The harmful effects of daytime sleepiness on the body - alarming symptoms warn of a serious illness. Reasons why you always want to sleep I want to sleep and drink

Feeling tired after a hard day at work, housework, and all kinds of stress is completely normal. But if it is repeated day after day, night sleep does not provide relief, becomes intermittent, and in the morning the feeling of weakness, fatigue does not leave you, you want to sleep during the day, irritability appears, this may be a symptom of a hormonal disorder or some disease.

There are many reasons, but by identifying the real one, the condition can be normalized.

Fatigue appears due to a malfunction of the endocrine gland.

In addition to this symptom there are:

  • problems with weight – it decreases or increases;
  • performance decreases;
  • muscle pain appears;
  • body temperature drops;
  • loss of appetite;
  • vision deteriorates.

Hormonal balance affects the speed of metabolic processes - they slow down, so if you are constantly tired, you need to get tested for hormones. Fatigue caused by thyroid dysfunction is treated with hormonal medications as well as dietary adjustments. It is recommended to include sea fish, seaweed, and flaxseed in your diet.

Chronic fatigue syndrome

During the day you want to sleep - the reasons are sometimes trivial, since stress and fatigue tend to accumulate if you do not rest properly. At some point, rest no longer gives you strength. This condition may be caused by a disorder of the adrenal glands, which begin to produce cortisol and adrenaline in increased amounts.

Additional symptoms:

  • prolonged migraines;
  • pain in muscles, joints, throat, which can be confused with cold symptoms;
  • constipation;
  • memory problems, absent-mindedness;
  • convulsions.

Chronic fatigue syndrome is one of the reasons why a person wants to sleep during the day.

The amount of stress hormones directly depends on how often stress is experienced. Constant stress must be dealt with by leading a healthy lifestyle, playing sports, and resting if the body requires it.

Low blood pressure

Weakness occurs due to lack of oxygen in the blood. In addition, the person begins to yawn frequently. Low blood pressure can be increased with coffee, green tea, lard, and folk remedies.


Obesity promotes sleepiness because in this state there is no desire to move. An unhealthy diet contributes to the development of diabetes. With diabetes mellitus, encephalopathy develops - damage to brain cells, characterized by tissue degeneration. All this together leads to a feeling of fatigue.

Severe stress

When stressed, hormones are produced that mobilize the human body: the muscles are prepared for increased stress, the heart is ready to pump blood faster and in greater volume. This does not go unnoticed for the body. After some time, a “rollback” occurs, a loss of strength. Drowsiness signals the body the need to recuperate.

Intoxication of the body

Acute intoxication can be caused by:

  • drinking alcoholic beverages;
  • smoking tobacco products and illegal drugs;
  • taking tranquilizers;
  • dehydration.

The mechanism of development of drowsiness will be different in each case.

Obstructive sleep apnea

This is cessation of breathing during sleep. Sometimes a person is not aware of this problem, but as a result, sleep phases are disrupted, which is why one feels tired in the morning and constantly wants to sleep during the day.

People over 50 years of age and those suffering from excessive obesity are predisposed to apnea. In some cases, treatment through surgery is required.

Habit of daytime rest

It may also be a matter of getting used to a special daily routine. If you sleep for some time during the day, and then deprive yourself of this and stay awake, then during the day you will have a desire to sleep at certain hours. Daytime sleepiness significantly reduces physical and mental performance.


I want to sleep during the day, the reasons for this phenomenon are physiological, during pregnancy. Drowsiness is caused by hormonal changes. The feeling of constant fatigue is accompanied by absent-mindedness, increased heart rate, shortness of breath, and dizziness.

Disturbances in the functioning of the vestibular apparatus

This body system is responsible for maintaining balance. If any imbalance occurs, and it may not be caused by pathological reasons, but, for example, by motion sickness in transport, then weakness appears, reactions slow down, and dizziness occurs. If daytime sleepiness occurs while traveling, then this is the cause.

Wrong evening routine

During the day, some people want to sleep because at night they suffer from insufficient deep sleep. Reason: nervous excitement before bedtime. This is facilitated by watching TV, sitting on social networks in front of the screen of a laptop, smartphone, tablet. Screen flickering negatively affects subsequent sleep.

It is best to listen to calm music or read a book at night. This promotes relaxation. As a result, sleep will come faster and will be more productive.

Violations of work and rest schedules

This is most clearly manifested in people forced to work night shifts with periodic schedule changes: sometimes during the day, sometimes during the night. The body does not have time to adapt, which is why drowsiness occurs during the day.


Fatigue can periodically set in during periods of cloudy rainy weather. Firstly, this is determined by physical factors, since there is a relationship between low atmospheric pressure and a decrease in blood pressure.

Secondly, the general “grayness” of the environment affects, which does not have the best effect on a person’s psychological state. This makes you feel sad, your interest in life decreases, and as a result, you feel tired during the day.


