The main syndromes of violation of the body's vital functions. Medical guide for every family

The main clinical characteristics of the assessment of the state of consciousness:

    Clear consciousness - its complete safety, an adequate reaction to the environment, full orientation, wakefulness.

    Moderate stun - moderate drowsiness, partial disorientation, delayed response to questions (often requires repetition), slow execution of commands.

    Deep stupor - deep drowsiness, disorientation, limitation and difficulty in speech contact, the execution of only simple commands.

    Sopor (unconsciousness, deep sleep) - almost complete lack of consciousness, the preservation of purposeful, coordinated protective movements, opening the eyes to pain and sound stimuli, episodically monosyllabic answers to questions, loss of control over pelvic functions.

    Moderate coma (I) - lack of consciousness, chaotic uncoordinated movements in response to painful stimuli, lack of eye opening in response to stimuli.

    Deep coma (II) - lack of consciousness and protective movements, impaired muscle tone, inhibition of tendon reflexes, respiratory and cardiovascular disorders.

    Transcendental (terminal) coma (III) - an agonal state, atony, areflexia, vital functions are supported by mechanical ventilation and cardiovascular drugs.

The clinic distinguishes 5 degrees of severity of the general condition of the patient:

    Satisfactory state - clear consciousness. Vital functions (VHF) are not impaired.

    A state of moderate severity - consciousness is clear or there is moderate stunning. ZhVF are slightly violated.

    Severe condition - consciousness is impaired to a deep stupor or stupor. Severe disorders of the respiratory and / or cardiovascular systems.

    The condition is extremely serious - moderate or deep coma, severe symptoms of damage to the respiratory and / or cardiovascular systems.

    The terminal state is an exorbitant coma with gross signs of damage to the trunk and violations of vital functions.

Types of violations of the body's vital functions. Acute respiratory failure.

Acute respiratory failure (ARF)) is a syndrome based on disturbances in the external respiration system, in which the normal gas composition of arterial blood is not provided or its maintenance at a normal level is achieved due to excessive functional stress of this system.


Distinguish between pulmonary and extrapulmonary causes of ARF.

Extrapulmonary causes:

    Violation of the central regulation of respiration: a) acute vascular disorders (acute cerebrovascular accident, cerebral edema); b) brain injury; c) intoxication with drugs acting on the respiratory center (narcotic drugs, barbiturates); d) infectious, inflammatory and tumor processes leading to damage to the brain stem; e) coma.

    Damage to the musculoskeletal apparatus of the chest and damage to the pleura: a) peripheral and central paralysis of the respiratory muscles; b) spontaneous pneumothorax; c) degenerative-dystrophic changes in the respiratory muscles; d) poliomyelitis, tetanus; e) spinal cord injury; f) the consequences of the action of organophosphorus compounds and muscle relaxants.

    ARF in violation of oxygen transport with large blood loss, acute circulatory failure and poisoning (carbon monoxide).

Pulmonary causes:

    Obstructive disorders: a) obstruction of the respiratory tract by a foreign body, sputum, vomit; b) a mechanical obstruction to the access of air when compressed from the outside (hanging, suffocation); c) allergic laringo - and bronchospasm; d) tumor processes of the respiratory tract; e) violation of the act of swallowing, paralysis of the tongue with its retraction; e) edematous-inflammatory diseases of the bronchial tree.

    Respiratory disorders: a) infiltration, destruction, degeneration of lung tissue; b) pneumosclerosis.

    Reduction of the functioning lung parenchyma: a) underdevelopment of the lungs; b) compression and atelectasis of the lung; c) a large amount of fluid in the pleural cavity; d) pulmonary embolism (PE).

ODN classification.


    Primary ORF - associated with impaired oxygen delivery to the alveoli.

    Secondary ARF - associated with a violation of oxygen transport from the alveoli to the tissues.

    Mixed ARF - a combination of arterial hypoxemia with hypercapnia.


    The ventilatory form of ARF occurs when the respiratory center of any etiology is affected, when the transmission of impulses in the neuromuscular apparatus is disturbed, damage to the chest and lungs, changes in the normal mechanics of breathing in the pathology of the abdominal organs (for example, intestinal paresis).

    The parenchymal form of ARF occurs with obstruction, restriction of the airways, as well as in violation of the diffusion of gases and blood flow in the lungs.

Pathogenesis of ARF due to the development of oxygen starvation of the body as a result of violations of alveolar ventilation, diffusion of gases through the alveolar-capillary membranes and uniform distribution of oxygen throughout organs and systems.

Allocate three main syndromes ODN:

I .Hypoxia- a condition that develops as a result of reduced tissue oxygenation.

Taking into account etiological factors, hypoxic conditions are divided into 2 groups:

BUT). Hypoxia due to a reduced partial pressure of oxygen in the inhaled air (exogenous hypoxia), for example, in high altitude conditions.

B) Hypoxia in pathological processes that disrupt the supply of oxygen to tissues at its normal partial voltage in the inhaled air:

    Respiratory (respiratory) hypoxia - based on alveolar hypoventilation (impaired airway patency, chest trauma, inflammation and pulmonary edema, respiratory depression of central origin).

    Circulatory hypoxia occurs against the background of acute or chronic circulatory failure.

    Tissue hypoxia - a violation of the processes of oxygen uptake at the tissue level (potassium cyanide poisoning)

    Hemic hypoxia - is based on a significant decrease in erythrocyte mass or a decrease in hemoglobin content in erythrocytes (acute blood loss, anemia).

II. hypoxemia- violation of the processes of oxygenation of arterial blood in the lungs. This syndrome can occur as a result of hypoventilation of the alveoli of any etiology (for example, asphyxia), with the predominance of blood flow in the lungs over ventilation with airway obstruction, with impaired diffusion capacity of the alveolar-capillary membrane in respiratory distress syndrome. An integral indicator of hypoxemia is the level of partial oxygen tension in arterial blood (P and O 2 is normally 80-100 mm Hg).

