Blepharoplasty of the upper eyelids under local anesthesia. Blepharo under local anesthesia

Blepharoplasty is a correction of the upper and lower eyelids. During plastic surgery, bags under the eyes and overhanging eyelids are removed.

Surgical intervention is carried out both under local anesthesia and with the help of medical sleep.

Anesthesiologists argue that the operation under local anesthesia is more appropriate than the use of medical sleep, but only if the surgery is performed on one of the eyelids - upper or lower.

In addition, the choice of the type of anesthesia will be influenced by the complexity of the operation.


Local anesthesia for blepharoplasty, first of all, helps to avoid the risks of complications that may appear after general anesthesia.

Its action is aimed at blocking nerve impulses, which allows for the loss of temporary sensitivity of the eyelids.

Before the operation, along with anesthetics, sedative therapy is prescribed, which allows you to completely eliminate anxiety and relax.


With local anesthesia, the risk of complications is minimized.

After a few hours, the patient can leave the hospital, while with general anesthesia, you will need to be under the supervision of medical staff for a day.

The rehabilitation period with the use of local painkillers will take less time, unlike drug sleep, and after about 10 days the patient will be able to almost completely return to their usual way of life.

When is it appropriate to use general anesthesia?

With transconjunctival aesthetic plastic surgery, general anesthesia is required, since the incision is made from the inside of the eyelids.

When performing plastic surgery of the upper and lower eyelids at the same time, surgeons still recommend resorting to medical sleep.

Correction of two eyelids at once is more difficult for the patient, and the operation itself takes twice as long.

Photo: Before and after the operation


Blepharoplasty under local anesthesia is performed by one of two methods:

  • application;
  • injection.

The application or surface method consists in applying an anesthetic to the area where the surgical intervention will be performed. Nerve endings become numb and sensitivity is completely lost.

Injection or infiltration anesthesia is performed by injecting an anesthetic under the skin into the area where the operation will be performed.

Along with anesthetics, sedatives are often administered to allow the patient to completely relax.

Required tests

Before carrying out blepharoplasty, regardless of the type of anesthesia, it is necessary to undergo an examination and pass tests.

When using local anesthesia, the doctor is provided with:

  • general blood analysis;
  • general urine analysis:
  • coagulogram;
  • blood for sugar;
  • examination for HIV infection, syphilis, hepatitis;
  • electrocardiogram;
  • fluorography (preferably in the last six months).

Only if all the necessary tests and examinations are available, an operation can be prescribed. In addition, before surgery, it is necessary to consult a general practitioner and an anesthesiologist.

Video: How the operation is performed


Before using local anesthetics, preparation for surgery does not require any complex manipulations.

The patient needs:

  • do not take alcohol the day before the operation;
  • refrain from smoking;
  • inform the surgeon about taking all medicines in the last 3 days;
  • in some cases, the doctor may prescribe sedatives a few days before the procedure, the intake of which is mandatory.

Before the operation, the plastic surgeon:

  • marks areas of skin to be removed;
  • the face is wiped with a disinfectant;
  • then the areas of surgical intervention are cut off, or an anesthetic gel is applied.

After these manipulations, the doctor proceeds to perform blepharoplasty. The duration of the operation largely depends on the complexity of the operation. Most often, the procedure does not take more than 20-40 minutes.

Is it painful to do blepharoplasty under local anesthesia?

When performing blepharoplasty under local anesthesia, tactile sensitivity of the nerve endings is completely lost, so the patient does not feel pain.

At the same time, the touch of the scalpel and the moment of suturing are still felt.

Pain may be present only at the time of chipping with the injection method.

Once the procedure is completed, the patient is given an anesthetic injection.

After the operation, anesthesia gradually ceases to have its effect and unpleasant sensations appear.

Important! If there is severe pain, burning or itching after blepharoplasty, you should immediately contact your supervising doctor.

Are there any contraindications

Since blepharoplasty under local anesthesia is still a surgical intervention with the use of mandatory anesthetics, there is a list of contraindications in which the operation is not performed.