With anemia, the amount of hemoglobin in the blood, which is responsible for transporting oxygen, decreases. The brain and nervous system experience oxygen starvation, which immediately affects performance.

Additional symptoms:

  • pallor;
  • lethargy;
  • weight loss;
  • Bad mood.

The condition requires treatment. Prescribe iron supplements and adjust the diet to include iron-rich foods.

Infectious diseases

During infectious diseases, the body spends energy fighting infection and maintaining working condition. After healing, the body is weakened, exhausted, and needs some time to recover. During this period, it is advisable to maintain a gentle working regime, take a course of vitamins and eat well.


Drowsiness often occurs due to insufficient oxygen supply to the brain. However, anemia, physical inactivity, and low blood pressure are not the only causes of this condition.

One of the main reasons is insufficient vascular permeability of the brain.

Additional symptoms:

  • absent-mindedness;
  • headache;
  • memory impairment;
  • noise in ears.

Adrenal insufficiency

With this disease, the production of hormones is disrupted, which leads to dystrophy and poor appetite. The overall energy tone of the body decreases.

Heart failure

In heart failure, a circulatory disorder occurs, causing the brain to experience oxygen starvation.

Liver and kidney diseases

In both cases, toxic substances accumulate in the body, which disrupt metabolic processes. This leads to increased sleepiness.


During the day you want to sleep (the causes of drowsiness are not always harmless) if a neoplasm develops in the body. Oncology is a disease in which toxic substances also accumulate in the body and the functioning of organs is disrupted. The immune system, forced to constantly fight the tumor, is gradually depleted, and along with it, energy reserves.

Idiopathic hypersomnia and narcolepsy

This is a pathological condition observed mainly in young people. The disease is difficult to diagnose. Conclusions about its presence are made on the basis of examination using polysomnography and testing. A distinctive feature of hypersomnia is constant sleepiness during the day, literally being half asleep.

Narcolepsy is characterized by a sudden, irresistible desire to fall asleep, which occurs even in completely inappropriate situations. Drowsiness comes in attacks and can be combined after waking up with a significant decrease in muscle tone.

Hypersomnia and narcolepsy can be caused by brain injuries, psychophysiological factors, and the use of certain medications.

How to get rid of fatigue

Helps to get rid of drowsiness:

Why you shouldn't drink coffee

Doctors do not recommend fighting the feeling of fatigue with coffee. Coffee can both raise and lower blood pressure, but not everyone knows about this. Coffee contains not only caffeine, which has a vasoconstrictor property and helps increase blood pressure. This effect is observed only in the first 60 minutes after drinking a cup of coffee.

Then caffeine is broken down and other vasodilating substances - theophylline theobromine, vitamin PP - begin to affect the body. This is why some people complain of low energy after a short burst of energy caused by drinking coffee.

In addition, coffee is addictive, which is why in order to achieve the desired effect - a feeling of vigor - you have to gradually increase the dosage and drink not one, but two or three cups of coffee. Higher doses of caffeine stress the cardiovascular system, which causes palpitations and poor health.

If the body gets used to caffeine, then the opposite effect is observed, since the nervous system is not excited; on the contrary, a hot drink creates a feeling of fullness in the stomach, relaxes, and creates a feeling of comfort. As a result, one begins to feel sleepy.

You can get rid of a state of drowsiness caused by external reasons, if you want to sleep during the day at an inconvenient time, by normalizing your work and rest schedule. But for systemic diseases, correction of the regime and diet will help little. In such cases, serious drug treatment and sometimes surgical intervention are required.

Video about daytime sleepiness, its causes and ways to combat it

Three reasons for drowsiness:

10 ways to eliminate drowsiness:

Why do you always want to sleep - reasons for drowsiness, advice from a psychologist

I want to sleep all the time

Sleep is a vital process in which the body restores strength. When you don't get enough sleep, your body's natural reaction is drowsiness. In medical practice, the term “somnolence” is used to refer to this condition, which comes from the Latin somnolentia, which translates as “drowsiness.” However, there are times when, even with sufficient rest, a person is excessively sleepy and does not know why he always wants to sleep.

How to determine the cause of drowsiness

To eliminate drowsiness, it is first necessary to identify the reason why the desire to sleep constantly arises. If you are tired from mental or physical stress, sleep little or are often in a tense state, the reason is obvious: the body needs rest. But if you are not influenced by these factors, and drowsiness is actively manifested, then the problem is associated with deterioration in health, including psychological health. For example, I lead a healthy lifestyle and feel good, but I want to sleep all the time.

Unfortunately, drowsiness can be caused by various diseases, including psychological trauma, as well as medications intended to eliminate their symptoms. Drowsiness is often a side effect of taking antihistamines and psychotropic drugs. Therefore, if rest does not help get rid of excessive sleepiness, you should consult a doctor and investigate your health condition.