III. Hypercapnia- a pathological syndrome characterized by an increased content of carbon dioxide in the blood or at the end of exhalation in the exhaled air. Excessive accumulation of carbon dioxide in the body disrupts the dissociation of oxyhemoglobin, causing hypercatecholaminemia. Carbon dioxide is a natural stimulant of the respiratory center, therefore, at the initial stages, hypercapnia is accompanied by tachypnea, but as it accumulates excessively in the arterial blood, depression of the respiratory center develops. Clinically, this is manifested by bradypnea and respiratory rhythm disturbances, tachycardia, increased bronchial secretion and blood pressure (BP). In the absence of proper treatment, a coma develops. An integral indicator of hypercapnia is the level of partial tension of carbon dioxide in arterial blood (P and CO 2 is normally 35-45 mm Hg).

clinical picture.

    Shortness of breath, violation of the rhythm of breathing: tachypne, accompanied by a feeling of lack of air with the participation of auxiliary muscles in the act of breathing, with an increase in hypoxia - bradypnoe, Cheyne-Stokes, Biot breathing, with the development of acidosis - Kussmaul breathing.

    Cyanosis: acrocyanosis against the background of pallor of the skin and their normal moisture, with increasing cyanosis becomes diffuse, there may be “red” cyanosis against the background of increased sweating (evidence of hypercapnia), “marbling” of the skin, patchy cyanosis.

The clinic allocates three stages of ODN.

Istages I. The patient is conscious, restless, may be euphoric. Complaints about feeling short of breath. The skin is pale, moist, mild acrocyanosis. The number of breaths (RR) - 25-30 per minute, the number of heartbeats (HR) - 100-110 beats / min, blood pressure is within normal limits or slightly increased, P a O 2 70 mm Hg, P a CO 2 35 mmHg. (hypocapnia is compensatory in nature, as a result of shortness of breath).

IIstage. Complaints of severe suffocation. Psychomotor agitation. Delusions, hallucinations, loss of consciousness are possible. The skin is cyanotic, sometimes in combination with hyperemia, profuse sweat. Respiratory rate - 30 - 40 per minute, heart rate - 120-140 beats / min, arterial hypertension. R and O 2 decreases to 60 mm Hg, R and CO 2 increases to 50 mm Hg.

IIIstage. Consciousness is absent. Seizures. Expansion of pupils with the absence of their reaction to light, spotty cyanosis. Bradypnoe (RR - 8-10 per minute). Falling BP. Heart rate more than 140 beats / min, arrhythmias. R and O 2 decreases to 50 mm Hg, R and CO 2 increases to 80 - 90 mm Hg. and more.

DISEASE - a violation of the vital activity of the body, expressed by physiological and structural changes; arises under the influence of extraordinary (for a given organism) irritants of the external and internal environment. Environmental factors always play a leading role in the onset of a disease, since they not only act directly on the body, but can also cause changes in its internal properties; these changes, being transmitted to offspring, in the future may themselves become the cause of the disease (congenital features). In the body during an illness, destructive processes are combined - the result of damage to certain physiological systems (nervous, circulatory, respiration, digestion, etc.) by a pathogenic factor, and restorative processes - the result of the body's resistance to this damage (for example, increased blood flow, inflammatory reaction, fever, etc.). other). Painful processes are characterized by certain signs (symptoms) that distinguish various diseases from each other.

The reactions of the body that occur in response to the influence of a pathogenic factor develop differently depending on the properties of the diseased organism. This explains the diversity of the clinical picture and the course of the same disease in different individuals. At the same time, each disease has some typical symptoms and course. The section of pathology (the doctrine of diseases), which studies the mechanisms of the development of the disease, is called pathogenesis.

The study of the causes of the disease is a branch of pathology called etiology. Causes of illness can be

  1. external factors: mechanical - bruises, wounds, tissue crushing and others; physical - the action of electric current, radiant energy, heat or cold, changes in atmospheric pressure; chemical - the action of toxic substances (arsenic, lead, chemical warfare agents and others); biological - live pathogens (pathogenic bacteria, viruses, protozoa, unicellular organisms, worms, ticks, helminths); malnutrition - starvation, lack of vitamins in the diet, and others; mental impact (for example, fear, joy, which can cause dysfunctions of the nervous system, cardiovascular, gastrointestinal tract and others; careless words of a doctor can cause serious disorders in suspicious people);
  2. the internal properties of the body - hereditary, congenital (that is, resulting from intrauterine development) and acquired during the subsequent life of a person.

In the emergence and spread of human disease, social factors are of exceptional importance: the difficult working and living conditions of the working masses of a number of capitalist and colonial countries, chronic unemployment, overwork and exhaustion are factors that reduce the body's resistance and contribute to the spread of the disease and the emergence of early disability; the lack of labor protection leads to the development of severe; wars that cause injury and death of millions of people are at the same time the cause of an increase in the incidence of the population. Conditions have been created in the socialist countries that are conducive to the maximum preservation of the health of the working people; special health-improving measures in production led to the elimination of a number of occupational diseases. The socialist health care system is conducive to the prevention of the onset and speedy cure of diseases. These circumstances were sharply reflected in the decrease in morbidity in the USSR and in the increase in the life expectancy of workers.

During each disease, three periods are distinguished: latent, or hidden; period of precursors, or prodromal; period of severe illness.

