Pain and burning under the right rib. Other causes of discomfort

Any painful sensations in the body are evidence of the development of pathological phenomena. Depending on the specifics of the nerve endings involved in the process, the symptoms vary from an increase in body temperature to a cutting pain. Diseases of the digestive tract are accompanied by discomfort in the peritoneum. Burning in the right side under the ribs in front often appears in diseases of the liver. However, this list possible ailments is not exhausted.

Burning in right side under ribs in front

Discomfort can be triggered by a variety of diseases, both relatively harmless and dangerous. Dysfunction leads to burning sensation digestive organs, cardiac, pulmonary pathologies and inflammation of the appendix. In most cases, the heat in this area is provoked by problems with the functioning of the liver.

In most cases, the body signals about dysfunctions in the functioning of organs and systems through pain.

The human body is complex mechanism. Pain, arising in a certain zone, are not always interconnected with the organ located in it. Burning can cause various pathologies, starting from the abdominal form of a heart attack and ending with appendicitis.

An unpleasant feeling of heaviness in the right side indicates the presence of the following ailments:

  • problems with the organs of the digestive system;
  • pathological processes of the lower part of the right lung;
  • appendicitis inflammation.
  • heart diseases.

Progression of appendicitis in the absence of treatment

Almost all systems in abdominal cavity are potential sources of pain. A burning sensation can also appear with intercostal neuralgia or excessive salt formation in the lumbar region.

The most important functions of the liver are the neutralization of the action toxic substances, cleansing the blood of harmful impurities and the production of bile, necessary for the breakdown of fats in the intestines. Given the stress that this organ experiences due to its multitasking, it is often attacked by various diseases.

Liver and gallbladder are considered the most common culprits of pain in the right hypochondrium

The gallbladder is a small muscular sac that stores bile. The organ is located directly below the liver. Through the bile duct, it transports the secretory fluid to the duodenum, in which it takes part in the digestive process.

Hepatic and biliary pathologies often occur against the background of the following processes:

  • intake of fried, fatty and salty foods;
  • alcohol abuse;
  • the presence of inflammatory processes of the digestive system;
  • helminthic invasion.

Constant stress can also provoke disturbances in the work of these organs.

Table 1. Diseases of the liver and gallbladder

Stages of development of liver cirrhosis

Often, liver diseases, especially cirrhosis, lead to lethal outcome. Pathologies of the gallbladder at the final stages of development are treated using surgical intervention. That is why it is so important to identify the disease early stage and take necessary action in a timely manner.

The pancreas is a large gland that performs 2 essential functions in the body. It produces pancreatic juice which contains a large number of necessary for digestive process enzymes. In addition, it produces insulin and glucagon, which regulate metabolic processes.

Diseases of the pancreas and intestines are often manifested through a burning sensation in the right hypochondrium

The intestine is the largest organ of the gastrointestinal tract and simultaneously belongs to two systems - the digestive and the immune. It is a protective barrier that prevents the attacks of pathogenic bacteria, and processes fats and carbohydrates in the food bolus.

Pain and burning in the right side of the peritoneum may indicate the following diseases.

Table 2. Diseases of the pancreas and intestines

Appendicitis should be treated as soon as possible

If the pain goes down, you should check the condition of the appendix.

The main task of the kidneys is to remove the end products of metabolism from the body. Despite the localization of this organ in the lumbar region, it is sometimes possible to feel the inflammatory processes occurring in it in the hypochondrium zone.

Burning in the kidneys is often the result of injury to the mucous membrane

If the burning sensation is joined renal colic accompanied by an increase in temperature and a change in the color of urine (in healthy body urine should be straw-colored), doctors diagnose kidney disease.

Table 3. The most common pathologies of the kidneys

Usually, kidney disease manifest themselves through back pain, only occasionally radiating to the hypochondrium.

The lungs are responsible for enriching the blood with oxygen and carbon dioxide. Symptoms of pulmonary pathologies are rarely accompanied by burning sensations in the right hypochondrium. However, with the development of a number of diseases, pleurisy, for example, accumulated in this steam organ fluid can put pressure on the peritoneum. This will contribute to the burning sensation.

Due to the fact that the lower part of the lungs is attached to the diaphragm, diseases of this organ can cause discomfort in the hypochondrium area.

Pleurisy - inflammatory lesions serous membrane that envelops the lungs. This disease is characterized by acute pain in the sternum, chills, lethargy, constant shortness of breath, cough and fever.

Inflammation of the pleura is always secondary, it is the result of a complication of a number of diseases. However, at the stage of exacerbation, it comes to the fore, masking the underlying disease.

Burning can also be triggered by other diseases that at first glance are not associated with this zone.

Such discomfort occurs in the presence of the following pathologies:

  • angina;
  • intercostal neuralgia;
  • neoplasms in the area of ​​the diaphragm;
  • giardiasis;
  • shingles;
  • heart attack;
  • osteochondrosis.