Types of drowsiness

Depending on the reason why you always want to sleep, there are the following types of drowsiness:

– physiological drowsiness caused by severe fatigue or overwork, which occurs with prolonged absence of rest (more than 16 hours). Fatigue appears due to the impact of physical and mental stress on the body, stressful conditions, poor nutrition, discrepancy between rest time and severity, duration of work;

– pathological drowsiness, which is associated with poor health and is a sign of diseases such as anemia, kidney disease, intoxication, hypoxia, atherosclerosis, hypothyroidism, etc. Severe forms of pathological drowsiness include: neurotic disorders, narcolepsy, idiopathic, drug-induced, post-traumatic hypersomnia, circadian rhythm disorder, sleep apnea syndrome.

Studying the types and forms of drowsiness gives a clear idea of ​​why you always want to sleep, and the answer is simple - it is. Trying to do everything, at work or at home we sacrifice the most important thing - rest, with an acute lack of time for proper rest, we often do not get enough sleep and get even more tired.

Drowsiness in pregnant women

Excessive sleepiness is often characteristic of women during pregnancy due to hormonal shifts, especially in the early stages. Drowsiness, which is felt after three months of pregnancy, may indicate anemia, and after five months - eclampsia, i.e., a severe form of late toxicosis.

To avoid drowsiness and not torment yourself with the question “Why do I always want to sleep?”, use the following tips:

1. Regular exercise. Exercise stimulates the production of endorphins, which significantly improve productivity.

2. Stable sleep pattern. Get at least 8 hours of sleep a night and go to bed at approximately the same time every day.

3. Proper nutrition. Consume fruits and vegetables as they contain many vitamins, antioxidants and other beneficial substances. Eat fresh and light foods and drink plenty of water to keep your body hydrated.

4. Being in the fresh air. Insufficient oxygen supply causes oxygen starvation of the brain (hypoxia), so a person experiences a loss of strength and increased drowsiness when staying indoors for a long time. You can cope with this by staying in the fresh air.

5. Blood pressure measurement. A decrease in blood pressure (hypotension) also leads to drowsiness, so you should periodically measure your blood pressure, monitoring the functioning of the circulatory system.

Thus, drowsiness is a natural reaction of the body, signaling the need for rest or health problems. Knowing the cause of drowsiness and eliminating it helps improve your well-being and general condition of the body.

20 comments on “Why do you always want to sleep - reasons for drowsiness, advice from a psychologist”

    I don’t know about others, if I don’t get enough sleep I feel lousy and very tired. I walk around all day like I don’t belong, I yawn, I want rest and peace. The worst thing is when I’m overwhelmed at work, my head is cast iron, I come to the department and immediately have no desire to work. I don’t know whether it’s laziness or a reaction to overwork, but my fatigue always affects my mood and spoils my mood. With this development of events, you want to go to bed and do nothing else, calm down, relax, feel a pleasant drowsiness and a good sleep with all that it entails, so that in the morning you can feel a charge of vigor, strength, optimism and love of life. Any lack of sleep depresses me because I think the best way to overcome it is rest

    Without proper sleep, many negative factors are born. They disrupt the natural processes in the human body and have an extremely negative impact on overall health. A few weeks of non-stop mode and fatigue will take over the brain so much that it will become difficult to perceive information in a normal form. The only adequate desire that dominates thoughts is to get a good night’s sleep and rest. The rest fades into the background. Actually, insomnia turns us into exhausted, broken people and greatly undermines our well-being

    I'm more skeptical about psychological factors. I think chronic drowsiness is an echo of problems associated with physical diseases of the body. There is an ailment that grows and develops in the body, and therefore poor health occurs that affects sleep. For example, nightmares often carry feedback from the body and have a detrimental effect on overall health, affecting drowsiness and dreams. They quickly discourage you from falling asleep and bring with them a feeling of fatigue. One incites the other, ultimately leading the consciousness to a mental disorder. Simply put, one problem follows from and reinforces another.

    Drowsiness is the most natural reaction of the body, which speaks directly about fatigue and the need to rest. If you want to sleep, then the most logical thing to do is get enough sleep and find time for proper rest. Fresh air, sports, walks, and a proper daily routine will definitely be beneficial. They are only useful if you apply them in real life. Simply reading them and remembering them is not enough. I’m sure most people will simply close the page in the browser and continue doing the same thing, and then again start looking for burning phrases on how to overcome drowsiness. For drowsiness caused by physical and mental stress, the tips described are sufficient and there is no need to invent anything new. Just rest and restful sleep for a couple of days and all your strength will be restored exponentially, you won’t recognize yourself. Be as active as a Duracell rabbit. And psychotherapy will help with pathological drowsiness. It is the psychologist who will be able to find the root cause and remove the cause-and-effect relationship of lack of sleep