  • The first, latent period - the time from the onset of the action of the pathogen to the appearance of the first symptoms of the disease in infectious diseases, this period is called the incubation period); its duration in different diseases is different - from several minutes (for example, a burn) to several years (for example, ).
  • The second, prodromal period is the time when the first, often obscure, general symptoms of the disease are detected - general malaise, headache, a slight rise in temperature.
  • The third period, following the prodrome, is the main one in the course of the disease and is characterized by pronounced symptoms typical of this disease; its duration varies with different diseases - from several days to tens of years (for example, tuberculosis, syphilis, leprosy). A number of diseases have a definite period of course (for example, typhoid fever, relapsing fever, pneumonia, and others), other diseases do not have such a definite period of course. According to the course of the disease, according to its most characteristic manifestations, the doctor usually makes a diagnosis.

Often complications arise during the course of the disease - the appearance of new additional violations of the functions of individual organs or systems (for example, pneumonia with measles, testicular inflammation with mumps, bedsores with long-term chronic diseases, in these cases you need to know how to use an anti-decubitus mattress. Sometimes during the course of the disease there are relapses - the return of the disease after an interval of apparent recovery (for example, with typhoid fever, erysipelas and others).

The outcomes of the disease can be: recovery, that is, complete restoration of impaired functions; incomplete recovery, disability - residual effects in the form of a persistent weakening of the functions of one or another system - nervous, cardiovascular and others (for example, heart disease after articular rheumatism, joint immobility after a tuberculous process in it); transition to a chronic, protracted state; death. The transition to recovery can occur quickly: a sharp drop in temperature, subsidence of the symptoms of the disease - the so-called crisis. Sometimes the transition from illness to recovery is slow, the symptoms of the disease disappear gradually, the temperature does not drop to normal immediately - this is the so-called lysis. Death is usually preceded by agony, lasting from several hours to several days.

The disease is classified either depending on the damage to certain body systems (disease of the nervous system, respiratory disease, cardiovascular disease, etc.) or by causative factors (infectious, traumatic diseases, malnutrition, and so on). In addition, diseases are classified according to the nature of the course: acute, chronic, subacute. According to the nature of the symptoms and the course of the disease, mild and severe forms of the disease are distinguished.

The treatment of a disease consists in the influence of therapeutic factors either on the causes of the disease, or on the mechanisms of their development, as well as by mobilizing a number of protective and compensatory adaptations of the body.

A correct understanding of disease, primarily as a result of the organism's interaction with the external environment, determines the preventive direction of socialist health care, which aims primarily to eliminate the conditions that can cause disease.


Coma states

Alcohol intoxication
Skull injuries
Drug poisoning
Meningitis, encephalitis
Uremia and other metabolic disorders
Hypoxia of the brain

Glasgow scale (scoring of the functional state of the central nervous system)

open eye
State of speech
Physical activity
best score - 15
worst score - 3

Stages of the breathing process

external respiration
Transport function of blood
Tissue respiration (O2 consumption and

Lung volumes and capacities

Tidal volume
Residual volume
Total capacity
vital capacity
Inspiratory capacity
residual capacity

Parenchymal mechanism of pulmonary gas exchange disorder

Therapeutic measures
Oxygen therapy
humidified oxygen): through a catheter,
hermetic masks, through the shade
reducing the viscosity of mucus, providing
deep breath, cough stimulation, clearing
bronchial tree
Lung expansion

Ventilation mechanism of pulmonary gas exchange disorder

Therapeutic measures
Increased activity of functional mechanisms
Ensuring spontaneous ventilation of the lungs
Temporary replacement of spontaneous breathing with mechanical ventilation
We achieve by:
Mobilization of lung reserves
Elimination of acidosis and alkalosis
Improving the function of the respiratory muscles
Excitation of the respiratory center
Hyperbaric oxygen therapy

Types of acute respiratory failure

Pulmonary edema
electrical injury
asphyxia (suicidal

Indicators of hemodynamic mechanisms

Arterial pressure
Minute volume of blood circulation
Central venous pressure
Volume of circulating blood

Clinical syndrome of circulatory disorders

Heart failure
Circulatory insufficiency
Primary and Secondary Stop

Causes of primary cardiac arrest

cardiac genesis
heart attack
blood flow, cardiac fibrillation
Extracardiac origin
Reflex cardiac arrest
Cardiac arrest during anesthesia
electrical injury
Due to
acute deficiency of OCC (bleeding,
"Citrate" cardiac arrest
Asphyxia, drowning, intoxication

Options for cardiac arrest

Healthy heart stop
Stopping a sick heart

Acute cardiac arrest clinic

Sudden deterioration in general condition
Loss of consciousness, convulsions
Respiratory failure, areflexia
The disappearance of the pulse, cardiac impulse,
heart sounds
Drop in blood pressure

Forms of circulatory failure


Forms of acute circulatory disorders

Pulmonary embolism
myocardial infarction
Hypertensive crisis
diabetic coma

Syndromes of disorders of water and electrolyte balance

Syndromes of disorders of water and electrolyte balance

Syndromes of acid-base disorder

metabolic acidosis
Respiratory acidosis
metabolic alkalosis
Respiratory alkalosis

Types of shock

Hemorrhagic shock
traumatic shock
Toxic-infectious shock
Anaphylactic shock

Types of critical conditions

Liver failure
kidney failure
Hemocoagulation syndromes
Pulmonary embolism

Metabolic functions in critical conditions and their correction

energy exchange
Metabolism of proteins, fats and carbohydrates

parenteral nutrition

Parenteral nutrition preparations: amino acids
reserves, fat emulsions, carbohydrates, electrolytes
solutions, vitamins, anabolic hormones
Control of homeostasis indicators
Complications of parenteral nutrition:
related to the technique of central venous catheterization
associated with prolonged catheter stay in
central vein
septic complications
the introduction of various solutions
pyrogenic reactions
fat embolism
air embolism

Terminal state

Predagonal state
agonal state
clinical death
The initial stages of resuscitation

During the study of the topic, the student must have the following professional competencies:

Able and willing to identify critical life dysfunctions in surgical patients

Able and ready to provide first aid in case of critical disorders of life

I. Motivation for the purpose of the lesson

Knowledge of critical disorders of vital activity is necessary not only for the professional activity of a doctor of any specialty, but also in the daily life of a person, because. allows you to master the methods of providing timely and targeted assistance in case of an accident in any conditions.