Carrying a fetus can also cause discomfort. This is due to the pressure that the fetus exerts on the gallbladder.

AT healthy body there may also be a burning sensation in the right side

With a sedentary lifestyle, active physical activity can accelerate blood circulation and provoke the release of adrenaline in the area of ​​​​the right hypochondrium. As a result, a short-term heat is felt in this area. Sharp inclinations of the torso lead to tissue squeezing by the ribs, which causes severe discomfort. During critical days estrogen is released, causing a burning sensation in the right side of the abdomen. It is due to spasm. biliary tract leading to unpleasant consequences.

If the attack lasts more than 30 minutes and occurs against the background of acute pain, you should immediately call ambulance. These symptoms are indicative of exacerbation. inflammatory process that can lead to death. Before the arrival of the brigade, you should not self-medicate.

To avoid the onset unpleasant consequences, it is necessary to contact only experienced, proven specialists

Sharp pain in the right hypochondrium may be the result of the following pathologies:

  • pancreatitis;
  • inflammation of the appendix;
  • kidney rupture due to mechanical damage;
  • blockage of the bile ducts;
  • rupture of the wall of the duodenum.

Such conditions can be stopped only by surgical intervention.

If the pain is characterized as aching, not causing severe discomfort, experts recommend taking 2 No-Shpy tablets. This measure will help reduce pain, but it is necessary to diagnose the body and find out the cause of the discomfort.

The use of "No-shpy" can relieve pain

It's best to consult with your doctor first.

  1. Do not heat the affected area. Heat can exacerbate the disease and activate the reproduction of pathogenic microbes.
  2. Do not take painkillers. Only drugs that have an antispasmodic effect are allowed. This is due to the fact that such medications can affect the results of a blood test, thereby complicating the diagnosis. Analgin, for example, can "hide" the symptoms of inflammation of the appendix.
  3. It is advisable to limit the consumption of food and carbonated drinks for 1 day. Food abstinence is excellent remedy helping to make results diagnostic examination more informative and accurate.
  4. Exclude the intake of choleretic medications. If the patient has stones in the gallbladder, similar means may cause rupture of the bladder.

Burning under the ribs is considered an alarming bell for the occurrence of peritonitis. Each rupture is fraught with the penetration of bile and food bolus into the peritoneal cavity and can lead to the formation of purulent processes that turn into sepsis.

More detailed information you can learn about what peritonitis is in our article.

Why does heaviness and burning occur under the ribs in front and behind?

Our body is a large complex machine in which everything functions interconnected. If any component malfunctions, it lets us know about it through unpleasant symptoms.

Burning in the right side under the ribs in front is a cause for alarm in many organs..

Such sensations often occur against the background of problems with the liver or gallbladder. With this concern, it is worth considering whether the intestines are working normally. Perhaps there is a deformation of the diaphragm, in which similar symptoms reappear.

The cause of burning under the ribs in the right side, ultimately, is one or another disease that requires specialist advice. Therapists assure that everyone is included in the risk contingent: from sedentary, sickly people to absolutely healthy people.

The cause of burning can be both the lack of physical activity, and their excess amount. Improper or unbalanced nutrition contributes. Abrasions and hematomas can similarly be sources discomfort on the right side under the ribs.

Burning in the right hypochondrium in front is an echo earlier established diagnoses heart, musculoskeletal system, respiratory system or digestive system.

According to statistics, every fifth patient feels a burning sensation due to diseases of the gallbladder and the bile excretion system from the body. In this case, there are two ways to continue events: either cholelithiasis, or it is a sign of the presence developing inflammation gallbladder.

In this case, the pain appears on the right under the rib in front.

In the first case in question about obstruction of bile, which leads to its accumulation, and then to complete relief. Burning under the ribs with right side do not appear constantly, but only with excessive stress, both physical and psychological.

Pain also occurs after taking heavy, fried and salty foods.

  • Pain under the ribs comes from the liver in more serious cases, when the body is sick with hepatitis or cirrhosis. Such symptoms are a little different from others because they come with general lethargy, itching skin and pallor.
  • If colic resembles arrows, which are directed from the spine under the ribs to the back, then there are suspicions that the reason is chronic pancreatitis or pancreatic cancer.
  • When under the right and in the left side of the hypochondrium it hurts after eating, the problem is located in duodenum, intestines.

In all three cases, immediate consultation with a specialist gastroenterologist is necessary.

One of the main diseases of this area is pyelonephritis, the symptoms of which are all the same pain in the right side under the ribs on both sides, frequent change urine characteristics and body temperature fluctuations. Pain on the right manifests itself in the form of seizures (does not hurt constantly).

If the problem is in the urinary system, tingling is felt in the lumbar region and on the back in the area of ​​the right or left side.

Other causes for this symptom cannot be ruled out.