Any surgical intervention is contraindicated for persons suffering from:

  • severe cardiovascular disease;
  • eye diseases (glaucoma, dry eye syndrome);
  • diabetes mellitus;
  • blood diseases (thrombocytosis, hemophilia, etc.);
  • mental disorders;
  • malignant tumor.

If the patient is panicky afraid to go under the surgeon's scalpel in consciousness, general anesthesia can be performed at the request of the patient.

What you need to know about the postoperative period

After the anesthetic wears off, the patient must know that the pain syndrome cannot be completely avoided.

In case of severe discomfort, the doctor may prescribe painkillers.

In the first days, swelling of the eyelids appears, and in some cases, the formation of hematomas is possible. The patient experiences pain in the eyes.


When conducting local anesthesia, there is also a risk of complications. In rare cases, an allergic reaction to the anesthetic used may occur.

With the injection method, by mistake of a doctor, an anesthetic can be injected into a blood vessel. In this case, the patient experiences pain and burning, the formation of severe edema and bruising is possible.

Incorrect calculation of the drug leads to an overdose, which causes a toxic reaction. A high concentration of local anesthetic in the blood is no less life-threatening than with general anesthesia.

The rehabilitation period after blepharoplasty lasts for 2-3 weeks. During this time, the patient should:

  • limit eye strain;
  • in the early days, do not make sudden movements and do not bend over;
  • limit physical activity;
  • avoid thermal procedures and direct sunlight;
  • wear sunglasses;
  • do not use cosmetics;
  • do not wash until the stitches are removed;
  • do not wear contact lenses.

Compliance with simple actions will help prevent the development of such unpleasant complications as extensive hematomas and rupture of sutures, which will require repeated surgical intervention.

Pain relief or general anesthesia

Which method of anesthesia will be used during blepharoplasty depends largely on the wishes of the patient.

After passing all the necessary tests and consulting a doctor, it is decided which type of anesthesia is more appropriate.

Since this operation is not a serious surgical intervention, in the absence of any contraindications and with the consent of the patient, local anesthesia is performed.

The risk of complications with local anesthesia is minimal, unlike the use of medical sleep.

Modern anesthetics and sedatives completely relieve the patient of anxiety and anesthetize during the operation, plunging into a light nap.

General anesthesia induces sleep, and awakening occurs after all the manipulations. As a rule, the patient does not remember any fragments of the surgical intervention.

Getting out of drug sleep is much more difficult than with local anesthesia.

In any case, the patient decides for himself whether to use general anesthesia or local anesthesia.

Anastasia (40 years old, Moscow), 04/12/2018

Hello dear Doctor! I am writing to you to get a qualified answer. My name is Anastasia, I am 40 years old. Recently, my friend had an eyelid surgery, thereby rejuvenating for several years. I was also very excited about this idea, I talked to my husband and he agreed. But I'm concerned about money. I looked at the prices on your website, but will I need to buy any additional ointments for the eyelids after the operation? If necessary, which ones? And what is their price? Thank you!

Good day, Anastasia! After blepharoplasty, it is necessary to use a regular night cream for the skin of the lower eyelids. The upper eyelids do not need active moisturizing with special means. Sincerely, plastic surgeon Maxim Osin.

Alexander (44 years old, Moscow), 04/05/2018

Hello, Maxim Alexandrovich! Are there any special rules that must be observed after blepharoplasty? I heard about reducing physical activity, for example? Sincerely, Alexander.

Hello, Alexander! Indeed, for the rehabilitation period (which usually lasts from one and a half to two months), it is advisable to refrain from an active lifestyle and intense physical exertion. This is due to the fact that non-compliance with these requirements can lead to pressure fluctuations that affect healing. In addition, there may be individual factors that should be considered during the rehabilitation process.

Maria (18 years old, St. Petersburg), 03/28/2018

Good afternoon, my name is Maria, I'm 18 years old. Not so long ago I had an accident, I got stitches and now one eyelid hangs over my eye. Can you please tell me how to fix this problem? Thanks in advance.

Hello Maria! To assess the extent of the problem, it is advisable to see you at a face-to-face consultation, or your photo - send it to me by e-mail. If you have ptosis of the upper eyelid, then blepharoplasty will cost around 50 thousand. If only tissue scarring is observed, then about 30 thousand.