II. The purpose of self-training. To study the clinical signs and principles of medical care in such conditions as acute respiratory failure, acute cardiovascular failure, acute renal and hepatic failure, multiple organ failure syndrome.

III. Educational targets

After self-study of the material of this topic, the student should


Ø clinical manifestations of acute respiratory failure;

Ø clinical manifestations of acute heart failure;

Ø clinical manifestations of acute renal failure;

Ø clinical manifestations of acute liver failure;

Ø clinical manifestations of multiple organ failure syndrome.

Be able to:

Ø to diagnose acute respiratory failure, acute heart failure, acute renal and hepatic failure, multiple organ failure syndrome based on clinical symptoms;

Ø to diagnose clinical death;

Ø provide first aid for respiratory failure;

Ø provide first aid for heart failure;

Ø provide first aid for renal failure;

Ø Provide first aid for liver failure.


Ø an algorithm for determining the type of critical condition and skills in providing first aid to sick adults and adolescents of a surgical profile.

IV. Initial level of knowledge

The student must repeat the concept of first aid, indicators of the state of the functions of vital organs (BP, pulse, frequency and amplitude of respiratory movements, etc.).

V. Plan for studying the topic

1. Clinical assessment of the general condition.

2. Types of violation of the vital activity of the organism in surgical patients.

3. Causes, mechanisms of development, principles of diagnosis and treatment of acute respiratory failure.

4. Causes, mechanisms of development, principles of diagnosis and treatment of acute heart failure.

5. Causes, mechanisms of development, principles of diagnosis and treatment of acute renal failure.

6. Causes, mechanisms of development, principles of diagnosis and treatment of acute liver failure.

7. Causes, mechanisms of development, principles of diagnosis and treatment of multiple organ failure syndrome.

1. Sumin, S.A. Emergency conditions: textbook. allowance for medical students. universities / S.A. Sumin. 6th ed., revised. and additional - M.: MIA, 2006. - 799 p.: ill. (Study literature for students of medical universities and faculty).

2. Practical skills and abilities in the course "General Surgery": textbook. manual for students of all faculties / ed. B.S. Sukovatykh; GOU VPO "Kursk. state. medical. un-ta", department. general surgery.-Kursk: Publishing House of KSMU, 2009.-175 p.: ill

3. Multimedia course of lectures on general surgery for self-training of 3rd year students of the medical faculty of Kursk KSMU 2012.

Electronic Library of the Medical University "Student Advisor" www/

4. General surgery: textbook / Petrov S.V. - 3rd ed., revised. and additional - M. : GEOTAR-Media, 2010. - 768 p. : ill.

5. General surgery: textbook / Gostishchev V.K. - 4th ed., revised. and additional - M. : GEOTAR-Media, 2010. - 848 p.

VII. Questions for self-control

6. By what criteria is the general condition of the patient assessed.

Acute respiratory failure- a syndrome based on violations of the function of external respiration, leading to an insufficient supply of oxygen or a delay in the body of CO2. this condition is characterized by arterial hypoxemia or hypercapnia, or both.

The etiopathogenetic mechanisms of acute respiratory disorders, as well as the manifestation of the syndrome, have many features. Unlike chronic, acute respiratory failure is a decompensated condition in which hypoxemia and hypercapnia rapidly progress, and blood pH decreases. Violations of oxygen and CO2 transport are accompanied by changes in the functions of cells and organs. Acute respiratory failure is one of the manifestations of a critical condition, in which even with timely and proper treatment, a fatal outcome is possible.

Clinical forms of acute respiratory failure

Etiology and pathogenesis

Acute respiratory failure occurs when violations in the chain of regulatory mechanisms, including the central regulation of respiration and neuromuscular transmission, leading to changes in alveolar ventilation, one of the main mechanisms of gas exchange. Other factors of pulmonary dysfunction include lesions of the lungs (lung parenchyma, capillaries and alveoli), accompanied by significant disorders of gas exchange. To this it should be added that the "mechanics of breathing", that is, the work of the lungs as an air pump, can also be disturbed, for example, as a result of trauma or deformation of the chest, pneumonia and hydrothorax, high standing of the diaphragm, weakness of the respiratory muscles and (or) airway obstruction. The lungs are the “target” organ that reacts to any changes in metabolism. Mediators of critical conditions pass through the lung filter, causing damage to the ultrastructure of the lung tissue. Pulmonary dysfunction of one degree or another always occurs with severe effects - trauma, shock or sepsis. Thus, the etiological factors of acute respiratory failure are extremely extensive and diverse.

In the practice of intensive care, two types of acute respiratory failure are distinguished: ventilation (hypercapnic) and parenchymal (hypoxemic)).

Ventilatory respiratory failure manifested by a decrease in alveolar ventilation. This form of respiratory failure is accompanied by an increase in the content of CO2 in the blood, respiratory acidosis, and arterial hypoxemia.

Causes of ventilation respiratory failure:

 Inhibition of the respiratory center by narcotic, sedative drugs, barbiturates or in connection with diseases and (or) traumatic brain injury (heart attack, cerebral edema, increased intracranial pressure, consequences of anoxia of the brain, coma of various etiologies);

 Disturbances in the conduction of nerve impulses to the respiratory muscles (due to traumatic injury to the spinal cord, infection such as poliomyelitis, peripheral neuritis or neuromuscular blockade caused by muscle relaxants, myasthenia gravis and other factors);

 Weakness or dysfunction of the respiratory muscles, “fatigue” of the diaphragm is a common cause of acute respiratory failure in patients in intensive care units and intensive care units.