    Exercising helps you relax, have fun and exercise your body. I am all for good exercise and stimulating the production of endorphins. Let young people feel pleasantly tired and want to rest, rather than sit in front of computers and tablets for days after work, not allowing their body to get enough sleep, and then blame themselves all week for their spoiled mood and fatigue. Physical training and exercises respond beneficially to the entire body, plus, as noted earlier, they prevent drowsiness and help you fall asleep faster towards the night. A few weeks of active sports or other physical activity and you will sleep like a baby. All drowsiness will be wiped away with your hand. Sports have nothing but advantages. Tighten your body, improve your well-being, free up your energy and move mountains. Insomnia did not come close to your victories. Regular exercise is the best thing you can think of

    Insomnia and drowsiness age people. If you don’t get enough sleep and terrorize your body with eternal torment, you will quickly bring your body to complete exhaustion and physical illness. Have you ever seen a person suffering from insomnia? He is a very quiet, lethargic man with a gray face and a tired look. His inert energy leads to fatigue and a heavy gait. And the statistics of recent years are alarming: insomnia is getting younger and younger every year. If earlier it was felt by people over forty, now it can be found among twenty-year-old young people who, not having had time to live a serious life, are forced to spend all their strength and health fighting insomnia. Even after a good rest and sleep, it often returns again, does not allow you to replenish your strength, destroys the body from the inside and leads to a general decline in immunity. This is a serious problem and no one should turn a blind eye to it. When the first symptoms appear, immediately rest and gain strength, get enough sleep and eat well. In this mode, there will be no trace of insomnia

    Everything is correctly described; you don’t need to be a great professor or doctor of psychological sciences. Each of us has been in a situation where we had to work tirelessly the whole day and then walk around like a zombie, because after impulsive and active work the brain could not think of anything, there was only a desire to go to bed as soon as possible with our nose buried in the pillow. At such a moment, you feel tired and seriously overworked like never before. Immediately the desire to do business, think, move disappears, the whole body hurts. You feel unwell, have a heaviness in your head, you don’t want to eat or drink, your body stops listening. Until you get a good night's sleep, you won't be able to regain your strength. I can't imagine people living like this for years. They cannot force themselves to sleep, they run all the time, hold on with all their strength, and instead of resting, they terrorize the body. I'm talking about pathological workaholics who are exhausted from daily work and spend all their free time on it. It’s hard for them to live a normal life. Not seeing the white light and working in fatigue and exhaustion is a bad habit. So you can die

    The reason for drowsiness lies above. The most common and simple one is too much physical and mental stress, which provokes weakness throughout the body and is reflected in the general fatigue of the body. The state of tension described in the article successfully emphasizes the vulnerability of the human body and once again proves its fragility. Without proper rest and a restful 8 hours of sleep, your body will get even more tired and feel severe anxiety. And severe fatigue and constant nervousness will lead to chronic lack of sleep and even greater health problems. Lack of sleep will affect the entire body, from the face, hair and nails to mental disorders and a constant gloomy mood. The whole cause-and-effect relationship lies on the surface and the daily stress in which you live will not strengthen your immunity and overall health. Here the rule: “what doesn’t kill us makes us stronger” does not work. Kills as well as makes painful

    Constant stress, too energetic life, a lot of light and very little rest in everyday life, so you want to sleep. The body is not made of iron and, under constant pressure and fatigue, requires its own - that is, normal sleep. But man is a very unpredictable creature. Instead of sleep, he goes for walks and get-togethers, is in a hurry, does business, does not care about his own health, takes doping drugs in the form of coffee or energy drinks and artificially restores strength. You just can’t fool the brain, the body will take its toll and hint about proper rest. And not getting healthy sleep will fail and lead to loss of strength. It’s like a feeling of hunger, until you remove it it won’t go away on its own. Therefore, if you constantly feel tired and want to sleep, the first thing you should do is get a good night’s sleep and take a break from your active lifestyle. Throw away all languid thoughts and responsibilities. Relax, get a good night's sleep and put your body in order. A couple of days of good quality sleep and the body will return to normal.

    Fedor, you’re not taking care of yourself, you can’t do that! You need to give your body rest and get enough sleep, otherwise drowsiness will turn into a chronic disease and begin to undermine your physical health. And why such self-sacrifice, is your work really more valuable than your health? You need to read the article about workaholism, there is a lot of interesting and useful information there

    Tolik, that’s right, if you want to sleep, get some sleep and give your body a rest, everything ingenious is simple. And in order to prevent such problems in the future, it is better to immediately schedule your days in advance by setting priorities in the right order. 8 hours of sleep a day and a good appetite are the best cure for fatigue, depression, negative emotions and replenishment of vitality

    I often don’t have the strength and energy to do anything or strive to complete important tasks. I’m so tired after work that I want to sleep all the time, especially on weekends, I understand that this is wrong, but I can’t help it

    Sleep is a great way to restore health and inner vigor, especially if a person is constantly tired from work, the bustle of the city and household chores. Humanity has not yet come up with a better medicine and is unlikely to come up with it, so if you want to sleep, you need to give your body a rest and sleep, create an individual regime for yourself, paying special attention to rest and restoration of physical strength, otherwise chronic fatigue and a lot of other psychological problems will appear!