Daria (37 years old, Moscow), 03/13/2018

Hello! Tell me, are swelling and bruising visible after? How soon can you leave the hospital?

Hello! Swelling and bruising after this operation usually disappears in 7-14 days. If you were hospitalized after the operation (although they may let you go home immediately), you can be discharged within 1-3 days - the decision is made by the surgeon who performed the operation. Good luck to you! Thanks for the question!

Violetta (41 years old, Korolyov), 06/04/2017

Hello Maxim! Due to genetics, I have very droopy eyelids. It's the same with my mom. I want to do eyelid surgery, but I don't know how difficult it is to prepare for the operation. Could you tell? Violet.

Good afternoon, Violetta. We always start the examination with an initial face-to-face consultation and passing all the necessary tests (the list can be requested from the administrator of our clinic). 3 weeks before plastic surgery, I strongly recommend that you stop smoking, alcohol and drugs containing aspirin. Before the operation itself, you need to rest. Sincerely, plastic surgeon Maxim Osin!

Olga (37 years old, Moscow), 06/03/2017

Good afternoon, Maxim Alexandrovich! My name is Olga, I am 37 years old. I really want to do blepharoplasty on my eyelids. Can you tell me how long the results last?

Good afternoon, Olga. The result after eyelid surgery can please you for many years (from 7 to 10 years). The only thing you need to remember is that eyelid surgery does not reduce the natural aging of the skin. Sincerely, plastic surgeon Maxim Osin!

Alexandra (58 years old, Moscow), 06/01/2017

Hello! Please tell me how long after the eyelid surgery I can calmly take a shower and wash my hair? Do I have to wait 2 weeks? Until the rehab is over?

Hello! Of course not! The very next day after eyelid surgery, you can take a shower and wash your hair. The main thing is to thoroughly dry the head and seams after water procedures. The stitches will be removed approximately on the fourth day after the operation. But you can use cosmetics after eyelid surgery only for 7-10 days. Sincerely, plastic surgeon Maxim Osin!

Angelina (44 years old, Moscow), 05/30/2017

Good afternoon! I'm getting ready for blepharoplasty. I'm 44 years old. How long will it take for me to see the result of blepharoplasty? How long will the swelling last? When can you be sure how successful everything went?

Hello! I recommend evaluating the result of eyelid surgery two weeks after the operation. Puffiness will persist for the first three days after surgery. Only after 10 days will your bruises completely disappear. The scar will become invisible after 1.5-2 months. Then we can talk about the final result of the operation. Sincerely, plastic surgeon Maxim Osin!

The time has come when cosmetics no longer allow you to look 10 years younger - flaccid eyelids give out age, no matter how hard you try and do not cover it up. They say different things about blepharoplasty: the operation is easy, like going to the dentist, the rehabilitation period is from two to three weeks, the next correction will be required no earlier than after 7 years.

I have no time to think - for 50 years. Went to the clinic after reading the reviews. It's amazing that the doctor I chose based on the reviews practices practically next to my house. I considered it a lucky sign. Everything that happened later, I didn’t even have time to realize - I call the clinic to find out about the consultation, they say, drive up now. I drove up, talked with the doctor for five minutes, immediately signed up for tests and surgery. Less than a week later I got new eyes.

So, they took me to the ward, gave me disposable underwear. The surgeon came and took a picture. The anesthesiologist took me to the operating room. There I was chained to a table with a belt, a clothespin was put on the fingers of my right hand, to determine the level of oxygen, a cuff was put on my left forearm - the pressure was monitored throughout the operation. They covered him with a sheet up to his eyes, injected a sedative into a vein.

The doctor came, drew future incisions on the eyelids, warned that he would carefully place the injections. Indeed, very carefully with a thin needle he first anesthetized the eyelids, then with a thick needle he injected the required amount of painkiller.

To the right and left, two shadowless lamps shone - brightly, uncomfortable. The operation lasted about an hour and a half, the doctor and I constantly talked. There were almost no unpleasant sensations, only at the end, when they worked with the lower eyelids, it became painful. The doctor sewed stitches, adding anesthesia.