They are much less common, but it is also desirable to be aware of them:

  • With intercostal neuralgia. Intercostal neuralgia belongs to the list neurological diseases. Its symptoms are periodic burning pains under the ribs or in the area (between the ribs).
  • For bruised ribs directly damaged ribs will hurt. The pain will be constant and aching. It's not the best dangerous guy burning sensation, which could be. But an examination by a traumatologist and a neurologist is necessary.
  • With osteochondrosis of the lumbar. This disease differs in symptoms from all previous ones. Given that the musculoskeletal system is affected, the pain moves in the direction from the lower back (on both sides) to the legs. It manifests itself during physical exertion or just walking.
  • With shingles. The likelihood that it burns in the right side under the ribs in front of shingles is small. Its symptoms are easy to distinguish. The pain will not come from the inside, but only the upper layers of the skin will hurt.
  • With thrombosis of the vena cava. With this problem, not only the appearance of a burning sensation in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe ribs will be felt. The entire lower part of the body becomes numb and fails.
  • Heart diseases. Oddly enough, but with some heart diseases, such as, for example, an angina attack, the symptoms can also be reflected far from the focus. The attack will provoke only one wave of pain and burning from the lower part of the left rib to the right area chest. In this situation, call an ambulance or go yourself immediately to the hospital.
  • Lungs. Diaphragmatic pathologies also belong to diseases associated with the lungs. They are more mechanical damage. Symptoms are painful discomfort in the radius of the liver, on the left.
  • Diseases of the stomach. The main and most common diseases of the stomach are gastritis and ulcers. Often, patients initially do not distinguish them from hepatic pathologies. Distinctive character in that the discomfort begins after the use of heavy food.

If the burning sensation in the right side under the ribs in front worries precisely after eating a heavy meal, its possible causes may be stomach problems:

  • pancreatitis;
  • ulcer;
  • gastritis;
  • pinching of the diaphragm;
  • hernia and other diseases of the stomach, intestines or duodenum.

This "bell" should make you think about your health.

To know exactly what ailments not to think about when the main pain comes from behind, you need to remember list of possible diseases:

  • severe pyelonephritis: if a burning sensation appears and is present continuously and the symptom becomes more noticeable during blows in the region of the ribs of the back.
  • chronic pyelonephritis: discomfort is periodic, aching, but tolerable. Exacerbated during the rainy seasons or just when the weather is wet.
  • renal colic: Pain is due to the movement of the stone through the channels of fluid output. The pain is severe, often blocking the movement of the entire body due to an unbearable burning sensation.
  • urolithiasis disease: The intensity of pain depends on the size of the crystal in the threads. Aggravated by jumping, turning the body and after drinking liquids.
  • acute pancreatitis: burning under the ribs is more like a very squeezing belt. Accompanied by a burning condition, nausea and vomiting. It becomes more noticeable in the supine position.
  • osteochondrosis: disease of the musculoskeletal system. Acute sharpness and burning are replaced dull pain. They fetter the body in the lumbar region, but do not allow long time stay in one place.
  • retroperitoneal hematoma: manifests itself as a result of a back injury, because a crack of the vessel is possible. Therefore, than more bleeding, the more intense the burning.

What not to do with discomfort in different parts of the back

  • It is forbidden to heat the gravity zone from one's own motives. So the pain will become even stronger, and heat will become the soil for the active brood of pathogenic microflora.
  • Can't use painkillers(except for No-Shpa). This is due to the fact that the process of identifying the focus becomes more complex. For example, analgin hides results that should indicate appendicitis.
  • It is recommended to refrain from food and liquids. Argued by the fact that the method of examination is simplified. Yes, and on an empty stomach it is easier to transfer a burning sensation.
  • Do not apply choleretic drugs without a doctor's prescription if the patient has stones in the ducts. Once stuck in the channels, they can cause the bubble to burst.
  • Abstaining from physical activity is recommended as this may exacerbate the situation.

On your own, you can only assume a disease or ailment that bothered you only by the nature of the pain.

They are of the following types:

  • Pressure and heaviness in the side. This type of burning most often begins after fatty foods, excessively salty foods, and also after excessive alcohol abuse. To prevent, it is enough just to balance your diet and renounce unnecessary habits.
  • Stitching pain. A stabbing, periodic burning sensation under the ribs can be a signal of absolutely any named disease. Only each "pricks" in its own way and with various additional accompanying symptoms.
  • Dull, aching pain. emergence pulling pains talking about bowel problems. It's all the same ulcer and gastritis. With the same success, they can be congenital diseases spine, diaphragm, etc. during progression.
  • A sharp attack. Only once will you be disturbed by a problem related to the heart. The attack will be sharp, quick and unexpected. In this situation, call an ambulance.

It is the burning sensation in the right side under the ribs that indicates that the liver is full of blood and does not perform its function correctly. With heavy loads, the blood pulsates more often and more abundantly, and the liver simply does not have time to carry it through itself.

In such cases, you need to reduce the load and raise them gradually. Most often, such problems occur in athletes who have started exercising again after a long rest, as well as in people who start exercising incorrectly, without warming up, etc.