 Violation of the act of breathing can be observed in trauma or deformation of the chest, pneumothorax, pleural effusion, absence of excursion of the diaphragm.

Ventilatory respiratory failure often occurs in the immediate postoperative period. Factors contributing to ventilation failure include obesity, old age, smoking, cachexia, kyphoscoliosis. The increased formation of CO2 in tissues, observed during hyperthermia, hypermetabolism, mainly with carbohydrate energy supply, is not always compensated by an increased volume of pulmonary ventilation.

Parenchymal respiratory failure is characterized by the development of arterial hypoxemia against the background of a reduced, normal or elevated CO2 level in the blood. It develops as a result of damage to the lung tissue, pulmonary edema, severe pneumonia, acid aspiration syndrome and many other causes and leads to severe hypoxemia. The main pathogenetic links of this form of acute respiratory failure are a pulmonary shunt (blood shunt from right to left), a mismatch between ventilation and blood flow, and a violation of diffusion processes.

Causes of parenchymal respiratory insufficiency:

 Trauma, sepsis, systemic inflammatory response (released inflammatory mediators: tumor necrosis factor, pro-inflammatory cytokines, thromboxane, NO, arachidonic acid metabolites, impaired oxygen transport when pulmonary functional units are damaged by oxygen radicals passing through the lung filter;

 Syndrome of multiple organ failure (in these cases, the lungs are usually affected);

 Respiratory distress syndrome in adults;

 Severe forms of pneumonia;

 Pulmonary contusion;

 Atelectasis;

 Pulmonary edema (caused by increased hydrostatic pressure in the pulmonary capillaries or capillary wall permeability);

 Severe form of bronchial asthma;

 Pulmonary embolism;

 Massive bronchopulmonary aspiration.

Isolation of two forms of acute respiratory failure is arbitrary to a certain extent. Often one form turns into another. A combination of both forms is also possible.

Clinical picture acute respiratory failure can be erased during an external examination of the patient and even absent, but it can also be extremely pronounced.

Ventilatory respiratory failure against the background of coma caused by the action of opiates, sedative drugs, anesthesia, is accompanied by small signs (miosis, shallow breathing). An increase in Pco2 leads to stimulation of the respiratory center, which will most likely result in an increase in all parameters of external respiration. However, this does not happen when exposed to drugs. If active oxygenation is carried out under these conditions, a further decrease in ventilation volume, even apnea, may occur. With the development of ventilation respiratory failure in a patient with initially clear consciousness, blood pressure rises (often up to 200 mm Hg and above), and brain symptoms appear. Very characteristic symptoms of hypercapnia are significant sweating, bronchial hypersecretion and lethargy. If you help the patient to clear his throat and eliminate bronchial obstruction, then lethargy disappears. Hypercapnia is also characterized by oliguria, which is always observed with severe respiratory acidosis.

Decompensation of the state occurs at the moment when a high level of Pco2 in the blood ceases to stimulate the respiratory center. Signs of decompensation in far advanced cases are a sharp decrease in minute ventilation of the lungs, circulatory disorders and the development of coma, which, with progressive hypercapnia, is CO2 anesthesia. Pco2 in this case reaches 100 mm Hg, but coma can occur even earlier due to hypoxemia. At this stage, it is necessary to carry out artificial ventilation of the lungs with high FiO2. The development of shock against the background of a coma means the beginning of rapid damage to the cellular structures of the brain, internal organs and tissues.

Parenchymal respiratory failure is often not accompanied by symptoms of respiratory failure, with the exception of changes in the analysis of arterial blood, indicating a decrease in Po2. it is characterized by a gradual or rapidly progressive course, mild clinical symptoms and the possibility of death in a short time. Initially, tachycardia develops with moderate arterial hypertension, nonspecific neurological manifestations are possible: inadequacy of thinking, confusion of consciousness and speech, lethargy, and so on. Cyanosis is a relatively subjective factor, observed only in the late stage of acute respiratory failure. And corresponding to a significant decrease in oxygen saturation and tension in arterial blood (SaO2< 80%, Po2 < 50ммHg). Внезапно нарушается сознание и развивается кома (гипоксическая) с отсутствием рефлексов, падением артериального давления, остановкой сердечной деятельности. Продолжительность гипоксемической формы острой дахательной недостаточности может колебаться от нескольких минут (при аспирации, асфиксии, синдроме Мендельсона) до нескольких часов и дней (респираторный дистресс синдром взрослых).

Clinical signs of progressive respiratory failure:

 Respiratory disorders (shortness of breath, a gradual decrease in respiratory and minute volumes of breathing, oligopnea, unexpressed cyanosis);

 Increasing neurological symptoms (indifference, aggressiveness, agitation, lethargy, coma);

 Violations of the cardiovascular system (tachycardia, persistent increase in blood pressure with hypercapnia, decompensation of the cardiovascular system and cardiac arrest).

Clinical signs of acute respiratory failure:

 Acute respiratory failure (oligoproe, tachypnea, bradypnea, apnea, abnormal rhythms);

 Progressive respiratory hypoxemia (Po2< 50 мм Hg при дыхании воздухом);

 Progressive hypercapnia (Pco2< 50 мм Hg);

 pH< 7,30.

All these signs are not always detected. The presence of at least two of them allows you to make a diagnosis.

Acute heart failure- this is a sudden onset of muscle failure of the ventricles of the heart. This condition can be aggravated by the dissonance between the decrease in the work of one and the normal function of another part of the heart. Sudden onset of heart failure can be fatal.