After the operation, I got up and went to the ward. There was no dizziness, double vision, lacrimation, there was no pain either. They put an ice compress on my eyelids, I lay there for about an hour. then they let me go home. An hour later, I was driving my car without feeling any discomfort.

The first day was strange - wearing glasses is not very comfortable to be in the room. There was no pain. The most difficult thing was sleeping on the back half-sitting. I didn’t watch TV for the first few days, I listened to audiobooks all day long. You can't strain, and you can't strain your eyes.

Today is the fifth day and I feel much better. The most difficult days are the second and third - the swelling is strong, there is still blood on the napkins. Now I have nothing to worry about, except for the itching from the stitches. By the way, the stitches were not removed, they will be removed on the eighth day.

The face, of course, is very scary in the first days, hematomas of a frightening color. But gradually they turn yellow. It is forbidden to smoke, drink alcohol two weeks before the operation and two weeks after the operation, you need to limit yourself as much as possible in salt. Now I smear bruises with traumeel C and venalif, I do compresses from a cabbage leaf twice a day. While rehabilitation is in full swing. It's not like my eyes are mine, but I already like myself.

What I can confirm or deny: the operation is really painless, no worse than that of a dentist. The rehabilitation period for me personally turned out to be longer than even when the cyst was cut out of my gums. But the dental intervention at that time and the postoperative period was more painful, more painful. Rehabilitation after blepharo does not fit into 2-3 weeks, I already feel it. As for everything else, we'll see.


Today is the 9th day. The stitches were removed yesterday. Bruises remain, but without swelling and are easily masked by concealers. There are practically no edemas, the right upper eyelid remains a little swollen in the morning. The crusts from the seams are almost peeled off, when the seams are completely cleared, it will be possible to take off the glasses.

I want to give recommendations for a quick recovery. In addition to sleeping on my back on high pillows until the stitches were removed, I took Hypotazid 25 mg once a day for half a tablet for edema. To strengthen blood vessels and prevent the formation of age spots (still summer) Askorutin 3 times a day. I lubricate the seams only with Chlorhexidine, wetting cotton swabs with it. Twice a day I apply Venolife ointment and Traumelgel C gel on bruises in turn. Several times a day I put on hematomas very thin plastics of raw potatoes, almost transparent thinness. Before going to bed, I also apply cabbage leaves, first cutting them crosswise. Thanks to these procedures, terrible hematomas turned into small bruises in a week.

Today I warmed the blackness of the bruise with dry heat, using potatoes boiled in their skins. The ink color has turned to red. It is very effective, but you can start warming up the hematoma only when the edema completely disappears.


It's been 3 months since the operation. The seam on the left upper eyelid is absolutely not noticeable, on the right it is bright pink, if you do not cover it with shadows, you can see it. I got used to the face, if you do not look at the photos, it seems that it was so.

I thought that in three months only memories would remain from the operation, but this is not so - rehabilitation continues. Only now the numbness of the upper eyelids has gone, although it still persists closer to the inner corner. Interesting sensations in the transition from the cheeks to the lower eyelids - itching-not-itching, difficult to explain. Operated people say that it is the nerves that sprout))) Maybe so. More pleasant than not.

It still hurts to put pressure on the seam of the upper eyelid - the seam from appendicitis has not hurt for so long. I really want to rub my eyes hard, I start rubbing, there is a fear that the seams will open. In general, everything is already tired, I want to forget. Now I doubt that the seam on the right eyelid will ever brighten.

I'll wait, maybe six months after the operation, everything will finally pass.


1.5 years have passed since the operation. White seams with stitches on the eyelids are visible. The left eye is in a natural crease, almost invisible, and the right eyelid very easily shows where the operation was. If I didn’t use decorative cosmetics every day, I’m sure some attentive friends would ask questions.

The pains are gone, but numbness in the upper eyelid closer to the inner corner remains.

The lower eyelids have not acquired folds, but they no longer have tone, you cannot hide age.