Identical indicators can manifest themselves not only in sick people. If a sedentary person suddenly decided to start active life and go in for sports, already at the first releases of adrenaline, a heat is felt in the right side under the ribs.

There is a feeling that this area is burning, baking and burning sensations. It goes away with time, or stops with the cessation of stress.

In women, burning sensation can manifest itself within menstrual period. Sometimes it burns so strongly that it provokes nausea and bitterness in the mouth. Burning sensations will stop along with PMS.

Pain under the ribs can also appear during pregnancy. For more later dates when the fetus reaches a tangible size, from its side begins a crush on the gallbladder and liver. This brings discomfort in the hypochondrium while carrying the fetus.

The normal functioning of the organs is temporarily disrupted, and the mother feels a burning sensation under the ribs and in the sides.

To date, there are the following types diagnosis for abdominal discomfort:

  • ultrasound diagnostics of the abdominal cavity;
  • MRI (liver, lungs, vertebrae);
  • palpation;
  • laboratory research material (blood, feces and urine).

Given that there are too many diseases that can cause this symptom, it will not be possible to solve the problem on your own. A doctor's appointment is necessary, he will correctly determine the cause and prescribe competent treatment.

Otherwise, the development of pathological phenomena may begin. You can independently determine only the burning sensation from physical exertion, food, or something else. Therefore, if the cause of the burning sensation under the ribs is food, then before visiting the doctor, make yourself a sparing diet.

If they serve as an aggravation physical exercise, limit yourself from them.

The main thing is not to delay the visit to the doctor, but to contact the doctor as soon as possible in order to identify the problem “in hot pursuit”.

Acute burning under the ribs and its possible consequences

When symptoms don't stop long period, you need to immediately call a doctor home or see a doctor yourself. Burning under the ribs in front indicates the occurrence of inflammation in the body different nature.

It may turn state of shock, complications and even death.

This article provides information for reference, but accurate diagnosis, specific and important effective treatment only a doctor and a good examination will prescribe.

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It is necessary to be examined further: control of endoscopy (dynamics of the state of bulbitis), biochemistry

blood tests (liver markers, amylase), coprogram, neurologist consultation (again)

to exclude radicular pain or neuralgia (there is a connection with the position of the body and

After all, burning under the left or right lower rib can be caused not only by these diseases. Hello. I am 45 years old. Every day I have a burning sensation in the right hypochondrium several times. The occurrence of a burning sensation in the right side can be caused by such unpleasant disease like cholecystitis. Its main symptom is a burning sensation in the right side, sometimes it shifts to the upper half of the abdomen and the left hypochondrium.

His clinical manifestations associated with pain in the right side of a aching nature, which usually does not reach great intensity. Heaviness and burning is its equivalent. Constant burning, spreading throughout the area of ​​​​the right hypochondrium and aggravated by bending or turning the body, is already one of the main symptoms of pericholecystitis.

Burning in right side

In some cases, pain radiates to the region of the heart, lumbar and subscapular region. The occurrence of burning pain is usually caused by a violation of the diet, hypothermia, alcohol, emotional overload, vibration or physical exertion.

Burning and pain attacks accompanied by sleep disturbances, palpitations, weakness, sweating. In order to alleviate the condition and reduce the burning sensation in the right side, first of all, it is advisable to review the usual diet. Symptoms and diagnosis. Leading clinical symptom- pain in the right hypochondrium and less often in the epigastrium, often aching in nature, not reaching great intensity.

The reasons for its appearance can be not only errors in the diet (reception of fatty and fried foods, cold snacks, eggs, carbonated drinks), but also emotional overstrain. If in the first case the pain is associated with stretching of the gallbladder, then in the second - with muscle spasm.

In this case, it is constant, widespread (determined in the entire zone of the right hypochondrium), increases with turns and tilts of the body. If, along with pain in the right hypochondrium, there are pains of a girdle character, then one should think about the involvement of the pancreas in the process.

To verify the diagnosis in these cases, additional research pancreas, duodenum, liver. In vomit, an admixture of bile is often determined, especially when bile stagnates in the bladder.

Burning in the liver

Now let's see what is dyskinesia (dysmotility) of the biliary tract, which causes burning. The mechanism of pain (burning) during dyskinesia is the same - the accumulation of bile and stretching of the walls of the gallbladder.

Burning is more common from secondary dyskinesia, the cause of which lies in other diseases of the liver or gallbladder. If in one case antispasmodics are needed, then in the other - drugs that enhance the production of bile and its secretion.

Often the disease is asymptomatic and leads to cirrhosis of the liver. It is the problems with the liver and its diseases that are now actively spreading among the population. First of all, due to malnutrition. In some cases, a woman does not need to worry much if her right side is pulled during pregnancy.

Burning in the liver is a sign of many diseases

If, in addition to pain, there are bloody issues, then be sure to undergo an unscheduled examination by a doctor. After all, it could be a frozen pregnancy. A woman gets used to the fact that sometimes there are pains and even burning sensations, because the fetus, one way or another, presses on the internal organs.