The causes of acute cardiac dysfunction are myocardial infarction, diffuse myocarditis, excessive exercise, intercurrent infection, as well as other pathological conditions in which hypercatecholaminemia is observed, violation of the ionic composition of the intracellular fluid, conduction disturbance, especially in the atrioventricular system (Morgagni-Edems-Stokes attacks ), impaired excitability (attacks of paroxysmal tachycardia, paroxysmal flutter and atrial fibrillation and ventricular fibrillation leading to asystole).

Symptoms of acute heart failure

The clinical picture of acute heart failure, accompanied by a drop in minute volume, a sharp decrease in blood supply to the arterial system, is very similar to the picture of acute circulatory vascular insufficiency, therefore it is sometimes referred to as acute cardiac collapse, or cardiogenic shock. Patients have extreme weakness, a condition close to fainting), pallor, cyanosis, cold extremities, very small filling of the pulse. Recognition of acute weakness of the heart is based primarily on the detection of changes in the heart (expansion of the boundaries of the heart, arrhythmia, prodiastolic gallop rhythm). At the same time, shortness of breath, swelling of the cervical veins, congestive rales, in the lungs, cyanosis are observed. A sharp slowdown (less than 40 per minute) or an increase (more than 160 per minute) of the pulse is more characteristic of cardiac weakness than vascular weakness. Blood pressure is reduced. There are symptoms of organ ischemia with symptoms of venous plethora due to a disproportion between the total mass of circulating blood and its effective volume.

acute syndrome right ventricular failure most clearly manifested in cases of blockage of the trunk of the pulmonary artery or its large branch due to the drift of a blood clot from the veins of the legs, pelvis, less often from the right ventricle or atrium. The patient suddenly develops shortness of breath, cyanosis, sweat, a feeling of pressure or pain in the region of the heart, the pulse becomes very small and frequent, and blood pressure drops. Soon, if the patient remains alive, venous pressure increases, the cervical veins swell, and then the liver enlarges, an accent of II tone on the pulmonary artery and a gallop rhythm are heard. X-ray is determined by an increase in the right ventricle, expansion of the cone of the pulmonary artery. After 1-2 days, signs of a heart attack of pneumonia may appear.

Acute right ventricular failure can be observed in patients with acute myocardial infarction of the posterior wall with concomitant pneumosclerosis and emphysema. Along with the clinic of myocardial infarction, they have cyanosis, stagnation in the systemic circulation and a sudden enlargement of the liver. Sometimes patients enter the surgical department with a diagnosis of acute abdomen and acute cholecystitis due to the occurrence of severe pain in the right hypochondrium due to stretching of the liver capsule.

Acute left ventricular failure clinically manifested by cardiac asthma and pulmonary edema.

Cardiac asthma is an upcoming attack of suffocation.

It should be borne in mind that the clinical picture of acute left ventricular failure also develops in cases of mechanical closure of the left atrioventricular orifice by a mobile thrombus in mitral stenosis. Characteristic is the disappearance of the arterial pulse along with a noticeable strong heartbeat, the appearance of acute pain in the region of the heart, shortness of breath, increasing cyanosis, followed by loss of consciousness and the development in most cases of reflex collapse. Prolonged closure of the atrioventricular orifice by a thrombus, as a rule, leads to the death of patients.

Similarly, with mitral stenosis, a syndrome of acute functional insufficiency of the left atrium is often observed. This happens when the defect is compensated by increased work of the left atrium while maintaining the contractile function of the right ventricle. With excessive physical stress, a sudden stagnation of blood in the vessels of the lungs can occur and an attack of cardiac asthma occurs, which can turn into acute pulmonary edema. Sometimes such attacks are repeated often, appear suddenly and just as suddenly disappear, which confirms the great importance of the reflex influence from the atria to the vessels of the lung.

To date, all the mechanisms for the development of cardiac asthma have not been deciphered. Convincing data have been obtained on the role of the central and autonomic nervous systems in the occurrence of these attacks. Hormonal factors also play a big role.

It is known that attacks of cardiac asthma and pulmonary edema can occur when the pulmonary artery receptors are irritated by a cardiac probe during cardiac probing.

With physical exertion, agitation, fever, pregnancy, etc., there is an increased need for oxygen in the body, cardiac activity increases and minute volume increases, which in patients with existing heart lesions can lead to suddenly developing weakness of the left heart. The decompensated difference in the ejection of blood from the right and left parts of the heart leads to an overflow of the small circle, blood circulation. Pathological reflexes due to hemodynamic disorders lead to the fact that the production of glucocorticoids decreases, and mineralocorticoids - increases. This, in turn, enhances vascular permeability, causes sodium and water retention in the body, which further worsens hemodynamic parameters.

It is necessary to take into account another factor that can play an important role in the development of these complications - this is a violation of the lymph circulation in the lung tissue, the expansion of anastomoses between the veins of the large and small circles.