    Previously, I constantly wanted to sleep and often did not get enough sleep even when I went to bed very early, but I managed to overcome this problem simply by correctly forming my daily routine, I began to go to bed at a fixed time, eat dinner more often, move more physically and be in the fresh air. In just a few weeks, my strength returned, my health was restored, and my drowsiness went away. Now I feel great, which is what I wish for others. My verdict is this - if you want to sleep, give your body a full rest and replenish its strength, humanity has not yet come up with a better medicine than sleep

    I want to sleep because a person is affected by emotional exhaustion, chronic fatigue, constant stress, lack of new sources of energy or positive emotions, which together or separately have a detrimental effect on health and emotional background. The body needs to replenish its strength, and in the presence of many unresolved problems, sleep becomes the only tool for assimilation and processing of information, so drowsiness becomes a normal reaction of the body to external and internal irritations.
    I believe that chronic fatigue is the main cause of drowsiness and the best way to overcome it is simply to get enough sleep and let your body rest!

    The answer is simple - we want to sleep because we don’t get enough sleep. The modern rhythm of life in which we constantly find ourselves causes serious physical and psychological overload for a person. Gadgets, the Internet and other equally important things do not allow the whole body to rest peacefully, resulting in chronic fatigue, lack of sleep and drowsiness. To feel good, you need to get enough sleep, it’s as simple as that!

    I always want to sleep because I’m very tired at work and don’t have time to get enough sleep. But the most interesting thing is that drowsiness appears at work or at home in the morning and during the day, and in the evening everything disappears as if by hand, you don’t want to sleep at all. Maybe I have drowsiness mixed with laziness, which recedes in the evening? Unclear

    And I want to sleep for the life of me all the time, at work, at home, I come and go straight to bed. Judging by the article, I have physiological drowsiness associated with overwork. I get very tired at work, I’m constantly under psychological stress, you come home and don’t want anything, some kind of laziness takes over my whole body, but apparently this is already chronic fatigue, sad(

    I constantly feel physically tired, so I always want to sleep; when I wake up, I can’t get out of this rut ​​and want to go back to bed. I feel a lack of sleep and an emerging bad mood. I don’t know if this is due to mental trauma or hard work, but living in such a terrible rhythm is simply unbearable. Please advise how to overcome chronic lack of sleep and fatigue? Every day it gets worse(

    The causes of drowsiness may be health problems, for example with the thyroid gland or low hemoglobin, lack of vitamins in the body, in any case, it is better to check your health to exclude these factors. And the main cause of drowsiness is the accelerated pace of life and constant lack of sleep. A person is not a robot or a machine and he also needs rest, especially with constant physical and psychological overload. Everything is good in moderation, but if you work tirelessly day after day without giving the body normal, proper rest, all is lost. You need to learn to love yourself and think logically. Competently building the right lifestyle and contacting a psychologist or psychotherapist who can help you get out of a difficult situation is the best solution to the problem.

1. Take a break

If you're nodding off at work, get up and walk, for example, to the buffet. You don't have to buy a bun or a full meal, just unwind.

Boredom often leads to drowsiness. It’s not for nothing that we yawn with an annoying interlocutor and fall asleep during a dull movie. Therefore, we break up the monotonous work with short breaks.

2. Eat an apple

It is also important to consider the time of daytime sleep. Doctors advise not to nap in the evening. This can lead to sleeplessness at night. The fact is that in the dark we produce melatonin, which is responsible for deep sleep. Therefore, if we doze after sunset, the production of this substance is disrupted. As a result, we toss and turn in bed all night.

4. Turn on the light

Increased sleepiness usually comes with reduced daylight hours. Sunlight hitting the retina regulates the production of melatonin, that is, in essence, it sets our biological clock.

Therefore, to cheer up, open the blinds or curtains. And if it’s dark outside, turn on the light. The brighter the better.

5. Open a window

Fresh air will instantly help you cheer up. Just open the windows and ventilate the room. Lack of oxygen is one of the causes of drowsiness. If you have time and opportunity, feel free to go for a short walk.

6. Wash your face with cold water

Washing with cold water will also help relieve fatigue. This is stress for the body, so you will gain energy for a while.

Cardiff University staff have proven Investigation of the Effects of Coffee on Alertness and Performance during the Day and Night that caffeine actually increases a person's activity level.