What can it be and which specialist to contact. When something starts to bake in the right side, I want to quickly solve this problem. The burning sensation doesn't seem critical condition, but in fact it may precede more severe symptoms. When in internal organs problems occur, the body reports this pain. Her appearance in the right side can be caused by a lot of reasons: both harmless and dangerous. A common cause of discomfort on the right under the ribs is problems with the removal of bile from the gallbladder and bile ducts into the intestines.

Already existing sand or stones in the bile ducts, in turn, remind of themselves not only acute colic on the side at calculous cholecystitis. At an early stage, they cause burning due to increasing bile retention. The pain may radiate to the right under the shoulder blade, its appearance is associated with meals or nervous tension. In addition to gallstone disease, burning is possible with inflammation of the gallbladder. The severity of the symptom becomes stronger after drinking alcohol or fried, spicy and fatty foods. Also, with cholecystitis, there is pain when bending over, heartburn, nausea, and general weakness.

Burning in the right side is not always "stagnation of bile, in which you need to drink corn silk”, it can be a stone in the gallbladder, and appendicitis. A duodenal ulcer, in addition to acute pain, can give itself out as a feeling of heat in the left or right side. After eating, the burning sensation intensifies. The diseases associated with painful sensations in the right hypochondrium.

Our body is a large complex machine in which everything functions interconnected. If any component malfunctions, it lets us know about it through unpleasant symptoms.

Burning in the right side under the ribs in front is a cause for alarm in many organs..

What can burn?

Such sensations often occur against the background of problems with the liver or gallbladder. With this concern, it is worth considering whether the intestines are working normally. Perhaps there is a deformation of the diaphragm, in which similar symptoms reappear.

Suggested causes of burning

The cause of burning under the ribs in the right side, ultimately, is one or another disease that requires specialist advice. Therapists assure that everyone is included in the risk contingent: from sedentary, sickly people to absolutely healthy people.

The cause of burning can be both the lack of physical activity, and their excessive amount. Improper or unbalanced nutrition contributes. Abrasions and hematomas can similarly be sources of discomfort in the right side under the rib.

Burning in the right hypochondrium in front is an echo of previously established diagnoses of the heart, musculoskeletal system, respiratory apparatus or digestive system.

Gallbladder diseases

According to statistics, every fifth patient feels a burning sensation due to diseases of the gallbladder and the bile excretion system from the body. In this case, there are two ways to continue events: either cholelithiasis, or it is a sign of the presence of a developing inflammation of the gallbladder.

In this case, the pain appears on the right under the rib in front.

In the first incident, we are talking about obstruction of bile, which leads to its accumulation, and then to complete relief. Burning under the rib on the right side does not appear constantly, but only with excessive stress, both physical and psychological.

Pain also occurs after taking heavy, fried and salty foods.

Diseases of the liver, pancreas and intestines

  • Pain under the ribs comes from the liver in more serious cases, when the body is sick with hepatitis or cirrhosis. Such symptoms are slightly different from others because they come with general lethargy, itching of the skin and pallor.
  • If colic resembles arrows, which are directed from the spine under the ribs to the back, then there are suspicions that the cause is chronic pancreatitis or pancreatic cancer.
  • When under the right and in the left side of the hypochondrium it hurts after eating, the problem is localized in the duodenum, intestines.

In all three cases, immediate consultation with a specialist gastroenterologist is necessary.

Diseases of the kidneys and urinary system

One of the main diseases of this area is pyelonephritis, the symptoms of which are the same pain in the right side under the ribs on both sides, frequent changes in the characteristics of urine and jumps in body temperature. Pain on the right manifests itself in the form of seizures (does not hurt constantly).

If the problem is in the urinary system, tingling is felt in the lumbar region and on the back in the area of ​​the right or left side.

Other causes of burning

Other causes for this symptom cannot be ruled out.

They are much less common, but it is also desirable to be aware of them:

  • With intercostal neuralgia. Intercostal neuralgia belongs to the list of neurological diseases. Its symptoms are periodic burning pains under the ribs or in the area (between the ribs).
  • For bruised ribs directly damaged ribs will hurt. The pain will be constant and aching. This is not the most dangerous type of burning that could be. But an examination by a traumatologist and a neurologist is necessary.
  • With osteochondrosis of the lumbar. This disease differs in symptoms from all previous ones. Given that the musculoskeletal system is affected, the pain moves in the direction from the lower back (on both sides) to the legs. It manifests itself during physical exertion or just walking.
  • With shingles. The likelihood that it burns in the right side under the ribs in front of shingles is small. Its symptoms are easy to distinguish. The pain will not come from the inside, but only the upper layers of the skin will hurt.
  • With thrombosis of the vena cava. With this problem, not only the appearance of a burning sensation in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe ribs will be felt. The entire lower part of the body becomes numb and fails.
  • Heart diseases. Oddly enough, but with some heart diseases, such as, for example, an angina attack, the symptoms can also be reflected far from the focus. The attack will provoke only one wave of pain and burning from the lower part of the left rib to the right chest area. In this situation, call an ambulance or go yourself immediately to the hospital.
  • Lungs. Diaphragmatic pathologies also belong to diseases associated with the lungs. They are more mechanical damage. Symptoms are painful discomfort in the radius of the liver, on the left.
  • Diseases of the stomach. The main and most common diseases of the stomach are gastritis and ulcers. Often, patients initially do not distinguish them from hepatic pathologies. A distinctive character is that the discomfort begins after eating a heavy meal.