And the main conclusion: everything is correct - it was necessary to do the operation. Despite the fact that "wow" did not happen, the look still remains open, the shape of the eyes is not Buryat, like all of my elderly relatives. If I changed something, it would probably be the doctor. But how do you guess? The reviews were the best.

Blepharoplasty is a plastic surgery that allows you to correct the shape of the eyes, remove overhanging eyelids and bags under the eyes. Many women resort to such a surgical intervention, the procedure is quite easy, easily tolerated, but requires effective anesthesia.

Anesthesia for blepharoplasty can be general or local, which type of anesthesia will be used depends not only on the personal preferences of the patient, but also on the volume of the operation, associated disorders, tolerance to painkillers and a number of other conditions.

Types of anesthesia used in blepharoplasty

Blepharoplasty involves the removal of fatty deposits and muscle tension through incisions in the skin. Naturally, such manipulation is accompanied by severe pain, so it is impossible without high-quality anesthesia.

Blepharoplasty can be performed under local or general anesthesia:


Plastic surgeon, Gerasimenko V.L.:

Hello, my name is Gerasimenko Vladimir Leonidovich, and I am the leading plastic surgeon of a well-known Moscow clinic.

My medical experience is over 15 years. Every year I do hundreds of operations, for which people are willing to pay HUGE money. Unfortunately, many do not suspect that in 90% of cases, surgery is not required! modern medicine has long allowed us to correct most of the flaws in appearance without the help of plastic surgery.
For example, not long ago a new remedy appeared, just look at the effect:

Amazing, right?! Plastic surgery carefully hides many non-surgical methods of correcting appearance, because it is not profitable and you can’t earn a lot of money on it. Therefore, do not rush to immediately go under the knife, try more budget funds first. You can read more about it by clicking the button below.

  • Local anesthesia- local anesthesia of the skin and subcutaneous fat in the affected area. That is, the introduction of a local anesthetic temporarily disables pain receptors in the eye area, and allows you to perform operations without general anesthesia;
  • General anesthesia. This term refers to the intravenous or inhalation administration of anesthetics, which leads to inhibition of the central nervous system, as a result of which pain sensitivity disappears, muscles relax, reflex reactions are suppressed and consciousness is turned off. The use of modern drugs allows you to choose a dose that has a minimal negative effect on the body and its effect lasts exactly as long as necessary for the operation.

Local anesthesia is often combined with sedation - the introduction of sedatives. Their use slows down the functioning of the central nervous system, but at the same time the operated person is conscious.

What to choose - general or local anesthesia

What type of anesthesia is required for blepharoplasty? It is better to choose the type of anesthesia together with the doctor. Most patients prefer local anesthesia, but it is necessary to know that such anesthesia is possible only if the correction concerns only the lower or upper eyelid. With such an intervention, the volume of the operation is insignificant and not particularly complicated in terms of the technique of execution, so local anesthesia will completely allow for high-quality plastic surgery.

Most doctors prefer to combine even local anesthesia with sedation, since the patient is immersed in a shallow sleep, so he relaxes and does not prevent the doctor from doing eyelid surgery.

General anesthesia is unequivocally used if circular blepharoplasty is necessary - simultaneous correction of the lower and upper eyelids, changing the shape of the eyes. Such an intervention requires more time and full concentration of the surgeon, and the effect of local anesthesia is insufficient to comply with these conditions.

When choosing the option of anesthesia for blepharoplasty, not only the type of correction is taken into account, but also a number of other conditions:

  • Patient's age;
  • psychoemotional status. General anesthesia is recommended for people with an increased level of anxiety, suspicious and doubting neuroses, since with local anesthesia it is likely that they will constantly distract the surgeon, which will not have the best effect on the quality of blepharoplasty;
  • Tolerance of local anesthetics. A number of patients are allergic to drugs from this group, so they are shown general anesthesia;
  • diagnostic data. Before blepharoplasty, an extended examination is required, it is also necessary to identify indications and contraindications for anesthesia.

Any anesthesia requires patient preparation, so the type of anesthesia is selected in advance.

Preparatory stage

Preparing a patient for blepharoplasty consists in conducting a series of examinations, these are:

  • Blood test, including clotting, sugar, infections;
  • Fluorography;
  • ECG - electrocardiogram of the heart.