Prolonged increase in capillary pressure in the lungs above 30 mm Hg. Art. causes leakage of fluid from the capillaries into the alveoli and can lead to pulmonary edema. At the same time, as shown in the experiment, a short-term increase in capillary pressure in the lungs, reaching 50 mm Hg. Art. and more, does not always lead to pulmonary edema. This indicates that capillary pressure is not the only factor influencing the development of pulmonary edema. A significant role in the development of pulmonary edema belongs to the permeability of the alveolar and capillary walls and the degree of precapillary pressure. Thickening and fibrosis of the alveolar wall may prevent the development of pulmonary edema at high capillary pressure. With increased capillary permeability (anoxemia, infections, anaphylactic shock, etc.), pulmonary edema can develop even when capillary pressure is well below 30 mm Hg. Art. Pulmonary edema occurs in patients with a small difference between pressure in the pulmonary artery and pulmonary capillaries and low pulmonary arteriolar resistance. When the pressure gradient between the pulmonary artery and the pulmonary capillaries is high, there is a high pulmonary arteriolar resistance, which creates a protective barrier that protects the pulmonary capillaries from overflowing with blood, a sharp increase in pressure in them, and, consequently, from the occurrence of cardiac asthma or pulmonary edema. . In patients with a pronounced narrowing of the left venous orifice, the development of muscle fibers in the pulmonary arterioles, proliferation of fibrous tissue in the intima of the vessels, thickening of the pulmonary capillaries, hypertrophy of the fibrous base with a partial loss of elasticity of the lung tissue were noted. In this regard, the pulmonary capillaries move away from the alveolar membrane, the alveolar membranes themselves thicken. Such a restructuring begins with an increase in pressure in the pulmonary artery to 50 mm Hg. Art. and higher and most pronounced in the pulmonary vessels with an increase in pulmonary arterial pressure up to 90 mm Hg. Art. and higher.

These changes reduce the permeability of blood vessels and alveolar membranes. However, these morphological changes in patients with mitral stenosis do not exclude the possibility of developing asthma attacks or pulmonary edema. Capillary extravasation is also possible with these changes, but at a higher “critical” level of pulmonary capillary pressure, which is necessary for the occurrence of capillary extravasation and the passage of tissue fluid through the altered alveolar membranes.

Clinic of cardiac asthma and pulmonary edema characterized initially by the occurrence of severe suffocation and severe cyanosis. In the lungs, a large number of scattered dry and wet rales are determined. There is a bubbling breath, a cough with the release of foamy sputum (often stained with blood). Blood pressure is often reduced.

Acute renal failure (ARF)- this is a sudden, potentially reversible significant decrease or complete cessation of all (secretory, excretory and filtration) functions of the kidneys. Every second patient with acute renal failure needs hemodialysis. Currently, there is a trend in which acute renal failure is detected as one of the manifestations of the syndrome of multiple organ failure.


All the causes that cause the development of ARF can be divided into three large groups:

1. Extrarenal (extrarenal) causes- lead to a decrease in BCC and a sharp decrease in renal blood flow, which can cause irreversible death of kidney tissue cells. Extrarenal causes of acute renal failure include: severe major surgery, especially in debilitated patients or in elderly patients; injuries accompanied by pain shock and hypovolemia; sepsis; massive blood transfusion; extensive burns; indomitable vomiting; uncontrolled intake of diuretics; cardiac tamponade.

2. Renal (renal) causes- include ischemic and toxic lesions of the renal tissue, acute inflammation of the renal parenchyma or damage to the vessels of the kidneys, which cause necrosis of the renal tissue. The renal causes of acute renal failure include: acute glomerulonephritis; acute tubular necrosis; rheumatic affections of the kidneys; blood diseases; poisoning with salts of mercury, copper, cadmium, poisonous mushrooms, organic fertilizers; malignant arterial hypertension; lupus nephritis; uncontrolled intake of drugs from the group of sulfonamides, anticancer drugs, aminoglycosides, NSAIDs.

3. Subrenal (postrenal) causes- associated with a violation of the outflow of urine, which leads to the accumulation of urine in the pyelocaliceal system, edema and necrosis of renal tissue cells. The renal causes of acute renal failure include: bilateral obstruction of the ureters with calculi, a blood clot; urethritis and periurethritis; tumors of the ureters, prostate, bladder; prolonged compression of the ureters in trauma, surgical interventions on the abdominal organs.


Depending on the causes of development, prerenal, renal and postrenal acute renal failure are distinguished, respectively.


With acute renal failure, there is a sharp violation of all the functions that the kidneys perform. The loss of the ability of the kidneys to maintain the balance of electrolytes in the blood is accompanied by an increase in the concentration of calcium and potassium and chlorine ions, as well as the accumulation of protein metabolism products and an increase in the level of urea and creatinine in the blood. Violation of the secretory function of the kidneys causes the development of anemia and thrombocytopenia. As a result of a violation of the excretory function of the kidneys, one of the main symptoms of acute renal failure develops - oliguria (reduction in urine output) up to anuria (complete absence of urine). The condition of patients with acute renal failure is usually moderate or severe, there are disturbances of consciousness (lethargy or excessive excitement), swelling of the extremities, heart rhythm disturbances, nausea and vomiting, an increase in the size of the liver.

The clinical course of acute renal failure is divided into several stages, successively replacing each other.

1. At the initial stage of acute renal failure, the duration of which is usually several hours, less often several days, circulatory collapse develops, accompanied by severe ischemia of the renal tissue. The patient's condition may be different, it is determined by the main cause of the development of acute renal failure.

2. At the stage of oligoanuria, there is a sharp decrease in the volume of urine (no more than 0.5 liters of urine per day) or a complete absence of urination. This stage usually develops within three days from the onset of acute renal failure, but can be extended up to 5-10 days. At the same time, the later ARF developed and the longer its duration, the worse the prognosis of the disease and the higher the likelihood of death. With prolonged oligoanuria, the patient becomes lethargic and inhibited, may fall into a coma. Due to the pronounced suppression of immunity, the risk of a secondary infection with the development of pneumonia, stomatitis, parotitis, etc. increases.

3. During the diuretic stage, there is a gradual increase in the volume of urine, reaching about 5 liters of urine per day. The duration of the diuretic stage is usually 10-14 days, during which there is a gradual regression of symptoms of renal failure, restoration of the electrolyte balance of the blood.

4. At the stage of recovery, there is a further restoration of all kidney functions. It may take 6 months to a year to fully restore kidney function.