The fact is that so-called adenosine accumulates in our brain - it is this that is responsible for fatigue. It turned out that caffeine is similar to this substance. And when it enters the blood, it replaces adenosine. That's why for a while.

What to do if you still want to sleep

1. Get enough sleep

Sometimes you can resort to coffee, but it’s more effective and beneficial to get enough sleep. Rest at night should be complete. The norm for an adult is 7–9 hours.

Avoid stimulants (coffee, energy drinks) and think about the causes of daytime sleepiness. If the issue is a lack of sleep, then you need to get enough sleep regularly, and not on the weekends. And of course, improve your sleeping conditions. Everything is important here: the bed, pillow, mattress, the bedroom itself, air temperature, humidity, air freshness, the presence of allergens and, of course, light.

Elena Tsareva, somnologist

2. Relax

Have you had enough rest, but still nod off? Perhaps it is a matter of overstrain: physical or psychological. Prolonged stress leads to fatigue and loss of strength. This is a kind of protective reaction of the body. In this case, experts advise correctly.

3. Eat right

To improve your performance, you need to improve not only your sleep patterns, but also think about your diet. It is enough to follow the simple advice of nutritionists:

  • Eat at the same time every day.
  • Don't overeat.
  • Balance your diet: include proteins, healthy fats and complex carbohydrates in your diet.
  • Eat seasonal fruits and vegetables.
  • Drink water.

4. Make an appointment with your doctor

If you follow a sleep and nutrition schedule, play sports, but you still constantly want to sleep, then the reason is deeper. Drowsiness may be a sign of pregnancy or a serious illness. So go see a doctor.

Modern women can withstand the frantic pace of life. They manage to build a career and at the same time be good housewives, caring mothers, and loving wives. Often, due to accumulated fatigue, stress, and emotional tension, women experience severe sleepiness during the day. Single episodes do not cause fear or anxiety. Systematic fatigue, lethargy, and a great desire to sleep during daylight hours are reasons to look for the cause.

Factors that provoke the development of drowsiness

It is believed that the constant desire to rest and take a nap during daylight hours is caused by lack of sleep at night. It is not always so. There are other causes of drowsiness in women.


  1. Extreme fatigue. Here we are talking not only about physical, but also psychological overload.
  2. Side effect of some medications, dietary supplements.
  3. Get into the habit of eating before bed.
  4. Excess weight.
  5. Disruption of the functioning of the parts of the brain responsible for the activity of sleep centers.
  6. Hypotension.
  7. Concussions, brain injuries.
  8. Iron-deficiency anemia.
  9. Pathologies of the endocrine system.
  10. Pregnancy.
  11. The onset of menopause.

If in the morning after rest a woman notes that she has no strength and energy, and constantly wants to sleep, it is worth contacting a specialist.

Causes of daytime sleepiness in expectant mothers

Many pregnant women have repeatedly noted that they are haunted by a feeling of fatigue, lethargy, weakness and indifference. At the same time, I really want to sleep during the day. Is this normal? Why does a pregnant woman constantly want to sleep, and what to do about it?

Drowsiness is most pronounced in the first trimester of pregnancy. This is due to hormonal changes in the body. Increasing the synthesis of the hormone progesterone produces a softening effect, a slight tranquilizing effect. In this way, the body protects itself from physical activity, stress, and constant fatigue. If the manifestation is not caused by low blood pressure or a drop in hemoglobin in the blood, by the end of the first trimester it practically disappears.

Manifestations of pathological drowsiness

Hypersomnia is increased sleepiness during daylight hours. It has characteristic features.

Signs of hypersomnia

  1. After sleep there is no feeling of vigor and freshness.
  2. Feeling tired, an irresistible desire to sleep.
  3. Headaches, dizziness.
  4. Muscle pain, spasms.
  5. Impaired memory, perception, absent-mindedness.
  6. Dulling of consciousness.

What is the danger of the condition

Chronic hypersomnia in women can be a sign of hormonal imbalances, permanent psychological stress, and constant physical fatigue. However, it can be a symptom of more serious pathological processes in the body.

Weakness and drowsiness in women develops as a result of pathology of the cardiovascular system, liver damage, and a decrease in the level of hemoglobin in the blood. A persistent feeling of lethargy and a craving for sleep can signal endocrine pathologies, cancer formations, renal pathologies, and metabolic disorders in the body.

To rule out serious illnesses, you should immediately go to a medical facility and undergo diagnostic tests.

Diagnostic measures

If you want to sleep all day, and this feeling does not go away for a long period of time, you need to consult a doctor and undergo an examination.