It is necessary to consult an ophthalmologist, an anesthesiologist. If general anesthesia is required, then permission will be required from a general practitioner or cardiologist.

In order for the operation itself to be successful, and there are no negative consequences, it is required:

  • At least 3 weeks before the operation, stop smoking, drinking alcohol and using blood thinners;
  • Compliance with diet therapy on the eve of blepharoplasty. The day before the operation, preference should be given to easily digestible food; in the morning before plastic surgery, you can not eat or drink.

The patient should be warned in advance about the type of anesthesia chosen, the features of its effect on the body and the condition after the operation.

Features of local anesthesia in blepharoplasty

Pain sensitivity during local anesthesia is turned off in two ways:

  • Application- a cream is applied to the required area of ​​the body or a gel with anesthetics is sprayed;
  • Injectable- The anesthetic is injected under the skin using a syringe with a needle.

Blepharoplasty under local anesthesia is performed after injection of drugs. The application method for this type of plastic surgery is not used, since external agents do not penetrate deeply and therefore do not affect the subcutaneous fat.

In most cases, injection anesthesia is performed with preparations containing ultracaine, lidocaine, buvicaine.

Advantages and disadvantages

Blepharoplasty under local anesthesia is preferable to general anesthesia. The main advantages of such anesthesia are:

  • A slight risk of developing systemic severe complications, possible due to the toxic effect of drugs used in general anesthesia;
  • Ability to follow doctor's instructions. During the operation, the surgeon may ask the operated person to periodically close and open his eyes, which has a positive effect on the results of the correction;
  • Short recovery period after anesthesia. The patient can be under the supervision of the clinic staff for only 2-3 hours, and then he is allowed to go home.

Despite the obvious advantages of local anesthesia in blepharoplasty, this type of anesthesia is not always used. Its disadvantages are:

  • Possible increase in blood pressure. During plastic surgery on the eyes, most patients are nervous, which often leads to an increase in blood pressure. This condition does not threaten health, but increases the risk of bleeding, which makes it difficult for the surgeon;
  • The risk of allergic reactions to the anesthetic used;
  • The impossibility of using local anesthesia with extensive intervention. Most often, local anesthesia is prescribed for blepharoplasty of the upper eyelids. When correcting a defect on the lower, the incision is made from the inside and this is not always possible if the operated person is conscious.

Stages of surgery under local anesthesia

Blepharoplasty under local anesthesia is performed in several stages:

  • The doctor marks the areas in need of correction with a special marker in the area of ​​intervention;
  • The skin is treated with an antiseptic;
  • Local anesthesia is performed;
  • After turning off pain sensitivity, the surgeon proceeds directly to blepharoplasty.

The duration of the procedure is about 40 minutes, sometimes a little more or less. All this time the anesthesia will work. But if pain appears, then it is necessary to immediately inform the doctor about this - the additional administration of the drug again blocks pain receptors.

Feelings during blepharoplasty under local anesthesia

There is no pain during the correction of the eyes and eyelids under local anesthesia. However, the operated person is conscious and may well experience some discomfort:

  • When an injection is given, quite severe pain is felt, but it lasts literally seconds and this time must be endured;
  • Pressure on eyelids from using tools. At this time, the patient is required to be completely calm, since the quality of blepharoplasty and the absence of complications after the operation not least depend on this;
  • Cutting in the eyes from bright surgical lamps. During upper eyelid surgery, the eyes are closed, but sometimes the surgeon may ask them to open, and temporary blindness may occur when looking at a bright light source located opposite;
  • Nervous tension, which can cause tachycardia, excessive sweating, weakness, faintness. If the patient is predisposed to such mental changes, then it is better to use local anesthesia along with sedation.

There is no pain for about 1-2 hours after blepharoplasty, but then pain may appear. With their high intensity, you can take an anesthetic drug recommended by your doctor.

Possible complications of local anesthesia

The most dangerous thing that can happen with local anesthesia is an allergic reaction, which in severe cases can lead to anaphylaxis and angioedema. Fortunately, such complications are extremely rare.

