leave behind a specific smell that is not washed away. In addition, an unpleasant aftertaste will appear during smoking.

My details

So, let's prepare everything you need and clean the parts of the device themselves.

  1. Wash the bowl and a saucer. When the smoking process is completed, cup must be left to cool. Next, you need to remove the foil from it and remove the remaining tobacco. All this can be washed with your hands, but if the tobacco is difficult to remove with your fingers, then the bowl should be placed in a container and filled with hot water, and then left for 5 minutes. Then gently wipe with a sponge. Holes bowls need to be rinsed under strong water pressure. For cleansing cups you can use a toothpick. Bowls you need to give it time to dry
  2. Flask. The first step is to disassemble the hookah and clean the flask using a brush. It is recommended to first pour a spoonful of soda into it. If you smoke the device on water, then the flask should be kept under running water for 15 minutes. Next, the device is wiped with a dry, clean cloth and dried. Noticed the raid? You can clean it using buckwheat or rice grains. The grains are poured into a flask with water, and then it needs to be shaken.
  3. Hose. Clean the hose you need to disconnect it from the hookah. To get rid of various odors, it is recommended to rinse hoses in a solution of citric acid. Next, you need to rinse this part for 20 minutes under running water, attaching the mouthpiece to the tap. Next step there will be a blowing hoses at both sides. To thoroughly clean the part, you can use a fishing line by inserting it through the hose and moving first in one direction and then in the other. In ordinary hoses A lot of rusty dust accumulates, so it’s difficult to wash them; it’s better to replace them with new ones. Washable hoses are much easier to clean. At the end of the process, you need to dry this part in a suspended state.
  4. Mine . This part of the device is its most important component. Cleaning mine , you need to pay special attention to the entire process. Here you need to use a brush. It should be small in size, but at the same time quite rigid. To effectively clean this part, it is recommended to use baking soda or citric acid. Mines can be different types, let's look at the most popular ones: collapsible - like this mine you need to disassemble as much as possible and clean each part under the tap, clean the central hole with a brush and soda, then thoroughly blow and dry everything; welded - we lean the upper end of the shaft against the tap and rinse it, then clean the tube with a brush and soda and rinse again under high pressure water, blow it out and leave to dry.

It is worth noting that it is recommended to rinse each part under running water for 15-20 minutes. This is the only way to completely get rid of plaque and dirt. WITH bowl , shaft, flask and any other part of the hookah you need to be careful and clean them on time.

Cleaning a hookah is extremely important procedure. Not only for sanitary condition: proper care will extend the life of the hookah and make each session pleasant, aromatic and smoky without the “impurities” of previous fillings.

To properly care for your pet, you need to know whether it is possible to wash a hookah, how to wash it after smoking so that there is no smell and how often this should be done.

If you are carrying out this process first time, you can use video or photo materials to better understand how everything works. There are several rules that you should definitely follow:

How to wash a hookah so it doesn't smell

Enough important question, but it is often what causes newbies to make the terrible mistake of using detergents. You definitely can’t do this, because they may leave a smell that simply cannot be removed. As a result, you will experience an unpleasant aftertaste every time you smoke.

Sometimes baking soda or citric acid diluted in water is used for cleaning. This good way remove dirt, but it cannot be used on all hookahs.
Before purchasing, ask the seller whether the device can be washed with soda or citric acid, to see if this will affect the condition of the coating.

Cleaning the bowl

As for washing the hookah bowl, before you start cleaning this part, you need to wait for it to cool down.

It is recommended to use only your hands when washing: brushes and scrapers can damage the coating of the cup and make it unsuitable for smoking. To easily remove carbon deposits, you need to place the bowl in a container with hot water and leave it there for a while. To clean the holes in the part, you need to lower it under a strong water jet or gently clean it with a soft brush or cloth.


Before cleaning the flask, you need to pour out the liquid with which it is filled. Next, using a special brush, you need to wash it inside using soda. Then the part should be dried thoroughly.

Hose and mouthpiece

The hose absorbs odors, so special attention should be paid to cleaning it. After each smoking, it should be rinsed under running warm water. We are talking about high-quality silicone hoses. It is not recommended to wash corrugated chubuks at all, since this will only speed up their “death”.

Mouthpiece can be washed different ways, it all depends on the material from which it is made. Metal and glass mouthpieces can be easily cleaned with hot water, citric acid and a soft brush.

Wooden ones, although covered with a protective layer, do not like to be in water for a long time - it is an aggressive environment for them, contributing to the appearance of cracks.


Most attention should be paid to washing the mine. You will need baking soda (if allowed by the manufacturer) and a thin brush that can clean all the small holes in the part. After removing all the dirt, the shaft must be placed under a stream of water to completely clean it.

As you can see, the process of cleaning your hookah will not take too much time, but it can guarantee you the absence of various unpleasant tastes and longer operation of the device.

How do you wash your hookah? Tell us in the comments!