List of diagnostic measures to exclude pathological processes:

  • general laboratory tests of blood and urine;
  • blood biochemistry;
  • consultation with a gynecologist;
  • consultation with an endocrinologist;
  • blood test for hormones;
  • ultrasound examination of internal organs;
  • ultrasound examination of the thyroid gland;
  • ECHO – cardiography;
  • electrocardiogram;
  • electroencephalogram;
  • polysomnography.

Based on the examination data obtained, the doctor makes recommendations. If all indicators and results are within normal limits, you should adhere to simple rules, lead an active, healthy lifestyle, and improve sleep hygiene. If there are signs of any diseases, and fatigue and drowsiness are not associated with the woman’s pregnancy, drug treatment is prescribed.

A woman doesn’t understand why she constantly wants to sleep, what to do about it? Follow simple recommendations to normalize the condition.

  1. Drink more plain water. The daily volume of fluid is at least 1.5 liters. Dehydration causes drowsiness, fatigue, and confusion.
  2. Try to avoid stuffy, dark rooms. Oxygen deficiency provokes brain hypoxia, which manifests itself as drowsiness. With the disappearance of darkness, the synthesis of the sleep hormone melatonin, which regulates the circadian rhythm, stops.
  3. Lead an active lifestyle. Moderate physical activity, active recreation, sports, walks will improve the quality of sleep.
  4. A contrast shower in the morning will refresh you, give you a boost of energy, vigor and good mood.
  5. Limit stress, emotional, psychological stress.
  6. Vitamin therapy. .
  7. Musical accompaniment.

Turn on music in the morning, listen to it on the way to work or school. This habit invigorates and creates a great mood.

What to do if you constantly want to sleep, but following simple recommendations does not bring the desired result?


Nutrition correction.

Review your diet. The highest calorie content of a woman's daily diet should be breakfast. The menu should be varied and balanced. Do not abuse high-calorie, fatty, spicy foods, exclude fast food. Eat more protein foods, drink strong tea and coffee. Take tonic herbal decoctions and herbal teas.

Drug therapy

  1. Iron supplements for anemia.
  2. Caffeine. Release form: mixture, pills. The daily norm for an adult is 150-200 mg 4-5 times a day.
  3. Central nervous system stimulants.

The state of constantly wanting to sleep is far from uncommon. At the same time, performance decreases significantly and a feeling of fatigue appears. Daytime sleepiness occurs for various reasons. Only after identifying them will it be possible to solve the problem and return to the usual rhythm of life.

The desire to sleep after lunch is quite normal. After a meal, blood flow to the brain increases significantly. Due to this, it stops working properly. So daytime sleepiness does not always indicate the presence of health problems.

You may also feel drowsy while traveling in a car. It is caused by motion sickness, which is familiar to everyone from early childhood.

If such symptoms do not go away all day, then they often indicate the development of diseases of various organs and systems.


There are physiological and pathological reasons for the constant desire to sleep. Such changes occur under the influence of various factors, and when eliminated, the condition normalizes. Sometimes such changes are observed due to malfunctions of internal organs. Causes of daytime sleepiness may include pregnancy, changes in weather conditions, taking medications and a number of diseases.

Natural factors

Daytime sleepiness is often caused by weather changes. Heavy rain helps lower blood pressure. At the same time, the person really wants to sleep. In addition, there is a feeling of weakness. As soon as the weather improves, the condition returns to normal.

Some people react this way to extreme heat. It is also possible for such symptoms to develop during periods when the length of daylight hours begins to rapidly decrease. At the same time, the body begins to synthesize the sleep hormone much earlier than expected.

Lack of night sleep

Chronic lack of sleep is the most common cause of daytime sleepiness. Even if a person is sure that he has enough sleep at night, in fact this may not be the case. Sleep can be incomplete, its phases may be confused. In addition, frequent awakenings due to stuffiness and noise are possible.

Lack of sleep leads to a whole range of unpleasant symptoms. The eyes hurt, there is excessive irritability, deterioration in general condition and decreased performance.


Severe fatigue, weakness and drowsiness during the day appear in case of overwork. Traveling, working, shopping and everyday problems lead to the fact that a person simply has no energy. The brain needs rest, but it is forced to continue working for days. The solution to the problem is to take a break from work. To restore the activity of the nervous system, you should take at least a short vacation.

Stress and depression

In situations where it is necessary to solve serious problems, a person initially has enough energy, but in the absence of the desired result, apathy sets in. There is no longer any strength to fight further. There is constant fatigue and weakness. Daytime sleepiness is the body's protective reaction to stress.

Depression can also lead to similar symptoms. With severe mental damage, interest in everything that happens around is lost.

Taking medications

Among the causes of constant, severe drowsiness are the use of medications used in the treatment of mental and neurological disorders. Among these drugs:

  • neuroleptics;
  • antidepressants;
  • tranquilizers.

In addition, people get tired more quickly when taking first-generation antihistamines and hypertension medications.