The development of Quincke's edema and anaphylaxis requires immediate medical assistance. Therefore, blepharoplasty should be done only in those clinics that have a first aid kit for emergency care in their offices, and an intensive care unit in the institution itself.

Other complications of local anesthesia include:

  • Violation of spontaneous breathing. Such a complication occurs in people with severe pathologies of the respiratory system, but usually any local anesthetics are contraindicated for them, so the diagnosis must be carefully carried out;
  • Hematoma formation due to puncture of the vessel at the time of injection. The complication is not dangerous, the bruising disappears in a few days;
  • Infection. The ingress of pathogenic microorganisms at the time of injection is possible if the rules of asepsis and antisepsis are not followed.

Blepharoplasty under local anesthesia does not lead to undesirable complications if all indications and contraindications are fully established before the procedure, and the surgeon strictly observes the technique of injection and plastic surgery.

Blepharoplasty under general anesthesia

General anesthesia can be intravenous or inhalation. When performing blepharoplasty, preference is increasingly given to TIVA anesthesia - a modern way to turn off consciousness.

The abbreviation TIVA stands for total intravenous anesthesia, which uses only a mixture of drugs injected into a vein. Inhalation drugs for inhibition of central nervous system with this type of anesthesia are not used.

The main advantages of TIVA anesthesia:

  • Slight chance of nausea and vomiting after anesthesia;
  • Hemodynamic stability of the patient;
  • Least risk of toxicity to the patient;
  • Decreased pressure inside the vessels;
  • Fast recovery period after surgery.

TIVA anesthesia provides automatic administration of a pre-calculated dose of anesthetics and continuous monitoring of the patient's condition. Total intravenous anesthesia can also be used if the patient has a persistent form of arterial hypertension.

General anesthesia, unlike local anesthesia, provides complete relaxation of the muscles and turns off the patient's consciousness, which allows the doctor not to be distracted during blepharoplasty by factors that are not related to the course of the intervention.

After general anesthesia, the likelihood of systemic adverse reactions is high. But their development depends mainly on how correctly the dose of the drug is selected. When calculating it, the weight of the patient, his age, and the presence of concomitant diseases are taken into account. Therefore, only a qualified anesthesiologist can give anesthesia qualitatively.

Good day to you!

Based on recent memories, I want to tell you about my blepharoplasty. I myself was looking for the most detailed review, so I will try to state everything to the smallest detail.

I dreamed about the operation for a long time, since I got my father's eyes with an overhanging upper eyelid, and I constantly heard: "What is so sad? Did something happen?" If you're reading, you probably already know this. I am 27 years old. The age is no longer young, but not fading, therefore, when else, if not now, start becoming a beauty?)

The photo "BEFORE" of the general plan is just that. It can be seen that the skin lies on the eyelashes.

By the will of fate, I ended up in the city of Noyabrsk and found out that "Doctor - Golden Hands" operates with them. And that's it, I decided - here and as soon as possible.


Location of the operation - Central City Hospital Noyabrsk

The name of the plastic surgeon, unfortunately, the rules of the site prohibit disclosure.

The cost of the operation is 13705 rubles.

The cost of the chamber - 5781 rubles / day

The cost of analyzes is 3824 rubles.

The cost of medicines is 2500 rubles.

plastic surgeon.

Of course, I reviewed all of his available works, a couple of broadcasts from operations on Instagram, found out that he constantly improves his qualifications, first went to Botox, to a consultation and confirmed my decision. During the operation, I trusted Georgy Yuryevich more than myself.


At the consultation, the doctor looked at me, told me about the operation, set a date (after 6 days, luck was favorable to me, since the record was half a year old), gave directions for tests. I told him to take gel and sunglasses with me. You also need a dressing gown and personal hygiene products if you stay in the hospital for the night.

By the way, the operation was scheduled 5 days before menstruation. Do not recommend so close to it, but I had no choice.

The next day, by 8 am, I arrived at the hospital with directions, paid at the cash desk and in line.