Discomfort after eating

If the burning sensation in the right side under the ribs in front worries precisely after eating a heavy meal, its possible causes may be stomach problems:

  • pancreatitis;
  • ulcer;
  • gastritis;
  • pinching of the diaphragm;
  • hernia and other diseases of the stomach, intestines or duodenum.

This "bell" should make you think about your health.

To know exactly what ailments not to think about when the main pain comes from behind, you need to remember list of possible diseases:

  • severe pyelonephritis: if a burning sensation appears and is present continuously and the symptom becomes more noticeable during blows in the region of the ribs of the back.
  • chronic pyelonephritis: discomfort is periodic, aching, but tolerable. Exacerbated during the rainy seasons or just when the weather is wet.
  • renal colic: Pain is due to the movement of the stone through the channels of fluid output. The pain is severe, often blocking the movement of the entire body due to an unbearable burning sensation.
  • urolithiasis disease: The intensity of pain depends on the size of the crystal in the threads. Aggravated by jumping, turning the body and after drinking liquids.
  • acute pancreatitis: burning under the ribs is more like a very squeezing belt. Accompanied by a burning condition, nausea and vomiting. It becomes more noticeable in the supine position.
  • osteochondrosis: disease of the musculoskeletal system. Acute sharpness and burning are replaced by dull pain. They bind the body in the lumbar region, but do not allow them to stay in one place for a long time.
  • retroperitoneal hematoma: manifests itself as a result of a back injury, because a crack of the vessel is possible. Therefore, the more bleeding, the more burning.

What not to do with discomfort in different parts of the back

  • It is forbidden to heat the gravity zone from one's own motives. So the pain will become even stronger, and the high temperature will become the soil for the active brood of pathogenic microflora.
  • Can't use painkillers(except for No-Shpa). This is due to the fact that the process of identifying the focus becomes more complex. For example, analgin hides results that should indicate appendicitis.
  • It is recommended to refrain from food and liquids. Argued by the fact that the method of examination is simplified. Yes, and on an empty stomach it is easier to transfer a burning sensation.
  • Do not use choleretic drugs without a doctor's prescription if the patient has stones in the ducts. Once stuck in the channels, they can cause the bubble to burst.
  • Abstaining from physical activity is recommended as this may exacerbate the situation.

The nature of pain

On your own, you can only assume a disease or ailment that bothered you only by the nature of the pain.

They are of the following types:

  • Pressure and heaviness in the side. This type of burning most often begins after fatty foods, excessively salty foods, and also after excessive alcohol abuse. To prevent, it is enough just to balance your diet and renounce unnecessary habits.
  • Stitching pain. A stabbing, periodic burning sensation under the ribs can be a signal of absolutely any named disease. Only each "pricks" in its own way and with various additional accompanying symptoms.
  • Dull, aching pain. The occurrence of pulling pains indicates problems with the intestines. It's all the same ulcer and gastritis. With the same success, they can be congenital diseases of the spine, diaphragm, etc. in the period of progression.
  • A sharp attack. Only once will you be disturbed by a problem related to the heart. The attack will be sharp, quick and unexpected. In this situation, call an ambulance.

Pain during and due to physical exertion

It is the burning sensation in the right side under the ribs that indicates that the liver is full of blood and does not perform its function correctly. With heavy loads, the blood pulsates more often and more abundantly, and the liver simply does not have time to carry it through itself.

In such cases, you need to reduce the load and raise them gradually. Most often, such problems occur in athletes who have started exercising again after a long rest, as well as in people who start exercising incorrectly, without warming up, etc.

Identical indicators can manifest themselves not only in sick people. If a sedentary person suddenly decided to start an active life and go in for sports, already at the first release of adrenaline, a heat is felt in the right side under the ribs.

There is a feeling that this area is burning, baking and burning sensations. It goes away with time, or stops with the cessation of stress.

In women, burning sensation can occur during the menstrual period. Sometimes it burns so strongly that it provokes nausea and bitterness in the mouth. Burning sensations will stop along with PMS.

Burning during pregnancy

Pain under the ribs can also appear during pregnancy. At a later date, when the fetus reaches a tangible size, a crush on the gallbladder and liver begins on its side. This brings discomfort in the hypochondrium while carrying the fetus.

The normal functioning of the organs is temporarily disrupted, and the mother feels a burning sensation under the ribs and in the sides.