Acute liver failure develops as a result of massive necrosis of hepatocytes, which leads to a sharp deterioration in liver function in patients without previous liver disease. The main symptom of acute renal failure is hepatic encephalopathy (HE), which has a decisive influence on the course of acute renal failure and the prognosis of the disease.

One can talk about acute renal failure if encephalopathy develops within 8 weeks from the onset of the first symptoms of acute hepatocellular insufficiency. If PE develops within 8 to 24 weeks from the onset of the first symptoms of liver damage, then we should talk about subacute liver failure. In addition, it is advisable to isolate hyperacute liver failure, which develops within 7 days from the onset of jaundice. Mortality in acute renal failure is, according to different authors, from 50 to 90%.

The main etiological factors in the development of acute renal failure are:

1. Viral hepatitis.

2. Drug poisoning (paracetamol).

3. Poisoning with hepatotoxic poisons (mushrooms, alcohol substitutes, etc.).

4. Wilson-Konovalov disease.

5. Acute fatty degeneration of the liver of pregnant women.

The main symptoms and complications of acute renal failure

Hepatic Encephalopathy is a complex of potentially reversible neuropsychiatric disorders resulting from acute or chronic liver failure and/or portosystemic shunting.

According to most researchers, PE develops due to the penetration of endogenous neurotoxins through the blood-brain barrier (BBB) ​​and their effects on astroglia as a result of liver cell deficiency. In addition, the amino acid imbalance that occurs with liver failure affects the development of PE. As a result, the permeability of the BBB, the activity of ion channels changes, neurotransmission and the provision of neurons with macroergic compounds are disturbed. These changes underlie the clinical manifestations of PE.

Hyperammonemia in liver diseases is associated with a decrease in the synthesis of urea and glutamine in it, as well as with portosystemic shunting of the blood. Ammonia in a non-ionized form (1–3% of the total amount of ammonia in the blood) easily penetrates the BBB, stimulating the transport of aromatic amino acids to the brain, resulting in increased synthesis of false neurotransmitters and serotonin.

According to some authors, in addition to ammonia, neurotoxins involved in the pathogenesis of PE include mercaptans, short- and medium-chain fatty acids, and phenols formed from the corresponding substrates under the influence of intestinal bacteria. Their mechanisms of action are similar and are associated with inhibition of neuronal Na+,K+-ATPase and increased transport of aromatic amino acids to the brain. Short- and medium-chain fatty acids, in addition, inhibit the synthesis of urea in the liver, which contributes to hyperammonemia.

Finally, there are indications of a role in the pathogenesis of PE of the inhibitory neurotransmitter g-aminobutyric acid (GABA) of intestinal origin, the excessive intake of which into the brain under conditions of astroglial edema also leads to an increase in neuropsychiatric disorders characteristic of PE.

It is important to note that a clear relationship between the concentrations of each of the listed metabolites involved in the pathogenesis of PE and the severity of encephalopathy has not been established. Thus, PE appears to be the result of a complex effect and mutual enhancement of several factors: endogenous neurotoxins, among which ammonia plays a leading role, amino acid imbalance, and changes in the functional activity of neurotransmitters and their receptors.

In the development of encephalopathy in patients with acute renal failure, factors of liver parenchymal insufficiency predominate, the outcome of which is often endogenous hepatic coma. The provoking factors in this case are the increased breakdown of proteins contained in the diet, or when a blood protein enters during gastrointestinal bleeding, inappropriate medication, alcohol excesses, surgical interventions, concomitant infection, etc. Encephalopathy in patients with liver cirrhosis can be episodic with spontaneous resolution or intermittent, lasting many months or even years. In accordance with the criteria of the International Association for the Study of Liver Diseases (Brighton, UK, 1992) and the standardization of nomenclature, diagnostic signs and prognosis of liver and biliary tract diseases (C.Leevy et al., 1994), latent and clinically pronounced (4 stages) PE is distinguished .

1. Common symptoms in acute renal failure: nausea, vomiting, anorexia, hyperthermia, malaise and progressive fatigue.

2. Jaundice is a mirror of the degree of liver failure. The level of bilirubin can increase up to 900 µmol/l.

3. "Liver smell" from the mouth (the smell of rotten meat).

4. Flapping tremor. It is determined in patients in the mind. In addition, it can be registered with uremia, respiratory failure, low levels of potassium in the blood plasma, as well as intoxication with a number of drugs.

5. Ascites and edema (associated with a decrease in the level of albumin in the blood).

6. Deficiency of coagulation factors due to a decrease in their production by the liver. The number of platelets also decreases. As a result, gastrointestinal bleeding and diapedetic bleeding from the nasopharynx, retroperitoneal space, and injection sites often develop.

7. Metabolic disorders. As a rule, hypoglycemia develops as a result of gluconeogenesis and an increase in insulin levels.

8. Cardiovascular complications:

hyperdynamic circulation (reminiscent of septic shock) - an increase in cardiac index, low peripheral resistance, arterial hypotension;


heart enlargement;

pulmonary edema;

arrhythmias (atrial fibrillation and ventricular extrasystoles);

pericarditis, myocarditis and bradycardia develop in the terminal phase of acute liver failure.

9. Sepsis. The septic state is aggravated by the phenomena of immunological dysfunction. The most common pathogens are Staphylococcus aureus/Streptococci, intestinal flora.

10. Renal failure (hepatorenal syndrome). Most patients with acute renal failure have renal failure, which is manifested by oliguria, an increase in the level of blood creatinine. In case of poisoning with acetaminafen, renal failure also develops as a result of the direct toxic effect of the drug. Tubular lesions can develop as a result of hypotension and hypovolemia. The level of blood urea in acute renal failure, as a rule, is low as a result of a decrease in its synthesis in the liver.

Differential diagnosis of acute (fulminant) liver failure should be carried out with bacterial meningitis, brain abscess, encephalitis.