You need to donate only blood from a vein (several test tubes):

Operation day 19.06.2017

By 8 am I came to the hospital to get checked out. The procedure, as it turned out, is long: take a referral from the senior nurse, draw up a medical history, pay, go to the ward. By the way, I ate and drank the last time the night before (I don’t know how to do it right).

The nurse said she would give the history to the doctor, and he would accept it when the time was right. So I sat and waited. I took a photo of the peephole BEFORE:

And then they came for me

First, an intravenous antibiotic was given. Then in the ward it was necessary to completely undress, including underwear and all jewelry, put on a dressing gown and go to the operating room.

Somehow quickly everything began to spin, that especially fear did not have time to come to me)


In the room in front of the operating room, I again took off everything and wrapped myself in a sheet, they put rag shoe covers on my feet, and a cap on my head. And let's go...

The operating room looks creepy, large, bright, tiled (maybe it's just for me). I lay down on the table. The nurses prepared the instruments. I still haven't seen my doctor. A quiet panic ensued. And then I hear him: "Hello." I don't remember the last time I was so happy :)

The doctor took a photo and marked my eyes. I lay down again, they covered me with something heavy on top, wrapped my head, wiped my face ....

The doctor said the operation would take 45 minutes.

The clock was about 12:30.

I had local anesthesia .

First, an anesthetic injection with adrenaline into the eyelid, as it seemed to me, at several points - it hurts a little, but you can endure a few seconds.

Then I felt a strong pressure on my forehead with my hand (I did not immediately realize that I was being cut at that time). There is absolutely no pain. Only a very bright light when the skin was cut off.

And stitching - only the tension of the skin is felt.

The second eye is naturally all the same.

Experiences and struggle with them.

I must say right away that everything related to surgical manipulations, even on the screen, makes me tremble and weakness all over my body. And yes, now I feel like a heroine)

What do I helped me control myself :

1. Complete confidence in the surgeon.

2. No pain.

3. Beautiful eyes in the near future.

4. Music in the background)

5. Pride in your endurance.

6. Almost sleepless night (because of the experiences, she hardly slept and sometimes dozed during the operation).

After operation.

While they were being taken to the ward, twice I crawled from couch to couch, then to the bed.

The doctor said to lie with your head elevated for 3-4 hours, apply ice every hour for 20 minutes. I was immediately put on ice while my glasses were freezing.

At 2 pm dinner was brought, and soon the doctor came. I sat down and opened my eyes for the first time. I could only look down) The doctor said everything is fine, and allowed me to eat.

At about 4 pm, I felt a sharp rush of blood to my eyelids, and they began to swell. The seam in the corner near the nose began to bleed. Eyes watered. As it turns out, this is the norm.

At 7 pm I was allowed to go home, where I immediately went to bed.

Day one 06/20/2017

It was not possible to sleep well, half-sitting and controlling himself so as not to roll over on his side. I put an orthopedic pillow on a regular pillow and fixed my head as best I could.

I was ready for the fact that I would not be able to open my eyes at all, because the edema increases for 2-3 days, but everything was not so scary. I went to the dressing, where everything was washed and a new patch was put on. You could already go about your business. Only I saw very poorly through the cracks, and then if I lifted my chin.

Day two 06/21/2017

The edema began to subside ... to subside along with hematomas. A little easier on the eyes. But here is another problem - a bruise on the white of the right eye. He does not interfere, but it looks scary. I don’t part with sunglasses at all, even at a party (relatives know and understand, but it’s still a spectacle).

Connected care:

Lyoton - 3 times a day on the lower eyelid for bruises.

Aloe Gel - on halves of a cotton pad and as patches under the eyes. I read that aloe dissolves hematomas, well, moisturizes.

Lymphatic drainage massage - gently pressing your fingers, without stretching anything, along the orbital bone.

Day three 06/22/2017

Dressing again. Emoxipin (3 r/day) and Tabrodex (6 r/day) were prescribed to drip into the eyes.

You can even look up almost. Feeling that the patch rubs. The seams don't itch.

And again oh-oh-oh! The right eye does not close completely. I really hope it's because of the swelling.

Day four 06/23/2017

It is noticeable how my eyes bloom and the swelling goes away))