Diagnostic methods

To date, there are the following types of diagnostics for abdominal discomfort:

  • ultrasound diagnostics of the abdominal cavity;
  • MRI (liver, lungs, vertebrae);
  • palpation;
  • laboratory studies of the material (blood, feces and urine).

Before visiting the doctor

Given that there are too many diseases that can cause this symptom, it will not be possible to solve the problem on your own. A doctor's appointment is necessary, he will correctly determine the cause and prescribe competent treatment.

Otherwise, the development of pathological phenomena may begin. You can independently determine only the burning sensation from physical exertion, food, or something else. Therefore, if the cause of the burning sensation under the ribs is food, then before visiting the doctor, make yourself a sparing diet.

If exacerbation is physical activity, limit yourself from them.

The main thing is not to delay the visit to the doctor, but to contact the doctor as soon as possible in order to identify the problem “in hot pursuit”.

Acute burning under the ribs and its possible consequences

When the symptoms do not stop for a long period, you should immediately call a doctor home or see a doctor yourself. Burning under the ribs in front indicates the occurrence of inflammation in the body of a different nature.

It can result in a state of shock, complications and even death.

This article provides information for review, but an accurate diagnosis, specific and most importantly effective treatment will be prescribed only by a physician and a good examination.

Pain from the left side can have a different character and be located in the lower abdomen or in the hypochondrium. A specialist will help to find out the cause of the outbreak, since the symptom is inherent in numerous diseases. Pain and burning on the left side of the body can signal heart, gynecological and digestive problems.

The nature of the pain syndrome

By determining the nature of the pain, an accurate diagnosis can be made. Distinguish symptoms by nature:

  • Peritoneal - has a clear focus of localization. When moving or pressing on a sore spot, the syndrome intensifies. Accompanies stomach ulcer
  • Visceral - pain general, dumb. It runs rough. Occurs in diseases of the intestines and stomach
  • Wandering or reflected - a person cannot accurately indicate the place where it hurts. The focus is located in the left side, and from above or below, the patient finds it difficult to answer. The syndrome comes and goes. Accompanies malfunctions of the gastrointestinal tract.

According to the localization of the source of trouble in the left side, areas can be distinguished:

  • lower abdomen
  • Left under ribs.

Specialists can determine the disease: gastroenterologist, surgeon, therapist.

Causes of burning in the left side

On the left side of a person are: the spleen, stomach, heart, pancreas. Deviations in the work of any organ can cause pain and burning. Each organ is important for life, but it is most dangerous when a symptom signals heart disease.

Burning in the left hypochondrium due to heart disease

In the human body, the load on the heart is carried out constantly. The organ cannot be stopped, as it is constantly pumping blood. At correct work The heart supplies all the organs with oxygen and necessary elements. A small malfunction can result in death.

Burning on the left side may be a signal the following diseases hearts:

  • Ischemic disease
  • myocardial infarction
  • Cardiomyopathy.

With heart disease, pain in the left hypochondrium is accompanied by symptoms:

  • At ischemic disease there is heaviness in the chest, breathing becomes difficult, the pulse, on the contrary, quickens
  • AT preinfarction state visceral pain, widespread throughout left side body
  • With cardiopathy, the pulse is lost and there is a burning sensation in the hypochondrium, general malaise, weakness.

If a burning sensation in the hypochondrium is accompanied by any of the listed symptoms, you need to call an ambulance.

Diseases of the gastrointestinal tract

A burning symptom on the left side is characteristic of gastritis. At the same time, there appear additional features: heartburn, belching, nausea. The focus has a peritoneal character. Burning appears in the hypochondrium after a short fast, and disappears immediately after eating. You can alleviate the condition by following a strict diet. Salty, smoked, fried foods should be excluded from food. Do not drink coffee, carbonated and alcoholic drinks. If gastritis is not diagnosed on time, the disease will turn into a stomach ulcer.

A stomach ulcer is also accompanied by pain in the hypochondrium. Accompanying the disease symptoms: cramps, nausea, vomiting, heartburn, migraine. The symptom is not relieved by painkillers, or after taking them, there is a short relief. An ulcer can be diagnosed with a colonoscopy. Under the general or local anesthesia, sick in anus introduce a hose with a microchamber. There is alternative method research - swallow nano-pill. The chamber is arranged in a capsule that will leave the body naturally. The price of a capsule starts from 4,500 rubles.

The cause of the disease can be inflammation of the pancreas. The body produces food juice, and with inflammation, the digestion process is disturbed. The focus has a wandering character, encircles the entire body. Accompanied by inflammation the following signs: nausea, heartburn, fever. It is treated with a course of antibiotics, food enzymes, and a strict diet.

Spleen injury

The spleen is involved in the process of filtering the blood. When it is damaged, there is a sharp pain in the left hypochondrium. The pain is visceral in nature and radiates to the back. It is difficult for a person to move, antispasmodics do not bring relief. Damage to the spleen is associated additional symptoms: fever, general malaise, nausea. An endocrinologist can diagnose the disease. You can alleviate the patient's condition by applying ice to the left side.