Infectious diseases

The feeling when the whole body hurts and you want to sleep with an acute respiratory infection is familiar not only to adults, but also to children. Such changes are due to the fact that the body is trying to use all its strength to fight the infection. Daytime sleepiness is also observed in the absence of pronounced symptoms of pathology. In this case, the presence of a hidden inflammatory process occurring in one of the organs provokes a similar condition.

Hormonal imbalances

A considerable number of hormones can affect nervous and physiological processes. If their concentration is insufficient, then the person constantly wants to sleep during the day, there is a loss of strength, weakness and fatigue. It is also possible that the immune system is suppressed, a decrease in blood pressure, lack of appetite and a sharp decrease in body weight. Hormones synthesized by the thyroid gland and adrenal glands can provoke such changes.

Reduced blood flow to the brain

There are a number of pathologies in which the brain experiences a lack of oxygen, and as a result, malaise and daytime sleepiness occur. Among these diseases:

  • asthma;
  • pneumonia;
  • bronchitis;
  • increased blood pressure;
  • atherosclerosis;
  • ischemia;
  • arrhythmia;
  • heart attack

Intoxication of the body

If you want to sleep and weakness appears throughout the body, then such symptoms often indicate pathologies of the kidneys or liver. They can occur in acute and chronic forms. At the same time, toxic substances enter the body, causing the appearance of such symptoms.

Severe poisoning occurs under the influence of medications and a number of harmful substances.


Often, sleepiness during the day warns of a serious illness - atherosclerosis. It is generally accepted that only older people are susceptible to it, but cases of the development of this pathology have become more frequent in young people. In this case, the brain vessels become clogged with lipids, which are deposited on the walls. Blood circulation is impaired, a feeling of noise in the head appears and memory deteriorates.


The development of this disease is most often observed in people engaged in sedentary work. Among the symptoms of the disease, it is not only that a person constantly wants to sleep. The following changes are also observed:

  • lethargy;
  • neck pain;
  • difficulty concentrating;
  • increased fatigue;
  • spasms of the cervical arteries.


It is not surprising that a woman always wants to sleep during pregnancy. The point here is not at all that the expectant mother gets tired faster. From the moment of successful fertilization, the need for rest increases significantly as a result of hormonal changes. As a rule, daytime sleepiness is observed in the first trimester, and after that the body functions normally. In later stages, such symptoms indicate anemia or eclampsia.

Anemia, vitamin deficiencies, dehydration

Conditions in which there is a deficiency of blood in the circulatory system and hemoglobin often lead to impaired blood circulation in the brain. With anemia, constant weakness and fatigue are often observed. The eyes become “heavy” and I want to sleep. In addition, pale skin and dizziness are noted. If dehydration occurs or the body lacks nutrients, similar symptoms also appear.

Bad habits

People constantly feel sleepy when they drink too much alcohol. This effect is due to the negative impact on the nervous system and vital organs. Loss of strength is not excluded due to smoking, in which the blood supply to brain tissue deteriorates. Narcotic substances have a sedative effect.

Mental and neurological diseases

There are neurological and mental causes of drowsiness. As a rule, such conditions are accompanied by apathy, fatigue, increased fatigue and a number of other symptoms. The following health problems can provoke such changes:

  • vegetative crises and seizures;
  • apathetic stupor;
  • psychosis, regardless of its type;
  • epilepsy;
  • schizophrenia.

Drowsiness in a child

Babies sleep a lot in the first few months of life. The older the baby gets, the less time he needs to rest. The most common cause of drowsiness, when the baby literally closes his eyes while walking, is overtiredness. Also, similar changes are observed during the development of infectious diseases.

In addition, a sudden change in condition can be triggered by head trauma and intoxication.

If you systematically want to sleep during the day, you may suspect serious health problems:

  • heart disease;
  • leukemia;
  • hepatitis;
  • diabetes;
  • metabolic disease;
  • tuberculosis.

What to do if you constantly want to sleep

You can combat daytime sleepiness by following a number of recommendations:

  1. Stick to the normal routine. Go to bed at the same time every day.
  2. Do exercises in the morning. It is not at all necessary to resort to excessive physical activity. A set of exercises that take only a quarter of an hour will help you cheer up.
  3. Immediately after waking up, open the curtains.
  4. Lead a healthy lifestyle. Give up bad habits and walk in the fresh air more often.
  5. Take vitamin complexes that improve your general condition and help eliminate unpleasant symptoms.
  6. Drink enough fluids throughout the day.
  7. To quickly cheer up, it is recommended to turn on dance music.
  8. Ventilate the room more often. Lack of oxygen has a negative impact on well-being.

If you suspect the development of any diseases, you should immediately consult a doctor in order to select the optimal treatment tactics. If the condition arose for physiological reasons, then therapy, as a rule, is not carried out. It is enough just to eliminate the provoking factor.