The focus may appear when an abscess of the spleen occurs. The organ increases in size and becomes inflamed.

Characteristic of the disease sharp pains and burning. The symptoms are dangerous, because if an organ ruptures, the patient is in danger of fatal outcome. It is treated only surgically.

Disease of the urinary system

Burning and pain in the lower abdomen on the left can signal urolithiasis. The pain has a cramping character. Accompanied by pain when urinating. A small stone can come out naturally, but it does not hurt to consult a urologist surgeon.

It can cause pain and burning sensation both on the right and on the left pyelonephritis. Accompanied by pain when urinating. The patient has general malaise, swelling of the legs and arms. The disease is treated with a course of antibiotics, diuretics and painkillers.

Malfunctions in the reproductive system

In women, pain in the lower abdomen can signal serious gynecological ailments.

A pain symptom of a different nature can cause endometriosis. The nature of the burning sensation may be different. The symptom worsens during menstrual cycle. Endometriosis is accompanied by other signs: discharge from the vagina brown or yellow color, with bad smell temperature rises in the evening. Treated with a course of antibiotics.

Second female disease, one of the signs of which is burning - rupture or inflammation fallopian tubes. The symptom has sharp character and gives in the groin. The victim develops weakness, the skin turns pale. The temperature may rise. It's hard to bend and move.

Rupture of the tubes requires immediate surgical intervention.

Burning on the side of the lower abdomen in a woman can cause an ectopic pregnancy. Symptoms may resemble a normal pregnancy: lack of menstruation, irritability, pain and burning in the lower abdomen. To avoid rupture of the pipes, it is necessary, if any of the symptoms occur, to immediately contact a gynecologist. The specialists will emergency operation. If not diagnosed in time ectopic pregnancy the woman may die from internal bleeding.

When there is a burning sensation in the side, which is accompanied by pain in the hypochondrium, nausea, fever and other signs, you should consult a specialist. An early diagnosis can help the patient avoid surgery and, in some cases, death.

If burning signs appear in the liver region, then you need to urgently make an appointment with a specialist. Burning discomfort in the liver warning sign which cannot be ignored.

In the right hypochondrium can appear after severe physical work or fatty foods, drugs, or just for no reason. In some cases, the feeling that the liver is burning is only irradiation, that is, the burning is simply given to the liver from another organ.

Causes of burning in the liver

If it appears in the hypochondrium on the right side, then in almost all patients such a symptom is associated with the fact that there are problems with the liver. Although, according to statistics, hepatic pathologies are rarely accompanied by a pronounced painful burning sensation.

The fact is that the hepatic parenchyma does not have pain receptors, therefore, painful symptoms occur only in cases where the lesions affect the hepatic capsule.

As for burning symptoms in the liver area, it is usually associated with the movement of stones or sand along bile ducts. Then the burning discomfort is accompanied acute pain paroxysmal nature, which can last several hours or stops after a couple of minutes.

Sometimes burning symptoms are concentrated in the liver area against the background of strong physical overloads.

Liver cells store glycogen. With excessive physical overload, a lot of additional energy reserves are required, because the blood flow to the liver structures increases markedly. As a result, the organ enlarges, causing the capsule to stretch, which causes a burning sensation.

Sometimes the cause is taking drugs that have a hepatotoxic effect. So, hepatocytes are extremely negatively affected hormonal contraceptives, painkillers or antipyretics medical preparations like or Aspirin, Analgin, etc.

Often, an uncomfortable burning sensation in the right side occurs in pregnant women. It's just that the fetus grows, in the third trimester it begins to shift the intraorganic structures. Because of this, the liver is located above the prescribed level, which can cause burning discomfort in the liver tissues.

Associated symptoms

If a burning sensation in the liver tissues arose against the background of disturbances in functional state liver or bile structures, the patient notices that additional symptoms appear, such as:

  • Insomnia and fatigue;
  • Frequent migraines and fatigue;
  • Lack of appetite leading to weight loss;
  • Yellowing of the sclera, mucous membranes and skin;
  • causeless skin itching;
  • and discoloration of feces.

hepatic pathology and functional disorders are able long time go unnoticed, because they develop latently. And such symptoms as painful discomfort occur already at the advanced stages of the pathological process.

Probable diseases

Quite often, hepatic burning is caused by pathological factors, of which there are quite a lot.

It is impossible to independently determine what causes served as a trigger for the appearance in the liver tissues. This requires complex diagnostic measures under the guidance of qualified professionals.

Diagnostic methods

If there is a burning sensation in the liver, then you need to consult a doctor. After examining the patient, the doctor will prescribe appropriate diagnostic procedures.

Usually the diagnostic complex includes ultrasound procedure, and , lungs, vertebral structures. Palpation and laboratory studies of biomaterials (blood, feces, urine, etc.) are also carried out.


There is no single treatment regimen for burning discomfort in the liver area, because given state there could be many reasons. Treatment regimen compiled in accordance with the immediate root cause of such an ailment.